Testing 15 Viral TikTok Life Hacks & DIY Hacks + 15 Home Hacks that Work!

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[Music] hey everyone it's emily welcome to mama from scratch today i'm going to be sharing with you 15 tick tock diy home hacks that actually work these are diys that you will actually use in your everyday life that are super easy and they will make your life so much easier and i thought you guys would really enjoy this it's something that i've been wanting to make for last two or three months but i just couldn't get myself to make it i was like you know what i am making this for you guys i think it will be really helpful and so thank you tick talkers for inspiring me so if you enjoy it be sure to give it a big thumbs up share with your friends so they can learn this as well and with that let's go ahead and get started with these diy home hacks so have you ever highlighted something that you wish you wouldn't have and now you can't take it back well this is for you especially if your kids highlight your books like mine have so you can actually take a lemon or you can use lemon juice it says you can use both i use lemon juice because it's all i had and it worked great i got a little bit on my q-tip and then lightly rubbed it on to the highlighted portion of the book and look it's erasing it it's so cool it's like magic i wish i would have known this years ago so i thought this hack was really cool i don't know why i've never known this i feel like my dad has probably told me this but for some reason i don't remember so if you're measuring something it's between two walls you can take that measurement there and then the actual measuring tape has a measurement on the back of it so if it measures says say 10 inches this is also three and an eighth long so you just add that and that's your total measurement so i thought i'd check it out on this dewalt measuring tape and there you go it has it as well so next time you have your measuring tape look at the back for the actual measurement of it [Music] for this next tick tock diy hack i don't think i've ever done this to a project before so i'm kind of excited to show you guys this but i've done a lot of trash to treasure products where i take something trash and i'm making a really beautiful piece of home decor and that's what we're doing with this so one trick if you don't know this already is you can actually just heat up the label and it should peel completely off for you this orange juice label left it sticky residue most the time on other items it won't like if it's just a normal label for something that you're buying at the store but this is meant to stay on there so all i did was take my waverly chalk paint which i love and i just went right over that stickiness on it and you wasn't sticking anymore it did really has really good coverage and so i'm just going to cover the entire bottle with the white paint [Music] once that was dry i went ahead and just dipped my brush lightly in some provincial wind wax stain and brushed that on i started off lightly because i wasn't sure how well it was going to blend waverly does make an antiquing wax or glaze basically and it works really well but this tick tock diy actually used real stain and i thought hmm i'm gonna give this a whirl and it worked out really good actually the heavier you go with this the better you want a nice full coverage on it and just go in the green and then brush it in the way that you would for the wood grains so if you want horizontal wood grains go horizontal i wanted vertical and once i got that pretty well coated with it then i took a napkin and then just rubbed it off in the same direction as i want the wood grain to be and i got off any excess that would be left on there and you can see how this is looking like a wood vase and i think this is so cool it turned out really good i'm not sure if it would work with regular paint because the chalk paint is pretty absorbent and has a flat finish so i think that's why this works so well with the stain but whatever the case once i got that all wiped down i let that dry and then i actually took my exacto blade and then i'm going to cut off the portion that i don't want so you can figure this out for whatever size you want your base to be just try not to cut yourself on accident or anything but you're going to go in there and cut it and then to get it nice and even i actually went in with some scissors once i got it to the desired height i wanted i went ahead and put some faux eucalyptus stems in there with some roses and it looks absolutely beautiful i love the faux wood look it has it is perfect so get yourself an old bottle and make it look like a cool wood base the next diy hacks i have for you are actually for hanging pictures on the wall so typically when i have two different hooks i just take the measurement from the center of those hooks and then i put that up on the wall well an easier way of doing it is just to take some painters tape and then you're going to mark where your hooks would actually be on the wall your nails and you're going to mark that on the painters tape then you're going to peel that off and then put that on the wall and make sure it's level and then you're just going to nail right through there with your little marks and you can take the tape off and hang your picture really easy another way you can do is to take hacks and some painters tape and you're going to poke the tack through the sticky part of the tape side and then that way the pokey part is on the non-sticky side and then you're going to tape that to right where your hook is going to be right where the round part is you're going to put that and tape that on to the surface of your picture or your wall hanging and you're going to do that for both sides then what you're going to do is get a little level mine happens to be magnetic on one side which is perfect but if you don't have it it's okay but you're going to take your sign put it up on the wall and then what you're going to do once you have it level you're going to push those tacks into the wall and those will also going to mark the wall for you so if you're renting i suggest doing it the other way because then you could just do command strips on the wall but this way works really good as well too [Music] so i thought this was a great diy hack i've never used this before but i will definitely be using it now so when you're working with a lot of wood projects or you can't go a certain depth into your project whether that be wood or metal or the wall you won't want to drill too far so something that you can do is take a piece of painters tape and then put that tape right where it needs to stop so this basically acts as a guide for you for when you're pre-drilling in and so right when i get to that top of that painters tape is where i'll stop and i'll drill right back out and now i have the perfect depth for my project [Music] so we're switching gears and moving to a food hack really quick and this one is awesome i love this it works so good and it's super easy so if you want to make a grilled cheese or a quesadilla basically without a pan this is the way to do it so you put the cheese halfway in you fold it into a half moon shape and then you're going to tuck in those sides just like that you have a little sandwich you're gonna put that into the toaster you can do it either direction and i set mine to right around four and a half but every toaster is different don't mind how dirty mine is i should probably clean that you can see how it's melting and everything oh my gosh guys you don't need a pan you don't need spray or anything for this it works awesome so it'll pop up when it's done and these turned out so good no burning or anything and let me tell you have to let them cool a little bit because they are hot but look at that good melted cheese the kids approved let me tell you and so did i so for this hack i actually saw that she used a lemon for this so maybe it'll work better with a lemon but she basically pokes the bottom of the lemon and then you squeeze it to juice it and in her video it worked awesome this orange did not want to squeeze whatsoever and it was a fairly soft orange so i just don't think that it's meant for an orange but i thought i'd give it a whirl anyways but the other hack that i have for this that actually worked for me anyways is to take a spoon to peel the orange so when i first inserted it into the rind it definitely squirted out a little bit but once you get that in there it's so easy you basically just work yourself around the fruit on the inside and it just peels right off it's so easy you don't get it all in your nails or anything i really like this [Music] so i don't know about you but if you have kids you know these little clips that come with bread yeah mine always get lost so you don't actually need those anymore all you got to do is twist your loaf of bread and then fold over the wrapping part over it and the more bread that's gone obviously easier it stays and then just flip it over and it will stay fresh just like that so this is a really fun diy you can definitely do this with your kids but this is for more desserts and stuff you take bubble wrap i did wash it and then i taped it down so it wouldn't budge on me i melted some chocolate added a teeny bit of coconut oil to it and then i spread that out the thinner you go the more holes actually will have in it but i just basically made a nice little square with that and then i peeled it off and then put that onto a tray and then i'm just going to pop that into the freezer until it hardens i feel like this is just so fun my boys love watching chelsea sweets on tick tock when i pulled this off there's only one little spot that's stuck um so i just broke that off because i obviously don't want to see any plastic and then you have these really cool it looks like a honeycomb but the one that's on the tick tock actually has holes in it so the thinner the layer probably the better but my boys enjoyed this so much [Music] alrighty this one disclaimer i have not painted my nails in years okay it's just not something i feel like doing but this diy said to take a band-aid and put that on the edge of your nail and then i actually cut mine in half that way i could put the bottom part of it on the under part of my nail that way it wouldn't i wouldn't have to use any nail polish remover and then you simply um add your paint on especially for like a french manicure which i believe this is what that is oh gosh guys it's been so long since i've done nails and you let that dry and then you peel it off i don't think i got mine pressed on well enough for a really super clean edge but then you put your top coat on and then you remove the bottom super clean i will say that but my edge is a little bit wobbly so you know a little bit more practice i guess [Music] the next tick tock diy home hacks is actually for cleaning so you're going to need the cardboard part of a paper towel and then you also need your vacuum so typically after every use of my dryer i clean out the lint area and mine happens to be on the bottom some peoples are on the top where the controls are but i don't always vacuum this let's be real this maybe gets vacuumed once a month but something that you should do is actually vacuum the crevices and what i like to do i thought this was so cool is you basically put the cardboard onto your vacuum it doesn't matter what vacuum you have and then hold it on there you can tape it on and then it will get down into those areas that are really small crevices because it flattens and it will actually suck out stuff and i'm going to show you how much was actually in there i thought it worked really well and i'm just holding it you could totally tape it on to your surface if you wanted to but put everything back the way it was and this is how much came out of that little spot that's that tree a lot and then i thought wait a second what about underneath the dryer and the washing machine my dyson doesn't fit underneath there and so i went ahead and just worked it back and forth and it brought out quite a bit it got some sucked inside but also a little bit got attached on the top of it so you know there's a lot in there if there it is and just wait till you see how much came out from the bottom and i did not empty it from the last time so you'll get to see the real deal and i know there's more underneath there but for those of you that can't lift your dryer out of the way this is the way to go so one way to make your sponges go a lot farther is to actually cut them in half especially if you're doing special cleaning or deep cleaning for your house and take a sharpie and then for those hard to reach spots that are really annoying to clean like say the door seal and stuff you're going to mark all the spots where there's ridges and then you're going to take a knife or a pair of scissors and you're actually going to cut down on those lines and where the two center ones are i went ahead and cut out that because that's for the door track you're going to get it wet or with whatever solution you're cleaning with and then drag it back and forth and it will actually clean out this area really well it works great in window seals as well so the next couple hacks have to do with painting so this is typically what my paint cans look like because i just pour right out you can actually use a flathead screwdriver to open up your can of paint if you don't know that so there's a little trick for you you don't need that special tool the next thing is to actually get your drill if you have one and get a plastic spoon that has a rounded handle that way you can put it inside like a drill bit and you would tighten it and then you can mix up those old cans of paint that i've been sitting for a while without if you especially if you don't have the wooden sticks or anything like that so that's a really cool thing that you can do i never thought about doing that before um the next hack this one actually is a fail for me i tried it twice and it did not work so it says to actually take the painters tape and fold it over so you're creating like a v on the top and i made sure it's pretty sealed and then you basically pour this into your jar whatever you're doing don't worry these are the same color paints so i poured a pretty good amount in there and then you're supposed to take it off there's supposed to be no drips well there were no drips but it still filled up the side rim quite a bit more than it would have if i would have done it without it so that was a fail for me and i tried twice but a really cool hack that i learned that i've never done before which works really well is to take some saran wrap and put it over your paint can and then hammer around the edges it makes for a really clean seal and then it won't dry out on you either and i'm just using my paintbrush to show you that you can hammer it down the next hack is to actually take a rubber band and wrap it around the handle area that sticks out there of your paint can and then you're going to use that to brush off the excess paint instead of using like the jar that it's rounded you just use the rubber band for it and i thought it worked really well i like the fact that it gets rid of all the drips and it's not a hassle to work with and when you're done you can just simply remove the rubber band this is definitely something i'll be using from now on [Music] so you know how when you hang your sweaters up they can come sag and that's not good because it stretches out the sweater so you take a hanger and then you put in the sleeves on the inside of the hanger right about the armpit length and then you just simply hang it up and you're good to go it no longer stretches out the shoulder part of your sweaters which i think is so cool what did you guys think about all the diy home hacks but you guys will be using them did you find them helpful i know i've been using a lot of them and i really enjoyed them and i just want to say thank you to all the chick talkers out there who have put in time and effort and created these videos to inform us thank you so much i will have their videos linked down in the description box below as well as christina from the diy mommy she put together one of these videos and it turned out so good and i hope that you guys will go check her out as well if you happen to miss my last videos they'll be here on the screen and also more in description box below if you enjoy diy and home decor related videos definitely hit that subscribe button and with that i hope you all have an amazing day thank you so much for being here and i'll see you soon [Music]
Channel: Momma From Scratch
Views: 386,759
Rating: 4.9150548 out of 5
Keywords: 15 home hacks that will change your life, 15 diy home hacks, diy hacks for home, 15 home hacks, 15 diy hacks, 15 home hacks tiktok, 15 diy tiktok hacks, tik tok, tiktok diy, tiktok life hacks, testing viral tiktok life hacks, testing viral tiktok hacks, 15 viral tiktok diys, momma from scratch, life hacks, do it yourself, diy, dollar tree diy, tik tok compilation 2020, diy home decor, diy food hacks, diy food hacks tiktok, cleaning hacks, Testing 15 Viral TikTok diys
Id: nbTYfxq8olg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 45sec (1005 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 13 2020
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