Terraria's Lore is Strange

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so I recently saw a YouTube short called Terraria feels there's Pedro Pascal he's laughing he's crying the dryads turning into a tree and it made me realize I've never actually made a video discussing terraria's credits before you see relogic added terraria's credits to give you a little hint at the future of all of the different NPCs once you've finally taken down the moon Lord and this short made me wonder do all of the NPCs actually get Happy Endings and does that ending align with the canonical law we got for terraria's eighth anniversary to kick-start things we first see the guide running away from a zombie that he let inside of his home and in my head Canon I personally think the zombie took him out I mean it's only time the guys won't stop opening doors now of course every NPC that meets its demise in Terraria is respawned on the next day or whenever now I don't want to look at it from that standpoint I want to try and apply this to the law that we got for the anniversary now in terraria's law we learned that the guide is part of the Ancient Order of the the guide the group that's actually passing down all of this law and so it's implied that even if the world loses this guide there will be another guide to replace him the guide is a pretty special NPC because he will actually reference the fact that there were other guides before him in your world if you speak to him after killing the Wall of Flesh he will say that his predecessor suddenly burst into flames and so does the guide have a good or a bad ending well I'm gonna put this one in neutral because even though he's likely met his demise he will be replaced next up we see the merchant and the traveling Merchant strike up and agree on the deal between a dirt block and an angel statue now of course this doesn't align with any Grand law but it does align with a dialogue option from the merchant that says he doesn't want to buy an angel statue because he thinks that it's junk now I don't know if the merchant had Insider knowledge on the fact that the angel statue would become useful a couple of years later or he's finally just ready to strike up a deal and the fact T offers a dirt block is great because as he mentions a dirt block sells for a lot overseas for this one I'm saying it's a good ending and in the true Spirit of the merchant let's strike up a deal alright you subscribe to the channel and I will provide you with good Terraria videos and maybe also do it next up we see the demolitionist and the Arms Dealer having an argument before the nurse comes along and takes them both for a drink now it is reference that the demolitionist and the Arms Dealer actually don't like each other and they'll try and compete so the fact that the nurse is taking the bow for a drink I will say everybody here gets a good ending next up we have the goblin tinkerer and the mechanic falling in love which is a genuinely sweet ending for both characters it's especially nice in regards to the law because as we know the mechanic was held prisoner and forced to rebuild parts of cthulhu's body the player comes along frees the mechanic and now that the mechanic is free she can fall in love with the goblin tinkerer it's a wholesome story what's also great is the Shimmer variants of both of these NPCs show them both as the same race as little green goblins and I really like that so this one of course is a good ending next up we see the tavern keep reminiscing with the dryad before heading back in a portal to Dungeon Defenders 2. it's been a long time since the announcement of 1.4.3 but if you did miss it we saw a portal open up inside of Dungeon Defenders and all of the creatures walk through it was one of those creatures that ogre in fact that actually sent the dryad to Dungeon Defenders too and we never really saw how she came back to Terraria but it's great to see they've bookended this crossover by showing how the tavern keeper returned and so for the tavern keep I would say good ending real quick I wanted to let you all know that my affiliate code chippy has now been restored on terrari.shop so if you want to pick up any official Terraria merchandise use code chippy and you'll save 15 and because it's an affiliate code you'll also be supporting the channel not too much to say about this next one the painter the wizard The die keeper and the party girl or go for cake uh Cake's great good ending next up we have the Truffle NPC looking very concerned and walking away as the Clothier slowly approaches chuckling to himself and why well it's because the Clothier is on his way to eat the Truffle yeah I'm sorry to break the news here but it turns out through various dialogues that the Clothier has a bit of an obsession with the Truffle NPC and has even been seen gnawing on his foot as he sleeps so in my head Canon I personally think the Clothier went all the way and if he didn't he's behind bars now listen I know my whole branding is the Clothier but this is the way that realogic set it up I'm very sorry for the Truffle NPC so I'm gonna chalk this up as a bad ending for both characters because either way I don't see this ending nicely up next we have the angler and the pirate captain on a beach showing each other various ways they found while fishing until the end blur shows the pirate Captain a truffle worm before leaving the scene the pirate Captain chases down the angler to let him know of his concern and we don't really know what happens after here now depending on how much you like the angler you could personally see this going either way so I'll put this one in neutral it's not quite bad but it's also not great next up we have the zoologist and her younger brother the golfer chasing down a golf ball with a bunch of town NPCs but what's interesting is the zoologist no longer has her ears and it was confirmed by line fours that's because she's now cured of whatever curse that she had what's also interesting is the Shimmer virion of the golfer actually has that curse as well so were they bitten separately or is this like a family thing I don't know but this is a pretty nice ending next up we have the skeleton Merchant rumbling through a pile of bones and obtaining a slap hand and it's great to learn how he finally comes about these items that he sells I would say good ending because he's just made a profit now let's talk about out the ending for the dryad the very one that inspired this video as we can see the dryad simmers down and turns into a tree so is this a good ending for the dryad or not well let's look at the game's lore so we learned in the game's lore that once Cthulhu arises the ancient race of dryads arose to wage battle against Cthulhu the dryads with their unparalleled connection to the planet were terraria's truly Last Hope as they join together to save all life-form Annihilation the dryads were alas unable to kill Cthulhu however with the dryads combined power they were able to cthulhu's ability to wreak further damage on Terraria by ripping out cthulhu's eyes part of its skeleton and chunks of its brain ultimately the substantial damage forced Cthulhu to retreat to the dark side of the moon where it dwells to this day gathering strength for another attempt at Total Conquest as for the dryads sadly all but a single member perished and the sole survivor has not been seen for many many years and so it turns out that the dryad that we have in our world is the sole survivor of an ancient race and it's not until the moon Lord has been defeated that she can finally be at peace and turn into a tree now I did try and research people's interpretation of the dryer turning into a tree and it seems a little mixed some people believe that when she turned into a tree she passed on and there she shall remain at peace but others believe that the dryad began Life as a tree and didn't get her human form until the battle began and so now that the battle is over she can turn back into her true form the dryad unfortunately has a pretty rough backstory and so any ending is kind of Bittersweet but it's nice to know that as the last hover race she was successful in taking down Cthulhu well in a way I mean I needed that plus eight defense and she did Supply it so even though it's bittersweet and it does hit you in the feels I would say she gets a pretty nice ending up next we see the steampunker attempting a repair on the Cyborg and if you didn't know it was actually the mechanic and the steampunker that created the cyborg in the first place now I don't know how these repairs panned out but I'll just say good ending next up we see Santa Claus present the tax collector with a present now since the tax collector is based off of Ebenezer Scrooge from A Christmas Carol I would say he gets a pretty good ending and finally we see the Princess and The Witch Doctor befriending two lizards for those that don't know the Witch Doctor Is In fact a lizard himself and it's said that the witch doctor likes the princess because she is kind to his race which we see here also though the princess did say that at one point she petted a lizard and hopefully this is a sign of things to come with the lizards being embraced by the other NPCs hopefully they can all live in harmony and I'll say good ending and that's it do you have any of your own personal theories about NPCs in Terraria and what do you think about the club fear in the Truffle thanks for watching I'll see you in the next one peace
Channel: ChippyGaming
Views: 897,579
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: terraria, terraria lore, terraria ending, terraria credits, terraria feels, chippy, chippygaming
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 4sec (544 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 03 2023
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