Time to hook up the dammer diker!

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so pretty much now all I have to do is grease it there's not that much to grease all right so one thing we've been getting ready is all the Planters one thing we haven't got ready is the dammer dyer so first thing I got to do is I need to move this hitch from that bolt hole take that bolt out slide this over put the bolt back in because there's a shank that goes right in the middle and it would probably hit that hitch so we got to slide that over all right it just took the off just pull that out grab it and it should slide over just like that and then we just put the bolt back in now it doesn't look like it's going to want to go in oh there we go we just had to move it just a little more put the bolt back in right there to keep that over there and then we'll go hook up the dammer daker I also noticed while looking at this that my tires are a little on the squishy side so I'm going to pump those up before I head out to the dam dier or I'm going to end up having a problem all right I got them pumped up they were pretty low pumped them up to 35 lb uh that should do it I don't know why they were low I'm going to have to keep an eye on that and see if it starts to go low if so we'll have the tire company come out and uh check them the other thing I need to do is I got to flip these up so they're not in the way it pulls these these little pins out of the way and sometimes you can hook it up with those out and it'll just kind of push them in and drop in it'll just lock but this tractor I've had trouble with that so I'm just going to pull them out of the way and then I'll drop them in once I get back to it and get it hooked up so I just don't want those to get in the way of everything there is a little pin that goes through right here and sometimes those will shear and you don't want that to happen because then your impl will come flying off so something that you do need to watch for this one makes me a little nervous cuz it's not straight but I'll just have to keep an eye on it there it is we'll see if I can uh get it to hook up this thing if it's not sitting perfectly level it can be kind of hard to hook up but we'll see how easy it is fingers crossed it hooks up really easy okay coming in nice and slow and I may have to stop filming if I uh have to speed up or slow down cuz I can't steer and control the speed all at the same time so just trying to get it as straight as possible it's like I'm a little off okay well I got it sorry I wasn't able to show it it didn't want to go on because it was sitting on an angle that's why I was saying if it's not level it's hard to get on so it was tipped just a little bit back and the hooks wouldn't go on so I was able to barely hook that top hook right here and I lifted it up and backed up to this little Hill there's a hill right here that goes up to The Cellar and I set it down on the hill and it tipped it forward and it all kind of dropped in so luckily I didn't have to get out and do anything but uh yeah it can be a little tricky to hook up I'm glad I got it hooked up now that pin did flip down on its own I just need to go flip that lever down and that'll lock in this side okay I just crawled up on it flipped it down forgot to film it my bad um there's some legs that we got to take off there's one here one here and then there's some on the other side so we got to take those off and there's some hydraulic lines right here that we need to hook up but I'm going to go up to the shop and see if I can find the manual because you know you only run this for a couple weeks a year and you can't quite remember how it's supposed to be set up so I'm going to go find the manual and see if I can set it up let's lift it up and uh make sure everything make sure it stays on the tractor at least yeah look at that we'll take it up to the shop and look it over just driving back up to the shop you can see all these conveyors behind me so all of our conveyors our Even Flow bin our sorder table and I think one of our pilers maybe or maybe not the piler I'm not 100% sure on there but they're all for sale so if you're interested in buying almost a full seller setup of conveyors sorder table Even Flow Maybe everything except for the piler I'm not sure on the piler but if you're interested in buying a whole setup let me know and uh you can come out and look at them just send me an email my email is in the channel description so go look there for the email but yeah I'm just driving past there's a there's a planter right there that's all set up and in front of me we have the fertilizer truck that's all set up now the flat bed which I don't think I showed setting that up but they put the tanks on it and then we had a bunch of hoses so we plumbed all the hoses in and we put a pump on the back so that's how we'll fill up the tractors with fertilizer and then on the other side of that we have the other planter and then John Deere came out yesterday and calibrated the GPS because the planter actually steers itself to keep it online so John Deere had to come out and calibrate the GPS on the planter and get it all set up so we're getting there and the the other planter is in the shop right now hooked up and we're getting that one uh all plumbed and set up I think we're just about done with that one so we're about done and we hope to be planting potatoes possibly Friday so in a few days you might be looking at this thing thinking what the heck is that so this goes after the potatoes are planted so it goes after the potatoes and each one of these Shanks will go between the rows so if you have a row here and a row here the shank will go right in the middle and then the paddles also follow the shank essentially what we're trying to do is this shank goes through helps break up the soil between and then These Wings will actually go below where the seed is planted to kind of break up the soil underneath the potato and what that does is that helps it loosen up the soil so the potato can grow good roots into the soil it's nice and loose it can grow and give the potatoes Room to Grow the potatoes cuz they're under the soil too now the paddles what the paddles do is they kind of make little well it'll make a hole and then it'll make a ridge on each side so that's why we call it a dam or Dyer cuz it makes dams and dkes so it'll go in it'll make those holes and what those holes are for is so where that's where when you water it the water will sit there and it'll soak in really good right there um it also helps on Hills so we do have some hills like there's some hills out here there's we have quite a few Hills over here but on Hills it helps so when you're watering the water doesn't just run down the hill it'll sit in those holes and water that potato plant versus just running down the hill so that's what this thing is for so we have to go behind all of the we have to go behind all of the potatoes so we'll be going I this is going to have to do 1 1200 Acres cuz that's how many potatoes we're planting this year so now we have this leg there's one here one here and there's two on the other side we have to take those off so I'm going to set you guys up here on the tripod kind of show you how we do that there's just a bolt make sure this is going the right direction now this just take off it's not on there very tight because it just has to hold it while we transport back and pull it off put my impact wrench down lift this up P this bolt out now that one is removed so now I just have this one and there one right there and then there's one just in front of the shanks over there to take off last one so there's the four legs so pretty much now all I have to do is grease it there's not that much to he Shanks if you hit something hard these Rams will go in and they'll they'll trip so they do kind of pivot just a little bit here and that just needs to be greased so it can pivot if there's a problem I still need to hook up the hydraulic hoses so I'm going to put this down so I can actually get up there so I just turned it around cuz it just was easier to get around the front of it but these two hydraulic hoses right here I got to hook up so I need to put them in one have four hydraulic Banks here oh the only thing I can't remember is I can't remember which one goes to which side so we're just going to wing it one thing we need to always remember to do before we plug them in you see how they're pretty dirty we got to clean them off if we put them in like like that that dirt could get in the system fou up a valve fou up the the plugs back in there where it depresses the little the little nipple in there so I've got a wire brush because that one's kind of rusty we'll try and get the rust off I have some paper towels to wipe off any of the dirt and stuff that's around it so I'm going to clean these off real quick then we'll put them in and see if we get it in the right spot yeah it's pretty crazy what a wire brush can do took the rust red that was the one that was a little rusty took the rest right off got those nice and clean now let's see if we can plug them in so this one has one zip tie on it so we're just going to put that in here it stay okay well maybe it might be locked in there we'll see and then we'll just put two in the second one all right so what I'm going to do is go in the cab and push the hydraulic button and there's these gauges here so there's this gauge and then this gauge this one's for the the prop which is these paddles and then this one is actually for these the shank trip which is for Rock prote section which we don't really have rocks so we've never really had to use that but basically I'm going to go hit it and see what these pressures do they should jump around a little bit so one thing I'm watching for when I push it is you can see the hose is right there and if they're not locked in all the way when I push the Hydraulics one way or another they'll pop out and then you have to go put them back in but I'm going to see if it's in okay that one stayed now I got to go the other way ah popped out one side stayed in the other side popped out so I got to go plug it back in okay I plugged it back in one thing I am going to do is this is turned all the way up so I'm going to turn the flow all the way down to one so when I hit that that was turn all the way down all the way down to 0.1 so when I do hit that hydraulic it's not trying to put all the hydraulic of the whole tractor through it when it's not quite seated so we just want hope it stays in okay that one's good let's see please stay in sweet it stayed in so now it should be seated so now I can turn my pressure back up get my one hydraulic and so this is all dirty I get a lot of comments saying you never clean your stuff this is dirty because we did clean it because we don't have plugs in these holes we cleaned the tractor off and it blew a little bit of water in here and just sprayed everything so I'm going to pull the tractor in the shop and we're going to clean the floor and everything cuz uh yeah I'm about to be in this tractor for about a month so but we're going to turn this hydraulic back up let's turn it all the way up it says it says it's supposed to be at 100% and now I'm just looking back at these these gauges here to see okay I think okay so I think I might have them I think I might have the hoses backwards oh yeah yeah I've got the hoses backwards so I need to go swap the hoses cuz when I push when I push this switch down that's the one it's just supposed to be push that's supposed to push the Rams out and pressurize it but when I push it down it sucks all the pressure out of those gauges so I need to go switch them the other Direction okay so I just switched those hoses so now let's see if I got this going the right direction see if those gauges go up oh yeah there we go so they go up in pressure so we're good so this thing is now set up I still need to grease it and then it's ready to go okay this thing is ready to go I just finished greasing it the only greas works on this are there's two on each of these turnbuckles on each side and then there is a grease irk right there on the bottom of each one of these Ripper Shanks and there are greas Turks back here but I looked in the the manual and even though it has a greaser right there those are nonserviceable bearings so they were greased in the factory and you're just supposed to let them go so this thing is good to go ready to work up some some ground I'll be in this probably in a week get going so now I have to go down and help unplug a pump that's pumping manure water into one of our pivots so that'll be fun so what we have is we have a pump down here that's a booster pump that just helps pull the manure water from the dairy they have a pump out there and so it when it's on we have run this one too to make sure we have enough pressure to actually pump it into the pivot line so it doesn't back flush this is the pump I'm looking at so right now you can see this nice green uh manure water oozing out we have to pull this little cap off to make sure all these valves are closed as good as possible so we can take this apart because we think there might be a bunch of sludge and stuff from the winter that just got hard in there so I got some wire I'm going to tie it to that cap cuz I don't want to be near it when I pull it off cuz that whole pipe this whole of manure water well we got the uh the plug off now we just have to back flush it okay I just opened this up this pipe goes to the pump over there that is running so now it's flushing water back through and it's actually spinning so I know that it's not plugged because it's spinning and now we're getting Canal water flushing out through there so we'll flush it for a minute and uh plug it all back up and see if it works okay we're going to flush it again and this time I'm going to record it so you can see what happens there we go nice nasty manure water so now I'm going to open up this valve here okay we just turned it back on it is pumping they're turning the pump on at the dairy here pretty quick but the only way we'll know if it's actually pumping the manure water into these pivots is if those end guns down there on the end get that turns green that is the only way we'll know if it's getting that green manure water through it we have a storm coming through we're back at the shop now and the wind blew in and now it's like a dust bowl around here it's is so dusty you can't really tell on camera man on camera it looks like it's nice but no it's really stinking Dusty cuz everybody's crops are planted but they're not growing yet so the dust is just kind of blowing off the top so got a little Dust Bowl going okay this is now done we've plumbed it so you can see the water level in these tanks so we' plumbed it we flushed it we made sure that the pump worked and there's a little bit of water in the White Tank back up behind him so we have to pull it out they're going to come tomorrow and fill all the fertilizer tanks up so we're ready and so we're going to pull this out and dump all the water out we have to dump all these tanks so they can just have fertilizer this is one of the ones because it has this fan on the side and everything it's kind of tight getting in and out of here you've got a few inches on each side you just go straight back you should be good so to drain this you have to come under here pop this valve off take the cap off and then I'm going to put this cap right there and I don't want to get sprayed had a little bit of a fertiliz in it from the last people [Music] the handle hits the thing so we may need to twist that the handle's hitting the end of the how it's supposed to shoot out if it's not hitting the handle so drain this tank other tank drain that tank up on the top and be ready to fill them all with fertilizer well I was about to end this video and uh decided I'd come down in the cellar and show you guys the progress we've done on seed so the pile is definitely moved up cuz the front of the cellar is just right here and now the cutter is right here versus way in the back they're still cutting we got to cut for two more days I think [Music] still coming across everything's still running good which is nice cuz usually we have a bunch of issues I know one issue we have is these blades in here are worn down some of them aren't cutting all the way through the seed so we'll have to change that in the in the winter next year coming back here here's the pile so we got a nice nice big pile of seed now and yeah we have see two more full days of cutting and then maybe a little bit on Saturday and then we're going to start planting on Friday or Saturday so yeah it's coming along we're getting our seller full of seeds well that's going to be the end of my day thanks for joining me this adventure and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Rocky Mountain Farmer
Views: 71,358
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Farm, farming, farmer, Farmlife, John Deere, tractor, tractors, family farm, family friendly, kids farm videos, agriculture, rural life, millennial farmer, Laura farms, Welker farms, Idaho, Ronald esplin farms, Rocky Mountain farmer, harvest, Equipment, farm adventures, vlog, working, agribusiness, teaching, educational, DIY, dirt, Spudnik, Potato, Dammer diker, Cultivator, How to, Step by step, potatoes, how to plant potatoes, grow
Id: avrb_ikOJEE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 35sec (1295 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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