How I Do My Hair, 1940s Style - Long and Detailed!

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welcome to this humble boudoir where I'll be sharing with you secrets of females beauty mm-hmm chocolate is good the one that was saying welcome to my humble boudoir I never mind um I'm just going to show you how I do my hair cuz I've been receiving a lot of questions and I didn't really want to make a video like that because I keep repeating myself but I'm I'm actually I don't think I'm like a hair expert and the one because there are so many people I'm following them yeah social media to do it way better than I do so this is gonna be very subjective so it might not work on your hair and that's what I'm trying to say but since a lot of you guys wanted to know what I'm doing this is what my hair looks like after I blow-dry it I never do it to be honest I only had to do it today because I watched it like half an hour ago but I usually just leave it and just sleep in my hair being wet probably not the best idea I don't really care so what I'm using lately cuz I've been changing a lot of techniques like I've been through hundreds of ways of doing your hair and right now I'm kind of at this point but it doesn't mean like the next month I'm going to stick to it so right now I'm using a brush sponge rollers and sorry actually because I used to have like an item that was very special to me it wasn't it was an empty bottle of detergent and I kind of lost it I don't know where this actually you know guys I found it this is what I'm using okay there's the water inside okay it's not actually a detergent but actually you know what that won't make a very good thumbnail okay so I'm using the water just to spray my hair so it's a bit damp and I'm using sponge rollers which are in this beautiful TK Maxx ten books that had some god-awful cookies inside like don't ever avoid it so inside we have this spice sponge rollers I know a lot of people who use different sizes depending on what kind of curl they want to get I use this one because it's the smallest size I guess it gives you like the really tight curl so yeah I have a box of these and some of them do have bits of my hair on it cuz you have to be really careful when you take them out I'm not I'm never careful I'm usually in a hurry so I just go like gosh but anyway let's begin so while I'm sectioning my hair I'm just gonna take you don't want this is the worst setup I've ever done cuz my mirror is right behind the camera so I can't really see anything no no don't move what am I so Budd tutorials oh I'm just going to actually I don't need my brush for this I'm never using it I'm just gonna be like choosing the front section it doesn't have to be like super meat or anything I usually end it somewhere in the middle of my ear and then something I didn't think of it's you know for me here I'm sorry oh actually I do think about that to keep the rest of your hair in place so it doesn't come in your way wow that's amazing this is sort of what I would wear in 2006 so now we have this and what I'm going to do is using my detergent to dump in the hair of it so I'm gonna start sectioning it and this is a tip I got from the sales looks I'm gonna link her in the description and what she said is to is kind of going that way she kind of taught me to do this instead and I'm not sure if it makes that big of a difference but since I adore what she does before her I'm just following it blindly so I'm just gonna go with it like this so my hair is super thick so I don't want to too much hair in one bit because obviously it's not even try and also don't forget the ends goes there literally sneaky bastards up and everyone oh good Curly's next step get rid of the hair you lost the last time what another girl taught me at a vintage hair workshop her account his name is Lucy is to start sort of here not to certain directly at the end but rather to start sort of here so then it's easier to curl the ends and then you can just go all the way up which is kind of a good tip I think it really works because if you start at the bottom if your hair is layered you're gonna get a really hard time trying to get it on the rollers so see the angle so now I'm just gonna keep doing the same thing actually I can't see anything cuz my mirror is too far away so this is gonna be fun brushing it out tomorrow so another sort of hair guru that I followed languages maecius hairstyling if that's how you pronounce it you can check her work on Instagram I'm seriously such a huge fan I mentioned her in my other video about instagramers that I think are worth following this is this is what you want to avoid and I think she's one of the most authentic vintage hair stylists out there so well not gonna lie I'm hugely inspired by her work I have a confession to make by the way this is the first video I'm making while everyone is in their house because usually I wait for everyone to leave because I'm like where see this section this is what I can't really get right so don't don't do it a same way cuz it never works like just the angle is always wrong so probably has a way to fix that I don't know cuz I'm no expert so by the way I don't do it every day I usually do it once a week or even less often depending on what I'm doing with my life at the moment which usually is not much are you guys excited for Christmas okay one side down so now what I'm doing is if something's a bit too tight I'm kind of pushing the rollers downwards so I think don't pull my hair cuz they can be really annoying sometimes sometimes wake up at night thinking what did I do to deserve this punishment so next section is this bit here again I'm stepping right the ears oh my hair is not usually this right it's kind of weird okay and again we're gonna do some angles here you should probably use a comb to section your hair I'm always afraid I'll run out of rollers cuz I'm we have like a limited amount of them and I got them into your case oh no it's kind of like well rollers I'm kind of screwed that is tight and I don't mean typed hanging like you know tight your eyes are probably wandering around the room thinking of different weird stuff that appears Q&A are those bags next to the door full of my enemies bodies nope that's my costumes why do you have a fake tree on top of your white convert good question I've been asking myself the same question for the past eight years is that a sewing machine yep okay this section done what I'm doing at the back is I'm still following Lucille's locs advice and what she said is the section kind of been like three three sections or three sections to a decides in one middle section and then you don't really use the angle method or you just go like this so that's what I'm gonna do it's actually weird no one has entered this room I'm not gonna show you the back you know why cuz I never see it like I literally never see it I just always have this kind of you know perspective because obviously I'm in front of them they're doing this so I think it's actually more useful if you can't see what I'm doing and then I show you deep oh my god sorry I got distracting you like there's a bit of my curtains that looks like a spider but no it's just God are so pathetic okay the last bit of the site section of the buck now these you want a little bit more wet because these bastards are just so hard to curl like they never hold the curl they're always the first one to go strained I don't know my days like it's the same head it's the same hair but for some reason they usually tell sneaky spiders why you like these spiders they just won't do it okay that's one site done I'm moving on to the other side I wonder if you sing a song in your video that's like a really good copy of the original song will you get demonetized kind of running out for all errs I feel like writing a song about it nobody know I have to focus on the hair because when I started singing the hair situation went down this this thing you're witnessing right now is pure masterpiece it's just 100% professional unique techniques that I've you know came up with myself just in general you're witnessing pure genius let's move on to the middle section which is the thickest one you know what would be really ironic if they brush it up tomorrow and it's alright so this is a difficult part because I can't really see it and you can't really do it on the side cuz Emma's gonna go all the messy so I start on the side backwards I have a feeling it's going to look crazy tomorrow are you hungry watching this you should stop the video and go eat seriously if you had something to eat to go go eat it so what you should also know about my hair is that it's cotton a specific shape so if you look at it from the side if it was loose there we go somewhere like this it's like a you like if you look at a back it's kind of like a u letter so it's the shortest here and then like the lowest part it's in the middle of the back okay this is a old woman this is how I set my hair done one more thing you should do before you go to sleep is to get a card and the reason I'm doing this it's not because I care if I look good or not because obviously I don't look good but because if you sleep in it the rollers are going to be alright in the morning otherwise they might undo themselves or on roll and you're just gonna end up having some loose curls in the morning so just something don't die doesn't have to be perfect you just wanted to stay on on your head for the rest of the night so make sure it's tight that's done I'm gonna lie I'm not going to bed yet I'm gonna eat some sandwiches and watch Barbie and Pegasus with my sister see you tomorrow and we'll see how that went and if everything's nice and dry and bye [Music] we are back in my humble so before we get to it I'm just gonna put the makeup on because because of this let's see what kind of a disaster is underneath this gorgeous scarf it's a lie okay so I'll start undoing these so what I do is I don't like keep turning it around so the hair kind of goes loose but instead I do it a couple of times and then I'm trying to sort of do this cuz then you get a little sausage sometimes it doesn't work because sometimes your hair gets tangled on the roller I like doing it because then I can sometimes use it before I actually brush it out for example these girls look really good if you just pin them up like this without even brushing them up because they're just really tight sometimes are like hair that's stay on the roller it's something that's really tricky to get rid of them so if your hair does that it's probably best if you just undo it like this oh this is the situation I was talking about so if you're going for a little Shirley Temple kind of look this is where you can actually stop that's that's how I do my hair nope just kidding so what people say is after you've undone all your curls to kind of go through them with your hands I'm gonna show you why I think it's impossible yeah that's why it just like I can't do it like people are just like oh let me go through and I'm like nope that's it that's all I can do cuz I'm stuck you can just keep this point and just go straight to brushing it out [Music] so tips for brushing out start with like small sections of hair make sure to brush it out completely this is something I didn't get the first time because I was like well I brushed it out but then if you have a look at this bit here it gets stuck it can be happening like it has to go straight right through it this is where I always put it wrong and then also try gently brushing it sort of on your hand but we'll get to done later so this is not brushed out hair and for me as a person that has a will of hair this was the point I kind of omitted because I was like well it's impossible to do it because they're always gonna be tailed like you can see I keep doing it I'm still stuck that's why it some things takes like a half an hour to do it okay I'm gonna move back a bit and just go go through like all of the hair and then go back you may have noticed what I'm doing is I'm brushing it out and then I'm smoothing it with my hand so it sort of goes like this this is because then the waves blur in a different way that's what I've noticed at least also everything that's underneath needs to be brushed out as well see this is what I mean this is an old brush don't the other thing is not to give up when it sort of looks like this because I know a lot of people are like why can't I get perfect waves and the reason is I'm gonna show you it only gets better if you keep doing it like it's slightly better now and it will get even better after like 15 minutes of brushing out because I know there is this point where sort of brush on everything and you're like okay well this is a disaster and I'm never doing that again but the thing is you have to keep doing it the only moment where you should probably just give up is when your curl is not strong enough and you've done something wrong with this setting while the hair and stuff because sometimes you do something wrong and the curl just doesn't hold that's where you should probably give up because it's not going to get any better oh how I love my ear showing it's just amazing I have a feeling the buck of my hair is fluffed oh it means it didn't work out but I know I keep keep doing it like you don't don't stop at this at this point it's gonna get better and keep doing this to dance so what I'm doing is I have my hand like this and I take a bit up here and I keep it like that and I just do this so I kind of brush it on my song see this is what you're trying to sort of get rid of by rushing it out I'm not sure how it works technically like um what the brushing up does but I think it's because you keep brushing it out and the hair sort of join in little waves together so like here you can obviously tell they haven't joined each other yet but here you can see the waves forming and I think that's what the brushing out does it just sort of slowly puts it all together if you can tell there are still knots and stuff you should probably separate the hair into smaller sections now the buck is the worst because you obviously you can't see it and you can't really reach the center so what I usually do is I'm kind of I'm gonna show you Frank you're like smooth belt and then the ends I'm just taking to the sides to a sort of curl than underneath and then I'm just hoping it kind of all comes together by itself [Music] and also what I've noticed is this bit of my hand hurts stop being like pulling it so hard no here you can tell it still clearly I'm tired sometimes you literally just have to like undo the whole thing and then put it back in together see I'm not super happy with the hair today to be honest cuz it's really flat at the top of the head and I don't know [Music] [Applause] [Music] so what I have to do is take this bit all the way up cuz then it gets kind of more morning where is my brush sometimes works sometimes I regret doing this and this done we think it's still at her you can get a really nice way doing this [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so this is it I look a bit like a sheep let's have a look at what it looks like at the back I mean it's not amazing obviously because I'm filming it it could do I guess I don't know why it's so straight at the back it should it should be kind of like this but I think that's because I run out of rollers as you can hopefully remember yeah that's why it's a bit loose because two sections were way thicker this bit here is a bit messy it works out better when I wasn't filming it this is a sort of like a messy look that I like cuz I cuz I like it okay let me just generously put some hairspray on it where's where's the rest yeah that's it I mean obviously that's not the way I do my hair all design because most of the time I used to wear it like this and then just one time I did it and I was like I look like a freaking old lady and so instead I watched I watched killers with Ava Gardner and I was like so this is sort of inspired by her look oh oh crap I almost forgot okay so the thing is I was thinking of doing like an intro you know like famous youtubers I'll always have like they speak for a while and then I have like an intro just like old animated or like pieces of their previous videos and I was trying to make it myself but oh but I couldn't find anything cool or I'm not really skilled when it comes to like shorts visually pleasing stuff so I felt maybe you could do an intro for me because I know there's a lot of people that are interested in stuff like that and I was thinking why not just use you how do we do that how can you send it to me just comment don't like just oh just post a link in the comment underneath this video and I'll make sure to watch all of the intros if there are any and then just pick the best one and I'm not I'm not doing that because I'm too lazy to make my own intro hell no no for you though I feel like there are people that do it much better than me and if they would be willing to make one that would be splendid well I mean I could send you sweets let's just finish this bowl of awkward mask is getting worse and worse
Channel: Karolina Żebrowska
Views: 261,032
Rating: 4.9680948 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 38sec (1478 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2017
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