Terraria MALICE MODE Exo Mechs & BOSS RUSH FINALE! | Terraria Livestream

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foreign hey everyone oh my gosh look at this chat going crazy i hope you are ready for today it's gonna be kind of nuts my gosh 70 people as always guys i'll give you a few moments to get in yeah i'm about 10 minutes late today so it was so much setting up getting ready for today's episode oh my god hey everyone what'd i get for christmas i got harry potter lego i'm so excited i love logo all right guys i'll just give everyone a moment while those notifications are going out sometimes they take a few minutes to get to everyone so i'll give them time to get in here make sure professional streamer happy is ready i could stream for like a week oh my god i forget how to do it all right let's do some hellos while we're getting in here who have we got in the chat hi emmanuel hi domo hi kevin hi uma hi titanium hi jukebox oh with lots of cookies as well hi skye hi bookshelf hi kevin hi guppy i sent you an email guppy thanks for all the awesome pixel art i love it it's amazing every xo max oh my god i haven't even fought them i don't know what to expect hey evans hey gamer hey holly frog hey devourer of gods hey condemned so i'll let you know what's happening in today's stream once sort of we get into the action i'll just give her a few moments to get in silly youtube i wish i just put all the notifications out straight away but they sort of they take a few minutes to send them to everyone so you just gotta be patient hi flame hi lethal legendary hi specula with your golden cookie oh my gosh hey james yeah i put um i talked about it in my mage finale that i released a few days ago um holiday week i lost my voice my doctor said i couldn't stream well he said i could but i'd lose my voice for longer crap yeah i thought we'd do a crab and we've got crab emojis so hi hi satch hi ooga booga hey quincy hey oscars hey shines exo makes are hard yeah i haven't tried them all i did was set up the summon thing just to make sure it worked but i didn't want to fight them because i want to experience it with you guys won't do it literally slime god yeah i'll talk about it as we get into the stream there's a reason we're sort of jumping to the end here [Music] mr cookie i like your name and you have cookies all right i'll throw up the terraria uh window let me know if you can see it i assume you can hear my voice because i've been talking for a few minutes now you can't hear me right and now and now everyone's gonna be like no you mike's muted [Music] i hope you all had a good christmas by the way hey jc avis thanks so much for the donor and they said hello so i say hello to you too i hope you all had a good christmas i went and visited my family we do two christmases we do like our big extended family christmas uh we do that about two weeks before and then on christmas day i just hang out with like my mum dad sister all that stuff yeah my marks you muted sure sure okay okay okay we can hear you thank you can you see terraria i assume you can you can hear me thanks scott uh professional yeah i'll talk about it as we get into it so we're in mrs claus's world at the moment and i'll talk about it as we get into it all right what's the yeah okay just another moment or so and then we'll get started statues like i missed the goblin was that from like episode three or something you missed a goblin do you know what's funny i looked back at the footage and i did miss a goblin i was like you guys are just teasing me and then i actually looked at it and no i missed the goblin it was sad drayden more like dredones we can see the game awesome xavier gaming thanks for joining our channel i think you're like the 84th member now because i updated the roof of snowman thank you so much floppy fish gaming i made it to australia yay thanks for the donor gnome said gnome thanks for being a member gnome it's always time for gnome we can't see your screen is muted yeah sure sure all right are you ready for today let's get some hype in the chat come on let's get excited smash the like subscribe throw cookies in the chat i don't care what let's get pumped up do some emojis i don't care what you do in the chat let's get pumped up are you ready for today i'm gonna have a sip of water and put my timer on because otherwise i don't remember how long i've been streaming let's go come on chat show me the hype get into it only draven's lost dog thank you for becoming a member oh i need to keep puppy in the picture oh my gosh a puppy well you made today's stream noah so it is a good time alrighty pardon me i was eating corn chips i woke up it's early here in australia and i was like i'm hungry but i don't want like proper breakfast and i had some corn chips left over so i'm like mmm i'm gonna eat them alrighty but now my tummy feels a bit funny all right uh we should have terrarium music on yeah i think i can hear it okay beautiful let's get auto paws off in three and two and one and let's begin our adventurer today with 36 damage per second hopefully i can do a bit more than that [Music] do i have mobs on okay mobs are wrong beautiful i need to do the intro how's it going crew this is happy days and welcome back to the finale of our christmas calamity adventure and yes i know it is a bit weird to do the finale already but uh we do have a reason for it i'll talk about that today uh we do have some nice weapons we just started hard mode thank you titanium yes i remembered for once in my life we've got a present i got some pine tree blocks let's build a quick ugly tree oh my gosh this is majestic guys can you rate my christmas tree out of 10 please and and if you put zero you're gonna make me sad isn't that beautiful isn't that like amazing oh it's so beautiful i'm gonna can i put a torch on top there you go the torch is floating in the middle of the air this is terrible oh my god hang on i need some rain on it there you go now it's better [Laughter] this tree sucks oh doesn't it like it gets like a yeah hang on i need to i need to make the um the stump there you go okay now it's more perfect than ever it's got like the like trunk stump i said trunk chunk you know what i'm talking about so do you want to do a crab it's like frozen do you want to build a snowman but do you want to do a crab should we do a crab to start the game i don't know there's like bunnies there's snowmans all that crazy stuff i think i've still got the crab summon hang on where is it uh do i still have it [Music] where's my crab summon i don't think i have the crabs oh hang on is it there where's my crab summon oh we don't have time to mess around it's called like the data copia thing what's it called i can't remember what it's called daya deus mushroomy it's made out of glowing mushrooms i'm seeing some things in the chat hang on it's called a deca pd all right i remember now all right let's get it a deca a deca crab there we go i i remember you remember thank you for telling me chat and i may actually need your help today because we might need some items oh this tree is so beautiful thank you for your nice ratings out of 10. some people did more than dead and they were like 17 out of 10. all right oh i got a holly i don't think i can do it all right we'll put it under the tree for now so let's put our snowman stuff on let's make it night time and let's go to crab land oh and i've got some pixel art to show you frost legend if you summon we could do that okay we have a lot to do today anyway let's go through here and get to crab land because crab land is through our draydon like floating planetoid thing so guppy fishy who i think i saw in the chat earlier made me some nice pixel art which should be here i have a kirby we have a giant kirby it's so cute and if you open your mini map you can actually see the kirby how cool is that oh my gosh harpies are killing me so um guppy fishy made me a bunch of pixel art for our world which i really love and it's even got a christmas hat on which i think is cute as sakyat happy you leave the crab summon in the chat no i didn't did i oh my god happy oh what would i do without you guys i'm like the most forgetful person in the world yeah uh i left it in the chest did i hang on oh my god happy oh oh my god no i oh i have two of them i left it in the chest you guys tricked me oh so i left it in the chest plus i oh my god happy happy [Music] i can't remember stuff good i know it's in my hotbar oh my god i like just put it in my hot bar and then people like you left it in the chest and then i forgot answer oh my god i'm so dumb okay so we have cute kirby uh and there's more stuff to show you soon but first we need to do a crab all right let's get up here i don't need this let's favorite that so i don't throw away my armor that i need and let's get rid of this harpoon all right out of here shoot there's too many harpies no no it's waving time ah i'm out of miner oh my god when i am why but no not in the introvert no [Music] would you like would you pay the doctor's fee you need should i pay it i pay the fee right does that just make like heal me up i don't see a doctor as the guide the doctor dylan the doctor oh yeah okay it heals you up beautiful done have a good day thank you doctor happy summer [Music] oh my god all right uh if you're looking for the xo max someone just mentioned that we'll probably be there in about half an hour so if you want to come back no no no no okay we're straight here and stuff i'm going to battle wyvern you are not defeating me again all right man is on wyven's on we are defeating our first wyvern first wive and second wyvern i don't even know all right we have to take out a wyvern first and i've got a shade throw let's do this beautiful oh no i've also got my storm surge maybe this is good yes yes take that wyvern uh which boss is next grey we are going to fight cryogen uh but we also have exomex we're we're gonna do a bit of this world and also a bit of an endgame world and we beat wyvern beautiful okay it's crab time okay we're gonna jump the kirby no for real why no oh my god why is there so many wives yes i'm paying the doctor's fee all right we're summoning the crab and we're getting straight back down to earth all right you ready yeah we'll fight supreme kilameters as well why an emoji is there a wyvern emoji i think there might be try using it oh i think i have one but i haven't added it to chat yet okay we just have to summon crab and run are you ready favorite calamity boss it might be xo max i don't know three two one crab no get out of the way happy all right come on crab oh crap will you hurry up i'm probably gonna die from fall damage hang on there's a crab following me crab crab oh my god crab get away no i'm caught on the things no crab okay we're gonna be fine we're a lot stronger now people we might have died to a few wives but it's all fine okay where's our shaders let's get some of those beautiful watch out for ugly tree it's gonna be fine yes take this crab yes oh my god [Music] when you're trying to fight crab but wyvern is the real boss oh my god is that treasure no i don't really need any of this stuff let's get our armor back on let's make a daytime uh i need to make a day there we go there's our ugly tree let's put that in there so i still have the mushroom there okay i'll keep it for next time xomex yeah i've heard they're pretty tough i'm a little scared all right so next thing we need to do is run over here and go to christmastown and a big thank you to evil who made me a christmas cookie you didn't put your armor back did i i put my arm a bit stop trying to check me i i didn't throw it in the bin did i uh and a big thank you to our new members uh arisha o fmtv 2 zarath s halif r shimansk and kobe g uh we're up to 83 members before this episode but we've already had some new members so thank you so much uh okay let me just reach out while i have a simple water quickly we doing all bosses no so we're going to be skipping to the end game today but we will try cryogen before we do that uh crab is dead not big surprise yeah no i know ah we don't need souls of flight we don't need them what's my favorite beach in australia said floppy fish um favorite beach i went to some cool uh surf beaches in victoria uh which is pretty awesome like they back onto the open ocean uh which means big waves and all that good stuff plus the beaches in north australia are nice too because they're really warm and we have a drunk princess here what on earth is she saying oh my gosh magical flying unicorn okay so how long is the stream today it's i said mini marathon it's probably going to be like between one to three hours i don't know how long yet uh wouldn't you why didn't you use the book version of the boss checklist um i don't know ah that's cool this is cool i don't know i just kind of like this one because it's like it ticks them off as you go and it's in like order or something i don't know i don't really know so how many deaths are we up to in this world uh floppy fish said 59 billion uh i think that might be a few too many uh so it is about to tell us how many times we've died so far in this series so if you would like to put a guess in chat uh now is the time i will click this button in about 20 seconds so put your guess in i don't think we're over a hundred i'll give you a hint so i'm going to have a sip of water while you're doing your guesses i like how i say i don't think it's over 100 and people put over 100 anyway 420 get out of it death number 99 evan said 64. xavier said 83 [Music] rain rain said 500 exactly 12 and a half how can you die half a time [Music] okay are you ready we're going to release the death count three two one and boom 67 oh i saw someone has 69 in chat penguin uh who else was close oh my gosh uh rusuegames said 67 well done uh noah said 64. jen said 67. oh my god some of you got it right well done and that's kind of sad i've died 67 times and i've only just gotten to hard [Music] i know that that's that's kind of sad to be honest uh thank you to guppy who made me my hd cookie uh on top of the building i just put it there but i think it looks really cool and let's get those penguins out of the way check out this awesome pixel art with the mario star on top christmas tree with presents and this was also made by guppy fishy so they sent me a ton of pixel art and uh thank you so much it looks wonderful i think they've used like slime blocks and that i don't know what those blocks are called i don't want to mind them up but uh it looks amazing so thank you so much might make it daytime again hang on there we go that's a bit better looks cool oh they said it lights up at night hang on yeah check it out it lights up at night time and if you look on the mini map it even like looks really cool as well how awesome is that and i've got the little thing there we've got the pixel cookie uh thank you for the donut happy love your content being subscribed to a while uh favorite australian food they put a mogus no no amagus um i guess if i'm saying aussie food i would have to say a meat pie would know uh that's kind of the thing you have at the footy or the cricket and all that stuff uh also a big thank you to penguin5 no uh to tyler stormrider who made this awesome big boreal mansion uh for our npcs to move into so that's pretty much our christmas town we would have kept building it if we were going to go on uh with our adventure but it looks awesome so thank you so much i wanted to show off all the extra builds in today's stream so i think we're gonna fight uh what we're gonna do is fight cryogen and then we're actually going to move up to xomex supreme kilometers and the boss rush uh and the reason i'm doing that today guys is yeah pretty much we ran out of time i lost a week or so because i lost my voice um and i really don't want to drag this series into january uh if i can if i can help it because i i talked it to you guys about it in another stream i like to work on my big videos in january so so i think i i just need to get my cryo key hang on let's go back here i'm pretty sure it's in the boss box uh yep karaoke beautiful uh i should probably just put this away for now let's put that there all right so we're going to do our first boss fight god get off the teleporter i can't teleport oh my god dumb guide all right i'll reach out while i'm waiting for the guy to move uh fluffy fish what are your opinions on frog's emoji stop saying a magus i fell for it once i'm soggy i didn't mean to fall for it oh my gosh i'm sure someone like recorded it too i'm like what's an americas [Music] yeah i think the hello has moved into our snow biome so that's kind of fun uh what's my opinion on frogs frogs are awesome they're kind of cute they make funny sounds i i'm sure holy frog likes frogs yeah exactly okay what did i need to do okay i got cracky so i need to summon cryogen in the snow biome but what i might do is run to the left so i can actually fight it outside of my town yeah america's you're so funny i know all right so we might summon it to the left of our snow house here all right this looks like a good spot to spawn it am i going to do a v tuber i was looking into it uh i think a company called hollow live does v tuber avatars i thought before i do a face reveal it might be funny if i try doing some v tubing uh so you can see like all my hand waving and crazy expressions and stuff might be fun uh nathan said what's my opinion on terraria uh it's okay i've been playing it for a few years i kind of like it happy do melissa's playthrough in february might be great uh said titanium uh why why in february i don't know why what's special about feb i'm not missing a joke again am i get wings uh the reason i'm not getting wings is it will interfere with our bundle of balloons which is really important for a lot of these bosses so far um but yeah i don't know uh rain said cool among us do you like ants it's like fun i suppose gnome said it's a giant cookie are you pan planning on a plushie i think a plushie company must have contacted a lot of youtubers because i noticed um this month a lot of youtubers were like i've got a plushie um i guess if i did a plushie it would just be a giant cookie so i might do one um [Music] bundle of bloons is better than wings it appears to be in malice mode so i don't know what the go is does that have to be night time to summon cryogen uh we will fight that boss in just a moment i don't know if we'll beat it but we'll give it a go i don't know uh which weapons i don't even know if my weapons are good enough so i'm not i can't remember what the uh company was called um i'm pretty sure i got emailed by them though but i was just a bit busy nfts uh i've been meaning to read more into it they're those picture things you buy isn't it um i'm seeing like pictures of monkeys or something i don't know what the goal was how was my xmas yeah really good we always just get together with our family and eat way too much food and watch the carols and all that good stuff oh yeah i need to zoom out thank you thanks for reminding me character plushie yeah character plushies would be fun too lit wolfgang or melanie night cryogen is better oh yeah thank you for reminding me the background you get like the um aurora things yeah yeah yeah thank you i forgot about that happy make the ark of the ancients for cryogen oh is that good hang on let's have a look ark of the ancient ark of the ancients it's a melee weapon oh i don't know if i have the materials for it what that's that's that's uh that means hello bars that's like post macboss i mean i might need it but yeah evil smasher yeah all right let's try some cryogen i'm probably going to die but we'll give it a go anyway [Music] i'm so dead january yeah titanium you're right yeah so i want to work on 200 days maybe op rogue more minecraft maybe another terraria let's play there's so much i want to do and that's kind of why we're finishing this play through today because i don't i don't want it to interfere with all the other stuff i want to work on all right you ready three two oh my god get out of the way whatever you are shoot oh my god all right let's try that again three two have i played for naf security breach i need to stop reading chat i've been watching markiplier play it it looks really cool i like how they went from like the office to like making it an explore thing looks kind of fun all right three two i'm so dead one boom oh look at the background it's awesome i took 100 damage already i'm so dead i'm so dead oh no okay run happy run fly use balloon power okay i'm going to get caught no no tragedy i'm sorry i'm sorry question that was terrible [Music] oh yes i want to pay the fees see the problem is i can't make my arena in the snow by home because our town is there [Music] can i summon it outside i can't oh my god what's the meaning alive to beat cryogen you remember that oh my god ugh what am i gonna do i made the warmth potion thing so at least that helps kind of [Music] oh my god i'm so dead pardon me i guess we'll just try again i don't even know if my weapons are good enough because i think these are the these are pretty hard mode weapons anywhere in heroes oh can you again that might be better i'll try it one more time though i think in malice mode is is it true guys in malice mode bosses are enraged all the time anyway i don't think it matters something is approaching cryogen's coming three two one boom alright let's go i just got to run for my life over the new house over the seas oh my god please just just let me leave cryogen just let me live stop it oh my god i think i need better weapons [Applause] oh my god artificial snow biome how many blocks is it it's like 200 isn't it the cryogen sword is op [Music] who's your favorite afl team i like lots of uh i'll go for a few um hi sam floppy fishy kryogen's going to destroy me i think so am i up to 69 deaths am i oh my god such fail all right i need some snow blocks i need snow or ice or both snow okay and i need my hammer how many blocks do i need i think it's like 200. if i could summon cryogen here in my proper arena that would be a lot better what's your favorite boss music uh i like some of the calamity boss music like uh devour of gods ah desert scourge all that stuff you forgetful happy [Music] 300 200 that's gonna take like five years to place it all oh my god you need that for oreck tesla armor there is no way happy will be quite oh my god specular with the puns oh no why is it a turtle there that's a sand tortoise oh my god okay um let's see 200 snow blocks huh oh my god it's gonna take five years one two three this is our cryogen launching platform really i could just uh i could just test this in quickly it's a poodle dragon oh there's why is there so many mobs oh my god go away mobs i want to put my snow blocks down okay we're going to make a beautiful cryogen altar here use the mod spanner in heroes mob i know i just turned them off we're making a giant rufus snowman it's in honor of cryogen okay and then i can summon it here we go isn't this beautiful do you want to raid my roof for snowman cookie clicker yeah i probably should all right this is looking great can i use it yet no i need more snow i need more snow oh my god all right let's make another one beautiful no happy click on the big eyeball what big eyeball that's a good one the desert snowman yeah i know it's not gonna last very long is it uh so if you're here for the xo bosses in the boss rush we'll be doing it soon i just thought uh to finish this part of our series we should probably try cryogen even though i don't think i'm quite ready for it which is a bit sad all right can i summon it now oh my god how much snow do i need hang on how many have i put down like 280 or something what on earth is this this is like interpretive art right now okay now we're going to join them together it's like two like elephants kissing or something it's like two elephants kissing what else am i talking about snow biome is 1500 no that's in terraria 1.4 isn't it i'm pretty sure in uh 1.3 it's it's a lot less 300 so this needs to go can i summon it now oh my god yes i can all right we're good we're gucci all right no one panic it's gonna be fine oh my god wow that attack is really hard oh my gosh oh okay i've got some mana we need to get our where's my shade aryan thingy oh i've almost got it shield off okay beautiful i've got to set my saw on spawn point happy no i'm gonna die aren't i i think i'm dead no celestial claymore from hollowed mimics i think i've got enough now oh my gosh this is so sad all right let's make it night time again yeah it's kind of hard because i didn't go and get all the extra weapons i should have had it looks like two elephants kissing now i don't even know what it looks like but i'm gonna put a torch there that's kind of cute i need to set my spawn point okay beautiful spawn point set ah shaderian goes there snow in the bin i got a sun mask i got presents okay lovely make palladium armor i'm still using sata gel i do have the mage head all right okay all right beautiful uh what do i need i think we're good how do you finish this series today oh we're going to skip ahead otherwise this will take another 20 episodes to get to the end otherwise and i just don't have time to do it that's why we're doing a little bit of this now with the elephants kissing and then we're going to skip to the end it looks like frosty the snowman doing yoga yeah i'm going to turn those mobs off again they're out of control all right we'll try it again but then i might like get some of the weapons you guys are suggesting true melee cryogen will work amogus stop saying amergus 10 more bucks if you survive xmx first try thanks for resistance but i think we know both know that's a safe bet i'm gonna be dead instantly tyler thanks for the sticker heart thingy i need hearts for happy because i am going to die all right let's try another one but then i might get some of the weapons you guys are suggesting all right you ready three two one boom okay i have my shader in thingy now that should help oh my god oh mellow smooth while you do this to me look jump the thingy yep no get hit again happy yep that's that's really good okay beautiful all right jump yep yep nice nice okay we can do this people oh wow that attack is so punishing oh my god do i have a mana flower i think i had one oh no no happy no oh no no no no no no no no no no [Music] you don't need to donate zephyr i'm just happy you're here watching uh quincy has a good tip don't die thank you quincy [Music] happy it's the shade rain stuff not the sh oh what am i shade shade rain what do i call it shaderian oh my gosh that's probably being annoying you every time i say it wrong stop saying my name okay happy face it you need new gear i know i know i got a pudding though so that's fun i think this is a thing because this is like my pre-hard mode equipment um and we're not quite ready for it so i think i'll let you guys decide should we upgrade our equipment or do you want to skip to the end game stuff um so i have an extra uh world prepared with all the exo stuff boss rush supreme kilometers and game gear uh so it's up to you guys so we can skip or upgrade or end game i kind of just wanted to do a bit of cryogen for people who have been watching the series yeah i'm seeing a lot of people say end game i thought that might be the case [Music] oh my gosh this is the most beautiful structure ever i'm back from lunch i hope you had a nice lunch you want to see yarn yeah i got all the boss summon stuff favorite calamity boss yeah some of the endgame ones are awesome i like devourer of gods that's cool happy has skills issue happy has equipment issues and elephant issues okay it looks like people want end game it's a joke it's about drive you're working on a terraria playthrough oh good luck with that i hope it goes well for you kobe all right so what we'll do is i've actually got a new world prepared uh so let's pause this one hang on professional streamer happy let's put pause on what i need to do is do this and i need to swap to i have mrs claus from not last year but the year before so hang on let's put pause on uh let's put this on okay let me know in chat if you can see a bunny with a hat on that's when you'll know it's working it's about elephants kissing it's about cryogen get a heart statue yeah i need one can you see a bunny with a christmas hat on yep okay cool so this is our christmas dream world or i can't remember this might be the first christmas series world but um this was when we did mrs claus a few years ago so i'll turn autocalls off and as you can see we have an endgame character here so i thought it's still mrs claus under there hang on let me take her arm off you can see it's still mrs claus she has a nice long blonde hair uh but we do have some end game equipment and stats and all that good stuff uh we also have the drunk princess i don't know if anyone can remember how many times we died in this world let's see if i can bring the map up uh this is one of our christmas worlds from i think two years ago uh when we did our one of our first christmas calamity series so let's guess the death i'll give you a tip it's over a hundred it is over a hundred ah yes uh resistance thanks for the don't know i do have miramar mira murasama it's that red sword right yeah yeah yeah i'm pretty sure i've got it [Music] i've given you the hint it is over a hundred at least two deaths jared i think that's a pretty safe bet over two deaths someone said four thousand six hundred okay that's a bit much i know i'm bad but i'm not that bad oh floppy fishing i missed your arduino thank you so much but we weren't quite up to the uh cryogen task uh we didn't beat cryogen but now we're in an endgame world okay you ready we're gonna reveal it someone said 9 000. joe i don't think it's that many three two one boom 128. oh hang on i think she's sassing me consider lowering the difficulty if you found that statement irritating good [Music] oh my god 128 not as many as i thought it would be okay so this is our old uh christmas town from one of our first santa series i think it might be our first one actually does anyone know i think it might be our first christmas series oh my gosh yes you were miles off it's okay so what i have here is we have the xomx summoning thing uh i'll just dismantle it so you can see to some of the xo max you need the code breaker base you need to get rid of this slime uh then you put the decryption computer on and you also need the auric quantum cooling cell which you craft from auric bars and blah blah so it's like an endgame thingy and then you put on there so we need to decide what do you want to do first we have yaron we have a yaron arena we have the exomex ready to go uh zoom in oh sorry okay hang on zoom out zoom in okay that should be about normal you should be able to read things a bit better now what have i got i've got death mode on okay getting rid of slime it was necessary we have our supreme kilometers arena uh so what should we do first i think i'm ever so slightly overpowered for xmx but i'm still gonna die so it's it's all good turn malice on yep so i have all the thingies i've got the boss rush thing i've got supreme kilometers thing and i've got malice okay so malice is on so we've got mello's death mode xomex uh should we just start with rogue okay everyone wants to see xo max okay we'll do xlmax i've only i just tested this to make sure it works but i haven't fought them enable malice yeah it's on malice is on what weapons ah so we have endgame weapons so i have all five classes and then i have all of their equipment ready to go and then we have auric tesla armor on if you're new to calamity this is like end game-ish armor helmet check where's the faith prepare to get owned yeah i'm gonna die so i have rogue equipment on at the moment i'll just quickly go over i've just got like nanotech and nanoblack reaper which is a pretty good rogue weapon um and then i just have like some standard defense like accessories are you happy for me to start with rogue cheeky babe reveal i said in january yes gnome i need help i'm being destroyed master mode ranger i will talk about the next series in january 200 defense yeah we're pretty buffed uh we have what's this our armor alone has like 130 defense so it's pretty tanky some of them max already all right let's just do it okay you ready it's exo mex time let's get some hype in the chat people i don't know if you can do a tombstone emote but i'm pretty sure i'm gonna die instantly so standard defense i don't think it's gonna matter i'm gonna die anyway i should set my spawn point are you ready to see me get completely destroyed by the exomax oh my god this is gonna suck happy i forgot what's in america's don't even start with me yeah you don't get full damage reduction so i'll win first shot i don't think so ah people found the tombstone emote all right you ready okay so you need to right click this thingy and then you have the contact and that lets you get in touch with drayden stop stalling i don't want to die all right here we go exo max malus mode death mode we need to contact draden three two one boom let's do this people it's happening so there's draden now i'm sorry i just had to like test it normally he does a speech to you you need to pick which of the three you start with okay so we can summon thanatos a serpentine terror with impervious armor and a numeral laser turret aries a heavyweight diabolical monstrosity with four exo super weapons or artemis and apollo a pair of extremely agile destroyers with pulse cannons so you actually get to pick which one you fight first i think it's like destroyer prime and twins basically kenneth because like this is the best i could do i'm still gonna die eris heiress thanatos worm few people are picking worms i'm gonna die anyway it doesn't matter i don't think twins one so artemis and apollo are the twins rs is skeleton prime and thanatos is a destroyer do the worm okay oh my god i'm so nervous are you ready three two one boom here we go oh my god okay so i don't know how you're supposed to fight this oh my god it's hardly taking any damage can you hear the music okay or do you want it louder oh my god so much damage so i think you get to fight one of them first and then they all join in after a little bit i don't know how this works [Music] okay are those what are those red laser things are they hurting me or is that like letting me know where the attacks are gonna come from oh my god i'm out of my arena i'm out of the arena are those red lasers letting me know like where i'm gonna get a hit from i think that's what it's doing okay i have rage should i use it oh do i have rage my dryad is dead the dry out is dead people no here they come they're all here oh no way so skeletron stays above you and the twins like oh my god this is crazy i'm taking so much damage oh oh no what's that laser thing hit the tail oh you have to hit the tail oh my god i think we need to get a uh did we do the death count what's the death count on just spam it did so much damage oh my god i died in like three or four hits that was nuts uh shrimp i explained it uh because i had to miss a week or so i had a bit of illness um uh i'm pretty much skipping to the end because i don't want this series going on into january i have other stuff i need to work on how are you done already crabs revenge yeah uh so just people that have just joined uh basically why i'm skipping ahead uh this it would take me another 15 20 episodes to get here and i really don't want this series taking like most of january and february i have other stuff i need to work on so i thought we'd do a marathon stream today have a bit of fun uh and just have a play with some of the new stuff oh the giant's back yeah is it 129 okay miura master will win it for you gotta play the only thing i know for real it will for its work thanks to the extra donor okay where's the drunk princess there she is let's just double check our death counter 129 yeah you're right okay [Music] i don't know how to make it on screen muramasa should we swap classes people are asking for muramasa that's melee isn't it all right so i need to put my melee hat on okay yeah there's the mirror master is that good uh do i play minecraft i've done one minecraft episode but i need to do more do i need any other accessories this is like a i think that's a melee accessory hang on we'll just swap our rogue stuff back out i've got a celestial shell i don't know if i need to swap that murasama oh hang on murasama what was i saying miramasa sorry sorry chat i'm sorry this chat's getting angry at me okay is this all i need better get wet get better weapons you got to click real far oh is that how you do it hang on i'm not cheesing it am i do summoner is this cheesy cheese i'm not just chasing it am i all right let's try it okay you ready let's go so you don't just hold it down your accessories are wrong well maybe like let me know what i need do i start with the worm get good i'll never get good i am professionally bad at the game they nerfed it it doesn't work i don't know i'm just going what you guys are telling me spun technical with god slayer slugs okay we'll go through all the classes i've got them all there so i've got all five classes we can test them all hey zach thanks for the dono appreciate it chat will decide my fate all right we'll try thanos again let's do it three two one boom so i need to spam me click oh my god yeah i don't think that's working oh someone said i have to hit it in the butt where's his tail i need to hit its tail but his tail looks like it's underground all right let's let's make it go up in the sky alright i'm gonna try and make it like chase me into the air oh my god it's so big on the mini map it's huge okay i need to find it but hang on oh my god there it is get it yes okay i don't think that spam thing's working guys just get good i can't get good i'm bad all right there it is rage rager in the foot all right okay now what do i hit what do you go for oh my god i'm dead already greeting thanks for the donor yeah the music's awesome although i suck at this try crab the segments will lose its defense after it shoots a laser oh okay okay so you guys have to understand i've like never fought this boss i don't even know what i'm doing you get you get to enjoy my pain during the stream pogchamp thanks greeting oh so generous with the donations thank you did the amogus boss i'm not falling for that again don't even try try not dying switch to ranger swan technical with godslayer slugs someone's saying range is really good you can't spam click the mirror master anymore but great try okay it seems really hard once all three are on screen it's pretty crazy try using scarlet devil with uh i think we should try the other classes happy do ranger okay we can try ranger that's the fun of having all the classes ready to go all right oh my god i've got so much stuff hang on all right let's take our melee stuff back off so i don't lose it all right people are saying i've got svan technical i've got hella but uh spun technical okay let's put that there i do i need elemental quiver it does increase your range damage did you defeated dog or not i was skipping ahead uh if you've just joined the chat we're sort of jumping from start of hard mode to end game use the hell about canon do i need any other weapons or is that it is it just fun technical i don't need void dragon or any of the other stuff get violence it's from skel what's violence i know there's a lot of new stuff violence it's a melee weapon oh wow what's this oh that's kind of cool so it just like goes around and okay that's kind of fun we'll put that in our melee box you use a mogus how about cannon i don't know if i'm supposed to have a hell about cannon yet but let's grab it anyway okay i think i've got everything for ranger i need to put my ranger hat on let's see where's ranger uh i've already got it on no hang on minion magic ring oh range happy happy happy what are you doing oh god slayer emma hang on god slayer good what's god slayer ammo someone said i can get special ammo but i don't think it's there i've got holy fire are they the best bullets is holy fire the best bullets i can get get halibut i already have halibut [Music] is that a rocket cannon you were suffering a cryogen and now we're posting midway yeah floppy we're jumping to the end game just because this series is going to take too long otherwise blood slayers thugs god slayer i can't seem to say them god slayer is it god's slayer oh there they are okay i've got slayer better i think you need 4 000 for unlimited they better oh wow okay when different segments of thanos start smoking that's when they're vulnerable okay search slug okay all right let's try it okay you ready we'll try ranger i'm still gonna die but we'll give it a go here we go should we start with a different boss use a mogus stop saying amergus okay should we start with a different one does it matter or is it best to start with the worm you can get a horseman's blade don't use violence it's 20p use a mogus you guys can't get past the amogus thing start with skeleton it would be good if i could get rid of some of these dumb weapons yeah because he like hovers straight over you okay let's start with skeletron for a change rs heavyweight diabolical monstrosity i'll just have a sip of water first hang on [Music] okay okay do one boom okay can i kill these things oh my zoomed out yeah i am don't stop moving happy whoa this thing's insane oh my god what is that attack okay it looks like oh my god lag lag lag lag where'd skeleton go does it disappear for the next part of the fight oh i get it okay i get it now okay so the one you fight first disappears for a bit oh my god why have i got my oh my gosh use the cannon i got red okay let's get the twins ex apollo sorry i don't know what to call them artemis lot of bluff no no no [Music] this is so hard oh my god okay so it seems the one you summoned first is out of the fight for the second part death counter 131 stop counting the deaths [Music] better than last try we did do a bit better use ranger armor i do have ranger armor i'm pretty sure i have ranger armor this is mcdonald's thanks for the donut hello that's a random comment the happy hour to protect you from the amogus thanks floppy we have to play among us on stream now like honestly i think that might be a members thing in january we might do like an among us stream and then you guys can just spam america's little stream [Music] one thing we might do like i'm happy to keep dying but what we might do is turn malice and death off just to have a chance later on all right let's just jump straight in three two one boom let's contact no messing around do you need a bigger arena yeah people say my accessories aren't right i wish you would tell me what i need to swap in oh i got hit by something all right let's start with twins this time boom okay whoa okay this does a lot of damage to twins okay is it better just like having oh my god i'm almost dead already okay what the twins killed me almost instantly play a mogus for a living see the problem when i play among us is people just want to vote me first because i'm the youtuber they're like yeah happy's guilty i've got i've got elemental quiver what other accessories do i need swap the nanotech shattered community i think i've got the community somewhere i think i had it or don't i i don't think i have it oh yeah why have i still got nanotech on okay so so what do i need community is that that jewel thing shattered community what's that ruined by unknowledgeable hatred it still contains most of the power of the community you generate rage over time taking damage gives rage bloody blah blah is that good [Music] get shattered where does that come from what is that like skull item need to give it a modifier hang on uh let's just give it menacing pardon me okay all right so that it gave me a bit more health how do you become a member said floppy uh there should be a join button near the subscribe button compute community plus skel it comes from enchanting ah yeah yeah yeah arca says that new npc the supreme kilometers one have i got her yeah and she does the enhancing why is there so many amogus there just is okay do i need to change any of my other accessories i've got this eldritch soul thing i don't know if that's doing much use contagion i have other range weapons where is it uh i do have contagion isn't that like an endgame one though oh no oh yeah an artisan game i mean i can use it it's probably a bit overpowered reaper too reforge all your accessories to quick switch eldritch tome for what if you're gonna tell me to swap something tell me what to swap it for cause like if you just say swap it like i don't know what like swap it for what you summer prime do i have that that's pretty skill though although i am on death malice mode if you didn't read the chat you will win probably use a mogus chicken cannon can hit most of them dark sun ring oh yeah actually i was reading the calamity wiki uh that did talk about dark sun ring hang on where is it what's it do uh increased damage during the day that sounds alright okay let's give that a good modifier oh my god what have i done hang on let's do this and i don't know if i need quick as much now i'm already pretty quick i know postscale is fine i mean we are playing a pretty hard modifier here all right so i'll swap out the eldritch thing let's just put that in there some people are saying use soma all right let's try this okay i have some new accessories now let's just get into it contact we'll try some soma of super water i like starting with the rs i think try skull yeah we'll try that we'll do some boss rush we won't just keep dying do this over and over all right let's go you ready three two one boom okay whoa okay that's doing a little damage holy moly oh wow wow oh my god did you see that wow i'm so dead i'm so dead i'm so dead i got rage though okay i mean we're getting a bit of damage in that's kind of nice whoa look at those effects that's amazing oh my god there's my yaron arena okay we need to turn around oh no skeleton's back or ours or whatever it's called oh no i'm dead i think it's too op yeah i know but i'm also on malice in death jelly bean mound i've still got my fish on mount this is the calamity mod mostly uh i said david is skull easier uh i think skull well personally i think skill might be easier based on this happy am i happy i am happy we are dying a lot though turn off death mode yeah i think um do you know what i would like to try okay let's do a test here guys i want to turn off malice let's turn all of it off and see if it makes a difference okay so we're back to normal this is just like expert mode all right let's see if this makes a difference calamity isn't a real mod i'm pretty sure it is isn't it they nerfed or tesla use demon shade okay i might try that all right let's see if this makes a difference so we've turned on easy mode kind of all right so i've turned off death mode i've turned off malice i've turned off revengeance so let's see if this makes a difference i just dying because i'm not dodging enough or damage too extreme let's see i've got to ask is the music a good volume for you guys oh whoa okay it seems in expert mode this is significantly easier focus challenging the projectile and don't worry about aiming ah does that mean homing weapons are better okay oh my god no i'm dying again too quiet i'll turn it up a bit oh it's that laser beam that like crosses there's like two orbs and then like what goes through that's insane i've got my um i've got celestial traces on they're in the wing slot mod okay i'll turn the music up a bit for you guys oh where was it music let's turn that up a bit so you can enjoy it someone keeps telling me to use wool from stuff it's not gonna work thanatos is dog in cigars disguise yeah it seems like it okay all right let's just see if we can even do this i'm gonna use halibut stuff can you mage we'll do mage next do you have normality relocator no i don't i need to upgrade it don't i is that better then you can teleport to the position can't you okay all right let's try halibut is that stronger it's doing like 80 000 what was stoner doing okay i think how about stronger yeah oh my god lag that guy's lag oh no through the frame i think one of the tricks to this fight too is oh my god besides not lagging i think also we need to work out which one to focus on first okay oh my god okay if i can get rid of these oh yeah this thing that thing that thing keeps getting me happy super sauce everyone always says hey an npc moved in good old horus selling me some gel thanks horace that was useful i have revengeance active i don't have no it's not active you can use a mooga's class okay let me ask you do you want to try a different boss for fun or do boss rush or scale we have yaren we have skull we can do boss rush uh people are telling me to get normality relocator press z to teleport okay that might be worth it normality so does that work like okay that's actually pretty cool all right that's good should we try a different boss so we haven't done all the classes but i'm also mindful you guys might want to see something else so we still haven't done mage and we haven't done summoner but we could try a different boss do yarn for a warm up boss rush scale scale might be fun i dial in worm few people are asking for scale or yarn you need world size arena yeah i'm thinking see my arena is only like how big is it what's that like a fifth of the world i'm pretty sure you want your arena like running the whole world [Music] summoner okay let's try a skull uh i already have the scalping don't know is ranger good for skull uh do i need the bows i think i'm all right i think we're good skull okay we'll do a skull we'll do a scale and then we'll do a yarn we'll mix it up a bit what's the time okay we've been going for just over an hour but i did say this will be a longer stream oh my gosh how do i get through all right let's teleport through here so this is our yaron arena and i need to wait for that to wear off okay beautiful you want brain of typhool i'm pretty sure i put the altar there but thanks for letting me know because it's changed since i last did it has skull changed much okay if we're gonna fight skull let's put revengeance back on and let's put death mode back on too do i have a spawn point here oh my god i don't think i have a spawn point so there's the altar i think i have a spawn point just through here hang on yeah all right let's set our spawn point and let's go back in here all right we're gonna do some scale we have death mode on should i put malice on for the first one [Music] should i put malice on [Music] you don't even need to change it oh that's cool should we do malice she's gonna kill me in like one hit you guys just want to see me die oh my god all right so we got malice and death mode on you people are sick you just want to see me die what happens if you go outside i think she just enrages although considering i think mello's mojim rages anyway so i don't think it matters don't die do you know it's funny i wish i could zoom out even more i think i need an even higher resolution for this okay happy how did you get in here oh my god all right you ready i haven't seen the new fight yet three two one no i need to sleep with water first hang on crystal masher isn't it crystal crusher or something like that homogenous well like some people in chat are loving the amogus you're wearing the merch oh thank you to everyone that bought merch over christmas too hope you're enjoying it send me some um pictures you don't have to be in the picture just show me the merch that would be awesome prepare for giga die hf sword what's that one you can go outside i don't know anyway let's try this three two one boom oh no did it work oh my god this is different ah holy moly they're fast oh no they're so fast [Music] they're fast is this malice mode because they're so fast oh my god okay is this the culture all right yeah okay this is the same i need to kill those things all right oh my god oh yeah yeah okay i think i remember i think i'm oh my god i'm getting killed already all right no happy no not happy no no no [Music] oh this there she is climate has well that's a lot of health for an npc they changed her sprite she does this enchanting stuff now if you've got any curses you want spelled well i'm not your person you can like enchant stuff now switch to melee photo eviscerator is that good that was a terrible effort can you like oh check it out you can like hang on i'll zoom in oh no i can't zoom in the ai you are you can get thingies oh she fell off she fell off the thing kalamataz she fell off high frequency so you can super mega chain sword ah okay thanks resistance i need to try this i can put like modifiers on the things oh my god there's heaps of them do i need these happy get universe splitter it's really good summon weapon i think i've got that bra use a flame uh how do i oh art worked un a flame unreal summer prime can i do this one oh okay this is cool all right i have flaming weapons now i don't know if it's gonna help much but we'll try okay let's jump straight back into it three two one boom did it work oh my god i like how they've changed the effects on the boss intro it's very hollow knight i'm getting oh my god no no no happy no no no no okay i'm almost dead all right i've got rage i've got rage oh happy place that was terrible all right i'm just getting straight into the fight alright no messing around let's go let's go i'll heal i'll heal during the intro oh my god this whole stream is a foul montage what are you talking about [Music] is this the good strategy just staying at the bottom here i know i feel like it's a bit easier to dodge but yeah nice happy nice you didn't even get through the first part what's the death counter up to oh my god use homing weapon yeah i think i need one uh silver revive uh yeah a lot of people saying demon shade armor hang on let's demon shade because demon shade didn't used to be that great but hang on it's got good defense all right so i've got 230 all right puts me up a bit higher you get the imp thing uh tax flu inflict shadow demon thingy demon size press y to enrage nearby enemies with dark magic okay should we try this all right we'll try demon shade all right let's give it a go let's just jump into it three two one boom okay here we go just don't die in the intro happy oh my god they're so fast in malice oh my god even in death mode they went this fast [Applause] nope not happy no no okay we're good gucci we're gonna do this we're gonna get past the first bit oh my god we're up to the actual fight this is amazing okay whoa what was that bean thing [Music] we got to the first part of the fight oh my god paradise lost wings and metastasis uh is that summoner sounds like summoner switch to melee dragon rage is amazing for getting rid of the hearts and arc of the cosmos is homing okay should we swap our swap classes you did 25 photo eviscerator uh what's that frodo it's arranged is that like a shade bro oh look at the effects that's kind of fun okay maybe we can try that let's put a modifier on it i assume it's unreal saying it's a ranged weapon all right we'll try this and then we'll swap classes okay did it summon okay i'll try photo eviscerator and then we'll swap faster if it doesn't work yeah nice it's not gonna work because i can't dodge not happy [Music] get slower wings for hell i think you're right lenny i think you're right i'm just i'm moving too quick i can't dodge properly where's 200 days january january is my working on big videos time all right we'll try i have to get to the first part come on you can do this you just gotta believe oh my god [Music] no too quick too quick too quick too quick and slick all right we're good do i have rage no i do have rage and there's just a culture wow we got to the thing okay all right doing some nice damage yes yes yes yes okay oh my god these things are back and they're coming from below no i need a moga's power i need a mogus in the chat [Music] supercal enchantments suck do they i don't know it seems kind of nice to get a bonus for nothing but oh guys i think we need to swap classes what class should we swap to oh wow that looks cool can you do the cheese with charm of myths use some summer prime i thought i was using summer prime or was i using swan technical try supernova summon i don't think we've used summon yet we haven't done summon or mage yet okay let's just teleport back to if we teleport here and make it daytime okay mirror class i mean melee okay should we try major summoner or should we try what do you think rogue rogue is super broken [Music] you summon up summer prime asmr yes it's kind of metastasis uh do i have that i got nucleogenesis temporal umbrella endogenesis arc of cosmos there's a summoner accessory that's broken that'll spawn kill bosses summoner either of three new summons mage we haven't done mage mage might be fun okay let's try mage we'll put all our rangy stuff back so if you haven't guessed today's stream is just like a bit of a mess around we're just trying like different stuff okay so mage accessory is ethereal talisman uh i don't need that let's just favorite our auric tesla stuff so which ones are good people were saying fab stuff is good okay i have apotheosis oh my god it summons the worm are you for real it's like the devourer of gods okay i've got to use that that's hilarious i can't how does this work uses hex as a possible nearby enemy i don't even know if that works what do i need apotheosis do mage okay let's just get all the mage weapons all right i don't know if i need these a party cannon that doesn't look very strong i don't know okay let's go back back to the pain so people were saying fab stuff so i'll use that first all right pt one boom oh my god why am i doing this on malice it's so hard you start with luchi maybe i should use that oh my god no no no no okay okay okay just dodge happy just dodge happy no no no i'm so sorry everyone i'm so bad at this [Music] i mean the wand i mean that looks insane holy moly okay let's just summon it straight away why does she keep appearing there maybe when the boss dies or when i die she comes in okay [Music] i think i need slower wings someone said that in chat i think they're right [Music] it is very hard to dodge when you're moving horizontally so [Music] up fast okay i'm kind of not dead oh wow that's amazing okay yes nice oh this is so hard demon shades give me spade is it no i feel pretty quick even with um is that no they feel pretty similar all right i tell you what i'm going to turn off malice mode and see if that makes a difference because i am just getting completely destroyed all right let's try that i'm turning off malice we'll see if it makes a difference oh yeah look at that there's so much slower are you for real [Music] oh my god i'm still going to die not happy no just slower but there's more of them i've got like 42 points okay she's here she's here she's here we can do this wow malice is insane guys oh my god okay yeah nice happy nights uh resonance thank you so much for all the dinos i should make a text a pack that makes everything the murals you're a summer [Music] it sounds like you really like that weapon it is pretty good okay i can do this i can do this come on come on stop a blue shield i'll go and grab it after this fight okay this makes a difference these not being so fast because i was starting the fight pretty much dead which was not great oh my god there's so many of them though oh oh oh oh okay all right okay all right okay i actually made it here with some help amazing oh my god oh that's right yeah yeah i kind of remember no no no no hold on hold on and stop this bullet pull that nonsense okay no no yeah it's making a big difference having malice off that's insane okay someone said i need blue she as well alright let's pick up blue she good old blue uh let's put that there we'll go back to our arena and get straight back into it okay is blue she good for the supporters or for everything else okay straight back into it guys no messing around here this is a hundred percent professional happy [Music] there is there is more of these than i remember okay throwing rage on get rid of these nice and quick okay beautiful all right this fight's a little bit different than what i remember okay good good good okay we're doing a bit better doing a little bit better all right okay not good wow is she taking a lot of damage i can't quite see at least we get to listen to music for once because i'm not dying within the first 10 seconds oh no no die happy wow she's going like through the stages so quick oh it's the brothers and i've got the reese pride okay that's cool i like that okay i'm gonna die i think i'm dead am i dead no no i'm not dead don't die happy i need to heal i'm 25 seconds up here where is she no we got so far feb staff is destroying it you don't need normality relocator and hotbar you know i kind of like being able to um click where i want to teleport though i don't know i'm old school use the party cannon is it good oh my gosh okay we're straight back into it this is our serious serious attempt here people we still have to try yaron as well we might try yara next okay okay we got through the first bit i don't have rage though okay good good good i think she's taking a lot of damage because isn't fab stuff like preschool i think so all right so they come from the bottom now oh yeah sorry chad i'm trying not to read you i still love you but i don't want to get hit again too much damages okay yeah we're good good yeah oh my god that's insane damage okay ah i don't want my thingy happy what are you doing no no dodge dodge dive duck oh my gosh i think fab staff is doing too much damage it's like just melting everything thumbs up for the win can i get a heal i'm 18 seconds off the hill no stuff with blue she does damage over time should we swap to yaron i'm kind of just getting destroyed you guys get to see me die to everything today would you like to see yarn next or should we do boss rush we're pretty close to beating skull but i'm not quite there this is why you should read chat mid-boss yeah thanks great ninja metastasis it's a summoner weapon it summons subculture metastasis metta stay summons sepulcher oh oh my god wow that looks so ugh it looks creepy it looks like there's a yucky bug on my skin that looks gross [Music] that's pretty strong we should try summoner should we do yaron's summoner boss russell hang on let's just see yeah it's modern i have a good gross centipede thinking screen don't die again boss ross yaren okay it looks like people want yaron squash the bug splat all right let's try um let's swap to summoner okay hang on uh let's see let's put our magic stuff back and then take that off i might just get a new drink and um read some chat as well where's okay summoner i'm gonna has a lot more accessories as well so i'm gonna have to swap stuff i might take dark ring off and maybe the community thing oh this is angelic alliance as well you can only spawn one supporter oh can't you have other summons i don't think i can fit any more thingies in what's that all right let's put that okay i need the umbrella i need the support the meter stasis so i can't summon other stuff yeah i can check it out and then do i want nucleogenesis turn on malice again okay malice is back on you will see my pain should i keep demon shade on [Applause] i want a chummy day [Applause] okay my accessories all right this is a poultry that you someone will attack me no it's not gonna hurt me is it it doesn't look like it's hurting me fargo's soul mod i did a playthrough of at once but i haven't finished it okay i think we've got everything do i need anything else [Applause] uh this is it is calamity or a tesla okay i'll put eric tesla back on where's the summoner yeah because i think i need more summon slots don't i maybe i'm not sure oh that's a mage one there okay we're good all right i think i've got all the summoning stuff oh my gosh this thing is so creepy [Music] is that all i need i've got the hat i don't know if i can summon this nuclear genesis thing why is this not working oh is it an accessory oh my god happy it's an accessory you absolute noob i'm like why is it not working [Music] oh my god oh happy i'm trying to use an accessory as a weapon [Music] steed [Music] okay so we got we've got the worm we've got the hat but we got the shape there's enough and the flame steed and i got i got the robot do i do i really want to use the robot against yaron okay i think we're ready okay let's do this oh my god this is disaster all right we've got robot power we've got sheeps we've got some weird centipede thing oh hang on how do i do those attacks yeah that's right i can't remember how to attack it okay oh i don't have the urine summon hang on i'll just get it uh what's it called uh jungle dragon ah beautiful okay let's set our spawn point and that which doctor is so going to die fight a dollar worm yeah we'll do we're going to do everything okay i'll just have a sip of water and read some chat sticky boom booms yeah sticky boom booms are where it's at people all right we've got melis on let's swap that okay let's try some yarn are you ready use the hell about three two one boom oh my god where is it here we go it took half my health in one hit are you for real oh i need that um whoa look at all the fireballs are you serious the witch doctor's dead i need that metal slime thing oh my god oh i like the new uh flame effect they've got that's cool i think the arena is smaller oh my god that was a disaster i'm up to 148 i need the um oh the tree's the middle oh that's right i did the pixel art tree so i knew the middle of the arena i need that what's that metal slime mount does anyone remember what it's called mount uh jelly bean isn't it the jelly bean yeah i think i need this to fall better i think that was it yeah jelly bean that wasn't very pogus normal mode supreme kalama tiles yeah just try a range weapon and uh just try and learn its patterns use slimy saddle i think this is like a quicker slimy saddle though okay let's try it three two one boom okay i need support back okay here we go i got one power all right let's go we're doing good oh my god all right yeah so now i can fall a bit faster that's nice oh my god those killers look so awesome holy moly i'm almost dead okay galzers malice mode is insane people no okay i need to fight that diagonally i think don't you dodge into me oh my god wow this is nuts and the arena's smaller than death mode too on it does that as well and i'm dead team tiger use melee dragon rage to clear the hearts yeah a lot of people are saying um melee seems to be a really good class to use [Music] oh really that's kind of cool that's a cool law thing hang on i can't i can't see him with spawners subvulture oh there it is can i get the heart okay [Music] owen oh thanks for watching owen use the gruesome eminence magic weapon that's opie okay i tell you what we're gonna turn malus off again and see if that makes a difference malus seems to make things like a kajillion times harder oh my god all right let's try this i'll use the flame seed but how do you attack when it's on hang on don't you need normal weapons to use how do i talk [Applause] how do i like use pew pews i don't know how to um attack while it's active or does it just attack normally i don't know don't die it's that easy yeah thanks johnny in the universe splitter is that a summon weapon i think i saw that universe holy moly that feels like 60 000 damage whoa what's that that's amazing whoa that's incredible okay all right let's use that and let's try it so non-malice dragon three two one boom okay so where's those flaming kings now okay they're outside the arena yeah malice makes it like tons smaller okay all right so i've got my universe split up all right there's still like lots of fireballs but it's not too bad oh my gosh yeah it seems malice just is like instant death it's just like yeah just like yeah you want to die okay it just seems you take a little bit less damage just immediately i never would have thought i would hear myself saying i might i'll put it back on death mode to make it a bit easier oh my god i'm putting it on death metal for a break it seems you can only use oh we're up to like second form i think oh my god this is where it sings awesome okay [Music] all right let's fall down yes love this music oh my god okay someone is actually pretty good for this yeah i flew into me i got a heel off how often can you use universe split up like only once every like 30 seconds or so oh let's fall down oh my gosh don't know no don't hurt that happy i'm sorry i'm sorry aaron no just stop everywhere okay it's getting low all right let's drop down no we were so close [Music] yeah that music is awesome did i get a yellow [Music] should we try a different class can we get a montage for 150 deaths [Music] some of that is the way do you know no way oh my gosh i know i didn't mean to die bruce and eminence is that gruesome gruesome eminence it's a magic weapon oh my god it looks like a what is that wow that looks cool it looks like one of those io games where it eats this like old things oh do you just like keep it summoned nothing's cool what's an amiga don't even start i'm not falling for amogus's ever again it will not work on the happy how is my christmas sad gizmo yeah really good stop using suppulchers because the summons hits the hearts get halibut wrench so don't use the so they use more shapes and the umbrella but i don't have any other summon weapons don't use the metastasis summons are targeting it instead of urine okay the eminence gets stronger the longer you use it okay ligma just dodge the distortion i'm trying okay do we need if i'm not going to use the subculture do i have anything else do i need cosmic immaterializer no that's not good [Music] maybe swap that out or should i just swap classes maybe i should just swap classes again okay let's swap classes let's put those in there okay what class am i going or should we just try boss rush now you just want me to try boss rush with this new whammy thing maybe we should try mage should we do boss rush if you don't summon the boss you won't die thank you titanium yes that makes sense we could try a meiji boss rush all right let's put that back in there i don't need the egg anymore i don't need the meg i don't need the meg go melee i haven't done proper melee all i used was that mirror mask murasama sorry i was almost gonna say it wrong again okay we've got our mage weapon okay put that in there and i won't keep trying to use eternity oh wow that looks cool boss rush okay so we'll do melee i'll put that on there equip that maybe elemental gauntlet and then what swords do i need people are saying violence is good violence is usually the answer but people were saying that's opa use the earth sword do i have earth i don't know i forgot earth that's from skel isn't it elemental excalibur yeah i got that one okay let's put that in [Music] uh gonna do thorium yeah i wouldn't mind playing thorium again neon tetra do i have that it's not ringing a bell is that even a thing that's a fish don't try and trick me i can't use that fish spawn every boss at once i think that's a um a fargo's mod thing arc of the cosmos uh isn't that a weaker weapon [Music] isn't that an earlier one arc of the cosmos is that i hope you guys aren't trying to trick poor happy i know okay we can try that let's put a better modifier on it legendary sounds good to me the op neon tetra mod xenothin calamity okay i suppose i should have the mirror muscle murasama yeah some of these don't seem like they do lots of damage i think that's yeah okay i think that's cool so we'll do some boss rush all right i'm going to take like a one minute break just to get some more water uh because our stream's been almost going for two hours and then we'll do some boss rush okay so quick break i will be back in just a moment thank you maybe leave me some questions in the chat i'll be right back [Music] um when sync review so i come back and someone's asking me about a sync review what is wrong with you people [Music] all right let's see the silly stuff you've said while i'm up while i was away for two minutes happy is hydrating that is true legendary weapons are a hundred percent mellisman drop yeah yeah they are are we ever going to get more how op can you make yes uh i'm planning to work on one next month where the sound goes oh sorry i didn't leave the terrarium music on while i went away sorry i'm so soggy people i will do a face reveal someday okay let's swap this this this this this okay all right let's do some boss rush how does it work normally you just like use the terminus don't you activate boss rush all right did you guys go and get a drink have you got some snacks are you ready to see me die in bus rush hang on i need to set my spawn also i need my melee helmet on that's better violence is great for xomx we might try it again i tried a few xo mx but malice mode is just insane ah let's should i put malice mode back on it's like when i ask you guys i'm like do i have to wrong helmet i've got melee don't even try and trick me get the spine of thanatos spine of thanatos is that a good weapon hang on spine of oh wow is this good holy moly that thing is awesome houses okay we have to use that hang on let's put a modifier on that and add that to our thingies people said i don't need that in my uh okay i know all right beautiful okay let's go let's do some boss rush okay so you want malice mode back on do i have you just want me to die more fine okay malice is on and death mode is on okay no sorry it's on okay beautiful all right how do i do this you ready for boss rush let's go uh someone else was talking about a chainsaw weapon we'll try with melisandre but i probably will turn it off chainsaw someone's saying there's a good chainsaw weapon i don't know anyway we'll look at it later how does it work there's the boss rush boss rash guys i think i broke it it's not working guys what's wrong with it normally you just click it and it works what did i do wrong hold it oh do you have to hold it down it's called photon ripper hang on photon ripper holy moly it does over 10 000 damage whoa that's insane where do you get that from i don't even know oh is that from um okay let's put a modifier on that okay i'll add that to my thingies okay so i have to hold it down all right let's make it daytime so you hold it down are you ready so i hold it okay now i know now i know okay let's go three two one all right you hold it down oh my gosh it's charging up oh my god did it work whoa this is insane all right let's use the chainsaw on the b wow look at that sigil thing in the background what's that that was awesome oh my god this looks so cool i don't know if i mentioned it before but i am getting the biggest follow knight vibes for this so good though oh my god queen bee's killing me i almost died to the first boss in mello's boss rush that is so pathetic wow this looks so cool whoa that noise i died to the second boss uh i people keep mentioning this earth weapon hang on uh ah what's it do is that like a true melee weapon i don't think is that good brains rgb medials and i got a snow globe i got destroyed i will probably turn um i will probably turn off malice mode if i keep getting destroyed like that we'll try one more time i am here for the people oh the hammer oh that's that big paladin hammer thing in there hang on all right let's put melos over here that's that hammer okay oh wow that's pretty good okay let's go all right let's just hammer the slime whoa that was really good okay let's do this again happy window reveal i'm creative name what what an earlier you're talking about how do you want to see your door where's the b b okay is this doing good damage fifty thousand okay that's not bad right this is pretty strong oh my god wow these bosses so fast all right i've got my normal blah i've got the relocator thing malice doesn't affect boss rush it kind of sucks if you keep dying i'm trying my hardest don't pick on me okay the hammer should be good against the eyeball things yeah check it out whoa this hammer's like destroying stuff i am going to beat malice boss rush let's go i can do this you just got to believe people you got to believe and stay hydrated your own music box oh we could put a mello's boss we could put a music box on okay king slime it's all under control what's next i can thulu it's your window and i've got my normal immediately wet slit i'm sorry i'm trying well i don't want to change up this weapon this weapon is amazing is this like from uh supreme kilometers i think it might be holy moly so good okay i took a bit of damage there though chair revealed stop cabinet reveal what's with the random reveals guys skeleton prime okay whoa easiest one yet okay we've got golovkin i know i'll throw a razor onto this i have a feeling golem can be a pain yeah we got gollum profane guardians oh my god that's the chicken nugget things in there yeah oh yeah loving the music all right oh don't you have to stay in the hello or something please i can't remember oh no my headphones my headphones are dead oh you have to hit this one in the head oh check it out yes yeah come here worm i have the hammer of ownage yes awesome astrum aureus like yeah okay okay i should probably use a different weapon let's use this thingy although maybe i shouldn't change weapons because then i'm gonna die the hammer is amazing npcs are not meant for fighting leave them out it was funny they just like instantly got deleted okay let's see if we can get the rest of them killed yeah kill the rest of them come on you can do it no i'm stuck on ugly tree quick i need hammer i got stuck on the ugly tree [Music] what is wrong with you people okay where's that worm where are your worms oh my god i didn't die already holy moly all right throw them rage on okay let's get this a mogus at one million girlfriend review no oh my gosh oh what's this dragon polly no no no no no no no no no no no no don't touch it oh my gosh where is it why is it invincible no don't you go invincible don't even start i want you to heal what i'm stuck in the ground no i can't move what on earth is that what on earth i got stuck in the ground it teleported me if you survive in a fight you have a high chance thank you for us our force is back with like terrible tips thank you force why didn't it teleport me to the side that actually has a wall of flesh arena [Music] oh that's so trolly are you for real [Music] use the odd mushroom oh my god uh okay that like that was not fair it's like oh hey i'm gonna put you in this like little alcove like i reckon it spawned me like there and i couldn't move so i teleport here and just get stuck on a house like that is a mogus don't even start i just got a murgus soy sauce oh earth has crazy lifesteal didn't i did i make it i made earth didn't i or did i put it back in the box i made it didn't i where's the earth oh there it is oh whoops okay maybe i need to use it after the on the wall of flash scale more like sauce use earth it has massive healing okay i'll try it this time okay i'm turning off malice i have to put i tell you what can i can i turn can i turn malice back on after wall of flesh because that was just like lame that was not fair okay he said of mogus i've been saying a mogus or stream because you people won't stop talking about it all right okay let's get the b so you guys are saying it has good lifesteal all right so i can just tank oh wow this looks like really strong why didn't you tell me about as soon as this weapon's insane can i just tank oh my god we can just tank yes emogus is sauce your comments are sauce don't even start okay oh my god what is this earth weapon it's overpowered i have to thoroughly okay we're just gonna stand here all right let's see how long we can get away with just standing we did happy but you ignored us i never ignore my chat you guys always give me the best advice like what's in a focus and then i say it and then for the next five years my channel is oh my god this is so broken oh my god are you for real oh hang on let me just you cannot change the rules now it won't let me put malice back on i just wanted to get past all the flesh and then i didn't care oh well we'll just keep going stop reading charts i have to read the chat don't you understand no no no i need the hammer guys the earth doesn't work against the nuggets he lies to me denied hardcore no why is that working on the heads hang on doesn't that hammer work oh yeah what's the go with that check it out the hammer just like destroys it okay all right is this good against this come on gearbox give me some lifesteals you people okay it seems earth is good against some but the hammer is better against others destroyer okay i don't think i should face tank destroyer all right i think i need to go with the problems yeah all right let's get rid of these pros and then we should be okay i wish i could turn like malice back on back after all the flesh but what can you do okay that was all right let's try earth here no it's not gonna work oh let's try um you guys keep talking about this no i'm dying okay no that's a bad idea hang on what do i need i need the hammer i need the hammer use redstone against bosses with big hit boxes which one's redstone again where's that red sun it's still in there it's in my weapon box okay happy you can't damage weapon bosses until they ungel oh okay that makes sense all right i don't think this is a uh i don't think this is the earth boss i do have rage though [Music] what on earth is this where's where's its face i can't even see the head it's in the ground oh my god no what is with the wall of flesh it's so trolly are you for real where did i die this time the eyes were in the lava what on earth it's not even hard it's just you can't hit it wall of troll oh my god do i like have to hollow out i mean i could just like fully delete all of the underworld so i can't get store stuff wall stuck or stuff yeah i could just like delete it all like mine it out with veinminer but that's going to take five years i could use tether if you guys don't mind i could like just ted at the whole underworld so i can't get stuck anymore do you guys care so we can actually get past it how's it going crew this is dead days at the moment final tip forever if you live you might live thank force your tips have been so invaluable during this series that made me a better player isn't there a wall of first flesh bridge item it's not that it's not i need a bridge it keeps teleporting me into like like terrain it put me in like that thing and i'm just getting killed try the tip for force forces tips don't make any sense they're too obvious [Music] [Music] okay so if you want me to clear out the underworld it's gonna take me like one minute so okay we need to vote in the chat so i can keep trying to beat it legit or i can probably just use ted it and just like delete the underworld it'd take like one minute and i just like clear all the blocks so i can't get stuck anymore because that's just like that's not even fair i'm just getting killed for no it's a dom cough reveal yeah delete it okay just type delete or no delete or no or do it or whatever you want vote in the chat you can let me know what our fate is [Music] delete delete do it do it yiddis to lead us a nice guy make a paul i'm not making a poll just vote in the chat oh people are still typing a mogus in the chat delete delete do it use the crystal crusher i don't even know how it works delete delete okay so i think people want me to delete it crush crystal oh is it with a k hang on is it crystal crusher how do you spell it [Music] i don't know how to spell it what's the name of the pickaxe hold down to use the crusher crystal crusher crystal crush [Music] crystal crystal ah okay all right let's go downhill okay i don't even know how it works how does it work all right so what you hold it down oh wow oh so oh hang on let's get rid of that holy moly this thing's awesome oh okay so you just do that okay this is pretty slow i think i'll just tethered it but this is still pretty cool i wonder does it work with vein miner hang on no it doesn't work with vein miner okay that's a shame it's still pretty good okay i'm just gonna vane mine it quickly all right so let's go let's get rid of that let's go back up here okay illustrious knives yeah i have those all right let's swap out i don't know if the thano thano thingy is any good is mining as fast to me dying to a centipede it's not very fast isn't it okay all right let's go to our hang on professional streamer let's put this here all right i will be back in like well i can keep talking to you while i do it hang on all right i just need to open tedder i hope i don't destroy the world this could be the end to the stream all right so i'll just open this and down the reason i'm not showing it on screen is because i haven't like set windows for it in my obs software and i don't know how to do it on the fly because i'm not good at streaming ah just a moment sorry guys i'll be right back i had a knock at the door okay oh my god it's all happening i had people coming to my door yeah i'm being swatted no it was just [Music] sorry i improved your okay what am i doing okay i need to tell it hang on uh let's do this and let's do this so what we're doing currently is i'm destroying the underworld and i'm doing that so we can mine fight the wall of flesh hang on all right i'm just gonna like literally like just destroy it hang on sorry chat i can't see you for like five seconds uh i'm just like killing the underworld at the moment all right that should do it and i save and then i go back into here and you should hear the music again uh oh i think i broke it i think i broke terraria hang on okay the window should come back on all right so i just like literally cut out the underworld hang on all right so if we go back down here oh my god look at it it's like all gone okay hang on where's my chat window hi chat it's so weird when you're streaming and people knock at your door you're like oh i'm sorry i'm talking to people happy days the podcast okay i think we're good so now even if the dumb wall of flesh teleports me down here we should be good to go all right no more hell that's right no more underworld all right we're good to go and i have the the fish knives whatever they're called all right i think we're good to go now we need to do is stop saying a mogus in the chat what is wrong with you people when this sad day is coming out oh my god okay let's close this all right i'm ready for you dumb wall of flesh now can you destroy bosses like you destroyed the underworld well hopefully all right let's do this first time catching a live stream said whiteboard oh i hope you have fun we've been going for a few hours now all right someone said to use elemental excalibur let's see how this is is it as good as earth i don't know well after the cosmos oh wow acts pretty good i don't know if it's doing as much damage as earth though earth has broken us yaron music box you think you want to say it but you don't oh my gosh there's so many projectiles on the screen [Applause] okay king slime all right i'll use some of the different weapons against king salad because that's a bit easier that's not bad oh wow aka the cosmos cosmo is so good against king slime the eye in the sky is me are you watching me are you all right let's try this uh violence thing again uh yeah i think i like earth earth is good all right i've got rage yeah let's go let's do this oh my god it got deleted my internet no dante don't disconnect you can make it if i do an among us stream you guys better watch it after all this emergency you think this is a game it's not pre-recorded of course it's not pre-recorded i'm live i'm here right now talking to all of you oh my gosh these crazy things do you know what's going to be funny all right and you get to make fun of me in the chat if it happens if i die to wall of flesh again like you just get to rip on me pretty bad because that will be embarrassing us oh wow the earth projectiles [Music] oh my gosh that's insane okay when's wall of flesh is it after this i know it's soon all right i'll watch happy play do you know if i do a stream of a mogu so i'm just going to put the title as a mogus the island sky is amazing no i died oh my god are you for real i told you to use oh yeah [Music] after dragon folly i think you're right oh hang on i'll make a day again let's see oh my god we all know that's not happening oh my god [Music] okay let's go let's do this let's use some earth and let's get to wall of flesh so i can totally not die wow that sigil thing looks so cool it kind of looks like the radiance from hollow knight apparently it's got a law thing i was reading the wiki try out the blast sword it's fun can i get the blast sword i don't think i should stop during a boss rush together thanks for the donut that resistance hang on i'm gonna forget though hang on blah blah don't kill me is it good it's not like thinking no no resistance you're trying to get me killed you're just trying to get me killed aren't you hammer worms earth other stuff okay that's all right i've got this under control i've got rage i've got earth i've got ray january yep all under control now people all right skeleton prime i think certain weapons seem to work better against certain bosses too yeah all right golem control if you do an among us donate for every win no no that's an easy bet because people are just going to vote for me anyway they're going to be like happy sauce you could literally see the screen saying that i'm not suss and people would just say i'm stuffed anyway yeah we'll do idol and worm before we end the stream okay where's editor of worlds i think earth was good against that wasn't it yeah okay i think you just used yeah because their projectiles okay that's working pretty nice oh yeah check that out that's amazing did i use earth against all under control no don't you teleport all right is it dragon polly now i'll destroy her okay i keep forgetting so you guys said it can't die while it's coiled up or whatever yeah all right beautiful it seems the worm enemies are pretty easy in boss rush although i shouldn't be talking because i haven't fought the harder ones yet what is wrong with you people there's no among us [Music] i want to get the wall of flesh but what weapon should i use on wall of flesh is the hazard okay finally finally i can move the system works people this is slightly easier uh you're not saying tough now are you dumb don't put me on a spawn box i mind okay where is it i don't have mine oh it's stationary isn't it that's right all right should i talk to earth let's try earth i have to be careful about trying to face tank enemies because i might die before i can heal up properly oh i won yay oh it's normal skeleton why does normal skeleton come after skeleton prime insert a mocha screen arc of cosmos okay i'll try it other projectiles are really good oh they're like homing ah is that why it's good is that is it good because you can just keep like running away oh my god it's regenerating um oh my god no no teleporting on my face no i want to hammer it hammer time nope thrown on rage okay what's next stormweaver oh is this the one you have to hit in the tail it is isn't it i think you have to hit it in the tail yeah i remember okay wow worm enemies like just get destroyed by the hammer do you want to listen to the music for a bit okay i won't kill it straight away i like the music for this course do you want to listen to it for a little bit or should i just kill it and i've still got adrenaline as well kill it [Music] all right let's finish it off sorry sorry whammy lunatic oh my gosh where are you okay i've got adrenaline user yeah because i know i know i'm not keeping adrenaline assistant aren't you oh wow it's actually got text that's cool or was that the boss rush talking to me okay let's choose arc of the cosmos wow it's crap time crab is back people the crab is back we started our stream with crab and we have returned to the crab oh it's gotta i'm almost halfway through the boss rush yes oh my gosh i don't think i can clearly spoil things no stop hurting me spores stop it can't you get mod music boxes i can i just keep forgetting i need to get one before the boss all right we've almost got it [Music] all right let's go back to hammer hammer it good all right here we go all right what's next pantera [Music] does the order change or is it always the same oh my gosh it's already second is it second fall no it hasn't opened up yet okay we're good we're good we're good we're good this is void oh that's that one that turns into like little donuts or whatever okay it seems easier it's like sucking me into a portal thing no no there's orbeez everywhere i can't believe i remember to teleport no why can't i hurt it oh separator hive okay oh wow i have i used rage and adrenaline okay for those of you that missed the cryogen fight now we get to see it let's try some of our illustrious knives people were telling me to use that although i think our hammer is like where it's at all right we've got brimstone elemental okay this has like three different forms doesn't it oh my gosh no back to hammer we're too far in people we cannot mess around oh my gosh happy do you like mcdonald's i'm partial to a cheeseburger every now and then and their chips aren't bad hello it's the afternoon you feel like a bit of a snack the order is always the same okay thanks for letting me know okay i think it's in is it interesting no okay we've almost got it yeah beautiful please don't teleport me somewhere dumb again oh what have we got cygnus okay is this the one you normally fight in the underworld i'm pretty sure it is uh yeah that wasn't too bad i love ravaging music but it also does a lot of damage so i don't want to die yeah be careful it looks like i can kill the pillars though all right i just have to avoid the pillars it's nothing fancy i normally just get like a cheeseburger with bacon on it i mean really what else you gonna get come on come on you don't need to complicate this stuff people oh no no not third form oh my god no no no i need earth save me i need heels i need healing no i like genji i need really do i like kfc yeah but i like spicy food so it has to be zinger zinger or no deal do you guys like spicy food oh my god okay i can't believe i haven't died yet my core should be open no i got hit by death ray okay let's get this cord on i don't want to let moonwall leave too long cause it's gonna hurt me really bad okay all right we got it we got it all right beautiful do i like subway yeah subway is okay not all the time though mcnuggets are good yeah i like nuggets hang on eclipse creatures become anxious oh astronomers i'm going to use adrenaline straight away um because i'm going to lose that i'm pretty sure leonardo the painter is dead poor leonardo i love spicy food i grow gross chilis oh yay so good oh wow we did that good good good could you use the bath sword food yes i like food it's kind of essential they say [Music] is good for living people all right what are you doing to me i kind of want to save rage if i can all right [Music] is pretty good i mean grill's like more real it's like more premium i don't know if you've got it in america i think it's an australian one isn't it why you bring up and grow adrenaline on straight away no i got caught on ugly tree why do i keep building those dumb trees oh my god and then more of my npcs again what is the accent i'm australian oh my gosh guys i need to heal up quick let me hit you i need to heal oh my god i'm gonna die i'm gonna die the boss fight has changed is this supreme calamitas oh my gosh can i like heal with earth stop trying to kill me i want to heal oh my god you dumb boss all right we can't die this far in dino nuggets thanks i'll get thanks for donating i died oh no oh my god [Music] how far were we in i didn't check the percentage i know we were past halfway i know that was a big oof [Music] zero death streak there is no such thing oh my god we were doing so good do you know it's a shame with the boss rush like they probably should let you like what is it like checkpoints like if you get up to a certain boss you probably shouldn't have to do the whole thing again you know what i mean i don't know um because that if we do it again it's going to take like 20 minutes to get back there i'm like i don't know they should do checkpoints murasama i think we should try a dolan worm about 80 percent we're so close we must have had many bosses left oh my goodness [Music] yeah we should do idol and worm see you dante thank thanks for watching every dialogue is a checkpoint are you saying that as a suggestion or is that what actually happens i'm gonna test it does that mean i start back where i kind of was or because you can turn this off or am i back at queen b yeah this is back at queen b again no turn off shoo b yeah they should do like the dialogue as a checkpoint i reckon or like drop an item and then you have the option to go back to that stage because it's not like you're not healing during the fight and stuff i don't know that's just my personal take but i guess it's like an achievement thing so exo mex with earth oh yeah people are saying to do that okay i'll try it with earth where is it and then people want us to do the um the eye dolan worm though okay [Music] all right i'm just having a sip of water oh my gosh this stream's gone two and a half hours holy moly if you're enjoying the longer stream take a second to smash the like button i really appreciate it all right we'll try earth against the silly boss do i start with skeleton prime again with ares i think i start with arrows it's pronounced rules rulers okay i smash the like button thank you so much thanks guys i don't normally do long streams like this so yeah spawn in the music boxes okay we'll do that before i dull and worm all right let's try it three two one boom it can't reach it you told me to use earth i can't have a racist dumb boss oh my god oh that attack is so extreme i can't hit anything with earth oh hang on i can hit him no it doesn't work it doesn't work [Music] it doesn't work earth doesn't work oh my god the hammer might work okay i want to try it with the hammer let's go okay i'm going to try it with the hammer but then we need to do high dollum okay let's go i think you guys are right though i need a bigger arena i should just hit the main boss let's do damage yeah that's better yeah see that like thing that went horizontally they're like dude extreme damage to me [Music] okay okay focus happy you can do this all right so they're all back i have to watch out for that one that does the horrible teleporter oh no [Music] use the whole world i don't have an arena set up in a whole world two thousand blocks yeah my arena is tiny it's only like a fifth of the world so yeah it's not big enough okay i think it's time for a dollar worm i double bulb do you have to go in the abyss or can you summon it oh it's raining oh no no it's it's the um it's the uh the acid rain event that means the old jiggle stone [Music] well apparently it is too small for the exomax can i summon the idol and worm out here or do i need to go into the abyss um what's the best class for the order what's the best class for the odorless womb didn't summon it i have to go deeper yeah it's good music if you go out of the abyss the eye dollar worm will in range acid rainstorm enchant your weapons with a flame i think i put it on some of them i can't remember which ones i think it was some of our range of weapons teleport in the abyss okay so i need to go down a little bit i don't have like abyss items on there is this enough [Music] did it spawn did it spawn i think it did tinker okay was that it you just teleport don't you last one happy let the editor make a denmark montage yeah i died a fair bit in this stream so okay how far do i have to go down oh no there it is no no no [Laughter] [Music] how are you supposed to fight that it just killed me it was like hey happy time to die [Music] how am i supposed to fight it it just like instantly deleted me holy moly oh god the word music is insane but like do you fight it in the abyss or do you teleport out will it chase me like back to the surface okay let's go back there okay boom come on worm let's go all right i'm on the fishron okay use xomx oh no no no i can't even see what i'm doing [Laughter] what on earth [Music] [Music] yeah you can find it above the water spawn it with euros mod i could try that okay let's turn the rain back off make a day do it down the abyss level only spawns when you have chaos state no oh okay i get you i get you use the power of a mogus use earth that can't be the answer for everything just using earth i mean i'm gonna try it but i don't think it's gonna work i know the other streams weren't members only i rarely do a stream for members but it's not often okay so teleport all right earth save me earth yes that didn't work dig two abyss and spawn in a small puddle oh my gosh no it's five minutes [Music] okay don't do spawn then i can fight you on the surface oh my god it despawned how are you supposed to kill this thing no more rain happy do summoner yeah some of them might be fun is that the abyss yeah it goes like all the way down really deep uh i think i can make it brighter no i can't it's too dark do i have um do i have glow sticks hang on glow sticks let's get some glow sticks yeah the glow sticks are doing nothing the glow sticks oh is that the other one there it is hang on i see it i see you let me eat dumb worm die i drowned [Music] is australia real eleventy what on earth are you saying of course it is [Music] yeah that music was yeah he attacked so suddenly yeah i know all right i'm gonna try and spawn it up here okay i'm gonna get my hammer we're gonna get our mob where's mob spawner i dole and worm boom hang on where's the head if i spawn the head it should spawn holy moly [Applause] it just killed me alright maybe if i put it over here oh my god now i'm starting to cough oh my god this is a disaster all right which one's the head again is it that one that one that one yes did i spawn it i think is that the baby one i think i spawned the baby one okay at least i can kill it okay i beat the baby one oh my inventory is full of garbage right let's get rid of all this all right where's the big one no no i don't want the big one whoa there it is there it is there it is there it is all right we got it how do you fight this i wonder how do you buy this thing oh my god that thing is insane use god mode [Music] stop dying if i set a spawn point right okay oh what's that oh you got magic weapon that's kind of cool i don't think i need it all right level of sauce what if i set a spawn point hang on hang on hang on okay do i have a spawn point here yep okay i need to teleport once i've spawned it okay i've got it let's go down here we teleport you ready hi magic mirror i can't magic mirror what quick tip dodge the worm stop telling me obvious tricks no no [Applause] boy dragon okay i i do think we need to change classes if we're going to have a chance uh we'll turn the rain off again i do think melee might not be quite what we need here i'll put all our nice melee weapons back in the box get away from me now i don't have any weapons oh my god okay let's put our melee stuff back in there all right ranger so void dragon you said let's get all of our nice ranger weapons i might as well put them all on and let's put our elemental quiver on oh i have more thingies hang on i guess i can put harder the elements on demon shade okay we can use demon shade cool i have one more inventory slot um i'm missing an inventory accessory [Music] actually rogue probably would be all right too us let's see what shell will do you got hell about cannon yeah we're just messing around we're not like taking this ultra seriously right now yeah all right i'll put the bow there too so people said boy dragons good okay let's try so okay i've got my spawn point down boy dragon i can cop a short sword oh dark ring yep you're right sorry i forgot about dark ring uh where did we put our dark ring it's in one of the boxes uh dark ring oh no it's in my inventory happy happy happy days okay all right you can't teleport it doesn't let you tell up oh my god oh you can't teleport okay well that makes sense so there's no point setting a spawn point [Music] oh my god how do you beat this you need to make an arena don't you don't don't you don't doesn't you all right let's go oh it's so fast oh wow okay i actually did some damage that time across necklace oh good just summon and just go up okay i'll try that okay it didn't it didn't spawn hang on okay here it comes so you said just go up just go up happy just go up all right i'm going up i'm going up you're going up in the sky you're gonna win you just gotta believe people oh my god where is it so fast oh my god i'm almost dead no i'm sorry dumb worm where is it no it made me move in a different direction okay there it is i can see you i can see you worm oh my god i haven't instantly died no why does it turn you around that's so not fair oh my gosh it's like i see thingies where is it no okay teleporting no no no no no okay it doesn't seem like it chases you too badly it seems like only the head hits you as well whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa no no no bad stuff we've made use recall potions and teleport okay i didn't instantly die that time tip don't run into the attacks oh my god you people with the tips the juvenile things you on some occasions oh okay yeah it just felt like i was bouncing all of a sudden okay all right so i've got chaos debuff okay and then you swim up oh my god oh no no oh guys oh guys i suppose if you um you'd probably want to mine it out so you're not getting caught on the the little like segments and stuff because that's like obviously what's happening to me all right let's uh make it a bit lighter [Music] death counter 168 oh my god that is out of control yeah can i like let's vein mine this bit let's make our escape tunnel better all right let's add some sand to the yeah here we go here we go people my escape path is made do you think this is a bit better there we go no abyss no problems all right let's remove that from the mainline i hope i can still spawn it okay so let's go down all here are you gonna yep all right so now i can just like fly up easy beautiful and yes i'm using hello but kenneth i don't care ah right so it was easier to get back to the surface at least that was kind of nice what were you saying yeah no the lightning it's still a bit small okay i think i need to change classes this isn't working [Music] try using community instead of the waifu yeah okay so if you want to see one more thing in the stream what would you like to see all right let's make it daytime okay beautiful hyper halibut is hell about good for boss rush one more crab summoner play one shot oh hi hey rainbow yeah i put a message on discord i have to come and chat to you guys about arranging a time for one shot try some of prime i think i need to practice against the worm that that's not gonna happen go magic and use rainbow cannon people keep saying the rainbow cannon it doesn't seem that good but maybe it is a boulder death skull rogue yeah rogue seems pretty good actually i haven't played rogue for a bit uh with nanotech hang on before we do that let's put our range of stuff back so much arranger and let's put that in there okay rogue rogue doesn't have a lot of stuff so let's just do that venerated locket i guess okay let's put that uh do i want demon demon armor for rogue or do i want the actual auric tesla what's better nano machines yeah wow that's knobs music boxes uh hang on did you just type music where's i think people are asking for yarn post dark son is that it i think uh there we go yaron music [Music] which is the one with singing is it rebirth [Music] i think it's the one yeah that's it [Music] is that the one that's singing i don't know which one is yes no yes no we do xox i could try xmx with uh i tell you what we haven't done which we should do is turn everything off and try and just do it all right so everything's off i think rogue has a chance can you do dog team maybe okay we'll try another xo max with bro [Music] draw the jungle dragon ah hang on [Music] oh there it is so many different tracks for it [Music] okay so that's the actual move ah yeah yeah okay we'll try an xo max and then we'll uh we're getting towards the end of the stream though xmx music box okay okay let's try this with rogue all right let's do this so we've set it just back to expert mode and maybe this will make a difference for us oh wow that's so damaging that attack and you barely get time to react to it yes that thingy okay [Music] oh no i'm almost dead already [Music] holy moly i think we need [Music] use the mini gun miniguns like way earlier what are you talking about surely that's not gonna work rogue has decent chance exo makes theme fire i need to set my spawn point there mage and fabstaff yeah i don't think it's happening i'm just getting destroyed i'm santa hi you got any new stuff no okay all right we'll try it one more time i've got my spawn point here we go member streams i'm going to be doing more of them next year i'd like to do one a month uh mage and rancor hang on i've heard people saying rancor a few times what is it wrinkle forgiveness can only heal so much what is it wow that looks awesome oh wow it's like last prism or something okay we might have to try that all right scarlet devil any better seems pretty slow but maybe it is good wow oh the projectile's like a packet okay all right here we go okay i'm not staying in the arena i'm just gonna like run over the world it seems trying to stay in a little arena is not a good idea oh no i got stuck in a planetoid [Music] and frames frames [Music] them frames are dropping people evil last prison okay [Music] all right so i'm trying a different strategy we're just gonna keep running across the world no it's a giant tree [Music] night teleport thingy again oh goodness i need to turn around just keep moving happy keep moving you're gonna be fine no one fan oh that sucks oh no no we're doing better stop dying i can't help it oh gosh okay it seems better when you just keep moving across the world you use your moga's powers did i run out of heels my healing was on a timer i've got tons of healing um but yeah that was just on a timer oh gosh how delayed deep uh i think the delay on the stream is only like 10 seconds or so 10 20 i'm not sure alright tesla does not revive no no they changed it didn't they i think eric tesla doesn't have the because he used to or tesla was insane like you got so many extra like buffs and stuff during the fight keep going make a bigger arena all right we'll do one more one more you should try skybridge with summoner yeah i think like this is the first time i've bought this boss so i think we're doing okay but obviously arena is a big thing make your choice okay let's go and we're not staying in our arena so i noticed this boss has that it does like this laser wall attack yeah that thing it's not like phantasmal death right and it really really hurts if you get to buy it okay this is kind of one of them yeah that one that one all right oh no i got caught yeah you gotta get rid of all the floating islands i'm gonna get rid of everything all right let's keep moving so while i'm doing this i'll talk a bit about next year so basically um i'll be having a few days off now and then i'll be working on i haven't decided yet uh probably 200 days of hardcore terrarium or i'll be doing uh op rogue or bad i haven't decided yet but i'll be working on some of those um and then i also want to do some minecraft next month as well as maybe a new series so there's a lot of stuff i want to do and i have to be ready to use that teleporter and it's all about hang on what happened oh no it got me with the laser no no no no no no no no oh no we got so further so further tp over yeah it's like our phantasmal death row just don't go up and go in the opposite direction of the laser cannon okay [Music] is that that's not lorenzo is it okay use the arms crystal we're getting further into the fight exo i'm fighting their exo buses you don't need the music box i'm fighting it goodness i guess so basically that's what we'll be doing next month guys um so yeah a lot of stuff to look forward to okay oh i didn't do it that time beautiful oh goodness my phone's [Music] goodness i think rogue has potential here especially because you don't have to focus on aiming you can just like literally keep it back really nice all right it seems homing weapons is kind of important to inspire i guess this music is banging use melee 200 days yeah i just said i'll be working on um so next month is like there's so much i want to work on like 200 days next op video i'll do some more minecraft we might start another terraria series but that's like there's stuff i want to work on before that i don't just want to start another series but then like i won't have time to work on like 200 days and stuff like that so i think my platforms are getting me injured okay there's that laser oh man i tell you if you can get these uh skeletron arms down oh no that laser beam uh comes out of nowhere i was using potions hey evil how's it going [Music] i've got too many platforms i reckon you just need i i reckon you flatten your world you get rid of all the floating islands and you just have one layer of platforms i've got too much stuff too much stuff was it only eight episodes this season uh yeah i lost my voice for about a week so i kind of had to miss some of it unfortunately that's why we're doing like end game stuff today i thought rather than just like okay oh all right okay i dodged that that was nice beautiful give me slime music ah the laser thing okay just managed to fly over it oh man [Music] yeah see these floating islands in the way there's so much stuff i need to get rid of this is a good boss fight though i i kind of like it i can see there's a lot to learn here i'm so dead i'm so dead [Music] three hours i know it's been a long stream i am using buff potions i think people think i don't have buffs on i'm using unlimited buffs from louis afk and yeah they're all on and my healing versions have a timer like you know i can't use them if they're on timer do you think you're not even in malice death mode well to be fair it's the first time i fought it and i'm sure you didn't do much better on your first few attempts oh gosh delete all the flowing islands yeah if i was going to make an arena i'd get rid of the floating islands all the extra platforms my yaron arena the skelerina and i just do an asphalt runway like the whole length of the world and then you could just like fly up and down i'd probably even like zoom out to 1440p resolution because i feel like those laser walls like you barely get any chance to react to them because what you need to do is teleport through them so i kind of get the fight like it's a good fight i'm not i don't think it's like a bad fight or anything use a flame on your weapons too [Music] so guys i think uh looking at the time it's been three hours i've died like three thousand times i think we'll wrap that up there for today uh i just wanted to do this stream because we didn't do our whole christmas tree series let's put on our calamity music and uh yeah so look forward to some big stuff next month uh we've got op 200 days more minecraft stuff there's a lot coming out use icor i've already got like around my weapons i think um so yeah and i think my voice is about to go so good time to end the stream [Music] i'll stay in chat for a few minutes uh thanks so much for watching thanks for a big 2011 11 21 [Music] i just need some water my voice is almost gone um it was a fun stream yeah we didn't beat many bosses but it was kind of fun [Music] bye happy ceo [Music] have a good one thanks for a big year guys we got to 800 000 subs and uh hopefully we get to 900 000 next year i'm looking forward to it uh thanks for the stream no worries evil yeah now we've been going for a few hours and i need to do my outro for the lasers you have to look at them the laser arm looks down it will yeah i think i just need to do the fight a few times without talking and just sort of like watch the fight and stuff yeah next video will be up probably um it'll probably like two and a half weeks uh be the next big video so happy new years to everyone let's do the outro and here's the most important part as always you'll stay happy and i'll see you soon this is happy days signing out see ya all righty we'll turn that off hope you enjoyed watching me get completely destroyed today all right let's put the ending screen up and now i can talk in the or type in the chat for a bit see ya everyone oh gosh i like all those new bosses the xmx is a really cool i kind of wanted to after this stream i kind of want to just like play around and make a big arena and see if i can actually beat them should have made mine the world yeah maybe i should have missed most of christmas streams but it was nice tuning in thanks lenny happy hydrate water reveal johnny oh no i just got like one of those spring water bottles it's nothing fancy see in 2022 holly frog thanks for being a member hey subzero that's okay the stream will be going straight up to youtube if you want to see me die like a hundred times you beat crabulun today oh that's awesome shadow you just subscribed thanks zaki what game do you play that's not terraria i play a lot of overwatch i like it because it's just like 10 minutes a game so if i'm like between recording i can just have a quick game of that happy can you play sauce please amargas all right i'll say it one last time for 2021. what's it amogas all right let's do some goodbyes see ya dmmc see you luke see specula see a ninja oh nice comment thank you see you shadow happy and bogus i think i think we died about 50 times this stream it was a fair bit see you gamer see you sub-zero can you try and fight slime slime fight yeah it's pretty tough uh mage was really good that blackenurian frog weapon thing chum of the gnomes thanks gnome see you happy thanks titanium thanks for being a member who do you play uh i like all three roles i like reinhardt roadhog i like mccree and soldier and reaper and for supports i really like playing zenyatta um and i play a bit of mercy if i just want to chill out i see a lot of new member cookies yeah i think we got up like we got over 80 members at the moment it's awesome thanks to everyone who's joined see you happier see you triple l see ya mine zenki woof woof see you wolf see you oil see you dylan yes big videos coming out next month that's why i won't upload for a week or so now i'm working on some big stuff for you 46 times holy moly see skittle uh it could be today skittle um maybe tomorrow i'll just see i've just need to we've been going for a few hours now i just need to have something to eat and get my brain back in my head but yeah i have to chat to you all about uh one shot we'll do it on the discord server thanks barefool thanks jayco i'm gonna turn my mic off now but i'll keep typing for another like minute or so thanks floppy thanks for all the donors thanks to everyone who donated today thanks to the members thanks everyone who subscribed and hit the like button i hope you had a nice christmas have a great new years all that good stuff if i kill the xmx make a clip yeah that's a good idea guys hello knight yeah hold on it's awesome he clipped up murgus no i'm turning my mic off i'll keep chatting for another 30 seconds though see ya you
Channel: HappyDays
Views: 267,700
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: terraria, terraria lets play, terraria let’s play, calamity, calamity draedon update, calamity malice mode, terraria calamity mod, terraria Christmas calamity, calamity 1.5, terraria 1.5, terraria calamity 1.5, calamity new boss, terraria calamity new update, terraria new update, terraria exo bosses, calamity draedon and exo mechs, exo mechs, revengeance mode, malice mode let's play, calamity 1.5 let's play, terraria exo mechs, terraria boss rush, terraria death malice
Id: N_Vvr-ycH30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 202min 38sec (12158 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 27 2021
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