Test of GoPro 360 VR camera on a bike in NYC while Louis Rossmann rants & raves into the abyss.

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test i got my recorder going some people have asked by the way if you don't have your your clapping visible how do you sync how do you how do you how does it still in sync it's because the camera records audio as well as my recorder so i i'm not syncing i'm not actually looking at the camera i'm not actually looking at my hands i'm syncing the waveform from the camera audio to my external recorder big brain baby big brain so so many things going through my head i'd like to discuss with you all i guess the first thing to discuss is the new feature of this video this is a uh someone suggests that i try a 360 camera this is the gopro max i picked up uh i think it was a user refurbished one so pretty cheaply so just to try it out i don't have a lot of faith in gopro products in general they're usually pretty shitty which is why i like using the dji cam instead this thing comes with these little camera covers these lens covers they cost 20 bucks for a set of lens covers and they they arrive completely scratched maybe tomorrow i'll do an update where i'll show you it but i thought it'd be kind of cool to show you all the city uh with a 360 degree view so this is a 360 degree camera so if this works right on youtube you can actually look and see to the left of me to the right of me behind me you can see all the crazy [ __ ] that i get to deal with when i'm riding my bike in manhattan and about to get hit by people oh so so when i'm like when i'm cursing someone on my side you can actually see why i'm cursing so it's going to be a cool new feature of these videos so there's a few things i wanted to discuss a few exciting things so the first is that i have my ein for the 501 c4 so the 501c4 that's going to be the right to repair i already have right no repair preservation group that is a non-profit organization that's going to seek to provide educational materials to people and also get normal people to understand what right to repair is all that kind of stuff but what i want to start is something that allows me to do fun stuff you know the lobbying direct ballot initiatives where you know in a state you can just vote yes or no and right to repair so i got the 501c4 i got the ein and all that set up so i'm going to be able to start actually doing a fundraiser for that at some point i'm kind of excited that's probably going to come next week but i got the email today and i was i was kind of like a schoolgirl jumping up and down to my office about it i'm excited uh the next thing is i got a settlement offer from the city in new york for uh for 500 bucks on what i talked about my last video for those who don't want to go over my last 20 minute video of what happened there i don't want to play a game of chicken tonight i'm wearing my my normal helmet not my motorcycle helmet usually i would just you know go straight down the block and smash right into the person salmoning and they'll you know sammoning means going the wrong way in a one-way lane but i got my normal helmet on tonight i don't want to die that's why my mic sounds a little bit clearer than it does in some of my other videos when i'm when i have the full motorcycle helmet on so yeah i got sent a 500 settlement and for the tldr that was i have a laptop repair shop from people will leave devices here forever and never pick them up you know i'll call them i'll text them i'll email them after a year or two it's just like you signed an agreement when you showed up here that said after 45 days of no communication we recycle it and keep it and if we call you an email and text you five or ten times over the course of a year i know i it becomes mine at that point becomes mine at that point and by the way if a person wondering why i went through uh the light is green for me and red for him so here's the thing with jaywalking it's i get jaywalking when there's nobody there but it takes a special kind of person to jaywalk without even looking both ways that's a death wish you know anytime you're going to break the law you know my dad taught me this if you're ever going to break the law you look to your left and you look to your right and then you do it and there's a lot of people that so dumb that when they're breaking the law they're not even looking to the left and the right to see if they're going to get in trouble they're going to get hurt or arrested or caught it's like at least do your due diligence you know all right so so i have a laptop repair shop lots of people leave [ __ ] and just never [ __ ] pick it up and when they don't pick it up after a long period of time it goes into a trash pile in the back of the store and once it's in that trash pile it is ours at some point we will reassemble them when we have time and sometimes they go in the window i don't i don't do this with a lot of machines you know just because those uh i honestly just don't have the time for it like i have a lot of stuff at my store that i don't have the time to to go through so it just winds up sitting there until a slow season comes up and when a slow season comes up see see what i'm doing here you're gonna break the law you look both ways see by new york standards that's uh that's that that's obeying traffic laws when you jaywalk look both ways anyway so so an inspector comes in and says you know i want to see the leads online records for these two machines that you bought it's like what do you mean bot i don't buy computers for people like the hell this guy that we do data recovery for for the district attorney told us that we shouldn't buy computers from people because most of it many of the people that are going to show up it usually stolen and it just causes problems so we don't buy him and he goes well you had to get them from somewhere and we said people leave them here and they never picked them up and he leaves outside kind of confused looking comes back in after you know making a call on a cell phone and says all right we're you know writing you up for not having records of what of these machines you purchased then steve repeats we do not buy computers when a customer leaves a device here they sign a form that form says that if they do not pick it up after 45 days after we notify them and email them which we do have records of for every single one of my tickets you know you if and then once that happens the machine becomes ours and then it goes in the window for sale now the leeds online system the way it was explained to me when a police officer came into my store six years ago is for when we purchase computers from customers it's not for when people don't pick up the [ __ ] phone when we call them and say pick your [ __ ] up it's been two years which happens more often than you think by the way it's a pretty busy night outside if you notice you know this is a it's it's getting it's it's not it's nowhere near pre-covered this is nowhere near pre-covered levels but it doesn't feel like a ghost town anymore and that's that's refreshing i also don't know if the people outside are getting younger or i'm getting older i think i'm getting older i'm pretty sure i'm getting older but i don't want to admit it but like the when i go on these bike rides at night i'm starting to feel kind of like you know a dad or an uncle or something rather than like a peer of the people that i see in the street that's kind of weird but i guess that's part of you know i started this channel when i was like 20 23 and i'm 32 so i guess that's part that's the way it works and if this this 360 camera works you can actually see the shits of my left and my right that'll be pretty cool we'll see now the problem with the settlement is that the settlement requires admission of guilt but it also says very clearly if you do this again we can find you up to the maximum so that there won't be a settlement again now the problem is this if i had been if this was a parking violation where like i parked someplace i'm not supposed to and i didn't see the sign and i'm in the wrong i'd curse i would just i just pay you know like a hundred fifty dollar ticket for parking or whatever don't get me wrong i'd curse i'd go dang but i just paid because i realized i'm in the wrong [ __ ] it it probably you know this is a [ __ ] it's a stupid rule that you're not allowed to park in this whatever area but fine it's a way for the city collect money they win the problem here is that they didn't win because this this is a because the fine i mean the summons is for not having the record for the computer that i purchased but i didn't purchase a computer so that that's just that's bs so the problem is is that this is going to happen again and again and again because the next time they come in they're going to say where's the record for that computer you purchased i'm gonna say the same thing it's a recycled computer i could show you all day long paperwork for all these different people that dropped off a computer signed our ticket signed all of our paperwork and then we contacted them saying it's time for you to pick up your computer it's done they don't get they don't get back to us we email them hey it's time to pick up 45 days later hey it's time to pick up 90 days later hey listen this is your final notice i'm gonna call you and text you just to make sure you got this but you know you need to come pick this up or it's ours and then us saying okay it's now finally ours and he if if i admit guilt to this then in the future when the same [ __ ] happens then i'm gonna have to pay 15k for it so the way i see it paying 500 now doesn't really make any sense because i'm just opening myself up to i'm not paying 500 now i'm going to pay 500 now and 15 000 later so if i'm going to pay it i might as well pay it now and at least have it on the record and see what happens you know so i contacted a few attorneys i'm going to see which one makes the most sense you know i contacted one he said listen like this isn't you shouldn't pay me you just pay the pay the fine it's going to cost more for the attorney he said no no you don't send i don't this is going to happen again because what i did was not against the rule and the inspector did not give a [ __ ] about any of the records that i have for any of the transactions that i do where i agree to fix someone's computer they don't pick it up for two or three years and then i email them over and over again until i recycle it i had some interesting uh people show up in the comments one person said you know you realize you're supposed to mail them or like show up at their house or something before you throw it away you have to admit to the state every piece of property you've taken is no business on earth that is contacting andrew cuomo every single time someone leaves something at their store that that's not the way any of this works further i don't take the addresses of my customers i take the information that they wish to give me which is typically their phone number their email and their name it's not my business to know your home address if you're mailing me a device to repair it is my business to know your address because i will need to mail that device back to you but if you're a walking customer i'm not taking your address and frankly even if i did take your address it doesn't make a difference to this because i'm not buying your [ __ ] computer you missed the point another person was saying well you shouldn't uh for the machine in the window you should know exactly who it once belonged to well hey even if i know exactly who it once belonged to let's say i actually still know who that machine belonged to let's say that i keep that sticker on it for i don't know uh i just think of a name but you know katherine spencer and i keep that little label on the computer that says this was once katherine spencer's computer which is kind of [ __ ] weird you know like you know when you buy stuff you don't really want to know the person the last person who owned it in most cases and have a little sticker with their phone number and ticket number and all that on it that says liquid damage admitted november 18th 2017. but it's still it's not a record of me purchasing it because i never purchased it because i don't buy computers from people in new york city because new york city is filled with [ __ ] thieves and scumbags that steal computers and try to sell them in repair shops now the next thing that i remember hearing from people is well lewis you have to understand a lot of people steal stuff in new york and sell it to repair shops and they're happy to buy it so you have to no no no i don't care what other people do you don't get to find me fifteen thousand dollars because other people do [ __ ] up [ __ ] they said you have no way to prove that you didn't buy it okay prove to me prove to me that three years ago you did not have sex with your ex-girlfriend you know like how you're not proving a negative it's and i'm sure you could come up with some strange crazy convoluted insane way of trying to prove a negative like prove that you did not pay this person unto the table that's that's just not a thing that's not a thing you need to have a [ __ ] 360 camera on top of my head as i go as i go about my live my life every single day and record it it's just no you're being ridiculous so so i got i reached out to a few attorneys we'll see who's interested in taking my case there and i'm going to go for it like i can't pay the 500 i just can't i can't do it because it's going to happen again oh you want to race is that how this works you think cause you got gas you can pass me all right whoa nice with the no turn signal infinity q60s with the no turn signal making a right to cut me off nice try see that's why you got to have fast reflexes you got to have fast reflexes because if you don't have jesus christ grow a dick there's no [ __ ] reason to rev a motorcycle that is that loud at a red light unless you just don't have it like why what's the point of that what are you getting out of that i don't get it maybe i'm just road raging but it's incredibly annoying it's loud as hell too it just like destroys your eardrums because this is one of those things where i looked at the fine it's like fine just [ __ ] pay the 500 to move on but then i read the part where it's like oh yeah by the way if you do this again we could find you again and it's like knock now you [ __ ] me now i can't now i can't now i have to do this because it the way i see it it's either you know i'm gonna have to pay that 15k at one point if it's gonna be it might as well be now rather than later oversized load what does that boo traffic boom you're riding in like half of the left the center lane half the right lane i don't understand jesus christ it's back [ __ ] me it's back you know what you can go go go up there where leave the noise up there let me sit here in peace here here you wanna oh cross this is not illegal two reds make a green right yeah two reds make a green i'm sure all right i'm sure he's a lovely guy i'm sure that if we sat down that we'd have a you know he's probably a lovely human being kind kind-hearted caring i just i i i road rage on the the the no muffler engine noises they drive me crazy i guess you know i i i skipped over that that part of puberty where like you know you know like the whole that whole like a contract when growing up like once a boy hits puberty he found he he finds the noise of an internal combustion engine revving attractive or awesome i just i never did i never did i never found it cool like this is before tesla came out this is before electric cars became the thing this is before being like save the planet greenpeace whatever was a thing was kind of a you know a way to signal your virtual or anything this would be like i just never found the sound of engines to be something that i particularly enjoyed it's just an ear drum buster that's highly annoying and aggravating it's the sound of obsolete technology to me and it's not real like i'm not trying to be an elitist with it i'm not trying to be one of these snobs like look at me and my expensive superior device you see what the [ __ ] i drive like look at this look at this you see what i ride this this motor that's on this bike you can find them on ebay from time to time for 450 bucks this thing has literally been through a fire you know it's it's not like i'm coming at that from the standpoint of looking you know i dr i drive something so much better than you it's just i always found it cool to have something that can dart really fast that just doesn't make noise that i find cool like it's not the form that i found cool it's the thing where you just go and you shoot straight forward like a rocket ship and there's no noise there's something about that that i that i i think is incredibly cool all right now that i've gotten a thumbs down from every single car person that's watched the video we can move on to the next part of the commute so yeah i realized that it's probably kind of stupid that i that i put the effort into the ticket like the same week that i'm going to be putting time and effort into the 501c4 to try to do the whole right to repair thing uh i mean the right to repair the repair preservation group action fund thing is going to be the same week that i am wasting time on the phone with a [ __ ] attorney so that the city doesn't take my money through defrauding me but there's only so many fights that you could have at the same time you got to pick and choose your battles again if it was a one-time listen man the city's short on money we just need 500 bucks can you give us 500 bucks like we're broke all the rich people are leaving the poor people are leaving the middle class people are leaving the businesses are leaving can you can you just do us a favor and give us 500 bucks and say fine [ __ ] it you win de blasio you win but i can't do it the paper says on it it says clear as day we can find you again for [ __ ] i didn't do you know what a [ __ ] goodie two shoes i am i have a video that's six years old that talks about the whole casino tax thing because that's a very common one in new york city sorry it's loud because there's a train next to me so i will race the train and get past it so that you guys can hear me and as i race the train you will notice that my bike is silent the 3d camera will allow you to see to my right that i am beating the train's ass and i will shortly pass it at 19.99999 miles an hour actually you know what would be really shitty is if this 3d this 360 camera allows you to see my [ __ ] speedometer see that would be a great way for de blasio to get some money speeding ticket for going over 19.9 miles an hour on a buffet holy [ __ ] that's 33 miles an hour yeah i totally wasn't doing that cut this part out of the video jackass it's kind of like that drill music this new genre or you know yeah my martial arts instructor was telling me about they have this whole new genre of music where people kill each other and then brag about what they did with their name attached to it completely devoid of the knowledge that policemen and detectives can listen to rap music as well and kind of learn what they did from it anyway where'd i leave off here yeah anyway if it was just something where de blasio's like listen man we're broke we're going to try and take this 500 from you we're going to [ __ ] you but this is just one time thing i just [ __ ] do it it's like fine [ __ ] it it's not worth it right now i got to raise five to 20 million dollars thought i could do a direct ballot initiative in a state for right to repair before this industry crumbles and gets wrecked you know i've i don't have time for this but it says on the paper that if we catch you doing this this thing again we get to take 15k from you like no no it's not happening i actually have a video on the whole cash no tax thing because i get this all the time it's a five or six year old video i'll link to it down below because people always it's crazy you know people don't do this when they're show oh my god that's loud like that is really loud jesus they do this thing where they say you know if i pay cash can i avoid paying tax nobody does this at best buy nobody does it at walmart they do it at rosman group so what i hear when people say that is you know i don't think i could get away with that a legitimate business but your business looks like a [ __ ] business where i probably could ask that to get away with it but also when someone walks in and says cash no tax what they're saying is for a marginal benefit to you a close to non-existent benefit to you i would like you to risk a thirty thousand or fifty thousand or eighty thousand dollar fine and audit by the irs which i find to be ridiculous like that's just there's no way in hell i'm taking that proposition i uh you know i i i i have my beliefs i have my thoughts on the world i share them sometimes i'm not very tactful about them there are people that dislike me pretty much so it makes sense for a person like me to pay all of his taxes and obey all laws and local ordinances besides the noble fang one of course because i don't feel like making myself an easy target there are a lot of people in this business where if someone says hey if i pay cash is there no tax they just won't report it and they'll take it i'm not doing that not doing that i have a six-year-old video on that i actually made a name tag that says f off with a cash uh no tax [ __ ] because i was getting so many people walking in over a short period of time that were doing that and so it aggravates me kind of pissed me off you know you know how much money i probably could have made from buying all these [ __ ] stolen computers that people show up at the store with because there are there are people that used to walk in when the a1398 was do mind you like this this machine was like 3 500 they'd walk in not having a [ __ ] clue what they own they give it to me and they say hey man you buy computers i'm like no what's wrong with you know you know why why do you want to sell it's like you know i just don't want it and i go okay you know log into it let me and then and then they'd be like oh i don't want the password it's like yeah of course you don't it's like i'm not doing that and they would they would be willing he's like you know i'll give it to you for 200 bucks this is a 3 000 computer do you know how much money i would have if i did that maybe i'd be riding around the bike where i actually you know the way the rear derailleur actually worked i don't know i would have way more money and i've declined it repeatedly because i know that all those machines are [ __ ] stolen so when i hear the people saying listen you can't prove that you didn't buy how are you going to prove that this machine in the window you didn't pay for it unless i attach this 360 camera to my dick and record it every single day and here's the thing here's this here's the thing here's this we have this crazy concept in the united states maybe de blasio and the department of consumer fez hasn't heard of it it's called presumption of innocence the burden of proof is on the prosecution to prove that you did something wrong it's not on me you don't have to follow yourself around with a [ __ ] camera all day long to prove that you did not do something wrong if they say that you murdered someone they have to prove that you murdered someone they have to present the evidence if you think i bought this machine from somebody who and it was stolen that's on you ah it's so aggravated but what are you going to do whatcha gonna do by the way to my right which you can actually see now because the 360 camera that is an arrow there is nobody here at this red light where the hell is he going to that's another thing i'm going to miss once i have a car you know traffic laws are not multiple choice anymore you actually have to stop at every red light yeah well i stop at way more reds and stop signs than the average cyclist in new york city it's just i ride at night so you don't get to see most of them yeah there's definitely a lot more activity out tonight than there is on friday night before people are starting to actually go outside again it seems like it's mostly police there actually to kind of take that back yeah i'm excited this is the expensive area of downtown brooklyn it looks as shitty as the non-expensive areas of brooklyn except it has a couple of high-rises like that in businessy-looking buildings that you won't see in the other parts of brooklyn that's a lot of winds ow that's obnoxious this can anyone explain to me the purpose of driving around with these bumper bully things i thought the whole purpose of these bumper bully things is that you put it on when the car is parked and you put it back inside the car when the car is not parked to keep it from scratching your car because little bits of debris get on the bumper bully thing and then if it's still on the car as it's waving back and forth then it's going to wind up scratching your car at least that's what i've i've heard but what seems to make sense retail for release and brown paper brown paper means i don't have a permit from the department of buildings for the construction that i'm doing inside there mind your [ __ ] business or i do have a permit it's just what i have a permit for is not what i'm actually doing inside you know it was really funny when i was talking to contractors the amount of the contractors that really have no idea who i am this is happening a lot in new york they have no idea who i am they don't know me from a hole in the wall would come by and say oh yeah okay so here's the things you need a permit for here's the stuff where we can kind of fudge it and not actually get a permit we do this all the time it's like wait what how do you know i'm not a [ __ ] inspector are you serious but it's so commonplace for uh for contractors to completely start the department of buildings because you know i imagine the department of buildings is almost as useless as the department of consumer affairs that that so many business people will speak to new clients that they've never met before and just you know casually explain how they're breaking the law it's crazy but welcome to new york welcome to new york these are all the fancy schmancy buildings on my usual ride home you don't see these because i usually take the williamsburg bridge not the manhattan bridge i took the manhattan bridge because every now and then i i want to i want to change up a little bit so this is one of those fancy schmancy buildings where you're going to pay spend like 3 500 for an apartment the size of the closet i actually looked at apartments in this building once because i just did for the hell of it like let's say once i got to the point where i actually could afford to live in that building i i looked the apartment is so so so tiny it's it's like the size of the bedroom section of my apartment so my apartment right that i have right now is about 1100 square feet those things were about 300 square feet and that was included and that you know they would that's before you even consider the fact that all real estate in new york they lie about the size of it you got this one in front of here which is even smaller and you don't get parking at least that one i think you got you got parking i don't think this one has parking but this one is right it's in front of me there's a whole foods downstairs so but you get an additional surcharge on this one for the whole foods like if you look it up i think this place is called the ashland oh my god the like the sun it's not even so much the price of the space it's the size even if you pay for their biggest apartment it is this i haven't seen something that small since i changed my underwear [Music] yeah now you know that the city's returning to full activity because i'm seeing these ambulances that come out more often when you hear police sirens more often as i have heard tonight that's how you know the city is coming back into full gear hearing the good old familiar sounds in new york non-stop sirens waking up to a siren falling asleep to a siren it was kind of that's something i'll miss if i move somewhere else the sound of a siren that's did you say let's go oh okay that's i heard him say let's go sit the other thing i notice about all those people with the bumper bully is the bumper bully only covers the center section of your bumper yet all the people who suck at parallel parking are going to dent you in the corner of your bumper not in the center so like so it doesn't really seem to actually serve the purpose that it's designed for oh god still with this [ __ ] you [ __ ] oh jesus christ [ __ ] off with this building a house [ __ ] why are you we're still building a house outside really is cuomo still the governor i thought they got rid of him when is hashtag me too going to come for him these houses are make slightly more sense than those ones because at least they tried to separate the people into different houses still makes me laugh looking at it but at least there's there's some there's something to the stuff on the right i'm kind of curious how the 360 view is working for everybody i really hope this thing works i kind of want to see how the 360 view thing is i haven't seen many bike rides around new york with a 360 camera i wonder if it makes for a more immersive experience i'm also curious if youtube is going to allow you to drag it around i'm hoping that when i take the video and mux it in a different container with the wave or flak audio from my audi my zoom audio recorder that i use that it doesn't mess up the video and take away its 360ness or whatever we'll see hopefully if i use the audio from the camera it's kind of worthless then again most of what i've been saying tonight is kind of worthless in the beginning guy in the city bike is braver than me there's no way he could have seen around that block to see if somebody was coming with the angle that he was looking at the very least treat the red light as a stop sign you know all right here we are entering a less expensive part of brooklyn whoa that was a gigantic [ __ ] pothole i just avoided that narrowly avoided that killing me okay this oh jesus more this outdoor dining [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is this okay at least see okay you know what i rate this like good let's see i rate this 10 out of 10 outdoor because they have the [ __ ] huts but they're not using them okay they're using one of the [ __ ] huts you know what i rate this a 9 out of 10 outdoor 9 out of 10 actually outdoor all right and now we go to where i live where there isn't no restaurants outside and no businesses or anything because then my apartment would be an additional fifteen hundred two thousand dollars this is kind of like the border of clinton hill in bed stuy clinton hill is more expensive than downtown is more expensive than bedside but not but downtown brooklyn is more expensive than both of them i live some place where you have a bodega and a check cashing place and a bodega and a check cashing place and a bodega and a check cashing place one of the few ways you know you're in a neighborhood where the rent is even remotely not insane you can go downstairs and there's nice restaurants you can eat at you're probably paying 3 200 a month for a studio hey they have the door open over there at that restaurant so i rate that over there 7 out of 10 outdoors tell me i would make a great inspector for this whole this indoor outdoor ship you know ray you you must be at least a six out of ten on the outdoor scale in order to be considered outdoor dining i think i could do it i just would never want to take that job i don't think anybody else wants to either which is why nobody's doing it hell they can get you to find they can get you to find people for [ __ ] that they didn't do but even in this city they still can't find someone that's willing to enforce indoor outdoor dining give me a summons for 15k because i don't have a record of a purchase i never made but when you say that you must have outdoor dining you will allow people to actually build housing structures on the street enclose them with a window a roof a ceiling a door and not say a word welcome to new york city here's another one of these lovely structures over here at least this one's not fully enclosed though it doesn't have a window it's kind of a half house there i would call that a half house i rate this 10 out of 10 outdoor that's outdoors over there i approve all right getting close to home sweet home few more blocks to go once we are someplace where there are no modern conveniences of life no restaurants no fancy schmancy things we will be where i live all right that guy does not have his feet on the pegs of his scooter that's how you can tell this when the it's the grub pub delivery people that's how you can tell that they're scared of riding because they're afraid of losing their balance or tilting and they want to have their feet down but the reality is that by riding in the way that they're riding the way that his feet are he's not going to be able to actually catch himself if that is his fear it's also something to note if you know if you're learning how to ride a motorcycle or you're learning how to uh don't firstly if you're gonna have your feet down wear boots not sneakers because if your hope is that you will be able to stop yourself from skidding out or really regain control it's not gonna happen with sneakers and it's most certainly not gonna happen with low top sneakers it'll happen with boots i would dare say that the regulations that require you to wear a helmet are actually not as important as let's say i'm not saying you should have to wear a helmet although i do wear a helmet but i believe that if you are on a motorcycle that or e-bike that wearing boots is more important to your safety than wearing a helmet because when you skid out when you go to stomp and regain control you're going to be able to do that with boots not sneakers but you should keep your feet on the pegs not hover them barely above the ground with your toe down because his toe is pointing at the road not his heel so if he actually does trip he's going to wind up breaking his toe and being in incredible pain because your toe is you know that's just not it's not going to keep him from skidding out it's just it's horrible and you know i know that a lot of the people that have restaurants wind up you know giving their delivery people these fleets of buffengs these motorbikes and they're not necessarily comfortable riding them but they do it anyway like sometimes the bike actually belongs to the delivery driver and sometimes it belongs to the uh to the restaurant owner and you can tell which ones are not comfortable using it because they'll have their feet hovering over the road it's dangerous it's not you know okay i'm not saying get a license or anything else because there's no license for the fang writing because they're not [ __ ] legal but you know just teach them how to ride it a little bit before you give it to them and tell them that it's theirs you know to use it for deliveries because they're going to be nervous and ride like that i don't understand the the whole the style of having the pants below the ass thing i don't do that i just saw one of those with the whole the pants below the ass thing i've just never never understood the appeal of that unless you're looking to encourage rear entry which again if you're into it nothing wrong with it it's just it's kind of weird it's kind of weird to have the whole pants below the ass all the time thing i've never understood that style all right anyway i will see you all in the next video we'll see how this came out it's really just kind of me you know ranting for 30 or 40 minutes while riding a bike nothing of quality or substance here but i'll i'll see you all in the next video and uh in the next week start the bank account for the 501c4 start a fundraiser and we'll see we'll you know i'm kind of torn as to what to do here so you know if you get if i get in the lower ends of the amount of money i'm looking for i can't do a direct ballot initiative but i would be able to fund lobbying in states but you still be going through politicians if i get the real goal of what i'm looking for then i'll be able to actually do a direct ballot initiative and a direct ballot initiative is what i think has the best the best chance because that's where you bypass the politicians and allow normal people to vote on you know i don't when i i think i have to be careful how i phrase this i don't want to promise that i'm going to do a direct ballot initiative because if i wind up you know if i end up doing a fundraiser and i collect like 20 000 bucks then obviously you know lobbying in states is really all i'd be able to do at that point but if i collect even anywhere remotely close to the 5 to 20 million that playset i needed direct ballot baby anyway see you all later see you all later thank you for watching and uh yep
Channel: Louis Rossmann
Views: 46,616
Rating: 4.8986831 out of 5
Keywords: gopro, gopro 360, gopro 360 max, 360 video, NYC, bike ride, Manhattan, Brooklyn, NYC 360 bike ride, 360 camera, gopro max, gopro max 360
Id: 2IKBfvtWXMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 59sec (2579 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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