Terra Plana - Learning the skill of barefoot running

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now you're a running coach and with all due respect a lot of us think we know how to run what can you actually teach us about running most people think they know how to run this is true golly but if you look at the injury rates in the running population it's obviously not true because depending on what you read 60 25 percent of those runners are injured every year so essentially they don't know how to run so all doing something wrong absolutely so if we have a few I'll analyze your running style and all if you point it happy that speed yeah that's good what am I doing wrong here okay maybe some a bit look only two main points yeah first thing you're landing on your heel you feel that yup smack smack smack smack on the heel okay you can t do that because you're wearing conventional running foot work it's not a natural way to run okay it hurts to do that barefoot okay now the second thing is that you're very bent in the hip you're what I call a head chaser your head too far forward on the rest of your body yeah okay so those are two things we need to fix in it one where you land on the foot and two this posture that you have when you run we haven't evolved to put our body weight or that impacts through the heel okay so it's 10 of your shoes because you've got these conventional running shoes on let's allowing you to do this and if you correct those two things then you correct that is the skill of run on it yeah why I'm taking the right posture okay over the right part of the foot so next thing we're going to do is take your shoes off and I guarantee there are a few strides you'll come up your heel get on the forefoot which is how nature intended you to run okay should try that yep okay Colleen now we've got the shoes off and remember I said before you were landing on the heel right yep now you can probably hear that you're still doing that start off with yeah I feel it yeah so I'm assuming your brain will take over and realize that out that hurts yeah and you'll change your foot strike and to the ball of the foot now and we'll tell why the noise is all together here okay there you go well can you feel the difference yeah I was a distinctive change yeah it's very tangible isn't it the difference I mean the noise to me completely different how's it feel to you I feel like I'm using different muscles that yes you are extra strain on them it's gotta be careful ready make this adjustment and you still have exactly the same posture as you have anyhow shoot right so the only thing that's changed so far is where you're hitting the ground the posture is still the same that's the next thing we're going to change okay all you've got to sort your posture out now okay now if you can't jump properly you can't run properly so I use jumps as a way of exploring and coaching your posture okay so I'd like you to step up on this box now this could be a park bench or anything if I always say to run is you've got to sort your posture out before you run okay what I like to do is just choose a spot on the ground land on the spot without losing your balance okay so you've got to try maintain the landing position or it going what right exactly so you know bit rubbish that's because you're chasing your head which is what you do when you run so we can sort this out and then get you running and how could you all come together so I need you to do try it one more time okay just be aware that you're letting your head yeah that your knees Bend more drop down in a straight line for me okay that's much better right but we need to fine-tune even more awkward to do that for the news a bar and he sort of waited Babu okay so using this bar okay I'm gonna start to reset your posture okay this is what I call a posture squat when all you do put is bar your your collar bones are like this but your arms out straight so every time you miss align your posture you will lose the bar or choke myself exactly so you have to really connect with your body weight on the ball zfe drop down a straight line for me it's getting better I sit down again let's get into a rhythm excellent so hopefully start to be aware any change in posture you pick up on your feet like your feet will toe everything you need to know Olli barb up your head like so what we do is think about the same principle even the scroll all the way down on your feet and back up again losing your balance again so self coaching exercise in that you'll lose your balance very quickly if you're not relying proper so I was doing this at home one of the key thing is mostly looking at it's all about just keeping your balance okay but the point is if you did this without the bar you can throw your head forward and you still would lose your balance okay the trick with the bar is that it's self coaching if you get it wrong you usually find out because you go walk like you did before you lose the bar right so it's very important that we have something other than our own body to interact with to fine tune your posture I've got one more thing to teach you about rhythm is barefoot runners have a a different rhythm to people that run the shoes they don't have a shorter stride and a faster rhythm okay and I explain why very tenderly to you now take the pole again okay of your head like I didn't get ahead squat now what I used to do is to start bouncing up and down right now what I do is Benny needs a bit more right now I want you to hold it briefly when you bend your knees that's it again up hold up hold up now this is a very slow rhythm keep going for me I want you tell me which part of your body starts to hurt keep going for it chords exactly now this is what I call a sticky running pattern like a jogger oh right now go back to a nice rhythm and faster with us about 1 to 1 1 to know that yes was lazy do all day right yeah and that's all any pressure obstacle so that rhythm is what way to run it yeah so this is the correct posture with the correct rhythm which is essentially running ok so now I'm going to apply this newfound knowledge your running style ok with perfect posture and perfect rhythm think I'm ready yeah I think you ready yes give it a shot okay Ally now we're going to put this newfound knowledge of yours cross your rhythm into the real thing you running you ready for this else murmur of Julie already alright so I'm gonna take you back to exactly the same speeds before keep it standardized very good when we think about that alignment that we had and that rhythm these look about your heads hardly move it's a sign of a good good runner is their head is almost like that so running should be 50% muscle action and 50% elasticity which is like your tendons in your ligaments okay and this is based on rhythm so if you're a good posture reduces injury rate and the right rhythm makes you a more efficient faster runner can you feel the difference yeah incredibly light underfoot this is the joy of running right so what more fun so running should be 50% muscle action 50% elasticity which is like your tendons in your ligaments okay and this just based on rhythm so if your good posture reduces injury rate and the right rhythm makes you a more efficient faster runner can you feel the difference yeah incredibly light underfoot this is the joy of running right it's a lot more fun I think it's great that Tara plan an Evo put together a coaching film along with their shoe because the shoe is amazing it's you know it allows your foot to do what it wants to do so you get the benefits of the barefoot mechanics and takes away a lot of fear and anxiety of running on unnatural surfaces all sorts of things you can encounter when you run in a city this allows you to have the barefoot mechanics but with a protection of salt the Evo shoe and the coaching film will provide the barefoot runner with all the tools they need to enjoy efficient injury free running my big worry now is forgetting this yeah I come this far since I get off this yeah paranoid sure I've retained this knowledge those drills the jumping drills yeah especially if you work at an office the seated posture is the enemy yet that and shoes okay so if you're sat down all day you need to reset your posture using these drills okay and once you know that right I'm aligned correctly then you run and then it you just run without warming up properly and I mean a so - brain warm up rather than actual physical warm up yeah fine-tuning your brain for the right alignment you shouldn't run and what about muscular fitness which you need that owns continued aroma that's a no-brainer use going to be sensible yeah so if you want to take our barefoot running you should give yourself a six-week adaptation period yeah just be sensible so if you normally run 10k with your shoes on don't suddenly do ten carrying these shoes off right do say 1k see how you feel the next day then build up to 2k just be sensible with it but make sure you do your drills get that posture line properly you
Channel: fitnessfootwear
Views: 806,440
Rating: 4.928421 out of 5
Keywords: barefoot, running, trainers, footwear, posture, foot strike, terra plana, feet, legs
Id: Jio7DK15Q1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 22 2010
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