TESTED: Is It Possible To Beat Minecraft Without IRON? | JeromeASF

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welcome welcome everybody to an awesome challenge minecraft video today myself fail and dropsy are going to try to beat vanilla minecraft without any milk I mean oh sorry without any ironing ironing yes so pretty much if we find ironing its we can't use them we can't collect them you know none of that we can't mine iron we can't anything that being said we did to help us out get a really good seed to spawn in which has a desert temple right there along with a pillagers tower so that's fun we're just getting shot at rappelling I'm gonna start punching them cuz I'm beating them up right Brit you won't guys alright well let's go have some fun all right so if we raid that hopefully we'll get the diamonds we need to make a pickaxe and then from there you know we'll be able to make the nether portal and everything but the only thing is we're gonna need a lot of diamond armor if we want to beat the energy ragging so keep mine no iron armory the next thing up is well that yeah I have one heart hey they had some wood in here I have been gifted protectors please sir potat me have you been three potates no more yeah no alright yeah it doesn't give you much hunger at all me and me unveils may avail of cover ourselves up there I like the confidence there from one of our mods of flame he said this is going to end horribly yeah I don't like where we started I'm not gonna lie I mean but we're just gonna keep spawning well we did it because the only way you could beat this obviously is by getting diamonds through temples and you know abandoned mineshaft stuff like that so we figured why bother all the hubbub of trying to find one if we could just find a good seed that spawns us next to one of course played had to get his daily dose of trolling in though and put us next to a tower as well but oh my god ow oh my god I'm inside the temple and then one of them followed me in guys horribly horribly guys do you realize how many of these there are ow yes yes I do I blame dropsy why you know why okay all right hold on all right I'm in okay got one diamond all right we have enough diamonds at least to make the diamond pick okay that's good cuz these guys are just gonna keep spawning and there's a lot of them now so I suggest we leave if I got cold whole summer that's pretty cool hey so we have a total of five diamonds which is enough for one pickaxe and a sword or one pickaxe and my brain is melting a chanting table is but we also still need a ton of diamonds anyway so let's see a aquatic update don't worry everyone we're gonna break out of here so do we want to do this but keeping inventory on or no I mean if it's a challenge I don't think we should right right now guys help help they could shoot underwater they could shoot underwater so I wanted to get away Jerome they defy physics assistant okay we run we run right now Jerome you want me to put on hardcore mode did you alright um how do we get it okay savanna let's go to the savanna yeah we might be able to find some food there too so do we want to build a diamond sword or do we wanted to spend our time mining we should mine yeah okay we're stock weapons whenever we uh have more diamonds good good I found snow it'll do wait I found a lava and water source so the biggest most important thing of course is making sure we have obsidian so I'm gonna make sure we mined up the obsidian we need for the the portal first and then from there go go do the rest whoa thank you Robert Mirek for a $200 stream type he said hashtag came from cue up the great work I love your videos please never stop making them thank you my dude thank you so much for the generous donation thanks for being a big part of this family and thank you Damian's to channel fun for a 5-pound stream tube as well man oh man what a great start to this stream in terms of the stream tip that is not in terms of all the dying yeah I mean we can just kind of build a little house right here Vale yeah perfect it'll it's gorgeous I love it thank you thank a big fan oh hi Erica yes yes house this is big oh no job see you have not even seen big house I haven't oh it's big enough for all of us he's to conserve space let's build one of the walls out of a crafting table yes there we go no now I shall go off into the distance and die of hunger I like that this is very good okay I'm gonna build us a little chest in here as well and the chest we go perfect diamonds gold we also have a mending book by the way okay and yes Erica I'm going to eat all your pasta she wasn't pasta here and as far as I'm concerned that's fair game oh yeah brown brown burn burn burn burn burn burn burn burn burn anywhere we've got a little bit of a cave out here if you want to get some coal um sure well you should probably work on any like some stone pickaxes because that's we're gonna be using for the most part because this diamond pick i mean i'll use the diamond pick to exhaustion so just before i do this and make myself look like an idiot once because the obsidian i can just use the diamond pick to exhaustion correct yeah okay so i'll just get us enough obsidian and we'll call it quits from there with the diamonds no guys we have many problem with zombie anyone 30 buy a 310 no huh where have you been all game i found a village and i got some food there village no we're just running around trying to find some more see what I can get from them [Music] you wanna roasty-toasty I pushed a zombie into the lava [Music] thank you just Patel for or jazz Patel for sponsoring the channel I appreciate you welcome as a member sir well okay we've got some bone meal if we wanted to try and make a farm nice so it's 10 obsidian for the portal minimum right minimum yes without corners this this is good who there's another Sam temple so the hardest part is gonna be beating the energy Reagan isn't it yes I'm not worried about getting this stuff it's actually beating him I agree oh then ten plus four for the enchantment table if we so choose which we probably should choose yeah Ramiz s is iron items allowed or only iron Oh I mean technically we said only iron ingots but that defeats the purpose we're don't know yes ain't no iron yeah no yeah so just no iron I'll change the title in a second here okay do you mind if I use some of this Goulding it to make myself a pic or mm probably not gold pic I would definitely yeah I think I fortunately bud we're just gonna be stuck with all stone picks in this one diamond pick well I'm just I don't even have a pic yeah it's a diet early on so here we go maybe it is known we shall win we will win we are all big winners go away thank you for oh oh my god I'll nail down what fail what there's a creeper what is a creeper he almost blew up the house oh alright don't clap talk about don't know one open that door Shh they can't get through the door eating and when I had it done thanks Robert mirek for a $50 stream tips it punched blade into some lava Blake he saw that's like a put you in a lava no all right well it's worth the try Thank You Damian su channel a flood for another five pad shrimp tip Thank You ASP for the 45 Danish kroner stream Tim Damian wanted to bring up that it also means no Flint steals and you are correct which means we're gonna have to have to do this the old-fashioned way I can't run anymore we've got to start a fire next to a what's it called the nether portal no there's a creeper just waiting outside there all right I'm gonna go and get us some leather so at that land some reeds and that way we can work on the enchantment table yeah big brain big brain okay okay there's a lot of farm animals around here too when it comes daytime we're gonna be set ok so I have made us a fishing rod nice which means food basically but we got tons of farm animals Deuter oh yes but I am trapped in building this is the end for me what's the drop rate on horses dropping leather I do they horses yeah very rare I think it's low then Oh found some cows anyway yeah say I have four leather on me right now we're also gonna need beds because we're gonna need to put down three beds right outside of where we fight the Enderdragon yep make a little under home and keep mind that's gonna be the most painful part of all this is getting all those ender pearls not too worried about that Oh actually speaking of which there's a ton of Enderman out right now an amount hanging out three of them right here jeez did we do something wrong why are there so many creepers outside of our base oh man Ezreal I feel things are not nice up there no there that's why I'm going down slash effect give me a surf minecraft - night vision [Music] 10,000 I was just gonna use torches I mean we can but I don't know I don't consider that really cheating like I could throw up my damn of people really wanted but you know let's just provision same effect hello oh you don't have a job okay hello oh my gosh sorry okay it's no biggie dude you got that diamond pick you're gonna power through that they're raining up there uh not in the savanna biome but elsewhere yes yeah and that creeper is right outside our door he will not let us out alright we will get through this together friends yay wheat bring more tons of coal nice okay someone said you can get an anvil from a woodland mansion I feel like utilizing iron still is not okay like even if it's an end I don't know well if we don't if we aren't allowed to use anvils then we can't use enchanting bugs yeah I know okay okay I just don't know you know what I mean no I'm hearing it all like how blades trying to sneak his way out of this I don't know what you're talking about he could be helping right here he could be helping here right here I couldn't possibly be able to lend aid to the minecraft legend himself I am just foodie being thank you Robert marriage for another $50 stream tip since blades on the server I volunteer veil as tribute to being punched into the lava I have two hearts please don't they demand blood ville let's turn around and punch me twice do it end it well thanks for a $10 drip tip from ultra cut cut and they give it a $20 drip tip jaspe tell I appreciate you man he said my famous now cuz in your second channel you killed me in town of Salem and I made this little card I'm sorry Robert Merrick thanks for Twitter stream tip he said tell drop see I said thank you for the two hot teas I'm gonna go see if that creepers gone yet hmm you're saying he cannot win he needs a flint and steel or I just need a fire to spread onto the obsidian ooh it's not easy but it's not the most difficult lesson yeah yeah we could do a line of leaves to the nether portal no wood leaves anything really just put it like one and lava and then just lead it that's wrong bail for a second I thought you're gonna like just put a line and they like make like a tree and leaf hello Gareth you have a job no okay the creepers gone by the way okay if you want to take my spot down here I can give you the diamond pickaxe and you can just make stone picks or whatever and what I'm gonna do is you don't have a to efficiently mine right yeah talking about strip mining yeah where you go like you go three out and then you go to the sides yeah I was just gonna do like strips of - like mining every four blocks that's usually what I do yeah if you come on down I can just show you that this is the most efficient who is efficiency mmm-hmm steam dead I might actually start trying to get the nether portal lit up cuz that's gonna probably take up a lot of our time yeah there you go buddy see just do that goodbye sir oh yeah I see what you're doing [Music] I'm sorry drops you were trying to make music here maybe you'd understand yeah sorry please first it's a 10-minute opera section and the first five minutes is just but it's called art maybe you've heard of it yeah maybe it's mabeline maybe she's born with it so I picked it up don't need that all right so I have my area picked out right here okay two three like that and now what we're going to try to do everyone is pretty much that I mean I don't think we need to actively stand by it either to make this happen so that is the good news what's in your toggle downfall committed whether clear uh yeah there we go perfect so now hey like I said it's not gonna be like an instantaneous thing but technically speaking I'm gonna do this as well in case I decide to rain again but eventually fire should spread to there as long as we have slash game rule do fire tick true okay so now eventually that will burn and wait for us I mean I'm not gonna sit around and wait for it exactly but yeah you know I'm gonna go get some sugarcane and stuff trusty what have you been working on I've been raiding villages I have enough beds for us currently I have some diamonds bones villages have diamonds though no but I came across more sand temples nice great work awesome stuff oh wait oh we can use such a there is a blacksmith with the iron sword with knock bag but okay he's dead [Music] don't know diamonds down here yet well what Wieck ordinary what I love him okay there we go and blade I'm gonna message real quick in chat need to make some more stone pickaxes see sand temple give me another one shots of the two thousand people watching they go for being here and hanging out sugar there's the sugar cane good who are saying look for shipwrecks great thinking oh yeah so oblate I mean I played bales yes he put some of that down and pick alive oh yeah I've just been using stone picks over here cuz you need the diamond to buy another diamonds so you just need to keep like half of them on a sidenote sorry you said I could eat the pasta you left in the fridge I mean can she stop you I don't think anything could stop me when I get hungry enough I turn into a monster when I go down to get a burrito every day there we go five stone picks that ought to set me for a while now okay that's always gonna do it's like what am i doing right now just completely are you okay okay my roommates okay oh and I mean go away him so much Rome the wood burned brick yeah they didn't like the portal though just don't look at me the zombies got inside our house is very small and very efficient oh geez Vale I just read that you had the diamond pick you had the series in your hand is it okay I mean I didn't like get killed near lava or anything so I just need to get back down in the mines yeah when the zombie might pick up the pickaxes move out the way zombie don't save the day I will speedrun this myself [Laughter] I'm already doing decent so far all right what are the chords to home I'm on my way there I think it's 133 a 30 or something like that 130 300 raining no 130 300 huh have you been you've already been down into the mine strim fail it's gone the diamond pick is gone no I'm just kidding like really Oh mother be like no whoo no I got it right here oh cool yeah I'd been mining at three arts for a long time okay uh-oh here you go young get me coal on you nope okay I'll just have to keep an eye out down here mister where was I so we back in the mines pickaxe hanging from side to side side to side this test took girly one hope to find some diamonds - diamond ring ring ring ring wait how come all the lava burn but it didn't I guess I just pure luck I hope I know the method you're talking about Jerome and it that it used to work but do we know that it still works um so we'd have to make an exception for purely flint and steel yes but I'm not convinced it doesn't work no I can get rid of this cause can't use that what I don't like the sound of that Thunder we thank you for the $15 dream tip from sneaky snake um so dropsy how many diamonds you have from doing what you're doing because I might do that I currently have three because I found one doesn't cert temple and right now I'm just going around different villages and reading for other items they have like food and things like I have enough that we could start a farm um I've saddles I already have an ender pearl from the Enderman that came across and stealing the best because that's the easiest way to get them wait you already killed an Enderman yeah I'm fighting one right now but all the other moms are gonna die got away so we back in no mines here are yelling me to use fire charges all yeah but could do fire charges what is that though that that's an another you have to kill a guest no really yeah no you can make them I didn't know that gunpowder and something I don't know the exact recipe but uh another portal lit I did it nice I am big science man big science big Tings big I have a lot of potatoes hello a lot of potatoes or sorry hello I have a lot of potatoes I'm sure nice to meet you okay so far mission success so if I lost all my stuff I don't think I had anything yo there we go got it well drop see if you are afraid of losing all your stuff you may want to bring it on home soon no yeah I'm running back right now I just found a village along the way it was 130 130 130 301 3,300 so we Becky's not mind if I mentioned this at all but I meant to mention at the beginning ivx toy cat does stuff like this all the time so I did want to give him a quick little shout out you know just cuz like I don't know if he's done this exact challenge before but he certainly there's a lot of stuff like it and was a big inspiration for this so shout out to mr. toy cat mr. blue sky me jerk every watched guardians of the galaxy last name but we watched Gardens the galaxy I mean I made it through the part recruit dance and then I immediately fell asleep we're talking like 7 8 minutes in I was seriously it was late it was like 11:45 his way past my bedtime Guardians is one of the favorite of the Marvel series you had the varies 74o you know where you are the back it's okay yeah okay pretty good I am not finding any diamonds down here I just need to run 300 blocks in five minutes it's fine like about this I'm expanding our villagers guys I'm going to expand our house how I not found a single diamond yet fail fail house expansions becoming a failure cha I did it oh you did it no a success fuller successfully yeah that's what it's called right you know what I'm gonna roll with it the house is huge success floor come on it's right over here somewhere on top of this hill I'm going on another there it is there it is oh thank goodness what got me back in it here's your drink if you're going to another bro this has to be a joke this is not an actual spawn in the nether oh the nether fortress is right there though word wait till it pops up on stream I mean I'm grateful than the other fortress is there but if you saw what I saw right now you would think that this is one giant mean I think blade set us up I like memes it actually does feel like blade set a set go a scout what is this house thank you Robert mirek for a twenty dollar stream tip and bow and know a lot of people extreme tipped I might have missed a few but but at the end I will go through and read all of them so I'm sorry about that everyone it's just it's hard to concentrate with all the dying and you know we're sorry not dying did getting demonetized that's what we call it around here oh yeah and I'm getting really demonetised a lot in this one whoa almost found the water there I have plenty of food and things I'm gonna make some bookshelves for the Kura and chant mint table ow why did you do that what I think of the house we built its successful house it's successful it is most definitely a house does anyone have to sneak oh yes well did you say stick or steep cuz I both stick well that is not sneak I'm just kidding that was the stake I wanted yeah I needed to dig out a bunch of dirt I'm trying to advance the plot line and get us the blazes I figure I know diamond obviously without the armor we're not to be able to beat the ender dragon but the thing is we could have someone at all times doing that while everyone else is like like veils doing right now well me and you advance the plot line I go forget the blaze powder awesome if we that's pretty much it yeah that's great in theory boy not having a lot of luck down here Robert mirek said thanks for 20 hours shrimp to be said here this is you can get your own pasta and not eat Erika's all right Eric I won't eat your pasta just this once though so one time pass don't get used to it oh wait Rob see right we have the beds now we can just yes flame said beds explode in the end oh yes yes yes that's why we're gonna put him at the stronghold itself so that when we died we could just immediately stre spawn right there but we're not gonna put it in the end portal just right outside of it yes don't woody unless you're implying that we should kill the dragon with the beds in which case I'd say totally oh yeah that new spin on bed worst you know we could do as well arrows never hurt nobody no yeah I've been collecting string and stuff for bows I'm gonna bring back some steak for us and other goodies oh good luck on your phone Attica where you what state and law I'm putting raw pork chops in the back thing oh you had to call an apple you'd found yes there's two yellow beds in one white bed I'm beginning to think this is another prank I'm not finding any diamonds it's possible Blake did that I can't tell Erica strolling or found the biggest brain play of all time she said if you put like ten boats down you can get the Enderdragon in the boat what yeah I'm pretty sure she's mimin on us but it would be quite funny if that actually worked Brandon Nunez said next time do it without getting wood as long as I can access crafting tables at different locations I don't see why that would be too crazy I mean it and use sticks and stuff like that we get from chests yeah I was gonna say we'd have to be able to use it from stuff we find yeah I mean yeah with certain parameters that could definitely be done should beat minecraft while not pressing the wk moving backwards only yeah backwards only run why are people now don't like people are agreeing with Erica that apparently that is a thing there's no way do we need to make a bunch of boats minecraft and/or Dragon Boat energy I can trapped in a boat no they had to have been fixed apparently it was a thing in 2015 and 16 but there's no way I mean maybe the ender dragon no longer rides rideable entities like mine carts are boats okay okay word well I used to work then that's hilarious though I had no idea that's such a funny thing going there I'm gonna search one diamonds yes please I'm gonna make a food chest for you guys cuz you're the best yeah I've got a lot going on right now so just give y'all all the bread you could probably ever need I'm collecting nether warts and soul sand in case we want to grow our own stuff please because it's all a lot of people saying we should get like different potions like get slow phocion slow falling potion which actually would make a lot of sense because then you could break the crystal and not die but yeah or if you get hit up in the air you won't die either or if we manage to get feather falling on our boots well I almost got baited there's a bunch of iron ingots in a chest but I grab the gold chest plate actually I'm not gonna wear that now I'm gonna keep that because we might not need to have full diamond to defeat this ender dragon we literally could probably just get away with that I mean like mix-and-match gold and diamond if we ancient yeah well furet if we're giving ourselves the respawn right outside three diamonds which burger like so trigger crazy I'm getting so much iron ingots oh yeah I know but fails the own one actually trying to get diamonds apparently iron saddle whoopsies horse armor water all right I didn't find it yet but considering I have all this stuff I can't bring it home now all the soul sand other wards the diamonds it like kind of lagging a bit here well you're also streaming don't discount that yeah but I never like alright I've started a potato farm there is over a stack in a bit of bread and there's apples steak and there's pork chops so y'all should not die from hunger cool I'm gonna do that because I'm getting frustrated you're gonna get it Vale I believe in you bud oh thank you we have found it pi blazes please don't burn me guys fat what are you I'm gonna leave a trail of dirt so I know where to go I hope y'all being serious but I am leaving it yeah I hundred percent believe I don't know big brain big brain I love it it's like Hansel and Gretel yeah there we go we go up this way let's put this right there so I keep following it back don't want to get lost I just want to bring all this stuff back because I don't want to die killing the blazes or sure I will this will probably take multiple attempts but you know yeah thank you for the food yep okay so now we have the food going everything else dropsy do you want to what do you want to be focused on do you want to be focused on continuing food or would you like to do the ender pearls or start on this I was gonna say I was already finding inner pearls and stuff just roaming around so I can do that again ooh hello zombie hello hello hello okay anyway so saying I'll just be the wanderer again get duck duck Duck Duck in Maine I'm gonna put the soul sand down and grow the nether wart I don't really they were gonna need this much nether wart but in the off chance that we do yeah you scared me half to death there I hope you know I apologize just straighten out the house a little bit gonna put a bed down so we can have our spawn point at least be indie okay oh yeah this will leave well what I'm already immediately start growing this chest where's armor chest I don't think we have one of those yet this is food over here well yes can we both there you go oh okay I'm gonna take the horse to the Old Town Road right yeah gonna ride there you can no more yes the most important thing I would say is getting those diamond swords than anything else so luckily we have six diamonds I'm baffled well ok buddy it just defies all logic that I've found no time well I wish minecraft made sense sometimes but I've gone through five stone pickaxes but never fear we'll do it we're gonna get it Robert mirek thank you for another $50 treat - so this should cover a pizza for blade or dropsy your choice who gets it who can I choose myself oh my god Robert Marik's that I have one choice for the $50 stream to have to use it on pizza for dropsy or for blade I think I should get pizza okay so we've heard drops his argument blade I think she already had a pool party and that I should get the pizza whoo dropsy no plates already gotten pizza before and I have it you've had pizza before making that you've had pizza forever I like ordered for me sure oh yes do you wanna say with us I use it on myself to be honest cut out that middleman alright guys I broke the blaze spawner nice oh my gosh what a crazy spawn three of them just pulling into port at the same time no way I got one please brought already and I haven't even lost a heart yet yes one blaze rod is in the bag folks shot there come on give me a level eight one just this is so pathetic I've never been like with this much of a lack of anything and be fighting blazes Erica's vote is that the pizza should be spent on herself and shadow my dog does love me yeah well then I counter that with Dylan you counter a dog with a child that seems very playing poker we're not betting them fail jeez it's like I see your dog no this got very problematic very quick I'm just saying Dylan really loves people I mean you have no idea how much shadow loves pizza I think you underestimate how much Dylan loves people somebody stepped on my crops Tani's eyebrows had a good point you should make wooden armor right yes I will get on that oh you know what know the owners we're not gonna do that is because the fire from this will it'll burn the wood armor and deal extra damage but otherwise great what's going on here but they stop spawning but I got five blaze rods which is technically enough ender pearls to complete the cycle but I'd rather get more because brewing Stan and because sometimes eyes of ender break on the way there Oh God Oh No is it a bad bad debtor okay but it's not a bad bad dad right guys I found diamonds I think good work man really yeah how many I don't know yet I have to traverse over lava to get there come on now be the diamond man we all need you to be okay do you have to sleep a full night in Minecraft to have a bed work or can you just sleep no you just have to sleep til it like goes a little bit dark Newlands fine Oh only two diamonds that's enough for TV show oh my goodness that was ridiculous there was so much oh that's a close one no way uh and then a third party enters the mix things were already difficult to nothing and a wither skeleton throws his hat in the ring oh I have eight blaze rods I would in a perfect world like to get ten where'd you even come from dude you weren't here like at all during any of this before got him we've been in this we winning this out here so we back in the mines give me that place rod you two give me that blaze rod we got nine we got nine I blocked off two of the pathways that they wear this couldn't sneak up on me again while I'm fighting these guys oh my god oh my god alright it's fine I got ten I got ten though so I just make my way back then there I'm sorry I died so we back in though mine's donation alert every time but know that that set but for every dollar so someone stricter with fifty dollars just fit jobs so we back in the mines so we Becky how many we're done yeah bail how many you at they'll keep in it get there push it to the limit push the limit why does that sound like that should be part of the song push it to the limit they've got eight so far but I seem more into this artiste more diamonds bail bail bail especially if you want hard work pays off he'll yeah so no this is from strip bar I have to reorganize my inventory just wanted to grow some potatoes same that's all I wanted in my light I like plenty of bonemeal over there they all are okay thank you thank you think you think thank you all right ten blades runs I'm bringing him home nice yes common oh he's coming home don't that's not what I wanted that's what I wanted yeah I've gotten nine diamonds right now nice oh my god the final boss of random Blais waited for me at the exit to everything he didn't even spawned by a spawner I can't he's literally blocking the exit well you're right there so if you die you can just run quick yep miss miss your shots miss your shots like Michael Jordan said you miss 100% of the shots you take okay come on come on come on there was a lot of things wrong with what you just said down here foreign chanting yes yes yes yes yes yes Oh many other warts they are the Grove all right we got to keep those blaze rods extra - extra extra extra safe those are good so next on the list is getting bunch more ender pearls really which is never fun yeah that's pretty much next other than past totally collecting more diamonds for better armor and things if you took yellow but I'm taking red bed what no no no no just take this bed like we'll all use this one for our spawn here these are for the beds for the thing so we can have them spread out a bit more in case they get the shape from whatever I was late those sorry but I just had for the actual dungeon even though we only technically need one you are going to make cry how come these progestin combined because they are placed facing this way if they're placed winging this way they would have okay I'm coming up with nine diamonds just to keep them safe you know annotate put that in there it's crazy with how little you could get by in Minecraft spend most the rest of my time going Enderman hunting and also you know I'll go I am at Amos three horses okay hey did you grab saddles no I'm getting some sand real quick as well because I would like to just in case we decide to go the potion route we should have glass bottles at the ready okay we've got fifteen diamonds total now nice where do you want this lapis you put it in this chest over here you have actually one over one boob Nobby thing the whole bee is your ally but I was born whoa who put this trash in there what are you talking about blasphemous item get rid of it be gone we only have two actual horse armors then but okay well that's fine that happens time to get horses dropsy could you build a big pen because I think there it's you know not this on a big nefarious baby we got a dirt but just something to put the horsies in easiest race saying Jerome you put that in there no you put that in there ray yeah ray hey don't throw this bad juju on me Sarang out it I don't know what I think drops started lagging in yeah Zilla returned like Zilla king of the streamers there you go drop see wouldn't it be more appropriate carl agra from off you can make a little pen for it bottom take two of our crazy mixtape I really hope we're near by the stronghold the question is do we have to do it the actual work we just do / locate stronghold we're doing it the end it just gets worse and worse and or just like it was already worse [Music] this horse will not be tamed Thank You horse you are a good friend anybody ever watch Hildago whose dog probably what's his name kind of it was a pretty funny play Judas in a bad mood yeah good places grumpy no you're in a bad mood of all people you should know that this is me a good blade if you're not grumpy how come your campus name grumpy yes because John Fay thinks he's funny I didn't name it grumpy get Rosie or Jerome's yeah real dropsy so please why I don't understand if you made us do this and you just like left for the day but you just chilling here watching us play how come you didn't want to play I am playing no you're not hey Nate you're not just playing a different game Oh Baelor I speak grump put it in here okay makin our they're gonna be safe down here um I mean now I'm gonna surround the place and torches so stuff shouldn't at least spawn here so you know well we now have a horse pen with three horses we're really getting pretty much all this stuff done wait why do you need horses they look no cuz it's gonna be a long way probably to the stronghold it could be up to 1500 blocks away I think it and if we're on horses we don't have to worry about food too big right so basically blade why don't you spend a little less time hatin and a little more time hustling a little more time crafting I craft all you craft on the daily dude that's some crazy crafting right there I know when I say something really cringey like that and there's like multiple different stages of dropsies responses but when she doesn't say anything and I know it's extra cringy like that I know I messed up big-time yeah I was just gonna leave it alone there's even a stage versus a sigh but when there's just nothing it's like whoa can we try to explain names to Jerome again who what what's playing memes to Jerome again what's a meme you guys just made me think of a fun party game you just blindfold someone and describe memes to them and have them guess what the meme is I didn't like that because uh I was thinking more of a show format what it's me boy Philippe yeah I'm still no that they can't see the meme accidentally well like you printed it out on a card or something okay I guess that makes more sense who's just like the drops a man you go Enderman hunting yes I'm I'm just doubling up on the house in case creepers X and then we go hunt the Enderman in the meantime ECC's in on momento the question is once we get to the portal right are we gonna wait for Vale to get us full diamond or are we just gonna like go in with what we got and well I think first we go with nothing and we break the crystals one by one no yeah definitely just go and get the crystals then leave and then if we can decide you know well cuz crystals will be a lot easier if we have those and stuff by that point some of them will still have to build up to because they've iron bars around it but okay me and it's just stuff waiting up real quick it's big in the meantime this is a view right behind you okay whoa big fish time look at all these fish yeah come on squid help me out here I heard an explosion I hope that was a diamond chest ouchie okay also I have plenty of food I got a lot of Ross Mammon's weird flex but okay shut up also potatoes growing over there Wow okay failed used to collect pokemon cards I had a holographic Charizard when I was a kid mmm it's not really collecting cards did you collect them or do you just get that one go huh I can make fun of everyone else no I collected a few okay I didn't go hardcore but I co-opted occasionally dropsy I think we should separate and that way we get more spawns yes I heard this way you head that way okay and then I think we make a sheep farm so big and just keep expanding until the crash to the server and then blankets matters [Music] challenge not crashing geez that server are you sure about that yeah bet let me just type in backslash sto p FL one oh my gosh he's surrounded I can no I can't get to be surround by an army oh this is wild so was well-guarded Enderman in the world creeper explode yeah when it go creepers keep it up keep it up I'm actually I'm actually going for it oh my god please Minecraft Monday pay me P skills coming at him oh he's unstoppable unstoppably handsome let's see so I got I killed everything but the big guy right you're close he hurt my feelings and where is all my stuff Harris you go away Spyder I'm not happy with you oh the enema despawn guys no made it all the way back and there's no Enderman no winners I knew that this was going to be the most miserable part yeah it always is everyone is going to be very very stressful um bail any look at those diamonds no would it be too crazy of me do we start utilizing some of those diamonds for some swords for us because but certainly it's getting hard to kill things about so yeah go for it man just hard to kill the Enderman with a stone sword I don't care too much but the armor it's just without the sword it's takes so many hits we might be able to get by with swords and boots cuz I'd like to get feather falling yeah I'm not too concerned I mean we're gonna die a lot but we could probably do it without really good armor like killing the ender dragon that is alright drop see I'm using up some of the stairs and I'm is well they be careful yep ever okay feel free to make us watered if they would like I am very far away good okie mind if you die out there your stuffs gone that's there for five minutes gone forever it's really actually come here slime boy you find a regular slime or you just want yeah nice I don't know why we need slime but it's good leads and things yes so easy and sticky piston well like also make stuff for potions go away he's Gallatin I don't know what you I was rude well he went away I mean if it works I have not seen a single Enderman and I killed one earlier I don't hello slime boy yep no this is not looking good sweet dreams fail we have practically two stacks of lapis if we need it so I'm not gonna like get any more of that okay now I just need to make some more stone picks because I ran through all butterman's nice three of them yes good yes 100 pearls how many enter pros do we want to aim for like they don't always break I mean I think we just get 10 and if it's not enough by like one or two for the portal then we can get that one we're there yeah but 10 will be enough to at least fine fine so we back in the mines I don't know about you Jerome but I've never left the mines so Bale stuck in the mines sanity is swinging side to side lose in my mind oh my god my stuff back very rapidly but it's annoying as the Enderman despawn water a traitor oh wait good what is he s um let me check he's uh yeah he's dead okay oh that I just watched it under Mindy's Oh keep your spirits up guys we can do this we are going to do this fail we are the stream he's right you know mmm ring ring ring ring yes we're a good spot now folks I I can explain I want to hear this yeah what's your explanation so we back in the minds think this thing of Raymond yeah hello farmer do you have anything you're selling hmm Kevin that wandering traitor just died like that that's strange is any way to make them despawn or will they just kind of hang out there what my llama friends I don't think they'll do spawn good they're mine now hurry girlfriend you may have won wheat and you may have won wheat yay llama buddies okay well that part's all done so I think at this point everyone I'm gonna propose a rule it's called the let's not be big dumb rule and I think we just run time set night during the day because otherwise night the Enderman are never going to spawn yes do you have any more ender pearls drops here now I put what I had in it okay so just the what no one yeah so far anyways I made two eyes vendor shy just trying and I'm gonna just try and see if I can make it I bet you I can make it with to me beef it'd be very look mark your coordinates alright / time sir night no point in waiting because literally nothing's gonna happen in the meantime there someone might die another hundred times the llamas what do they drop see I think they're wonderful hold on I'm gonna just hear what maybe I can do this think we have this stuff for it strim imaginary gamers has a very good idea that you should listen to Michael and put it in your lava pit so you don't have to dig your way out of it I just jump on the horse and put it back in yes sir blood tonight I mean it was my idea mm oh I can't Jerome yeah oh wait never mind I can access I'm just kidding but no stop it like oh I'm sure I may need you to do it what do you mean do I need you to put something on one of the Lamas Oh Michael Wolfe yeah I don't know if they're mine or not does it work like that I mean you took them I don't know just cuz I kidnapped them doesn't mean they're mm-hmm you just I just want you to try to put this on it because I like this one okay yeah sorry they don't talk to all wait now he talks to me there you go dropsy did you see it or as it was it was it yes look at it ow why does that skeleton of rapid-fire no going back in the house no we need you out here on the front lines getting ender pearls I had one heart I'd be out in a moment please under men present thyself that their that their that their dad you didn't extra one of these okay I don't I don't want to over get ender pearls cuz watch the dungeon here have like four open slots only needed and then we innovate and waste all that time I might go on the expedition I've never broken three ender pearls on the other one I was gonna say like my thing is more of us breaking them on the way not having too many food portal I've never broken three though I just got a third so I don't know worst comes to worst we just built a new base wherever it breaks and we get a fresh mining area yeah yeah Dale's not wrong you just pack up what we need like the beds and stuff I templates just saw an Enderman I don't know where he went to let me bring this ender pearl back once again to at least four though I'm definitely calling it no yeah all right three one motor one motor one more one more one more I'd recommend going to the desert dropsy and just checking there that's where I keep finding all these in yeah stars running around before please in Derby please show yourself oh I just found two yes nice okay now I got a maneuver hold on there's some husks around them gotta take care of these first it's gonna say to you back up I'm close by the house if you want to come over okay I'll come back to this such a tough challenge I say if you look where the pillager thing is and run towards that you'll you'll just go around it like to the and that's where I'm at you keep cutting out it's hard to hear but I heard the pillager thing and go around yeah go to the right of like face damn right near by it I see you alright now that you're running over I'm gonna start on one there's one right there I see yeah that way now they won't despawn if you die so just take turns dang it you didn't drop one and the other one didn't either ah three man I wish fails mining luck could be a little luckier with those diamonds then we'd be all kitted out wouldn't be fearing anything in the world here's one here's one I'll get this baby is this a is this the direction you explored at the beginning of the episode yes okay so I'm gonna say I'll keep my eyes on them for temples but you would have already found him and your pal another one no I went to eat the raw salmon I threw the ender pearl I'm sorry it was an accident see drop see I need help with this one yeah did you get it nope didn't drop any okay I'm running very low in health I need a scatter a moment yeah I need to get more food on me oh there's another verse I used the bed strap to kill the Ender Dragon is that is that a good strat I mean she have a lot of beds how many beds do you need Oh I assume it's as much damage as TNT Oh God oh jeez how far it is left but don't die die die yeah I have one heart there I barely made it out alive Bing Bing Bing skeleton alright skeleton then I get the other don't 360noscope me oh god I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die good making me a diamond sword real quick please don't they I will not I'm going to take one of these gold chest plates as well tonight everyone saying the bed is an amazing strat is it like are people trolling I can't tell they might be trolling I don't think they are I think they're right I just don't I've never done it do you like stand on top of the pillar and break a bed or sleep in it I mean don't you sleep in it look at the exact moment when they go to attack you or something I mean it's valid if it's right on top of you it's like detonating a TNT right where you're standing without waiting for the time you're saying you need three three to five beds to do it alright well if you see sheep start chopping I guess I mean what is one pretty collective it I have there's three beds in that one chest I have two wool here twenty one string to make marble actually before you do that I'm guessing you already found this temple oh wait oh that's our temple - village desert village uh yeah it goes out right into the water okay you'd designer Gollum over here there's a zombie pigman at our house I aren't Gollum didn't you get the memo you are not allowed of the server you are made of iron you are not allowed this is a no iron let's play oh yeah I don't know if I fit on me anymore yeah my mod flame is saying it's mainly used by speedrunners it is very good alright let's just extra beds cool we already have at least one extra bed and if we get enough wool we'll just keep making beds and I'll say I have four in the chair that's right now not including the one we have on the ground for our house well we need to have three as a respawn point speaking of three three Enderman I'll say if you're close to that village go back to that village and break the beds inside the house yeah good call actually very excellent call but right now I'm healing yes got one saying we don't need to use three four I have another a member I'm waiting by the way gonna try get it we don't need three four outside the portal well why don't we need threats are you playing it safe [Music] I just got back to back ender pearls back found at least one diamonds nice it's been a minute so that's really nice oh one two three four five yeah well five diamonds my dude I'm dead cat bring it home two more over yep yep so with five we can do this I mean we could find the thing I don't know if we should be able to yes okay coming back with those five diamonds because I don't want to lose all right I'm bringing home and they end their perils alright I'm gonna get some more food and I'm gonna go back to that village and get all the beds and then start looking for the thing there's a skeleton in my potato farm I've heard that story before oh yeah no no no no no no no no no no no all right time to go hunt down those bits come on over see well finally you get some use out of you oh my mother's a skeleton inside the horse pen mom what was I doing I don't even remember people asking how did I get diamonds very easily temples and drops also well I think yes you from another temple I should but you know if there's temples huh is and also from there once you get a diamond pick from those diamonds then veil has been mining diamonds using the diamond pick so all those another ender pearl let's go the lux on our side now with it with any short bit of luck maybe that'll be all it needs you never another these portals and if you can come as low as only needing one or two that's like insane luck though but I think it's there anyway bless you hello thank you all right I made it back into town I've come for all you beds oh there was a baby villager sleeping in that bed I just stole it give me your beds yargh I've stolen three beds now I rang the town bell nice thank you for another bed all the villagers are panicking their beds are disappearing before their very eyes it's complete anarchy in villager land welcome to villager land where random baka is just grabs our beds every day break into each others house is now trying to steal each other's beds one of those is standing on top of the other looking at him sleeping like please sir can I have some water beds all right well I I successfully roomed this town yep towns ruined I have probably enough beds for us to beat this put it back to night I'm probably gonna need more enderpearls but so if you see some drops keep slashing them easiest those villagers will tell the tale of the day man rode into town stole all the beds and rode off into the sunset the day which will live in infamy though heard round the world take my horse [Music] dropsy tampa meet more robot there we go come on horse you are almost on there's a witch camping outside of our house here I might die let me add I'm very poison wait where's our ender pearls I mean I surrender Oh yep yeah six is definitely not bad all right um well I guess wish me luck is I go out there and try not to die on this mission with our enderpearls their eyes vendor I wish you luck sir Godspeed I'm gonna turn to daytime here let them in once I'm on the road actually moving then I'll you know do the rest yeah more gold okay you could turn it to nighttime now and I'll let you guys know look warden this when I get there so the first ender pearl exploded that's a great start yep it's good but I know the general direction it has me going so I'm gonna head that way for a very long while and be very conservative with these ender pearls hopefully we don't get hopefully it's not too far away all right so I made it pretty much to the edge of everything until I hit the water so I might have to use a boat you can put the horse in the boat yeah yeah that's true that's true forgot about that update yet we're definitely going boating that is for sure okay all right let's ride this boat out of here how do you get the horse in the boat push it in yeah guys ride the boat into him it's best to like half the boat lake as close to the edge as possible and then you like just nudge the horse into it backing up it of ours all right I'll try that okay come on horse we're gonna have to try to nudge you into the back here he's literally standing on top of the he's just thought he's not budging piercing you can't I'm pretty sure you can he just won't do it drop see uh where you at I am at the ocean oh wait do we not know cuz I died with um I was gonna try to make you a lead but I don't have the slime oh you just see bleats oh we got we got those and I have one on me is that what you believe yeah you can you can write them I didn't know you had a lead on you which I was suggesting trying to the boat did you drag him into the boat no no no I'm saying just drag him behind you that seems kind of girl but okay well I did she's not going in the boat do I have to go super slow or uh you can't go too far ahead of them but you don't have to go slow per se so if you go to photo he's going real quick look at him go say you're just dragging him along just keep an eye on the lead as long as it doesn't get caught on anything at you come on order see that's so cool oh there you go made it across the ocean and we still are gonna be going that way apparently well mr. horse let's a get to going so I have good news oh it's very far away so are we packing up and going for right now or you just schedule yeah find it first I mean we might as well actually right cuz stronghold usually means chests may even find diamonds in there actually to be fair we might as well alrighty um but yeah I don't even know right now I'm traveling northeast I don't know how far away I am but I don't think I could be that far mm-hmm it's going to be very painful nope my horse is sinking all right there we go you hey I'm mushroom by him sounds like pretty rare yeah actually that's pretty cool oh my gosh it's still going how is that possible to be to be fair I don't I don't personally have a problem with as long as I find if you guys just put the stuff your inventory TP I don't personally see an issue with that it just save us like 5-10 minutes of time I understand the fans don't want us to so I don't know we'll leave it up to them I go say I was getting everything together I have most everything on me right now and the cannister riding a horse so I really do need to get slime but after doing that which I know where that is to make a lead oh my gosh the pearls do have I have bought four and we are going back into the ocean I guess let's go to see could you make me leave as well I don't have any slime well I have to go get the slime ah oh no one none of the fans are saying we can't TP I don't think anyone who really cares I think you guys are fine to TP make sure you bring the end and Chapman table though and the Barone East and diamond pick I do I'll pick them up okay so whenever you're there just let us know all right you've got suit there's a underwater ship but I'm afraid is there like drowned in there because if I die it's pretty there can be but it's daytime right now so you should be fine it just still doesn't seem like the best of ideas of course I need you to stay put okay I need to find less ships hot tea goodness all right if you guys want me to I'll do it then I'll read the underwater thing but this seems dangerous I'm going in so where the chest on the abandoned ship but they just like inside right underneath there's two an abandoned ship one underneath and one usually up top all right hot garbage so I found in the first part keep in mind when you're swimming you can just spit through what widen holes and stuff like that can someone run the weather clear all right you said there's two toll right yeah there should be we found two loads and all the times I've done loads of emeralds and some iron Doug's but it's really it you can't really use the iron Doug's alright time to go doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo-doo we're getting I feel like to impossible territory my ex is at 1700 now in this isn't that like not allowed well what the world expansion update I don't know wait to that just I must have passed it because it just went behind me backward yes wait a minute it's a good sign okay so wait okay I think I found the general area around it dang it what I see please oh geez I lost an eye of ender know but I didn't lose lose it it's it's just there this about it okay thank God you guys want to pretty bad place to TP I guess well I mean to be fair if you guys put a thing like if you guys put a boat in your inventory I guess it would be like the worst thing in the world okay let me get I've got a boat on me alright well if you want to TP then okay let me just okay I've got the enchantment table the brewing stand I've got like six or seven Stone picks need any so I think I'm gonna go ahead and run that /tp all right hello okay see ready no was that was I just standing in your boat goodbye house wait dad just go straight down oh dude it's right underneath us did you actually just go straight down drowned drowned oh wait wait will oh my gosh yet it literally is right underneath us what is this alright wait look arrest bond would I there's a pyramid to our left as well need to worry about that alright so rope there's the iodine I was gonna say don't we can't lose this eye of ender no way we just found this alright let's break in oh you don't have to there's an opening follow my name yes I found one of my own openings it's also an Enderman down here did someone get the blaze powder by the way yeah I have just use this area for some good enchants real quick good news I just killed an Enderman and I actually just got a last-second ender pearl from inside the actual strongest self I got another one back to back all right we're gonna start heading towards you I found the library but the chest didn't have anything good luck is starting to go my way everything's turning up millhouse let's see I didn't know they spawn like this this is bizarre I think it's just very rare I don't think he's already been went from okay find a chest with iron in it it's like oh oh it must be the chest my fans are yelling at me about I and all the excitement with the ender pearls I must have missed a chest I was very obvious yeah there's a chest over here but it's crying and that's okay tease it anyways oh ow ow okay going back inside back inside there's drown dude well the good news about it being like this is like okay it's not in this section well let's just try this area so I'm right there is there anything like so I know this is the library but is there not like if you go up can you yeah I think there is so did you guys bother going up in the library or no yeah it's just a chest with paper and things yeah I already tried I just flooded the library there okay well maybe we tried digging down see if maybe there's just a room we haven't seen yet connected but there's also a much like valve you just fly up like oh my gosh like there's so are something not flapping and say if you just swim out of it there's so much dude okay computer now is so not the time to lag yeah there's so much of this that we haven't explored yet bill I dug a little bit and I found some more do I have enough time to swim down and break a hole with a wooden pickaxe no positive oh yeah I'm very certain false but the only problem is I wasn't in my whatever it's called mode where you're like going horizontal while a not in horizontal man mode that's why did it alright I'm into a new area yes and there's a staircase that goes down he's really a good sign except when it does this there's nothing here sees someone nearby me Oh drummer you went oh no you belly you're in here hello here at staircase over here what oh yes Oh our boots whoa staircase yeah we are definitely all connected down here over yes sir well it looks cool talk about a complete maze it's a heart of an underwater ravine this is the strangest spine I've ever seen that may be why it's so glitchy is that just this yeah iron dang it no wrong way wrong way mine were there stone oh my god oh my gosh oh my gosh what a nightmare of a room I'm gonna push the button and let him in one at a time you're dead what'd you get for being trash next come on in here skeletons found a deeper part these are strongholds normally this huge food snot sure yeah I'm a little bit lost drop see where did you go after me trying to dig through the wall back upstairs this is painful we could explore the area with the ravine yeah it's not the worst idea except that you might drown because it drags you to the bottom of the floor you can flit against it I drop see hello I almost broke that block you want to do you want to get that jump at the same time um I can't I under the door and I can't move into you because there's collision but you can't no mind the block just thank you there you go thank you the hell good thinking pal that's just uh that's the old staircase I think yeah it looks like someone already been here there's probably something down here we can find you guys have a pickaxe you can toss at me yeah I've got plenty I found the entrance into the ravine where are you I see your name's it's a very interesting entrance to the ravine here's two stone axes back up I'll say yeah you're picking them up again there you go let's go ahead and okay I think I said not good I found the area I think I want to do my my next bit of exploration in come on break it apart break it apart it's not a bad idea they're right I said just tear the place apart I know you didn't I did okay okay wait wait wait wait before before there's people right here I literally I might I looked over and I was like I don't see a way into this place I'm just gonna mine in that's why I needed the pickaxe from Vail and I mind into it yes nice so you want the bad news of the bad news I already saw the bad news you can tell Vail okay not enough eyes over there yeah I got two ender pearls on me I need those blades powders though so let's start setting up our base here yeah let's get rid of these some fish though yeah it's our home clear out this lava a little cuz we still need that below it we need a lava blue it really yeah I don't think it works oh my god yes there's a lot of them hey there's even farther down thanks to there's so many of them like they're actually overwhelming mortis came in through this door here geez fail help us out here we're gonna bug problem I just don't want to hit you with this diamond sorry not it's fine just look down I think the situation is almost under control here goodness alright is this all blocked in yeah I'm gonna get rid of the waterspouts here glad we have our new home goodness sorry what is there's more why did that happen what what happened there was like a mini flood for a moment and I've know where it came from Oh though I dug into the wall there I was just trying to get some building blocks to fix up the rest of it okay um alright this is our home now so who's got the chests and stuff like that one second I have the enchanting table alright put it down do you not have any chests I didn't bring any chest I have three do you have more wood for wood as in plank sir Oh like I have or I have three planks fours enough to make a single crafting table we don't oh you're putting okay okay yeah can I at least put down one of these don't pass me little blazer I respawn please they bind you thank you I hear more silverfish which is just so triggering alright well one thing to do and demon friendiy man I'll get him I don't think this makes a difference because it's dark but just in case it but it's a nighttime um yes this is big brain time I found the library there's a lot of wood here so oh yeah that'll work yes if we need it's good to know we're not in doomed wait that's where I broke through there so do you realize how close to the entrance of where we happen to start this was if this is all well it's all really close to the library well so we were actually very closer off the jump good fine drew up see you thank you thank you okay I'm gonna try digging down a bit good luck we're all ready I'm not finding any mob spawns there is also the other solution one of us can go back to the mainland I was gonna say I'm above ground right now oh you're not even down here no oh okay I might do that then - someone said well I don't think we have the enchanting levels for it but someone said we can put our enchantment table in the library for better odds but I don't think what I do a range of levels that's driving up 14 levels our powers combined though I think the better way to spend it would be to just do a couple like ones and twos all right I'm going topside I'm not gonna lie I'm very afraid that I'm going to die on the land but I guess I know exactly where it would be if I did so yeah we only need four more I think it is so for more ender pearls oh I found two underman nice I actually found you oh there's more Enderman drops there's one of your hard-luck never mind he was there yes he was definitely there all right let's get it is jeez oh my gosh that lag why why why how are you faring over there goodness I'm doing fine there's a creeper for a moment and now there's like 15 zombies but they're spread out on some gold we can use it to heal I've been mining to try and see if this place had better luck with diamonds but no such luck well good news I have 12 arrows so I'll help us take out the thingies the crystals plus someone needs to stay here so you guys can TP back well he wrote down the chords okay one dead one ender pearl quote all the way there oh no baby zombie oh my gosh Jerome you need to pick up that stuff I killed him you get to see Peter me know yeah but I'm just saying like there you go I stole some of your bread that's fine did you get a pearl out of it I have just wanted her pearl not from that second and put bread and my I like a slate potatoes now there's a lot going on behind you oh there's another one over here alright good and there's zombies and things hold on alright good actually to be fair Vale if you want to teach me to us and help on the land here sure Galen because we have the positioning yep cuz you could keep the pasta right I mean you can just do teepee coordinates - yeah it works uh Enderman bug out during the rain so I think we need I still don't get why minecraft doesn't get rid of this I think silent and there pearls is probably the most tedious boring part of the entire game I says every time I do one of these challenges to say well yeah cuz you're not wrong oh yeah if there were another way to do it I don't think it would be as bad you should just say it's the only way to do it [Music] food's gonna be a big problem for me soon I have a whole stack potatoes on me they're not coat sadly zsu well it's good to know we at least have food for the inner dragon then try my best not to die out here okay dang it well no please I got the shot by a skeleton I think that knocked me off my cords are mm nice what I was just talking about to recover my loot cuz it had the diamond pickaxe in there that's what I'm saying teleport to the courts okay it's a sign that that we are going to win oh I see I see well this is not daytime what do we like to change it back to night yes this is just ridiculous you only have one eye of ender out of the four it's best to keep separate veils for yeah I know I just wasn't really running into anything good over there that's good I got enough wool that we could spawn in another bed I found eggs that's that's exciting Peg's hello pigs Enderman come out please I don't know what's going on but I don't see any Enderman same time but it did see some doshas that I contained that make this a bit easier I got two wolves but I shake too good might be dead I just turn around there's God Oh more wolves two of them hello dogs I have two new replacement dogs oh my god there's so many skeletons spider jockey hey you're kind of rare I got a bunch of meat that we can cook up as well so that's good do we have a furnace though no I mean I don't think we can mine inside the dungeon I guess to get that well I've got plenty of cobblestone so if you make a crafting table I can make you a first village also is it still in that time I don't know Excel vision on yes it is still night time I just stopped killing me for a second find anything good in that village there was a brewing stand which I didn't even know they could happen a spawn there but now I'll be honest the village sounds amazing right now because I have two hearts so uh eat some food yeah hmm yeah now this village doesn't really do me any good except I guess it gives me a place where I can quickly cook up some food so that's what I'm doing right now however I guess that also would imply that I had food Arthur had coal or a wood source there we go I just found a chest full of potatoes nice good goes up yeah drops he has a bunch of potatoes already she had a stack I'm pretty sure she said but it does not hurt to have for the future will on two three okay stone pick stone hatchet shouldn't be this much harder here I got a stone hatchet now good alright guys I think work I have a feeling we're gonna be alright now it's a hunch but I feel it speaker knit back to nighttime enjoy let's have some actual steak now so that's good some real food is that an Enderman no you see one yeah we have it has we haven't seen ones for mile oh you both see one good it's beginning to lose faith that they existed three more ender pearls I got another pearl yes yes yes two more started raining already spawned it well they just teleport a lot so there could still be one nearby me but well Vale good job buddy just need two more now bell buddy good night Annie and Amanda Birla's safe okay I found some coal okay well guys I don't know what I'm doing wrong thank you finally Enderman like I don't know what I was doing wrong but I have not I generally didn't find any man for like ten minutes I don't think that's an exaggeration I think genuinely had been near 12 it was a whole night cycle then yeah got one nice war yep I seen Enderman come on give us that last ender pearl Mojang redo your game get rid of the Enderman portion I think better luck in scramble craft oh my gosh don't lag on me now No oh my gosh okay I got good news and bad news gentlemen the ladies yeah there we go good news only got him all right we got the ender pearl boys the bad news is almost that a creeper almost blew it up okay yeah so if you scroll through the in-game chat I typed in the coordinates earlier you can just yeah well we're back oh goodness oh stop veil can you pass me that ender pearl yes here you go do you happen to grab some wood while you're up there yes sir okay cool let's start cooking some stuff there it is dramatic okay so do you have something better than potatoes to cook I got wrong I got raw meat in this chest so just peel through that okay cuz I don't want to waste the coal on potatoes not important items just throwing the fire down here I recommend everyone sleep now when the screen stops fading that's when you know the spawn isn't okay what I would also recommend is really quick don't even bother with so what we need is someone who will get oh yeah I'll sleep there now but they'll whatever you're good so one's gonna have to stay behind and get a bunch of building blocks for us because someone should probably just be building up to the tops of all the towers in breaking las I've already got like eight stacks of cobblestone on me all right we'll pass them here so well as gonna say as no one should bring any weapons besides a bow for a bow and arrows to build up right besides that no one to break the iron what iron Oh sometimes it does have iron bars iron bars I have some spares you might be able to just jump over it Joran team that you're dying in that moment can someone give me blue pickles I have seventeen levels and before I go I might as well in chant this stuff and then who has the other diamonds I do let me trade them out there they're in the chest ago they're in the chest okay does everyone have a diamond sword no I've got a sword you don't drop see okay so we gotta make one diamond sword and then we'll see how these things divvy up after that point okay so one diamond sword there you go now we have 14 left we can make a chest plate and a helmet we can do two pairs leggings two pairs of leggings my works we have a bunch of gold chest plates yeah say I have an extra one our next two on me all right all in favor of two leggings yeah bit put the diamond pickaxe up there before you lose all your levels I'd recommend and chanting some stuff I'm gonna enchant the diamond leggings for y'all um yep brought one one all right we got prot one and prot one make bows and a chant those and feel free this doesn't have to be at the same time like we're gonna die a lot so people get to start and pile it in there whenever you're ready I'm just making a minute so we need to build him watch again I took some already thank you we're gonna need a lot of them though I I've got one two three four five six seven full stacks of stone okay well I'm gonna go run in there and see what we're exactly up against I said I'm not at least for the first couple times I I'm not bringing any anything except for a pickaxe and sixty-four cobblestone please just put them in the chest and I put two Stone picks in there as well all right Lay's do it dad I've got got a I need to throw some useless items away I'm gonna use my life here to take out one of the hard ones I'm gonna go straight for the iron one first there's two of the iron ones though so this is just part of the puzzle here which one are you going for yeah once you get through you'll see the pattern I dug I went to the right yep I see you all right I'll go for a different one oh I see another anyone I'll go for that please please please oh my gosh broke it nice let's go I might be able to get multiple lives out of this run let's see oh man oh man trying to make sure I don't have anything crazy on me whenever I go in here are there any other iron ones or just that other one drops that you're going for uh I don't know oof okay yep big is that uh I don't know you guys I got it yeah I got it very good success I could punch it through the iron bars alright thing that sucks is you have to like look down or else you risk looking at an in terment I think I'm ho I survived and half a heart that was lucky goodness that's good though it doesn't matter I'm gonna dock no I got me okay okay okay I'm just gonna work backwards from the one does that okay time to risk it for the biscuit you're gonna die a lot don't worry bail yeah yeah I'm not worried about that I'm worried about losing important stuff but don't bring it what important stuff did you bring nothing really I was just worried it's like normal minecraft stuff I'd find valuable like emeralds okay oh that's like oh god if I fail did you not get the memo or not know about this time all right one down well I guess that's a third one down I'll say I just got another one - that's enough I'll go for this one I'm going for a tallboy Oh God enough what's your on top i way you can build up on a crawler e oh yeah I broke another one as well all right there's only two left has anyone gotten the super super tall one that I'm building across - no that's that's one of the two left and then the one right beside it dragon please leave me alone got it I'm gonna die probably but yeah that's fine no whatever okay got it is that all of them that's all all right well then I'd recommend we die and we come back with some armor and oh actually the beds will kill us won't they yes so let's try and not that I guess for now right yep I'm gonna let him kill me and so he can't heal at all right I know it's a dumb question but one time I was playing yeah okay love out of arrows but I grabbed a bed there goes nothing everyone's me make sure your pose enchanted by the way Vale is it when you're doing because we have limited arrows so if you're gonna use it showed yeah I did cool it's enchanted I just don't have any arrows anymore so is it the moment I put it down at the moment I sleep in the bed it's sleep in it okay so should I put it down here and then wait for him to just fly into me see where he stops yeah I just put it down it's like I feel like we have to be somewhat close to him so if anything it'd be best to stay around the bedrock area because that's where he pauses a lot yep I'm right next to it so come on down and Oh dragon yeah that's what I'm waiting for him to make a little pit stop just make sure to stay out of the dragon's breath fail do you want to be the arrow man yeah if you can bring some to me I've got a power bow okay next time I die no under man why won't he land does he just confuses too many of us the keys just confused well I guess drop see oh can you bring some arrows for the veil man there's six in here I should they're not 16 I personally had double digits [Music] all right of Eros where are you at doodle we're gonna ledger oh we're by the pink bed okay here's some arrows don't look at the Enderman now do not look at him land land come on he's not making it easy for me to hit him well say just you have to wait till he's yes trying to bide my time come here mr. dragon am I going right why why do you think I love me mr. dragon why do you love me wait wait got him with your I don't think I did it in time I think I did it just you got a power one I got extra power one bows but I guess only one of us is got a sentiment arrows anyways so all right let me try do that one more time you can pick up the aerials that see you like that ones coming back down doc shouldn't sit you in the face there you go pick it up and there's one over there that landed I didn't even look at you I'm just got him here you go mr. Vail you must safeguard this with your life on mistakes are real now with the diamond sword okay I've got 13 more arrows dumbass dressed are you taking the egg not a chance we're hitting the stop stream button as soon as this thing is dead oh man okay oh he's flying close nice hit nice hit nice hitting there you go wait might be coming no I thought it was coming from me there come on not landing I don't understand hey I've only got seven more arrows they just don't like you [Music] come at me straight on Oh is he about to come down nope so all I have to do is just just right-click it at the right time right yes no he wasn't even that close to me dude how will the bed still up there at least I think I'm fortunately avail you might have to tower up there even if you're not bed straddling just to hit him with a sword why what are you laying I don't know they were saying he doesn't land to lose that a certain health really fairly annoying this is my last arrow there nothing I need to pick up I've been hitting a lot of them nevermind he actually destroyed the bed I had here hi though I want to see a magic trick yeah great great a magic trick well I survived I landed on the bed I didn't know I thought you were just trying no no you you land on the bed and it doesn't kill you okay fine this last time I show you magic oh the stuff I just picked up yes okay I have an arrow for you I trade ok Diamond leggings and a sword sword yeah here you go yeah I found that wait where's the building blocks oh stack of 64 cobblestone there you go okay this is your one shot do not miss your chance to flow this opportunity comes with a lifetime yo you're close enough we don't understand okay I hit him but now I'm out of arrows right so what's like how far or why does he have to be per to explode but they a bit like TNT a distance I'm scared it's coming for you drop see I did it they do damage huh what's your chilled by intentional game design oh my gosh that's what it says you were killed by dead that's pretty funny actually did I do a lot of damage yeah I guess not too much did I not too much but you did damage that's what matters how does speedrunners do this we're kind of out of building blocks I've got some on me you have some yeah I've got 64 diorite and 59 dire right and 64 cobblestone just calm down dick up down here you're here yeah thank you wish we had more arrows he probably needs to be at half health and he's so close yeah because once he starts landing then it's just literally a matter of time but until then it's a matter of raw talent coming towards you here oh yeah you better be or she better be I should say oh no they're mad at me oh come on come on come on oh I thought he was gonna latch you were nowhere near me did you see that yeah that was ridiculous we fail you have so many blocks on you by now is my job for the whole street but now I'm built almost a complete staircase back up here do them he doesn't knock dog dad you have my stuff drops here well I'm right by it I didn't pick it up okay this time let's not make the mistake of looking at the Internet I just want building blocks please of course of course first lady we don't need your support in chat you abandoned us come here Andy thank you no problemo dude come on come on just try and drill me drink how do the speedrunners do it cuz surely they don't wait this long no you can be mine crafted in like less than fifteen minutes or something what am I doing wrong here maybe you should call it names dropsy is coming for ya okay I'm at a good spot now I needed to find the height come on Freddie drops he's locked got him they do a lot o he's less than half oh yes gives you si si si si says ok ok ok I'm running back to get my stuff and he should sternly anything now I did the thing with my mind [Laughter] you used your mind powers to explore the bed do you have more building blocks I have 44 on me yes but I actually built a staircase for you thank you sir were you reading all the comments are you yelling at me to do that oh yes I was I was sad you stupid dragon what is even happening right now you're supposed to go right here and then you do the dragon wha x3 x3 who needs food he's just circling my tower now I'm upset well he just leveled part of it too just because he could really come on in a dragon I want to go to Buffalo Wild Wings already wait four hours just lay it right here plant it right here listen you giant nerd oh I have never once heard Vail use a bad word like that yeah I'm sorry I would wash my mouth out with soap I'm sorry I'm gonna make a 10-minute apology video on YouTube about guys I called someone a bad name and I'm really sorry so how far into the future is it until someone has to make a pub a seriously a public apology because they insulted in AI artificial intelligence or a robot how far the features you think ten you I will never apologize to a robot I'm gonna go on record and say right now yes that's the proper response Oh No endermans trying to climb up here now come on walk onto me don't be a coward don't be a coward you flip that you flip around right now uuuuuugh flip that big old caboose around right now oh that's it nailed them doesn't make them land I swear how much did I do they do a lot that time oh I'm getting pretty good okay I'm very good at that getting all those beds from the village was a great suggestion thank you I don't know who suggested in chat but thank you fence Thank You Bacchus good good suggest Oh someone else got a new bed up there new bed this land I picked one up earlier I figured I'd try it fail can you drop some of your building blocks down here so I can build it up to dropsies tower then we have two towers four beds yes I see you sir Kobe who's uh who's that new phone who dis I'm havin to deal with this weird Enderman he's trying his best to just teleport up here there we go all right we got two beds now I've never seen an inner dragon Neverland honestly the only times it did this was towards the end of last year slash beginning of this year like January December I did a similar challenge and I think I just rage quit cuz I was just so mad I was like this is dumb he just won't land Sarna this is like their new purposeful game designer if it's just buggy er well I know eat lands that's why I'm so confused alright oh my gosh Enderman I wasn't even looking at you they really don't like you I don't like them either so it's fine it's mutual oh I thought it was but to be you light it for me yes yes nice got him oh God we're running out of beds by the way so uh hope you land soon make sure you get that diamond sword cuz we ran out of beds that's their only hope could you imagine if Enderman could pick up your sword like zombies he'll be terrifying so how's everybody's day been good so far man I've been spending it with you guys so it's been pretty great ah yay I fell how does he expect to do this well mr. bleach is doing very good thank you are you like fixing it no problem Egon yeah yeah land there's one bed left by the way and we can't use our respawn bed for very obvious reasons I tried sleeping on that one before dropsy I don't know if I just did it wrong or if I needed an empty hand Union empty hand oh I have a bed on me so we're good and there's a bed down there oh yeah good point good point good points if I just had a few more arrows wonder why he keeps getting mad at specifically me Oh nice yeah Oh chipping away chipping away I'd appreciate it if this fire would not kill me oh come on come on nice it's so close so close I hope that fire didn't get rid of my diamond sword even if he's not one more bed worth we could punch him to death even like at this point to look them in the eye I try for some reason didn't die I couldn't die that time I didn't and guy with armor on we think it is like a TNT explosion come on I'll put you to death I don't care okay well I hit him Cooper punches and gets the dragon I have one last bed you have okay Kay Kay please put the Enderdragon in a bucket that'll show him you're right jack this is break it and some stone bricks on me I alright you've got way better timing than I do for that I was just good at shooting arrows lava stone more lava stone and Chad said I'm bored Brook took you three hours to figure that out well you can leave on the final punch if that's what you want pal otherwise you're stuck here oh he's pooping he's pooping he's pooping yes yes yes lemon lemon oh my god yes yes Josh goodbye should I hear the headset throat
Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 567,112
Rating: 4.8307495 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, JeromeASF, youtuber, modded, mod, minigame, custom, challenge, mod pack, hilarious gameplay, funny moments, how to, minecraft mod, roleplay, minecraft roleplay, pranking, prank, trolling, troll, mods, gameplay, tutorial, parody, no swearing, no cursing, animation, lets play, xbox, mini-games, mini games, showcase, minecraft animation, custom map, traps, funny, 1.12, playthrough, comedy, family friendly, villains, superhero, super hero, super villain
Id: O9i1AVJlkrs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 175min 30sec (10530 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 07 2019
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