Test Flight September 28: Lilium Jet Demonstrates Maneuverability

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hello everyone welcome in Atlas within Lillian flight test team today you will attend to flight demonstration of our Lillian jet demonstrator this aircraft is the scale version of or lilium jet it is representative in terms of flight propulsion system and flight control it's already an aircraft with 10 meters wingspan and one point on 1.2 maximum takeoff weight which makes it very comparable to ultralight aircraft it has been used extensively for testing the models Associated to flight controls and population system it is still used for validating or new installations or validating the new procedures it is an unmanned aircraft and it is operated according to specific regulations which means the soar in a nutshell that means that we Fly Above Ground Control area spariously populated within a segregated airspace and on top of that we have limitations regarding the speed and the altitude today we will fly in Villa's condition for abuse filming reasons and therefore for the reasons I mentioned the speed will be limited to 80 knots and the altitude will be limited to 350 feet therefore we will focus more on the handling qualities of the aircraft and the maneuverability which are key characteristics for the future mission of this aircraft when it will be used in within the cities and now let's stop talking let's go flying take off like all liftoff leave it off ensive 17. accelerating to 70 knots clear power lines [Applause] 70 and 200 okay turn left left turn [Applause] align with zero seven zero check expected [Applause] it's already 30 knots that's already in 280 knots ah correct and climb climbing three five leveling level off and next turn 45 to 11. [Applause] [Music] expect that 200 love and we sell 16. these are 18 to 60. [Applause] bank right 30 degrees and this and minimum to 50. 30 degrees and descending 250 minimum protein [Applause] continue this end again mark [Applause] 150 you know check diesel 15 one level of decided into 50. approach minion 150 check foreign [Applause] okay minimum 100 yeah 100 continue this and clear minimum 50 check specifically decided into 30. [Applause] over the place [Music] [Music] expected and six thousand cool down
Channel: Lilium
Views: 369,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gvoj8mL2jsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 27sec (387 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 28 2023
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