Terraria's final boss just got even better

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hey everyone so quick terrari news video we got some 1.4.5 stuff to talk about so as always let's jump into it now first off we start with a question red tweeted out what are some accessory combinations you wish were in Terraria and this was something I actually struggled to answer because when I play Terraria I stick to very similar accessories like for example a set of wings a dashing accessory the charm of myths and then whatever class I'm playing I'll have a couple of accessories that are related to that class but one accessory I do like which doesn't have a combination and I feel like I don't get to use it for very long it's the bone glove which you get from expert mode Skeletron I think it's pretty neat just like slinging out a bone and having it bounce around a room and if there was a combination that would work with that I'd like to see it now we're actually going to be talking about a few questions today and I want to hear your answer to all of them in the comments below next up somebody wrote to read and said you're red could you make it so that you can place torches on platforms with smart cursor it's really annoying to have to perform trigonometry every time I make an arena and rep responded and said that's been bugging me lately too next up somebody wrote to red and said it would be really nice to change the color of racer drones because when my friends and I do races with them we keep muddling who's as whose red responded and said this was originally intended when we first added the item so I wonder now was this something that was brought up but then forgotten or was it a technical limitation at the time somebody wrote to read and asked will there be any changes to for the worthy seed and red responded by simply saying yes next up somebody wrote to red and said could you guys consider making it so that the dryads sells every type of planter box right away I personally like making a specific Row for every type of herb and having to wait until the wall of flesh is defeated to do that is annoying and red simply responded with this Emoji probably meaning it's it's already been talked about next up somebody wrote The Rock column was made significantly rarer in 1.4.4 while the money from it was reduced this made the rock Golem a pretty useless enemy for players increasing the money dropped would make the enemy more valuable for those that find it also getting the head as a decoration is extremely hard now because of how rare the Golem is I think making the head a 100 drop rate would mean more people would go for it and just to cut in here I didn't even know that you could get the rock head as a decoration so this poster they do have a point and red responded by saying I'll have a look at its drops next up somebody wrote to red and said a Skyblock seed red responded and said people keep asking for this what would you want out of the SkyBlock Seed there are a lot of variations and this is where I also want to hear your answer in the comments below because for me personally when I imagine the developers working on the Skyblock Map it makes me think of the fact that we already have some some really good maps out there on Steam workshops so if the developers were to do their own twist on Skyblock it would have to involve something which map creators can't actually do like for example a map Creator without the use of a mod can't control what enemy spawns the drop rates maybe what certain NPCs sell so that's what I would want to see from the developers something that's only possible if you make Terraria yourself now somebody did make a foreign thread with a whole bunch of suggestions on this topic which we're not going to read out it's quite a lot of text but red responded and said thanks for all the great feedback I've been watching a few videos about this and have been taking notes for what we would need to be done to make Skyblock seed a possibility I appreciate the insight about making this world type more casual friendly as I wouldn't want to make something as hardcore and grindy as what I've been seeing gonna have to read over this a few times and really think about the questions that have been brought up next up red put up a post that said said after almost a decade the stink potion finally has a functional use in response somebody asked is there now a function for the Love Potion as well and rep replied I thought about it a little bit but haven't come up with anything interesting enough to motivate me to do the work for it next up red put up a tweet that said what are your favorite items in Terraria that eventually become obsolete once again another question for you lot at home now I actually have a pretty unconventional answer to this one which I don't know if it really fits but my answer is the treasure magnet the treasure magnet is a really handy item that makes it so that you can pull in items from far away but as I get into hard mode which is around the point where you'd get it I don't want to use it as an accessory you can use it to make the hand of creation an accessory which I also don't make because I don't do a lot of building in Terraria so I kind of wish that there was a permanent buff that you could make with Shimmer that would give you a similar effect but obviously not as strong kinda like the loaf of bread with crafting stations because it's really neat to pull in items from further away but I don't want to give up an accessory slot next up somebody wrote to red and said can you make the storm spear better it's an excellent weapon but the range of the projectiles is bad also due to it being in the desert biome it should be stronger than Jungle stuff and red responded and said I'll look at it later now let's talk about the really big stuff first off we got a post from Red that said flailron and yes you can still use its old mode and here is flailron actually Flareon in action so it seems like instead of slinging out the fish head and creating a bunch of Bubbles as it goes and then retracting inwards you can now charge it up like other flails in the game and as you do so you get a bunch of those homing Bubbles and I think this is pretty neat it adds a new layer of Versatility to the weapon and it's also cool that you can still use the old way as well now one thing I am interested in is the world generation I never know with these spoilers whether some being as part of the new generation or it's just something that the developers have built to go along with the spoiler so let me know your thoughts Down Below on this one do you think that this is part of the secret seed you can see here that it's kind of like a floating island mixed with a giant living tree you can see platforms up the tree and you can also see that there's a little bit of tree Rubble on the platforms as well was that placed by the player honestly I don't know is this maybe two spoilers in one and hey if it's just a building I've got to give it compliments because it actually really works doesn't it I don't know what this secret seed is if it is a secret seed but I do quite like the idea of these trees that go all the way up into the sky kind of like a Jack and the Beanstalk now this final spoiler is absolutely wild something which I never expected re-logic to do Chrono tweeted out impending doom approaches and it turns out we're getting a respite of moon Lord yeah that's right look at these tentacles go this respite is I mean it's chef's kiss now we've heard before that the moon Lord was one of the hardest Sprites to create for the game I can't remember the exact amount of time they gave but it might have been something like a month for a couple of months so I never expected them to go back and have a second look at the Moon Lord but this new design it's uh it's it's beautiful the most obvious change is the tentacles on the face you can see that they're now animated and after looking at this for a couple of seconds it makes the old version look really strange but there's also other changes as well like the nose area it kind of looks like the skin is much tighter now obviously this spoiler just contains the head so I wonder if any changes to the body have been made as well yeah this spoiler is just way too cold Chrono you killed it and finally I want to give a huge congratulations to Jim and his partner he tweeted out that his baby boy has been born and that's just all awesome so yeah congratulations and that tip today thank you all for watching and I'll see you in the next one peace
Channel: ChippyGaming
Views: 548,701
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: AW9uk93jzm4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 7sec (487 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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