Minecraft But We Can ONLY Loot Shipwrecks

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welcome welcome everybody to yet another amazing challenge today we're gonna try to beat minecraft except only by looting different structures now the main focus is going to be to loot shipwrecks which we found an amazing seed that believe it or not actually has a shipwreck in the middle of the village which is really cool at least I think so anyway um so we're gonna go ahead loot those up however we're not gonna restrict ourselves to only looting those we agreed on it beforehand so if we see like a pyramid will loot it the intent though is just to try our best to only really loot shipwrecks we're gonna then from there try and beat all of Minecraft so it should be a bit of a challenge but yes myself dropsy Steven Vale apart from that obviously mining of any kind is just off-limits that's it so yeah that's all we got oh let's get some loot near having some fun let's go so can I chop this tree down well yeah but wait guys look underneath it that's a floating island nice is that a thing is so cool is that supposed wait it's just a monocle what I have an announcement I have an announcement yeah so remember seeing this this is actually topical recently they announced that incoming updates to Minecraft yeah there's going to be a character creator oh I did see that you're gonna be able to adjust like your hair and got it there's gonna be good news guys okay I got four iron ingots so we can make two iron swords nice ooh boat and I'm gonna go find shipwrecks bye bye I like it Steve I like it Vale do you want to be our designated Enderman hunters so we don't have a ten hour long stream dude I'm gonna kill all the Enderman no more internet in Minecraft that's the attitude you like no there you are Buzz Lightyear and Beyond found a turtle alright there we go one for you one for you all right now our job is going to be looting village blacksmith area in order to get obsidian they usually have obsidian there and then that way we can get to the nether and in the meantime Steven dropsy and I are going to try and get iron and diamonds from what about this underground temple you found wait you found an underground underwater temple OC temple they usually have gold unless that change in a recent update I think this is a temple this might not be a temple oh I would like to clarify one big thing before people yell at me obviously when we're going to find the end dungeon we I'm not breaking the stone by hand to get that we're gonna mine there yeah fair reasonable I'm not doing it I'm not I'm not really in there you know what if we can then fine deal if we can find the deity like that cool village yeah but unfortunately I didn't see a blacksmith house did any of you I haven't seen one yet so we might be out of luck no obsidian village might have a lot of bends no he's right we should get some beds uh steal all the beds get the beds no more sleeping that's mine no you I'm going for it this is a robbery give me all your bed villagers I've got a buried treasure map you didn't yeah buried treasure will give you diamonds and things like that if we find it really nice ooh I've actually never Wow okay I've never gotten that before a battery treasure I've never done one anyway I had just picked up that bit you want to do one's room I mean I'll give you my treasure chest man I kind of do want to do one yeah really to treasure maps commas digging in mining no no it is a very loosey-goosey challenge like we're not gonna set a Guinness World Record we're not here to play semantics we're just having fun in the craft I got emeralds I am now running off into the distance to kill the Enderman drowning yeah I got a coral reef let's go mean Steve are hunting for a shipwreck I mean I'm gonna take us to land I'm gonna give you the map and then I'll let you you drive us I also have you some leather boots that I got out of that shipwreck nice and by the way Vail don't forget it's time east this time for in there man thank you let's read the map there we go okay so we're on this island and we're supposed to be on that island okay no really is it that close I think it is I hadn't even taken a look at it yeah I think it's actually like really close I got you a poisonous potato germ do you want that yeah actually that'll taste very good oh well I threw it okay I got an extra don't worry it's back up I have yet to see any underman okay so there's supposed to be a buried treasure here Steve yah a buried treasure yeah yeah how do we know where it is do we have to dig for it yeah I was coming for your map there's an X and you just dig around that area it'll just be a single chest and there'll be stuff in it technically in the water yeah it'll be like encased in sand my fists we someone stole our boat Steve what is that that's nonsense can I just stare at the coral reef oh it's pretty ain't it sure all right Steve technically speaking to be in the middle of the X is like right here okay well we got company coming and I don't have a sword yet hey creeper oh I hate that oh no veil oh I'm a poisoned fish you guys drop so did you pick up all the beds in that town before leaving yes sir I got like five they soon how far down do you have to dig in order to get a chest usually I'm never gonna be sure you're looking in the right spot your home Oh God swim whoo I think this is quite Harold I'll give you the map I think that that is literally like dead center there's a lot of monsters myself there's too many okay all right Steve I can give you the map if you want maybe you'll have a different interpretation than my own but I see okay give it a look-see is it where the point is the X ya know like the point of your what blob is you I know that the white like in you yeah but is it tip over what do you mean well it's like a arrow it's kind of pointed at the top right yeah well the arrow points whichever direction you're facing but if you're trying to find where directly face the map north and that's the direction you need to head so like if you're at the top left corner of the map you need to head southeast you're hurting my brain all the maps face north use that to find the direction you need to go that's what I was asking but okay but I already answered that one the what arrow thing it points whichever way you're facing once you're on the map if you're not on the map it's just a little blob because you're not in that chunk or whatever deeper right on top of it I don't even know what you're asking but it's here it's here I promise what I was asking yeah you know it's it's too difficult we're just dig dig all day and we dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig cuz all I do is dig dig dig no matter what this treasure map is I thought that was true I was like you found it okay I got another ender pearl all right Steve if you want to keep on dating I'm going out and I'm gonna go look for more shipwrecks can you find diamonds on shipwrecks yeah that's what I just did nice yeah I think this stupid buried treasure is a lost cause what do you mean well it's underwater so he can't get to it what I got it I made an iron shovel I use our only ingot I have nuggets so I can make a couple more oh yeah be fair actually do you have yeah can it be under cobblestone because if so then we definitely are gonna be able to get to it no it'll be in the sand area hmm Steve this is getting ridiculous I know crazy it's like totally right here I don't I don't understand I think unfortunately I think it's all the way out here I think it's right here just straight down you think yeah yes hello drowned don't mind me well Steve if you want the iron shovel and to keep on doing the thing no I think we're just wasting our time at this point in time yeah this is not working so we've dug up this entire beachside I'm taking my boat back okay keep your eye on everyone for villages as well once again we need the obsidian in them stupid buried treasure map and there's a village or is that our age wait I don't think that's our village been away for Island I just don't feel like I'm going shipwreck hunting I found one shipwreck in the middle of it again Oh welcome back Oh God oh no veil hey I got another buried treasure map trim you're dead nice we are never going to do that oh my goodness all right let's check this buried treasure map how far away are you you're never far it's usually within your like render distance well while we're dividing and conquering I'm gonna try and find a mainland so that I could be the guy that gets us the village I guess jeez I'm getting pretty far away from home to be honest yeah I'm about to get farther away from home myself hmm how do we well I mean I don't really know where home is anymore okay I was about to say it didn't seem like we were doing super good but then it look at the time or slime in 13 minutes yeah we were here for like 30 minutes already I was like we're really having a rough go of it through II why don't we do these challenges why don't we always have someone on enderpearl duty because vales got three of them already which normally would take like yeah take the 15 minutes but I don't know I just feel like it's gonna save us so much time where my boat go I got really lucky and I died a lot I keep getting all this leather gear and it's like I don't need you leather if I find another treasure map guys I'll try it I think that last one was just blog now yeah man I don't know what the deal with that last one was like what I spot her in my stream chat said Buzz Lightyear to the shipwrecks and the Drowned feed the Dolphins raw fish and the lead you to hidden treasure oh you're actually not wrong I forgot about that great are you for serious yeah pretty cool that is pretty cool um there's some sheep I might kill them to make more beds oh wait uh I was just running around trying to find some stuff but I think I might have found another village nice for reals for realsies Bale MVP today all right over to you yeah I'm a swimming right now at the time I was like that I like swimming and now I'm swimming well let me know when you're there I'm gonna keep on searching this island moving on hope I didn't just pull a massive circle I might have just done a massive circle I would believe that well by the way guys new skin comes out tomorrow or Monday I might go back to baka for a bit I found the dolphin Oh give him raw fish I don't have any real fish alarm on that village thing what how do you miss see a village this is the same village I started in Derman job see you have been saying much any luck on your end yeah I've just been going across different shipwrecks I have a buncha ingots diamonds emeralds I've got in leather armor with enchantments on them which I think we can disenchant if we find a village with the grindstone nice if we get like I mean we should be able to do this pretty easily I think what is that what kind of you I now have books lets me find island there's a turtle no the Drowned cute the drought destroyed my boat my boat ooh big oof now I'm stuck out in the ocean I don't know they could do that I didn't either hey sure it's not you can pick it back up again put it back down it got hit with a trident blow it up I think so I'm stuck at sea how / kill if you want to TP to me Steve I'm on a big I don't want to call nylon I think I might like the mainland I'm just about to land I think I'll be okay I made it to land we're good here I am I need to go that way okay oh hey the boat just went into my inventory that's funny nice funny how that works doesn't it oh I think I'm finished did I find a shipwreck good work buddy they're pretty common so they are actually kind of common now which is good for us okay I have one bed I have nine walls I can make three additional beds for combating the ender dragon okay oh I'm so irritated I just followed a treasure map all the way back to the previous treasure location that Jerome and I were at it's a sign Steve know all of I've gotten three treasure maps and they all send me right back to the same location I'm out of here Oh Mesa biome there's a lot of abandoned mine shafts and chests and stuff in there oh very fair steam tabs I just like back yeah it happened to me too okay nothing good in that shipwreck just some carrots cause a pirate is free here that's all I know the song wonderful wizard of oz because yeah pretty much spot-on what happened here everything you tried minecraft I just don't think this is what you were going for the region's messed up and there it is got a chest come on diamonds pumpkins how'd you know that's my favorite okay we got seeds for days now yeah I just need to make landfall so I can kill some Enderman that a nice head to the left drop see what left no okay hmm yeah guys I'm not gonna lie I'm not really seeing much of anything out here this is a barren wasteland what are you looking for a village for again because they the blacksmith's have obsidian ah yes my said the time set night so we can help bail out with those yeah ender pearls nice ooh it's time to kill do we need samples if this is the same village I'm just punch myself in the face Wow cuz like I've been rowing for a while have you changed directions yes but back where you start is if you're like constantly holding down the left or something it was like I may have gotten turned around when my boat started doing donuts some pretty bad luck in terms of random spawning for like villages or anything really yeah okay I've come across like five shipwrecks I hold on let me look at me a venturi I have a bunch of beds I have 13 emeralds one diamond five gold ingots seventeen iron ingots 25 Nuggets I have enchanting enchanted armor uh I have a lot of things are you guys okay no okay thank you thank you taking Wolf for a $5 dream tip he just graduated from basic training in July well thank you so much for your service and thank you for the $5 stream tip pal and best of luck in the military oh I just got another ender pearl [Music] all right I'm going on land guys ambi Vale is the hero we need but not but I was born in it buy it alright mr. Sam be let me get this treasure and then you okay dropsy finally let's go I found a buried treasure I just need to actually get the sand off the top of it now but there's zombies everywhere and thank you for another $5 tip here come on from taking wolf thank you taking wolf fur to their $5 stream tip and thank you for your service as I said and I really am sorry to hear about everything you went through but it makes me happy to know we could be there for you during a hard time that's you know why we do what we do so so thank you thank you for stopping by and saying the kind words Thank You Blake Perry for a $5 stream tip heard I'm in a desert so maybe I'll get lucky enough to hit a desert what's up there I'm tp'ing to you cuz you're in a good biome for Enderman guys three diamonds iron boots two iron swords and three iron nice drone guess what what you found I found TNT in some Perry treasure if we can do just need to keep finding [Laughter] oh no baby zombies No it was heavily guarded with two armed skeletons out front is that another blacksmith that'd be so cool this town happened to have two blacksmiths I mean anything's really possible and it is come on iron helmet I have almost a full set of iron here now nice remember if you find a village steal the beds yes in the ocean this is my home well I bad news everyone there is no don't say well there's no obsidian and these unfortunately Enderman you dope thank you for your beds thank you for the high iron going I'm here to steal all your villagers beds oh this house had two beds in it I got a Golden Apple nice come on give me something useful it's another in their parole Wow yeah I did not get hardly anything from this desert temple really yeah I got a bunch of string and enchanted golden apple and feather falling that's it another Enderman yes yes I have a tremendous amount of beds now good beds are useful oh yes to kill you keep up the good work I found an Enderman more so a meme I didn't realize until very recently that like using the beds was actually a good strategy to kill the Ender Dragon Julie Powell is one of the beds for it sounds insane but if you sleep in a bed in the end it explodes and when the inner dragon comes to hit you if you sleep in at the exact moment when he's about to attack you you'll do a substantial amount of damage it sounds ridiculous but it's true it's like tea and tea but without the timer yeah you die with it but your armor you might not die oh really yeah let me call the sindermann oh you got it you don't need me just kidding I'm here don't worry yeah where'd he go you spooby scary there is teamwork it makes the dream work does it is that how that works yeah that's not a phrase yes I don't know if it actually works yeah to be determined that's a witch staying far away from that Oh an Enderman I hate the nighttime wait the gaming spine oh hey don't worry about it pal have a good night of rest and hopefully you'll have some time maybe tomorrow to uh to watch the rest of the stream rest up my friend rest up rise up gamers no its rest up gamers rest up gamers get the rest that shirt is a witch's Hut actually have blaze powder in it you imagine we just don't even go to the nether that is pretty funny no problem is how infrequent witches huts are not if we find a swamp biome I am in a swamp how funny would it be if we all were in the same one I doubt it I'm very far away I'm literally at two thousand by negative two thousand me too actually no that would have been hilarious I'm at 902 by 1500 not see any witch's huts around here drop see how many diamonds and I earned I only have one diamond but I have twenty-one emeralds in 26 iron so if anything we can do some trading with villagers well I found a shipwreck on land again in vanilla minecraft and this seed has two of them so strange or am I just I've seen one like partially on land but not just like the whole ship I mean this thing is it's ingrained in the land I actually have to its come as they're saying yeah it's filled with sand so I have to dig it out but yeah that's so weird yeah this is a very strange scenario I found myself in that's a weird chest a bunch of wheat and colon stuff is there two or three there's three chests on one of these right uh depending on the size of the ships I'm up to okay I have no idea the size of this ship I do know though that my shuffles gonna break in a second here I have six emeralds I've got four emeralds bless you we've been blessed it's all it's all good now please give us the good luck he's the best look thanks for blessing us dropsy yeah I found like three dollars would you guys ever go swimming with dolphins in real life yeah really yeah I'm not like not even at like SeaWorld - there was one day uh what beach from yet it was on the west coast of Florida and we were just out like in the water and there was just wild dolphins swimming around this yeah why would you know it was pretty cool what's your reasoning oh you would do it - yeah I was just asking okay I would definitely do it like no I only have cooked fish I'm sorry you guys can hang out Oh all right we're going this way I to pet dolphins what yeah they're just calling feel like drops I'm having a completely different experience than we are yeah we're out here like struggling to get food she's like oh yeah you know I've already got don't worry a bunch of wheat potatoes slammin salmon I'm just gonna just left the game yeah my boat is just gone it's visual glitching on it keeps doing that that's weird dolphins well that's why I exploded tried it I told you I was terrifying I'm just sitting there minding my own business and then a tried flew out of nowhere and another shipwreck hey I found a shipwreck underwater nice nice hey let me out of the boat hey I found the UH I found the desert well what oh that means there's a village nearby just do it do it do it oh hopefully do it they'll you got this buddy I'm trying to find time to go looting I don't like that you glitch when you stand on top of boats yeah oh my gosh what what what uh I just got about 15 ironing it's from a single chest on a ship well that's nice ooh that is handy I have 23 total ironing it's now what just happened wait a minute I just found a village in a savanna biome nice there's different themed ones check the place buddy check the blacksmith can do buckaroo who is that a shipwreck I see in the distance with your buried treasure maps anymore oh do I still have why do I have night vision oh I don't want those pills what is suspicious Oh God I don't want those no go away I don't it's a stew that's suspicious yeah I wouldn't wouldn't trust it that means you don't drink his what now I have enough iron ingots for full iron armor and enough diamonds for a diamond sword I'm feeling very confident killing the energy literally about getting physically to him so that's gonna be the problem more obsidian I'm on the hunt for a village right now yeah land fill house the hunt for ender pearls going I've got seven right now I've got two on me really yeah nice single I don't know why I get so unlucky but good I've come across a couple well good stuff the more the merrier I wonder if this type of village just can't have a blacksmith because let's get going and then someone have to like the one I found earlier but even with melons though unfortunately though even with that in the village I found didn't have any obsidian despite well you've got iron make water and use lava picking up this bed Thanks well how we gonna mine it though we can't mind yeah one more diamond you got a diamond pickaxe I guess I feel bad I just ran up to this guy he was sleeping and I just broke the bed from under him and hooked out of his house Oh another shipwreck that was totally unintentional I didn't not even realize that I was a ship right down here but well don't feel like digging through one that's underground again that's just an obnoxious so I'll leave it be that was the best shipwreck I ever found that when had all those iron that was crazy mm-hmm single chest all right I've got like ten beds now hi sheep ah the Enderman got me village yes Oh oh hello hello hello village I have come for your obsidian and any blacksmith in town what's up big village - there's got to be a blacksmith somewhere I love what they did with villagers how they're themed no yeah people are saying I missed a village cool it's great news I'll go back then I didn't can't believe I missed the village entirely but rather themed and also the upgrades to villagers themselves like having professions and things like that yeah I think they've done a very very good job with this Oh Jerome I just found a huge pool of lava if you make two buckets we can get to the nether that way but we still have to mine it no you just put the lamp down like you just used to buff the bucket method not wrong at all actually let's can you stay there yeah yeah is there a water source nearby it's in the desert so I grabbed some water before you go there's a pool of water nearby I mean then we don't even need to okay let's do a new base /tp Valeyard hello I have three pieces of wood do you have one more I have exactly one more all right we shall protect you buddy so we literally just do that and then no no no that's not yeah that works GG I did not see this working I'm not gonna lie to you now we'll still need to light it on fire but bucket method subji oh yeah we just need can someone go get us a flint then I have no Flint yeah see drops here still on the water yep is there any gravel near you I mean I don't see any around me you defeated me you have to do it under water there's plenty of it hold up give me a second you've never done it this way before no I've never done it that way I've never done it myself but I've been in many Let's Plays where people have done it I personally use the blocks to encase the lava source block unfortunately we can't mine it this is gonna be very frustrating I it formed some cobblestone so because of that I got Cod that's a good shooting game honestly the beta is out this weekend yeah I had the pride access when I played like two nights ago top secret secret big brain oh my god so frustrating I know it's so annoying big brain with the lava dude dude is there more this is insane gravel down there we go got it again ready all right mr. drowned you stole my boat all right I got us a flint and steel nice in German go hunt did you just hear like a ton of laughs yes and then die and it's art like some weird like cryptic yell and then just nothing there's like four Enderman out here right now we dropped him in there man I mean sorry germ I need anyway I don't know why I keep getting visual glitches but big time oh wait where's your villager where's your - trader llamas just approached me where's the villager they can be invisible Oh during certain times a day he's completely right hey buddy I found them corn flour pumpkin saplings saplings tulip oh my goodness all right have a nice day sir was it a garbage trader yeah Pete said at least it's almost daytime cuz my god oh I guess at night they're invisible and there we go so everyone this is I know a bit annoying but unfortunately it's just part of what we need to do yeah that's that's crazy I didn't even like I said I didn't know this was the thing yeah it's aggravating but had a skeleton 360noscope me dude skeletons are ruthless nowadays well they've been ruthless ever since what was the big update that to them it was like it was a while ago I was like maybe 1/8 I think it was the same as the combat update is when they got buffed what's that one eight I think so no cuz one eight nine doesn't have the combat whenever we do our lucky blah oh you're so close dude I think that's because he disables it on the server but I don't know maybe it was one nine I don't I don't remember oh my goodness Jerome you're right there two more pieces yeah now how all right you know Vale I'm not gonna lie I doubted you on this one not gonna lie out it your sanity just not gonna lie I could tell you know what that sounds like they'll just went there just reminds me of the one dude who does after nevermind let's talk about it later speaking of sanity Steve yeah yeah don't worry about my sanity all you need to know is that I did my job and got the flint and steel nice he's seen in my books then that's how that works right no not at all never real that blade doesn't talk to us anymore yeah it's probably of the mind that if he's not participating he shouldn't participate you know it you guys turned it around for me blade hates us got it all right let her rip Steve there it is we want to set our spawn point right here yes smart man I like it I mean we've got beds this is just a formality all right goodbye [Music] to play don't activate the nother I think the Steve got em never gonna know we're here all right split up Oh actually we might not have the building blocks for this oh right yeah about that I'm gonna go and make an axe and harvest some trees I think you know get a bunch of wood harvest the trees you were absolutely right my friend except I'm just gonna use sand fair enough you could turn the sand into sandstone so you can make a hard structure out of it do you need a hard structure maybe I'll even you know what I have plenty of pumpkins I can build out of what's wrong do you guys not like pumpkins either who remembers that movie that always comes on Halloween Town focus I love Halloween town all of them every single one Halloween sound wow I haven't watched that I remember correctly that was actually really scary as a kid Halloween Town I think you were just a scaredy cat then maybe it wasn't Halloween town I'm thinking of something else describe it to us I can't even remember it whatever I'm thinking of was scary people are asking about mining the netherrack so we can't remember the goal this is we're not mining at all so that's so no mining netherrack yeah I got 50 once and I'm going in nice oh cool there's a gas trader right as you come in there's two gas yep I'm trying to deal with them but it's not working half-heart Halloween tents I must be thinking something completely different then got one of the guests cool stuff Deuter do we need a guest here for anything no magma cubes alright I got I would say enough almost three blocks of building oh I found a stronghold fortress nether fortress yeah I will be there ASAP I don't know how I'm gonna get up there though so you might want to bring some building blocks oh oh you were serious even though you were memeing yeah no it's you know I couldn't see anything this is it hopefully 51 blocks is enough to get up to the top oh oh oh just TP back up to me although that looks like a hallway you can just uh well you'd have to mine it I made the jump it's okay I made it on top meet you I thought a blaze spawner I'll let the police ponder guys already yet now we're gonna groove it I like him we were so slow to begin with and now things are just picking up so much pace oh yeah you like my leather armor and bales no armor yes great times for Valeyard over here we're gonna have a blast fighting this ender dragon but I have like 30,000 beds so I think we'll be okay I think so too we're gonna beat craft if this was hardcore we would be doomed oh yeah I still can't believe we did a hardcore challenge I don't want to talk about that incident should I run around find some chests or is that off-limits wither skeleton wither skeleton hey you got that guy's room I believe in you I'll be up here all right now I would like to get ten total okay spawn forest please please here you want me to break this yes ah ouch so now we each have three right yes no got a blaze rod spawn and it fall off the edge yeah I had to stop to eat yeah I had to stop to eat cat hates when I do that why just don't hate appreciate drops do what's wrong with you you don't talk to us be a man we play games a couple days I was about to say speaking of when are we doing that yeah a file transfer to Jersey that's the one okay I was gonna say that's the one thing I'm not sure about but you got to download it well yeah it's a cloud safe but it shouldn't take long you got three more caviar pearls Stephenville yes I have ten on me okay I'll just pick up Steve's dad's down and my underpants I'm over but okay that gives us 12 ender pearls nice did you give him the blaze rods oh I didn't Oh God three spawn all right I already made 12 enter pearls let's skedaddle we may need more ender pearls in this but this is a good start I'll tell you I got two more blaze rods out of that /kill dorami salami all right and now we play the hunting game thank you for the 500 stripped of Jordan Roth appreciate you pal well I think nighttime is approaching so Vale and I can stay in the desert and start dealing with some of them and once you make it to the strong is it literally right here Jerome what what okay I thought you threw it and it just went straight down I was like no way oh no no no it went up it was it's this way okay Steve do you happen to have any web so I can make a good bow I have some string yeah cool cuz uh I've got 12 arrows and Mac and help I've got no arrows so if you want you can just have my bow okay well I've got one but it's poopy from its Kelemen there you go thank you sir yeah no problem hey a village I always feel bad because the village is nowadays there's usually one or two houses that are way outside the village and it's like Oh they've been exiled yeah this and in German those are the two we want to kill right now because of arrows and stuff oh yeah I didn't even think of that yeah if we can have arrows on top of everything else and I think we'll be able to just knock it out oh yeah we need errors for the crystals yeah to make it easier on us come again Eric isn't much it hi Erica was she saying that you're not excited to go home she said Jerry hates me what people already asking about mining to get to the stronghold yeah we addressed that at the beginning i we're just doing it and we couldn't do it the other way yeah drops is gonna make as much tnt as we possibly can but after that yeah of course you can TP to me no I I just found buried treasure that's fine you never know you could TP on over aren't you with a veil yes that's what I'll sing you TP to me and then you TV back to Vale yeah yeah the block update hey give me man there's so many skeletons around I've gotten so many arrows give me a second drop see Oh No a couple or a number from some Enderman at night today so good good keep it up yes drop see where oh there yes like where are you and then you just pop out of the water oh here you go thank you you're welcome do you eat no you got sand happy birthday Ryland DeGraw keep on keepin on drought - you're doing great I have a lot of beds iron how many best hold on I have 15 beds I have run out of sort 5 6 7 8 9 I think I have about 10 so we have way way way a lot make another sword I have 1 hp I didn't catch that Steve could you repeat that part yeah wonderful you got it that time yeah yeah it's weird dialect but I think I picked it up yeah oh good news guys I passed it which means it's close by that is phenomenal news which means we don't need any more ender pearls right possibly portal frame I've got four on me right now so I wouldn't worry about it all right TP a buried treasure white diamonds were TNT well drop see we're gonna need you in the TNT here in a minute okay did you catch me I just drop for that explode that's right there it's really close by the way Steve it's like probably good I mean it literally might just be right about here but let me get to a high point did it just go straight down cuz I lost it it went in this direction over here I feel it's right here there you go so here we go that's straight down yes straight down drop see if you want to fire the cannons here in a second we yeah all right we'll head on over oh I'm sorry hi it's down here okay flint and steel please ah yes where are you yes there you go big boom this is where we blow up the Ender the end portal Oh God ouch why'd you'll stand right on top of it um this is drop see how much do you have enough cuz we're still the drops he blows up the end portal frame Oh drop see look over here look how far down you have to go just fine I want to at least get it started with TNT you know you could save some for the cages in the end you don't have to break the cages you can shoot through ok Zambo lamp poor guy didn't even see it coming how many more TNT we got three more we're not we're not gonna make it no I just wanted to get it started you know not a chance oh no I have no armory no no that goes through there just kidding guys I hate to be sure but you probably could have just started down ok this is the last one Oh God oh ok you can start digging now [Music] Shh everyone before you start complaining that we're cheating just know that we totally are a solid effort all right we're not just cheaters we're big cheaters it's right down my least favorite part of the game find in the end portal frame do the good news is someone said you can't blow up the end portal so okay there's that also I have bad news I'm at 28 I still have not run into a thing uh-oh Oh No wow you sure went straight down when you throw it positive if you guys want a TP and get to mine and if you have your own pickaxes I look crazy it's totally I try one more time let's go it says it's going this way ouch yeah right there yeah alright guys it says it's going this way Oh found it found it yeah right dork break the door oh I'm sorry yeah it's fine no they broke my shovel oh [Music] [Music] dude this is the weirdest stronghold can you mind that please I accidentally for chest diamonds we're all gonna have swords now I six diamonds on me okay nice silver fish are the most annoying mob in this game anyone else agree [Music] I'm going to die no chest under pearl gold ouch this is quite the experience here nothing for a new chest plate okay oh thank you silver fish for biting my ankles I told you guys this is painful we got to find it I know maybe throw one under here just to see what direction you should be having them left I have four in my inventory I have four as well so just does that work does it go directly to the frame I don't know that it does because I heard we asked this question last time I think someone said yes it does and just move to a new location and see if you go straight down again yes we're good library yeah we are too Steve you're good yeah there's four of them all right you guys ready yeah I mean did you want to make up those diamond swords ooh dropsy do you see that just yeah that's probably just paper come on over guys boring library sorry I found a really cool book this isn't the time for reading but I like reading what this isn't the time for it well yeah would you like to do the honors oh I would love to do the honors all right good you're gonna do the honors for me well we have to wait well what punish me for a diamond sword oh I gave you a diamond okay wait didn't you picked up no oh someone picked up multiple I only got one at my inventory I got one I may have only been to I can make one sorry Steve's a bully blame me I take credit full credit Oh Steve you need this right oh thanks here have some bread anyone have a bow and arrow I do nice you're welcome Jeremy I got that for you Steve why would you wait till after I built all the way up there we've limited blocks to build with I'm sorry I yeah got one I'm going for the next caged one it's not being nice you're being very mean stop-attack okay that's to Crystal's I got one again bro Britt I've only got three arrows so I've got 16 arrows 15 arrows I don't know that I have I actually hit the ender dragon with its pearl explosion I mean it's crystal explosion fail Oh actually we named Ryan doesn't matter because he's healing off that crystal [Music] all right there we go crystal yeah there's a couple running out of arrows so I don't really want to use that I'll climb the big tower here that's what the last one is right I think there's two left we should be lucky I started building and I don't have enough to get to the top and that's really upsetting yeah there's one all the way across I see no drop civilian consolation I think that one was already looted I got three arrows left I've been picking them up so I've got a few back which ones haven't been gotten oh I see one there's only one left I think Oh No yeah one left oh okay nice and you might be just in time he looks like he's getting lower and lower and lower did I just get it yes use it for your bed Jerome I see you got that bed ready oh yeah as soon as he goes to heal up he's gonna be in for it oh wait that's what I was gonna do where's my chest I'm gonna have a chest near here that's just gonna be old beds big-brained someone looked at Enderman big dump I didn't look at them they looked at me you know what fair enough now where's that Dargan whoa that thing was acting weird he's here he's here get him get him oh I can't get close magic I just respawned I'm coming back that is a very weird glitch my armor points weren't appearing but I had my armor on Oh mine's not either it's so weird I'm just hitting them with diamond sword can you get in the bed Oh too late ah good hits about 20% down okay that's dragon breath right there that's a lot of fire that's a lot going on the next bed is ready so do most of that damage come from a bed or from sallee I think it came from sword I think he's getting ready to man baby yeah if you can hit him with your diamond sword go for it I think it'll do a lot more damage come on down buddy oh my way mo shitteru nutty hmm I didn't even look at you stupid endermans ender dragons acting weird I don't even see the energy he's directly he's directly above everything swoop-de-loop okay smacking I'm well I tried to lay in a bed but it didn't work remember it's 1.14 so charge up your swings great job guys great job keep it up I lose yeah I just got in here I kid you not I'm looking at the ground and getting attacked by this Enderman I hate them come again this is news to us spicy news Erica guys can we take a second to realize that I've gone through almost a full stack of steak which means my player has 864 steaks I wish I could do that why would you do that oh god this is all fine yeah blame me I blame me too oh it is yeah guess so Wow I just got out of the come again some of those fire no you know I agree with that hit me hard there yeah again you big nerd that wasn't very nice some Enderman urmia I don't like you Jerome was killed by the ender dragon good a lava bucketing his own friends come on land yeah where's he at I don't even see him I see him I don't have any more arrows though ender dragons oh he's coming in for a landing he's coming in oh whoa okay that's cool [Music] I'm dead yeah we did it everyone we beat the minecraft without mining well anything that we didn't need to really mind so we did a great job that was something really special guys that was something alright yeah I'm surprised we were able to do it well there it is our on the credits screen thanks for watching we'll see you next time pals goodbye and uh did anyone stream tip in there Thank You Maggie you're old for the stream tip and Jordan Roth thank you guys
Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 98,652
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, JeromeASF, youtuber, modded, mod, minigame, custom, challenge, mod pack, hilarious gameplay, funny moments, how to, minecraft mod, roleplay, minecraft roleplay, pranking, prank, trolling, troll, mods, gameplay, tutorial, parody, no swearing, no cursing, animation, lets play, xbox, mini-games, mini games, showcase, minecraft animation, custom map, traps, funny, 1.12, playthrough, comedy, family friendly, villains, superhero, super hero, super villain
Id: Ao2UzgXvpKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 22sec (4942 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 21 2019
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