Testing Flex Seal - As Seen On TV

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What's up everybody welcome back to my laboratory where safety is number one priority and today We're going to put to the test flex seal you know that super famous commercial with this guy I'm sure everybody have seen this especially in the United States They go flex seal what he did is actually got one of these Strainers and spray whole bunch of stuff into there, and it becomes sealed completely Also what he did on one of the commercials got a bucket. 'Not to be used as a hard hat.' That's so funny I love these buckets so what he did is grab a knife and Stab a few times, and then he used this flex seal And it sealed it up completely so does it actually work? I'm sure it does, but how many bottles did he actually go through I have here four bottles Hopefully actually doesn't take that much to seal up a knife Hole into the bucket and also they use flex seal to fix Ceramic pots, one of my pots exploded during the winter So I'm going to use this flex seal to fix it all together I'll show it to you in a minute First of all let's do the bucket test by the way when you use in spray paint Or in this case. We're going to be spraying rubber we do not want to inhale it so get yourself a mask. Make sure it's tight, that way none of the Rubber get into your lungs and of course, I don't want that rubber on my hands either By the way he actually used exactly the same knife so that's cool, I remember I did a video with this thousand degree knife Now my knife is all ruined Anyways, we're gonna stab a couple of times, but I gotta be very careful not to cut myself Oh nice, that's a good crack right here Look at it's even cracked to this side, and then we're gonna do one more it here. Oh Yeah That's a good one right here too. And you gonna flip it over check this out. We got here, good cracks in here. pop it back in There we go, two big cracks right here. one and two, one and two We gonna shake it up really well Alright, lets see how it works. Never used this before Oh wow! That's so crazy That's so cool. It's sealing up so fast. I would put it vertically because all that rubber is actually making feathers. Okay, okay. I put layer one I'm gonna let it dry out, and then I'm gonna do second layer I can't believe how thick it is. I didn't even have to spray much in there. Wow very surprised, okay While buckets is drying out, I'm gonna spray this strainer. There you go. Looks like for sure you have to do one layer at the time. And right here, I cracked this pot. check this out Let's see if it's going to work or not. I'm gonna put this piece back in and It should seal everything together and that way it will seal it so that way We can actually put water in there, and it'll not leak as much. Shake it up! Look at that. There's a crack on this side as well. Okay, we're gonna let it dry out and apply another layer on it. One thing that you learn, I put way too much in there, so that way it's leaking too much I thought it was going to be a lot thicker than it is so what I would do first layer a lot less spray on Just a little layer Let it dry out, second layer, third layer So don't spray it too much like I just did or it will just drip like a paint So we're going to let it dry out. It's been about five minutes. Let's see if it dried out No, not yet, but it look like it's already sealed. I don't even know if I need to add another layer What will be a big test you see there is a big hole? I want to see how many layers will it take to seal up this hole. Okay, let's see if it's thick enough to apply a second layer. Okay that bucket doesn't need any more layers for sure just I'm gonna let the dry out for like at least 30 minutes and Then we're going to do a water test see if it's going to leak or not. Strainer, It looks like it's thick enough to put a second layer But as you can see it's still wet I'm honestly surprised how much there is Flex Seals inside of each bottle. As you can see I'm doing really, really thick layer. Okay, let's put the second layer on the pot. As you can see I wouldn't put too much on a pot just one spray on the crack, let it dry out Second spray, don't put too much, or it will just leak out I could probably even seal this hole But it's probably going to take a lot of layers. What I want to focus is on this hole cause I need this hole. Wow, look at that. Boom. Sealed it up four layers, it might leak away So I might have to do one more spray after it dries out and maybe five or six sprays will make this hole Disappear. Also my boot has a hole over here. I stepped in the nail or something every time I go in the water It's leaks and it's a rubber boots the point of them so I can walk in the water So instead of buying new shoes, I have a little bit left over You see if you put too much, it's starting to leak so it put very little bit And hold it upside down like that so that way it dries out so that way I do not have a hole there. Of course you can make a Nicer, so that way you do not have this leaks, but I don't care just a rubber boots And I'm gonna do one more layer on this pot And I think this is gonna be good I can't believe how many jobs that can do. I sealed up this pot there was lots of cracks I have completely sealed up this strainer, way too much look at that And I fixed the bucket and I can feel there is a little bit more left for sure. Honestly, this is good stuff I'm not complaining at all I'm actually gonna seal up this whole thing like this so that way it's have a flat surface look how much it has left over. I can't believe it. I might paint it completely black. Just for fun Because I have so much left over I don't know what else to seal Boom Now this pot is weather resistant. I can't believe how much there is still in there. That's it. I'll let it dry out for an hour. Let's see Maybe that's how it supposed to stay, just a little mushy. Yeah, you know what it is kind of dry. Yeah, this dry you know what I'm going to put water now same thing this pot is actually all done. Oh all that stuff started Check this out look at that crack over here, and it's fully sealed up. Yeah, you know what you might want to let it dry for a bit longer But how cool is that you have all these cracks over here, and they got all sealed up Look at this holes. I Should have sprayed inside as well, But it's a cool comparison. Now this pot is for sure all fixed up and ready to be used again And it looks good I like it my boot side here look like they dred out put in the water see if I'm gonna feel any water going through Okay moment of truth. Oh, you know what. It's leaking Maybe there is another hole beside that. Ah, you know what, there's a lot bigger hole right here. I missed it. Oh Man, I didn't see this hole, but at least now. I know these shoes are done I really don't think this flex glue going to fix this part because it's on a flex right here It just gonna come off. Just as easy. Okay. Let's see how well this bucket does Boom There is that here a hole and theres right here hole another one and all that water is sitting in there And it's not leaking So you know what it does work, I love it. So once again, It's passed the bucket is not leaking I love it. Boom completely sealed up shut last test the strainer test Lets see any water coming out under it. Nope, how cool is that? Awesome,I don't see any leakage at all. Do you guys? That's so cool. It's a really, really thick layer on this one. One thing for sure we definitely wasted the strainer But now we know flex seal actually works pretty good. Well guys It looks like it does what they advertised, and if it's a big big Hole you just keep doing layers. One thing I did not expect how long this whole can lasted I thought there would be only one bucket have to be fixed and I would have to use up the whole can okay guys That's pretty much it. Let me know in comments below, What do you think don't forget to thumbs up, and I'll see you next time.
Channel: CrazyRussianHacker
Views: 5,612,026
Rating: 4.7598104 out of 5
Keywords: As Seen On TV, Flex Sea, Testing Flex Seal, reviews, Flex Glue, Testing Flex Glue, as seen on tv products, as seen on tv reviews, flex seal review
Id: yzsKyUGebIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 24sec (684 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 23 2018
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