DID THOR JUST DAB?! | Bowmasters | Fan Choice Friday

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[Music] hey what is your noodles and welcome back to fans for I play games chosen by you and today as you can see on screen right now we are playing Bo masters and well as you can also tell there is a little bit of cartoon blood and violence really not sure what bows have anything to do with a chainsaw going through the Fisher man guy it a shark looking like it ate someone's head and obviously a rainbow unicorn well you know you don't wanna fart rainbows anyway if this kind of thing is too much for you I have a ton of other videos and I recommend you watch those I don't think it's gonna be as bad as happy wheels but I could be wrong so let's sum right into it so Robin versus anonymous hate you is that what I don't know how to heart okay alright look how happy I am so it says I guess move up and down and then shoot the guy so guys while I try and figure this oh oh wait what why are you facing that way okay oh I see I see so I'm supposed to like hit the guy like that Oh what what is man that controls are just bizarre oh here we go here we go I see okay now I'm supposed to do there we go oh yeah oh oh oh look at his leg okay so I wonder if it's like better to hit him in certain places or what so it's me versus him look at me I'm happy I'm happy okay so I guys I do want to remind you to leave your suggestion in the comments below so I can have something fun to play in the next episode all right let's do 12 yeah there we go [Applause] oh so I guess you know it's not that we didn't finish him is any dead look he's okay so I have to take one more shot look a little dead lizard down there okay alright your buff that's right okay so I need to finish him 14 why 14 is he taller okay because knock you back oh I got him in the neck and is okay it is this badass a few years I'm sorry guys you guys told me to play this floral there's a weak pudding room alright sorry oh and I got a chest opening here bro number one what is going on yo this thing is crazy and I get that big chest from Latin I got what is this Ron a terrible versus the shark hey Sharky shark alright is it gonna tell me how to do this or what am i oh oh dude I'm like a magician with like a card okay it's not telling me 32 meters but see let's just do this and then boom got him oh I did really well looking so happy wiggle wiggle [Music] Oh what is it wait a minute though no older than me and then I took an arrow to the knee right okay so I want to go a little I want to go a little higher now cuz he's further away let's do this here we go oh I thought the sign was him I pressed that way too early I was stupid oh no he's gonna get me he's gonna get me ahaha look at you now dude we get you now can we go 100% and oh my goodness dude how do we through that so far okay oh wow Oh guys I don't have much chance left okay okay here we go come on let's do it like let's get a lot lower like 17% 100 and we got it we got it this is it this is it yes the chameleon dries guys not to finish him okay alright he didn't get knocked back did he so hundred percent 25 let's go oh yeah it's another headshot see what could I do that before so that wasn't very bloody at all actually the shark except actually my ribcage was exposed yes open chest yeah what do you do with coins I don't know I have 5000 of them it's not do you want to store your progress in iCloud okay okay right okay so let's see we could spend this money on because I can only do I can only do versus computer and then I can do multi but we got to get to multiplayer here so I think I might play a few computer rounds and then get back to you guys with multiplayer whoa a firework arrow I want to try this all right let's check this guy out faily versus doctor sick now I said I was Oh kind of looks like my pop Tropican yeah okay all right okay so oh this is cool all right she's 49 meters away so I'm gonna go like this all right well he's oh come on you've got a syringe ah that's hilarious that is hilarious okay so I went a little too high they let's go 20 boom yes yes that was awesome [Music] okay so I gotta go a little further nope oh you almost got me and I don't know what's in that one it's a yellow liquid I don't know I don't know what I'm gonna say about that k21 boom yes I nailed that guy that was so much easier okay okay finish him so 100 and let's go 21 again I guess yeah let's see cuz he didn't get knocked back that heat boom yes three four three okay so I really hate allah to you yeah I mean he's kind of just like the other one it's just a regular arrow so you actually do have to hit him shot spree oh is that because I got him all in a row sweet I can play wet again well dude oh what a mr. T's okay so I have to win I think I have to win 10 times this Bert for this one that multiplayer so I'll keep going oh it opened up a new mode called Birds hunt so I've been using the Ronettes yen quite a bit because even if you mess up on the first throw then you get okay wait so what am I supposed to do here you get another chance oh shoot down Birds okay so wait what oh wait why does he have an arrow Oh see I thought okay this isn't cool I thought I was gonna get my cards yes you are so awesome nice job stop it get some help or bird oh there's a card so wait here we go yeah that's what I'm talking about oh oh okay okay okay okay ah I understand so it switches between the weapons boom I get it I get it I get it okay let's see boom yeah card God more time okay so it's like so I guess in the end you end up with let's get some birds boom yeah get some birds boom hi miss oh no wait what does this one do huh so what does it throw that I don't know what that means I don't even know where wait hold on oh I get it okay I kept it boom yup get him oh that thing's slow oh I almost got it though I almost got the Eagle okay so let me just get through this bonus round here just basically what it is right it's a bonus round kind of man and get as many coins as I can from the bonus okay nope nope I don't wanna okay I got eleven yeah hundred and eighty and I open oh here we go this is what this is what it's all about right here come on you something good gimme something good gimme something good not just coins not your coin nah dude it's all coins oh whoa oh dude wait try new character try four 500 what does that mean so I mean I get her a rented for one match are you kidding me oh I didn't think that's what it meant I thought it okay here we go let's do this alright I thought it was die should have known when I said try okay so we'll try it we'll try her okay oh she's got a watermelon okay so he's 35 meters let's just do that there we go boom yes a watermelon to the face bull's eye okay well that is okay good okay little further year now let's do one hundred percent twenty come on boom in the face and shot you're out dude you're out my watermelon gotcha my watermelon gotcha just water Malone let's do 22 maybe see if we can get him in the face again Oh Oh Oh so there's the cartoon violence whoa oh so you can throw that water fell like a maniac no that's okay what a way to go Betty oh wow that was unexpected okay look online PBB great let's do that put your wall and we could all wait we unlock the character I want to buy 104 got a thunder yes of course the weapon is Thor's hammer there we go okay I wasn't sure I was gonna actually happen all right we've got a shark versus Thor and he's on the left it's gonna be weird because I'm always on the lab okay good okay so 43 okay let's throw my owner at his head let's go he's a little lower than me so I'm gonna go to the 1100 I got him I still got him Oh Dora the Sharks face off okay yes a little low all right here we go let's do let's try 15 boom yes what happened like I hit him and then it like went through him just your ha ha all right let's go with 60 and I think oh dude it's gonna be hard to hit him okay whatever I didn't get to finish him okay oh boy did he dab did he just dab guys I think I can't use Thor anymore I think he dab so uh let's do someone else here oh yeah let's do the streamer girl she's like a PlayStation controller for oh here we go she's a places and controller for her weapon and he is anonymous with a sign why do I never get to go first okay oh cool why were you jumping you are crazy okay so we're gonna go 100% 16 oh it's weird like you know the way it hits someone a multi but it seems different like it doesn't seem to hit him as hard so I got hundred and sixteen I gotta go oh it looks like it goes through him okay a hundred let's do 18 that should be in the head boom see it's weird oh I just got his chest it's not hurting him very much your controller is not powerful I'm gonna go 120 now Oh whoo 120 boom in the head see it's weird cuz like it goes through his head and then it shows the animation so weird I'm gonna go 21 next come on he's gonna mess it up yes all right here we go 21 21 21 yes come on come on hit him ah this is hard okay 120 it's gonna be hard because of the hill there no no no no no he's gonna get me so you got me the foot wow that sunny okay so you know what let me do 121 let's do it because I knocked back oh yes so lucky that just clipped his head with the corner of the controller oh geez oh Jesus no oh oh guys guys here we go 121 here we go oh yes I won that was close cuz it he'd hit me before I hit him it would have been all over and now I get to finish him I'm gonna get him I'm gonna get him home I get him boom yes and no head shot no head shot alright okay I want to do one more and look my followers backwards okay I just want to do one more okay I open this - just with a different character it's really fun seeing all the other animations and I don't know Oh give me that schoolboy okay let's do what Apple shoot okay let's do a little bit of Apple shooting real quick will do will do this guy because that's what you normally shoot apples with Robin versus the Apple wait a second Oh oh my goodness okay okay okay I got it I know what to do I know what to do okay okay shoot the Apple don't shoot the person I got it okay let's go with like there we go oh just missed okay so what did i do like eighty and fifteen sorry dude oh wow this is not easy [Music] oh I'm sorry about this dude I'm so sorry about this alright I'm gonna go 75% and 14 yes oh that was a good one that was a great one I should have gotten something for that oh jeez what am I supposed to do here so 75% maybe let's go 80% fifteen yes about this green apple okay one more round of PvP and let's oh man I can't unlock her can i lock the nope [Music] what aren't character by inviting friends Steve with a diamond pickaxe awesome let's see what this is done real quick come on come on come on Oh unlock somebody else so wait I don't know what it was but we were doing Steve alright here we go and he looks what weapon is he have I can't even tell he's from Brazil okay wait so he's lower than me in 35 let's do like a hundred and 1300 Judy got me good okay okay a hundred and let's do 15 15 yeah come on come on come on come on I gotta hit him yes he's dead he's dead holy in a double headshot yeah steve is the man okay and we're going for that shot here going for the final kill yes triple head shopping yeah oh I love it [Music] I love it that is my favorite character in this game Steve the minecrafter with diamond pickaxes and a TNT Kevin would approve all right guys well that is it for this episode of fan Friday if you enjoyed it go ahead and pick up those chopsticks and poke that like button it started you can also don't forget to buzz in the comments below what you want to see me play in the next episode and do become a noogler today and subscribe I'll see you guys again soon ah thanks for watching and of course [Music]
Channel: Thinknoodles
Views: 3,033,421
Rating: 4.8362665 out of 5
Keywords: thinknoodles, fan choice friday, gameplay, let's play, no swearing, funny, commentary, playthrough, no cursing, gaming, video games, lets play, hilarious, game, funny game, kid gaming, family gaming, family games, family gaming channel, app game, mobile game, app store, roblox channel, yt:quality=high, turbo dismount, pvp, bow, blood, thinknoodles fan choice friday, fan choice fridays, thinknoodles fan choice, bowmaster, bowmasters, bowmasters game, bowmasters gameplay
Id: gjg35npESaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 15 2017
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