Tennessee turkey hunting. Long beards down.

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for see you yeah Jing no TR where are you and Jak I got hands I see him see the hands hands behind I don't see I I just see him hands are to the right of him ni there going back right dyy I need him to get out you got yeah Still Still They SA can't figure out TR keep coming okay you just tell me you just tell me when to drop it I can't get on focus it got focused on the other side [Applause] H that Li for to y yeah you see my arrow hit that limb hit it right here well guys Brian's out there looking for his Arrow anyway Tennessee bird down we drove all night long last night from Texas if you watched the last episode and uh anyway we got a bird down we'll talk about here in just a minute but uh we're going to get out of this High bright Sun you know what I'm saying so this is where we started at this morning I don't know if you could see or hear any footage I have to go back and listen but we were sitting up against a creek so I couldn't hear good but we were set up right here and had two long beards hit this field and then they went off with some hands that way but dude they was hammering was they Brian was hammering there was a lot of birds go and uh Brian said uh we kept here and one back up through the through the Red Gate here and that's where we just ended up so we just snuck up there and we was actually sitting there talking all a sudden he goes there he is so I just saw his fan he saw that fan he dropped like a sack of yeah so we showed him showed him showed him another fan he kind of walked up there and everything anyway Tennessee whiskey little bit I what's up guys got hands up the bat been down here all day waiting on God we've had Farmers we got farming equipment going on we got the neighbors hunting we're just doing it all today we gonna be writing country music songs that's right y'all be ready for that oh doing the Y y' podcast third times John baby right that man done that man done got more turkeys with a bow and I done kill with a gun so I tell you you can hit you can hit them uh you can hit them streets St yeah we have a little patch every now and again but we just chilling guys we still I got another I got well he uh he's up the bat now and then I got tomorrow morning before I got to head back home we got hoes to catch so and sit tight we got old slam what that slam picking chicken out there he do it he been beat up he been SLA silly so many times I had to show you old slam out there he SLA he been slapped around from Mississippi to Georgia to Tennessee that Jake done got whooped in every state is slapped around slapped so hard I had to I had to put electrical tape on the sty like your I told uh on that uh one year I shot that that turkey and uh that old gun that thing knock your nose dude it would knock your nose Gahan we out there in Texas if y'all ain't watched that episode we out there in Texas he took a shot not my big nose got that nose son made it red he shot first thing he did start rubbing his nose anyway what your just chilling waiting on the rest of the day to begin or end oh he's got a r black mirer okay 8 or n his beer okay oh my God oh my God I a draw to the get right there yeah I mean you got time to do whatever you think you need to do yeah he's got a good beer but we got a white gobler in the field right right now see his rope got about 8 yeah I saw it when he we got here in the right time we did maybe you seen it [Laughter] for [Laughter] for for for for for hold on he's limping all right guys I'm be straight up with you we ain't want to talk about it right now we kind of in our feelings about it kind of emotional about it yeah a little bit aggravated about it but I've never laid eyes on this bird had two pictures of them in deer season and I knew this is the bird I wanted to go after and um so we got here and we' been here pretty much all day and uh sat up where I thought we should sit up I said I'm going to take me a little power na so I laid down David was laid out behind me he said hey what's that out in the field way over there towards the gate I said is that him the binoculars sure enough it was him he comes tracking on there tackling on there not strutting not nothing not we had a jake and a laying hen out and I don't think he could see that laying hen till he got past the decoys and uh finally David started yeling at him a little bit and uh he act like he wanted to play a little bit and he just eased on in there and uh I mean it took him a long time it from time we saw him it took I felt like an hour it was forever I felt like an hour before he finally committed to the decoy set up well at 50 yards yeah at 50 yards and he every time he would get back where I could draw back my bow and I thought I had a shot he turn and he did that I know four or five different times finally he committed that laying H I think finally just got him where he wanted to commit and uh where he could see it real good and he come in there he got about three steps from the decoy Bo I had a limb going off this way not Mak any excuses I drew my bow and I should have just in hindsight should have waited till he got to the decoy but last couple days it ain't um they kind of you know stopped about 20 yards and that's just the way it's been but he was pretty much on top of the decoys and uh I leaned up I lean forward and like that and I just I shot shot him high we reviewed the footage and like I said we we can't find him at the moment and uh we're going to come back in the morning I think maybe he he squatted cuz he didn't fly off he ran and he you could tell you know maybe maybe or he was just in shot one it's either a clean miss or you know or he squatted and he's you know yeah his feathers even though you see a lot of feathers people he was still ruffled up a little bit so a lot of time the FEA stand up a few inches off the actual body so and and I was I shot a little left and I was aiming so I don't know if maybe if I knock my bow it's easy to do I've done it I mean the way we hunt it's easy to do it's easying around and all that kind of stuff I just hated that I did it on a bird of a lifetime and like I said I haven't personally laid eyes on this bird um till today right you know had two pictures of them in in deer season and I was just like oh my God so I I deer hunted a few times out here hoping I would just see right this bird not not even really hunting a deer just hoping I would see this bird and um well you also another reason like you said you may have seen in other parts of the video of this video last video you know having a miss and then having a backup shotgun or something like that well I've already limited out I mean not limited out I already shot a bird today so I don't know the exact rules but I didn't want a total shotgun around for him knowing that I've already tagged for the day so we didn't have the backup shotgun just in case so uh cuz I I don't actually know the rules on that you know and I for the folks who say I know it's coming that I should have brought a gun you know i' I've been blessed to kill a lot of birds with a gun but I've been also been blessed killing them with a bow I've killed a ton of birds I think I'm up to like 29 or 30 with a bow off the ground right so this ain't my it's just yeah it's just one of those things if you do it long enough it's like hunting white tails it's going to happen I mean you kill a lot of deer with your bow and a lot of people kill them with their guns and it's just what you prefer and uh and it with your way we just kind of have feelings about it right now yeah I'm I'm I'm really hurt so I'm just going to be straight up with y'all don't be just pray for Brian pray for him pray for him cuz I got one more day with him so anyway we're going to get something to eat right now here in just a minute and I I forgot my wallet so yeah so it's going to hurt hurt my heart hurt my wallet oh anyway guys we just waiting on dark and just chilling but oh I think I think the plan is for in the morning I'm going to come back here in the morning and just hopefully just lay eyes on them and uh get them on the ground like I said at this point now yeah I mean a bird like that is just is very rare and uh you'll see we're going we going we going we going to show the truth but but I yeah and and but I I'm gonna rare one up with that with with that super black bagle if we don't see that white one I got to I got to get back home and get some H caught come on but anyway we're going to go get something to eat and uh we'll see y'all in the morning at daylight and see what's up or not up that's right all right guys as y'all can see I'm back in town o Brian Callahan struggling with missing that old white bird ah but they did see him on camera uh not camera I'm sorry the farmer saw him and Brian put out some cameras just trying to see if he get a glimpse of him but anyway as you can see we're back on uh hog Patrol right here and then if you've been watching other of my episodes then you know that uh I'm I'm struggling if you watch the last episode yeah the last episode of pigs where I just showed you how they're acting wild you'll know they're acting wild here I done put two piles right there and the reason that's for is this trap's coming down tomorrow and we're going to put the the panel trap up what I had to do was two groups come in here at the same time and they are fussing and fighting and they actually knock this trap down on one side by hitting it so hard so what I'm going to do is I'm feeding them different spots two different spots and they will or they did last night act right so Any Which Way But old Callahan he had to send me a video so y'all watch old Callahan and Tennessee right now with the bow he had to turn one loose and let it go come on any what you way y'all get done watching that I'll meet you at the house got my wife in the truck and uh I'm limping on back with my bad [Laughter] back for Broadhead came off in them man good bird threey old bird probably had a rope on him he was a main main one Shuter and they I don't know if I got it on camera or not but I was about to leave I had been here maybe an hour and uh about to leave and I was walking down the hill and I seen something up here across this Creek and the short up three long beards and I saw the three long beards I didn't see the hens until later but they stayed in this bottom forever there was nothing I could do but just stay up here I'd YP every once in a while anyway those H started working their way to me and uh so I crawled out here and yeled and uh held up that Strutter and when they seen that I seen their colored their hair head change so I bagged up got behind this tree I'll show you my setup it ain't the greatest I kind of used the tree and the Strutter right in front of me to actually draw my bow but when they they strut it all the way up here to into this falling tree here um I hope I got it on video but they kind of figured something out when I got about 10 yards and uh I knew when he got past my decoy um he was the middle one and so I let it eat it probably I don't know 12 steps something like that so feels good to be on the board my Broadhead came off in them it popped out but I shot them with a bipolar uh Broadhead it knocked a hole in them I'll show you the hole this is my setup as you can see it's almost 1:00 in the morning I'm just now finishing up this YouTube anyway before I get started before I end it little Study Bible for my wife there's no fear in love but perfect love drives out fear because fear has to do with punishment the one who fears is not imperfect love anyway I'm just edit this video at 1:00 in the morning for y'all Sunday morning for this video so to finish it up any which way y'all have a good one God bless as always Jesus loves you oh man I'm tired
Channel: David Ellis: Yawt Yawt
Views: 39,412
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KpYtbjTG7xQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 51sec (1611 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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