Cash OR Trash? Testing $40 Fidget Toy Maker Craft Kit

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me good grains before we start today's video i just wanted to say a huge thank you from you and the arts and crafts community the not another craft kit sold out yes you heard we sold out but but but we did promise that we would continue selling until august 15th so we will keep sales open until august 15th but this means that any orders placed from now until then will be pre-orders so if you order from now until then you are reserving a box to ship out in november thank you so much from the bottom of my heart everyone really came together and is just so excited and i can't wait to see your creations hey greens welcome to cash or trash the episode where we review multiple craft kits to make sure that i waste my money and you don't i'm jackie i'm sika and she's back many of you grains were asking where's zika um yeah sure that doesn't sound good yeah that's age yeah getting old getting old today we're going to be looking at two craft kits that look really interesting the first one is a squeeze ball maker in other words it really looks like a fidget toy diy i think i think so it's the one that you like just squeeze the squeeze and something comes out right and it's like yeah yeah and this kit cost me forty dollars ouch more on that later the next kit has me very worried what is it zika it's a sewing kit isn't it called rainbow corns rainbow corn sewing creation characters yeah i'm not very good at sewing as some of you you should be okay it's made for six and up you know so it's at your level questionable and this kit was actually sent to me by one of you grains so i know that if you sent it to me it's not because you want to see me enjoy the craft you want to see us yes especially if it's sewing you know what that means someone trying to break your heart so i want to break my heart on purpose um and they want to make me cry and cry let us know in the comment section below which one of these two kits do you think is going to be the biggest fail i'm going to say it's probably the squeeze ball pick me pops i'm uh agreeing with you for that oh i don't think it's gonna do good we're on the same i have a feeling like it'll pop pop for real you see what i mean yeah yeah we'll have to see it but before we see [Music] if you wanted me to say it you get your knife back up here there you go make sure that you do subscribe it's been a while hasn't it yeah i missed you i missed you too and when you subscribe make sure you click on bell notifications which is the bell button right yeah yeah i get it yeah i did something i did something at forty dollars our first victim pick me pop surprise oh that's a nice echo let me try i'm gonna try to okay no no no i it's about me i'm gonna try okay pick me pop bubble surprise good you did great that was amazing cool i like the tap on the back but i don't know i don't think that was very good you tried your hardest i did i did the best i could with what i have you did your best yeah this kit is interesting because i think we're only going to be doing two balls for 40 that's really expensive the most expensive balls i've ever contributed to okay awkward i think the the majority of the price tag is going to be in the actual machine the question is is the machine even needed i don't know it does look like a candy machine though it does it does but will it be needed probably not mm-hmm i feel like it's just like a tap right it just looks like it just gives you some water yeah and i mean if we look at the actual are you okay the actual steps of this kit says mix fill and squeeze i feel like there's a missing step here like step 2.5 where it's stuff it in the toy because it goes from filling it up to squeezing but we're supposed to well this is the outside instructions maybe there's actual instructions on the inside i know but that will give us a 2.5 and be like hey hey go put it want to see something cool i need to hang hang on i'm going to show you something pretty cool okay what are you doing look it's mine i always want to bite these like no so for those of you i have no idea what we're talking about basically this kit should be able to make something that looks like this and you can squeeze it and it will have water in it yeah basically like this give me oh i'm scared what if it pops oh oh that's very distracting okay you're dead okay i got it out of my system now okay you can have it back now okay yeah let me take this away from her because it's a little extra and when we turn the box around we can see that we do get an exclusive well two exclusive characters which are a pegasus and a unicorn yeah the difference well one has wings and the other doesn't okay i was graciously educated by ugraines with the differences between a pegasus and a unicorn you also get two exclusive terms oh okay i feel like the exclusive is just because this is the only thing you get it's not even exclusive it's just that's what comes with the box yeah and i feel like these exclusive things can easily be found on like ebay or aliexpress i think so yep but in order to properly judge time to see what we get inside that was really close to my face oh you're taking too long you almost spilt your water what did you spill nothing what did you just nothing it made it into the recycling bin what did you do nothing what's your money you went to he's it a liar here's what we get inside balls not two though we get three of them three balls so it's sticky it is very sticky look don't pop it or i swear where's the pointy thing if you pop it i'm just gonna cry you don't want me crying so as you can see this is basically the same thing as that one but this has a nicer firmer feel to it it's bigger too i think yeah why is this one sticky though i think they're both sticky this one doesn't feel sticky not as sticky but it's probably because it's been dirtied yeah probably but i find it really odd that we get three of these ones but we only get two of these guys which makes me think they either think that you're going to ruin one yeah at least one of them and then you'll only have two that makes the right you know proper thingy craft magic doing things we forgot our words so i'm a little disappointed we get three of these but two of these yeah they could have thrown in another character but or even just a random one to be like hey at least there's a pouch so it's not sticky all over the place right in my opinion yeah but nope not good enough for forty dollars we get this here which is six balls full of glitter angles this is craft kids it's full of balls there's a lot of balls in this kit it's not my fault there's balls in this kit help me technically inside these should be a mixture of glitters and i think charms yeah but we're not going to open them yet because i'm worried it's going to be messy it's going to be messy so we're going to get to the instructions and we're going to check these out pretty soon you want to put them back in here yeah okay put them in properly oh good job you messed up whoa you want your mouth i'm gonna throw a glitter ball no no next we have this baggie that we have no idea what's in here so we figured we'd open it with you grains so it feels like a surprise oh i thought it was not a zipper i thought it was a whatever just go well it's right here i know but i thought it was one side there too never mind i didn't say oh shrimp you make it's called i didn't say shrimp you may proceed shrimp i didn't say shrimp there you go okay let's see what's in here it's not the charms because i'm pretty sure the charms are in the little balls and in here what what the what what is this candy probably not i guess we'll find out later well i mean if it's in there it's probably because oh baby because it's toxic yeah that'd be kind of stupid it would be so i guess we'll find out after we read the instructions which are included so we get these instructions we didn't show this oh damn we didn't show this did we no we didn't okay go ahead the machine i'm not really sure why it's like this because this has its own yeah this is yeah it's like its own container so i'm assuming the water goes in here but we don't know what this is for i think it's just storage oh maybe just like storage yeah this is the machine oh wait the key did you show the key oh you're bad at this well thank you this is just my channel okay we also get a key that we're gonna eventually learn or figure out how to use it because it's all about figuring it out figure it out figure it out okay and yes finally can i say this now yes go on so i do venue you got this the instructions okay okay okay so here there's so many pages lots of instructions at least there's pictures which i can appreciate okay so sika get to work okay okay yeah we'll get back to you guys all right so before we move forward sika seems to be pretty confident that the glitter on the inside shouldn't be non-encased that would really suck it would come out of the holes i think yeah so let's go ahead and open one up and see be careful oh my god oh oh okay oh that's a lot of trashy glitter yeah so we have silver trash and then we have a shooting star okay all right next one zika let's see what we got why is there so many but we only get oh okay i think i understood what there's no charm in this no let's see that one okay trashy bread it's not pink it's like pinky red yeah you're pinky red and this one trashy blue trashy blue it's like pinky blue yeah is there no charm oh didn't they say there's only two charms only two charms so we get three balls you're squeezing this you're going to create a mess okay okay so you're here well you're here to supervise me i create you clean oh my god you need help yeah you get that one it's like one of those you know when you have pistachios yes yeah i actually have someone help me with those next oh here's the other charm we have a rainbow so even the exclusive charms are very meh because it's just one color why do we get a rainbow if it's just going to be a pink pink and the clouds are pink and again it's trashy blue are you okay are you having a hard time with that oh no and then this one oh i got it you got it oh this one is very pink and purple yeah and then i have trashy purple here very very it's a little it looks like sand yeah okay so go for it what do we have purple it's like pink and blue yeah that purple wow purple blush and blue okay all right so we get six containers of glitter but we only get three yeah i'm guessing you could probably put a few per ball but because i'm extra i'm going to go ahead and add my own orbeez and dinosaur so it can constantly grow but actually maybe not the dinosaur maybe not because you might pierce the yeah the air because it's not made for it right so we're just going to put the orbeez in there those are the things that grow yeah okay so we should get something kind of like this by the way we actually figured out well we didn't figure out ceca read in the instructions what these things are and it turns out they are water pressure precipitation water preservative tablets yeah and why do we need it i don't know no you know i don't know no you know it says when do we use it well it says that we need to use it um if we plan on keeping the orbs for over 72 hours yeah but i don't know why yeah i don't know why you wouldn't keep the orbs for over 72 hours but no but i don't know why you would put a preservative in it for over 72 hours like our water is not dangerous well in some places i'm guessing the water could have sediments or something like that or could be corrosive all right so the first thing we have to do is use the key yes to remove the cap okay twist yeah which way okay oh oh there we go you got it i think so no maybe further that's secure i didn't think it would be okay now we can put our charms and things what's this that's is it a defense i don't know is it yeah it is it's not it's a tear let me see is it it's actually totally different your fingers get in no i have sausages you see it you feel it no it can't bend that way but yeah no there's like a dent it's a little bit of a hole in it should we not use this one sorry well you're really going for this yeah no don't tear it yeah it's a bit of a indent but i think we can still use it i can feel it you know what worst case scenario if they're sending us ruined items for forty dollars that's on them if it messes up obviously it's gonna be glitter all over my floor and i'm gonna suffer the consequences but that's something i'm willing to your floor is already pretty glittery and messy so an extra one won't hurt [Laughter] okay so for me i'm going to put my orbeez wait oh yeah the purifier yes okay so we're gonna put our purifier it's like chlorine it doesn't say just as preservative for water there you go i'm pretty impressed i didn't ruin all of them okay so here goes there put it put it okay oh there you shove it in i shoved it in and then it says to put in your charm yeah okay but for instead of charms because you're gonna make your own i'm gonna make my own i want my orbeez we're not gonna put the dino are you gonna put the whole thing of orbeez or is it just gonna over overgrow yeah i'm gonna put like half of it i want orbeez too oh you do oh oh schnitz you got you got it yeah i think that's enough yeah the next step is we're going to put this part here into the rail it's supposed to click apparently okay all the way in click yeah it says all the way in you have to rail it all the way in wait a damn minute that's the instructions say to put it on the rail of the wind and they say rail it in i don't remember okay i have to hear a click that's what it said there's no click oh there it is okay so it's all the way in okay i definitely railed it all the way in okay so now we're going to put our water yep and glitter yeah i think i'm gonna go with purple why did we close these together do you need help i don't want that one oh my god i want this one so i'm gonna take the pinky purple one okay yeah that that one is the cutest one okay okay yeah all right all right now that we have the little machine all prepped up the first thing we're going to do is put our little water on it's off it's on okay it's off it's on off right off yeah it's on the off setting okay and we have to put it to this line over here exactly there we go good and then you put your glitter look at me i'm so good we have our glitter look at you you're so good i try mm-hmm okay like this yeah okay it doesn't say how much i'm assuming the whole thing i'm assuming the whole thing but the thing is glitter floats yeah you know what i'm thinking too so i don't know if you want to try and like stir it i'm going to stir it yeah with that exactly that's exactly what i was going to say to do there we go it still floats though so i don't you got some going to the bottom some okay that's what i'm trying to stir it okay i'm trying okay i'm trying and then you open it to slowly fill it it says okay and and that's it yeah pretty much now my first instinct isn't to put glitter in the water because if there's leftovers what do they expect us to do rinse it yeah so which means it's going into your system which it does not it's not biodegradable and it's not good for the environment so what i'm gonna end up doing so zika's one is going to have some contamination just going to take a paper towel and scoop as much as i know like i know it's bad i know either or is bad yeah but it's better for a paper towel than to have that in your water i would say probably better to just pour the glitter directly into the ball but then it might stick because it's sticky because if you look down here you've got an orbee thing that's stuck so we'll see what happens with the orbeez we'll have to see oh another thing nothing smells like bubble gum is it supposed to smell like i don't know but the front of the box clearly look at this it clearly had see as you greens can see the picture on on the screen it clearly had a bubble gum picture on it yeah but the you know those little things like this thingy yeah they're calling them bubble gum vessels so this is your bubble gum i feel very scammed i know i want bubble gum scent which is another thing they could have done for forty dollars why would you put scent in water though it's not like you can smell it after anyway so it's just a waste no scented balls okay okay i'm ready okay okay i'm ready so turn it on okay wait all right so i'm i should i'm probably going to cradle the bottom why just because in case it falls it shouldn't it clicked in okay don't cradle don't cradle it doesn't say to cradle it no ball clear crazy don't cradle the balls we're so mature welcome to the nerdy crafter channel we're we're very mature adults talking about mature things like kids that have balls yeah balls kits that are bottle containing oh yeah okay okay i'm turning it on do it left or right uh i don't think it really matters just turn it just turn it okay let it slowly fill slowly okay okay keep turning oh i see it i hear it so as you greens can see it is filling up over here i don't really see the glitter no i don't see the glitter either i'm gonna put it back down so i can close it oh my god don't overfill this is good let me just squeeze oh good job good job i don't think it's falling off good job you have a sparkle here already it's not coming off okay okay i'm gonna turn it back on okay but at least they moved jackie don't touch it okay i think that's enough water because they're gonna grow yeah but they're just gonna take from the water that's true okay dave no don't face palm okay okay okay i got this like it's gonna take from the water it's just gonna fill up the same space is it going no i think the other way [Music] oh there's no more water left oh is that whoops so um wow that is a sludge of glitter right on there okay let's put a little bit more water that should be good get back down here don't cradle last time you cradled you made it exciting magento you were not gentle i think that's good okay okay so we just how how am i supposed to take it out without making a mess well now i think we put too much water because we have to unscrew this wait we do yeah we have to unscrew the top yeah before we're locking the bottom yeah oh my god do you want to just now hang on there's a trash can full of paper towels from when i tattooed myself well when i tattooed by myself go ahead you seem very cautious wait the water is gonna go everywhere though yes i know because you put too much water jackie oh oh they have a system oh that is a good system actually we're so stupid we just closed it we closed it before opening it if i open it then it'll spill oh yeah we're we're smart we're mature smart adults on this channel okay now you take that and you gotta screw it back in okay it's not as bad as i thought it would be so like this and like that right we're good then we can pull it out there you go there's not much glitter in there no but it's good enough orbeez see the orbeez didn't stick and the water thing is dissolved mix it in okay so we're gonna let this sit while sika makes her own and yeah that's gross look at that all the little tablet water thing has dissolved we'll see if it keeps the water clear or not okay let's do yours okay all right so sika has already opened hers she's putting the tablet right in and then she chose to go with this glitter and rainbow the rainbow charm that they gave us that kind of feels like an eraser yeah it's it's really useless this whole exclusive everything is kind of useless okay what are you doing now secretary i'm going to put the glitter in directly and see if it makes oh okay that way we're going to try and avoid pouring things down the drain or even in the garbage that's good you need a lot of glitter what are you doing now orbeez oh okay so she's getting glitter and orbeez so we're very similar but very different we're just changing technique but she's copying me you want it to go first liar wow you got it alright so this is in here all right let's put our water you still get some glitter because we only did a wipe okay go for it i have a better angle now there you go not bad look at that fill oh is that it huh look at you so confident what look at hey too much comfort and screwing the cap back on all right so we're gonna have to put these aside and let the orbeez do their thing oh oh my glitter oh no you're gonna have to pinch but the water is not there make sure the water's there so flip it this way and now pinch there you go see this turned out better than mine there's more glitter in mine yeah yours got all stuck yeah look at that my glitter is all stuck on the edges regardless so oh why is this fun all right we're going to put these aside and wait for the orbeez orbeez to grow two hours later so here we are with our bubbly things this didn't grow too much because we only had it on for a couple of hours i'm going to show you grains what it looks like in 24 hours so you can have a better idea so in 24 hours i'll show you grains exactly what it looks like with the orbeez grown however sika what did you notice mine's leaking yes hers is leaking mine defective mine isn't even though oh oh i just saw a drop coming i just saw a drop of water too oh oh oh don't know but obviously it stopped yeah it just stopped now we saw two drops come out i definitely saw water come out i'm scared yeah there's a coming from i have no idea so these things are not waterproof for 40 bucks yeah let's put it into the pajamas the pajamas opens at the bottom okay are you gonna put yours in the pajamas mine's super leaky oh my god how do you get this in here help hey help let me see what's this sorcery are you able to do it probably do you need help no don't touch oh you got you okay it's so sticky it's not just sticky but it's just oh you have to push it in here there you go oh it makes it a little bit easier oh the whole thing's velcro back here yeah oh i might have overstuffed it then you got it okay mature look at that so it does work but it is leaky so here it is after a couple of hours are you done mine's leaking i know and here it is after 24 hours with the orbeez so basically mine here is leaking out of the seams it was dry and then it's coming out and then little there there yeah yeah and then if you go ahead and remove it again well i didn't do a very good job there but it comes right out yeah so for 40 bucks i'm getting a faulty valve yeah i think we have our verdict ready and so oh my god this is youtube sorry zeke i'm covering you and i'm covering mina you're coming both of us yeah and so for forty dollars we only get two toys and well you get three toys just two of them aren't as naked oh well yeah one or three toys two toys completed two and a half yeah and one incomplete there's leakage the machine is very useless because you could just use the same tap water yeah and so it's 40 bucks for garbage for absolute garbage which means you know where garbage goes it goes in the trash but you know what isn't garbage cue shameless plug not another crab kit which is my own craft kit where you can have limitless possibilities of creation and it does include everything you need except batteries there you go except batteries even zika used it and she had a lot of fun and then she's like i feel like doing more things with it i don't know what else i'm going to make but i'm going to make something yeah and this time you won't have a timer on no exactly easier basically the idea of this kit is you have a mold that looks like this that is handmade by me where you can make a character that looks like this and then the infinite possibilities of making your own custom character are just they're infinite i can't say it enough if you want to see the video of what's included inside make sure you check the link in description box below okay on to the next one our next victim rainbow corns zuro zuru rainbow coin zero is actually the same company that does the mini brands unboxing the little mini brand things i've done a lot of unboxing on my channel if you want to check some of the most popular videos of the mini brands that i did i'll link those also down below so you can see this box is very redundant it does say so to create your own three dots rainbow corn but i mean if you're going to sew you're automatically creating so you could just say so your own rainbow corn that's true they're being redundant right and then down here it says sewing creations character but we just so we just sue it up here but um get out no get out there's not much to say about this box other than the fact that everything is a drawing so we have no idea what the actual characters look like it does say we have six characters collect to collect right so i think it only comes with one in that case yeah it's a surprise box contents one rainbow corn plushy skin and stuffing yeah and a plastic needle so it should be easy don't say that it is for six and up i mean i should be okay with it the question is are you okay with it because you can't soak for sure you know for shrimp you can't sell for shrimp i'll accept it because you use shrimp i didn't the first time but you didn't hear it oh no i was so friendly i just outed myself i was like this and i was like shrimp what you know what we gotta do how do you open this i'm gonna hurt myself i'm really bad with this i don't trust it [Music] okay so we have this oh okay that's it oh oh oh no oh no oh no okay there we go oh that's some gazongas oh oh look oh the purple it's stabbing me oh no we need to get you started in this case if you're going to do all these poses here's what we get inside we get the shell of the character so it's kind of like a bunny it looks like a furby oh do you remember furby's yeah not well maybe the face is doing this it's doing this and it also has this funky strawberry strawberry does it smell like something it doesn't smell like anything why do you have to smell everything sniff it i don't wanna it doesn't smell like strawberry so that's a little disappointing i mean there's a strawberry well there's a strawberry right in the belly so it's just a decoration smell like strawberries so okay there's a bulbasaur there should it smell grassy wow that's weird i feel like you went a little too deep i really went in it you did i die and we also have the split that we're going to quote unquote so because we gotta stuff it right we got stuffing what else did we get we got wings with a little bit of thread and a plastic needle right so that's all we're getting technically we don't really have to do too much sewing which means i can probably do it it's jackie jackie proof jackie proof let's hope let's hope so if it's not then we have an issue i have an issue you have it i have an issue and we also get the incense that's why instructions for something so small in color in color and illustrated no words okay so let's what is that i don't know it looks like a rock where'd it go right there it feels bumpy i can't tell i saw another one before too there it is oh yeah that is why is there rocks in here i don't know maybe it's to give your character a little more character it's got some rough edges it's been through things okay oh that is hollow look at that oh hello okay oh i think this is gonna be actually very simple so when we put the stuffing then we gotta do this we'll have to look at the images but yeah something like that it doesn't look too uh not too complicated and there all right zika you ready so let's put the stuffing how much do we need i don't know there's no words you just stuff it okay oh there's words down here oh there are instructions all the way at the bottom of course we didn't see right so you could get to work give me that all right so it should be fairly straightforward i think in order to sew the wings onto this we could probably even do do it in one sew zika i don't like these instructions why you look so salty because their instructions are stupid okay they're over complicating sewing let me see [Music] what yeah so can we just sew the way we know how to sew yeah so hang on these this whole kit is nine dollars so technically it is not expensive however the instructions are so bad it looks super detailed but it's so detailed that it's confusing yeah they want us to sew the back and the wings separate separately but it's going through the same holes but why it's supposed to be for six and up i feel like i'm getting confused i don't understand the instructions and i am not six neither am i though i am way older than six yeah me too but i don't get them can i just sew the way i usually sew yeah let's see so okay let's go ahead and stuff it stuff this little guy they also don't say how much stuffing they just say stuff it yeah it just has stuff like make sure you get it in the arms and legs and all that stuff so you want to give it does he have to get it in his ears does he have ear stuffing or is that closed off no it's closed though okay so we good does he have legs does his legs need to be stopped no oh what what what butt what butt we have butt opening oh what the what what the butt oh that's why they wanted us to sew twice i mean i'll shrimp wait what's always about the shrimp here okay okay that's what it is i thought they wanted us oh my god no that is not how they explain it i didn't know we had a butt stuck the butt oh no that's suspicious there you go that's easier it's butt stuffing i didn't notice what i said all right so we have our little our little mousy corn go on go on yeah and now i'm gonna sew the butt it's just to start on the inside so you're not yeah so like that like so that's a long thread yeah it was very close to my face there we go we go like this and then on top like this and then across like so see i can do it okay okay okay and then on top next words no what do you want to say inwards or no outside and then inwards no okay right yeah like this and like that 346 minutes later and so the booty has been sealed you okay there yeah yeah we're mature adults yeah okay we're very we're very mature adults and sniff what happened to your scissors i don't know there we go there we go nice and secure all right zika you want to do the wings sure all right all right so sika is ready for the wings notice how i let her have wow you said it was enough well i thought so i gave her the most difficult thing to do because she kept making fun of me so let's see how she does all right and take two for the win okay yeah you don't have to be aggressive you know i have no i don't have to be an aggressive child you got this oh it has to be through both that's what i understood okay is that not what it is i don't know wow this is really oh don't poke me though it's plastic jackie it's not going through okay there you go what do you want from me jackie what support no okay okay okay you got this you got that you got this you can do more than you i believe in you yeah you can do it oh we got a bit of an entanglement there you got okay okay is it straight forward now um i'm pretty much doing the same thing over and over okay so again in through both yeah okay we good use your strength i don't have any oh no no no okay it's the wings are just tough compared to um the other one and here we are with the last one just yeah put the needle through there you go just watch the tail and voila we good and so here's our little rat bunny butterfly corn thing yeah so our rainbow rainbow corn thing thing was complicated the sewing itself was pretty straightforward except for the extraction yes constructions were very complicated i feel like just wing it get it you wing it get it you wait yeah wing it [Music] but was this project you know easy yeah is it for actually anyone who wants to try it but doesn't want to get hurt because the needle is plastic yeah and do you get a cute little plushie at the end of it yeah well yeah he sees an acquired taste he is an acquired taste but i think i mean it's a cute little plushie and it's a good start off project in my opinion if you want to go into sewing yeah i think i'll call this character amanda his name is so i would say if you find this for nine dollars canadian which is this much in us this kit for me and for me would be worth your cash if you want to find ceca remember you can find her at on instagram nerdy sister underscore zika and you can find me also on instagram nerdy crafter tick tock salty crafter and a little bit of everywhere at nerdy crafter links are as well down below if you want to watch a previous cash or trash make sure you check up here and if you want to watch a crafty video make sure you check down here until then we will see you guys in the next video
Channel: NerdECrafter
Views: 1,656,389
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crafts, testing craft kits, fidget toys, sensory toys, fidget, fidget ball, diy fidget toy, pikmi pops, how to make fidget toy, fidget toy diy
Id: j2uNAYb8rsI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 34sec (1954 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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