How to Walk ( forefoot/midfoot )

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do you know somebody who walks like this or like this well in this video I'm gonna show you how to walk so in this video I'm gonna show you a few techniques that will help build stability improve your gait and strengthen your arch at the same time now one of the first things that we have to do is we have to take off our shoes if we're gonna practice walking we better practice being free and in a as natural state as possible we do that by taking ourselves out of our shoes unless you have minimalist shoes the shoes that you have currently do not have the flexibility needed in order to use your big toe and to engage in the most important factor of this exercise so the first is to get your feet aligned start walking with your big toe aiming forward as far as possible towards your midline and the midline is the center of the body so the closer you can get your big toe to that point that position the better off the attraction will be with that you have true stability and without that you'll forever waver and have other maligne mints such as duck feet a poor posture and many other symptoms first is your posture right thoracic spine no lordosis no leaning forward no anterior pelvic tilt you're keeping the core tight and therefore at the same time we want to do is slightly squeeze the gluts keep the chest upright consider the cue of proud chest so you're gonna keep the chest upright and again you're gonna keep the chin level now remember for every inch that you're forward you're adding stress onto the overall structure so the idea is to keep all your joints aligned and stacked on top of each other the next case is when in movement one has to move contralaterally we have a thing in our body called the fascial which is the connective muscle and it helps kind of to give a last issah t-to movement and so we have a anterior sling and we have a posterior so they act contralaterally so when in motion when you see an atom or any bipedal animal humans for example running or using their best highest ability you will see that they move the left leg right you'll see that they move the left hand right leg right hand left leg this provides for more generation of power and this is also a stable of movement now when you're walking if your arms aren't swinging if you're walking like this you're gonna have a problem there is no counterbalance there is no contralateral reciprocation therefore you are out of sync and being out of sync you will develop a whole slew of ailments that will show itself through your poor walking ability so again we are going to try and use or engage the contralateral ability by walking now that's over exaggerated but it shows a basis for why your body has to move in the way that it does if it doesn't move correctly you can't put all the pieces together if you can't move contralaterally who cares what your posture looks like you're still gonna walk poorly so I'm not here just to fix the flat foot portion by telling you how to walk or position your foot trying to fix the whole motion the whole activity of walking by starting from the top and ending with the feet so you have your posture you have your contralateral action now we're going to talk about how you move and stabilize your feet now along with the contralateral action you need to engage your foot in order to push off and how we will do that is do the windlass mechanism now the windlass mechanism is basically at the extension or the dorsiflexion of your toe your arch will hike up it will strengthen and pull your foot together creating an arch now a lot of people walk flat-footed and they'll land on their heels and basically use their hip flexors to then raise the other foot now by using the windlass mechanism you don't have to rely as much on your hip flexors or pulling your leg up actually you will move yourself forward or propel yourself forward by basically engaging that windlass mechanism and what happens through the transition of the dorsal flexion of the toes slightly rise and your opposing foot will land on its forefoot biomechanically without you having to think about it so just watch it right here saw that so there's no more flat foot land on heel which is damaging overall and which is counterintuitive to what you're doing you're trying to move forward so if every time that you move forward you are putting on the brakes by putting your heel down that's counterintuitive you're wasting your time and you're stressing your body and you're inefficient so again engage the windlass mechanism lift your foot land basically mid-foot 2 4 foot on the ball of your feet so again the ideas the convention were used to walking and landing on the heel and also overextending so we're gonna try and keep from doing is over striding and by using the windlass mechanism you'll find exactly not only where to put your forefoot but how to put your again exaggerated but you understand that once I move for my fall of my toes under my hips it is below my hips that concludes this session remember it's your posture the alignment of your neck and chin through your spine there your pour into your legs and then remember that you engage contralateral movement in order to have an efficient gait and that you engage your foot in windlass mechanism okay so you may be asking what exercises can you use in order to strengthen the ability to walk or receive the coordination and one of them is calve raises or a single legged deadlifts contralaterally right arm left leg and over use the glutes and the hamstring to pull back up again back it pulled out that will not only improve your balance but help activate the core muscles needed in order to walk which are the glutes and the hamstrings a lot of times we get caught up in the idea that the hip flexors and the quality of us walk and they're not the prime movers another exercise that you can do are calve raises but not in a pronated way not how you are usually used to if you have flat feet but by supinating the feet entering into the short foot position of which I've explained in the video foot you'll go which I'll link Apollo but getting into that supinated position and doing calf raises even though the curb as you see here now practice this or be mindful of this at every time that you're walking and you will see a gradual improvement you will receive the gift of prep or movement proper gait and therefore you will help alleviate the flatfoot symptoms that you have because once you practice this you will find that a lot of your movement was caused because weren't engaging the right pieces of the puzzle and part of that get out of the the cast that you call conventional shoes to walk barefoot as often as possible and three be mindful of what you're doing you know in a previous video on flat feet that I have a gentleman said it can never be fixed a can always fixed by having surgery a knife is people have clocks your problems all the time are we gonna recommend postural surgery for everyone that has poor posture the idea is just be mindful of where you are in space at all times and you'll find the deficiencies in your movement and you'll find ways in which to improve them thank you for watching press thumbs up like button subscribe hit the bell do it if you'd like I hope you learned something from this I hope you're going to use this every day thanks for watching
Channel: Grown and Healthy
Views: 449,609
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Grown and Healthy, fitover40, walking barefoot in public, barefeet, walking properly, how to walk, how to walk barefoot, how to walk correctly, forefoot striking, midfoot walking, flat feet walking, correct gait, walking posture, windlass mechanism, foot mechanics, foot therapy, ankle strength, toe dorsiflexion, foot strength, duck feet, duck foot walk, proper gait, how to walk efficiently, benefits of walking
Id: g_1RRFXdI44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 26 2018
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