Tesla Model Y Charging Methods

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yes hello it's just grandpa wrong yeah today I'm gonna talk about charging ya like the first question I had is how do I charge this thing once I've driven it and the second question is how far can I go on a full charge well today I'm gonna answer both those questions every test light comes with rain mobile connector yeah so this is how you can charge your Tesla at home here's a plug for our plugin into 120 volts you just stick this in plug it into the wall and off you go okay once you have that plugged in just plug it in over here yeah I think he pushed his button here yes pops up put it in my first charge that's exactly what I did I plugged into the garage outlet I ran an extension cord over to the car charges up for nine hours overnight and yeah I got like 37 extra miles out of it so yeah that's gonna take forever practically speaking you might be able to use this when you go to see your brother-in-law and you can use his electricity for free but ya plan on staying there awhile it's gonna take at least four days to get a full charge how using the 120 volt outlets so yeah see how that works out this week it's the genie our local utility company finally gave my solar company permission to put my new electrical panel in that allowed me to wire in this evie outlet it's a 240 volt at the NEMA 1450 outlet so it's so low this will provide like 32 amps and charges at four or five times faster than the 120 and also it's a lot more efficient okay you ready to do my first level 2 charging first thing is is ya have to take this 115 volt plug off okay you need to buy this adapter it's 35 bucks at Tesla this allows you to plug into the NEMA box okay we're ready to go let's go up here - yeah maybe read around there I should be good and 32 amps for that so in the schedule I got it set at 9:15 tonight okay so that's the cheapest rates we'll go with that [Applause] okay charging it started yeah 32 is the max should be charged in [Music] okay charging complete yeah looks like you finished ahead of schedule all right yeah ready to go well all charged up yeah you even finished a little bit early so that quarter after 3:00 in the morning so uh yeah if I had early a road trip I'd be ready to go it looks good go go get some coffee [Laughter] so that brings us to our third option the Tesla wall connector yeah you can buy them for five hundred dollars but you also have to hire electrician to wire it in so that's gonna cost you another one hundred two hundred dollars depending where you live but anyway they're really nice they do allow you to charge up to forty eight amps said if there's thirty two but the main reason people get these is for convenience it just permanently attached in your garage or your wall and you have a little hook for your cords and stuff so you just come home from work plug it in next day you're ready to go don't even think about it so yeah that's cool uh yeah I might get one someday but right now I don't drive a lot so I only have to charge like maybe once every week or two probably two weeks so yeah we'll wait and see [Music] either way to charge a car is to the superchargers go to your Tesla app this will then charging yeah and it's going to show you your local we're chargers you can see here yeah zero out of twenty three available that one's always really busy in a shopping center but anyway so if you tap that it will send it you turn left onto Valley Vista Way okay and that sends it right directly to your screen and you're ready to go and we're out you right there so we'll head up there and check it out see what a urban supercharger is now your destination is on the right it's on left all right we're gonna plug her in this is a really busy place there's only a few available out of the 23 slots but anyway yeah this is a urban supercharger so there are not as much power 72 kilowatts but anyway it's a very convenient place so apparently a lot of people stopped by here to charge up their cars so so how often and how much do you really need to charge a couple of things to consider I don't like to completely drain the battery or charged over 85% so I'll be recharging after about 150 miles of in town driving another thing to consider is yeah my wife Civic parked in the garage there I just use an energy while sitting there but the Tesla does use battery power just sitting in the driveway my Tesla goes to sleep when you're not using it but I never completely powers down and it's actually just three things that can drain your battery just while it's sitting first one is sentry mode you can program it so it's not recording when you're at home or at work but yeah it's still active and I've been losing about three miles of range every night yeah even parked at home but so the best thing to do is just turn it off second one is the cabin overheat protection yeah that's supposed to come on either the air conditioning or the fan depending what you have a set and it keeps the cabin from getting too hot during the day but yeah I found to be like 145 degrees on the really warm days but yeah that can use a significant amount of power too especially on the air conditioning setting but rather than use this feature I'm planning to get some window tinting and that'll cut down the heat coming into the cabin and make it more comfortable and the third is software updates they don't happen too frequently but my last software update yeah I lost like 10 miles of range overnight however if you drive your car everyday then it's no harm I'm plugging in every night then you don't really have to worry about that for me since I don't have to drive the work every day yeah I'm still trying to figure this out so how far can you go on the highway with your air conditioning running and stuff figuring that most I'll be able to go maybe 200 miles between superchargers for sure you're not going to get anywhere near the epa rating of 316 miles on a long trip I'm planning on getting about 200 miles between superchargers and with potty breaks and maybe even shorter than that we'll see while driving home charging is probably the most convenient cheapest way to go there's no problem plugging your Tesla every night as long as you don't charge it over a 90 percent all the time yeah there should be no problem with the battery life as a matter of fact Tesla says they designed these batteries to last for 500,000 miles yeah way more than I'm gonna get on this however if you can't charge at home then maybe you can charge up at work some companies have a little charger you can plug into or if not that then try one those urban super chargers you can stop on your way going to from work or even at lunchtime takes about an hour to get a full charge so then you'll be good to go next month we're making a long trip from San Diego to Colorado for my granddaughter's 4th birthday party so we'll have more information then on how to charge on a trip but before that I'm gonna look into some ways to protect the paint from Rock chips and stuff like that and maybe some window tinting and to kind of keep the solar solar down a little bit keep it a little bit cooler inside the AC can use up to 10 horsepower in regular cars so yeah I'm not sure how much he uses in here but we'll find out and I'll let you know so for now this is grandpa round signing off in the next video [Music]
Channel: Grandpa Ron's Tesla
Views: 74,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tesla Model Y, Model Y, Tesla Charging, Model Y charging, Model 3 charging, How to charge a Tesla, Best Tesla charging method, Model Y battery range
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 15 2020
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