Teofimo Lopez vs Jamaine Ortiz • Full Final Press Conference & Face Off Video | Top Rank Boxing

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a co-feature it's scheduled for 10 rounds for the usba WBC USA and WBO InterContinental lightweight titles Jose sniper betra Barraza and the businessman Kean Davis and in our main event the WBO Junior welterweight championship of the world Jermaine the technician Ortiz challenging the champion the Takeover tiimo Lopez gentlemen thank you for being here this afternoon I know it's fight week I know you got a lot on your plate so let's just get right down to it Kean I'm going to start with you business as usual Thursday night or does this two division former champ present any challenges that you haven't seen before I'm going say the same thing I said all week or in Camp leading up to this fight um Pedraza he's a great fighter he put a lot of great fights for the sport of boxing and I believe he's good for the sport of boxing but um I feel like he got the biggest challenge yet in front of him right here a young hungry real fighter and um starting starting when that bill start I'm not going to I'm not playing I'm not in there to play so um yeah it's going to be a great action- pack fight um definitely I'm coming out Victorious but the fans going to be the winners at the end of the night your last two fights went the distance you put in a lot of rounds have those rounds taught you anything or helped you prepare for this challenge Thursday night um I feel like top rate been doing a great job and putting me in there with the right of opponents from my top rank debut um I fought a guy that never been stopped before and I knocked him out and stopped him with a body shot so um pazza is really no different he's just another opponent that you know top rank may put me in there with every opponent they sent me I never turn down to thought twice about and there no different with this one I'm going to come over to you Jose sniper pazza thank you so much I've got Gabe Ras in the front row to help me translate two Division champion what is it about this fight for you why did you take this fight why now salutations to everybody at this point in my career it doesn't matter who it is Kean is an excellent boxer he doesn't have exper experience in the pros but he does have a great trajectory in the amateurs uh so he's an excellent boxer and it doesn't matter the record um you know I'm here to accept and take the challenges and it doesn't matter if it's a novice a beginner a contender or a veteran I'm here to to fight and accept fights how do you make a statement Thursday night and derail the upand cominging kesan for I'm prepared for this fight I've come to do a job and I don't look at the result don't misunderstand me I do expect to walk away with a great Victory but I don't expect to lose win or draw what I expect to do is to do a great job for the fans so that they can all leave happy Kean I want to come back to you you were quoted as saying this is pedraza's last chance to get back into title contention knowing that having said that is there anything that is coming from this side that proposes or or poses a challenge to you that you may have not seen yet um we going to have to wait and see honestly um he said he got all the experience and all the good fights in the world he did fight a lot of great Fighters but he ain't fight this fighter yet and um I'm walking in my own greatness thanks to God my Jesus Christ and um he didn't fight me yet so I don't care all the experience that he have he didn't fight me yet so he going to see what I'mma bring to the table Camp was split between Norfolk and Vegas how has your time been in Vegas I've asked uh this of pretty much everybody this afternoon with everything going on in town the focus Camp have any of those distractions that Vegas can present creeped in um distractions is going to be here distractions is always going to like distractions is all around all the world like distractions are here right now you know what I'm saying um but as Fighters you just got to block out everything but if you just trying to reach to that next level and really trying to be great it's going to show fight night and how much that person been distracted or how much that person haven't been focused and leading up to my past fights I felt like it have been showing with the errors that I have been making with my suspension of the marijuana and stuff like that I feel like y'all really didn't get to see the best of me yet because during those fights and those fight weeks I was doing what I wasn't supposed to do you understand I'm saying so now that I just put everything down and committed myself to God I feel a lot better I got a lot more energy I'm thinking more positive I'm not worried or nervous about this fight super confident super excited and I just can't wait to put on a performance for the fans I want to come back to uh Jose you said that kishan has yet to face anybody of your caliber a two Division World Champion did he make a mistake in signing on to face you Thursday night Jose [Music] for [Music] yes definitely he made a mistake but I did too in accepting the fight with him we make mistakes but like I've said at this level of my career you have to accept any fight and so I'm very prepared like I've said before but he's going to have a long night kesan so be prepared he says you're going to have a long night are you prepared for a long night hey I love the fight I love the fight I'm coming into the fight knowing I have a fight but I love to fight boxing putting on gloves that ain't nothing like I fight you understand what I'm saying so he told me I have a long night I'm make it a long night for his ass I'm I'm the younger fighter quicker fighter I don't care about none of your experience I don't care who you think you are I don't care I love to fight so let's make it a long night Jose last question for you has there ever been a time when you've looked back on your journey so far and you've caught yourself saying where has time gone are you able to stay present and allow the the journey to guide you [Music] [Music] h [Music] yes correct I have asked myself like any other boxer who's had many uh years in his career in boxing what can I expect in my in my future but I always like to be in the present and live day by day by day and this fight's going to be the same I don't think about any fight after that I'm focused on this fight with kesan who's an excellent boxer whether or not he's a veteran I look at him as an excellent boxer so I and I also try to live in the present Jose thank you very much gracias what's going on over here with you guys I hear there's chatter back and forth uh what's happening I ain't going to say exactly what we was saying but um you know just seen things in the media and videos and stuff like that and you know Fighters like to bring up things that happen you know behind closed doors but they don't speak on everything that happened so yeah you know I asked for a picture but this man did tell me not to call him out after this fight so you take that for what it is Kean Jose thank you so much for your time this afternoon best of luck Thursday let's move over to our main event ladies and gentlemen uh the WBO Junior welterweight championship of the world on the line the champ the Takeover tiimo Lopez the Challenger Jermaine the technician Ortiz gentlemen thank you so much for being here first of all T let's start with you what are we reading here cuz you had this book out all press conference what do we got is my mic on okay cool cool I just got to make sure uh first off I just want to thank the Lord Almighty above it all you know he gave us this day today it's a glorious day we all are here so we are all blessed um and right now you know the teachings of Bruce Lee it's one of my mentors and if not my master you know so I really believe on it be worded my friend the art of fighting is jeu and or do so you know with all that being said uh just blocking noise you know um just staying positive through it all you know and just carrying myself as I should as a well-being man someone that has uh a lot of credentials however at the same time knows when it goes to that ring and it's time to lace up the gloves and be in that corner um that's where everything defines My Moment Jermaine I'm gonna come over to you here we go your first shot out a world title how you feeling I'm feeling amazing great uh the happiest I've ever been how's Vegas been this fight week there's a lot of distractions I've been talking about it all afternoon how how has your time been in Vegas canceling out the noise and just staying focused at the task at hand uh it's very hard for me to get distracted I have a great team that keeps me protected from any distractions um you know I don't have a cell phone during fight week so no distractions it's been great you mentioned that yesterday at open workouts and I I gave you a big smile when you said hey I don't I don't carry my cell phone in fight week I think that's commendable um at 26 or I'm sorry Tio I want to come back to you real quick at 26 you mentioned this your accolades you've accomplished more in the sport than most could ever dream of at open workouts yesterday you were electric backflips energy excitement how do you translate or or cage all of that when I look back at the the marketing for this fight it's a circus we're literally marketing a circus here in Las Vegas how do you cage all of that up and channel it for Thursday night well because I'm the big clown of the sport of boxing you know what I'm saying got to make everybody laugh and and I got a big nose for a reason to put on that big red bubbly nose right there so for everybody to hit uh what else can I say man this is a beautiful moment I want to thank Bob arum and top rank I really want to thank ESPN for the beautiful platform you know what I'm saying Mark shanuk you know this is top rank this is boxing you know settle down that's my line bro settle down am I going to get copyrighted for that one you just y ow me 1850 18 shoot I got to check for you but you know with all that being said you know I'm grateful it's good to be back you know I waited I waited for some time wanted to see the likes of these young talent coming through and um I think you know at the end of it all we still I still got that fire in me 26 years young I've done a lot in my career however this is only the beginning I'm still not in my Prime yet you know and I I look forward to putting on a great show we have a tremendous dance partner in the name of Jermaine Ortiz and it's great you know he's definitely wanted this fight for a while now and I know he's well prepared so am I and we'll do our thing come Thursday night let's talk about that let's get into it a little bit bit there's been a ton of mutual respect from both camps back and for don't have respect man no up to this point there's been a lot of respect from both corners but here we are it's fight week does your mindset change a little bit now that we've had open workouts and here we are at the press conference and you guys are about to do a face off in in 1015 minutes does all of that mutual respect that I just referenced go out the window and it's time to get down to the hurt business there hasn't been no no respect you know at the end of the day it's a fight game I'm coming here to take his head off and it is what it is you know there's a cal before before the storm and you got to know how to keep control of your mind your body especially before you go into battle so that's what it is it's not a respectful thing you've always had that calm demeanor your entire career all of your fights you've walked into the room it's always been a calm technician walking into the facility that that we've shared over the years when I look at the marketing which I just referenced it's a circus you know and it's it's being marketed as a circus with with he just referenced himself as the biggest clown in the game H how do you come into the ring on Thursday night and shock the world uh I feel like I'm going to be the guy leading the clown and having him do whatever I want to do so it's going to be that type of show T I'm coming back to you you you said you you want to get to the top and stay there what have you learned from the last couple of of years through the ups and downs sideways backs and forths that will allow you to stay at the top and continue to to be at the top well you know I've been to the top before at the 135 division beating the most decorated fighter at that time vasil l maenle number one pound-for-pound no one wanted to face him then and we did it we accomplished it now we're back again King Pinn 140 beat the guy no one really wanted to call out Josh Taylor great great fighter and you know with all that being said I look at it like well I've gained it I've lost it now I've gained it back again I got a w so with that being said I've seen the UPS the Downs back on top and I know what it takes to become um a greater champion in that and that's just respecting the ring respecting what it means to be a champion respecting what it means to be a lenial world champion you know something that these guys may not understand just yet because they haven't touched that ring yet haven't touched the depths of the the the respect to the sport you know but everybody to each his own you know for myself now it's like what do I do this year how can I make my sport better you know so many others out there put a lot of words in my mouth you know and me being a Latino on top of that you know I represent all coaches and all Latinos you know so following into that you know so many people kind of trick my words you know they put words in my mouth that I never express you know name me one Puerto Rican fighter right now in this modern day era that has done the things of the likes of Tito Trinidad the likes of Rao Gomez the likes of Miguel Cotto so when I express about Puerto Ricans I'm saying of this era I'm not talking about the 80s and 90s and the early 2000s so please with all due respect where tampons if you're going to complain about this Jermaine talked about his camp and how how they keep him focused and disciplined when walking into uh fight after fight how has your team and your camp and you know I hear your dad being vocal over there how has your Camp kept you focused kept you in line through the ups and downs of life outside of the Ring well you got to understand we know nothing you know me I'm still young 26 it's all about growth is it not you know it's all about learning every day I learned something new every day whether this there's um there's a lot of ego on this side or whether there's uh nervousness on that side I look at things differently now you know I'm I'm wise beyond my years however it's how I carry it is it not you know I've taken the Blood Sweat and Tears as a true man that he should I've learned that from the greates behind us you know so don't don't tell me something if you haven't done it yet you know talk is cheap when it comes to it and if you don't have the accolades like myself then then we shouldn't Express more than what it is I look at myself and I look at my team my father is still here and I listen to him every single day I'm grateful for him and I'm thankful for the father Above It All Above All of Us too think there's a good humility here that we all should take in should we not thank you champ Jermaine last question for you you've been in this ring before uh with Champs before what would a victory mean Thursday night uh when I win Thursday night it's going to be a great night a night for me to remember for the rest of my life the day I become world champion and it's just another path for me to face other great Fighters and continue the Legacy and continue uh the glory of where I'm trying to reach in this sport you know and to be remembered we're going to leave it at that Jose kesan Jermaine Tio thank you gentlemen for being here with us this afternoon uh to everybody again it begins Thursday we'll be here tomorrow uh for weins but Thursday we begin at 3:30 Pacific on ESPN plus and then we move over to the network ESPN at 7:30 again as always this is boxing this is top rank we'll see you tomorrow afternoon when we get them on the scale have a great day everybody your e e e e e
Channel: Fight Hub TV
Views: 112,045
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Keywords: boxing, fight hub, fight hub tv, fight hub tv youtube, fighthubtv, teofimo lopez, jamaine ortiz, teofimo lopez vs jamaine ortiz, teofimo lopez vs jamaine ortiz press conference, teofimo lopez jamaine ortiz, teofimo lopez jamaine ortiz press conference, teofimo lopez jamaine ortiz face off, keyshawn davis, jose pedraza
Id: FWn58IwLtQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 19sec (1399 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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