TERRIBLE Pokémon Theories That Actually Make PERFECT Sense! #9

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so I've been running a series off and on on my channel for a while called terrible Pokemon theories that actually make perfect sense and that pretty much explains itself I cover theories that are super crazy to the point where they are not realistically true at all but even still they make a lot of sense which makes them fun to talk about and I've brought this series back for another episode because I have some more amazingly terrible theories to share with you guys today so let's check him [Music] out okay so this episode is fittingly enough going to be Callos themed as I sort of stumbled upon these theories while doing all the research I've been doing recently for Pokemon Legends Za there's also just two theories this episode instead of the usual three but I must say these theories are pretty good they're still in a terrible theories video because they are pretty crazy at the end of the day but to me they're good enough that they almost convince you that they're just straight up good theories so this should be a lot of fun this first one is point blank the idea that fairy type pokemon do not naturally exist within the Pokémon world big claim to make I know but here's kind of why I buy the idea first off fairy types just straight up did not exist until Generation 6 obvious viously we know the real world explanation for that but in terms of the in Universe lore they kind of just appeared one day when we arrived in the Kos region which lines up with this idea within Callos which is basically like the home region of fairy type pokemon is LA City which is the fairy type place within the region that introduced fairy type Pokémon it's home to the first ever fairy type gym leader in Valerie and in general just gives off major fairy tale like Vibes to where it is obviously an intentional theme for the city essentially it's like the fairy type capital of the Pokémon World almost and with that in mind and with this theory in mind let's take a look at some in-game descriptions of LA City its slogan is the city of Otherworldly dreams and then looking at its map description it reads an unearthly City created by those inspired by a mysterious and ancient tree 15500 years old so the city that is essentially the mecca of fairy type Pokémon is being described ingame as otherworldly and unearthly which definitely lines up big time with the idea that fairy type Pokémon are not naturally from the Pokémon world if fairy types don't come from the Pokémon World though where do they come from and how did did they get here well an answer to that question seems to also lie within l City itself the central landmark of LA City is a tree that sits in the middle of town which was mentioned previously in LA's map description the LA City Gym was built around this tree and near the top of this gym on the outside sits a large clock this isn't just any clock though because if you look closely you can see that it has 13 hours on it instead of the Standard 12 this is obviously pretty unusual but it also naturally was not just put there in the game for no reason this 13th Hour is a likely reference to the 13th Hour in folklore or the witching hour more specifically this is an hour when it is said that supernatural beings are able to appear in our own world and when the veil between our world and that of the Supernatural is at its most thin and that is where this all comes together LA City recognizes this 13th Hour hence why they have it on their clock the 13th Hour is also when Supernatural fairy tale like creatures are said to be able to appear in our own world and this city is also basically the capital city for fairy types in the Pokémon World which did not exist until Generation 6 when l City first came along so with all of this in mind it stands to reason that fairy types may not actually occur or exist naturally in the Pokemon world and instead they came here from some other world or Dimension Via La City when the Pokemon world crossed over with this Supernatural realm during that 13th Hour this would explain their sudden introduction in Gen 6 despite not existing prior to that and then from there fairy types were likely able to just live amongst other Pokémon and sustain themselves which in turn created other fairy types not only through breeding but also through exposure to their Supernatural energy which could explain why some already existing Pokemon like Merill gained the fairy type at this time it sounds like a conspiracy theory I know but this seems to be what the actual Pokémon World itself is pointing Us in the direction of in terms of an explanation which is honestly pretty wild all right now we're going to funnily enough talk about the fairy types exact opposite in dragon and more specifically one Dragon type Pokemon in particular Noivern this next theory asserts that Noivern and possibly avalo as well who we'll get into a bit later were originally going to be pseudo Legendary Pokémon but then that idea was scrapped for some reason and we ended up with Goodra as Call's pseudo legendary instead this idea simply begins with the fact that everything about Noibat and Noivern on the surface anyway screams pseudo legendary they are dragon types as we mentioned their designs are very very consistent with the type of appearance that other pseudo legendaries have and they even sit right next to the actual Callos legendaries in the Pokedex which is another very pseudo legendary like trait additionally another really interesting point that goes along with this is that drasna the Callos Elite 4 member who specializes in the dragon type is currently the only dragon type specialist who has never at any point used a pseudo legendary and yet Noivern is her Ace Pokémon when you battle her at the Pokémon League in addition to all of this as well Noivern also happens to sit next to bergmite and avalo in the Pokedex and this is where they come into play these two not only sit next to each other in the Pokedex like I just said but they're also both two-stage Pokémon and both have similar base stat totals in both of their evolutionary stages so while not true counterparts to one another they do have a lot of things about them that line up with one another which makes this next Point all the more interesting I've mentioned in previous videos how there is evidence within the data of Pokémon X and Y for a cut middle evolution of bergmite and avalo this is because the models of the Callos Pokemon have a unique index order within the data of those games and there is a missing model in this order that sits between bergmite and avalo which is likely a cut middle stage of this line given this information so due to this and the similarities between these two lines that I mentioned earlier is it possible that nobat and Noivern could have also had a cut middle Evolution as well or potentially even another Evolution which was a part of their original plan as pseudo legendary Pokémon another interesting parallel with this that makes it even more interesting to think about is the idea that avalo could have possibly been a pseudo legendary originally as well if it does in fact line up with Noivern like this that is what you would naturally have to expect and two pseudo legendaries in one generation isn't exactly unheard of because it has happened before in Generation 3 aka the hoen games which just just so happened to receive remakes in Generation 6 which tied the hoen region very closely together with that of Callos so giving Callos two pseudos to parallel hen's two pseudos which was already going to be kalos's sister region anyway with the remakes is not actually all that farfetched especially when you consider that these Pokemon also mirror hen's pseudo legendaries in terms of their designs you have Noivern and salamance for instance which are the classic traditional dragon type pseudos and then you have Metagross and avalo who are both these bulky kind of lumbering four-legged non-dragon Pokemon again you can call it a conspiracy theory if you want and I did put it in a terrible theories video for a reason but there is a lot here that does feel like it lines up if you ask me which is honestly pretty fascinating given the claim that this theory is making what do you guys think about these theories though do you think they actually make perfect sense or are they just terrible let me know in the comments and be sure to leave a like if you enjoyed the video and subscribe for more if you're new you can also support the channel further if you would like by checking out my Pokémon remixes on Spotify or wherever you get your music that honestly helps out a ton and you can also check out my patreon if you want to which is linked in the description below there's tons of cool perks offered there like voting on videos you want to see add free videos and even sneak peeks and behind the scenes looks at my hoby Chronicles monster catching video game that I'm currently working on any and all support in either of those places helps the channel out a ton and is super duper appreciated and honestly just means the world with that said though I will be back with another video right here very soon and until then as always thanks so much for watching this one I really appreciate it and I will smell you guys later [Music]
Channel: HoopsandHipHop
Views: 30,359
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon theory, best pokemon theories, worst pokemon theories, pokemon theories that came true, pokemon legends z-a, kalos, pokemon x and y, cut pokemon, pokemon scarlet and violet, scrapped pokemon, pokemon x and y beta, fairy type pokemon, kalos pokemon, noivern, avalugg, cut pokemon content, sylveon, nintendo, nintendo switch, hoopsandhiphop
Id: El9BV0wNpOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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