Model Y Unveil

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foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] me you go oh my God great outfit hey [Applause] yes [Applause] yeah uh well everyone welcome to the the Tesla Design Studio where we've helped many product buildings before I hope you guys all have a really great time tonight uh I think I've never seen so many cameras in my entire life this is this is hammers everywhere um so we're going to start off by just talking about about how did we get here you know what what are the things that have led to this day uh what are the cars like how did Tesla start out how did we you know where were we 10 11 years ago what has happened over that intervening time you know because it occurred to me that a lot of people they only heard about Tesla maybe a year or two ago and you know electric cars that kind of like taken for granted but there was a time when electric cars seemed very stupid and it wasn't that long ago and the the idea of creating a car company was stupid of course and then making an electric car company was like stupidity squared and um so let's let's take a look at the first car we ever made the Tesla Roadster [Applause] [Music] all right it's a bit small um it's great it's great um so so the crazy thing is uh if you if you go back 11 years today Tesla had made one car that car that's serial number one of of Tesla so that's that's my car actually um so yeah [Applause] so on February 2008 uh we had literally only made one car that car um and didn't really work very well I have to say it broke down a lot and it took us another three months just to make the second car and now uh We've made about 550 000 cars [Applause] and after the the Roadster uh essentially what happened with the groceries where he said okay we don't want to make a car we want to really break the mold about you know how do people think about electric cars to think about electric cars as being slow and ugly and and poor performance so we wanted to have a sports car you know a car that is fast looks good uh sexy that's right haha oh you took the words out of my mouth so exactly sexier that's right so so the the Roadster we weren't the reason we did a sports cars we wanted to create a car that would break the mold for electric vehicles and that that would be yeah sexy and and fast and long range and that's that's why we did the Roadster um and uh you know people people said well you won't be able to make the you won't be able to make a call with those specifications and if you do nobody will buy it so we had to prove those two things wrong and then after we made the Roadster they said okay sure you can make some toy sports car but you can't make a a sedan you can't there's no way you could compete with the uh the the the luxury sedans of that are gasoline because they're the best and there's no way you could make an electric car that's like that so we did yeah Model S [Applause] exactly so noisy we're all the fumes where's the exhaust pipe where do you put the gasoline so we actually started designing that car in the rocket Factory so we didn't have a design studio um we took a little corner of the rocket Factory and and Friends joined and we just uh with a tiny crew in a corner of the rocket Factory we designed that car um and uh I think this that car is really important because it was competing against the best of the gasoline cars so if you competing against if you can make an electric car that can that can beat the best the gasoline cars that's just a it's a very powerful statement um to prove that that you can go Electric so then working on the from the Model S which by the way um in terms of where the name comes from actually I like calling things what they are so Roadster is called Roadster because it's a roadster there is no there is no good word for sedan so we couldn't call it the sedan it wouldn't work or Saloon there's just like literally no word so the model S stands for Sudan and this is how out of touch I was I actually didn't realize at the time that model S also means models and and then I had like a one point a license plate that said model S2 because it was like the second production Model S and it was like and as I was walking away from my car I said wow what a jerk he's license plate says models too yeah like okay better not have that license plate so um but then going from the from the model S we said okay we want to make the the best SUV in the world um we want to do something it kind of carried away actually with the model X um it's like let's let's have practically every every technology and whisping thing we could possibly think of um and uh the model X is like as a car it's like a Faberge Egg meets a spaceship it's like um it was insanely difficult um but it but it is it is an amazing vehicle let's bring it out [Music] [Applause] cool you can see a certain position forming Maybe so the the model X um like yeah like I said it really feels like a Babbage egg spaceship um and uh it's it's X for crossover SUV um but then after we had the model S and Model X I thought it'd be pretty funny if if we had the model e um uh and yeah and and then but then like Ford threatened to sue us uh [Laughter] Ford killed sex [Laughter] but I said what if we call it the model 3 because that's completely different for me they said that's fine [Laughter] so if the the model three let's bring up model three [Applause] that's right that's right exactly exactly smart summon with a person [Laughter] so we made the original Roadster the model S the model X the model 3 and then we also uh then made the new new generation Roadster which will bring in sweet foreign [Music] [Applause] so yeah here we have the original Roadster the new Roadster [Music] and then hey how's it going and then the semi [Music] [Applause] the actually the Tesla semi drove here non-stop all the way from the Bay Area so that Tesla semi a 500 mile range electric uh semi I learned to actually uh only after naming the thing that semi has two or two meanings um it's semi-sexy [Laughter] so um yeah so we're really excited about bringing those products to Market and uh so that's sort of talking about our products but then the the factories are as much are are as much as the product if not more uh than than the uh the vehicles themselves in fact I I really think like the the difficulty and value of manufacturing is underappreciated it's insanely it's like relatively easy to make a prototype and extremely difficult to mass manufacture that prototype or to mass manufacturer vehicle reliably and at scale um I mean even for Rockets I'd say it's probably a factor of 10 harder to design the manufacturing system for a rocket then design the rocket and for for cars I'd say it's maybe a hundred times uh harder to design the manufacturing system than to design the vehicle itself um so uh that's what the freeway I don't mean to have it in black and white it's like it's not so long ago they didn't even have color cameras back then it was 2010. um but it was very Bleak it's like essentially the the you know when we acquired the the Fremont Factory which used to be called numi uh people sort of thought oh you've got a car factory now if you have a car they sort of think if you have a car factory you can just make any any car it's like no that's like saying you've got a box uh and that box can have anything you want in it no only if you make the thing in the Box um so although we we did get the the we at a um get a very good deal on the The numi Factory uh Toyota and General Motors actually took all of the good equipment out um and anything that that had what that was like so useless it wasn't even worth the scrap was left that so it literally looked like that but in color um um and and it took an enormous amount of effort by a very talented team to actually turn essentially what looked like a derelict Warehouse into a working working car factory yeah so and in fact like today the the Fremont Factory which is an enormous building I think it's like the second or third biggest building in the world by footprint is so dense it's so densely packed with with people and robots by this picture has like robots but there's 20 000 people that work in in the uh at the Fremont Factory um across four or five shifts so it's really a massive amount of people um and robots so it's like those giant cybernetic Collective so that that wasn't that was way harder than making the car by far um and um I mean it's worth noting like the the last time at least in in the US last time any car company achieved Mass manufacturing was about a hundred years ago that is the last time and then Tesla it's literally that crazy so [Applause] like like the issue is definitely not coming up with a car design it is absolutely all about bullying the production system um that you want to have a good product to build but that's that's basically the easy part um then the Factory's the hard part then then the the challenge is like okay if we if we create a car factory where the heck are the batteries and and electric motors and Power Electronics going to come from um and and that's where we we need to set okay we better build something that's capable of 50 gigawatt hours at least of of cell output which at the time when we proposed the gigafactory I believe like total Global output for of silica of Lithium-ion batteries for all purposes phones laptops facility you know cars anything was about 30 gigawatt hours so we're like okay well just do the basic math we need something that's we need 50 gigawatt hours so um we're about to have a real big Factory um or there's no way so um and uh we're going to build it in in California but like they were to take Interiors just to get the permits um so we built the gig Factory in the amount of time it would it would have taken to get the permits in California um that's what the gigafactory looked like in 2010 it was basically rocks and bushes okay and now this is what it looks like now thank you [Applause] yeah so and it's only about a third complete so the the this one complete I think it's about four or five times the size of the Pentagon um so it's kind of difficult to appreciate scale but that that although it is it's really quite tall it's like 70 feet tall um so uh but the volume of it is just mind-blowing um it takes two hours just to walk around it so um you know again it's a work of a tremendously talented team working like crazy like tens of thousands of people to produce this this uh this Factory um and today it it produces uh more uh lithium-ion than the rest of the world combined so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now now we're also building a factory in in China which I'm really excited about um as you can see it's it's the the very impressive very impressive um a large puddle um so that when um when it was there in January uh that's that's what it looked like when we did the groundbreaking ceremony and this is what it looks like now three months later but this is what it will look like at the end of the year so I think things are things are moving fast um and the this will actually be um once it's complete the equivalent of our Fremont car factory plus our Nevada uh battery gigafactory combined yeah so it's integrating the two which kind of makes sense um so yeah so we're really excited about this um a great great team in China and this is going to be really important for making um affordable versions of the model 3 and model Y for the for the greater China Market and then besides cars we have some other things so the solar roof and powerwall so uh this is this is definitely going to be the year of the solar roof and powerwall um the because of like uh extreme challenges with the model 3 production uh we have to basically allocate all resources to model 3 production because otherwise we're going to die and and so so basically it's pretty tight I have to say um that was a hard one uh I would say like like 2018 was probably felt like aging five years in one honestly it was really intense um so that I think thank you for supporting Tesla through this difficult period thank you [Applause] great it and now that now that model 3 production is going pretty well um we're finally uh allocate engineering attention to the solar roof as well as the solar retrofit I'm pretty excited about both the solar tile roof and the solar red foot and a power wall um like part of the reason we can also connect parallels we we I couldn't make enough sales so it allocate sales to the car or to the power one was like we've got to make the cars so then power wheel gets sell Star basically but 2019 so we are now going to ramp it up and then power pack so power pack is kind of like our industrial strength battery storage system and we did the uh the biggest battery storage system in the world in Australia um and yeah that was that was really super cool um and then we're doing one that's a roughly a gigawatt hour scale in California so just in Southern California right nearby we're building a gigawatt hour scale power pack and so expect this to ultimately be a really critical for transitioning the world to sustainable energy obviously you have to have sustainable energy production and sustainable energy consumption so the sustainable energy production need the solar panels plus the battery because the sun doesn't shine at night and then those electric cars you know electric vehicles in general yeah so but I mean the really exciting thing is if you have with with solo solos solo Plus Battery Plus electric vehicles we have a fully sustainable future this is a future you can feel really excited and optimistic about I think it really matters [Applause] and then supercharging so um you know the the first in 2010 we had zero superchargers so there was no you couldn't really Drive long distances with an electric car uh in in 2010 um so it was like okay we better have some high some high power charges otherwise it's going to be extremely inconvenient to drive long distances so uh built into the the model S um that was a high voltage DC bypass directly to the pack so you can just sort of Mainline power right right into the pack um and then we stick it then nobody was building high power charges so like okay we're better with these high power charges because nobody's building them and um so we went from zero uh superchargers to building a Global Network of superchargers yeah yeah so [Applause] it's pretty nutty each one of those each one of those is a supercharging site so um supercharging Team tested an incredible job uh building uh a Global Network of superchargers that allow you to travel uh to a massive section of of the world basically anywhere in North America almost anywhere in Europe uh most places in China not the Gobi desert yet but most places um we'll cover the Gobi desert we'll get there and Saskatchewan I swear to God there is I've specifically asked about the Saskatchewan supercharger and I'm told it is it is under construction so um absolutely I've asked about it like twice it's I'm told it's going to be completed soon and then you will actually be able to drive across Canada um so yes um Hawaii okay [Music] actually we have like some great supporters in Kazakhstan I think we probably we we should have we will build superchargers in Kazakhstan there you hit it right here [Applause] uh anyway we're gonna build a lot more Super charges um and and we have actually a version three of the supercharger that we just unveiled and in fact uh yeah [Applause] so the superchargers actually started out only at about 75 kilowatts and now they're at uh with version three uh 250 kilowatts I think probably can even go a little a little higher than that um and so if you've got a long range model 3 it's uh it's capable of charging at about a thousand miles an hour or 1600 kilometers an hour yeah so and and we uh we have one uh working in the Bay Area and then the one here at the design studio is also working as of tonight so yeah so so we're gonna be rolling out the version three supercharger uh throughout the world just gradually upgrading uh the existing sites as well as adding new sites um so we did we just slow down the supercharger well out a little bit because we wanted them to be version three instead of version two um but now that we have version three running and we'll um we're going to spool our production and so you're gonna have like um a radical Improvement in supercharging uh worldwide by sometime next year yeah so so in terms of where we are today I we got obviously the S3 and the X we've made I think 550 000 Vehicles something like that um the the uh 12 months from now we will have made about a million vehicles so so it's pretty wild to think that 11 years ago today we had made literally one car and a year from now we will have made a million [Music] yeah I mean this is a this is a testament to to the incredible Talent uh and and effort of the people of Tesla I was to say thank you to people Tesla you guys are incredible [Applause] so yeah and formerly in terms of CO2 saved um in fact with the the four millionth ton uh it just ticked over like a like an hour ago so the four million time just ticked over tonight yeah so uh you know just talking about about like you know what were the what what were the thoughts back back then talk to some of the comments uh let's see uh the internet is forever [Laughter] um if this is like taster it was like like I said it was electric cars were considered extremely impossible and stupid uh and in various forms that you know you're a fraud like okay you can drive that fraud um okay uh and then now things have changed [Applause] the the goal of Tesla was literally this is like to what degree in fact you know when we created like okay the fundamental historic good of Tesla what should be measured by the degree to which we accelerate the advance of sustainable uh sustainable energy and transport um and our goal all along has been to try to get the rest of the car industry to uh to go electric we did a a joint venture thing with uh with Toyota and with Mercedes um we open sourced our patents uh three or four years ago um made them freely available um and uh so it's it's extremely rewarding to see that the the rest of the industry is going electric this is great great so and and I was just wondering like if where will where will Tesla be in 10 years you know Mars yeah exactly uh we will be driving at Tesla on Mars I think we could I think we actually could [Applause] okay Tesla will be on Mars in 10 years I think it will I think well so after that's an extended history or history lesson what about the actual the actual reason you came okay this a missing car it's it starts with a y and so the why and that's why in the middle they're not the model y [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] come on okay [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the model y [Applause] 'all so uh like the three it will be extremely safe so that the you may know the mall three uh has the uh the lowest probability of Entry of any car ever tested by the U.S government um the model y we expect will have a similar result uh five stars never ever category with the battery pack alone low in the floor it's going to have a very low center of gravity so this will it it has the functionality of a of an SUV but will it will ride like a sports car so this thing will be really tight in corners and we expect it will be the the safest uh mid-size SUV in the world by far and at Tesla we actually always design with safety as the number one goal um it's it's like like people people think okay performance sure but but safety first um this is actually by far the most important thing but it's also going to be have incredible performance so we expect to have a three and a half second zero to sixty um yeah it's pretty good um and uh very low center of gravity so great great uh handling uh it's testing out at a 0.23 drag coefficient which is extremely good for an SUV um and in terms of range fair amount yeah so we expect to have an EPA range of an actual true usable range of 300 miles so yeah [Music] yeah from an interior standpoint it has a panoramic glass roof and by the way after I'm done here you guys will be able to come up and like check out the car so it's like um so it's gonna have a panoramic glass roof it like really feels like just like the model 3 if you're in the car it just feels like you're you can see the sky uh seats seat seven 66 cubic feet obviously autopilot since you know all that and uh as I've said publicly we expect to be feature complete with uh with self-driving sometime later this year and then as as we prove out the safety with uh billions of miles and kilometers uh uh we will uh from our standpoint feel it's like safe enough to not pay attention and then get the regulatory approval sometime thereafter but the cool thing is feature complete like it'll be able to do basically anything um uh biting this year just with soft just with software upgrades which is pretty cool so um the the basically long-range one we expect to be about forty seven thousand dollars and then sometime in 2021 we'll have the the sort of Standard Version which will be have a 39 000 price point so yeah [Applause] uh now the seven seats are optional yeah do you mean the liftgate yes okay um [Applause] I mean you never know we might do better than this but so it should be at least that's good so uh so I think it's gonna be very like really compelling I'm confident that it'll be the the the of any mid-size SUV it'll be the one you want um and uh yeah I think it'll probably sell I think we'll probably do more model wise than sxn3 combined most likely yeah so so there you have the sexy presentation so all right uh so thank you all for coming uh um those of you are here and those who are watching thank you very much for your support over the years it's been uh you know a hell of a ride and uh I I love you too I love you too we are bringing sexy back quite literally all right thank you [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay [Music]
Channel: Tesla
Views: 6,657,684
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tesla, model s, model x, model 3, powerwall, electric car, elon musk, ludicrous, battery
Id: Tb_Wn6K0uVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 55sec (2155 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2019
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