Learn Every Terraforming Mars Expansion in 12 Minutes

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hey folks my name is Shay Parker and this is RTFM where today I'm teaching you an expansion to a game because when you have a big game why not make it bigger now if you haven't played terraforming Mars you might want to watch my video teaching the base game first once you've done that or if you've already played you'll be ready to learn about this game's 5 expansions tell us in elysium prelude venus next colonies and the newest expansion turmoil I'll be teaching them in that order which also happens to go from least to most complicated which works out well for me and if you're worried the 5 expansion sounds like too many well maybe all of them together are but each box is pretty small so they actually fit into the game really well with that in mind let's get started I'm putting these two together because they're both very easy to learn and because helis and Elysium doesn't really have a box that I can put behind me that's because they're basically just Maps it's a double sided board with 2 new regions of Mars to colonize the designated ocean spaces are different there's some new placement bonuses there's some new awards and milestones and helis has the South Pole which is a new placement rule you have to pay six mega credits to put a tile here but if you do by melting one of the polar ice caps you immediately get to place an ocean tile besides that neither map has any space for not to City so that can be placed anywhere and the same goes for helis and lava flows now I could tell you each of the new milestones and awards but that would involve me literally just reading a list of 20 different items and I can think of very few things more boring than that plus they're all listed on the sleeve that comes with these maps so I'm just gonna move on to Prelude this is the smallest box of the bunch but I think it brings the most important addition to the game the first couple of rounds of terraforming Mars are all about getting your engine going and that's fine but it takes a little while to get to the meat of the game you know prelude kicks things into gear by changing your setup a little bit now along with the two corporations and ten project cards you'll also draw for prelude cards and keep two of them these jumpstart your economy in a number of ways and are gonna help you make a plan for the rest of the game definitely not something to add for your first time because the initial setup is already a bit daunting but once you're comfortable with that this adds a very satisfying layer of strategy on top of that there are also some new project and corporation cards introduced wild tags which can be whatever you want them to be during your turn trigger any effects when played and don't count towards end games scoring and when playing solo you now only have 12 generations to win and there's a new solo variant where instead of trying to fulfill all the global parameters you're trying to get to a terraform rating of 63 before the game ends to help us along there's a new standard project which costs 16 mega bucks and just raises your TR by one so that's prelude and the hell it's an Elysium Maps next up let's go to Venus sure Mars is cool but have you considered Venus it's closer to Earth and has a very similar gravity I mean yeah sure the atmosphere is toxic dense and way too hot but we can figure that out right in the Venus next expansion as well as a bunch of new cards and corporations you'll add on the Venus board this has a few spaces for some cool floating cities but the big addition is the Venus scale which is a simplified measurement of Venus's terraforming progress this is a new global parameter so every time you advance it you'll gain a TR you'll also get to draw a card at 8% and gain an extra TR at 16 and there's a new standard project called air scrapping which costs fifteen money dollars and lets you increase the Venus scale one step however because Mars is still the main focus of the world government maxing this out is not required to end the game on the new project cards you'll see two new things one is the Venus tag which denotes Venus and the other is the new resource floaters these represent floating infrastructure high up in the atmosphere but they work just like animals and microbes and there's a new milestone and award hover Lord which you can claim if you have at least 7 floaters on your cards and vina file which rewards the player with the most Venus tags in play these increase your options when taking a milestone or award but not how many can be claimed in a game that's still three and lastly for the main game there's a new phase after production called the solar phase there are two steps of the solar phase first check to see if the end game has triggered if it hasn't and move on to step 2 which is world government terraforming see the governments know that adding Venus to your plate when you're already busy with Mars is a lot to handle so they decided to chip in the first player will take on the role at the WG and choose one of the non maxed out global parameters to increase including if they choose oceans they could choose where to place a water tile if they choose oxygen they don't place a greenery it just increased the oxygen and if placing an ocean or raising a parameter would trigger a bonus of any kind that bonus goes to the government so no one would get this heat however other cards like Arctic algae here may still be triggered and if it triggers more terraforming progress that also happens one more quick thing if you're playing a solo game with Venus next your goal is now to max out all four global parameters the other will stay the same so it's a bit harder but remember you do still have the help of the world government so it's not all bad alright we're getting pretty good this terraforming thing let's think bigger and set up some outer world colonies yeah sure Mars and Venus are cool but have you considered Europa it's got a lot of water how about Ceres the biggest object in the asteroid belt and we can't forget the moon because it's the moon look there's a lot of great stuff in this solar system so all we have to do is set up some colonies and get going as well as some new corporations and projects colonies adds colonies obviously these provide an extra way to earn resources but you'll need to be patient if you want a big payout at the beginning of the game randomly choose colonies equal to the number of players plus two so if you have three players put out five colonies or if you're playing a two-player game you'll also put out five but the trade fleets tile nearby and place one fleet for each player on the board with a cube matching your color in the fleet this is adorable you'll also place a white cube on the highlighted second space of the colonies representing their current value that is except for Titan and salad Asst and Miranda these colonies provide floaters microbes and animals so you can't interact with them and they won't start producing until someone plays a card that can collect those resources when someone does then move their cube to the second space now that those are set up you'll have access to two new actions building a colony is a new standard project costs 17 mega bucks and lets you place a player marker on the lowest space of a colony immediately earn the bonus listed on that space so for Luna here we'd increase our money production by two also if the white marker is covering up the lowest space that's fine just push it one space forward each player can only have one colony per celestial body and as you can see there are only three bonus spots on each that's because no matter how many players you have each moon or dwarf planet can only support three colonies okay so you built a cool moon base and you've gotten some money but the real cash isn't trade trading is not a standard project it's just a new action but it allows you to reap the benefits of the colony and it works like this as an action you can pay the cost which is 9 mega credits or 3 energy or 3 titanium to send your trade fleet to the colony no one else can trade with them and you won't be able to move your fleet again until the end of the round then gain a reward based on the location of the white cube and everyone of the colony gets a bonus as well if you're traded with Luna here we'd gain 10 mega credits plus 2 because we have a colony and red would also gain 2 money then slide the white cube as far left as it'll go before hitting a player marker or if there are no colonies yet stop it at the second space that white cube is gonna be moving up the track every turn because of the new step in the solar phase after the world government terraforming your perform colony production which simply moves each white cube on every colony tile one space to the right and returns all trade fleets to the big trade tile and lastly if you're playing a solo game with colonies reduce your starting mega credit production 2 steps and when choosing your starting cards and corporations draw for colony tiles but only keep 3 and that's the colony's expansion man things been going pretty well it sure would be a shame if someone added some turmoil sure Mars Venus and all the moons you could ask for a great but have you considered government okay so turmoil is a little different from the other expansions it comes with a few extra corpse and cards like the others but the big changes come from these two boards the first one is the global event board which holds event cards similar to what you might find in a ton of other games but you get to see what's coming a couple turns in advance the second is the terraforming committee which has six different parties that you and the other players will be vying for control of as the game goes on so let's set it all up oh and I should mention that the copy I have is a prototype so some components will be a little different from the production copies that are due later this year ok so start by placing these two boards nearby add one of the great delegate markers to the Chairman seat and the rest to the news Reserve at six markers matching each player's color in the delegate reserve and one for each player in the lobby draw the first two cards the global event deck and place them on the coming and distant global events spaces then look at the party affiliations on the top left of each card and place a great delegate in the matching party spaces when placing a delegate in a party there are two things to check for first if that party has more delegates than any other it becomes the dominant party place the dominance marker to show this secondly if one color has more delegates than any other place one of their delegates in the party leader space lastly the Greens always start as a ruling party so place the green policy tile at the top of the board these policies will change the game in some way like when the greens are the ruling party for example whenever you place a greenery tile you'll gain four mega credits next let's look at the event cards these will trigger during the solar phase and then advance forward since we don't have an event on the first round all you'll do is advance the cards and draw a new one this also triggers which parties gain neutral delegates on the new current event match the party in the middle right of the card then for the new distant event match the top left and if either of these effect the dominant party or party leader make sure to change it accordingly the events themselves might help or hurt you and they'll often be modified by your influence influences determine on the committee board by three things if one of your delegates is the chairman that's one influence if your delegate is the leader of the dominant party that's one influence and if you have any non leader delegates in the dominant party that's one influence so here we would have three when this event card triggers everyone will gain one steel purse steel production max 5 and influence if you have six steel production and three influence we'd gain eight because we stopped counting our steel production at five as you can see this adds a new area control minigame that you'll need to be aware of the way that you control these areas is through the new action lobbying when you take this action place one of your delegates from either the lobby or the reserve into any party adjusting it as necessary placing the lobby delegate is free but the reserve delegates cost five each to place you can take this action as many times as you want but each action only lets you move one delegate let's wrap this up by looking at the new turmoil step of the solar phase after a world government terraforming and colony production if you're playing with those expansions the turmoil step begins because everything is so turmoil II start by having each player lose one TR because of this if you're playing with a standard Tharsis region map you'll cover up the terraformer milestone with this replacement tile that I don't have because again prototype the new milestone only need you to get 226 instead of 35 anyway after you lose TR and cry a little bit you will trigger the global event like we talked about earlier next you'll install the new government whichever party was dominant now becomes ruling and everyone gains the ruling bonus shown on the board for example if the Mars 1st party becomes ruling everyone will gain one mega buck for each building tag they have then the dominant party leader becomes the new Chairman getting the old Chairman back to the reserved along with all delegates from the old dominant party because power is fleeting whichever player becomes the new Chairman gets one TR for their effort so have fun with that the dominance marker moves to whichever party now has the most delegates or if there's a tie whichever party is closer and wise order from the last dominant party and then make sure there's one delegate from each player in the lobby by taking from the reserve after you've done this advance the event cards like we saw before placing neutral delegates in the corresponding two parties and that's how you play turmoil and all of the other expansions for now this team seems really good at adding on to this game so who knows when that's gonna change in any case I hope you liked the video if you're a patreon back or watching this video early thank you so much for supporting the channel and if not dude my rules lawyer saw this a month ago so you might want to consider donating if you want to see videos like this and the strategy video posted right when they go up either way thank you for watching and I'll see you next [Music] [Music]
Channel: RTFM
Views: 73,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board, game, rules, explanation, learn, to, play, Shea, Parker, RTFM, gaming, rtfm, rftmshow, show, tabletop, gamer, boardgame, games, tutorial, boardgames, how to play, Terraforming, Mars, Prelude, hellas, elysium, elysiam, helas, colonies, venus, next, turmoil, termoil, fryx, fryxelius, stronghold, teraforming, terriforming, teriforming, taraforming, tariforming
Id: P7rFGra_Bao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 01 2019
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