Terror of Demons, Year of St. Joseph & More - Consecration to St. Joseph with Fr. Calloway (Part 2)

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we have never had a year of saint joseph for the entire church proclaimed by the pope in the 2000 year history of christianity and we're blessed to be living in this time not a lot of people know that saint joseph is the terror of demons could you go into that a little bit father oh this for me was huge because this to me is like the money title i mean it's like drop the mic title you know it's like wow i mean and why is he a tear of demons you know because a lot of people when they see some of that traditional art of him they think okay i mean he looks old in the shadows and he doesn't look too intimidating right why would he be the terror of demons well think about it this way there's only two people who've ever lived and who will ever live who can talk to god in a parental way so when our lady asks him to do something you know they have no wine boom you got lots of wine right because jesus hears it coming from his mother consider it done when joseph does likewise consider it done and who's terrified of that the devil the devil does not want people to know the parent the power of the parental intercession that mary and joseph have individually but then combined forget about it we're talking about spiritual dynamite when mary and joseph asked jesus for something because he's hearing it coming from his mom and dad it's done the devil is jumping out windows so we've got to tap into that and start invoking him as the terror of demons one of the things i love about being catholic is you know exorcisms and all of that stuff you know we've never abandoned that i always say people always make fun of catholics until they have a demon in their house that's true right and then they're calling them up you know so to to think of st joseph having that role is so incredible father you mentioned something earlier husbands come to you and they say oh well you know i let my wife lead in the faith how could say joseph helped there i loved how you said that oh this is so important because i hear this all the time so you know in the holy family you've got jesus he's god he's perfect he's divine and then you've got our lady who's not god but she's a perfect creature right but whose role of those three people jesus god mary perfect creature and joseph whose role was it to lead the prayers joseph's josephs because of his his fatherly role and that's extremely important because could jesus have done it better totally could mary have done it better absolutely and i say this because a lot of men they say to me when i challenge them in their spiritual life to step up their game and you know man up you know and be the one to take your family to church and lead the prayers they say father my wife does it better she's just better at it and i'm like buddy that's not the issue you have to do it you think jesus and mary couldn't have prayed better than joseph you better believe it that's not the point jesus loved to watch his father lead the prayers he delighted in that and so did mary let me tell you something every woman delights when it is her husband who is leading the family in the observance of the practices of christianity when he's the one saying grace before meals when he's the one who wakes up his little princess his little daughter and his little boy on sunday and says we're going to church to see jesus when he's the one who takes them to confession when he's the one who leads the family rosary that has power that transforms things and every man when he does that you know what he becomes a terror of demons because he's got that powerful relationship with god and god will listen to him so that's why again go to joseph he's going to show us how to do this he did it first there have been very few people throughout history that had more pressure on them than saint joseph literally i have to guide the holy family and uh and i'm the least holy one here you know and and all this unknown and angel's coming to him and his in his dreams and saying you have to go here and here and you know if not your son's going to be killed and who knows whatever happens to think of all the uncertainties that we face today and how he can be overwhelmed with him to look to him to bring us bring us hope let's talk about the year of saint joseph what does it mean that there's a year of saint joseph yeah so we've had tons of years before um so we will have you know a marian year which is awesome i mean the things that happened during that are extraordinary or a year of mercy we had a year of prayer year religious life all kinds so what that means is that we're going to emphasize that particular person or theme during that year so you're going to get special conferences you're going to get priests are going to speak about that theme more often than they normally would you're going to get pilgrimages places in diocese will be designated as a pilgrimage site where you can go and the church will grant indulgences during that special year and there's tons of other things that happen and the cool thing about this year of saint joseph is is the first one we have never had a year of saint joseph for the entire church proclaimed by the pope in the 2000 year history of christianity and we're blessed to be living in this time do you know what saint teresa of avila would have done to have seen something like this in her time or so many other saints oh my gracious but we're privileged to be living this time it's extraordinary wow that is really incredible now for the year of st joseph there are indulgences what are some of your favorite indulgences that are available to the laity yeah this is extraordinary because sometimes yeah for everybody um so you know sometimes in these special years that we get the church might grant us an indulgence or two you know which is awesome there's 16 that we can get during the year of saint joseph it's like the church is like look pay attention you know these are serious times we're all messed up we've got issues we're living at a difficult time god is like throwing mercy at us you know like come on you know so 16 of them so there's three that i really love they're all awesome but you know as everyone who knows me and my story i love the rosary right i absolutely love the rosary so there's one if you simply pray the rosary as a family or as a couple husband and wife you get a plenary indulgence right you have to fulfill the conditions that go with it but those are normal for any indulgence that's amazing that's awesome another one that i that i really like is simply praying the litany of saint joseph now i love i've come to love that litany so much because that's the template for the book right it forms the the the kind of the skeleton the framework of the book that's a powerful prayer another one that i like you can get an indulgence every wednesday simply by praying an approved prayer to st joseph i mean how much easier can you make it right so those are my favorite three but there's others that are great you can do a spiritual work of mercy uh those kind of things so take advantage of this everybody because we've got so many ways right now to grow in holiness to turn away from sin to turn to what is right and to help others it's a it's a gift to us you know we kind of often times as a church we've become kind of wimpy in our evangelization you know um a lot of people just look at christianity like yeah they've kind of they're just one of many i mean jesus is just some wise guru teacher like all the other ones and everybody goes to heaven and it's like no okay hold on now jesus is god he's not some guru you know who wants you to find freedom putting a hot rock on your belly button in sedona arizona that's not jesus okay jesus wants you to have everlasting life with his father in heaven and it requires repentance conversion and i think we've got to get back out there in the field and be missionaries again like saint joseph who was the first missionary joseph he took jesus to a a different country and he exposed him to the people you know i mean he's the first one to do adoration exposition really he's the first missionary he he's the first pretty much of everything you know with his wife our lady so we need this we we got to recover lost ground because so many people are jumping ship right now and we need to bring them back with the joy of our truth and our teaching um and i think that saint joseph again is going to help us with that i'm going to put up right now the images of when the consecration will start and end the next one that's coming up is february 15th as father mentioned earlier these books are like selling out so fast so i would recommend that you order yours today it's also on kindle one thing i want to mention is in this book this was really the most mind-blowing part to me is that joseph has a unique uh title i guess you could say and that is lowercase s savior of the savior capital s yeah that's a shocker yeah oh yeah because that that almost seems like heresy right it's like whoa wait a minute huh gotcha you're wrong no so i'm glad you said lower s because he's not god he's not the messiah he's not better than jesus absolutely not he'd be the first one to tell you that um but remember that when a madman herod wanted to kill children you know because he was paranoid he was going to lose his power because a newborn king had come on the scene um it was joseph who saved our savior by obeying god the angel that god sent to him and taking the christ child to egypt so that this madman would not kill jesus so he's the savior of the savior and this phrase is used by many saints blessed william joseph chaminade saint john paul ii uses a variation of it um there's a french saint a woman her name escapes you at the moment and several others it's like wow so this isn't something odd or weird as long as you understand it the right way of course when people first hear it they're like run that by me again but like i just said wow what a title not even our lady and she's greater than joseph is called the savior of the savior that's amazing a lot of what i hear in my youtubing is that there are so many young women that really want a strong man and i think that what you've done so well in this book is you've emphasized the role of the father because even if say say you're not even say you're watching this and you're like 18 years old or 16 years old you're like oh a father that's so far from now but what it is it's being a man and joseph is such a great example to a man what would you say to those women out there and those men that may be uh questioning if they had the virtue to do it or the woman questioning if god will ever send someone into their life what would you say to those people that are just kind of hopeless how can saint joseph help them yeah so that's that's a really good point you're making because this whole getting to know joseph and consecrate yourself to him is for everyone so a lot of people when they first hear about it they think oh well that's a men's thing the men's group's gonna do it no it's for everyone joseph is for everyone just like our lady is for everyone and remember it's our lady who works the wonder of her feminine mystery to heal the hearts of wounded men when they make that consecration to marry i know that's what it did for me it helped me to want to be a pure man want to be like a knight for our lady and strong defender of the truth well think about the same thing applying to women when they consecrate themselves to saint joseph they are going to get that loving affectionate strong love of a good father that's going to give them a sense of security because there's so much insecurity in the world right now because of so much you know abuse so many wounds that have taken place in families or in a marriage or whatever giving yourself to st joseph you know that you've got a man who is going to watch over you protect you he's never going to harm you or hurt you his words are consoling he's affirming um and we all need that but the feminine heart and its delicate tenderness you know they just delight in that you know and i've heard from women who've done the consecration like father this has really changed my life so praise god that brings up a great point so i have five sisters it's awesome um my youngest sister is nine so that's really cool but i've always had this mentality as a man that i want to be a man that my sisters look up to and admire because the the the way that they see me and obviously like my dad being the father the way that they see the men in their lives will be the men that they're drawn to and what a great example for women of all ages and men of all ages to see joseph the most chased spouse loving in the ways you mentioned before and that is the the goal that you aspire to i always say that tim tebow was so helpful in my own faith because i was like if he could be chased so can i and that was such a great motivation in college where there was a lot of temptation and whatnot so he really raised the bar and joseph being the foster father the patron of the church lifting the bar even higher for men and women to think that for so many young men that are struggling to be men to be sacrificial i mean i tell you guys i am i'm super wimpy sometimes right but what encourages me to take up my cross a jesus right what encouraged me to take up my cross the saints there's no greater way to persevere we actually have i actually we just put up an image of jesus picking up his cross in the laundry room because no one likes laundry right but that's like literally where we're taking up our cross for almost two years my our sons would wake up in the middle of the night like four a.m and i'm uh i sleep all through the night but once they once they started crying i'd get up and get them and it was just little things taking up my cross little things there is no love without sacrifice right you can't do a loving act without some sort of sacrifice and we need examples that we can look to of people with heroic virtue who cared in ways and trusted in god in ways that we we need to strive to we need to trust in god in this time something that you've mentioned before is the role of saint joseph as husband how that's so unique and so special for this time especially as you mentioned with you know 50 of marriages ending in divorce how will say joseph as a husband this is just a sneak peek because you got to read the book to hear all of it oh this is like almost untapped territory here because when we talk about st joseph a lot of times we we only talk about him patron of a happy death or you know his being the father the foster father of jesus but a lot of times you don't hear much about his role as husband because he really was the husband of mary i mean this was a real marriage now yes it was what we call a virginal marriage so they did not enter into the the conjugal act because of their particular mission and what god had them to do but it was a real marriage he loved mary with a husband's heart and she loved him with you know a wife's heart they were tender they were affectionate they loved each other and that's that's something i think that we need to unpack more of and one of the things that i discovered in my research because a lot of the stuff that i found i didn't know i was just shocked as everybody else when i discovered it is that we actually have a feast a liturgical feast in the church that celebrates their spousal love it's on january 23rd and it's called the feast of the holy spouses this is extraordinary who knows who knew right the issue is that it's not on the universal liturgical calendar because there's many feasts that aren't it's particular to a region or something but shrines celebrate it like the oratory of st joseph up in montreal canada they celebrate it um certain religious communities celebrate it and all the bishop has to do is do it and and it can be done so i'm praying that that would become more known because in this time of you know a lot of struggles and families in between couples spouses wow what a model we celebrate it you know so i just think let's tap into him and and men husbands fathers they can look to him of how to have that strong love you know you're a man and you can swing an axe like saint joseph right but tender affectionate loving caring sacrificial servant laying down your life for the beauty that's been entrusted to you there's so much we need doctoral dissertations written on this aspect to say joseph you know father that's a great point because the tender aspect i think is so necessary there's obviously a balance in everything right i've only been married for five years but it's it's been amazing and i love it but something i've always told men is that guys you need to be like saint joseph because how many words did saint joseph say in scripture none there are so many times there are so many times where my wife every she'll be upset about something and uh my natural instinct is to instigate you know and be like maybe she's wrong or whatever we're just bickering over something but how many times have i said something and then she got mad at me and then i got mad at her was i ever grateful that i did that no so i've modeled say joseph and been silent obviously there are times and you gotta work on it afterwards but that's always something that i've said and really that's it's kind of just uh you know because you can't always be silent what not but it's it's such a great teaching and something that like you said we need to write and reflect and meditate upon more is the need because family is the building block of society and the the love between the the husband and the and the wife is the the image of the trinity to the children so it's really so crucial for us to get this right and i know my natural instinct is as a man is to to be proud right in so many instances but modeling st joseph is would be so critical and father you have an amazing conversion story if you haven't watched his conversion story you have to i literally watched it this past weekend i should have watched it before because people told me about it but i was drinking water and one of the things you said was so funny i almost spit it out everywhere it was hilarious you're just such a a funny speaker and it's great um but one of the things that you said is that mary or a voice that uh that you knew wasn't your mother said called you a name that only your mother calls you and she says i'm so happy and when i was listening to that with my wife anne marie she said mary knew that father calloway would write this book and i'm sure that she was so happy obviously because you were coming into the church because she knew that one day you would write this book that would bring her husband into uh i guess popularity again in the church so i just thought that was so amazing and wanted to share that with you uh praise god i mean it's it's it's definitely all of heaven i'm just trying to do my part in all my deficiencies but yeah i'm thrilled brother i really am because i'm so convinced that all the trinity and our lady is definitely wanting us to pay attention to saint joseph right now definitely yeah and really i mean there have been saints that i've prayed to and everything like that and i've always wanted to grow in my devotion to st joseph this has been amazing i have 19 month old twins and really thinking about st joseph and calling upon him to help me be a better father has been so important what was your favorite part in pulling all this together whoo i think probably discovering all the things that i was unaware of so like i said i in doing the book was kind of coming to know joseph myself so when i learned about i'll just give you i'll give you two things that blew my mind okay one was that the wedding ring that saint joseph gave to our lady is still in existence and housed in the cathedral in perugia italy in a reliquary i was like what i'm like why is this not like on the front page of catholicism today or whatever you know it would be this is huge and and i discovered this you know that they've known about it over there but the rest of the world hasn't really known about this certain saints have gone there and you can go there they only seem to expose it for the public um a couple times a year but married couples and engaged couples can touch their ring to the ring is that amazing or what right that's that's just that's incredible incredible right i know um and then the other thing is the holy house of loreto right so this this is the family the holy family's home that was in nazareth um that they lived in and it was there in nazareth until the 13th century like saint helena and saint francis of assisi they went to visit it while it was in nazareth but then in the 13th century it disappeared out of nowhere one day it's like construction workers came in and dismantled it no it was just disappeared and everybody there was like what's up where'd it go well it went to croatia because it appeared in a town it would stay there for a little while and then it left and it went to italy which is where it is today in the town of loretto and the tradition says and you know this is what the popes have said what saints have said and so many scenes have been there therese of lazu right we all love the little flower read about what she says in the book about her visit there so angels took it angels uplifted the home and moved it for safe keeping because it was six years later that um the ottoman turks muslims came in and destroyed they completely sacked nazareth destroyed it so the home of the holy family would have been destroyed god sent his angels to move it to where it is today and who lived in that house jesus mary and joseph that is a relic beyond imagining you know what i mean that's incredible so uh father i went there with ann marie and uh dominic and michael my sons and my in-laws wow uh in october we did a little consecration of mary for them in in that in their house and uh yeah it was amazing so uh avery's dad is amazing my father-in-law is amazing and wrote a prayer and he was reading it and i was just like bawling because i was like oh my gosh jesus touched these walls you know like it is amazing it's a hidden gem no no no one knows about it like i didn't know about it and uh my father-in-law was like oh yeah let's go visit the house that jesus that the enunciation happened in and uh i was like what that that's in italy so we went we thought we were only only going to go for a half an hour and we were there for like nine hours they had to kick us out it was wow amazing so i highly recommend that you go such a beautiful place but but to realize that we have that opportunity to visit the house where jesus and mary and joseph lived is just phenomenal joseph was the first man that ever adored jesus you know he he got to like he literally got to hold jesus while sleeping adoring him you know that that i mean it's so amazing he was the first missionary as you go into in the book there's just so much in this book as i mentioned how can his example help our prayer life and our love for the eucharist grow yeah and that that's an important point too because you know whether it's this consecration to say joseph or a consecration to mary ultimately it's all about jesus that's you know he's our god we worship him the saints help us to get to him and so saint joseph is definitely going to do this i mean i talk about in the book how saint joseph our great saint joseph is like the fulfillment of another joseph that was in the old testament so just as a refresher you know to the viewers and listeners if you remember there was a joseph in the old testament who was sold into slavery by his brothers and his captors took him to egypt and eventually he the pharaoh really took a liking to him and put him in charge of his granaries and egypt at that time was known as the bread basket of the world right well a famine broke out and all of a sudden everybody's coming looking for food looking for grain looking for bread well the brothers come and they ask and they don't realize it's their brother that's now joseph like basically a prince of the land so to speak and he so he ends he plays with them a little bit but then he ends up giving them what they need for for survival this bread well that's true it happened historically but that's nothing compared to our joseph who when the true bread came down from heaven jesus christ born in bethlehem which in hebrew means house of bread and arabic it means house of flesh or meat he was laid in a manger from where we get manjade right this is the true bread come down from heaven our joseph took our bread for safe keeping to the bread basket of the world and then out of egypt he brought the bread to feed the nations so we always make the connection with our lady and jesus in his eucharistic presence because i mean that bread was baked in her sacred womb so to speak right but oftentimes joseph gets left out and we don't think there's a connection because joseph died before the public ministry of jesus he wasn't at the last supper he didn't get to ex consume the eucharistic presence of our lord but without him we wouldn't be able to consume it he saved our bread and that is something tremendous to thank him for and to ask him to help us to realize the gift that we have in the eucharist i mean think about this brother this breaks my heart right before the covet thing happened a survey was taken in the united states that said that 69 of catholics don't believe in the real presence of jesus christ in the eucharist what this is horrible right so how do we get this back again we've got to go to joseph if you remember in the old testament when the people came looking for bread what did pharaoh say to the people go to joseph pharaoh said this don't let a pagan ruler out do you in your piety we have to go to joseph now to find the true bread jesus christ we have to go to him and he is going to reveal him he's going to tell us where to go to find him in every tabernacle in a catholic church can you mention fatima and saint joseph that's something i want to oh yeah yeah and i'm speaking at catholic family land later this year at a conference uh so i very much look forward to that yeah so at fatima uh this is another thing that i discovered is that st joseph has been in apparitions who knew right so one of them is fatima there's several but fatima on the last apparition october 13th 1917 that's kind of the famous one where the sun was gyrating and like 70 000 people thought it and thought they were gonna die you know um but all three children said that they saw saint joseph in the in the heavens in the in the sky holding the christ child and together and i love this together joseph and jesus so father and son they blessed the world is that not cool or what and i mean that is like an un that's a forgotten message of fatima because i don't think we're going to really experience the triumph of our lady's immaculate heart which we all want right for sure right now we need it big time but we're not going to experience it until we get the family right because as you said that's the building block of civilization our lady's heart is not going to be delighted when more than half of all marriages are ending in divorce right now so what do we need to do to rectify this bring in the father bring in saint joseph and more into the church into our parishes into our families and that's going to renew fatherhood and husbands and we're going to get things right again and our lady's heart is going to be joyful and it will triumph ah man you mentioned patricide how many times and you're a priest so you see it all the time you look out into the congregation or me as you know a parishioner i walk into a church and there are so many women there with their families without their husband you know not to say that they're divorced or whatever but maybe their husband's at home watching football or something like that it is a plague it's it's really so terrible to see that what a great time for saint joseph so many women are like oh i want to find virtuous catholic man you know and i'm sure there are so many men out there that want to be virtuous catholic men as well st joseph is a great guide to that and will really help and i think bring families closer because we see all the statistics about you know when the father leads his family and the faith the difference that it makes and what makes jesus happier than seeing fathers loving their wives and wives loving their husbands and children loving their parents because of the love that they see between them this is how god made it to be this is how he ordained it with the holy family the great first example for us and i think what you'll see in this book you'll see that in so many different ways what do we need in these times obviously we need courage but i think what what causes so much division is a lack of patience and that's really uh i mean even today i'm i'm working from home and uh you know dominic and michael are trying to climb up on my keyboard or whatever and i get a patient right yeah yeah what what's one of the items in the litany of st joseph mirror of patience mirror of patience that's you always hear the phrase patience is a virtue and whatnot but right to to call upon joseph the mirror of patience and to mirror him you know it's it's really i mean there's so much that we that we can gain from this and that i've gained from it and you know i've got to do this again maybe i'll join again on february 15. um it it's it's just a rich treasure that that you will unlock and we need to go to st joseph it's the year st joseph hopefully you're doing all you can to access those plenary indulgences please share this video and like it have a blessed day and god love you
Channel: The Joy of the Faith
Views: 2,691
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Keywords: st joseph, St. Joseph, consecration to, consecration to st joseph, consecration to st joseph fr calloway, father calloway conversion story, father calloway rosary, fr calloway consecration to st joseph, fr calloway conversion story, fr donald calloway consecration to st joseph, fr donald calloway st joseph, father donald calloway, fr calloway, Terror of Demons, Year of St. Joseph & More - Consecration to St. Joseph with Fr. Calloway (Part 2)
Id: eCp4GJGva9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 55sec (1795 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2021
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