TEN - GameNight! Se9 Ep26 - How to Play and Playthrough

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[Music] so [Music] a game for one to five players nine published by aeg eight designed by molly johnson seven sean stankovic six and robert melvin five so the four of us are gonna play three and we invite you to come see which one of us won 88 lincoln we teach at ten yes okay i'm excited okay is a presser luck game uh that involves a big old deck of cards in which you're gonna flip them over one at a time and maybe you'll bust and maybe you won't and you're gonna get cards and do things with them and by the end of the game hopefully you'll have the most points there's the overview okay can i get a whammy it comes with these handy dandy little cards reference cards everybody take one every game should have one of these but flip it over what aaron is a start player nice it's actually on the reference card which is pretty fantastic so uh the cards are numbered one through nine okay in four colors all right one through nine in four colors and there are three each of the numbers one through six so there's three blue ones and three green threes and three yellow twos there's only one each of the seven eight and nine in each okay okay so those are the color cards there's one wild card for each color this is any number green okay okay and when you get that card you don't have to assign it till the end of the game you can wait and use it to your best advantage when the game is over and you're moving cards around to try to score your best all right there's one card each of a wild card number that's in any color four all right and then there's one and only one card of crazy wow number and color any card you want so these are the number cards that are in the deck then there are currency cards currency cards go from one to five and it's just one two three four five and there are five each of one through five with an extra four and five okay all right so that's the makeup of the deck so on your turn you are going to well the deck will be here and on your turn you're going to turn over a card three at this point you can decide to either stop or turn over the next card all right what you're trying to do is not bust and you bust in one of two ways either your net positive total is 11 or higher which is to say more than 10 or your currency total equals 10. those are the two ways you can bust all right and the the way this is slightly tricky is the numbers just add so let's see you go well three i'm not gonna turn over a eight or a nine hey two now you have five and you think five well don't want to keep going nah sure why not and then you turn over okay currency four this subtracts from your net positive total okay so i now have a net positive number total of one and a currency total of four remember if your currency total is 11 or higher you bust and if your net positive total is 11 or higher you bust and you think well i'm at one now i got to keep going oh another blue two yeah all right so now i'm at three oh now i'm back down to one that's right six but i'm at six for currency five will bust you so five will bust me but i'm thinking ah whatever i'll keep going okay so right now i'm at uh six total for currency and six total for numbers so probably i'll stop and of course i've set up two bus cards next so if i were to flip another card this six would bust for me and this five would also bust for me okay show me okay because this is 11 currency total yeah and this is i got it way too much i don't know how wild cards work so let's let's talk about if you don't bust if you don't bust if you stop and you think i'm not flipping any more cards you do one of two things you either take all the number cards and put them in front of you yep and if you do that all the other players get six in currency that's this black we start with five of these little black tokens there's a max of those two correct you can only have ten of these maximum so in this case we all start with five so if i took all these numbers you guys would all get five okay in these currencies or i take the currency all right and that's it no if i take the currency these all go to a marketplace over here and those are there available now for purchase for the rest of the game that's what we have this currency for okay is purchase okay however you can only buy if you took the number cards so on my next turn let's say there was let's say this is still my turn and let's say there is a marketplace okay let's say these are in the marketplace so i could i could take all of these number cards we'd all get five you'd all get five currency and then if i wanted to i could go to the marketplace and i could buy one single card all right to buy a card i'm going to spend you're buying them for their face value number and to buy a card i can spend currency and i can spend cards cards that you spend are just worth one all cards are just worth an additional one but it's a way you can get rid of duplicates because you might yeah those are in frame but yeah you can show i'm sorry sorry yeah it's okay um i haven't explained scoring yet but duplicates are not going to basically score for you at the end of the game so um you you might want to spend those now if instead i took currency first account says each card counts as one yeah right right these would these would add to the market and it would be nikki's turn yes okay okay if however i busted all of the number cards go to the market and everybody else gets the currency if you bust with currency okay all the number cards go to the marketplace you get one of these bus tokens these are worth three bucks basically you can spend them when you are buying cards and they do not count against your 10 coin hand limit 10 stone yeah whatever it is um and uh and and that's it and then the currency cards get discarded the other players don't get anything when you bust i mean technically you don't get anything either except this little three coin thing which could be worth something last but not least if when i'm flipping i'm gonna flip this three and then i flip hey here's a wild card four when a wild card comes out my turn is temporarily stopped and we immediately auction off this card it's a once around auction and as the active player you get the last bid so nikki will bid then lincoln then you aaron and then me the bids obviously have to be higher than the previous bid you can use these bus tokens as part of your bid you can use cards in front of you as part of your bid you don't have to tell anyone how you're cashing out your bid you just make a bid um whoever wins that gets it and then i continue my turn deciding whether i want to flip or stop okay we're going to keep doing this until the deck runs out whenever the last card is flipped over that person will finish their turn either taking the currency or taking the cards if they take the cards they can buy a card then we will have one more once around buying a card from the marketplace so if i ended it then i would get the last buy nick even lincoln then aaron then me once that's done we then score our cards you are going to score each of the four colors you're gonna score one point for your longest consecutive run so if you have a four card run that's worth four points if you have a six card run that's worth six points all right the run does not have to start at one it could be like three four five six seven and that would be worth five points all right the um one bonus is that if you can get one through nine in a color you score ten you get one extra point okay for scoring ten so the most you can score is 40 points yeah at the beginning every seven eight and nine in the deck correct well there are wows as well but it seems unlikely it does in theory that's the most you could score so you can see that duplicates at the end of the game are not necessarily going to help you um well the other downers is when you get rid of them as currency they go out they don't go into the market right so right it's it hurts other players uh and then whatever currency you have left over is the tiebreaker if there's a tie and that is the game can you so these are worth three can you um i don't change thank you no so if you spend the white it's a it's a non-changeable three when you spend it you are spending all of it and if you don't spend a total of three you're not getting changed back cool okay did you say you could spend that on either the market or or official yes yes it's it's all currency is basically spent the same oh you can just you can smell how new this game is all right aaron nice and glossy cards too well they've got the spot spot uv the shiny parts all right aaron you are the start player four zero zero and i can't bust oh i can get to nine or you can get to nine so you can take five in currency or you can take the four and give us five in currency oh that's terrible i'll take the currency all right this goes to the marketplace and if you had flipped again you would not have busted wow i've had exactly ten oh i'm to push my luck five uh-huh one question no those glasses again all right immediate auction starting with you nikki yeah six yeah fair enough there you go all right are you really gonna yeah yeah because table's gonna big at five okay or i mean i i don't wanna it doesn't matter if you know you're gonna bid six i'm gonna bid six let's go back to the thing so now it's gonna be one so yeah and here we go all right i'm going to chicken out i'm going to take seven everybody get a thing thank you okay oh auction oh right away oh my god that's the wild everything yeah oh my god i did five i i bid five yep pass can i do more you can do six yeah if you want to wild everything's wild everything it's crazy flexibility okay yep three auctions you get the last bid sweet three four pass nicki campbell i can't bid well i could technically i could you know what it makes you feel good loose yeah five swipes okay so minus three minus three minus two plus hey two too many no no are you right you're right i'm sorry my bad i forgot about the sucks that it's a five though uh but it is currency yep now that would have been worth i wasn't sure like um come on like i'm thinking oh oh great that was crazy risky he busted on numbers so we get this currency don't we we all get five yes correct correct all right aaron all right negative one and negative five let's see some numbers negative negative four keep going oh look at these ones negative three ten i will uh i'm gonna take these ones i know that seems pretty great the current the you guys get ten barrels all right yeah i want these ones nikki gets five yeah i get four yep hey you still max out even though i can already have a little oh i old one hang on you bought number cards would you like to buy something oh my goodness this is the first chance you know i had to do this yeah i want the two so it's just one face value by the number cost two so i'll spend two currencies to take it okay here we go yeah two oh i know i want that but i'm gonna be greedy and i'm gonna stop yeah and what i am going to i understand that i'm gonna they would have gone to the market and it'd be a one or two you can pay that i'm gonna spend four for this green four done okay seven [Music] that would have been exactly 10 right oh wow are you sure you don't want to just take it and buy that big there's only one green seven yeah and one green eight okay yeah would you like to buy the eight yes all right i'll use my three and five she's like you guys i just want to flip well we'll find out what you would have had in a moment that's true because i will flip it probably a big number no whammy not so currency there you go well there you go wow i could bust again it's not good three nope now you're in three i know this is because i saw it so auction auction starting with you aaron wild red wild red three i'll bid five one yeah i need to have something here i would agree okay still your chance one four you're at four three you're at three eight you're at eight yeah five and six yeah all right four for the rest of us okay link we have to buy a car um sorry one two three not yet oh wait um exactly two [Music] i'll buy the three blue okay there you go no auction yep uh i'll bid uh five six pass i'll take it for seven yep okay i think that's good if you can do it i don't know the value of stuff yet neither but i like the wilds yep i'm gonna push it oh i lose this okay well you busted it let's talk again let me take a bus home take a bus token bust i know oh we're starting with you i know we because i busted on numbers you would get all the currency if there had been sure all right four okay dave it's to you no oh you could use one of your cards i've been five i'll be six remember you see you could bid nine i don't want to use those because i know but yes i know okay oh my god remember what are you gonna do i'm gonna just yeah just check it out oh yeah chicken it out done chicken buy a card no okay six oh wow kind of wanted stop yeah i'm gonna i did with my four although i would have had ten yeah but good two seven nine nine oh my god oh my god no it could not have been better that could not have been better i mean would you like to buy a card oh yeah just buy a car sorry i can't let's go back i could that i we missed nikki did you she has a lot of stuff but she yeah she doesn't really have okay she doesn't have some she doesn't have any great car and you're not gonna buy hey i'll take it yeah would you buy a card you know uh i bought that three though hey i wanted to point out that on your turns none of you gave me any money yeah yes i know we've gone along i'd like to point away without any money you know i don't want to buy any of those crappy cards neither all right here we go wow dave nicki starts with you four uh good bit pass also for pass you having big cards i considered it really yours for four didn't think i don't know what to get rid of i mean i can't get rid of this we all have four and we'd have to get rid of cards it was a great bid yep it was a good bid here we go oh cookie starts with you dang four uh pass five oh it was gonna be five i was gonna finally spend this dumb card pass okay yours does this go in here no they go out of the game wow two wild cards yeah baby okay here we go i wasn't gonna buy that five i know you are i'm not gonna flip done okay all right you know what nobody gets money we get the currency you did to get greedy all right nikki okay three minus three three zero because i don't have a second line going okay you only got one [Music] yeah that's a good turn three for each of us all right fine she could use that card though i could have wow 10 14. [Music] currency wild wild too uh okay i will bid i'll bid seven dang i can't bid or you can you could carve this all right aaron here we go hey i've got one nine that's a nine that's a nine it's a six no it's a nine it's a nine that's what i just killed myself with over there it was i think it was eleven which was still bad but i don't like i don't want blue technically you're at four i'm at four i know i'm just like and i'll take these cards you'll each get five let me just get five i get uh one two three four five six seven i only get three yeah i only get four i can do that i can do this there you go and i can buy you can buy a card yes well same thing b card it's too expensive okay here we go five greedy greedy done your greed works out by this and um i'll spend five for this red five standing by hmm although there's there's at least no that's all the red fives yeah they're all there oh so i really was being greedy when i didn't take that all right nikki p juan okay here's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna take this okay you can buy a card and i'm gonna buy the five which color the green green okay four five see if how that works out all right she didn't want to give us any three i don't know exactly you could have gave me something you're three currencies four total wow wow six total i kind of feel i need to take those it's two points in red at the very least and a free card done all right erin i chickened out man well let's see what you would have flipped let's see it would have been a fire oh we got a busted i don't really need that so okay oh take a bus open oh thank you is this yours yeah negative three so that's three positive three wild blue nikki uh seven eight i'll bid five pass there you go okay what am i at three still oh eight i believe i will stop at eight everybody get three and three four five six seven i'll have no money but i'm gonna do it here you go seven pink i'm gonna buy the same pick yep and just be done with it now all right [Music] zero zero no it's got that wild wild anything yeah oh oh four but nine negative four but nine currency so if you flip it two or more currency you bust yeah so i'm done okay i'll take this five oh i'll take four nine you get uh you get three yeah you get nine yeah that worked out six eight nine i'm spending nine for that green yeah of course you are and i get four yeah that's out of here too okay woof oh you know what i should have spent that when i was going to spend that when i did i'll do it on the next thing okay you'll be buying cards three i need to do green but i kind of need to do two maybe this color though move five hmm one uh five five i'm gonna take those yeah that's pretty good yeah guess what pumped out except for nobody gets four four oops would have to buy a card lincoln um let me see if there's anything that's helpful yet probably buy the did you want to spend another card instead of your thing or do you oh yeah do one less of those and toss it over there actually yeah better off not because the card you can keep forever right that's right you might get some money from our girls yeah three i didn't shuffle this deck i did turn it upside down i'm gonna take these and buy the blue eight okay okay here we go six yipes well let's see there's there's one other green five out there uh let's see what this is oh ten stop at 10 how's that and i will be buying nothing okay nikki p okay eight [Applause] i just don't need it that bad what do you got oh so many these little symbols tell you how many players oh that's cool yeah what do you take a suit out with you take out a set of um you take one two three uh ones uh the extra card the extra wide out of each no you take yeah the one and two one through six you take out one of those sets so it's not three and then you take out some of these cards as well so you have one there too yeah uh i can't spend that many points just to stop them from getting and it's probably a pretty good one all right go ahead i've already forgotten your bit it's been so long it's like six i will bid seven okay so no i'm not one two three four five six seven all right don't put up down the wild card that i really want okay great i'm gonna do it it's gonna flip again sure why not i am it's not it shouldn't need that eight it's it would be good for me but oh now you're at six [Music] i think that's the right bid you got to make aaron you got to hurt aaron if he picks it i should let you in this as it turns out did you want that one yeah i mean it'd be good for me here right right it's the only thing i might get to nine because if i can pick up a red three then this is an eight yep right there's a good chance too there's still one more out there pass pass yeah nice now he's spending the card yeah all right take it nikki it's still you and you're at six okay here it happens ten oh no no eight now you're at eight i really don't well here's the deal you can take it as money right but you can also bust it doesn't matter like it just puts it on the market and makes people pay for it if you don't want it that's the problem i know you want other things but you're not collecting blue but yeah here's the deal if you're gonna take it for money you should just take the money just take the two and leave that for you guys well i guess no i may be the one person that would buy it but look at me i got no money i guess not i guess you're right i mean i don't know that's an interesting choice right deny the card to somebody versus give us all two dollars if she takes the number she gives us all two dollars but but she also denies the cards because they go out of the game oh my gosh i love it i three is better than two yep oh mother's three wow wow well now it is better to take the numbers because that's three dollars instead of two dollars okay seriously that's what you gotta do we all get two though okay maybe that can work out but i don't okay at the very least it's one point well down she already know how it looked that's right she doesn't need it it wasn't there were not cards she needed yep one you needed one more i know you could use that one look at that no she was like what what is going on exactly who shoveled this it's lincoln and pressure-lick games what do you want man don't don't ever play circus vocati with him five i'm just going to stop yeah why the next one's a red four watch it watch it it's okay and then you just the last one there's only one four left you want to buy a card oh no okay here we go flip that red floor i don't need it i need it you need that yeah i'd like it oh oh now you're at one now you're at three three i can go forever oh now you're at negative two but you're at nine currency wow who wants that too i do need that too no you max this out though yeah i know therein lies the rub aaron lies the rub aaron lies there up nice wow that's fantastic oh so much money to hand around i could just take the currency you could because i let's see that would get you six and you've got five he wants that five though i just have to spend for it though and i and i would only have five i'm gonna take the money i think that's the right move okay because yeah i get i get one useful card and give you guys all maxed bank accounts well it was cards that were used as currency as well right it's just like nikki was thinking yeah right but but there's something i said for not i get one dollar you get eight she gets six i think it's five it's it's i don't think that's a good move no two nobody busted you oh no i wasn't gonna draw another card oh wow i don't want that now i want an auction or two i'm gonna stop max me yeah i need five please i just i don't even know that i wanna put stuff up right go for it nick all right come on auctions yes auctions [Laughter] there's plenty to buy i guess so yeah oh you're at nine you're at nine oh man why didn't i flip that yeah oh i could have flipped that if i had all currency yes you could have flipped this and kept going yes oh that would have been so amazing insane wow everybody except me gets it me either that means oh yeah looking again gets one would you buy the orange there you go yeah to the orange single point hey hey auction eight nine nikki's passing right and i'm passing yeah i don't have enough two four six eight nine it turns this into an eight right yep i can't not take it here you go like five it's bad for me auction five i'm gonna pass well are you gonna pass okay here she can but she i don't think she's well nobody gets anything either so right four i like that should i just take it nah i can get one more oh i like both of these cards and what do i want to buy i don't really need that five oh i'll take that i'll take that blue seven baby okay please spend seven three here's seven now you don't have money anymore of course i don't either all right come on card i want oh you need it come on greed oh boo giving away money boo you got i'm giving away money now you can flip forever i'm gonna flip one more you got two flip three more cards okay oh my gosh thanks a lot aaron what that's the best right no yes oh i thought it was a six eleven thanks aaron you're welcome yeah i thought it was a six i thought you were perfect it's pretty great we get currency on that two or there was a four oh yeah he busted yes oh you're right four yeah yep sorry well squidward square shot there you go and i get four two three four okay here i go oh why didn't i just stop at them y why there's a one because i'm losing it to lincoln now that's why and a one and a two and one and the two three this will be a nine i think that's two it's eleven all right link you get a token i get a three year two don't need it hey auction wild blue five pass six pass you guys what would be to buy a six for me you know what i mean right let's buy the six right since it's not wild in the streets hey five gosh i should just stop oh my goodness this is ridiculous i know right why didn't i just stop with my blue four okay i want to buy a card so i will stop yep and then i will take um crud the nine is but that's i don't think i'm gonna get that eight because nikki's got that eight so i think i'll buy the five for five which one green five standing by okay actually do that the other way because yep yep i want the black yeah you might as well hold that all right aaron all right three negative one positive two oh negative one oh one more wow that's so good for you no but look it's like what positive two if you flip a five coin though you bust there's no five coin okay oh oh no that's fine that's just calling what positive six yeah i'm gonna take these no kidding yes i'm gonna buy this blue six thank you hey i can take all six yep as can i not that's helpful it will for the last round i remember the one final buying phase in the last round do you think we're about there oh we're getting real close here we go oh i'm not stopping i am not messing around listen now i don't have to worry about that oh wait i can buy a card yeah yes yes blue four before it disappears on me done okay here we go four yeah there's a blue four dave look at that hey but i didn't get oh i could have finished this no i didn't i had the eight oh yeah i six pass pass take it wow i thought you'd want that blue five for sure well i guess she can buy the five for five right that's the thing you're saying yeah all right uh yeah yeah yeah you're still at five here we go do i need it i don't really i will bid i don't need it though yeah then oh wait i'll bid five pass pass six okay that's good for you and it's still your flip if you want to flip i think i'm just gonna take this interesting and then i'm gonna buy that five blue five three four five yeah two cards five three don't need it i want six i'll take it nice and i will buy the one which one the yellow and the red okay yeah because it fixes this right makes it another run oh yeah one through six man okay aaron all right aaron oof that's a wild six wild six uh uh i guess it helps uh five pass hmm well i don't need any twos at this wild two i bid for ages ago um yeah i got a one that doesn't do anything for me pass pass three four five flip it flip it good with that oh there's two all right are you gonna take i'm gonna take the currency oh actually they're all the same but i don't want to give all you guys to no you put these up it matters uh well they're useless to me so okay so we just do one round of single card purchase yup and i'm gonna just buy the one oh boo it's my only move i can't buy anything else that helps me score points there's no bluetooth right [Music] i could spend a card but there's no blue two the red two doesn't help me and i can't get to the force i can't afford anything okay so i don't think i need anything nope i can buy it too all right and that scores a one yeah okay score it up those don't count i didn't score it up okay you have 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16. lincoln 22. wow 21 5 6 7 8 9 19. really really wow you had way more no 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19. no wow i just i mean i had this but well i was lucky i had so many like just filling in the holes listen it's a lincoln flip cards pressure election so if i get close to you i consider that a win i know i with aaron all that stuff i thought for sure he really i had it i had a good move at i thought i was in fourth place no no no no you were just i had no idea honestly well i scored two points with a lucky card by at the end there right but i thought you were like 10 points ahead because you had so many none of us got a 10 point stream well dave did i did oh but at the cost of my other stuff right yeah it makes me wonder i mean i love it but you have to think like when we were playing with just two of us i'm like well nicki what you're spending to get that you're only gaining an extra point is it worth it you know maybe you do something else if you're spending these it is because those are worth nothing basically but she was spending cards i think it was like she was getting rid of other cards it was a two-point game that wasn't it was even like it was a complete well here's the reason it was closer than you think because lincoln didn't use either his wild two or his wild nine yes and i didn't think i was gonna use mine if he could use the wow two or the wild nine right right then he potentially has another two to four points two to three points probably but yeah yeah what do you think nikki oh i enjoy it i like the bidding i like that there's a whole auction thing left over so you can maybe fix some of your stuff yeah the market sorry yeah um there's auctions too super tricky about it right is you almost want to make sure that you're grabbing the high numbers from here and the market has some lower numbers for your own you have you have one more point this counts as a point oh yeah all right go ahead 17. um wait can i make a separate run here in blue low numbers it's difficult to want to spend six of your money to get a six from work there yeah well it's worth it though and you know as you saw several times i looked out that i'd spend my money and then i'd get a bunch of money back having not played i didn't expect that to happen as often as it did there's yeah there's a definitely a randomness to it you can't guarantee on your bank refilling but you also don't want to sit at 10 stones forever right there was one round where mickey went and lincoln went and you went and i had no money from either of your any of your turns no me either so it was the same round yeah i like that a lot that you're you don't want to have no money and you don't want to have too much money you kind of want to spend some and have it refilled constantly i love the cards and the cards are great yeah you know i i think that i just love that there's two ways to bust and and you're like oh gosh you know and then it's easy to figure out too right the money is a lot easier right because it's oh it's a five a five is gonna i'll be okay right you know what i mean like there's five already here right and if i i can do more no more than five so that's the thing but it's it's drawing a nine because i drew that nine red right earl at that one point and that was terrible because i think it was my second card or something like that um the the one thing that's weird is this right is bidding for these on contingency i like that i mean i agree but it feels like you're right because it's a risk you took that didn't pay off correct i mean when the eight came out i'm like oh well that's done because already i think the eight had already come out i think this came out already um now one of these could have helped me right but this was out i think before then it was i mean that was early i actually wasn't really banking on this no it just hill thanks things filled in because of lucky card draws flips and also a lot of those you had some of the high numbers early right right so a lot of the little numbers showed up well i did this i did the nine thinking okay i want that nine and i thought i would use this for whatever color i wasn't doing at the time and i ended up getting those numbers right you know that's silly i didn't pay for them but sometimes they're just gonna fill in there right from the look yeah but i think it's i think this is a super clever game because it takes elements that i really love and then ramps it up you know yeah because i love these flipping card things i think i think we all really have a soft spot for presser luck games for sure i mean i own half a dozen of them easy and i can oh yeah still get more i think one thing this does uh new that a lot of presto luck games don't do is uh involve the players who aren't pressing their luck yes so because you are bound to get that those currencies like don't do that so everyone is involved in every uh flip and every turn of the of the deck so because you have stuff to gain it's really interesting right not to mention what goes into the market or doesn't right and it's just weird initially at the beginning by like mid-game we were all like okay this is what happens when this bus this way i mean you need those rules you need you need i think you need the rules the way they're written for it to make sense yeah yeah i mean there's it stumbles a tiny bit at the beginning but it's very coin is smooth right yeah yeah it's a fun element that it's like i'll get three and they get nothing a bust is not a totally lost turn you still get something out and depending on how you bust yes no you always get a bus token right but if you bust on numbers then you get a bus token there and then nobody you get a token but everybody gets the currency right if there's currency in your thing that didn't happen as often as i'd hoped right yeah yeah there was a few but it wasn't as often as i did yeah well people are more cautious for the numbers i think it's it's easier to see that way it's as much as the i can't believe i'm saying this but as much as those chips are fantastic because they're good quality and whatever yeah i almost don't want the black chips i almost want like a tricked out little thing that just goes from one to ten that shows me where i am nope i know you don't no i do i know you don't but like i do i want i want fives i don't want too many of these little black stuff no i only want that because i only want that because then i can just easily see like what am i giving you what am i giving you what am i giving yeah and more importantly yeah i don't have to figure out when i know i'm not going to get seven part of the issues we're like i'm trying to cram stuff all together so you can't necessarily see everything yeah that's true because i couldn't see nicki's numbers aaron couldn't see nicki's coins i mean you know either so i i don't mind it at all it's there's nothing wrong no no no i understand these are nice these are really hard they're very tactile they're really really nice of a nice feel well i mean it's beautiful i actually really like it actually it is really great the colors are fantastic holographic and they've got like the pixels i like it treatments so they have like little shiny parts and stuff that makes it all equally yeah and it's subtle but it's there that color blind you can play this because all of the greens are triangles all of the there's different patterns diamond shapes and squares on the pink so even though initially you're like this is crazy and i if a color blind but there is definitely set up for color line all the blues are yeah it's really well designed that's really really cool and the wilds also how many games do you have that have like seven cards on them where the numbers are not remotely this big and they absolutely could be yes sure there's no reason for them no the only down range is they're not i mean we're not doing a hand so it doesn't matter it doesn't really matter you know but that they need to face a single way when they come off of the deck it's a little bit better to have that for for you and i especially right to see even though it's like the the the nine was the problem yes but both times you and i thought it was an absolute nine and we thought it was a six so you know right but you're right they are nice big chunky readable numbers that is good just pay attention to that a little bit underneath this for the line on this one yeah yeah i i think if it weren't if we weren't trying to cram table space and do our thing i think i would play them this way yeah yeah i think i would totally play them this way i would not i would play no i think i think they are sort of almost meant to put so that way i agree with you this is correct i'm saying if i have the table space i would totally do this for myself because it'd be fun that's you're silly it's crazy well cool thanks for teaching welcome lincoln and thanks to you for watching if you like this video hit the thumbs up button and consider subscribing to our channel if you click on 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Channel: BoardGameGeek
Views: 31,149
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GeekUsername:heccubus, session, board game, how to play, card game
Id: xsfNX7oDlj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 29sec (3089 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 04 2021
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