Teofimo Lopez vs Vasiliy Lomachenko | ON THIS DAY FREE FIGHT | Lopez Becomes Undisputed

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let's look at the geico tail the tape now that top-line age became a point of discussion for lopez he says luma's an old man 32 years old listen he had almost 400 amateur fights but he doesn't get hit a lot look at that bottom number you want to talk about a fight worthy of your attention power punch connect percentage over 50 for lopez over 44 for lomachenko well above the lightweight average a fanless atmosphere for titans like this centering gentlemen now peace mouthpiece okay right trunks here are good look anything below the navel is a foul trunks here are good anything below this point is a foul anything below the belly button we went over the rules in the dressing room i want to remind you protect yourself at all times obey my commands god bless you both touch up boxing history has taught us that there is nothing light about the lightweight division these 135 pound titles they're like stone slabs chiseled with legendary names roberto duran julio cesar chavez purnell whitaker now we go one step further for the first time it's four belts it's undisputed lightweight supremacy the vibrant young knockout puncher the american against the unequaled skill of the pound-for-pound king it's lopez it's loma it's winner take all let's do this now one thing to be noted in the opening round as lopez comes out with the right hand is that lomachenko has been a slow starter he lands half of what he lands in rounds two through 12. he throws 20 fewer punches than the lightweight average in the first round it's later that he typically picks up the pace yeah it is later that he typically picks a pace because what he does is he takes a read on this guy you know loma's like you know aaron rodgers or peyton manning you know going up to the you know the the line of scrimmage that pre-snap read that's what he's doing just want to get a look at his opponents before he executes like what lopez is doing in this first round he's getting that jab going oftentimes righties don't throw jabs against lefties and that's a misnomer the jab can land lopez hasn't really landed it but he's getting himself in position to land other shots not only is it common to not see orthodox fighters do that against the southpaw it's uncommon to have any productivity with the jab for lopez that's just not who he is he looks for the right hand power punch and remember in the lead up to this fight often he discussed the fact that he felt his skill set wasn't being represented or talked about enough that's not why the world fell in love with lopez you know he's shown more power than he has iq and skill set um but he does have the the skill and the ability to box alone we're seeing it right now halfway through round one this is exactly what we told you about lola about being a slow starter about downloading the information and not firing off the way we typically see he finds range he gets distance calculated i'll tell you one area where lopez should attack and it's the body of loma to slow down those legs one two he has a big frame you know for a small guy he has a long torso go down to that body you see how loma keeps his hands up real high throw something up top and then drop something down to the body there it is and there is the right hand to the body from tia female lopez these are the rounds wise lomas is download information lopez can put in the bag right now keeping his hands working i heard his father say after that right hand to the body that's what i want there's the jab again from lopez more jabs than we're used to seeing from him perfect round so far for lopez so you see all the hand gestures but you see how lopez how calm he is how relaxed he is tried to come across with that right hand to the body again remember there were so many who thought that tia fema would come out as the brash young bold fighter and jump on loma instead measured calculated utilizing the jab and went to the body with the right hand well done by fema lopez embry has called out loma for as long as we can all remember dubbing this ascension the takeover that's the most essential thing that lopez is doing right now is just sticking the jab out he's not landing it but he's occupying loma he's he's not allowing loma to get comfortable or to be able to gauge his range and in the meantime he's flicking jabs out and he's landing that straight right to the body that's a beautiful shot right there and he got his foot outside the lead foot of loma to land that right hand to the body but what i like about what lopez is doing is he is shooting the jab but he's staying inside to land his jab you many don't we don't talk about this often but if you move to your right you're able to find the angle with your jab a lot easier than moving left goes to the body again and then a right hand comes in from tia fimo lopez yeah you see that power and you see loma respecting that power he felt it already so the body work continued and then all of a sudden lopez goes up top with a right hand right he's starting to see redness on a rig page on the left side of loma yes he's gonna touch to the body good work so far six body connects for tia fimo lopez early on here it's gonna take about four rounds for loma to get acclimated he's been out of the ring for about a year 14 months or so longest career layoff his last fight was in london we were there ringside when he had a unanimous decision against luke campbell a tall fighter another guy who's more than naturally bigger man and there were moments of success that night in london from luke campbell yes it was and that's what i saw i saw that luke campbell when he was able to establish distance outside he was able to isolate the offense of lomachenko just as you see here with lopez he's isolating the offense left hand from lomachenko for the first time now you see lopez has to be concerned of crossing the threshold as the process that lomachenko goes through the range finding and he just pulled the trigger quickly with the left hand there and they got lopez attention [Music] so lopez had the right hand early in round two and now lomachenko with a timed left hand moments ago it's a high level of skill yes it is from both fighters on display right now you may say well how's that possible for lomachenko it's because you got to watch the indirect attacks the the faints of foot the faints of hands and all the positioning that he's doing before he even lets the shot go he makes you work even if he's not throwing punches he's so angular all the movement it's just a slip and a straight left right down the pipe for lomachenko he tried to shoot another one he just missed that one but just timed him he didn't throw a punch for a round and a half so he could land a clean shot like that that's the way that loma's wired he doesn't want to waste anything and then we see a straight left a swivel right hand and another left right there that also got tia female lopez's attention and it got the attention of cynthia lopez as well who is one of the covet-tested few who gets to come in here to the vegas bubble to watch this super fight so the last half of that second round bank it for vasily lomachenko round number three for the undisputed title [Music] lopez got real comfortable you know loma didn't do much but then when he did strike strike like a koba and he was pinpoint accurate you brought up how exhausting it could be with the non-punching activity aloma can outclass his opponents mentally and for lopez this is not just a challenge of what you're up against physically but staying focused every single second against the master craftsman that can be so taxing drake it's like brady or aaron rodgers going to the line of scrimmage and audibly two or three times and as a defense you get set and then they audible again and then you get set they audible again it's very very exhausting and lopez knows this coming in he's watched lomachenko so i believe he's prepared for that tonight and then on the other side tim if you're a female yeah you know that loma loves to fight with rhythm he loves to conduct the orchestra of his fights at some point you have to find a way to be disruptive you have to find a way to take full control and make him uncomfortable you got to be a little bit aggressive to to offset that rhythm but he fades in and out of range you know that's why he's so effective you know you come in and see him he stepped out of range right there made lopez miss then he'll come back in range it looks like you can hit him and then he slightly gets out then he moves his head off to the side you have to be alert really alert when you in there against a sharpshooter like lomachenko [Music] there maria's dipping changing levels see what loma's doing is he's trying to test the young guy he's trying to see what he knows he's changing levels dropping his head down low trying to see if he can get a response and if he sees the right response then he'll attack he'll come up shooting the shots loma found himself in the pocket for a moment there and tiafemo through the two-punch combination that body shot lifted up lomachenko trying to get away from it left hand from femo every time that threshold is crossed he is going to fire there he is with lomachenko against the ropes for a moment and a combination lomachenko returns fire see lopez got to be a little bit more disciplined if he's going to do the shoulder roll he got to be a little bit more disciplined with that now time for that timmy it's not time for that it's the third round it's not time for the shoulder roll the shoulder roll comes when you're comfortable and you've taken charge of this fight and right now lopez is not completely in control of this fight well he's in control of this round right now took the first shanko's effort in the second and then a good-looking round here in round number three for the hopeful undefeated american round in that third round tia female lopez's landed 11 of 42 punches thrown lomachenko had two of 11. 26 was the connect percentage in that last round for female lopez let's bring in bernardo teo fimo senior said i told you we could get him i think he hurt him in that last round and he landed a really good seven i said what's the seven that overhand looping right he said mentally we've gotten where we want him he's not doing anything it's a big early statement but it's a guy who is often very confident his father his trainer who has molded him throughout his amateur career throughout his pro career a whole lot of trainer a whole lot of hype man lopez is boxing good like we've said these first four rounds but it's it's way premature to say that they've got loma where they want them it's a lot of fight left especially considering the way a typical lomachenko fight goes that nice little jab over to over lopez's jab it's nice by lomachenko i'm looking forward to seeing the uppercut from lopez [Music] i like the pace that lopez is fighting at he's not wasting anything he doesn't seem to be over anxious and he's not throwing a lot of punches he's only throwing what he needs to throw so he should have plenty left in the tank as this fight progresses on it's gonna be about concentration dre he's gonna have to concentrate every second of this round yes both fighters yes neither fighter can fall asleep for one second [Music] if i'm lopez i'm getting a little bit more work down to the body of loma you know in these moments you got to take calculated risk loma's body's there you got to step in and get ripped down to that body just this with that right hand to the body but he has been willing to throw to the body short exchange short right hand did you see that uppercut right there that's what i'm looking forward to seeing from lopez that right uppercut i think one thing that's giving loma some trouble right now is he didn't realize that lopez was as quick and as fast as he is he is twitchy that is a big part of his success it's not just pure power god-given power he has speed that creates timing which results in power loma talked about the iq of lopez he talked about the power of lopez he talked about the timing of lopez but he didn't mention the speed he's realizing that lopez has speed right now end of four and things are real interesting for the underdog aren't they the ibf champion and we have noted how much he has been willing to go to the body yeah this is what lopez got to continue to do lomachenko keeping those hands up high what do you do dig around the sides why not he's giving it to you you know he needs to continue to to invest in the body to slow down lomachenko you know in the later rounds lomachenko will begin to fade you need to zap some of that energy now early so that way he'll be able to keep up with the superior conditioning later on with a fighter like lomachenko [Music] all week long we asked will the lack of big fight experience show up round five back back up so far you're getting the answer that it's no problem for lopez staying composed staying with a plan and looking good against the number one pound-for-pound fighter in the world round number five here from the bubble at the mgm grand in vegas look locate lopez keep it like this he's winning these early rounds a lot of these early rounds he can keep it just like this he don't need to rush anything take his time and eventually loma is going to have a center he's going to have to have a sense of urgency to win these rounds and so he's going to step to him and open himself up for a big shot from lopez bernardo what are they saying in the corner of loma papachenko told i guess look don't rush take your time be careful and be patient so this is their plan anatoly papachenko the nickname for the father and trainer of the three division world champion a driven boxing mind who taught vasily how to first get into a boxing stance at four years old and then at nine years old after bringing him to the gym for those five years he said no you're done with boxing for now you're gonna learn traditional ukrainian dance he did that until he was 13. didn't box why because papachenko wanted him to have the best footwork on earth another body shot from tia femo going to that belt line with the right hand that's been the story so far in this fight lomachenko doing a lot of movement a lot of defense but keeping that body exposed i think the key word from papachenko was patience you don't hear that word thrown out there a lot as it pertains to professional prize fighting but when you're facing a guy in lopez who's strong powerful twitchy like we said you got to take some steam out of those punches in order to put yourself in a position where it's safer to let your offense go but right now it's not safe enough for loma to let his hands go on that's why he's not throwing a lot well he got to throw some punches if he gonna take some steam off a fighter throw some punches throw something down to the body he doesn't mean like has he landed a body shot tim we know how loma fights he doesn't throw a lot of punches early on he's trying to wear the mind down of lopez with the movements and all the different things that doesn't look like it's working right now but it's still a lot of fight left body work from tia fimo lopez to that point and to support that argument because even the way compubox is towing this this is still well below what we see out of lomachenko at this point right now with a half minute to go in round number five lopez has thrown 174 punches lomachenko has thrown 40. well go ahead go ahead and wait loma go ahead and wait because you're gonna have to sooner or later you're gonna have to step to this young man because right now he's easily winning this fight and it's not the way he typically goes about it it's skillful it's measured has he moved on angle yet he hasn't even moved on angle yet and that is what he is known for being an angular offensive aggressive counter puncher shots from loma have been few and far in between but every now and again he'll get something in like that and sort of let lopez know don't get too reckless but just not enough from loma at the moment this is where lopez wants to live he doesn't have to stand there for four and five shots but one or two shots to continue to touch the body of loma let him feel the power and continue to slow those legs down [Music] let's go baby [Music] [Applause] tim bradley andre ward with you here ringside interesting to note when it comes to the defense of lomachenko that has been simply sublime for most of his career in his career opponents only land 18 of their punches on him lopez is ahead of that schedule however at 135 pounds fighting bigger than his natural weight here the champion at 135 with three belts he has been getting hit more opponents at 135 pounds land 30 percent of their power punches against him right now tiafimo lopez is landing 36 of the power punches against wilmachenko and he comes in with a one two there a right hand that tries to split the guard here early in round six just missed off the mark with that left hook test i kept asking to you fimo in the lead up to the fight about the power he said you don't get it his iq is going to bring up mine and what we haven't seen is loma moving to his right the way he does against everyone else he typically takes that angle mark to the right to try to get out of that lead foot and be able to place that power left hand he gets around that left shoulder that left elbow of his opponents we are yet to see it tonight successfully you take that away he's ordinary and that's exactly what this young man is doing he's taking that angle away from lomachenko the critics grossly underestimated the boxing skill of lopez to this point but the master is opposite him we knew he would be a slow starter there's a little bit of an angle in the left hand that tried to go down the alley that's what lomachenko is going to have to do he's got to close the distance and i know it seems counterintuitive when you're facing an explosive puncher like lopez but you got to get inside that power to be effective so you're not on the end of his punches because right now in the end he's getting picked apart by lopez the speed of that chap from tia female lopez those quick hands once again trying to go to the body with the long-range right hand south paw jab being doubled and tripled up range finally now he's trying to get to the inside with a short left hand that's where he's got to live right there did you see the hook from from lopez though well that hook can be dangerous against the southpaw because it's sitting right on top of them closest punch to be landed and that's the shot that's going to take away the jab of lomachenko that left hook is going to make him keep his hands at home there's a right hand to the body again from tia femo counterpunch by russell we haven't said his name much tonight getting the assignment as the third man inside the ropes and that's a good thing see i'm starting to see the same sequence from lomachenko he steps in steps out of range and he tries to get a jab off lopez let me see if he can pick it up nope uppercut and a right hand big finish to round number six for tia fema lopez the end of the round the upper cut by tia femo that's what you want to land he's a smaller man he's coming inside any time lomachenko steps foot forward you're going to see that uppercut coming from lopez beautiful perfectly placed uppercut at the end of that last round and then he came with the straight right that's how you do it you catch him coming in and you catch him leaving brooklyn born then moved down to south florida now lives in jonesboro arkansas with his wife cynthia does the ibf lightweight champion the 23 year old undefeated world champion halfway through our 12th round fight for supremacy and andre ward's card has it 59-55 lopez and it is really tough to disagree with anything there because lomachenko has hardly put forth any offense he had the short right hand in the second he wins the second round but all the other rounds seem to be obvious for tia fema most senior told me look this guy can take a shot but what i'm seeing here is that we're going to run him down but he has to be patient just wait for the moment but we're going to run him into a shot you can see some redness and just a little bit of swelling around the face of lomachenko look at that focus on tea of female lopez hyper attentive to everything going on here as he fires off that back power hand again roma able to get out of range [Music] lopez can fight at this pace all night long you want to tire out the young man i don't think so hand got around the guard there there's a right hand to the body from tia femo see now lopez now is is throwing his punches where he thinks lomachenko is gonna be he's moving around to the left okay i'll throw the left hook you move around to the right boom i'll hit you with the right throws but don't you think that's a big part of what it takes against the moving target that we typically see of lomachenko to anticipate where he will be he's angular he likes to move you have to predict where you need to be and now you see more of the movement that he's known for but will it turn into offense we have yet to see much offense it's been faulty of fema i'm gonna let you know right now tess no we're not gonna see this man right now is on fire he is focused dialed in he has the heartbeat already the rhythm of lomachenko he's already figured it out pomachenko now trying to close the gap as he comes forward against the young brash undefeated american look at loma trying to be more on the front end now a little rough stuff on the inside is russell he's going to say you got to protect yourself tia femo he's allowed to punch on the inside nothing wrong with that shot though just landed you got a free hand you can use it that's right says the guy who often did to have pound for pound status with short body shots on the other side anything it took from our partner just missing with a right hand coming to the end of round seven different disposition in the back half of that round from lomachenko fascinating fight isn't it [Music] okay this stuffer could have been talking about loma's gonna have to commit sooner or later and boom just a little bit off the mark loma recognized that got his head off the line that is experience of lomachenko here we see loma trying to get his offense going just a straight left to the body and a swivel right jab to the head nothing that was too serious but it's he's trying to get into a rhythm right now and he has to take more chances and i'm talking about loma in order to do that he's got to open himself up don't neglect defense but he's going to have to open himself up because i think he's behind him a great deal on the scorecards [Music] you can hear that rough voice of his father tia femo and you heard it say it's a blowout there is supreme confidence in the corner of lopez there always is they're just doing it in a different way more offense we saw out of lomachenko in that last round he landed four power shots in that last round but overall in the fight he's only landed 11 overall lopez has landed 38. loma is going to have to close that distance he's closing it right now he's going gonna have to close that distance and be in range like that but still be as tight with his defense as possible come here you gotta watch your head you're coming in a clash of heads there so now loma is coming [Music] it may have been clean for the first half of the fight but with it all on the line this will turn into a fight he's not just going to give the belts away now you see loma pressing on the gas a little bit he's fighting with more urgency because he knows he's behind and he knows he only has so many rounds to try to make up the ground right hand by lopez and if you're lopez you got to stand your ground and not lit loma take any more ground nice step around right there from lopez i said anytime loma try to get on angles step around with him and you see it again he steps with him split the guard with a right hand oh and there's a left hand from omachenko and now he comes into the pocket and they're exchanging lomachenko's best defensive surge of the night it comes at the halfway point of round 8. things have changed and now he's stepping kia females he's got to close the distance tia fema willing to trade he throws a right hand of his own lopez has to continue to fight him off the fight has begun lomachenko looking to dig out of the hole lopez trying to throw fire back with fire here it is right now loma starting he found the heartbeat now he found the heartbeat got the rhythm going now he's letting his offense be very accurate at the moment and see a little bit of redness around the eyes of tiofimo there's the jab from the pound-for-pound best in the world [Music] will he go back into the kitchen lopez can't abandon the jab he's got to continue to use that that's what's gotten him up on the scorecards and has him in control of this fight right now straight right hand moments ago looking for that right uppercut again remember he had success a couple rounds ago with it by far the most entertaining round of the fight mark down round number eight things changed round nine round nine watch your head okay watch your head let's see if he stays a little aggressive here round number nine winner take all all four belts and lopez comes out with a hook in paloma you gotta continue to use your jab just like that sometimes you'll land it sometimes you won't but it'll get you in range stay tight and let your hands go get out of range and then reset and do it again so you can't play on the outside like that joe lopez having banked all the early rounds but now it is on the line anatoly lomachenko said i need him to establish that jab get inside behind that jab but throw combinations not single shots he just pushed back against lomachenko that is exactly what his father wanted him to do after that eighth round he said he did it again he said when he comes in like that don't allow for it push him back what's up watch your legs watch your legs let's go see loma's in range sometimes and he won't let his shots go he's got body shots and he's got short uppercuts and right hooks but he's not throwing the punches when he's in range why is that dre is it because of the danger that exists opposite him knowing what could be coming back that's exactly what it is trust me if loma felt like he was in control and he could take the power he would throw more shots he's not comfortable yet short left hand oh there's a good jab and a combination from lomachenko and lopez comes right back mama's gonna have to sell out to get the kind of shots that he wants some nights it's just like that you got a back up your reputation you got to back up your name and you got to put yourself in harm's way to get the job done and let me tell you something if he has to sell out offensively this is going to be an incredibly entertaining stretch run for the undisputed status tonight we're going to see what lopez has inside tonight loma's going to test him lead left uppercut from tiofimo lopez tia femo is not going to give way he is looking to pull the trigger on these uppercuts lomachenko has to close the gap he has to step in and that is dangerous against a power puncher who by the way is showing very good boxing skill tonight if you're lopez this is not the time to mentally go to sleep he's got to stay alert three punches touch him there from loma this is not the fight that most thought we would have most felt tia fema lopez's only chance was to have that dynamite in the right hand and be able to deliver it they didn't think about this the athleticism the quickness the boxing iq looking for that right uppercut again fun to see lomachenko with a little more oh nice body shot right there offensive desire and it's because of what tia fema lopez put forth early on [Applause] just keep with the combinations over and over again since he started doing that in the seventh round he has found success and you can make a strong argument that he has thanked the last three rounds remember early on we were all in agreement he only had the second round in the first half of the fight but the last three rounds you could mark down the ledger for lomachenko not that lopez has tailed off lomachenko has had to come on round number 10. no no no stop knuckles you know joe this is why you don't see a lot of unifications in the sport or at least as many as we should and a lot of undisputed championships because it's hard it's not easy you're risking everything you could get knocked out you could get b you might get embarrassed and oftentimes guys don't want to risk all that but give credit for these two because during the floyd mayweather era when it was about managing the business of boxing this is about the boxing of boxing well done by both men for taking this fight one area where lopez is neglecting is the body of lomachenko i told you guys earlier if you got a guy that's coming in being aggressive you start hitting him down to the body he's going to start protecting that ribcage trying to work his way into the jab and a good offensive search from tia femo tail getting hit with some big shots right now from loma lomas starting to play some shots and they start to get heavy i'm seeing the wear and tear right now in front what you see from loma is just the heart of a a winner you see a guy who is not used to to losing and he's not going to lose easily he's going to try to bite down what you see him doing right now and try to get his respect and win some more rounds not used to losing a guy who goes 396 and one in his amateur career and wins two goals and then becomes the fastest ever to be a three division champion he lands the left hand on the face of tia femo lopez there if you're lopez this is where you earn your money as well you got to bite down and maintain the respect that you've earned in the earlier rounds can't give it up right now just because loma decides he wants to come forward what championship boxing is all that's right moments like this how bad you want it that's what it boils down to you can see he he belongs in the ring with lomachenko he's doing very well but now he got a bite down on that mouthpiece he's got to close it and close the show left hand right to the midsection right hand to the body from tia femo both guys trading both guys willing to get there loma gets into the pocket fires off a combination poor discipline by lopez you know he keeps his hands real low he can easily block those shots if he brings his hands up oh nice no that's a body shot russell mora is going to say low blow tell me when you're jumping up in the air you're okay you all right okay give me your gloves you be the judge let's see okay okay stay right here belt line get right here there it is a little bit low don't let it happen again all right but when you got loma pulling away like that russell moore the referee has refereed 570 professional bouts see loma coming with that right job that's what he needs to do to keep lopez off of him lopez just missed that uppercut but then you see loma coming forward with his signature punches leading with that left coming back with the swivel right here we see the jab again and lopez is trying to block those shots but they're coming fast and they're coming at awkward angles and that's just a mental lapse right there for lopez you know i talked about him not falling asleep right now he's got to maintain lopez came out and did exactly what he wanted to do early on and we think it was pretty easy to score but you could make the same argument for the back half of this fight as we arrive at the championship rounds six minutes to decide so dre your score card reads exactly the way that i just described it it's now five rounds a piece according to andre ward of course what matters is what is said with tim cheatham julie letterman and steve weisfeld the three judges here everything is riding on these next two rounds for both fighters and as you can see the experience of lomachenko is now starting to pay good dividends he's been here before lopez don't know look at these exchanges here in round number 11 you think they want it will they step to each other again loma gets right to him [Music] lopez of course can fire off that right hand that can change anything at any moment loma can't forget the body when lopez is on the ropes like that the mid section is wide open lopez is exhausted right now loma stepping on that gas and you can see he's landing those straight punches he said i want to take him to the deep water where he hasn't been i want to drown him there these are the championship rounds where the veteran does that and body shots hurt lopez right there you see him holding on trying to get himself together you can see more pronounced swelling around the eye of lopez as well go right into him immediately closing that gap a short left hand and overhand right as well and then an up jab listen to me you can rest tomorrow lopez needs to bite down right now lomachenko's putting it on him lomachenko's looking for a knockout gentlemen he's looking to stop lopez big 11th round here for lomachenko right hand to the body for both hands yeah yeah lopez is still throwing and he's still dangerous make no mistake about it but he's not throwing enough dre and then that big miss right there took a lot of steam out of lopez on the chance that southpaw jab there's a body shot left hand to the body from lomachenko and now the break from russell moore we said in the first couple rounds that this is what loma had to do to have success is close the distance take more risk he's getting hit but he's willing to get hit so he can get his offense off well lopez is a little bit tired lopez is tired so a lot of steam off his punches now so loma doesn't feel that threatened remember we talked about how exhausting it is to just be in there thinking about every moment the hyper focus and attentiveness to every second against lomachenko now you see what it looks like but the body shots still have effect don't they he has committed to that from the start it was a good 11th round from lomachenko good but a good finish to it from lopez as he's stalking forward here we have one round to go in a razor thin close fight to see who will be the undisputed champion these last four rounds from loma have been sheer wheel and you just see him pressing the issue doing what he has to do to land shots like that last round he's in the line of fire right now he's in the danger zone but he's still letting his shots go he's getting there first he's starting the combinations and he's ending the combinations and lopez is landing combinations or excuse me shots but they're far and few in between according to compubox it was the best round that lomachenko had he was 29 of 62. he landed 19 power punches those are highs for lomachenko in the night twelfth and final round winner takes off first half was tia fema lopez second half has been vasily lomachenko this will decide three minutes for history dream about moments like this as a young kid coming up a fight basically being even going into the last round and you envision yourself finding a way to pull it out i want to see who finds a way to pull it out in this 12th round and tim can you imagine this fight would typically be in front of 20 000 next door in the big arena or madison square garden or staples the roar to start a 12th round but it's just them and it's just a hundred people here in a clover protected bubble the chamber of truth and this is the way they're going to do it bernardo what do they think and what are they saying in the corner of lopez tio primo lopez father said look you're winning this fight just go out there and box but it looks like the sun is not trusting that and he's going out to win this fight just as andre and tim wood there's reason to believe that good right hand work from lopez he is biting down he wants it oh omachenko steps to him and fires off one single moment in this 12th round could sway things this 12th round could be the decider we could be sitting on a draw we could be sitting on something where a body shot swings it just landed again by lopez and he digs down with a left hand comes up top of the left hook fires a straight right body language it can be everything in his in his round body language who wants it more sometimes that that persuades a judge well lopez has definitely won the first half of that round put on a great exhibition of power speed skill let's see if he can close the show or if loma is going to step on the gas you know loma stepping on the gas think about everything they put forth their whole lives and now 60 seconds to see if you can become an undisputed the first four belt lightweight champion it boils down to these moments right here right hand tried to time it oh left hand comes in oh and lopez with success here punch of the back half of the fight right there oh he's got him hurt look at this tia fibo lopez on the go against lomachenko [Music] there is no doubt about this 12th round right now is there gentlemen the young man wants it over there what is he doing what is he come here listen ten seconds considering what he did in this twelfth round just coasted i don't even know what to say good he didn't hear the clock he didn't hear the clap clap clap you have to watch your head too all right both of you guys got to watch your head clash of heads opens up the cup final 10 seconds to take it home power surge by tia fimo lopez in the 12th round of a very very close fight that will head to the scorecards to decide it [Applause] well done [Applause] blood streaming down the face of the brooklyn-born to female lopez vasily lomachenko pushed to the limit ladies and gentlemen here inside mgm grand after 12 rounds we go to the judge's scorecards for the official decision tim cheatham scores the bout 116 112. julie letterman scores the belt 119 109. steve weisfeld scores about 117 111 for your winner by unanimous decision and now the undisputed lightweight champion of the world the takeover deal female a star is born tonight to fimo lopez just beat vasily lomachenko backflip as he always does he is the undisputed lightweight champion of the world an american fighter a 23 year old is king of the sport a unanimous decision he said he would his father said he would give us loma for years it boiled up and tonight it boiled over with supreme boxing and then digging down in the 12th round and taking it to loma lomachenko has lost four belts now listen it was widespread scoring julie letterman's 119 109 will be talked about but there is no doubt the early half was all tia female lopez even some of those middle rounds you could still make a strong argument that lopez met him punched for punch even though the great lomachenko came out there is no doubt how the fight finished that 12th round was all too femo but tia fimo lopez wins it 23 years old he's 16-0 and he just beat the best fighter in the world we will hear from the new undisputed champion brooklyn zone when we come back how about that we're with teo fimo lopez who's asking for a cup of water but theo you made history tonight at just 23 year old becoming the undisputed champion all four belts describe the feeling um uh i gotta thank god and this is for my boy that passed away earlier this year two days before kobe passed away may kobe rest in peace um this is for diony and i had to dig deep man um i'm thankful i'm grateful and each and every day i take that in um i thank god first man because i couldn't do it without him i walked by faith for a reason and i had to dig in there and now it feels good in that 11th round right before you came out for the 12th your father said you've got the victory just go out there and box but you didn't do that why i'm a fighter i got to dig in deep i know he was coming i can't give him that i don't know if they got him up on the scorecards or not and i love to fight i could bang too i don't care man i'll take one to give one and uh that's what a true champion does i come out there and i find a way to win you and your father called for this fight and you were supremely confident that you saw something in lomachenko that you could exploit what was it um honestly you just got to keep pressuring him keep putting the gas on him and then all you got really do man stick the jab don't really give him that opportunity to set up and every time he did want to throw i had something ready for him at least something throw so it kind of stops his momentum and you know on top of that he's been on a 14 month layoff i knew he was going to have it was going to take a long time for him to catch up now you've got all the belts lightweight yeah you said you want all the biggest challenges all the biggest names so what is that you want next um man take me to 140 i could go and get uh you know or i could fight you know uh the two-time email world champion devin haney you know if they want that you know uh i love messing with everybody man um but all it is man the takeover man it's time for the new generation to come up and it was me to lead the way for everybody shacora stevenson um who else uh edgar balanga jose vargas um so many cats out there man they're ready to take over the world the takeover continues he just outboxed the best boxer in the world back to you thank you very much we're going to disney world he told us he told us the other day he was going to say that if he became the undisputed champion of the world there he is 23 years old 23 years old he just dedicated that to his dear friend diony ramirez who passed away this year he's a very thoughtful young man let's get to mark kriegel the silly you're a great champion a courageous one but what was the difference tonight um i think in the first half of the fight yeah he got more rounds than i did but then on the second half of the fight i took it over and i i i was much better but i wanted to go home and to review fight to see it i can't comment right now much about it but i definitely i'm not agreeing with your scorecard vasily do you believe you won this fight tonight at the moment i think and i thought yes i'm winning a fight but there's a result is the results i'm not going to argue right now i need to see what's what again you're a great champion where do you go from here right now i come back home and after after that i talk with my promoter with my manager and we discuss and resume we decided to make a decision we'll make a decision thank you versailles
Channel: Top Rank Boxing
Views: 3,592,152
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: top rank boxing, teofimo lopez, teofimo lopez highlights, teofimo lopez knockouts, teofimo lopez vs vasiliy lomachenko, teofimo lopez vs vasiliy lomachenko highlights, teofimo lopez vs vasiliy lomachenko full fight, teofimo lopez vs vasiliy lomachenko free fight, vasiliy lomachenko highlights, vasiliy lomachenko vs teofimo lopez, vasiliy lomachenko, vasiliy lomachenko vs teofimo lopez highlights, vasiliy lomachenko vs teofimo lopez full fight, loma vs lopez, lomachenko vs lopez
Id: e--kj3Uh7xs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 38sec (3158 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 17 2021
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