Tesla's Radical Decision To Scale Back Supercharger Expansion Will Be A Good Thing Long Term For All

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welcome to another episode of out aspect Dave where today I've driven up here to Naples Florida uh at the Wawa where I just filmed here a couple of weeks ago and this is supposed to be a brand new Tesla supercharging site that's going in the plans have been drawn up the permits have been filed but boy oh boy you know with this latest news announcement it comes in the question what's going to happen is this station really it's right on the corner of 951 and 41 from a selfish standpoint I really want this station to go in this Tesla Supercharger because if I don't have this station and down on Marco Island I don't have any level two charging at my condo the I got to pay Marriott 25 bucks there's no DC fast charging I got to go all the way up to fth Avenue basically in Naples in order to charge but I wanted to wait to aine on my thoughts about what Tesla just recently did you know sometimes the way with which people do things is not as good you know you know if you want to tell a friend that you have a serious problem with them maybe you don't do it in the right way if you want to leave your job maybe you don't really know how to do it and you don't handle it right and and I think that this topic today that I want to discover discuss is it falls into the category of elon's got a bigger plan I think cooler heads will prevail I think there's opportunity for so many people even those that sadly lost their their jobs my heart goes out to you but good news is this EV trend of more cars like like this model y or other vehicles that are supporting or going to support The Knack standard I know there's been talk about maybe they will maybe they won't but you know what cooler heads prevail I want to discuss in this video my thoughts about what's really going on here so let's get into into it [Music] folks yeah so here we are at the Wawa in Naples and you know my understanding is that right over here there is a there is a plan to put in Tesla v3s now I'm going to go into the WWA like I did the last time I was here and ask them if they have gotten any emails updates about whether or not this Tesla supercharging station it's going to go in it's supposed to go in right over here the plans have been drawn up the permits have been filed and uh I thought they were going to be breaking ground real soon but I don't know doesn't look like they have broken any ground here so but uh let me go in and check and see if there's any Intel in the WWA and if they don't have Intel I'm going to get a cup of coffee all right so as you can see I've got a cup of coffee here which means I didn't get any intel um although I did speak to one of the assistant general managers there that said that oh yeah we're getting Tesla superchargers here it's in the plans just don't know the timing of when so as at least according to her there was uh nothing's changed so which doesn't surprise me I mean look you know but so anyway I wasn't done I went and asked another person I said have you heard anything about getting Tesla Supercharger here and she said what's a Tesla Supercharger so I guess I didn't really come up but there was another guy who was getting cash out of a cash machine and every time he hit a button he said back in the old neighborhood and then he'd hit another button he go back in the old neighborhood and I'm thinking to myself is that a is that a message is that Intel and then I decided no I better get the extra large coffee so that's what I did so anyway let's talk about my thoughts about what's going on here um and not just here at the wall but in general with Tesla let me jump in the uh in the in the model Y and uh and talk a little bit here all right so let's get into it all right so let let's talk about what's happening here obviously the way with which this went down earlier this week There's no way that could have been planned I think their emotions either got the best of Elon or I'm not really sure what happened maybe a blowout but but you know clearly this was not a planned move by a typical corporation that that um you know has built arguably the best asset that Tesla has the supercharger Network and then just to kind of just like say with an email firing the the top dog and and all of her her you know her reports 500 people is just shocking and and and I I really kind of wanted to wait to make this video or or a pine in on um you know share my thoughts on what was going on here I've listened to Kyle I've listened to Tom mogy I've listen to other people a lot of people have been coming up to me Dave what's going on is Tesla dead what's going so here's the thing when when Cassie and I were driving down to Florida couple weeks ago in this exact model y we listened to a book on tape about elon's life and and it was really interesting to me to hear the struggles that he's had and and the challenges that he's overcome and the true mission that he's on and I don't know if you guys will agree with this or not but hear me out for a second I think there is a much bigger calling that's going on in elon's mind right now and to a large extent I believe that char charging electric vehicles while it's important I believe he's already done it when I say done it he's already built the most amazing network not just him but the entire team they've built this incredible Network that if for for argument sake you know you want to drive most everywhere in this country today in a Tesla you can with the exception of you know going out into the Wilderness or off the beaten path but I don't even think twice about charging my cars um I've got an X and and and Kathy drives a why I mean the network is just everywhere and it's super reliable as you all know so you know my understanding is that and if you read his after tweet it it's not like they're going to stop building all expansion so I hope from a selfish standpoint like I mentioned before I hope they continue with this particular location I think it's badly needed but I mean I'll survive and the industry will survive if this particular station doesn't go in um but you know when you think about what's happening today with AI when you think about what's happening today with robotics when you think about real challenges that countries have for you know um just getting electricity in a stable consistent Manner and you think about the the megawatts that that Australia just recently signed for to you know purchase their their their their solutions for battery storage at Tesla even even that is is somewhat of a a smaller sort of objective of the firm this firm I think is starting to change its whole philosophy around around cars and around the way to power those cars and and I think it's been brewing around in his head this is speculation on my part I apologize for speculating but this guy's on to a much higher calling and and I think he's already set by example not just a blueprint for success but there are there there's already infrastructure in the ground today that people can can charge not only their Tesla but they can also charge their rivan and Fords today and I know that there's been a lot of it's crazy that people that are and corporations and energy companies that are in the middle of these projects are going through this sort of rough transition process right now one thing we've learned over the years that I've learned is that the only constant in life is change and clearly the way with which this change happened I don't think was planned but I think the direction is actually good for the industry and let me tell you why one company to provide all of the charging solutions for electric vehicles that being Tesla think about AT&T play it out Tesla becomes the only you know the the whole not just KNX Knack is a connector but Tesla becomes the single largest source of energy dispensing for electric vehicles in the country what's the government going to do they going to let them have all of that that power pricing power I mean if they're able to buy electricity at 12 cents a kilowatt hour from the grid and they can charge 48 who's to say if they have Monopoly on all of the charging dispensing that they could charge 60 even I don't think they would I mean but you never know so the fact that Elon with this very sort of unstructured and and unannounced and crazy announcement just said that's it I'm done we're not going to expand anymore or for the most part we're not going to going to expand it's time for the industry now to step up and they got to smell they got to there's blood in the water in a good way there's opportunity out there there's consortion that are being formed I think it was BMW a bunch of firms Mercedes perhaps this I Iona I forget what it's called um Electrify America whether or not they step up or not I think there's there's opportunity now with nevi funding for additional firms to be able to deliver and finish out sort of the the goal like think about Elon he's like okay electric vehicle charging all right been there done that you know what time to turn it over to the industry I've given away this whole protocol for KNX everyone's on board with that you know what guess what it's time for the entire industry to take ownership of that and that problem is now going to be solved it's not necessarily going to be solved today I know that if I stayed in the game it probably be solved a lot smoother there' probably be a lot less apprehension but you know what I think longterm his strategic Vision was it's better that a decentralized solution of providers of energy dispensing for electric vehicles is the better way to go because that will take care it'll it'll it won't it won't end up going down the path of having some sort of you know um AT&T boc breakups create creating Verizon and Bell Atlantic and all of the BCC companies um this guy thinks like he plays five-dimensional chess this guy and I think in his mind this this trade was already done and he won the game now the way with which he exited this I don't know that doesn't make sense to me but strategically I think it kind of does and so I want to provide an optimistic view to all of those people out there that are worried take a deep breath this is going to work itself out there are major speed bumps perhaps some of them have some spikes in them too so watch your tires but you know there's one thing about Tesla that's pretty amazing is that they do things that just shock the world I remember the day that they announced the Cyber truck and Kyle was at the event and he's like Dad and I was watching it live and I was like okay that's a joke right that's a paper machine project from the local junior high school now they're going to bring out the real cyber truck no that was it right and and and that is one of those things that just was like that is so far outside of anything that anyone expected or at least I I mean me I mean I think a lot of people were like what the hell is that thing right what is that and so that was a very planned um thing but you know this whole thing about this is by far the biggest shock to a lot of people and I think the initial knee-jerk reaction this is bad for the industry oh my goodness what's going to happen you know is this the end of EVs and all of that what I would say is Elon he's on to AI he's on to robotics he's on he's on to you know saving the planet whatever his Grand magnanimous ideas are this electric vehicle charging trade is now time for someone to take over the way with which it's happening is not necessarily the right way for that to happen um but I don't really I'd love to hear the story I and I think we will we'll hear it from employees we'll hear it it'll come out as to what really went down here um now having said that it wouldn't surprise me if Elon comes back the next day and says all right you know what I made a mistake we're actually in the game that was a joke April Fool's on not on April 1st right and you know the problem with that is if he does that how can anyone trust what they're saying in the future I mean you know when when you're dealing with someone you've got to know you've got to be able to trust from a business standpoint who you're dealing dealing with and and contracts are contracts and I'm sure that there's going to be a lot of interesting conversations over the next month or two about you know we as a manufacturer chose to support Knack now does that make sense we as a local utility decided to put in the Tesla Supercharger here at the Wawa in Naples well I can't even find people to call who do I call I don't know right so like that part of the business side of what has done here is is is a is a risk and I think it's a real risk for anyone who's doing business with Tesla I don't think this guy cares I I really don't so I think you as whether you're an individual or a corporation you got to know that that's a factor and it's only been sort of supported by this behavior that just came out by them by the way with which he executed on this grandiose plan of you know we're not going to massively expand anymore but again I will come back to this has to have been in the back of his mind that this what he's done with the supercharger Network you know it's unbelievable how good it is how robust it is how it's How reliable it is it just works every single time hats off to every Tesla employee that and and all the contractors and all the design miners that that built this network it's not going away folks it's still here it's still going to be supported and serviced so don't freak out cooler heads prevail it will be very interesting to see how this all plays out as far as other firms other charge Point operators other consortiums taking advantage of the opportunity to now draw from the Tesla talent pool that's out there and learn from the best learn from experience and harness that and that is going to Multiplex into this industry through a a decentralized mechanism that I think is going to be overall better for this entire effort to Electrify uh elect electronification of of all of these U you know Vehicles right going from gas pass to Electric so I think that it's actually a good thing maybe a little little bit controversial on my side but I've taken time I was kind of speechless when I first heard about it but I've taken my time to think about what's happened here hopefully selfishly don't stop the WWA project here in Naples please but if you do I actually understand it and it's not like I was looking to sell my Tesla whether it's our model y or model X with the existing infrastructure on the hope that someday Tesla would build out their Network so that I'd I I did sell a lucid I did sell an ionic 5 for that exact reason because I didn't have the confidence I could charge it when I'm on road trips I have the confidence I can charge my Tesla on any road trip um you know if you're thinking about as a consumer maybe you're buying a GM product maybe you're buying a Porsche any of the manufacturers of the vehicles that have come out and announced Knack support maybe this is going to delay that right it sounds like it's already has I wouldn't be a bit surprised if it does and if that affects your buying decision over the next 6 months to a year okay you know what so be it um you know you're going to have to rely on the CCS Network perhaps longer than you wanted to because Tesla KNX is not going to be there as quickly as perhaps you thought but again this guy Elon he's playing a different game he's got a gr a more grand scheme and the way with which he did it not good I think it introduces a lot of Doubt into a lot of people's minds about Tesla as a company um whether you're buying as a consumer or product of theirs or if you're perhaps a partner of theirs or a vendor of theirs you you got to know that that's who you're dealing with here folks but the bigger plan is what I'm excited about so stay positive for all you Tesla folks thank you so much for what you did in building out this network if there's any way you can get the Wawa you know here in Naples up and running please do it uh I for one would appreciate that just just kidding and and you know whatever happens happens but uh stay positive uh dust off your resume uh there's a lot we are just starting on this folks we're just getting going this is a speed bump in the path to the future again avoid those spikes and those speed bumps but uh stay positive folks whoever you are and uh let's let's um let's see how this all unfolds so those are my thoughts hopefully you stuck with me and I'd love to hear your comments or opinions definitely a strange way to go about doing business that's for sure Tesla but uh it is what it is anyway thanks again for watching another episode of outp Dave I'll catch you on the next one and you take care bye-bye
Channel: Out of Spec Dave
Views: 18,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: electric vehicles, electric cars, ev, tesla, electric car, renewable energy electric vehicles, vehicles, model 3, electrification, model y, cars, electric vehicle, evs, charging, best electric cars, should i buy an electric car, ev chargers, elon musk, best electric car, electric car review, the truth about electric cars, do electric cars save money, best electric suv, new electric cars, buying a used electric car, are electric cars more reliable, buying an electric car
Id: AjTQG0uslq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 38sec (1238 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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