99 Random Pokemon Facts YOU Didn’t Know!

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today I'm going to go over 99 random Pokemon facts that you didn't know ranging from one of the rarest items in Pokemon to bons ley's beeh to Ground Zero where poker Ros originated from let's do this every professor in Pokemon is named after a tree species which means that technically there are around 60,000 names of Professor could be named after like Professor Dragon blood or Professor monkey puzzle yes those trees actually exist the very first appearance of shiny Pokémon was in the 1997 gold and silver space roll demo and nearly every Pokemon at the time had a different shiny form with some of my favorites being Charizard Alakazam liong and Porygon those are some pretty wicked colors getus hydrion and black and white has a super effective move against every Pokemon on Inn's team which is goes to show that gatas had a backup plan if his foster son in didn't follow his orders and ruling all Pokemon he's a snakey snake in the very beginning stages of Pocket Monsters Pokemon didn't have types and when gayre thought of the idea they went back to early Pokémon and made changes like adding a flame to charmander's tail to be a fire type and adding a PL the Venusaur back to be a grass type flinching a Pokémon was originally known as spooking the target since this little girl who gives you the TM for rock slide in the original game states that it can spook the target sometimes even though flinching wasn't a mechanic until the next Generation the most possible amount of Pokemon you can have on a single team is not six but actually 36 if you have either six pairs of fings or six pairs of execute these crystals in this random building in drift City looks especially similar to ter crystals and Pala which might have been a pretty crazy foreshadowing over 10 years ago and it even looks like the crystal cluster key item for ogron's teal mask so I wonder if teror crystals are present in the Inova region as well maybe we'll see them in the remakes on top of the ter crystals being potentially foreshadowed in black and white the scarlet and violet books and kitakami might have been foreshadowed too since in lenora's gym you can see two books on the top of a bookshelf that have scarlet and violet coloring and in the nree museum a massive display that is said to be worn by ancient people for festivals which sounds a lot like kitakami and the Pokémon ogron in the old 3D Pokémon games blastos had a special anim for the move protect and man I just love blast with's shell it looks so cool one of the hardest and rarest items to obtain in Pokemon is the starf berry which is a berry that raises a random stat when a Pokemon is in a pinch and what makes this Berry so hard to obtain is this requirements like obtaining all seven gold Frontier symbols of Pokemon Emerald take a 99.999 million steps with a poke Walker or even win 200 battles in a row in the battle Subway Manson Resort tree and even the tower and on top of that it description even states that it's a myth and Pokémon so yeah this little Berry is pretty rare and before we continue this video is sponsored by Factor oh thank God I'm starving I could eat a whole glar Clark right now wait a minute I thought glark Clark meant like your friend yeah anyways f is a food delivery company that makes never frozen meals where you can get them at your doorstep and have ready in only 2 minutes just heat eat and enjoy and one of the best things about factor is that it's a great way to avoid take out food and ordering in because these meals are not only quick and delicious but are nutritious and if you're a fan of hellofresh then I guarantee you love Factor because hell ofresh is now owned by Factor so their food is coming from the best source and me personally I love both Brands y did you say something I was having a a quick snack over here oh looks like you're enjoying the spicy colan style ground beef meal that does look pretty tasty I have no idea where clavery is but this is good I'm going to try the 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falls in love with a Wigglytuff and then it gets jumped by a ton of wild Pokemon and then dies and there's even a call back to the movie a few episodes later where ash walks by a poster which is really funny technically the player is the one who names maridon and cidon since Professor Sada and turo were calling them Wing King and iron serpent respectively which makes these Pokemon want the second and third Pokemon to ever be named by a main character with the first one being gladion Sil Valley according to his pokeddex entry you can play the game rock paper scissors with Hitmonchan and scra in Violet and all you have to do is simply have each Hitmonchan know the moves upper hand mock punch and focus punch since upper hand has priority over mock punch mock punch causing Focus punch to fail and focus punch causing upper hand to fail so it's not a priority move which sounds like a lot of fun the reason why the poked doll item from the original games is Clefairy is because Clefairy was designed to be the mascot of Pokémon and even Ash was supposed to choose Clefairy as a starter before G decided to go with a Pikachu who was a more gender neutral Pokemon according to Game Freak Pomo sounds like Mickey Mouse in the anime just listen this one here is my partner Pokémon it name is Pomo come to think of it total do sounds like Donald Duck as well check it out a I wonder if there's any Pokemon that sounds like goofy there are a lot of Pokémon that are probably inspired by Dragon Quest Monsters and here are a few of them Caterpie and killer pillar nitan and Bunny corn goldbat and drai Geodude and fer fiend shelder and Morphin Mullis Gastly and miasma coffing and gas tank tangla and bagworm and alonai and shell slime and I know eight years ago I called Dragon Quest a Pokemon ripoff and my top to biggest rpos video okay my bad Drea's Ultra Sun dexy states that if a child has made friends with is bullied draa will find the bully's house and burn it to the ground and with this context check out this Pokemon card where two kids are flying on the back of draa in a superb looking neighborhood so I wonder what's going on here in tournament mode in Super Smash Brothers meley if you hold down L andr and then press a the character will appear as a ditto making them a random choice for when the match begins and fun fact ditto was supposed to be a Pokeball Pokemon in this game but was take it out right before the game's release because that game was just riddled with glitches already and this was a pretty buggy Pokemon apparently the real reason why the game Corner prizes are sold in a separate building in the original games is because of a Japanese gambling loophole where Pacho po would reward their players with special tokens which then the player would sell these tokens to an outside vendor that was nearby who would then sell back these tokens to the gambling parlors creating this loophole shiny Pokémon have a long history of different names because originally in gold and silver they were called rare Pokémon and then in Pokémon Stadium 2 they were referred to as color Pokemon and then in Generations 3 easy chat system they were called alternate color Pokemon and of course in the training card game they were known as shining and star Pokémon it wasn't until Generation 4 where the term shiny became official where they Ed the term for a promotional material for shiny event Pokémon and this btic right here could will be the first quote unquote official shiny Pokémon so this Pokemon is pretty special Pokémon Black and White were originally meant to be a reboot of the Pokemon series and if you look at this picture you can see a lot of Pokemon that were quote unquote remakes of older Pokemon like new psychic dream Pokemon a new Pokemon Center Pokemon construction Pokemon martial arts Pokemon Trash Pokemon even a Pokemon that was based on a Pokeball there are a lot of parallels between J 1 and five the same top secret lettering scen in the beginning of the Pokémon Legends Za trailer can be found in front of the realy group building in Pala so I wonder what this means Toyota built a life-sized replica of maridon which looks pretty dang awesome there are two statues of Pokemon X and Y that don't look like any Pokemon that we've ever seen before and can be found in dr's headquarters at the Elite 4 with the first statue kind of look like a rest Ram while having the letter a shape to it and then the second statue being more detailed looking like a generic Dragon so I wonder if this could be the a legendary of Legends Za with zyger being the Z Pokémon who knows the reason why bonley has a buttthole is because it's based on a drainage hole in clay Planters which is a hole that drains water so that the plant doesn't drown which honestly makes Bosley design even more clever because it's basically a walking sapling inside of a pot which Pokémon do you think is heavier two giant metal land snakes or one little horse boy well it is in fact the horse boy because muszle weighs 228 lb while one Delux weighs a mere 881 lb which makes no sense even though legendary Pokémon are said to be incapable of breeding in the original Pokémon Snap games all three of the legendary birds are seen being born from eggs which means they were bred in some way I wonder how in the water path of the Stevie Islands there is a woman who likes big Heracross and wishes to see the quote unquote ultimate horn and if the player shows her a Heracross she will literally measure it and reward the player with a nest ball the sexual in Windows is off the charts with this one there's an audish and heyu Pikachu that can grow by watering it and if you water it again and again and again and again it will eventually become so big that it won't even fit the screen and just by looking at it it could probably end you just by stepping on you which is pretty funny executor had a fourth hidden head for the longest time where you can see in his back Sprite in trations 1 two and even three until they fixed it in the Kanto remakes in the TV show House MD house randomly makes a Pokemon reference about archus just listen which is why arus created a universe with three states of matter and 300 solid and liquid poisons causes symptoms arus look it up this has to be the most random Pokemon reference of all time maridon has a chance of becoming shiny during the ice gy puzzle in Pala that or simply getting covered is snow but it almost looks identical to a shiny so it's hard to tell Gastly is the original Ultra Beast because of his dexy from the anime just listen Gastly the gas Pokemon some researchers believe this Pokémon is a multi-dimensional being so this Pokémon is the original multi-dimensional being there's a chance of a carbing sosing a sabli in sun and moon but instead of the sabli attacking your Pokemon it will attack carbing which makes sense because it's also son Dei says that carbing is his favorite food s loves to eat gemstones and all the parasitic mushroom that grows on Paris and paraset backs is actually his own Pokemon with their name being toku kaso and you can even see them planting themselves in the anime since they dislike bright light venat and ven moth are Pokémon that went the longest time without appearing in original Pokedex since before Pokémon scarlet and violet they had it been in a pokedex is Pokemon Crystal 22 years prior at some point po roll was seen as a mascot of Pokémon well at least according to Time magazine in 1999 when they featured po world over Charizard Pikachu and even me too in their Pokemon cover oh and fun fact that Charizard you see there is dead because look at his tail it has no Flame the rarest Pokemon in Pokémon go is probably the shiny detective Pikachu which can only be obtained by having the Pikachu photo bom a picture at the very end of his event and then after that encountering it after the event was finished which removed his shiny lock and then and only then if you're lucky enough to encounter a full OD Shiny Pikachu then boom you just got the rarest Pokemon in Pokemon go there is a whopping 1% chance of encountering a coughing while surfing a seladon city which is pretty random I wonder if this is a Pokemon that A Team Rocket grun threw away s Hideout is just right next door shiny Shuckle are actually more valuable than regular Shuckle and it's not because of their colors because apparently they can produce a juice that could tame any Pokémon so essentially if you find a shiny Shuckle you can make a limited Master Ball juice which sounds pretty gross and epic Nando from the anime has a golden Mew harp and I feel like if we ever get the sound type in Pokemon this guy will be the gym leader because all of his Pokemon have sound based moves and he's a self-proclaimed walking mistal Pikachu is the only leg type Pokemon that Ash has ever had on his team as well as gar being his only Ghost type and Mr M being his only fairy type ditto turns into a rock when it sleeps as seen in Pokémon sleep apparently all Pokémon have scientific names because according to aish Scarlet dysentry it's this scientific name is adium wondrous which kind of sounds like a Harry Potter spell there has only been two times that a golden nugget has appeared in the anime with the first time being in the Battle of Bo the S an episode where James imagin himself being rich with a pile of nuggets on the ground and the second time being in the why not give me a zering sometime episode where while Ginger goes on a stealing Rampage and steals this guy's Golden Nugget so technically there's only been one Golden Nugget that has appeared in the anime so the first time they were imagined in the episode finding a legend there's a fear disguised as a Hoo which has to be a called to the first episode of the anime because I remember when I first watched it I thought it was like a sparkly FOH or something since at that time hoo or Shiny Pokemon didn't even exist after defeating Giovani from Team rainbow rocket he says to himself now what new world shall I unleash my evil schemes upon essentially foreshadowing his invasion in Pokémon go so basically he decided to invade our world this random guy in the seafolk village Pokemon Center's whole purpose in life is to teach the move Dragon Ascent an ancient legendary move that could only be learned by a Godly Pokémon like okay who are you again the Pocket Monsters encyclopedia from 1997 makes a reference to a baby Naran which was later featured in an ad for Pokemon baton so technically the N King and n Queen Lions have three Evolutions if these truly are baby forms of nitan Corvin knite has a metallic beard and you can see it better in his shiny form magikarp's name in Japanese is koi King and is for a good reason because if you look closely at its design it Top Fin resembles a crown so it truly is the king of koifish there's an area in legends archus that is called the Cal Co coastlands and crazy enough this ancient C location might have been foreshadowed in heyu Pikachu where you can visit an area called Cobalt coast and honestly they look very similar even their Graphics Pokemon box Ruby and Sapphire is the second rarest GameCube game with its price ranging from 1,000 to $2,000 and if you're wondering the rarest GameCube game is a sonic heroes Super Monkey Ball Duo pack which ranges from $2,000 to $4,000 there's a Pikachu in the anime that has the name boruto and it actually has the same hairo as boruto as well this kodo girl spins here for no apparent reason just look at that why is she doing that according to a Pokemon Style guy from 1999 Ash appears as a 101st Pokémon which is funny because woen is a 101st Pokémon now which is definitely a live woen reaction could Ash be woen confirmed red Clefairy and Pikachu from the Pocket Monsters manga made a cameo appearance in the anime making them the first and only manga characters to ever appear in the anime so I guess Ash and red do exist in the same universe and a talking Clefairy res Snorlax and Blue's Charizard are tied for being the highest level Pokémon in the Adventures Manga with both of them being level 89 which is even higher than Red's Pikachu is Cynthia garchomps who are level 88 in the games Pikachu as a Pichu says Pichu 123 times in the first episode of Journeys and this YouTuber was crazy enough to count them all Pat rat has not made an appearance in the Pokemon game since Black and White 2 which was 12 years ago and also hasn't made an appearance in the training card game since the guardian Rising expansion which was 7 years ago Port Patrat according to sire's notes on his computer the master ball actually suppresses Pokemon's power which is why he created the red chain to control DGA and pulia and simply toss the ball away which could explain why catching the god of Pokemon archus doesn't really make you that powerful this is what Venusaur looks like with his bulb clothes basically just a giant Bulbasaur shallow curum are tied for having the shortest dexit trees with each of them only having nine words and if you were curious here they are it shape and coloration vary depending on its habitat it can produce Ultra cold air its body is frozen pretty deep stuff the power save belt Machoke wears canonically Nerfs his power because according to his yellow dexit Tre without it this Pokemon would be unstoppable which means it probably goes Super Saiyan without this belt snel was a pure psychotype in the gold and silver space rule demo and also ho was a pure flying type and Umbreon was a pure poison type Gooler is most likely based on the Statue of Liberty given that the Unova region is based on New York and that is a green oxidized Hue to it Pokemon sleep confirms that Arcanine has a solid black belly which up until now has always been clear in Pokémon Crystal you can actually do graffiti all you got to do is go on top of the building where you get Eevee and click on the stairs you'll draw a mustache on something probably a Mario there are currently four bird starter Pokémon with Torchic pip up ret and quackle being the Pokémon although none of them are flying type in their final Evolutions some birds there's an obscure experience group called fluctuating where these Pokemon require a whopping 1.64 million XP to reach level 100 and keep in mind Legendary Pokémon usually require 1.25 million XP and once's even even weirder is that the majority of these Pokemon are in the hoen region except for one with that Pokemon being drifloon hariyama has a higher catch rate than his pre-evolution mahita for some reason licky licki and syali are the only normal type Pokemon that can learn the move explosion meaning that they're the only Pokemon that can actually get stabbed with this move out of all Pokemon clefable has the biggest move pole of moves it can learn by level up breeding and TM now ligo's name is two Latin words nikil which means nothing and ego which means I am so this Pokemon is literally saying say I am nothing Force cry Haunter is bigger than Gengar with Haunter being 5'3 and Gengar being 41 all Pokemon encounters on Route 113 start with the letter s with the Pokemon being sandrew Skarmory Spinda and Slugma no other route in all of Pokemon have this feature ratata is the only Pokemon that is neither a fire type nor relate to a fire type Pokemon that can learn the move flame wheel and it does so by breeding and interestingly enough this could be a reference to the casso a fiery rat in Japanese mythology if you play all three Pokémon X and Y while voting as many desent trees as possible you will encounter exactly 150 different Pokemon after finishing the post game and Pokemon Yellow you can solo giovan's n king and nid queen with a level 10 Bulbasaur and all you got to do is just leash seed them and that's it and this is simply because the AI in that game is pretty dumb also in Pokemon yellow your first two battles with blue determines which Eevee evolution he gets if you win both battles it becomes a jolon if you lose both it becomes a Vaporeon if you win and lose one it becomes a Flareon the move dire claw has the most side effects out of any move it has a high crit ratio and a chance of causing sleep paralysis and poison Lapras was named after pure Simon llas who was a frenh mathematician who wrote books on math behind scas and Tides a s deleted tweet by one of the game freak employees confirm the official Pokemon timeline up until X and Y and here's what it looked like if you trade your Pikachu for Pokemon Yellow to gold and silver take his light ball and then trade it back it will do less damage even though items don't exist in that game James has owned five Pokemon that either want to attack him or eat him with the Pokemon being victory bill Cacnea carnivine toxapex and morco this slow bro card can instantly lose you the game if you are unlucky because as three strikes move literally says if all three coins flip as Tails you lose the game which is pretty funny the detective Pikachu returns game confirms that Pokemon give their trainers nicknames like for example there's a growl in the game that calls his trainer Sanji when his name is Sanji Davis this is what Z crystals look like before sun and moon were released and the Pokemon Trading Card two game there were four cards that were considered to be legendary with the Pokemon being Articuno zaptos molurus and surprisingly Dragonite but what's even weirder is that there were four Phantom cards which were cards that were rarer than legendary Pokemon with the Pokemon being Mew Lugia and randomly enough Venusaur and the trainer card here comes Team Rocket so I guess Venusaur is more rare than legendary Pokemon confirmed in generation 2 you can only get pokey Rus if you have visited Golden City at least once so I guess this is Ground Zero for this virus MW celby drai and Deoxys are not normally required to get the diploma for cleaning your Pokedex and Ruby and Sapphire but due to a glitch Chikorita is also not required so I guess this living Paar Pokemon is also a mythical this is what beta Waba Fett looks like the back of the Japanese cartridge a Pokemon Crystal has saken crests on it which is pretty cool in Super Smash Brothers ultimate Mew cannot be summoned from a Pokeball on the corneria or mushroomy Kingdom stages I guess it just doesn't like those areas these are on use sprice for an Overworld wrestler trainer from and Sapphire and they come from game freak's first game mindle Palace Krabby is a crab and finally for the N Night fact and Pokemon Shuffle only the ni I explanation mark and question mark unknown are available which is pretty nice and be sure to watch my one fat FY Pokéball video right here
Channel: Dobbs
Views: 83,389
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100 obscure pokemon facts you didn’t know, obscure pokemon facts, weird pokemon facts, strange pokemon facts, little known pokemon facts, 100 useless pokemon facts, 25 useless pokemon facts, 10 pokemon with useless moves, 51 weirdest things in pokemon, 51 things that don't make sense in pokemon, pokemon legend arceus, pokemon scarlet violet, weird useless pokemon facts, 11 minutes of obscure but stupid pokemon facts, things you wish you didn't know about pokemon, dobbs pokemon
Id: yGShT229XsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 17sec (1217 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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