let's go self care shopping for viral products

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[Music] literally every time I go on Tik Tok there's a new trending it product to try I cannot keep up so when I started this series on my channel of going self-care shopping I would purposely try and stay away from social media because I didn't want to be influenced by the viral products at the moment I like shopping and buying things that resonate with me that go with my hair type or my skin type but today we are going to be self-care shopping very differently because I'm specifically looking for products that are viral I am so excited to buy and put these products to the test to see if they're actually worth the money so I'm going to be shopping at Ulta and Sephora looking for makeup skin care Hair Care body products Beauty Tools literally everything so we will see what I find I am so excited so let's get started [Music] so I am starting over here I feel like this brand has been trending so much recently I feel like I've tried most of these products but there are a couple that I want to try starting out with these I feel like this is like their most popular product I see the bronzing drops on social media the most and it's funny cuz last time I filmed this video I didn't get the bronzing drops cuz I had actually never heard of them and everyone in the comments was like oh my God I can't believe you didn't get those so that is what I'm looking for today I see that they have these two the blush and then the gold drops I feel like the blush would be perfect too for winter time like during the summer I want to be super bronzed and glowy but during the winter I feel like I focus more on blush so I think I'm going to go with this so we're going to try it out but I'm excited I have both of these moisturizers and I actually really like them this is one of my favorite drunk elephant products and also this cleanser I used use it pretty much every day and it removes all my [Music] makeup I'm kind of jumping all over the place I'm trying to get hair care skin care makeup body products all of that so next I'm looking at this brand whey I've used a couple of their products too that I bought recently and I love the scense of their products so this scalp Serum is exactly what I've been looking for I guess it makes your hair grow really fast and thicker and it looks shinier so that is perfect for me let's see what this looks like it's a much bigger bottle than I thought it was so I definitely want to try this out I think that'd be perfect for me like I feel like my hair has not grown in years like it's been stuck at this length and I've heard that this one works really well so next are their body creams I have this scalp and body scrub and it smells so good so I really want to see how these creams are this one smells good but it's like coconut scent I'm not really a fan this one smells pink it's so cute this one smells so good oh my gosh I love this one the other scent I really like by them though is this one I just smelled it for the first time it's Melrose Place and it's a perfume and it smells so good I have a needing a new perfume and this one's very fresh and sweet it smells so good so I'm really tempted to get this one I haven't had like a nice perfume in a while it smells so good yeah I want this one so here is what I have so [Music] [Applause] [Music] far next is this brand which I'm obsessed with I have this scent and it smells so good A lot of people debate over the orange one and the pink one but I've always liked the orange one I have the perfume and then I have this product too which I love I wear it pretty much everyday so I'm going to get a restock I think I'm just going to get another mini size instead of upgrading to the big one I love this scent so much though there's also this which is cute it's like a little kit with everything I'm pretty sure this is the pink one but it looks like more red than I remember so maybe this is just another scent oh my God this video would not be complete without this headband I have seen this everywhere this is so funny this is the next brand that I've never tried before I feel like the one product that should always be trending is sunscreen and especially for me I need to get better at applying it every single day so I'm going to try this one that I've seen everywhere it's called super goop I've never tried any of their products but I've heard they're really good especially for under makeup so I'm hoping they are I'm going to trust what they're saying on Tik Tok right now so these sunscreens also work as a primer they're moisturizing and this is the other product I've seen SPF face lotion this one's cooler packaging glow stick I haven't seen most of these honestly so I don't know if I should try this sunscreen or if I should go with this one I didn't realize it was $40 all right I am going to go with this one I've definitely seen more people talk about [Music] it so far I have two whey products the drunk elephant Rosie drops my favorite SOI Janeiro scent and then I just got the super goop sunscreen I am so excited to try all these I've also been really wanting to get a scalp massage brush especially for my new hair serum I feel like this would be so nice and it's pink so I think I'm going to go with this one I just feel like it would feel so good to massage in the serums and my shampoo so I'm going to get this I can't wait to try it and it's pink so cute I've also been seeing this Powder Puff that you use to blend in under your eyes to set my concealer so this I feel like would work perfect so they had a couple different options for these this was a two pack they had mini ones just to go under your eyes for conceal concealer and then this is the one I went with I just liked the colors and it's double-sided so you can use it for liquid and powder so this is the next brand I've been wanting to try and the prices actually look pretty good I feel like these are actually reasonable prices for like a higher end brand I don't know if this is high-end but I've seen this one talked about a lot or one of these serums oh I love how it shows the steps on the side that's so cool I like to use a toner after I cleanse my face and wash off my makeup to make sure everything is removed the brightening eye gel tooth though would work really good cuz I have really bad dark [Music] circles I feel like I can always use a new moisturizer especially during the winter I think this is the one I'm going to try oh my God I used to be obsessed with this brand in middle school this was like all my dream hair products I had this one and I thought it was the coolest packaging and I also have this one these smelled so good this is where it started also love this brand for hair care this is the shampoo and then this is the conditioner that I use they're for dry hair and I love them so [Music] far this is so funny I've actually had this brand picked out on my Amazon cart they make a lot of Rosemary products that are good for strengthening and growing your hair out I'm going to see if they have the serum I've been looking for but I literally didn't know they carried this brand I literally have seen so many Tik toks of people use this serum so next is this brand bubble they actually sent me products a couple years ago I know I definitely had this one and this one but the clay mask looks pretty cool I like how they have pictures of all their [Music] products oh my gosh I've seen these everywhere too this is so funny it's like these that you rub on your face after you freeze them they have all of the Tik Tok Beauty Tools here this is so funny I have two facial rollers already so I think I'm good on the tools but I found a lot of good stuff I'm so excited to show you everything have you guys seen those waxing videos on Tik Tok where they mix and melt the wax it's so satisfying I think I'm going to get another pack of these my skin is finally looking better but all winter I've been breaking out and I love these especially at night time so I'm going to get this pack I think I found everything I wanted to get here I'm so excited to show you guys everything I found the mini section always gets me they always have such good stock over over here [Music] too oh my God I am so excited to show you guys everything I got I got two bags I really lucked out if you just saw that last clip so I'm checking out I have everything I want I'm like this is perfect like didn't really miss anything on my list that I wanted to get today except one thing the first thing I looked at when I came into Ulta was to find the drunk elephant bronzing drops I literally like I was like there's probably no way like I called around a couple of ultas to see if they had them in stock they didn't so I was like I'm guessing this one doesn't have them in stock at all and as I checking out literally at that mini section that I was telling you guys about I found the bronzing drops exactly what I was looking for I literally was like there is no way so I asked her I was like are these the bronzing drops because I just could not believe it I was like I'm in disbelief that these would be right there at the checkout waiting for me and they were I'm so excited I want to see these right now I cannot believe I found them they are so cute like are you kidding oh my gosh we got exactly what we wanted today I'm looking in this bag right now in disbelief I'm so excited to try all these things when I get home so so far I found pretty much everything that I wanted to get there are a couple Brands though that Ulta doesn't carry so I'm going to head over to Sephora and finish up this video there are literally just a couple more things I want to get so I am headed over to Sephora right now I'm so excited to finish this off but I got pretty much everything I wanted I'm so excited I cannot wait to give you guys a haul of everything so over here I love this brand glow recipe I have a couple products like these watermelon drops and then also the guava spot serum drops I've been wanting to try though the glow recipe toner I've heard so many good things about it and I just got a notification that someone commented that it's so good so I definitely have that on the list today I also see that these are new this looks really cool cloudberry Essence toner this looks so nice and so does these pomegranate serum so I'm going to look around but I definitely want to get something from them [Music] today I'm so excited to try this this one looks pretty cool too too it's the papaya cleansing balm I love using balms like this at night to remove my makeup I find that they work so much better than a regular cleanser this one also looks really cool this is the watermelon glow it's a mini so cute this one also looks really good the plum gloss bomm I've heard that this watermelon glow moisturizer is one of the best products this is the other one I have I do like it it smells really good but I don't think it's my [Music] favorite I love these L lip masks so this one has been my favorite Forever This is a berry it just smells so good so I'm kind of leaning towards getting another one this one is the only one I'm not a huge fan of it's like grape scented but I do want to try the vanilla I feel like that would be perfect and then I just saw this one I've never seen it before it looks so cute I think it's cotton candy scented which I love that is so cute the swirl I came in to get this one but this one looks really cool too so now I have no idea what to get also though they have this squeezy tubes and those seem like it would make it so much easier especially for my favorite scent when I'm traveling it's funny though cuz I've been using Lan for a couple years and I never tried their lip masks I always tried their moisturizers these are so good this is one of my favorite moisturizers I've used it's just really thick but it feels perfect on your skin I kind of just want to get [Music] both so this is what I thought they have a light pink one and then they have like this red one so the red one was what I was seeing at Ulta I didn't know they had so many scents this one is still the best this one smells like cleaner see the orange one is the best so I have the bum bum cream and then I also have the perfume but they have a lot of different products the hair oil would be so nice I don't know how this formula is like if it's actually good I would just use it for the scent cuz it smells amazing these tatcha skin creams I've always wanted to try but they are so expensive so I've never tried them but I've heard they're really good and the packaging is so cool and here is the brand I've been looking for for hair products I literally screenshotted it on Tik Tok cuz I was like oh my God I need to try these this entire line I've seen everywhere like these serums are supposed to be so [Music] good I already bought two hair serums today so I feel like I should pass on those but in the next video I'll plan on trying them this product has stayed consistent in my hair routine for a long time actually I think it's this one I love this so much I still have like half a bottle left it's expensive but it's so good I honestly am tempted to just get a soap for my bathroom cuz it smells so good I love this brand so lastly I wanted to check glossier their brand is so cute I have this lip bomm that I love so I could get another scent I think the rose or the lavender would be best I've tried the mango which I really liked and the mint but I'm not really a mint fan I also have seen the perfume go so viral the last couple years this smells so good but I just got the Whey perfume today so I think I'm going to stick with that the packaging though is so [Music] cute okay lastly I wanted to look at this brand I've heard a lot of back and forth on the qu quality of it so I think I'm going to skip it for now and go with these I just got done with Sephora I'm so excited to show you what I got of course my camera died while I was in the store and I had an extra battery in the car so I filmed the last couple video clips on my phone but I didn't get to film as much as I wanted to it was still over $100 which is so crazy so I am on my way home to give you guys a haul I am back at my apartment now I'm so tired but before I finish today's video I want to give you guys a haul of everything I got I am so excited for this because I pretty much found everything that I wanted to in this video the first thing I got is the wayy perfume this is melo's place I am so obsessed with this scent I've been needing a really nice new perfume it's in this really cute bottle it's like a magnetic lid it just smells so good so fresh it's like a very clean but floral scent I'm really hoping it'll last all day so I will let you guys know my final thoughts on this I've seen this on Tik Tok as being like the number one way product to try but I have to say when it comes to this brand the scalp Serum is definitely in the top also so I have had trouble growing my hair for so long I feel like it's been stuck at this length forever so I saw a bunch of people talk about this way scalp serum and how it's improved their hair so much their hair grew so much faster so I was like this is perfect too I think it just has a little dropper and it smells smells so good um so this is going to be so fun to try I really want to use it consistently so these are the two products I chose from way I'm so excited to go with the scalp serum I found this scalp massager I've had one of these before but mine wasn't for using in the shower it was only to use on dry hair and I had no idea so I kept it in the shower and then it molded in the shower so I made sure to pick out one that you can use on wet or dry hair and this one is silicone and it's pink I'm so obsessed so I cannot wait to try this I am so lucky I found the drunk elephant bronzing drops and the rosie drops so I am so excited and so lucky to try these the bronzing drops have been number one on my list for a while I feel like they're one of the most viral products I see it is going to be so fun to experiment with these I cannot wait this was one of the only repurchases I had for today this is the SOI Janeiro bum bum cream and I am so obsessed this scent this orange color is the best it smells so good the one I have is right here I think I have a couple more days to use it I just needed a restock and I decided to get the mini one again just cuz this one lasted me so long if I run out of this size anytime soon then I'll start to get the bigger size I have never tried this brand I think it's Boma this skincare brand is really popular on social media I especially love their packaging so I went with the moisturizing gel cream I love the pink packaging it seems like a lot of product and this was one of the cheapest items I bought today I think this was like $15.99 this is the super goop watery lotion sunscreen I have actually been needing this so bad I used to have like an everyday sunscreen I would apply every morning but I haven't had one in a while so I've actually had it on my list to get a good sunscreen and this one I've seen everywhere I don't know like how do you make a sunscreen like viral compared to other sunscreens like isn't it just the same ingredients I have no idea apparently these are really good though if you're wearing makeup on top and I wear makeup like every day so I'm really hoping that works the packaging is so cool though this tool I've also seen everywhere this is the Real Techniques Powder Puff my issue is when I go to set my Foundation it never sets properly and I feel like I'm not packing in enough powder I don't know what the problem is honestly but I am hoping with this blender I can get like right up against my eye and pack in the powder so that it sets doesn't crease and I don't get as oily throughout the day we'll see how it goes but this is double-sided so you can use it for foundation and also for powder I got these Mighty patches which I really like I just needed a new box and then lastly from Ulta I found these Rosemary mint scalp and hair strengthening oil drops I've seen these all over Tik Tok they've actually been in my Amazon cart because I was influenced by Tik Tok to get them but I never did and then when I saw them at the checkout at Ulta I was like I guess I should try them like I've been wanting to try them for so long so I have this second scalp serum I'm going to use my scalp massager to blend it in in I also went into Sephora while I was out I feel like Ulta has much more variety but Sephora has all the brands so I got three more products starting with I think the most viral product I'm going to show you in this haul I don't think I've seen a skinc care or makeup product talked about as much as this one this is the Charlotte Tilbury Contour wand this is what it looks like it's this cute little wand and then it has this sponge at the end so you just squeeze the product and then dot it onto your face wherever you want to apply it I am so excited though next I got another glow recipe product I only have a couple things from them but this product has been number one of what to try from this brand so this is the watermelon glow pore tight toner I literally got a notification when I was in Sephora from someone commenting on my channel to try this product and I took that as a sign so thank you to whoever commented that you convinced me I was a little skeptical I've heard a lot of back and forth on this product some people break out from from it some people it's like the best thing ever obviously everyone's skin type is different so I'm just going to see how it works on me but it smells so good I don't even like watermelon scent and this one's like nice it's fresh it's in this really cute glass bottle okay so the very last thing I got as part of this video is the Lan lip sleeping mask this was another repurchase for me I'm obsessed with the berry scent I just feel like you can't beat it it smells and tastes really good so I decided to go with vanilla I feel like it'd be so nice for winter time so it's in this little pot it comes with a spatula to scoop it out I cannot wait to try all of these products out thank you guys so much for staying until the end of the video I really hope you guys enjoyed it was so fun shopping and picking everything out and now having everything to try I going to keep you guys updated on each of these products like I really want to give them a good test run before I do like a thorough review and tell you guys what's worth it and what's not it's honestly just hard on social media to trust what products are going viral because I feel like the packaging has a lot to do with it and the aesthetic of the product like I want to know if the formula and the scent and everything is good for your skin and hair and body so these products are going to be put to the test in the next couple weeks and I will let you guys know the end result definitely subscribe if you guys made it to the end of today's video thank you so much for watching and I hope you have an amazing rest of your day I love you guys bye [Music]
Channel: Zhirelle
Views: 566,500
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nAXIV2o53Xs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 40sec (1300 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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