Terraforming Mars Advanced Tips

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2 power = 2 heat = 1$ = 1 plant

1 titanium = 3M

1 steel = 2m

1 card draw = 3M

Production = Resource * (14-Cur gen)

If this is an "advanced tips" video I'm confused as to why you went over how much a titanium is worth? I would also argue against the valuation, even base game, of 2P=1H=1P. There are far more uses for energy than there are heat, even without the Colonies Expansion. Card DRAW does not =3M. Buying a card during the draft costs $3, but card draw is incredibly valuable. You don't really clarify what you mean in terms of cost vs value. Even "to buy a card is $3" is a little misleading since you could always sell for $1, making the cost to buy a card in the draft net $2.

"I typically think of 14 generations as a complete game but I've seen them go as long as 18 or as short as 12"

How many players? How? I'm trying to remember pure base game statistics. I believe 8-10 gens for 4 players before prelude and the other expansions came in but base game players can chime in. Maybe you're playing with a lower player count but 18 gens is INSANE.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/leggup 📅︎︎ Jun 18 2021 🗫︎ replies
this is the tarot from lamar's advanced tips and tricks guide which is designed to help experienced players with tips to win more consistently and to crush other corporations under their economic might in terrifying mars you play as a corporation trying to maximize profits while terraforming mars for human habitation and growth follow these tips to become an expert faster if you're looking to learn how to play check the link in the description below for resources if you're a beginner check out our survival guide for early tips tip number one actions your corporation is allowed to take one or two actions in each turn by taking one action in a turn you're able to get more information before you act this allows for easy capture of milestones and awards and terraforming bonuses when you're the only non-past player number two every card has a value that determines whether or not you should play it two power is roughly equal to two heat or one mega bucks or one plant one titanium has an obvious value of three mega bucks and steel has an obvious value of two mega bucks because it costs three mega bucks to purchase a card card draw itself is worth three megabox the value of a production is a little bit more complicated so you'll estimate how many more rounds you have left how many more generations you have left to go i typically think of 14 generations as a complete game but i've seen them go as long as 18 and as short as 12. so you would multiply the the conversion from the upper part of the chart times 14 minus the current generation and that that shows you how valuable that production element is there's lots of cards that adjust these values and so you want to abuse those cards to accelerate your engine standard projects cost slightly more value than they give even after factoring in the card draw cost i typically wait till the end of the game to play standard actions unless i might get some type of resource bonus number three city layouts sometimes it's most advantageous for you to play as many cities as possible for example if you focused on building the city action cards in front of you is the most efficient type of city placement you can place a city it has to be one space apart from another city so placing it along the hex diagonal will get you to the most efficient placement and you'll surround one square with three cities a weird note is that you can actually place five cities around a single square in one case you have to place one two three cities first then play noctis city and urbanize urban city and that'll place five cities in around one around one hex when my opponents benefit more from city placement i try to place as few of cities as possible on the board and the way i accomplish that is by creating triangles of forests that can't be built within so for example we have a triangle forest right here and so we have fewer cities than would be otherwise placeable they're less tightly packed and you do that by putting a city across a forest from another city in cases of noctis city we're able to really maximize that by by building a round in that same format and then instead of skipping one we're skipping two so look for the opportunity to spread out even further tip four the heat production that you gain from increasing temperature is a trap you'll want to take the increase if it doesn't take you out of your way but spending anything out of your way such as building the standard projects wastes a lot of money more money than it actually returns oftentimes heat will get maxed out and this small production bonus doesn't help you much for the thermalist award and the final tip power is one of the most powerful resources it's probably why i was named that way utilizing cards driven by power is an incredibly potent strategy power is used to collect raw points such as when you play ai central or with the commercial district you can also build cities cheaply such as with the immigrant city and you get some really powerful effects out of this as well such as the ability to draw cards with both ai central and the development center or collect lots of money with martian rails almost always worth playing martian rails in the worst case scenario power simply fuels thermal energy production but building power supply will enable you to increase your flexibility to capitalize on these one-time cards or these action cards if this guide helped you master terraforming mars please click the like button if you have other tips that you could share with other players please share those in the comments below if this guide helped you master terraforming mars please hit the like button if you want to see more videos like this subscribe if you have other tips to share with other players please stick those in the comments below there's also a lot of really great expansions for terraforming mars let me know what your favorite is we'll highlight that video first
Channel: Bezzro
Views: 1,340
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: terraforming mars board game, terraforming mars how to play
Id: rmO-UX07Rq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 25sec (325 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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