Tesla Cybertruck Production Begins | Range Rumor & Pricing

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it's official production of the Tesla cyber truck at gigafactory Texas has begun but the rumor is that Tesla will not be offering the 500 mile range version at least not initially let's discuss some of the reasons why I believe Tesla would release a lower range version First and also a recent tweet from Elon Musk that gives me hope that the Cyber truck may actually be more affordable than I previously estimated I'm John and this is cleaner Watt [Music] thank you [Music] on July 15th the official Tesla Twitter account tweeted this image out with a text first cyber truck built at Giga Texas interestingly enough on July 6 as I covered in a previous video at henriks Zane did tweet out the fact that cybertruck QA builds have commenced and that a delivery event was likely in October so um we kind of knew that this was happening right now but it's great to know that officially cyber truck production has begun now when it comes to the rumor about Tesla not initially releasing a 500 mile range version of the truck this rumor comes from at bearded Tesla once again on Twitter and he responded to this tweet from Tesla and and wrote quote based on confidential conversations with three people I believe we will be seeing only the 350 mile cyber truck of course when the Cyber truck was initially on unveiled Tesla discussed having three different versions a single motor version that would have somewhere around 250 plus miles of range a dual motor version that would have 300 plus miles of range and a tri-motor version which was supposed to have 500 plus miles of range based on a previous thread on Twitter that was posted by Matthew Donegan Ryan who goes by at Matthew Dr on Twitter apparently Tesla doesn't plan to produce the single motor cyber truck so you can pretty much Mark that one out that then leaves the dual motor and the tri-motor Cyber truck versions but now the question is if Tesla does indeed release a 350 mile range version will that be a dual motor version or a tri-motor version with less range than was initially unveiled well if Tesla is able to release a 350 mile range dual motor version that would of course be great because that would be more than the initial estimate it would also be a great sign for Tesla's second gen generation 4680 battery cells which I do expect as I've discussed several times in past videos to be more energy dense than the first generation 4680 battery cells if the 350 mile range is for a tri-motor cyber truck that would of course be disappointing to a lot of people but it does seem possible that if Tesla wanted to hit weight price and performance numbers having a smaller battery pack might be ideal smaller than Tesla initially thought they would put in that variant and even if the second generation 4680 battery cells are more energy dense and maybe wouldn't require the tri-motor version to have a lower range like this once again Tesla may be trying to Target a certain weight and price and if they wanted to start off with a more expensive variant and we'll talk about pricing later on in the video but if they wanted to start out with a more expensive variant like the the tri-motor version that's going to be a high-end version and it's good to start off with a high-end version at the beginning of production when production costs are high it might make sense to have a little bit lower range to hit a certain price once again and to hit a certain weight Etc of course that would be somewhat disappointing for a lot of folks and I hope that's not the case but I do think that is a possibility now when it comes to the energy density of 4680 battery cells I'm not going to dwell on this topic for a long time I've discussed this in depth in several other videos but if you take a look for instance at the standard range all-wheel drive model y That's equipped with a structural battery pack and 4680 battery cells that vehicle has an EPA range of up to 279 miles whereas the long range all-wheel drive version with 2170 batteries that version has a range of up to 330 miles according to the EPA which means that the 40 3680 equipped model y has approximately 15.5 percent less range and that's due to less energy dense 4680 battery cells now we know based on a previous presentation that at gigafactory Texas Tesla is producing second generation 4680 battery cells and once again based on a previous Tesla patent application and other information I expect that the second generation of battery cells is more energy dense than the first gen 4680 battery cells this is of course going to be really important for a vehicle like the Cyber truck because while of course Tesla could hit 500 miles of range I assume that would be possible with a lower energy dense battery cell it would just make the weight really extreme and there is a possibility that maybe Tesla couldn't hit the performance the weight Etc with a lower energy dense battery cell now if Tesla has increased the energy density of the 4680 battery cell from gen 1 to Gen 2 once again as I expect this would help Tesla reach closer to the range targets but once again there is a possibility that even with the second gen battery cell they're not quite where they need to be and so this could lead them to weight for a 500 mile range version until they can actually do it more efficiently now when it comes to the price of the Cyber truck initially when Tesla unveiled the Cyber truck a lot of people were excited about how affordable the Cyber truck would apparently be however based on previous comments from Elon Musk I have been assuming that the Cyber truck would be very expensive and quite a bit more than initially announced the comments that Elon Musk made that made me think this were made during the May 16th Tesla annual shareholder meeting where Elon Musk said quote we don't just need to ramp up production but we also need to improve the production cost efficiency which is going to be also a very hard thing later on Elon Musk went on to say quote and like I said it's going to be hard to make the cost affordable because it's a new car new manufacturing method based on those comments from Elon Musk in a previous video I estimated that the Cyber truck could have a cost of between 90 000 and a hundred twenty thousand dollars when Tesla actually announces the official specs however Elon Musk recently tweeted something out which makes me believe that I could be completely wrong on this and that the Cyber truck may actually be much more affordable than I estimated on July 17th Elon Musk tweeted Out quote the Ford Lightning is a good vehicle just somewhat expensive especially given the high interest rates these days for any kind of loan so if Elon is calling the Ford F-150 Lightning expensive that of course means that maybe the Cyber truck will try to Target prices below that Ford did recently drop the prices of the F-150 Lightning as was reported by this Reuters article and now the Base Pro Model has a starting price of 49 995 and the higher end Platinum model starts at around 91 995 so I believe at the very least Tesla would want an equivalent cyber truck model to be a little bit cheaper than the Ford F-150 Lightning and after all once a cyber truck is fully ramped up it should be a very efficient vehicle to manufacture more efficient than other trucks so Tesla should be able to offer a very good value with the Cyber truck so this is actually really good news this tweet from Elon Musk and it actually makes me think I was completely wrong with those previous estimations and hopefully something that Matthew Donegan Ryan on Twitter tweeted out hopefully his addictions are closer to reality because Matthew Donegan Ryan predicted that the dual motor version would be released for around 59 9.99 and that the tri-motor version once released would be 79 9.99 I do hope Tesla does eventually actually bring out a 500 mile range version because for those customers who want to do towing with the Cyber truck a long range is going to be really important because you lose quite a bit of range when you tow heavy loads or even if you have a heavy payload so I believe a 500 mile range version is going to be important for the future now when it comes to how a 350 mile range cyber truck would compare to the competition the upcoming Ram 1500 rev is supposed to have a range of 350 miles to up to 500 miles of range the Chevrolet Silverado EV should have arranged between 350 miles and 450 miles the Hummer EV truck offers up to 350 plus miles eventually the rivian r1t is supposed to be offered with up to 400 miles of range and of course the Ford F-150 Lightning offers up to 320 miles of range so 350 miles of range would be sufficient but it would be very much middle of the pack and middle of the pack is not a place that Tesla likes to be so I believe a 500 mile range version still will come but I believe it's very possible that this rumor that at bearded Tesla shared on Twitter is accurate it seems very credible we do have a Tesla conference call coming up pretty soon and hopefully Tesla will release some more details then but at the very least since production has started I believe that Tesla will release the official specs very soon and we shouldn't have to wait too much longer and then um then we won't have to guess anymore because we'll actually know do let me know what you think about all this in the comments section below I love to hear what you think about all this and also I'd like to say once again thank you to all of those of you who support me through patreon your support makes a big difference and really does help make these videos possible if you'd like to find out more about how you can support me through patreon I'll put a link in the video description thank you so much
Channel: Cleanerwatt
Views: 37,661
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cybertruck, Tesla Cybertruck, Tesla, EV, Electric Truck, Tesla Truck, Tesla Electric Car, Best EV Truck, EV Truck, Trucks, Pickup Truck, Electric Pickup Truck, franz von holzhausen, Tesla Cybertruck 2023, 2023 Tesla Cybertruck, Cyber Truck, Tesla Electric Truck, cybertruck update, tesla cybertruck, Cybertruck updates, cybertruck tesla, cybertruck interior, cybertruck news 2023, Cybertruck 2023, Cybertruck Delivery
Id: 1De_CkMsSxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 18 2023
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