FIRST DRIVE: Tesla Cybertruck Full Review

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nope this isn't some AI generated footage I am actually driving the production intent Tesla cybertruck and in this video I'm going to tell you what it's like to drive I'm going to tell you if it's a proper truck and we're going to hear the full presumably quite tortuous development story from the head of engineering and the head of design yep that head of design oh my god well maybe that was a little too hard by the end of this video you'll know everything there is to know about one of the maddest vehicles ever made is it all hype or actually revolutionary either way I'll be able to help the millions of you that have put down a $100 deposit for one of these decide whether you should buy one or ask Mr musk for your money back but first we're in HOSA Beach Los Angeles just a Stones Throw from Tesla Design Center because above all this vehicle has been designed to get a reaction the Cyber truck is a rolling sci-fi film prop from the dark recesses of elon's brain that makes little sense but takes edgy and wedgie to a whole new level if a DeLorean and an F-150 Lightning got Jiggy at the drive-in this is what would pop out so we need to take it to the good people of America and find out if it's a thumbs up or a thumbs [Music] down did you put down your deposit like right when it was announced absolutely straight away so you must be quite high on the list you should be on the list delivery start at the end of this month so it's really going to go forward you're going have to make a decision with that rivan yeah no we bought it just cuz we were tired of waiting we thought maybe it's never going to happen but no we would keep we maybe we'd keep the riv maybe we'd sell it but we we might just take on the truck as well basically I'm in 80s baby so it's it looks like one of those like McDonald's toys not necessarily but you know like we used to get the little toys and roomroom and then they started to upgrade them and then you pull it back and then zoom off I know the ones I know the so it's so beautiful oh my God I mean just look at it I so I had some people they were like asking me like why I got excited I said are you kidding me I said name something even close you know when you were younger you thought oh flying cars you know maybe this and that this is the actual next step I I'm going to have to get used to this but I'm a stockholder in the company though so thank you all he cares about is his Investments Tesla Inc yeah yes I I think you'll never see the light of day this this first deliveries end of this month this is the production truck we'll [Music] see Elon for 4 years do you have a deposit down by any chance no not on this it's cool my cousin getting of well that was nice and relaxing wasn't it um admittedly this is an affluent Beachside community in Los Angeles it'd probably be quite a different story if you took this thing to midle of nowhere America where truck is religion and function comes way way before form speaking of which you're probably gagging for some techy headlines the version we're driving here is the Circa $100,000 topspec trotor version known internally as the Beast with two induction Motors on the rear axle and a permanent Magnum motor on the front the dual motor is also available and eventually a single motor rear whe Drive model will follow significant inflation from elon's original claims of a $40,000 starting price this Tri motor has over 900 horsepower can do not to 62 in under 3 seconds and can tow up to 5 tons it also weighs over 3 tons and has a 123 KW battery Tesla's biggest yet with a range of around 325 Mi that's roughly in line with the Ford F-150 Lightning although Tesla will offer a 50 KW extender pack that bolts into the bed and takes away some cargo space but extends the range significantly the powertrain which runs on a 800 volt architecture a Tesla first will charge it up to 350 KW if you can find a V4 supercharger and is entirely designed and built inhouse by Tesla it's also nearly 6 M long and you've got a just over 6 ft low bay which means it's thing is shorter than a F-150 but has a longer load Bay back there however that's not to say that this thing feels petite even in America where everything is super sized it does feel like you're driving around in a tank quite literally because you've got that armored exterior but that's not to say that it's difficult to drive because this is what electric does it masks Mass you've got all that torque the way it just peels away from a standstill just effortlessly it doesn't feel like a big cumbersome difficult car to drive and the ride it rides really quite nicely actually it has that kind of cushioned thump that you get with big heavy Vehicles like this and you'll notice there's also something very clever going on with the steering so it's entirely steered by wire and we've got four-wheel steering for the first time on a Tesla now we know how that works at lower speeds the rear wheels turn antiphase as in in the opposite direction to the front wheels and what that does is tighten up your turning radius so this car despite its size actually has the same turning radius as a Model S and then when you're at high speeds so somewhere between 40 and 50 mph is the transition point then the rear wheels actually turn in Phase with the front tires to give you added stability when you're doing Quick Lane changes and stuff like that the other thing is the steering ratio it's completely variable but it never requires more than 170 degrees of lock in either direction in other words you never need to rotate the wheel fully and what that does is it gives the car a really over caffeinated energetic front end so when you first get in it it doesn't compute really because you're used to these big heavy trucks having slow cumbersome steering but actually just a flick of the wrist and the front end of the truck Darts Away it it doesn't really add up it takes some getting used to I'm still if I'm honest trying to get my head around it because you think this thing is going to require big armfuls of Lock and actually the point is you never need to take your hands off the wheel here let's see if we can demonstrate turning around don't need to take my hands off the wheel hopefully I don't crash into that lampost just avoided that part car and we're back straight pretty impressive the feel the sensation is bizarre and let's face it most big traditional pickup trucks like this feel pretty agricultural whether it's the power train whether there's rattles and squeaks and all sorts going on it's all part of the experience and people like that this thing it's just the complete opposite it requires my brain to be entirely rewired the thing that defines the cybertruck though that dictates how it looks and why it's been a total nightmare to engineer and why it still remains to be seen if they can ever put this into proper mass production at their gigafactory in Austin Texas is the quite literally bulletproof stainless steel exoskeleton to explain that and the Project's many and varied hurdles we need some expert assistance the the briefer cybertruck and wasn't really a brief per se it was a conversation that had started several years back about eventually Tesla needs to do a pick up truck we started looking at kind of unpacking the the pickup trucks in the market right they all look the same yeah without the badging they're all really similar and we were realizing that from a kind of first principal's perspective not following the what would already been done but looking at what's the best way to create the strongest most robust truck we started going down a couple of venues that were unique but not really dramatic enough and working with Elon on this kind of going in circles for a long time somewhat secretly started doing something just radically different really simplistic kind of a low resolution looking type truck and in the in the early days of kind of finding this form and this idea we had uh Lotus is spre in the studio and we've been looking at that it was the submarine car and then started looking at what else is in this this planer theme this really in a away simplistic um angular theme and you know the stealth F-117 started looking at like the count and as the the this kind of radical form started evolving one day made a full-size model and had Elon walk into it and seeing it for the first time the one down at the end of the studio and he's like that's what we're doing and from there the whole language came out and from there we started out that's when I had sheer Terror right I was like oh God when you look at that that shape and knowing the stainless steel had to be full hard from from that was my brief and and then the additional bit that Elon threw in that it had to drive like a sports car but have all the utility of a pickup truck we like were just sweating bullets because Elon wanted the first prototype in 90 days and I think he did that to drive decisions right like we when you have 90 days to build a prototype there's no time to argue you just got to pick the best thing and go and that that Alpha that's down there it took us I think 93 days I think he said 180 first and then we kept talking and then it went to 90 and we were just like okay so we're done talking why did we pick stainless steel I mean it started with we had Aluminum Concepts we had steel Concepts but you know Elon had been working with stainless on the Starship program and you obviously we share a materials leader between the between SpaceX and Tesla and so I think you sort of fell in love with the fact that it is stronger and more durable and more Dent resistant more scratch resistant and the actual stainless steel that we use we actually call it three we well we call it HFS hard freaking stainless um but it's it's a special grade because when you get into the details of it it's not as simple as just saying okay I'm going to get this super hard stainless because stainless is not stain proof it does corrode over time and so we had to add various elements to the the mix to make it you know corrosion resistant and and you know also get that full hardness and then also have just enough ductility that when we bend it we didn't get like orange peel cracking turns out it's really hard to bend full hard stainless steel so we actually had to invent how to bend it it's actually a process called air bending actually float the tool on like a air hockey table kind of where we blow really high Press air and that so that tool like floats over the surface so it's not actually touching the surface when it's bending it and like I said that and it sounds really simple but then to make that into a tool for manufacturing it it was a challenge but when we put the structure on the outside we can eliminate structure on the inside so by making it aluminum we still would have required this inner structure that holds it all together and so we you know Lars was able to figure out to eliminate all that and keep the the overall Mass down because we're taking away unnecessary structure from the inside of the vehicle the trick in engineering was how do you take the strength that's there and incorporate it into the needs you have for the vehicle this sail panel which goes from the C pillar back out to the rear it adds like 25% of the torsional stiffness of the vehicle the torsional stiffness of a cybertruck is like 45 K meters per degree that's superar level you know you drive a F-150 it's like 10 or 15 it's all wobbly but then when you drive it that that stiffness that we got from the the exterior structure makes the car I mean the truck feel like a car like L says there's no stamping like a traditional aluminum or a steel panel so the stainless steel can bend in One Direction so we had to create you know the plan view shape to get the you know perfect proportion and Cur perfect balance and not have the corners out by fasting the truck so if you stand in front or rear you can look down the body side but you see there's four facets the four panels um that make up the the curve and the the windshield is flat the glass is flat and you know when when you have all these facets and angles like a diamond coming together you get to some like challenging awkward moments that we had to figure out how to solve I think another another point is the the stainless there's no hemming so we're not wrapping um the outer around the inner like in a traditional panel all the edges are exposed and so there's there's no wiggle room there so we had to figure out how to first of all you know adhere the inner panels to the outer um and then also coin the edges so they weren't sharp or like abrasive or cut you or anything like that and you know lining up all those non hemmed edges is you know it's a challenge so that all added to like the complexity but they were just like new challenges and then the cool thing about repairing it is because it is just a scratch finish depending on how deep you go or whatever you just get some Scotch bright puff it out you all the other pickup trucks that we were looking at the toughness is built like in the frame in the chassis but the most um exposed part the paint is the most delicate you know it's the part that scratches first and dents uh most easily and you have to repair all the time especially if you're using it as a work truck or or overlanding or whatever so you know the idea of putting the toughness on the outside and making it actually extremely tough like bulletproof tough we can stop pretty much any handgun and you know anything that is subsonic but you know if you get armor piercing rounds or you have a a bullet that's going faster than the speed of sound that energy is going to hit it you know with velocity squared in that tiny area it's going to go through so yeah you can definitely empty a whole clip from a Tomy gun 9mm subsonic but I wouldn't go around uh you know claiming that it's fully bullet uh proof and you know I think you know going back to a little bit the brief as well you know once Elon saw what we were doing he's like that's the future the future should look like the future not like harking on the past right so there's a lot of new technology in this there's a stainless steel it's our first uh 48 volts of industry first 48 volt low low voltage system there's a th you know 800 volt high voltage system steer by wire Ste by break and all of these things add to the amount of risk in ramping so you know in an ideal case you know it maybe it'll take us you know 12 15 months to get to that rate um so end of next year but it's only going to move as slow as whichever one of those things has the first problem and then you know at Tesla I think we've gotten a lot better over the years at ramping model 3 was pain no one ever asked us about model y ramp just cuz we just did it um we just revamped the new model 3 and that was a couple couple weeks to ramp so I think we're a little better and we've learned from our uh production H days okay we'll pause it there for a minute and let France and Lars call their batteries because we need to see how the Cyber truck holds up when you leave the city behind right so I shall start start by pointing out the bleeding obvious that this car is absolutely obscenely rapid for something this large I've driven both the Hummer EV and the Ford F-150 Lightning and this is just on another level to both of those cars in terms of sharpness in fact there's a nice straight bit of Road here and no one behind me if I come to a stop I'm in beast mode already I push the brake hard and then push the throttle at the same time this should engage cheatah mode nose down rear up ready to launch oh and off we go no time to look at the fancy graphics and I can't keep my foot in for much longer than that I've done it before in fast EVS it never gets old does it all the blood goes to the back of your body and you do feel a little bit sick but in this it's just a different type of experience isn't it because it's a thre ton pickup truck it's not supposed to do things like that it does beg the question should a pickup truck be this does a pickup truck need to be this fast no of course it doesn't obviously it doesn't but Tesla has made its cooling card fast drag TOS fast straight line acceleration so it's not about to stop here and in fact on a car like this all that torque and power might actually be quite useful because if you're toing 5 tons behind you it'll come in handy okay so what about Its Behavior in the corners where we got a start of the suspension you've got this self-leveling air suspension with with active adaptive dampers at all four corners it's all very clever it can lift the car up to a really quite High height for off-roading it can lower it right down for access all I know is clever things are going on underneath me and the roll in the corners it's much less than you expect there's not much heave and Lurch when you're under acceleration as well it's not a sports car this thing obviously but it does put traditional trucks in the shade and then we get to the steering so obviously when we drove this at Town speeds at low speeds it took some serious getting used to that variable ratio the four-wheel steering it a super alert Lively direct rack and my brain was still trying to calibrate it if I'm honest but here at slightly higher speeds it starts to feel more natural because you got that variable ratio it's not so alert off center and you really can start to clip along at quite a rate the other big surprise is the stiff in the chassis one of the things that you accept when you're driving a traditional truck is the fact that it's going to be a bit rattly and a bit wobbly and when you hit a big bump like this bridge we're coming up to now you get a shudder through the chassis but in this we're in beast mode so the firmer suspension setting yeah you get a bit of a bump but not that big wobble that suggests looseness it feels tight it feels stiff it feels carlike in that regard and then there's the brakes so the Cyber truck has reg gen when you lift off the throttle of 0.3g so that's slightly stronger than you get in something like the model X personally I like it you can't switch it off so you're stuck with it whether you like it or not and the brakes themselves well they work great I haven't had any issues with them despite this being a you know a 3 ton pickup that point between regen handing over to Mechanical friction I haven't spotted it so big tick in that box so then we come to the big question is the Cyber truck actually fun to drive does it need to be fun to drive I mean people are going to buy these things in their hundreds of thousands because of the way it looks because of the headline figures because it's a Tesla because when all said and done it is a practical truck does it need to be fun to drive well this is the area I was prepared for this thing to fall down they' put all the engineering effort into the stainless steel exoskeleton into making it manufacturable and then maybe they forget about the chassis Dynamics but honestly this is where I've been proved wrong this is where the big surprise Has Come Today on this road where actually it's not just rudely fast to drive around on a windy B- Road like this but it's actually good fun and that's all down to body control the acceleration and just the way that it reacts to your inputs it doesn't feel like a truck feels like a car before we go back to Tesla's Design Center while we're up here away from the rabble let's have proper poke around the inside okay so the interior of the Tesla cybertruck and the best thing about this section is there isn't really much to it in true Tesla style we've got a couple of cyber cup holders a couple of cyber wireless phone chargers a big storage bin in the middle here couple of seats a bench in the back and that's sort of about it a lot of space down here for storing stuff in front of me there's a bit of a story so this is called the squirkle it's kind of a development of the Yol that they added to Model S and the model X except it's sprouted a top bar here which makes it infinitely more usable but still not quite as useful as a normal steering wheel and to add to the annoyance there's now no stalks so you have to push these buttons left and right on the wheel I have got used to it but honestly I don't know why they quite literally had to reinvent the wheel on this one and here's a fun fact for you in the center of the steering wheel you'll notice there is a cyber Tru logo this sort of triangular slice here you will not find a Tesla logo on this car you'll notice behind here no instrument cluster there is no screen behind here totally clean unimpeded view of the road ahead and it is a really good visibility from here with this enormous slab of glass over your head but surprise surprise all the magic happens in one Central screen this one is 18.5 in in the model X and the model S you get 17 in I believe and you're greeted by this pretty fantastic graphic of your cyber truck and you can swing this around and you can play around you can see the doors open because that's where the camera is pointing at me over there but you can have some fun here so if I click this button and click that then you can open the tono cover in the back I can even open the tailgate I can even go crazy and open my frunk at the front of the car now you notice there is no rear view mirror here that's because with the load Bay cover in place at the back rear visibility is effectively zero but Tesla have thought of that and if I put the car into drive which is swiping forward over there on the little car you'll see that this is your rearview mirror out the back you can move it over here and have it a bit smaller or you can have it here and then you dive into the menus over here so anyone that's driven a Tesla or owns a Tesla will be familiar with this setup but there's a few subtle differences here with the Cyber Tru so this control section here this is basically all your quick shortcuts for adjusting your mirrors adjusting your steering wheel it is a bit laborious when you just want to move the wheel up and down but for the sake of having everything in one screen that's what Tesla's decided to do now down here the glove box oh I like that it's a very nice action indeed the suspension we talked about that as well you can have it high low or entry when you're in on-road mode and as I'll show you in a minute you've got an off-road mode so we go to the Dynamics tab here we go we're in onroad you choose your mode we're in beast mode of course the interesting thing about beast mode this is the equivalent of ludicrous or plaid it's the most aggressive mode that you can have your cyber truck in but honestly it's pretty usable it's pretty livable with if you don't mind the suspension a little on the firm side then you could just drive Beast all day long and then underneath you got all the different attributes and the moment you start playing with these with how you want your acceleration chill sport or beast it flips to custom mode you can choose your ride or handling relaxed or focused and your ride height low or medium now if we go into off-road mode Tesla wants you to confirm that you do indeed want to go off-road in your cyber truck and the two big things here are Overland uh and Baja Baja being the off-road um fast desert racer mode yes you can take your cyber truck out into the dirt and really give it some the engineers have been telling me about Adventures they've had in barard doing jumps and the suspensions all set up for that for for soft Landings and it can take all the punishment you like and as we mentioned before you don't have a diff hanging down at the back so the ground clearance is fantastic on this thing um Towing and Hauling of of course that's uh a crucial thing when it comes to the Cyber Tru and the rest to be honest that's pretty standard stuff from Tesla now of course it does beg the question as to whether having absolutely everything on a central screen is a bit too distracting it's going to take some learning personally I've we've had two days in the Cyber truck and I could still do with a few more hours getting my head around how all the submenus work but look if there was ever a car that does deserved a squirkle no instrument cluster and absolutely everything to be controlled from a super siiz Central screen it's the Cyber truck isn't it and on that note back to Fran and L in the studio okay so I did have a nice neat list of questions ready for this bit of the interview but uh we've just walked around the truck and there's a million different bits that I just didn't appreciate um and so let's just keep this just free form we're just going to do a lap of the truck and just give us as much detail as you can about everything starting with the fact that I've spotted a curve how did that one get through one curve one curve this sort of curv fromont bumper but well the challenge was we had to make this truck Aero efficient as well and efficiency is you know part of what we do at Tesla all of our vehicles are the most efficient of their class and cybertruck needed to be the same way um more range is just better um and so most aerodynamic truck on sale most inter truck on sale of its size um um most competitors when they'll measure it they'll just measure it in a straight line but here at Tesla we like to do that number with the rotating Wheels because it does actually affect you when you're driving no one drives without the wheel spinning yeah and so we do a lot of work in the front corner and around the wheels and with Fran's team to make that you know super awesome yeah so this area here which which most of us will just sort of walk past in the street and not appreciate that the radius of this bumper and this sort of Gap here is probably Precision design it is actually because we have the embedded team we're working on these corners on a daily basis and I think we were able to really successfully sneak in a few of these curves and help the air flow and and you know created these gaps here that help the air flow up and over the tire the curve that bends the air right around the tire and and when we can't get a curve in design we make them an aerodynamics so this actual shape of the front wheel Arch here actually creates a positive pressure Zone that pushes the air out so it's effectively like there's a curve over this whole front end and it just kind of gleans over the edge yeah and the the the um tono that's that makes a huge aerodynamic about 10% right so same thing the air comes back in and it spins around if you have a bed and that happens on pickup trucks as well but with our shape you get up to that Peak and it comes over it's coming fast it's going to go to the low pressure area which would be the bed unless you have a tunnel cover then just goes straight to although I did notice you still got Wing mirrors we do have Mir could had another percent or two here yeah we can however our you know us regulations require mirrors at this point in time so ah so that's something that we can have that you can't in the UK which is cameras for Wing mirrors affect that's true but we did put the camera screens in for the B pillars and if you want to put a tow mirror on or any other optional thing you can bolt it off pretty quickly okay cool let's stay around the front quickly um so this this windshield is enormous that's got to be the biggest something of something isn't it it is the biggest Automotive piece of glass uh on the market it's actually pretty big even for like Architectural Glass you know um we had to invest with our supplier and a new line you know to make a glass that big and as with everything we want it to be super tough so it's it's made out of borro silicate float glass super smooth super tough and like it won't it won't propagate chips which is awesome no and it looks flat when when you're dead on it's it's effectively one flat surface from the from the front of the Bonnet all the way up all the way up to the sort of peak of the triangle if you like but actually from where I'm standing there is just a little little curve left to right on that hint of a curve for manufacturing so the the glass doesn't collapse on itself in for sound so like if you get a flat piece of glass and you're driving and there's wind on it it'll go boom b boom B Bo like a drum mhm but when you get that little curve you kind of put the tension to the outside yeah you get rid of that noise and this has to be the biggest wind screen wiper ever definitely the biggest truck wiper the biggest Automotive wiper out there it's just under fourt long um but you know we went with the single wiper because we wanted to keep it clean we did talk about Deployable wipers and a whole bunch of things but turned out we actually were able like make that even more aerodynamic adds to the overall efficiency of the truck just by having the arm there two three counts it rounds out the corner and this whole shape here provides a little bit better flow on this side than that side cool headlights so I um yeah for the first 20 minutes when I arrived this morning I didn't actually notice that they're hidden slip this is a a big signature lamp it's DRL it's one of the brightest on the market but the headlights are actually hidden down here um in the signature area they're only about 15 mm tall 15 20 mm tall and all of the light that you would need for you know driving on the road comes from here which is actually better cuz it's lower to the road yeah so you get more visual space out in front than you would if it was up here okay cool you've also got a lockable frunk do yeah front trunk frunk front trunk space which is actually pretty impressive cuz if you look look at the front overhang it's absolutely tiny compared to more traditional trucks very small F150s which have just you know they're out here they're out here somewh yeah um that's still still a useful spice yeah you can you can fit you know carry on in there or your grocery bags you know it's got some room um and you can open it from inside you can sit in it yeah you can tail yeah we both fit and actually the height of this was like designed so we could fit and sit and you get shade at the at the car park you do something called tailgating in the US don't you we're not really into it but um front front gating it's a whole new spot it's basically just drinking and Grilling meat right that's right pretty much I'm talk about the wheels because I thought when you did the um the the origal concept and the prototypes they had this kind of these sections carved out of the wheels and I thought oh yeah classic design concept style they're never going to but the these are the production Wheels right these are production wheels and you know the the first thing we looked at was the moment you put something round on this vehicle it just took it out of its futuristic state so we knew right away that the the Caps had to have this angular faceted feel and if you you know you stand back and you look at the Caps that they're not round it's kind of a square thing and we designed the the cap to over um ride the the tire and so the the the the spokes stretch right out to the tread it just makes the whole thing feel big bigger and it just feels incredibly futuristic our job is to take this concept that people now expect as like the future and and actually deliver to them you know give give them the future okay all right well let's keep coming down the side door handles or lack of them at least in the body side right yeah yeah so the original the the 2019 concept I seem to remember did did have them yes um and then you've been on a mission ever since to rid the world of car door handles yes inefficient door handles the Prototype had Model S door handles that you know um greet you when you approach the car but now um because we can use btla we can um have the door actually greet you instead of the the door will open up like that when you come in and you just grab it and open it super cool but like it's also super functional cuz you know if you get Frozen or whatever like door handles are paining to open but the truck actually can break through a half inch ice and we don't have to cut holes in the yeah cutting hes in stainless Ste is annoying right yeah yeah um let's open up the door I just want a quick look at the interior we're not going to dive into the to the menu and play with all the modes classic you know had to make sure that the angular kind of character of the exterior of the truck made its way into the interior so it felt H holistic although it's very comfortable yeah like the seats look incredibly angular you got really comfortable conform to your body yeah cool let's look in the back cuz I think the the rear seats do something cool as well oh they're halfway up oh I'll get it all the way up there we go so you can truck a lot more stuff yeah like the a truck is all about it's like a Swiss army knife it's all about you know how are you going to use it for what you need um and so it's our job to just make as much space as possible and can and make it configurable so you can use it there's there's Pockets seats flip up you could put you know dog crates or and we really worked hard to make the door open 92 because you can have this big space but if the door only opens to here you can't use it you can't put your thing in and then you know you it's not quite six feet but it is also pretty decent for sleeping yeah really yeah I've been out on a few test trips where you know you'll find an engineer or two in the back of a truck just laying down Tesla cyber truck camper van although you did actually have a kind of roof tent on those ini roof tent is that going to be is that going to be an accessory oh man I can't wait to see the accessories catalog on this it's going to be pretty good let's C around the back um oh charging ports here yeah cleverly uh integrated there there it goes so this is another round thing but this is our North American charging standards the same that's not nearly angular enough hidden behind you know in shoe fashion to what we do with Tesla we've hidden all our charge ports in the lights this this one wouldn't go in the light so hit it away it's got a nice seal here to keep it dry when you're off-roading so right now our V3 superchargers they they only go up 250 Kow but our V4 ones that just started rolling out you get 350 Kow so this will take all of it and it'll charge super fast 350 yeah wow so that will charge in I mean I know we shouldn't think not to 100 we should think 20 to0 yeah that kind of thing but that'll take 10 15 minutes yeah that's right it's about 20 18 to 20 minutes from from 15 to 85 and then you lose that speed at the top right yeah right let's go back to truck things truck things tono covers here we go so is this can stand on it yeah but then it opens up to so you can you can stand on that yeah is it going to be standing on every truck obviously there's a there's dual motor there's eventually a single motor single motor rear drive one so I imagine you you will it be an option yeah right now it's standard um I mean as you said it's super efficient on Arrow and so like you know if we need it to to get to the price point that makes sense we'll we'll do it but like it's super useful part of the truck so it's it's something we want to keep let's hit some buttons yeah so the button the tailgate comes down you know it's got a torion spring so you can push on it we've got what we like to call our Smuggler Bay it's under under bed storage oh there we go that's where you put the Contra band exactly but extra space that we had yeah so we gave it back it's a 6ft bed so it's slightly longer than your 5 and 1/2t bed that you find on a you know a traditional IC truck yeah um it's wider than 4T across you'll notice there's no like big blisters or humps for the wheel arches so it's super smooth and clean in here can fit you know 4x8 sheets of plywood which is a thing here in the US got to have that I love you you're getting the he's from the UK he doesn't know what I'm talking about but what about is there uh electrical outlets so I can you know do my welding you know do my barbecuing you can barbecue you can weld there's a 220 and two 110 so um we get 20 amp and 30 amp so you can actually weld with this as enough power um the power conversion system is our first bir directional system y so you can get power out you can put Power in and eventually with our new chargers at home Chargers you'll be able to go vehicle to home power your house this is a very functional bed we put in an L track system so this is like almost infinitely configurable to all sorts of accessories um we have you know tie downs everywhere tie downs and so this is an incredibly functional bed for anybody that's doing hauling stuff gear camping um you know you mentioned the tent we have a whole like um accessories for camping and sleeping in here and making the bed fantastic I think I know the answer to this one but would this have been possible with any other boss other than Elon oh hell no no give us a give us a flavor of what it's like to have Elon Musk as a boss how does he how does he operate how often is he in here demanding sub 10 microns and demanding Perfection yeah I mean I I for me it's you know Wonderful that has have a boss especially CEO level that understands physics and Engineering because I don't have to like dumb it down or water it down we just talk like Engineers about this is why I can do this these are limitations and I've said it before but like we go to the limits of physics and chemistry and that's it anything above that is not allowed anything below that is not what Tesla does I realized you didn't mention cost there like you know it seems Teslas should be affordable and and for everyone right but you're not really take taking into account cost at the expense of the the overall dream right yeah I mean cost is in every element of what we do and I think it comes here a lot of times in integration and deletion so some of the stuff we're talking up up front on the Arrow fits where you're not adding bits on every bit you add on that's a dollar $2 $3 and so I really on my team and especially with you guys we try to break Conway's law all the time so you can't tell who designed what and where one part ends and the and when you get that integration you delete those parts you just end up with less costly always says the best part is no part so we really adhere to that philosophy and we try to just take out the parts or you know you you mentioned that's a giant windscreen but we we we could have made multiple Parts but then it's multiple Parts yeah cool well I think we need to go and find some guns some axes some arrows some just general weapons and then start smacking this thing go for it and now for the bad news if you're watching this video anywhere other than America you can't buy one pedestrian protection laws and the radius of those panel edges means it will only go on sale in the US for the time being at least but if you are an American deposit holder this bits for you okay so we've just spent the full two days with the Cyber truck I've literally just hand about the keys in there which is Tesla's Design Center and I did promise you that I was going to give you a verdict so here goes I'm going to have to break it up um into little bits we'll start with Trucking is it a good truck yes it is a good one I especially like the lockable load area of the back it does truck things well how about a car how about the handling well at low speeds it's not perfect it's a bit overly aggressive on the steering and takes some serious recalibration to get used to that four-wheel steering in the variable ratio but I'm happy to report when you get some speed under the wheels then it starts to feel a lot more organic the looks is basically from another Planet this car I have never in my life driven anything that gets remotely the same amount of interest but I will say this the stainless steel exoskeleton panels they're not car panels in the traditional sense in the way that we know them from standard Teslas or every other car on the road catch them in the wrong light and you do see a bit of Rippling down the side in softer light they do look smooth and perfect but you have to get used to that and of course there's the raw edges which they've rounded off on each of the panels um but here's what I think the kunach all those years ago it was gandini getting bored of everything looking a bit the same and he wanted to shake everything up that is what the Cyber truck is doing in these days that's why it's so hard to get your head around it because it wants to defy convention in absolutely every single way if the Cyber truck was a super car uh the new Tesla Roadster for example with all its stainless steel exterior and wacky design I think it wouldn't be quite as shocking but it's because they've taken the most utilitarian vehicle on Earth the truck that's just designed to do a job and that's it that's why it is such a shock so if you've got $100 or 100 quid or whatever it is down on a cyber truck should you see it through you've waited this long should you actually buy one well as long as you can stomach the fact that prices have probably gone up a fair bit since you actually put that deposit down then yeah go for it if you loved it then you're going to love it even more when you meet it for real
Channel: Top Gear
Views: 4,373,180
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Top Gear, elon musk, tesla cybertruck, model 3, electric car, elon musk interview, elon musk vs mark zuckerberg, porsche 911 gt3 rs, porsche 911 turbo s 2023, tesla cybertruck delivery event, porsche 911 carrera, tesla cybertruck launch, beast mode motivation, porsche 911 gt3, cyber truck, beast mode, porsche 911 turbo s, cybertruck tesla, tesla truck, tesla cybertruck review, model x, model s, cybertruck delivery, cybertruck review, elon musk full interview
Id: uefydJUbRhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 16sec (2476 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2023
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