Temu Drone Review | SCAM Exposed! +GIVEAWAY

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welcome back to unboxed analysis today guys my name is Gary I am your host as per usual today we are going over a couple different things one I found a scam on Teemu I know what you guys are thinking there's videos out there about scams everywhere this one's a little different let's just say it has to do with one of these drones but aside from that we're gonna be going over some drones today we're gonna check them out we're gonna test them out see what we can do all right let's get into it [Music] a couple of these drones I have opened up and checked out a little bit just to try to charge a couple of batteries save a little bit of time but aside from that I've only test flown one of them just to make sure it actually flies so first we're going to start with this little one this one here is about 25 bucks again prices will all be appear you guys know how it goes all right jumping straight into the packaging first thing you see here you have a whole bunch of extra items you have a screwdriver a charger some extra guides to go around the blades and a few extra blades next section we have an instruction guide along with an app to download we'll get to that here in a little bit and then another little user guide showing you the basic controls what does what next up we have the battery so the battery is small but the Drone is small so it might work out all right now don't expect any kind of amazing camera quality or flight times out of these I really just want to know are these decent beginner drones or not inside of the case here I will say it's a well-designed case it's not going to protect anything though it's it's pretty soft it'll stop it from getting some scuffs coming right into it first things first we have the camera holder well your phone holder which goes in right here you'll notice the Drone is stored inside coming around the back we have two ports here what appears to be for double a batteries a couple of little buttons up here and then some joysticks so real quick for comparison size here we're going to pull out my holy Stone HS 720g now holy stone is a drone company who sent me a drone a while back I did a video on them crazy good quality for the price honestly amazing 4K entry drone but you'll notice some design similarities I think in a lot of these drones they tend to fold up the same way they open up the same way so looks like basically what they're doing is cloning a popular design scanning a little QR code does give you the option to select from a whole bunch of different options Google Play Store side load uh Apple Store stuff like that it appears the app has one million plus downloads with a 3.3 star okay got the app installed pretty simple uh there's no option to connect you kind of just have to select the Wi-Fi that belongs to this little guy the camera quality doesn't appear to be too bad in this I'm actually kind of impressed and here we'll take a look at how it flies outside all right now that we have the Drone set up we're outside we're going to do the takeoff mode now overall flight seems pretty stable it does tend to drift a little bit here and there but nothing too major oh fairly has a backflip button because that's necessary in a drone controls seem pretty stable overall not super loud either it's pretty tiny guy hit the camera there a little bit no big deal now no matter what button I push though I cannot get the actual position of the camera to change and it does tend to drift quite a bit [Applause] so maybe not the world's best beginner drone but overall not bad for 25 bucks if you're looking for a super cheap beginner drone that you're not too worried to hurt or you want to get your kid into trying them out okay not bad now real quick in this video I want to talk about two things I'm turning this into a giveaway video I Decided this during the day of editing and I want to talk about this so let's talk about this then I'll give you the details about the giveaway so this is the air dog Wireless foldable fan if you're anything like me you don't sleep without a fan on and you don't like being without a fan but air dog sent this over to me three or four weeks ago and they said if you like it throw in a video well I do like it I've been using it every day this isn't a paid sponsorship they did send this to me for free but I really do like it I've been using this every night when I sleep and I went camping last week and then took this with me it works great so cool aspects about it 8 000 milliamp hour battery can last up to 25 hours on a charge obviously that's going to be some lower power settings small form factor so you can run it like this like this pretty much however you want it's got an adjustable stand too goes up quite High then here on the base you have power fan speed a timer to shut it off and it'll auto rotate back and forth like the old school fans overall pretty awesome fan I like it quite a bit thank you air dog for sending this over if you guys want a nice high-tech fan that's going to last and you can take camping or anywhere with you make sure to check the link below seriously high quality product I really enjoy it if you want to get into that giveaway I need you to comment down below which drone you liked why you want it and what you would do with it tell me about it tell me your favorite Parts let me know down below now keep in mind apologies to my UK and other viewers I know a lot of you are out there but this this giveaway has to be in the US Canada or Mexico only shipping prices lately are crazy and since I don't have any kind of commercial account I have no way to ship things for a realistic price so if you want to get in that giveaway comment down below which drum was your favorite why do you like it and what would you do with it back to the video now let's get on to the second main subject of this video let's go to the scam I uncovered on Teemu so the scam has to do with this drone here first we'll take a quick look at this drone and then we'll talk about what I noticed and the kind of fishy things going on with Timo listings the OAS GPS drone now it's not about the actual product itself it's about the listings so let's take a quick look here at this drone let's open it up see if we notice some similarities here first off exact same build idea as the other drum slightly different size which that's not a scam that's fine but just take a look at the uh the writing here now let's take a look at these listings okay so first up this is the listing that I purchased 63.36 now if you scroll down further it's actually going to tell you the camera is more like 1080p the name is just 8K let's take a look at this second listing so the second listing 99.98 but you'll notice that looks exactly the reviews are different the Drone is identical same picture in everything what about this listing a hundred and five dollars take a look at this one that's right that is the exact same drone for a hundred and eighty eight dollars that is three times the price of what I paid so to think about that we have four different listings for the exact same drone all in different prices for sixty eight dollars only comes with one battery the listing for 105 comes with three batteries the listing for a hundred and sixty eight dollars didn't even see how many batteries it came with so that might lead you to believe that maybe the 105 Dollar Listing is the best listing because it had more batteries I'm not sure but it seems kind of scammy to me to have the exact same drone listed in many listings all different prices now something to keep in mind with this is I didn't even spend hours looking I found those four listings in a matter of about 10 minutes so with that said we'll still test this out and see how it works because well that's the main focus of the video first thing I noticed on this drone this one charges off of micro USB right here on the side now not the biggest fan of micro but I prefer micro USB over Double A's any day so for this one scan a little QR code in the back if you have an Apple device it'll take you to it otherwise you just search RX drone so here we're going to insert the battery tells you long press the power button on the aircraft power button in this one is on the bottom right down here similar to the rest you're going to go to your Wi-Fi settings and you're going to connect to the Wi-Fi this one does appear to have GPS according to the settings we'll try to test that outside and see how well it works okay now keep in mind with this drone here this one was either 68 9906 or 170 dollars so hopefully this one can at least handle the wind and we're going to test out the GPS Landing function so far this one seems to be the most stable now the wind is blowing and it is actually currently fighting against the wind to stay stable so this one does have some type of gyroscopic activities to it let me turn it around here and see if it handles the same way both ways this one is actually very good at leveling itself in the exact same wind the last one could barely fight against Let's test out the camera quality on here doesn't appear to be the greatest the camera is quite laggy and I have no controls for the camera so now we're going to fly it up a bit you'll notice up higher it's still handling the wind quite well I'm actually quite impressed with this drone for the price again camera quality is going to be the biggest fault I'm guessing with this one let's bring it back down foreign GPS was locked so we're going to leave it hovering here and I'm going to hit the one button to send it home let's see if it can find it okay so the so told GPS Landing did not GPS land but it in fact just landed directly where it was but all in all if you get this one for around 60 bucks this thing flies really nice even in the wind as I go up above the trees the wind gets quite high so I'm going to give this one my first recommendation at this 60 price point but not under any circumstances at the 170 dollar price point on to the next drone now while we are doing this I'm going to be charging a couple of these things up getting ready for the outdoor flights with my FJ Dynamics power bank I'm just kind of showing you a quick teaser but there's going to be a full video coming out about this soon but this is unlike any power box out there machined aluminum again not going to say much else but we'll get to that here shortly in a future video coming up next we have the e99 pro that is the name on it here says it's 2.4 gigahertz wireless transmitter HD lens dual camera I wonder if that's true in a large capacity battery now you're already going to notice most of these have the very similar cases slightly different colors some of them exactly the same size pretty flimsy not a defensive Case by any means so inside of this one we're already looking pretty similar to a lot of the other ones you have some papers some backup Parts some charging cables hopping into the controller it looks like we have some fold out antennas on this one unlike a lot of the last ones that have just simply no antennas in the back you have a slot for four double a batteries and then what appears to be an under phone mount let's see if this fits my s22 ultra it does now the thing I don't like about a holder like this though is now it's pushing up against my power button my Bixby button it's going to be causing me all sorts of issues in the future but it's not a bad setup actually with the phone there it does feel good in the hand as long as it's not pushing on the buttons after we've checked out the controller you can see that the battery comes pre-inserted with some tape on the end so you have to remove the tape in order to expose the contacts if you don't expose the contacts you get no connection now just like a lot of these other batteries if we look here there is a USB micro Port up here that is how you charge a lot of these little batteries not the most the most convenient thing but not the worst thing either you'd be able to get a whole bunch of these and charge them all fast together if you wanted could be a fun little game with some family or friends at a little get together typical Teemu fashion you can have Android or Android the choice is yours then once you scan that it's going to bring up the app store Google Play Store and some type of Chinese store so once again we connect directly with Wi-Fi it seems to work pretty similar to all of the other mainstream drones that I've tried out but a lot of the nicer ones connect with Wi-Fi to the controller and the controller uses a different signal to connect long range to the actual drone that's how you can get really long ranges on those nicer drones same thing hit record it says that it's recording so we'll give this a test this is camera number three if it records right a little phase test so this is recording from the little drone the Drone Pro if you will okay starting out on the second one here first thing I'm going to say is this is not the best handheld for a phone of this size it keeps popping out hitting buttons definitely keep that in mind let's go ahead and take off and see how it flies so hovering it already has a little bit of drift going on this is a little bit louder than the rest now it will actually not allow me to fly very far away from myself because I believe it's getting ready to go out of its range and it stops me so that's an interesting feature it does not handle the wind very well I'm currently trying to fly completely away from the wind and it's barely moving and the wind is not very strong today put the Auto Land function on okay so this one here while it does fly okay we have barely any Breeze out here so I would not recommend this one it cannot handle the wind at all and the controller setup just isn't great all right coming into our final drone this one comes in at around 46 dollars I did find two different listings on this one they were both within a couple dollars of each other but that doesn't mean there's not more this exact drone could have been somewhere for about half of what I paid so if you spend more time looking you will find better deals so opening it up this is by far the largest drone here honestly it's got a really good look to it that's some nice orange but let's check this out first so first I see a battery here we have the similar instructions a whole bunch of extra parts now these blades are far larger than any of the others but you will notice on all of these other drones they have the what I call Breakaway blades so if you were to hit something with a blade like this there's a good chance those blades will spin out of the way as it comes down giving you a lot giving you a much better chance that your blades are going to survive the impact plus it's a lot less strain on the actual arms coming out so while these ones are bigger safety wise it doesn't mean the best another thing I noticed check this out this one for 45 dollars comes with three individual batteries so so far that is a really good deal comparatively for the price inside the bag you have four guards now the guards mount on and go around where the blades rotate kind of like a learning device if you will they're going to add a little extra weight to the Drone um but give you a better chance to survive again if you hit something also four replacement blades in here with clips and then another instruction manual starting out with the controller this controller looks very similar to the controller from the last drone button layout slightly different and instead of having a power button you have a switch but then it also has a 360 degree button another button here this is one button obstacle avoidance so if this drone really does have obstacle avoidance on it that's impressive so unlike the last one though this one again double a batteries not a built-in battery Weight Wise pretty similar to the last couple but this one actually folds out different instead of having overlapping arms the arms are caved into each other you'll notice the bottom you have a small antenna you have a camera on a moving mount then you have four different pads where the Drone sets down and in the back you have the battery compartment once again I'm not seeing any type of SD card slot anywhere in here hopefully these are saving directly to the phone that'll make the footage a lot nicer looking closely these motors it's really hard to tell in camera but down inside these are gear driven Motors instead of brushless they might still be brushless inside but they're kind of quite a bit different so if you look at these ones you look close you're going to see some coils in there those coils magnetically charge the housing or a central Hub to actually spin the blade so there's no physical part making contact so if you stop these blades mid-flight it's way less likely to damage anything other than well your hand so this one appears to be a little bit of older technology if you listen closely you can actually hear the gears makes me wonder how well this one will hold up so on to the last drone let's head outside and we'll fly and see how it goes now we're on to the last drone this one comes in around fifty dollars and it is the biggest one but it seems to use the oldest technology this one uses actual gears to drive the motor connected to another little tiny Electro Servo motor so let's go ahead and take it off and see how it flies first thing we're going to do is just let it hover doesn't seem to be leveling itself very well let's bring it back Center here so this being the biggest drone it is a little bit louder because you can hear those Servo Motors going now I can only show you here on my phone the recording but it does have multiple camera angles although I can't quite tell what I'm looking at the bottom one it might just be an actual Zoom so camera quality wise here I'll stand in front you can see extreme High exposure and not great and light now this one here is not Auto leveling itself it is not holding itself in any type of position let's go up a little higher and see how it does overall it does seem to fly nice but not anywhere near as nice as the 60 one we just tested it does allow you to change the angle of the camera one click at a time now let's try the avoidance feature let's see if it avoids anything with this feature on I'm going to say that this one does not have an actual avoidance feature I set it to try to track it didn't work I tried a whole bunch of different options with it it didn't work so we're gonna call this one a fail today's lesson in this video if you find something you want there's nothing wrong with that check it out buy it do what you got to do just make sure to double check and look around to make sure there's not a better price somewhere else on timu or any other website for that matter in the end this is a really fun video thanks for tuning in I appreciate every one of you and we'll see you on the next one
Channel: Unbox Analysis
Views: 295,500
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Airdog, Wireless Fan, Temu, Temu haul, Temu review, Temu unboxing, temu drone review, temu drone setup, temu drone camera, temu drone footage, temu drone e99, budget drone with good camera, budget drone build, budget drone 2023, budget drone review
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 0sec (1260 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 17 2023
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