Terraria, But I Can Only Use SHORT SWORDS...

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in this video I tried beating Terraria using short swords only but because there are only just a few in the game I've decided to install a mod that adds in a bunch more each having their own unique effects just how good are these swords and will they be enough to take down the final boss in the Lord stay tuned to find out all right let's get started so I can pretty much start killing some monsters right away because I do start off with the copper short sword which is great but I do want a better one right off the bat so I have a few options here I can find a desert to make the cactus short sword so all I need is five Cactus which is very simple to make I can also make the Frozen short sword with 20 ice blocks 20 snow blocks and also 15 iron bars or I can go to the jungle and make the short sword of grass however I don't think I'll be able to farm these materials efficiently because I mean the copper short sword is pretty weak so I think I'm leaning towards the cactus short sword first because this is a much better weapon than the copper one and then we can start farming for the Frozen short sword afterwards but for now let's just chop down some more trees for wood there's some Cactus over here and I'm just gonna collect enough to make the full Cactus armor because might as well all right let's make the cactus short sword first there we go 12 melee damage seven more than the copper those attacks much slower though oh and it does Poison the enemy okay well that's really good then and then we'll just collect some more okay that's enough uh do I have enough no I probably don't for the full Cactus armor all right that's fine though all right let's go find the ice biome now oh there it is okay so we need 20 of each block okay that's 20 ice blocks and 20 snow blocks and now we have to look for some iron well in this case lead okay that's a lot of lead right there all right that should be more than enough we have 70 in total now but I think I'm going to stay here for a bit longer to see what else I can find oh there's a gold chest and we have plowed in a bottle okay all right let's make our ice short sword now and then we're gonna make the furnace and the lead bars place the Anvil down and then there it is frozen short sword no okay well I mean it's not that big of a deal I can always just get some more ice blocks and snow blocks but let's see what it does first three two one oh oh okay so we got some ice projectiles and it can also inflict frostburn not bad all right but let's go get some more ice blocks and snow blocks because I do not want shoddy on this thing there we go and let's go remake it unpleasant all right I'll take that and with our tungsten bars let's make the pickaxe all right that's fine as long as it's not lowering the speed then it doesn't really matter all right now that I have a better weapon I think it's time to farm for the short sword of grass all I need is six jungle spores and six stingers got some shoe spikes all right that's a lot of spiked jungle slimes and the Hornet so I can pretty much get all of my Stingers hopefully from these guys okay that's four I need two more all right that's six Stingers now I just need those jungle spores okay we've got the suspicious looking eye all right that's six jungle sports but I'm gonna stay here for a bit longer to get some more Life Crystals and also accessories oh there we go that's what I wanted feral clots all right got some Gravitation potions as well beautiful about the anklet of the Winds oh my God yes Hermes boots let's go okay there's a bunch of gems here so let's mine these up so we can make a really good hook there we go now we can make a emerald tuck and I think the emerald is better than the sapphire if I'm not mistaken okay we're almost close to Max Health just four more to go okay two more to go oh my god there are four Life Crystals up there one heart statue and a chest okay well then all right Max health here we go all right that's all settled with so let's go back home and I did mine a bunch of platinum and tungsten so whichever one we have more then we'll make the armor sets but first of all let's make our Emerald hook as well as the short sword of grass all right let's see what it does okay I mean this one's even slower than the frost short sword I guess it does shoot a very long range projectile so it's not too bad but still I think I prefer the Frozen short sword all right let's see how many platinum bars we have 79 I think that's enough let's make the armor now helmets chainmail and leggings or Greaves beautiful 20 defense all right so we're pretty much all set to fight the first boss the Eye of Cthulhu so let's make the arena real quick there we go heart Lantern and campfire is down all right let's start it up three two one oh that would have been so good if it hit okay so I do have to be careful how close I am because these are short swords so it means I do have to end up getting really close to them to deal consistent damage hey second base okay it's almost dead there we go all right that wasn't too bad but for now let's go drink a gravitation potion and get some more accessories all right here's my first Sky Island and we get the shiny red balloon all right and also the lucky horseshoe and also fledgling Wings nice okay we pretty much got everything done all right my next goal is to take on the Eater of Worlds well let's head to the corruption right now all right let's build a quick Arena okay all done all right here we go oh yeah let's go let's take advantage of that okay the frostburn is doing some work right now oh my God all right then we're done that was actually pretty quick okay oh what's this huh Superior muramasa short sword 22 million damage okay foreign all right so I pretty much need one more short sword which is the fiery short sword and then I can pretty much make the equivalent of the knight's Edge the day Abomination thankfully I saved my copper short sword but yeah now let's go to hell and mine some hellstone all right let's make the nightmare Pickaxe and I won't be making the Shadow Armor because it'll just get replaced with the molten armor all right and I made it to hell all right got about 400 hellstone so and I just need obsidian they got some obsidian here 78 that's more than enough all right fiery short sword 30 melee damage all right so it's pretty much just inflicts fire damage so nothing too special there so let's finish making the molten armor sets there we go 35 melee damage now and we'll also make the molten pickaxe and the hammocks all right let's take out our copper short sword because now we can make the what was it again they abomination all right here we go 46 million damage now and let's see what it does three two one oh oh wow it splits off oh my God wait this is kind of crazy oh my god oh wait I didn't even know what that bounces too all right now I do know that it does look like a spear but because it's in the short sword mod I will be using it well technically it is a short sword because pretty much it was made by using four short swords all right so next up is Skeletron but it just became morning so we'll have to wait until night time comes but I'll start building the arena just so I'm ready whenever I fight skeltron all right arena is pretty much complete so now I just have to wait for night time all right it is now night time let's start it up three two one go okay one hand is down and that's two all right just the easy part now you are dead all right all right so basically all I need from the dungeon is the Cobalt Shields it would be nice to get the shadow key because then I can get some light Force potions but if I end up not finding it then it's whatever okay let's just get both oh my God I love that okay well we're done here all right before I take on the wall of flesh I do want to find the goblin tinkerer so I can start combining some of my accessories because I do have a ton to combine so I'm gonna go kill some Goblin Scouts for their tattered cloths so I can summon the Goblin Army manually all right just need one more tattered cloth all right there's our last one there we go all right let's summon it up [Music] oh what's this hurtful Goblin short sword oh okay um I definitely won't be using this but that's pretty cool kind of reminds me of the Gladius short sword where it attacks uh three times all right there we go Goblin Army is now defeated so let's go underground and try to find the Goblins incur now oh there he is finally all right rocket boots and workshops and we're also going to reforge this weapon okay well I do have more gold in my chest right now so I'll come back later on all right now let's go make Specter boots and we're going to combine our shiny red balloon about in a bottle and also lucky horseshoe make the blue horseshoe balloon oh my I've got warding perfect all right Superior I'll take that all right now I have to make some NPC houses to get the Guide to spawn because he did die before and I can't spawn the Wall of Flesh without him all right and I'm all done now I just gotta wait for our daytime or NPCs to spawn there we go finally the guy has arrived all right let's go down all right submit it to the end of the world all right let's start it up three two one let's go thank you okay we're almost done foreign there we go all right not too shabby what did we get Summoner emblem okay unfortunate all right I'm now in hard mode which means it's time to break some Demon authors for Hard Mode ores all right so we got Palladium mithril and titanium all right that that should be enough Palladium now let's make the Palladium pickaxe and I believe I can also make another short sword however I do need the enchanted boomerang and I believe I did find one earlier yeah here it is and I do have a star so let's make the enchanted Boomerang there we go now we need to make the metal Anvil so let's go and mine some mithril now said that should be enough mithril now let's make the Anvil and finally the magic blade alright so let's see what this thing does okay is it just a normal attack or do I need to actually hit a monster oh right here okay demon eye hit oh wait a minute does it hit double I'm not I can't really tell oh it does I see okay oh wait that is sick oh my God hold on okay so this is also a boomerang I should have known because they use the enchanted boomerang wait it confuses the enemy enemy and it summons like a um I guess a shock wave so wait I think this weapon would be really good against the Destroyer oh my God okay but having two out then I cannot attack using my left click if I have one out then I can okay that's good to know all right now let's go make the mithril pickaxe okay that should be enough titanium 335 now let's make the titanium Forge oh okay I can make another short sword wow 74 melee damage and we got Godly okay so this thing had now has 86 Milli damage so I just made the hybrid short sword so it doesn't have a right click like the magic blade but what if I attack an enemy let's see all right here we go three two one oh wait wait wait wait wait wait how long does this thing go for oh now disappeared okay that was a really long time okay so it does look like it can only spun out I think about five at a time but now that I'm thinking this could also be really good against the destroyer and then now let's make our titanium armor a mask breastplate and leggings all right so we're pretty much all set to take on the mechanical bosses however I do want to replace my fledgling wings with either angel or demon wings so I'm gonna do that first wait wait wait wait we got the enchanted dagger oh wow okay so this is basically like the enchanted sword it is a material so I feel like I will need this later on yeah I do to make whatever this thing is the final sword okay that's enough Souls of Flight so all I need now is either Souls of knights or lights all right that should be enough I don't remember if it was 15 Souls of Night or 25 but I just got 25 just in case all right now let's make our demon wings there we go oh my God and our first one we got warding nice all right all I gotta do now is wait for night time and I think the first spot I'll summon is the Destroyer all right it is now night time let's start it up three two one go well that's not good this weapon is definitely really good um but now I'm gonna see the other one oh God I heard maybe I do need to range okay ten thousand horses [Music] and you are dead all right yeah the magic blade was definitely better than the uh hybrid short sword all right is there anything that I can make with the Hall of bars yes I can this one is the lad nerud hopefully I said that right 93 million damage all right let's see what this bad boy does three two one oh I really can't tell what the special effect is or if there is one at all yeah there might not be one maybe this is how it is all right now there is another sword that I want to make before I take on the rest of the mechanical bosses and this is the star fragment which is made from 12 Stars which I have and also eight Souls of light do I need to go farm some more souls underground and I'm hoping that this short sword does have a better ranged attack than the magic blade okay there we go I have enough now now I can make the star fragments all right please have a long range attack um okay not right now let's see if I attack three two one oh oh my way well basically it just summons out some fallen stars and this one does not have a right-click attack unfortunately okay well I mean it looks like I'll be using the magic blade then alright it's finally the next night so let's go and summon the twins next three two one foreign for the first phase because these ones do not really reach that well when they start dashing that's when I can do some consistent damage it's almost second phase now there we go there we go that's one down all right it's all done all right last but not least beltron Prime let's go okay at least this plus has the exact same speed as my uh Magic blade all right it's about half HP and it's not even a half is a nice over yet so we're sure we can do it all right and you're done all right all those mechanical bosses are done so now let's make the pickaxe ax and start mining some core fights okay 322 core fights that should be more than enough all right so now I can make the life splitter all right three two one okay there's no right click so now let's go attack an enemy you can see what it does it says life Splitters so I'm just gonna guess that it takes away or steals life from enemies and gives it to me here we go whoa never mind I take that back oh my God wait wait wait wait wait this thing is crazy oh my God like I'd have to get really close to the next spot which is Plantera but yeah this weapon is really good however I don't think I can use it against Plantera maybe for its first phase but second phase there's no way all right there is just one more short sword I can make before taking on Plantera and I already have all the materials for it so I can just make it right now and that is the sky blade 104 melee damage hopefully this weapon is suitable for the Plantera fights if not then I'm gonna be in trouble I'll most likely be using the life splitter but I don't think I'll be able to get good damage in without getting hurt myself yeah let's see what this thing does three two one [Music] wow okay okay they're the same range there's no projectiles that come out by itself which kind of sucks but this thing wait wait wait okay no this is definitely better than the light splitter oh my God look at how look at the number of projectiles that come out foreign guess we'll try this one out against the boss and then let's go and reforge this thing Godly is it possible to get legendary that would be awesome doesn't seem like it I'll go for a bit more yeah no okay we'll stick with Godly and for this one might as well just be Forge as well I will just keep the money okay I'm actually not sure which one's better because this one does have 32 crit chance while this one has 26. but it does seem like the sky blade has more projectiles unless I'm seeing it wrong oh that would make a lot more sense because the projectiles from the life splitter homes in and for the sky blade dozens let's see yeah it doesn't okay that makes a lot more sense all right since I'll be getting close and personal with the boss I'm gonna need the hollowed armor set just for that invincibility oh okay there's the puntera ball that took a while all right it's time to start building the arena all right the arena is now complete so after my health Regens then I'm gonna start it up all right here we go three two one all right let's drag it out in the middle so I just have some more some more room to deal with all right here we go wait this thing shreds oh my God hello oh wait already dead pretty much no half HP bit ahead of myself yeah you have to be careful now okay eight thousand health peel up there we go Jesus that damage come on finish it oh let's go let's go let's go okay I was a bit worried I wouldn't have been able to do it because I was taking a ton of damage okay now let's go into the temple and kill Golem cool okay and we got the Titan club and I think I can make the mechanical glove plus I oh yeah I do have the magma stone fully forgot about that so I'll be able to make the fire gauntlets all right this is a PR no this is a huge Temple what okay this is good I have a lot more room to work around with all right here we go let's start it up three two one [Music] thing I can use skyblade better here because this box is huge I think that's one head down so that's two okay now I just need to dodge some attacks for a bit so I can heal up okay healed up I'm just gonna go all in now here we go there we go all right wait when did I get this armored strange sword equippable so it's an accessory but what does it do oh wait it's a lot faster now okay so it gives attack speed does it give damage as well 101 111 it does okay I think I might have got it from Golem all right let's go back home now and hopefully 23 Beetle has is enough for the full Beetle armor sets if not I'm gonna have to go by Golem again but for now I think I need some more chlorophytes so let's go back to the Jungle Oh and before that actually let's make the mechanical glove so Power Glove Avenger emblem mechanical glove and then fire gauntlets perfect all right I feel like that should be enough all right Turtle helmets scale mail and leggings and then helmet leggings and I'm not sure which one to make so I want more defense because I am using short swords and I'm pretty much going to be getting hit constantly or do I want to deal as much damage as possible to play it safe I think I'm just gonna go with the beetle shell all right now it's time to make our next weapon the true star fragments so I basically have everything already except the broken hero sword so I'm gonna start up the solar eclipse whenever daytime arrives alright it is now daytime let's start it up oh wait what triangle sword oh my God wait a minute no this is crazy look at all that damage wait I might just use this from now on oh my God all right and we got Godly on it all right we'll see how good the true star fragment is if it's not that good you guys already know which weapon I'll be sticking with look at that oh my God 8 000 damage in a matter of seconds all right here's our first motoron oh my God all right and we got it on our first one all right here we go through star fragments three two one oh wait a minute okay wait why do I still feel like where is it The Godly triangle sword is way better oh never mind okay so this does activate all those falling swords it does activate even though I don't hit an enemy but honestly it doesn't do a lot of damage can we get Godly on this thing yes we can there we go all right there's another weapon that I forgot to make it which is the cast control made from eight Hall of bars 25 Cloud blocks pencils of Frights pencils of fright and also pencils of Might I know it's not gonna be that good because I was supposed to make this early on but we'll see what it does three two one oh um it has a right click and the summons tornadoes okay there's a limit though so honestly it's not bad I do like how it confuses the enemies yeah this weapon would have been I'd say pretty decent for fighting the Twins and maybe even Plantera just so I don't have to get super close to it all right solar eclipse is now done all right it is now time to take on the lunatic culture okay yeah I'm pretty tanky if I can just um I really don't have to worry about getting killed too fast oh wait that hurts so much oh my God yeah I think I could just tank the rest of it there we go all right pretty simple all right so the next weapon that I'm gonna make is the Nature's bless so I'm gonna take on the vortex pillar first get the fragments and then I think the grass seeds I can get from the dryad there we go plenty of those and I oh okay never mind if I do need a mind some more chlorophytes but yeah well First Take On The Vortex pillar all right there we go now let's go mine some more core fights all right here we go Nature's blessed three two one wait seriously wait wait that's it okay I was expecting something much more oh I guess it does shoot file for but honestly I I'm having some mixed thoughts about this all right that your pillar is down all that's left is the starter filler all right there we go all right Moon Lord time [Music] [Music] all right one hand down two down all right that was just the forehead and then the core all right four times okay this is perfect I can just pretty much just aim onto the ground this weapon does reach long enough oh and we are one done wait I killed it right oh my place then I killed it I did it oh my God I was so oh [Music] if I died a second sooner I think it would have reset no way did that just happen all right we're not gonna end the video just yet because there is I'd say a couple more weapons to make I still need to get the cosmic blade from the Martian Invasion and the Martian saucers dropped them so after I do get that then I can make the final sword [Music] the final sword so yeah let's go do that right now all right there we go there we go all right let's see what this thing does now three two one oh okay so right clicking throws it and it feels like it's a full map attack or full screen attack or whenever the monsters touch the blue line and I feel like they do get damaged yeah they do okay cool and then just uh left clicking just a normal stab confuses them as well and the right click is not that accurate to be honest well the sword itself isn't that accurate alright so we pretty much have every single short sword except the Platinum short sword which I can easily make let's do that right now there we go now all I need is just four more luminite bars so I do have to kill Moon Lord once more wait I just realized oh my that's the special effect okay I thought this sword was like lacking for a bit but now I I kind of figured it out so it's called Cosmic blade for a reason whenever I'm in space then my weapon deals so much more damage all right there we go those insanely fast oh my God yeah I really wished I knew about this Cosmic blade but before I fight Moon Lord because this weapon would have sped things up so much faster alright but we finally have everything we need to make the final sword all right let's see what this thing does three two one oh my God yes I had a feeling it was gonna be like this it's pretty much the equivalent of um Zenith basically all right and we're just gonna fight moonlord one more time to test out this final sword all right here we go oh yeah oh my God it's spreading the spots completely all right that's one hand down there we go okay little eyes are done and that hand is done now it's just the cord oh my God this is so fast all right all done just like that the sword is so broken all right that's going to be guys that was the short sword mod my final thoughts on this I actually really liked it with each sword sword having its own unique effect and I think that the progression of the game with these weapons are very balanced except for the cosmic sword of course I mean that weapon having over 600 damage in space I find it a bit ridiculous but yeah hope you all enjoyed watching if you did don't forget to leave a like comment and also subscribe to the channel I'll see you all next time peace
Channel: Necr0
Views: 187,125
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: terraria, terraria 100 days, 100 days in terraria, i spent 100 days, i spent 100 days in terraria, i spent 100 days in, terraria journey's end, terraria 1.4, 100 days in terraria 1.4, i spent 100 days and here's what happened, terraria journeys end, terraria guide, 100 terraria days, can you beat terraria?, terraria new update, terraria scythes, terraria scythe, terraria scythes only, scythes only terraria, terraria death sickle, terraria melee, terraria melee only
Id: hpJDUkShMK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 34sec (2554 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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