Testing Products that Wanted to Sponsor Me.. again *NOT SPONSORED*

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hey everyone so today we are doing a very exciting video okay I've kept it in long enough yes my earrings are Shakur boards or sorry excuse me chakur board chakur honestly have you ever seen anything cuter okay now that I have that off my chest so in 2023 I did a video where I reviewed brands that wanted to sponsor me and I thought it was so much fun and I mean it's kind of a win-win I review the product the brand doesn't have to pay for it and you get the full scoop every single day my business email gets lots of different emails from different brands inquiring about an opportunity to do a sponsorship together and I've narrowed down a few that I'm honestly a little bit curious about some of them I think might not be good it might be a scam so we'll see about that and other ones have honestly just piqued my interest so let's get into [Music] it to the business email we go the first brand we're going to dive into is bedazzled Smiles with a z I don't know why I did that based on your content on YouTube I thought you'd be a good fit for reviewing bedazzled smilees temporary DIY tooth gems which I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't somewhat intrigued by tooth gems here is their website we've got some major deals going on right now usually $28 for $5 I'm just going to look at the temporary tooth gem DIY kit this comes with six assorted soroski crystals I mean that looks like nail glue I would never normally glue anything to my teeth I actually think this is a bad idea if I'm being honest but for you anything my mom is going to kill me this is so funny because I'm an adult and I can do what I want but that doesn't mean that my mom isn't going to be upset I'm just being honest first things first I will admit that when I see people with jewels on their teeth I think it's cool I think anything sparkly is fun you know so why not Sparkle up your teeth but I honestly have heard some of these tooth gem kits are not super safe either way we're going to do it so this is what came in the package this looks fresh out of 2006 and then there's also these two gems in here this is so so small I mean it makes sense it's going on your teeth can you imagine it so in this package we have a little a little dabbing tool a piece of paper we've got the glue causes skin irritation and causes serious eye irritation avoid contact with eyes mouth and skin but I'm putting it in my mouth like every good modern-day consumer I am just going to ignore the fact that it said that and I'm just going to move forward how long does this last for am I in it for life oh yeah it's now our narrow hehle I got that heo on it okay I need to dry I got to rock out two seconds later oh my gosh it's honestly already drying you guys oh my God it's on there all right there it is oh my gosh it feels horrible no I can feel it so much should we do another I'm going to do this one I'm going to D down and put it in the front I feel like it's making my teeth look yellower cuz the gems are so white awesome I'm honestly shocked with how much something so small can change everything I don't even feel like my right now I'm kind of curious to see how quickly my mom notices so I'm going to get her in here why am I scared nice thank you hey oh my what wow I didn't know you went to the dentist I didn't I actually did it myself yeah I've never seen people be able to put those on themselves people go to the dentist for that oh yeah people actually get a little divot like drilled into their tooth and then they make them flat with their tooth it's a they embed them in their teeth they embed them in oh my goodness am I going to be okay cuz as soon as I saw that now my stomach hurts oh no like I'm always a little worried to put bonding on your enamel we'll see if they come off very quickly I'll be kind of glad and relieved at the same time just because I wonder I want them off now what glue did you use it's in here oh it's in there okay well maybe it's safe then it looks like crazy glue and it says avoid contact with eyes mouth and skin I know cuz like I ate it I oh no I ate it you ate it up do you want one yeah oh my gosh look at you you baddy do you like it I love it it feels bigger than it is it does feel huge doesn't it my review is contradictory I wanted this but I don't necessarily agree about recommending this for everyone oh so you're jumping okay I do like it but we're both glammed out yeah this is a really good test you guys because I'm eating very red chili so if these are going to stain it'll be from this chili kind of hurting like my tooth is very sensitive and so I was pressure testing how much it could like withstand and it popped off I pulled it off did you it was hurting my tooth I got mine off why would you do that cuz I wanted to see how easily it came off wait how easy is it wait oh wait they come off so [Music] easily okay this was an email I got that I was really curious about because I do like gel nail polish so this is called beetles gel nail polish this honestly looked pretty good I've never tried Beatles gel polish that was really the only thing holding me back before I work with the brand I like to use their product for at least a couple months here's their website so while I'm shopping this it's actually Black Friday okay so it's a bunch of different gel nail polishes here's a gel kit ooh these are gel pointy pens oh a poly gel don't temp me because I always wanted to try to do poly gel nails should we if you don't know what poly gel is you kind of just paint it in and then stamp it and cure it and then it's like a full-on manicure Also let's see is this code actually going to work oh my gosh it literally went on sale [Music] okay The Beatles be bold Be You Be Beatles is here it's honestly really interesting to me to name a company Beatles so last we spoke I couldn't get this shipped to Canada but I ended up finding a different set on Amazon and it could ship to me so I just got that one there's lots of stuff here okay prep Natural Nails apply base coat and cure mix the extension gel and nail glitter powder and dis put on the ins of the soltion do get the for seconds REM form cure uh we have all of these different nail extension gels you know what I'll Swatch them all actually okay first color oh my gosh it's so thick okay another [Music] pink ooh okay those are all our color options so now I'm going to remove my nail polish and I'm going to cut my nails down so that they're really short and I'll be back all right my hands are prepped apply base coat and cure I can do that I'm excited I never really spend time doing my nails but I really enjoy it I think it's so fun I'm having a great time this the only thing the sitting and waiting not as much of a fan one eternity later okay we need our dual forms now so I'm going to go for pointy and you can see there's these little markings that show how full it should be so I'm going to try to stick to that I'm just going pour a little bit of that this is the slip solution okay so I'm just going to squeeze this in I have no idea how much I'm supposed to use see like the instructions are a little too vague like how thin am I supposed to make this here's what we're dealing with like is that good should I do it I stick that on on now I'm going to go like this and cure it here's what we're dealing with the top looks okay but when you flip it over it's all like glued back oh no let's try and get this dual form off oh my God wait wait oh my God oh my God oh my God like we're not going to talk about what's happening underneath here but oh my gosh look at that that's not that bad it's like really thick from the bottom that's kind of the biggest problem and it's still tacky I'm hoping the top coat gets rid of that but that's actually like not bad I love that my camera cannot focus on it hello this is making me want to try many different colors should I do like rainbow screw it why would we do the same colors let's go crazy this one seems to be needing a lot more I guess it makes sense cuz it's bigger but let's just try it I'm curing it from the bottom too I'm like flipping my hand so that that pooling doesn't happen super quickly all right we'll see how this goes oh my oh that's so cool okay this one's kind of like this one needs work I have to file off like half the nail oh it says to trim and shape them at the end see I'm making them quite thin which might come back to bite me you know when my nail just flies off when I open my car door but we'll see right that's why I'm testing it oh my gosh they're looking so good okay I'm not going to shape it or anything I'm just going to wait I'm going to stick them all on and then I'll shape them so I'm just going to do it and then come back for the shaping I'm not going to lie this hand is far worse than this one so I got some cleanup to do here's what they're looking like right now I did the top coat off camera as well so they're not sticky anymore so that's nice I'm loving the colorfulness of them but I definitely have some shaping to do give me a [Music] minute yeah so this took 2 hours granted this is my first time doing a poly gel but here is how it turned out I honestly think they turned out so good definitely the best set I've ever done on myself honestly I'm like really surprised with how userfriendly this was if you want to do nails at home I feel like this is a good set to try but yeah I feel like the color options were really fun I think they look really good I think it's pretty fun I will update you if one of them just snaps off in the next couple weeks okay I'm here for the update I recently did something to my hair so I'm not going to show it so these nails lasted for like 5 days and they looked amazing I got so many compliments on them they were really nice but then randomly one day I went to pull up my pants and like three snapped off also I was reading some of the reviews for this and people were definitely warning people about getting the product all over your hands cuz you can develop allergies so just be so careful of that but I guess if you get like nail product around your nail too frequently your skin can become allergic to it which is scary also if there's ever an opportunity to become allergic to something I will become allergic to it we know this so I should be careful too next we have the kma shop leading manufacturer of professional ear care products this was basically a ear cleaner and it seemed pretty intense so here it is excellent product good design easy to use super convenient daily ear maintenance now I'm not an ear expert but it seems extreme to use this every day doesn't it kind of just shoot water up your ear I mean I'm curious to see what comes out of my ear are you guys ready to get your ears cleaned so here it is this is the powered ear wax room remover I am kind of afraid let's try it my gosh it's bigger than I thought it was going to be in the meantime I will read the [Applause] instructions you know I have sensitive ears I know and I didn't mention this but if I go outside without a tou on the wind is blowing I'll get an ear infection I'm that kid it's got the water in it and then I go this way and then you're going to shoot this in your ear and this thing is is going to catch it okay I just want to see how hard it's going to shoot is it going to go now are we going now I feel like it should be maybe I shouldn't have it near this electrical cord is that hose like not sucking water that's what I was checking but it should be sucking it's working it just had to run a while maybe alas we figured it out never say ever never say ever ever never ever say ever okay I'm just going to do it okay I grow tired of okay head to this way and then yeah to tuck it straight up okay I am scared ready ready ears [Music] clean if that's the lowest what's the highest oh my gosh okay you're just going to go on the lowest okay oh my gosh it feels so weird that feels so strange I feel like we're literally the most traumatic people ever cuz if you actually got like ear wax in there yeah like that would be really I don't know like Dad is prone to like having to get his ears I wonder if he would use this next product we have this go go lint a Cutting Edge solution for keeping your wardrobe in prisin condition by effortlessly removing lint target audience right here I Thrift a lot of sweaters that they would look as good as new if I could just get some of that lint off so this really pequ my interest $55 it's on sale it looks like one of those lint thingies from the '70s 8S this looks like an updated version of it and it's green okay look at that that pretty heavy duty and then I think it comes with some extra things for in the little fan area ooh turn off the lint pull down and remove the lint bin okay I'm excited for the lint bin so here's what it's looking like pretty quality peace peace like how long until all my cameras break not long I'm guessing Okay I thrifted this baby this year and I wore it for three days this Christmas and it's got lots of little flyaways and issues going on lots of little fluffs and little balls this is a perfect candidate sweater so we see our problems we're going to get them oh my gosh oh my goodness it's very serious like those are the blades if your fingers are small enough to get in here do not do it but okay let's see wa oh my goodness it's doing an amazing job this is looking fantastic on the front it literally is shooting out some sort of scent of green apple seriously is that just me I am confused let's get some of this lint do you see [Music] that [Music] look at that it's like as good as new seriously look at that not a ball in sight let's see how much lint we collected oh look at all that lint that came off one sweater see up in there it's a bunch of lint I'm kind of shocked they didn't give me something to clean it with just finished filming and I realized they did actually give me something to clean it a little brush they thought of everything oh yeah that's the mother load I think this is a fantastic tool it did a really amazing job you can just recharge it and make your sweaters look as good as new I really liked this another product I probably should have taken the sponsorship [Music] from okay this email this was from flower nose they are a beauty Wonderland for anyone with a girlish heart that's not me paraphrasing that was what they wrote so this is what this makeup brand looks like it is so beautiful I feel like I've seen a bit of this online maybe circling around on Tik Tok so there's lots of really pretty stuff we've got palettes lip glosses Cloud lip things eyes Shadow embossed blushes it's so pretty I'm not going to lie this design is everything I've ever wanted from makeup I would say it's more on the expensive side like $30 for a lip gloss it's so beautiful okay I have my fake pearls on which can only mean one thing the beautiful flower nose Cosmetics got here and it came with free stickers so you got me and I thrifted the perfect shirt for this look look how cute this is isn't it nice and I even painted my nails Hol taco and we have have a new lens on the camera so I'm interested to hear what you guys think I got this during Black Friday and it was really expensive so I hope the quality looks good okay so we have the embossed blush this apparently was super popping on Tik Tok so oh my God I almost dropped it oh my goodness here is what we are dealing with it's got these strawberries and all this rose gold details and then through here it's all almost like an opalescent shift thing in there and it's a magnet and oh my gosh the beauty does not stop look at that I love strawberries on anything so this is beautiful and also this color is one I wouldn't usually go for usually I go for more of a poppy bright pink so this will be different for me let's try it ooh that's a pretty color for me the color looks like a very natural flushed cheek color oh yeah it's actually quite pigmented honestly I like it pretty what is this I'm trying to figure out oh oh I should have opened this sooner this is the mirror that I got oh it's smaller than I anticipated I thought this was going to be like quite big ooh very luxurious again the strawberry theme I love it by the way this might look metal but it actually is plastic so it's not as heavy and weighted as I was expecting it to be and it's actually smaller than I was expecting as well but it's still very cute oh this was a freebie actually this travel makeup mirror there was quite a few freebies wo it's almost like a clam shell just opens up like that and then your mirror this is really nice too I almost feel like I didn't need this one cuz this one's good enough but the more the mirer next we have in this beautiful beautiful colored box eyes Shadow time the woman was too stunned to speak that is so beautiful there is so much to unpack here okay so obviously this Sky shift of purpley blue so pretty but then right here there is like a mermaid wow this is a showstopper So Soft again I'm not being paid for this review okay by putting this one all over my eye I'm just going to use my finger ooh that's pretty they're so soft nice then I'll take this brown color just add a little bit of like smoked out eyeliner I will say one thing the Sparkles are all over my face I'm not mad about it but it's a fact look away I'm licking my [Music] brush all righty there's my eye look okay I will say there's probably nothing Innovative or new about these Shadows outside of the packaging of course that's the show stopper but I am pleasantly surprised they're pigmented they're soft they're blendable but they weren't anything insane if that makes sense on my lips right now I just have the lip liner because the product I got is more like a lip Li liquid lipstick I was like what is this called I seriously love all the colors they play with I swear it's all of my favorite colors I I can't I literally cannot this is beautiful I would be so thrilled to display this bottle on my makeup desk so nice Okay let's see what color i' picked ooh oh my gosh it smells like the most artificial strawberry ever in the best way it goes on so nice this is very unique honestly what is this soy milk cheese it literally says soy milk cheese on here soy milk cheese I honestly really liked everything and I think it's so pretty if I had to pick one piece that really wowed me it'd be the lips all right then next products okay last but certainly not least we have Bloom lab we are excited to introduce our brand new and ground baking hair device called flow flow is a disruptive Hair Care device that redefines and simplifies your hair routine it combines four Cutting Edge Technologies backed by science and used in modern professional treatments so here is the bloom brush so basically it's a hair brush that will disperse serum into your hair now I know what you're wondering couldn't you just disperse it with your hands yes it revive your hair with red light therapy apparently it uses micro current eonic massage and thermal therapy I'm excited I have a very problematic scalp I have psoriasis so this will either really help or it will really hinder it oh my gosh $427 regularly it's $ 213 okay I'm going to do this one that comes with the oil just trying it out okay thank you so much for throwing that to me okay so I have the bloom flow device now this was not cheap not cheap at all so we have the nyia it's for nourishing and regenerating and then we have wild flow which is for anti- frzz and then this is the device ooh wo cool there's any scabbing cracking or swelling if you have scalp problems hereditary dermatitis soric dermatitis eczema and other skin issues that's kind of weird that it says do not use this if you have those things because in the ads it was saying if you have dandruff you can use this and it will help it and you guys probably know I have psoriasis on my scalp so I feel like based on this I shouldn't be using it oh my gosh you guys I'm kind of scared well that's why we're reviewing it to see if it's worth it okay I want to get this out of here we're going to fill this first I want to see how it smells okay smells like a salon I'm just going to take a little bit in here that'll be enough I feel like put that back in there we're going to try it okay we're going to turn it on oh my God I'm scared don't my current me and I'm just going to start massaging it around so far it's not hurting it's not moving I'm not feeling any strong microcurrent shocks which I'm glad about it honestly just feels like these metal prongs are cold and then the red light is kind of warm it is relaxing though I've read before that when you're brushing your hair you're supposed to try to get the bristles all the way to your scalp because that promotes hair growth this definitely feels like like it's buying into that ow I just oh my gosh I like old school Justin Bieber hair I just like felt something and it kind of hurt oh and that's it how long was I doing that for maybe like four or 5 minutes yeah all of the serum is out of here interesting H these types of products are sometimes the hardest to review but I think my biggest curiosity of this was if it was going to hurt this cartridge releasing Serum is nice and I think the benefits of the red light could be good over time as well the machine itself is so Sleek the whole thing is quite expensive and extra I just don't feel like everyone will need one of these do you know what I'm saying I don't feel like I need it but now that I have it I'll keep using it and I'll update you if anything crazy happens I was just looking at some of these reviews and this person said I found my self-confidence with a fuller man you can really see the difference of the hair before and after and same with this picture is that real see and I know sites can fake reviews so you have to be careful about what you're reading but I wouldn't be shocked if this product worked for some people if you are curious to see a fulllength trial of this I will use it for like a few months and we can take before and after photos and I can update you guys if you're interested let me know all things considered I am pretty impressed with all of these products do I think I would take a sponsorship from any of them now that I've have tried them out possibly not all of them you know just because I don't take sponsorship from a brand doesn't mean it isn't a really good brand or a really good product or a really good idea I Honestly Love reviewing products so thank you so much for tuning in and watching I hope you really enjoyed it if you would like to see more make sure to click the Subscribe button and with all of that being said I will see you guys in the next one one bye
Channel: Mia Maples
Views: 2,174,583
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tooth gems, mia maples, review, haul, try on, brand that wanted to sponsor me, worth your money, scam alert, scam, is it legit, reviewing brands unsponsored, working with brands, my expierence, temu, wish, shein, mama maples, mom, honest review, new brands, viral, funny, trending, comedy, entertainment, challenge, flower knows makeup, makeup, will they work, trying brands
Id: SCObIw5NR24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 59sec (1679 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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