My 3 Year Experience Running Barefoot | Vivobarefoot Review For Ironman Triathlon

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hello and welcome back to the channel today i'm going to be talking you through why i run in these barefoot running shoes hello and welcome back to the channel uh today i'm going to be talking about why i choose slash my experience with running in these these are vivo barefoot shoes and when i say these are barefoot i mean they have literally no nothing in the soul there hardly even a shoe to be honest you may have noticed in some of my previous videos that i run in these or in the trail version of these a little bit muddy they're being used obviously yeah and i was out running the other day doing an easy run it was just an easy hour but i was really trying to concentrate on my running form and i kind of had a bit of a epiphany i suppose in that how much these shoes have helped with my running form and why i basically i i solely run in these from everything from 5k marathon um and i'm going to be doing my ironman in these so yeah there's a few points that i wanted to try and get across in this video hopefully i can hit them all and give you an understanding as to why i'm running these um the benefits that you know i'm i'm not saying that this is for everyone and everyone should be running in barefoot shoes but i'm going to give you my experience with running in them why i've chosen to run in them i have been running for a few years now but but i don't know what's best for everyone i know what's you know what works for me so um i don't want to be advising anything wrongly so you know take what i say with a pinch of salt and speak to someone a professional if you try and run in whatever running shoes you decide to run in but i'd love to hear your feedback on what running shoes you use and why you use them and whether you think that me attempting an iron man in barefoot shoes is a good idea i can almost guess the answer is probably a no but i still like to hear it before i talk about anything else let me run through what kind of led me to barefoot running and barefoot shoes so my dad he is a runner was a runner um doesn't do it so much anymore but he's you know he's done marathons um he was training for iron man as well which has kind of been a massive role model for me and and why really i've kind of started it all um he very much got me into it basically let's try and keep this really short so my dad gave me a pair of salconi's i think they were i'll see if i can put a picture up somewhere so you can see what they were like now for the first few weeks these were brilliant but very quickly i i noticed that i got basically on the inside of my ankles and the outside of my knees i got horrendous pain when running so it was okay for the shorter distances but when i started going up i used them for my first half marathon like i said they were good for the short distances but when i got to the longer stuff they really really hurt my the inside of my ankle on the outside of my knee obviously that's not good you don't want pain when running now traditionally you would have thought it's the other way around you would have thought over the long distances a more cushioned sole would help with pain but i found it to be the opposite which was really weird like i say this is just my experience i don't recommend this yeah so long story short i got pain in traditional running shoes i did some research into this i was very new to running so i kind of jumped the gun a little bit and you know reading up about like you know running form you should you shouldn't be getting paid whatever everyone says um it's all to do with your running form and then i found a lot of studies which said a set of these these were the first ever pair that i bought um help with running form me being a bit so basically i kind of go all in for everything hence with this iron man i go kind of all in and go for it i decided to spend 120 pounds on these exact shoes and these were my first ever pair i read or after having bought these i read a lot about that you should really only do these for short runs to begin with and kind of you need to get used to them even do walks in them um before you start running i jumped straight in and started running in them now like i say this was just my experience but instantly had no pain i don't know what it was i'm my i presume basically that it was to do with my running form so probably on your more traditional running shoe i felt what felt like was that i was running like this so my foot was really sort of angling inwards which was then causing pain on the inside of my ankle which would be here and then the outside of my knee which would be up here but these i don't know i don't know why again i don't know the science behind this this is just my experience running with these it felt like i could run more on the outside of my foot on the ball of my toe like this and then i obviously you will then end up heel striking so it kind of goes like outside full foot like front hill foot heel and then it kind of goes like that sort of but yeah basically i got no pain and and from there on again i was quite new to running i decided well if i'm getting no pain then these must be the shoe for me i'm going to say it once more this is just my experience don't go buying yourself 120 pound pair of vivo barefoot shoes with literally nothing on the sole in the hope that your running will improve this is just my experience must be three years now i've been running in barefoot shoes and i've touched wood a lot of wood not had one injury from running take that as you will um like i say this might not be the same for you don't go buy a pair of barefoot running shoes and think that you're never gonna get injured again in the rest of your life you might do i don't know and i'm a big believer in the saying if it's not broken don't fix it someone along them lines basically running in these if it doesn't you know not giving me any grief and i can run in them well and improving them and they feel good then why bother changing them so that's why i've got into running in barefoot shoes i really need to figure out a point to this video i've got hair in my mouth how did that get there yeah so now i want to talk a little bit about vivos so these are barefoot shoes why i've specifically chosen these now these were the first ones that i saw um and again if it's not broken don't fix it so i've been with these and they they work for me and they feel great so this is why i've chosen these and now another kind of perk i suppose of these shoes which i found is your traditional set of running shoes you last they last i don't know actually because i've not really owned a pair properly i think it's maybe between 100 and 150 miles of race shoes you get use out of these ones here like these exact ones let me show you this so you believe me that's the inner cell on one of them they're got if you can see that um i've done i think it's over 1500 miles in these so that's easily over what is that 10 times more than you'd get out of a traditional set of running shoes so you might think that 120 pounds is expensive for a set of shoes not when they last 10 times as long as your traditional ones so that's an extra bonus i suppose of these and another quite good benefit is these are actually these ones are all made from recycled materials which you know help help in the environment that's not a bad thing whilst you're doing it a couple of other things is which is why i love these shoes is they're so light they're i mean they weigh nothing like literally nothing because they're basically are nothing it's just a little sheet of material and that's about it with a slightly um small thin sole like a few millimeters so there's silly light like crazy light and i i hate the feeling of feeling like you're running with bricks on your feet or you know with this just i don't know how to explain it it's like it feels like it's almost weighing you down even if they're still light but you can feel all the material and cushion and everything around your foot it feels like it's restricting my foot and then you see a lot of people they wrench their laces so tight to their foot i wear these so you they literally almost i can i slide them on and off i never do up or undo the laces i love the loose feeling it just feels this is going to sound really like cringy and whatever but it feels really natural for me and like i like the feeling i don't know like you see sprinters they feel light on their feet and accelerate fast and feel powerful basically i love that light feeling and feeling like you can spring around and especially on the trails and stuff it feels really good another thing is cadence especially for iron man it's really important that you have a high cadence um because these don't have a lot of cushion on the bottom it almost forces you to have a high kind of tip toei sort of tappy sort of kind of running form i suppose and that in turn if you had a big thick sort of cushion underneath this it kind of allows or encourages you or makes you feel like you can relax your running form in some senses and sort of stomp down a bit and kind of like because you've got cushion it feels okay and with this you can't do that if you just jump down onto this you're gonna have nothing to support you so it forces you to run with good form and and like i say keep that cadence high so you don't have big dumpy sort of footsteps so you've got light sort of tappy footsteps which makes you feel quick and again it just it feels way more natural for me and just a lot better um but yeah like i say just my experience one last thing that i do find with these shoes is the fact that these shoes make me stand more upright when you have a heel that's elevated and a lot of padding it forces you forward now that is sorry that is good in some senses because a lot of people say that when you run you want to be lent slightly forward and almost fall onto your feet now that's that's brilliant and that's well and good and like i say please take this with a pinch of salt you know don't listen to what i'm saying basically but do listen sort of equally you don't want to be hunched so you want to be upright and they say run tall but you don't want to be running like hunched and you sort of see a lot of people at the end of marathons and things like that and when they're hunched and they're literally just dragging their i'll insert a clip here of me finishing my marathon that my dad got as you can see i'm still standing upright my posture looks really good and i i literally put it down to these shoes you you can't it's almost impossible to run in these for me anyway like hunched them with bad form so it just forces you to stay upright and look good and run tall and um and yeah so you know i think i've rambled on enough about how good these are for me again having said all of that and all the benefits that i've found with these shoes do i recommend that you go out and spend 120 pound on a set and try them um no long story short like i said this is just my experience and what i feel you do read up a lot and a lot of people probably hate that feeling probably don't like the idea that you get no cushion underneath a shoe especially on a long distance like a marathon i i don't recommend that you go out and do every single one of your runs in a set of barefoot shoes like this the chances are if you're used to running in traditional shoes you'll get injured it won't feel the same um it might feel okay or pretty good for a mile or so but after that you know you if you're if you're not used to the shoe you're going to struggle with it having said that i do think that you should incorporate a bit of barefoot running into your or at least try it in your schedule and go down to the beach do it on the sand yeah you'll find find somewhere with some soft ground on grass maybe that's a good one and give it a go hopefully you'll if you give it a go you'll feel sort of the things i say like your increased cadence because you have to you know you're running with better form on the toes up in the forefoot and it might help with you know when you do go back into your traditional running shoes on your next session maybe you might carry over a bit of that running form and it might help a little bit i don't know i think that's pretty much rounds up the video so hopefully you took away something um and you know now why i run in in such what most people would say silly running shoes right i think that is enough of me rambling on about these shoes i think you get the idea i love them find what works for you is basically the key these work for me let me know um what you think and how my iron man is going to go running in a very minimal set of shoes it'd be interesting to hear your experiences with your running shoes what you recommend what you like what you found that works really well for you anyway i'll end the video here i hope you enjoyed it i hope you found it useful and gain something from the video please make sure that you like if you enjoyed it subscribe if you wish we've had quite a few new subscribers recently which has been insane and i absolutely love it so um please please do and i shall see you in the next video for some more triathlon related content let me know if you want any videos in the comments below because i do read them and i will acknowledge them there's a few on the list that people have mentioned that i'm going to get to very soon so um yeah see you in the next one [Music] so you
Channel: Lewis Fordham
Views: 37,933
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vivobarefoot, barefoot running, ironman, triathlon, running shoe review, triathlon training, ironman triathlon, ironman training, barefoot shoes, vivo bare foot, vivobaerfoot primus lite, vivobarefoot trail shoes, trail shoes, marathon shoes, ironman running, iron man, ironman run training, run fast, run fast triathlon, running shoes review, running barefoot, running shoes, running, running tips, triathlon tips, my first ironman, iron man triathlon training, first triathlon
Id: z_mZ0sUZP-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 35sec (815 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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