TERRIFYING SPIDER ARMY!!!! | Crowd City | Fan Choice Friday

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[Music] baby what is your friend the noodles add a welcome that defense Friday where I play games chosen by you and today we are playing a crowd city which is a mobile game that kind of is like slither yo but obviously no snakes there people there are definitely different mechanics but same concept but before we get to the game guys I do want to remind you to leave your suggestion in the comments below so I can have something fun to play in the next episode and also so that your comment could be featured on screen like the lucky people right now so uh there's hold on IO which I played like was donut donut County I think anyway all right here we go wait it's already starting hold on hold on okay uh I didn't know that this was like start wait is this is this an actual okay so go go okay there's somebody it's already 7:00 and I think what you're supposed to do is collect as many people as you can or do there's a group of four come on go go go go go oh you don't have to keep oh I see so I don't have to like keep my finger on the screen like I just have to like oh this is like the Main Street here dude oh I'm the biggest whoa why are there so many people here yo I am killing it already I'm the king dude okay now I feel like there should be sound in this game is there no sound in this game I need to check and see okay I gotta go oh whoa you can't get over it get over here I gotta kill somebody come on kill them kill them kill em I'm gonna get you we're gonna get to yeah yeah yeah dude I go my cuts I got +10 for killing the guy are we still there still the biggest guy on the server dude come on oh oh oh they were right there is a time limit on this okay oh no get the green army there get them all get them all I got nothin like the new skin no I will not let this happen how did they get past me come on get them get them no you don't know you don't I'm gonna get you all I'm gonna in my faster like oh yeah there we go Oh have my two skins now oh Santa sorry Santa oh my goodness I just took out say about wait leave me oh Santa he's got no elves left dude I'm gonna let him go I'm gonna let him go with the Wow dude there's a guy who's do it oh no wait I'm gonna win dude wait a minute why I just called player oh there they are get him yeah dude yeah 300 whole oh my goodness I can't believe I won this is a cool game like I am only saying that cuz I'm doing well I'll probably say this game so oh my goodness look all the people I could have gotten more yes dude first place 20 stars which I don't know what those are I want sound oh no I just don't like so many skins hang on let's check this out what do we got okay uh okay so I started blue we definitely what do we got we got this guy we got this what else do we have hold dude could you imagine like an army of spiders like that that would be absolutely terrifying we've got Santa which we saw someone up we got a snake I kind of oh dude okay kill six players on one game you could unlock this wolf so wait how do we get the spider one dude cuz that play three consecutive days but no all right so for now let's switch up to this guy oh wait I did I didn't select him yeah select can I change my ah here we go oh there's a little bit better boom right okay so I really think there's no sound because like there's not like a thing I mean it's like restore purchase vibration on that's all that you can choose okay but I'll put music in the background but it's really quiet for me so uh okay here we go and it just starts so quickly dude all right we got one guy and we're already losing I gotta find that area with all of the UM that's like over the mate oh here we go here we go here we go come on with it's like the main thoroughfare is what we want all right we need to start getting people that guys only got two oh oh oh oh we gotta kill that guy okay he's going that way we're gonna go that way we're gonna try oh here we go we got we got some people come on get the oranges get the oranges oh and we're gonna get the blues at the same time they're stuck double oh wait no I didn't get them they were hiding ah that is ridiculous dude ridiculous oh my goodness okay all right that guy that guy got me I thought I cornered them all but I didn't and I should have just stayed that I would have gobbled them all up stay ahead dude stay ahead all right we might be able to corner these guys again the oranges I want to make them pay yeah there we go may conve dude you're gonna lose for messing with me dude err get him find him why are you not fighting fight him yeah all right there we go we're up to 99 hey we're number one again okay keep going keep going let's go team let's go team go go here's the main place this is where I got a ton of dudes last time oh here we go all are they rats dude yeah what are they I don't even know get him where's the last dude we got him did we get him yeah dude okay come on come on come on we got to get this 63 dude 6000 he's building up fast I don't think he can catch up so I got him get home get blinker dude eat him up eat him up yeah Jimmy when we confuse 290 oh here comes the yellow team no 300 I think that's our best no way dude I got to get this guy he's all alone he's all alone get him get yeah there we go oh oh I got another skin 350 come on 360 oh ha there's a guy with 187 dude number one again ha tuna Roe what do we do with these stars Oh rank up oh oh oh we're such an attack so you start with two now that I ranked up I actually start with two instead of one okay let's select this guy oh my goodness it's so aggressive dude okay here we go all right I'm going I'm going okay we got that amazing and it's funny we convert cuz like in the other one we were converting people to people but now we're actually converting people to I don't know Swamp monsters or whatever these are everybody is in the same area oh here we go dude here we go this is my this is my spot this is where we pick it all up right here dude look at this man if you can get to this Main Street you can get ahead of everyone so quickly all right let's go for this 11 guy here here we go here we go we're in the 50s here we go come on there we go what are they they're like oh my goodness there's T Rexes or something purity is uh-oh dude he's getting away no get the last one yeah we ate him meet him alright next next next next next here we go we got it we got a 14 over here no I'm gonna go for the bigger guys we wanna go in for the oh no there he is he's closed I would have gone for the bigger guy but he was so close I decided that we should just eat him up get the last dude come on no we getting more fair yeah dude Oh somebody's catching up though oh this isn't good we need to go for the 50 where's the hundred twenty-three okay he's in the corner we got to go for this fifty fifty fifty six guy we can get him we'll stay number one he seems to be all alone where is he don't go oh yeah there is yeah oh my goodness holy cow he just got oh man ambushed by my army of whatever these beasts are okay come on we're 267 dude there's a guy that's pretty close to us where is he oh he's up here oh my goodness he's ahead of us guys we may end up with an issue here it is oh dude we got to eat his guys holy cow he's got a few stragglers no oh no he's up to 400 we're gonna lose oh no he's eating my guys oh man he had 542 that guy's good oh dude one guy started with three already oh oh whoa holy cow I almost lost right off the bat dude that was almost a disaster cuz I was walking into someone who had just like I mean it's early game so he had a few more than me that's all it would have taken he had four and oh come on get him come on get him whatever you we are these lizard monsters oh oh come on get him there we go we got him we got him we got him we gotta go on yeah dude yes yeah see now that's a huge boost in the early stages when you get that +10 boost it really helps ah here it is this is my spot fill it all up little boo-boo this is where oh come on this is where you pick it up especially when guys just run right into you like that hoho here we go now I've got I've got a lot more than anyone else does but this guy with the 70 down here is starting to encroach on my territory he's about oh I thought he's gonna back though there we go there we go there we go yeah yeah yeah get him I'll get him I'll get him all get the guy there we go he's done 222 okay come on oh there's the guy have a 94 he's down here we need to pick up as many as we can on the way over just in case dude I want it oh no this is the wrong direction for him here we go come on pick him up there he is come on orange guy you know you're about to get eaten by my monsters there we go all of them gone hey 400 I think that's a record for me guys we need to get home if we have enough time to get this eighty guy come on 450 oh look at all of them here we can pick all these I can we get 500 come on 11 come on oh yeah dude get the red people come on give me my 500 500 come on dude yes yes I got a new skin kill the guy kill the guy kill the guy come on ah first place again 5:47 the next guy was 103 I wrecked him all right Oh unlocked someone of Santa's elves and also someone from Animal Crossing it looks like uh now how do I get so I best is 547 how do I get oh okay I'm gonna get ranked three so let's do this again here we go oh my goodness is the best place to start dude how did we get so lucky to start here Oh Gazza like guys this is oh here we go come on dude get him yes we got him you ran into a wall cool okay we got it okay I don't care about the four person over there let's go down to tow yeah I do he's right here okay here we go eat him up eat him up beat him up beat him up beat him up ah there we go cool all right we got 70 let's go for the 36 guy he's the next closest oh we got a 41 and a 43 that could be a problem if they're all they're very close together so dude this could be cool okay we got 91 there it is there it is we're gobbling you up dude the virus is spreading oh I'm gonna go after you now you're close to me bro no no no no no I'm sorry miss miss WordGirl boom I hate her okay let's go oh we got somebody with 80 and 47 we're gonna go through the middle here oh oh there they are there they are we got them that's there we go we got to catch this person because they're getting close I mean they're not that close but close enough that I'm not liking it and they went to the end now they got turned around guess what here it comes the mob yo dude look at a spread nom nom yeah dude 370 where's the 90s where's oh here we go he's got hundred come on spread virus spread spread yeah dude oh wow that was so fast for 91 man I should have ranked yeah dude starting with three monsters okay I gotta do the spiders I mean as much as I hate them and stuff I want to scare people I want people to be terrified of me and there's nothing more terrifying than an army of spiders here we go okay here we go here we go go Here Come this bow my goodness they are horrible horrible horrible spiders okay watch out oh we got to watch out because that guy is not like he's like super powerful oh my goodness somebody's already 22 guys we're gonna lose how did they get up there so fast out here we go here we go here we go all right we have a chance to make it up from behind they're already in the 30s bro we've got to pick it up gotta pick it up come on dude this is gonna be close we got to go for this 43 person and I'm risking it by going after them because we're really close in numbers why I might have just enough to eat them yes I do I do it was just enough the spiders are attacking and taking it down there we go and I took a leap frog to first place barely that 1:02 guy I should go after him but oh what do I do I'm gonna go after him I'm gonna go after him we're gonna go for the top the second guy whatever he is oh geez no no he's this way he's this way oh yeah pick him up pick him up he come up here we go we're it no what do we got we got no dude we're getting there 200 run from the spiders oh my goodness this army is terrifying where's my guy I'm stuck okay there we go we got it 300 okay we gotta go for the 248 go through the middle here come on oh you guys just got spidered yeah dude there it is here's the guy look at him run run run of my spider will kill you it will overtake you and make you die 600 yeah look at the spider army guys and I started out from way behind him look at that there was only one guy left it was me a one other guy okay the spiders are powerful all right one more round guys because this is so fun and I think I think we've only I think we've gotten what have we gotten we've gotten first place every time except for only once have we missed it so I hope oh jeez I'm already third place as a bad I'm not picking much up here this is gonna be close okay we got it we got it we got it okay the spiders are coming for you I saw you oh there you go there you go all right come on right over here yep oh I had it I had the orange guys right there too they were right there the yellowish color guys they were right here catch on dude come on come on this this is actually a very low-scoring game already come on get them gonna get it there it is there it is back the other way we're going for that oh this could be bad we may lose here guys because there is someone who's right beside us as far as well there we go if we can pick this guy up we can pick this guy up we will take control and no one can come on there we go no one I was gonna say no one could challenge us what there's this 97 guy 102 guy who is doing very very very well but he has not seen the power of the spiders and that's what I'm hoping for is that the power of the spiders will overtake him and whatever he is wow he's way down here dude on spending so much time there he is haha oh yeah there we go yeah there it is okay next next oh they're all this way 400 guys but I'm running out of time I want a better score than this we're gonna have to play it again we're gonna have to play it one more time because I want a better school oh dude there's an army of a hundred ah I want them come on start hitting the wolves dude they're wolves there we go first place again though dude but there are a lot of people left in this one we could've gone a thousand all right come on last game let's make it count we got it go holy cow we got skeletons right here come on get the skeletons come on oh my goodness oh I gotta get the last guy how is he escaping me all this time damn there he is okay we ate them up now everyone's on the same side for the most part if we can get them in the beginning like from the very start oh dude what am I now we're going this way if we can get them from the very start we could have a chance of just overtaking the entire server and getting a thousand although is it does it make sense to go after people in the beginning because you're not gonna get as much out of it like okay here we go here these guys are together I feel like yeah there we go there we go come on eat them up eat them up why are you not eating him why are you not eating him get him there we go come on he thought that was not cool that was like a Minecraft move like you know when you're like playing Hunger Games or something and then you see two people fighting you're like I'm gonna get in there yeah but you forgot that when we do fight each other like that that I absorb their entire army and I become a stronger army it's not like we're peeling off each other's but we are peeling it up but we get we get to absorb them so here we go yes dude goodbye pink goodbye pistol hides it oh there you go a last one two one zero and we're gonna go with the green guys right now come on do it here we go get good dude get good get good get good or good good good sit there we go oh my goodness look at those running right into us the spiders yo that was good whoa I unlocked another skin dude okay come on here we go we've got 22 seconds oh there they are holy cow here's the good here's a good one here's a good one spread my spiders spread yeah dude come on there we go come on oh my goodness dude there we go go go go go go 690 700 yo 737 35 Oh was that a high score for me 733 the next guy was 96 and that was my best yeah dude wait oh wait okay oh my goodness what look at all this stuff okay one more cuz we're starting with five okay one more and that okay okay here we go we're gonna start with five years someone started with eight which seems way I'm just realizing when you start with this number of characters or whatever are you starting against other people that are more experienced in the game I think that might be the case guys that that it puts you with better ranked people oh oh that's a bad thing for me uh-oh somebody's in the garden little guys I wish you know what I wish the the rounds are a little bit longer like like they would last until or there should be like a new game mode that aren't like timed but you when when you eliminate everyone you know what I mean like so I mean they might go on for a really long time but it might be really fun to like be able to eliminate everyone and get as many as you can cuz like this was this was kind of week right like 360 oh man it was gonna be so close they were right there I almost eliminated everyone I eliminated six people and that one I had six kills I'm actually really good at this oh my goodness guys holy cow it's coming to a head here and they don't even know it's too late it's too late so we're gonna go get him come on right the last second that was epic that might be a record for me 734 yeah guys I cannot stop playing this game ah I got cold dude trying so hard to get 800 it is like impossible and I've now been playing this game for over an hour like that skin and I now start with like what am i starting with here I'm starting with 9 now I cannot put this game down but guys I think that this is long enough for a video this is a game I'm actually good at like win pretty much every single time if you guys want to see me play more of this or maybe a challenge to like kill everyone I did get to one where there was only me and one other guy let me know click the like button also don't forget to post your suggestion in the comments below so I have something fun to play in the next episode and I will see you guys again soon thanks for watching and of course new line [Music]
Channel: Thinknoodles
Views: 3,839,421
Rating: 4.8655348 out of 5
Keywords: thinknoodles, fan choice friday, gameplay, let's play, no swearing, funny, commentary, playthrough, no cursing, gaming, new, video games, lets play, hilarious, funny moments, game, funny game, kid gaming, family gaming, family games, thinknoodles fan choice friday, crowd city, spider crowd city
Id: us2asl_Rlu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 13sec (1273 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2019
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