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hey guys it's a Wendy AKA Kitty Street and I have another Teemu haul for you guys and in this one I am doing a challenge if you caught my last Teemu Hall where I did all exclusive jewelry that I purchased off a Teemu for less than three dollars you saw my challenge in that video so if you didn't check out that video go run to it right quick and come watch this one because it was awesome and now let's get back into what we're going to talk about in this video so in here I have a couple of little coins um two quarters to be exact and why am I doing these two quarters on this video well like I said I did a challenge okay I challenged myself to go on the T moo app or website whatever you do it on if you do that if you if you go on your tablet or if you if you go on the website whatever I wanted to see could I find some items for 50 cents and guess what I did and not only did I find some items I found a pretty good bit of items almost 50 to me exact and I'm gonna tell you right now I'm going to quickly try to go through these um you know how that goes what I want to say is I'm going to take off this these sunglasses in this hat a minute because everything looks so dark but I just wanted to let you know it's June I feel like it's vacation I want to be at the beach but if I can't be at the beach what's the next best thing play it with play it on a video right so 50 items pretty much close to 50 items some of them are two pieces to it or I ordered two because I just loved it that much now on this challenge I told myself I'm not going to get some Teemu junk or trash or whatever people are saying look at the heading it's 50 cents or less okay but I do have an asterisk by the 50 cents because I do want to be honest um some items in here were 58 cents 59 cents but I also had a bunch of items that were 44 cents 34 cents and such so I rounded it off and I'm calling this my 50 Cent Teemu Challenge almost 50 items and of course I'm not going to put all of these items in the description box because about half of them have already gone up from 50 cents to something else because they either got them on a lightning deal or it was something that came through my gifts you know they give you gifts I'm not gifts excuse me I coupons or my my discounts or whatever when you open up the app they give you like little things you can click on and they say oh you can get a free gift or a cheaper gift for a certain price um I know a lot of people don't get the free gifts I don't know what's up with that I get a free gift almost every every single time but I don't ever get it because I don't I'm wind up doing my orders probably around 20 or 30 dollars so I can you know order more um but I am going to get some more expensive stuff I'm coming on that that's going to be a future video coming up but right now I'm loving the 50 Cent gadgets the things that I can get less than that and that's what this video is all about so if you like I said watch that video and you did your own 50 cents challenge comment in the description box and let me know what you got and how much you got now this total order was a 27 dollars and some change um I had a quite a few items that I'm gonna do in another challenge on this one as well because I was just like you know hey let's just push it as far as we can go so I think it was like 27 with some tax or whatever um 50 something items added up it is amazing amazing deal and with that said guys I will tell you I already opened it up and I put the prices on it so I don't have to go through all that with you I did do a printout because you know I always do my printout that's what I was trying to look at to see what my total was um and I don't see it I probably could put that page on the back or on another area but I was hoping oh wait is this it nope um it tells me I paid by cash app and I got a five dollar credit and it just says 27.41 excuse me 27.41 for 53 items okay 53 items guys I hope this is gonna be a long one but you know what can I say first of all I hope everybody is doing fantastic I'm getting rid of these sunglasses because they're dark and I can hardly see so this already looks better and I'm also going to take off my hats which I love but you know I'm gonna have hat hair I'll probably do some little brushing here I actually thought about this because you know I was thinking like if I was on the beach you know I'm gonna curl my hair right here on couch on on camera so this is the real me real deal and that's what hats do to people right but I had this um Peacemaker it's a beachy texture spray there we go so we can pretend all day long right serious guys I love these kind of things I love to uh role play on camera I'll put this to the side I might put it back on a little bit later um towards the end of the video I hope everybody is having a wonderful summer it's hot hot hot it finally got hot here in Georgia and you know what I'm saying um I want to be on vacation so bad and here I am okay five minutes into it and I haven't opened up a single thing so all you haters out there hate on because I'm jumping into it right now I just want to do some disclaimers I wanted to make sure that we were on the up and up and my challenge was again two quarters 50 cents go on Teemo and see if I can get some stuff not Teemo junk and not something that I already have or seen other people hauling so I tried to be unique original has stuff that I would only need or use maybe something I would give as gifts and something that I was just like what is this and I've got to try it out so that's what I tried to do in here hopefully it's some stuff you haven't seen maybe it's some stuff you have seen I don't know but let's jump right on into it if you have not subscribed go ahead and do it because guys I got I got several more ideas for challenges and whatnot so I already opened up the bag labeled everything I'm just gonna start pulling them out because we need to get through this stuff you know me I can talk okay what's this first thing all right so this here I put um and I wrote everything like a little in an ink pen right here this is um 59 cents what is it oh I do know what it is okay I do know what it is I do do I do okay this was something that I saw and it was about probably a dollar and some change maybe a little bit more um it's just a it looks like like a little pen doesn't it but when you open it up I thought this was so cute it is a pair of scissors and it has a little thing here holding up here so be careful when you open it up and I don't know how it works I get oh there we go be very careful when you open up but how freaking gosh this is awesome I wanted a pair of um scissors to put in my um car that I could keep you know that wouldn't be you know all bulky and wouldn't have to be taking up a lot of space this is awesome I could even keep this in a purse you know this is awesome and I can't tell you how many times and there's a couple other items in here that I picked um specifically for this challenge that um I needed in a pinch and couldn't find anything well now I got me a little pair of scissors and I'm going to tell you the other stuff that I do this is this is definitely going to go into a purse it's going to stay in my car actually I call it my Mary Poppins bag yeah pair of scissors I'm so excited okay what's next what's next what's next all right got some Hooks and I got oh they came together okay I got these two hooks um they were 39 cents a piece now I got these because my mother had ordered some of these um and go back and see that haul that was my on Mother's Day what I had my mystery guest and she came on and I know I'm in the comments you guys said that you want to see my mom again but she's coming real real soon so stay tuned for that so she had ordered some of these and I don't know how much she paid for them but I got them on a lightning deal I guess that's what it was for 39 cents a piece they look so gorgeous they're like a little gold color and then they got the little little detail right here um you stick right here and I'm gonna put these in my vanity area and I'm gonna hang just different things on them probably some cats and calves and things that I got that that I always move around I don't know but look at the detail on there I've not only got one of them I got two of them 39 cents and they're gorgeous and I thought they're pretty big I don't know what the dimensions are because I'm not going to look at my little cheat sheet right yet I'm gonna try to save that for when I get to some stuff I'm like what is this and I'm clueless now I did open up everything and I priced it but I tried not to look at it because I wanted to be kind of the thrill of the hunt kind of deal um but it's still exciting to me because like I said it's so much that I don't even really realize what all I got until I got it and I'm trying to do a little bit better so when I finish this haul I'll have it all together because this is a lot of stuff okay what is this all right okay these is a repurchase and this is something 59 cents and again um I try I don't even think I had anything that was exactly 50 cents it was either 50 a little over 50 cents or a lot under 50 cents um but this was 59 cents I had bought these I think for a dollar eighteen or maybe it was something like that um and these are the you get those gloves and you um these are called gardening claws um that sounds crazy gardening like if you're doing some gardening outside which that you can use it for that but we don't we use it for the doggy we use it for my big English masses Shirley I'm just gonna try to open up one of them but these were 59 cents and I had just ordered a set but I went ahead and got another one and it looks like there's only four in here I guess you don't have on the pinky but you stick them on the end of your gloves and you can kind of see the little pinch right there um we scratch her with that at least we we pet her and we give her a little scratch um and she loves it so I thought 59 cents I told you in my challenge if it's something that I can use and um you know they get dirty I have to wash them I can have another set on hand because she needs to have her little pet going on 59 cents gardening claws but for me it's um pet click pit um pinning calls okay what okay this is um 59 cents um when I opened it up now this was just a random thing um I love the scene of the the background of the scene and these are party bags they were again 59 cents and there's five of them in here and I thought for five little bags I wanted to see how big they are I'm gonna use these sometimes I just want to give like little treats to people or I just need a bag to stick something in um I thought these were pretty cool for 59 cents and to be five of them and they look like they're pretty big they are on the the fabric of like a plastic thing not not Material or paper um perfect size look at the detailing on that so stinking cute and it looks like a little first I thought it was tropically looking and then I see all these little animals on there but there's five of them in here and I love stuff like this this is to me is like 10 cents a bag um where are you gonna find that at Hobby Lobby no Michael's no you can't even go to the Dollar Tree and get five sacks for this then I could even tail this around if I'm doing like a hen party or something and want to give all the ladies the same gift or this excuse me a gift and give them all the same bag so I love this right here 59 cents for five sacks five bags really nice size and they look really cute I love the design on that okay what's next what's next what's next I love doing this even though I've already opened up okay this was something I needed I purchased it was 58 cents so I wrote it right there um I have a black one and I think I paid a dollar is for like 80 98 cents I think for the black one love these these were viral on Tick Tock um I have the black one I said I wanted to get a white one and the reason why I got the black one was because of my makeup I knew that if I got a light color it would get all over it well I got the white one for when I washed my face in the morning before I start my day and this was what did I say 58 or 59 cents 58 cents so it was a few cents cheaper and I love it and if you haven't got one of these yet you need to splurge because it pulls your hair back you don't get it in there the those you can watch the facing go I love this I wish I'd have thought about this 20 years ago I just always used a headband and my hair would still fall into it so loving this this is a repeat buy and again the things that I've wanted and I purchased with stuff that I knew that I needed to be able to use be able to give away or it was something that I just was like what is this I've got to have it let me try to get something big I got all these little things I want something big okay this here is one two three four five six seven eight nine ten ten of those little scrubbies these were only 38 cents 38 cents and I actually have seen them um as low as 18 cents after the fact after I already got these um have never used this particular kind curious about it it has the silver side which is pretty good and then it has this one here is pretty good so for 38 cents for 10 uh you don't have to tell me twice um they would only let me get one I'll try to get three because I thought let me get a couple of them no only one and that's what happens with Teemu they'll give you a great deal on something but you're only gonna get about one of them unless you look up let me know comment in the comment section if you um have gotten some good deals and you could get two or three or four of them because that's how I roll but they only let me have one for 38 cents 10 of them I will be putting these to use because I'm in the mood to just start getting this place and ordering cleaning cleaning cleaning okay another item that they would only let me have one of them um is this um it's a it's like a fruit fly or a Fly ball guys um did I I think I did do a team of Tuesday on Pest Control I didn't do a video of it because it looks pretty gunky when you have all the Flies on it um This was um did I write the product yeah 44 cents I couldn't believe it I tried to get a couple more because the the I had two green ones and two yellow ones and I think I paid 98 cents or a little over a dollar for those but these are so freaking sticky and I'm actually gonna put this one in my kitchen this is going into my kitchen um because of them little fruit flies and them little gnats they're coming they're they're here um and basically I'm just going to open it up real quick and show you how it looks um it's got a little hole a little place right here for you to string through and of course it just fell on the floor but it looks like a little um bread tie so I got it in yellow and they work perfectly fine so yeah fruit flies this one's for you okay 44 cents I was pleasantly surprised um I've got more of them in my cart because these are great um but you do you know they're not reusable I do have a couple of the reusable ones in my cart but I've been ordering so much other stuff I've been like I want I'll get that later I'll get that later okay what's next all right this was one of those unique items that I purchased and I really got this for my grandson and I did get it from me as well this is a flashlight ear pick and it was 44 cents which was amazing and I'm not going to open it up I don't think but I will do a review on it and you can kind of see if you look at this picture right here it looks like a granny or a glamor or some mama with the baby a kid and they're cleaning their ears and it's LED so it has a light in it and you can get them down there and it has these little picks I know you can't see it it's one here one here and then one here um how stinking cute is this it's a flashing flashlight ear pick and I thought this would be great to just clean my grandson's ears and I'll check out mine as well and I think it's a pretty good deal I will let you guys know I will be definitely following up this up on this one with a review 44 cents how can you go wrong with that what okay these I did purchase two of them okay and I have seen people hauling these I'll open up one of them so you can kind of see these are the medium sized um tennis shoes are you gonna put any kind of shoe in there you want to but I'm gonna put um probably my Skechers that I'm going to take on a vacation I'm going to be doing here in a little bit and probably a pair of flip-flops but they have a window in it right here which I thought was super super cool um how much was these these were 58 cents a piece so I did get two of them because I wanted to see if they were going to be durable and I didn't make sure they wasn't cheapy and they real real thick okay so I think I'll be fine with that now these are the medium ones they come in small they come in large so I don't know if you can get the large or that in 58 cents but still even for a dollar I would pay that for these and this was on my wish list because I had been one of these and I knew I was trying to get them when they were going into a cheaper price and when I saw them for 58 cents I was like etching challenge accepted and they went into my cart and guys I never thought of traveling to put my shoes in a bag never I just and I always kept them separate well actually that's not that if that is not true I put them in a bag but it was like a Dollar Tree bag or some grocery store bag and I didn't know which ones were what and I had I put like a cram a ton of them in there so this is a very something wonderful that I wanted to do I'm trying not to put all this on my hat in case I decide to put that back on and by the way guys have you guys um been to the beach have you um got you a big fluffy hat um and some oversized um sunglasses for your summer trip okay are you dreaming like me or are you actually at the beach um because if you are I don't want to really hear it because I'm going to be jealous but seriously if you are at the beach enjoy it for me as well um did a jewelry haul just recently and these came I said I'm gonna look for some more jewelry and these just hit my eye I thought wow I'm going to get these they just look like something that it would be really fun to wear in the summertime and you probably could even bring it into the fall because they are little leaves now I do have sensitive ears but if I just wear them you know here and there and keep them in my ears let me put them this way if I keep it in my ears like less than you know a day I could be fine with them but look how stinking cute those are I mean I cannot wait um I don't think I can put them on in here and I don't know if I want to I was going to put my little cuff on um yeah I'm not going to put them because I haven't sanitize them but look how pretty that is I always put a little spritzer of alcohol on them and I had this little cleaner stuff that my daughter got a long time ago that I still use I hope it's still good it's like it kind of sanitizes the earpiece the earlobe and I put a little bit of rubbing alcohol or peroxide on these little pieces right here um but yes these were you know so cute and how did I say how much they were these were 58 cents 58 cents and I thought I could use these in the summer and in the fall I'll put those right there because I think I'm going to be wearing them pretty doggone soon okay what's next okay repeat by and if you don't have one of these I don't know why because this is luxury to me this was uh 48 cents the first one I bought was 98 cents I think um it was on one of my very very first hauls that I got and the reason why I love it let me see if it's purple inside so yes it is so the one I got wait no it's not so this is a different one the one the first one it has has purple inside the the lining but that's fine this is so freaking nice and I wanted to have a couple of them on hand I may even get me another one and I actually saw them in colors but I just like this black one it's just a crocodile crocodile uh pattern little clutch and if it's your car foam you probably could stick when I'm I'm trying to find me some small little wallets to put inside there and keep my credit card and maybe a little bit of cash and if you were on the beach you could just kind of swing it on your hand and and go I love it I think this is all awesome and for 48 cents you can't go wrong and it's very very chic I think it's very well made it's not cheap at all okay um what else did I get here um oh yeah yeah okay I do know what this is this is one of those things that I'm like do I want to try this or not um I'm interested in it so let me talk about this was 59 cents it was one of the more higher priced ones and guys it's a belt but it's a different type of belt okay I just kind of smelt something there and I was like um but it's just the what I think it is is this metal okay I was like what is that funky smell can't do it so let me talk about this belt so it's a belt that has I don't know what this metal does it probably adjusts for the size or whatever and it Clips open I'm sure and adjust yeah that's what it does but if you notice here there's a snap on this end and there's a snap on this end and I always make sure when I buy stuff that I open it up and check it out because I don't want to you know leave it in a corner and go pick it up six months later and it's broke or or don't work so what happens is you put this behind you like everything like this is the back of my waist which is not and on the two ends of it you put it right there so there's no buckle so you don't have to worry about that you know how many times I have wore belts and I'm like oh man do this and I'm about to go to the bathroom by myself and I'm just being honest and I'm like come on so I thought this would be unique to try because all you have to do you latch it on there to keep your pants up and um then you have your button open so you can go to the bathroom at least that was my my thought process and I have in all my years maybe these existed but I never knew it this is why I love Teemu I mean there's stuff in there that I gotta have I've got to have and I gotta have it today and for 59 cents what did I say it was 59 cents um yeah 1500 cents if it works I'll buy several of them because hey why not I hope they come in different um you know looks but if not I might have a couple on on backup we shall see 59 cents and a belt that you don't have to have a belt buckle unbelievable okay this here is a grooming rake or rug rake I paid 48 cents for it um it's pretty sharp I guess because it's already coming out of you can see right there I haven't done anything with it um and I noticed on one side it's got these little grooves and then right here it is really really sharp so I'm not going to do too much with that but my mom she purchased one of these and I think it was about a dollar a little over a dollar but when I saw this on their 48 cents I said challenge accepted this is wonderful I have a rug in my vanity area that I bought and it I knew when I bought it and I paid a pretty good bit of money at it at a store um called Garden Ridge or actually it's called at home and you can't watch it it's one of those ones that's not washed off Febreze it and I used to just kind of sit there and shake it out but guys cannot wait to rake this and get that out so that way I can keep it for maybe the rest of the summer I've had it for a good while and I love it um when I bought it I said you know you're not gonna be able to watch this so it's like throwing money down the drain tea moves got you covered so I'm gonna rake that I'm gonna Febreze it and sometimes I'll put some air uh some deodorizer in there and some sanitary stuff in there and um hang it up and or maybe flop into the the dryer real quick but not too long because I've messed up rugs like that too because you know once you put rugs or stuffed animals you know how they turn out not good so 48 cents got me a little rug rake and I know it works good because I use my mom's on it that's how come I knew it worked on my my rug upstairs because I said oh can I use that for a second and it worked fine all right this I don't really know why I bought yes I do know why I bought it I didn't want any more organizing and Contraptions and things like that but this was 58 cents which I'm really not understanding why it was 58 cents but I have seen these like at the Dollar Tree for a dollar 25 so I guess that's a pretty good deal and there's 20 wait one two three four is 24 um little holes in here okay and there was something in my mind when I said okay it was how many how much I said it was 58 cents I said I'm gonna I think it was Rings was it rings it was something I was gonna put and I was going to get 24 of them and oh I know what it was it was I have a lot of um uh pins that I was in this organization for a long many years and I would win little charms and stuff that's what it was charms are going to get that out and I have so many of them and I said well I'm going to fill this up with my charms with the ones that I just can't get away with and the ones that I don't can't fit in here are gonna go They're Gonna Be donated they're going to get out of there and then I'll hold on to this and it's flat it can be stored somewhere and when I just want to reminisce or have memories or if I have a charm in there I'm like hey back in the day I won this or I won that or I was given this or we got that or whatever I can pull this out and right now I do have a hat it looks as similar to that if I do do a two minutes a team of Tuesday I have a hat it's in a hat with bags of my of my pendants of my charms and so that was my reasoning behind this so this is going to go to use um yeah 58 cents well spent and I'm going to put that to task immediately immediately because it needs to be done okay I like scrunchies when I take a bath I don't really use washcloths much unless I'm just scrubbing my face I will use exfoliators so this is a tried and two thing tried and true test right here I'm going to do a Teemu review right now because I'm going to tell you two things about sponges are are scrunchies or whatever you want to call I usually get them from the Dollar Tree or sometimes I'll get them from Walmart whenever I set foot in Walmarts which I try not to go into Walmart as much anymore because I will get in trouble spending too much money if there's two things about it if I don't like them I won't never buy them but they're a dollar 25 and at Walmart they're even more than that 253 dollars so I purchased this scrunchie it was 58 cents and if it's worth it I will be buying some more so two things I always make sure it has a handle not something that's made into there so the handle works there is a handle it's not something that can break apart because I've bought some of the Dollar Tree and with one use it just falls apart so this is pretty durable it's on there and the other thing is I look at the the fullness of it so I have bought them bigger um this one's probably half the size of the ones I get at the Dollar Tree um but this was 58 cents and I think yeah no funky smells I think it's okay and I may be taking this one with me on a traveling I'll talk about a vacation that I am going to be doing with my family real soon so stay tuned for that news um so I will tell you for 58 cents I will go ahead and order a couple more of these and then I'm going to try them out and if they work hey timo's got my business because I buy these at least two every month two to three every month because I keep them about 30 days and then I usually just trash them but I like these better than having to have a bunch of washcloths because I don't wash clothes every single day and but I take a bath every single day sometimes I take a bath two or three times a day if I'm working out in the yard and I'm sweating um yes that's true um and the washcloth would just start building up even though I have a little area that just put wet things when I get out of the shower it just I don't like that breeding bacteria so I like these a lot of people don't like them they're like they say it's a waste of money not in my book so the handle is good we shall see about the size of it because I'm a plus size person I like to have a lot you know a plus size sponge so we shall see okay 58 cents I'm loving it I'm loving it all right and I think a lot of people have these little barbecue brushes but how stinking cute is this I mean come on this was 49 cents so I got it on a probably a lightning deal because I know I have seen these as high as um a dollar and something but this was 49 cents and I got the pink because they come in different colors I'm trying to do these on camera because I know I try to push this as far down as I could um and I can push it a little bit further but I just really am trying to stay in camera mode um I do have a bathing suit on I'm not going to stand up and show you my bathing suit I'm not that I'm I'm not that bold yet um but let's get back on task this is um a barbecue little thing you put your barbecue in there and you pull this out and the lids there and you pull it out like this and you use it like this guys I mean how this is awesome I had to have this it's like all my life I've never had one of these and I know they've been out there but I didn't know they existed and how much did I say 49 cents and they come in so many different colors again it was one of those things that only let you get one but okay one's one and done so I picked up that for 49 cents guys I mean I am not even nowhere near half this thing this there's a lot of little stuff in here too a lot of weird stuff too little weird stuff things that I have never seen what's this right here oh this is this is one of those things that I've seen a lot of people hauling them and I waited till it got down to 44 cents it's 44 cents and it's one of those um soap um hickeys that you put the little piece right here and you can mount it make sure it's on there it's got the little suction piece right here and you mount it and then you know you can put yourself there and it kind of drains off into the the sink thing I hope this works I hope this isn't going to be 44 cents wasted I don't know how it's going to be I don't really like when the soap cakes up and stuff like this but for the fact of it if it's sitting there and it's got some soap on it and go into the sink I make a deal with that I think it's pretty cool for 44 cents um yeah just a random little soap thingy and I will let you guys know um how it works and if you have one comment let me know if it works for you guys um because I know these have been around for a while but I waited and waited and waited until um they went down to my challenge right okay what is this okay this is another makeup bag and I actually was on a roll with pink stuff I kept seeing pink pink pink pink pink and um this was 58 cents 58 cents and it looked a lot bigger I'm not gonna lie I thought it was a little bit bigger than this but again that's my my mess up so it's got a little zipper here now the zipper is plastic which is interesting I guess for 58 cents what can you expect and it's got two little pieces here on the end um it does have a little smell to it but it's probably because it's been closed in I think it's just that smell of just it needs to air out and I think it'll be just fine um it is cute I was thinking about um having something like to put my sponge in when I travel that's um plasticky so that's an option um because I do like to put these in here I do bring them back because I use them um or why I'm you know why I'm in the hotel sometimes I will just keep it out there especially when I know they're going to come and clean um the maids are going to come clean the housekeeping and stuff like that so this might be okay I'm a little leery about this little plastic um zipper part but what did I say it was 58 cents and I'm happy to love the design on I think it's pretty cool we shall see on that one as well okay I know I got two of yes I see it I see it all the way in the back down there okay I did get two of these so I'm counting these as two different things in my 50 Cent ones um these are they were 58 cents so I got a lot of 58 Cent stuff um it's one of those things that you put your um utensils on when you're cooking you know your spatula your big spoons or whatever now I I have the one and I love love love love it that you put the lid on but I just wanted one that just hadn't needed the spatulas because I used more cookie utensils than anything at all I think this right here you can hang it on your wall I'm assuming that's what it is but I didn't get not one but two of them were for 58 cents because usually I have one that's soaking in some hot soapy water ready to get you know washed and I needed an extra one to be doing my next meal so I went ahead and picked up two of them for 58 cents why not it is a good deal these are another one of the things why have I not all the years I've been cooking this stuff right here would save me a lot of Cleanup in the long run and for 58 cents I love you I love you Timo all right guys we're not even halfway through I'm trying to get there if you need to take a break pause it and go get you some drink go to the potty I don't know I'm gonna be right here relaxing in the beach and continuing on all right this is something I I wanted because it's it was 48 cents so it was in my challenge um I did get that four egg pan and when I when I have people around I can make a lot of eggs and sometimes I'll just do two and leave the other two blank or empty and do that but if I don't want to do a lot of cleanup I do have a small little pan that's um got that Teflon on it and if I didn't say it was 48 cents this is an omelette ring okay and basically it just you know a little bit bigger than those four egg ones and sometimes I just want a little bit of an omelet I can put the egg in there and then put like some bell peppers uh diced bell pepper a little bit of tomato whatever I like black olives um and salt and pepper and some cheese and make me a little omelette so I will be testing this out on a kitchen gadget Teemo Tuesday real soon for 48 cents I was one of them things I try to get you know two or three of them no they weren't having it I don't know what they are normally but for 48 cents I think this is going to be perfect because sometimes I just am fixing you know it's just me and it's the cleanup it's what I'm talking about baby the cleanup I get tired of all the stuff let me get some of these these small things and if my camera's jumping I'm sorry because this table you know it's one of them tables that I use that I try to get the little stoppers on the legs um they don't work then those Stoppers fit on this old tiny table and I'm working on that so you can comment tell me what to do with this table why you want to um I need to do it because I'm tired of it jumping everywhere okay there's another one of these I'm going to hold off on that so let's talk about this right here this was another 44 Cent thing this is going into my travel bag um probably in the car when we travel the one that I talk about my Mary Poppins bag because this is a little soap um dispenser so have you ever been somewhere and this is one of those things that I've been like I don't have any hand sanitizer I don't have any wipes I need to wash my hands because something's got on it or I just need to watch it because I feel like they're gunky um yeah so I bought these I think if I'm not mistaken there's like 25 to 30 in there I will have to go back and look but I am going to put some of these things in the description box this was 44 cents guys and they came in little different colors and you might even combine these and reuse you know put them as reusables and keep this for um you know just refilling these little soap thingies um I thought this was a good deal for 44 cents just to have on hand um I'll let you guys know I just thought it was one of them things that hey I need that I don't always have wipes I try to keep wipes but sometimes they you know I don't have them and I needed it okay another thing that I just had to have and this was only 39 cents and I was like another one of the things in my life what have I never ever seen these before I know people have hauled them and you put them on your wrists and when you go to you know when you're brushing your teeth or doing your makeup I don't know whatever you do um you put these on here and the dog on water oh there's flying stuff all over them and they smell great the water will stop and go into the little sponge the little um fabric of this thing which yeah you need to fluff it out so it looks like there's all kinds of fuss in it it's snowing okay so yeah I thought this was good for 39 cents and I love this lavender or Lilac whatever color you want to do that so I'm glad that I purchased that that was actually way less than the 50 cents challenge loving it okay um this oh yes I got this for one thing because it was 53 cents and I think this was the very first thing that I saw when I decided to do the 50 Cent challenge I said oh yeah this is I said there's stuff in there that I know isn't junk and this is one of them I've always wanted a small little makeup bottle and when I say small it's because there's certain things that I just want to put in a smaller container I've got tons of these I just don't have any small ones and you can get them I think you get the small ones at the Dollar Tree but they don't look this stinking cute and this one looks like you know if you're doing your hair you know it's got the little comb the little scissors stinking cute for 53 cents I will be putting this by my vanity and my makeup area and who knows what I'm gonna put in it but I'm gonna use it and I'm very happy with this I think it's a very good it's very durable we shall see we shall see 53 cents I love it I love it I love it I know it's crazy to get excited about a plastic bottle right okay I know I have some tiny stuff in here because all right what is this I'm gonna have done some tiny stuff okay here's one let's talk about this um this what did I write on here it was another 44 Cent um and I'm gonna give this as a gift but I will open it up because I'm probably going to put it in a different um I'll leave it in this thing I'll put it back this is a nose ring it's a it's a multi-color nose ring and let me make sure I don't drop pieces because my goodness every single time all right here's this little tiny tiny little piece that tried to get away from me you kind of see that I guess that's like a little hook piece and then you have this right here now I don't wear a nose ring I don't know if I can even do this um you see that at all I don't wear nose rings and I will put some peroxide on this I hate that I'm touching all this but I thought it was really cute I love the colors of it I hope that you're able to see that I don't even know how it works but this is going to go to my nephew or my niece they both have nose rings but this one here is one you can um it's it's like a fake one you know it's not you don't have to have piercings for it but they're into that kind of stuff and both of their birthdays are coming up in August so I said you know 44 cents I'm going to let them see what they think about it and maybe give me a Teemo review let me put that up so I can remember what what that was oh okay so this is another one of those things one of them random things this was 58 cents and there's two of them that I kept seeing it looks like it's already been open here on the side or maybe that's how it goes okay um I just hope it has it I don't know why I just had to have it and I was thinking in my head if I was ever out and about like at the park or somewhere with the baby or just out and was had taken my lunch and I need a little bit of ketchup and a little bit of mustard and it would be in these little handy little bottles and if I don't do that I may just put them somewhere and just look at them and just say oh that is so cute and I got that off of Teemo for 58 cents which is like less than 30 cents a piece so I had to have it um it does say tasty tomato ketchup if you can't see that and this one says tasty honey mustard that's even better because I love honey mustard has little things now it doesn't squirt out which is probably good seen a lot of people hauling these but it was in my challenge limit of money and I said let me go ahead and grab those four 58 cents okay all right what else we got what else we got Okay so reason why I'm going to do some little things is because I want to save these bigger things in a minute but it is so much and I look at the time and I'm thinking what are these people thinking about me all right let's talk about this right here okay this is something I wanted because I I wanted to use this for makeup purposes it had a dual double side makeup spatula and it was a 58 cents and I'll go ahead and open it up there there's a little piece right here they came in different colors I was really happy about it well I thought that oh there it is um they had beautiful colors but my fave color is purple so I went ahead and got the purple one and this one is for your makeup and it is silicon and it looks like a little teddy bear and it's got the little piece right here and I thought yep it's 58 cents I'm going to get this this is a tool that you that can help you easily use and spear mask like when you use face mask um the fat head can help you easily dig out the mask uh cream and put on your face and Pat it down um pretty good deal for 50 eight cents I will let you guys know I'm loving the Teemo makeup things I love their nails I did a team of Tuesday on that if you haven't seen it you need to go check it out it was awesome love it love it love it okay what is this I keep picking this up and I kept thinking what is this and then I looked at a little bit harder when I when I priced it this was a 38 cents and again it's one of those things that got me um in the picture in the Teemu picture I don't know why that's like that the Teemo picture um it looked like they were huge but they're tiny these are little bitty tiny little rose buds and they're white and I was thinking they were a little bit bigger and I was going to do some kind of little um design with it but I can still use these there were 10 in this pack 10 of them excuse me as you can see right here and I told you they were 38 cents you can't go wrong with that 38 cents and look how cute they are I mean I think they're gorgeous for um and I may even put some of these um and hot glue them into that garland that I have I think that might be a good idea since they're that tiny all right another thing that oh I finally found the second part of this one so let me move some of this stuff I got these these were did I price it yeah 38 cents as well and I got two of them I was trying to wait till I got the other one and these are to hang your towels in I've seen them around as well this is not my might not be new to you guys it's got a little sticky thing you hang on the wall and you stick your freaking little towel in there and you pull it on and off how easy and pleases that and these I'm actually going to try with my grandson's his little small um washer washcloths because I do use washcloths on him and we're going to try that out for him and we'll see um how that goes 38 cents I could not pass it up and they let me get two of them I should have got more I don't know what I was thinking as scared if I asked for more than two I would not get them so I got two of those 38 cents a piece I thought that was pretty doggone cool okay let's talk about this right here this is something that I kept looking at and kept looking at and kept looking at and if you are a weak person and you can't open up a doggone can or jar or whatever this is used to be a little over a dollar I got it on a lightning deal for 59 cents it has the different sizes and you just basically put it on there and you can grip that bad boy and open it up and I'm gonna put this to use today because I have a couple of jars and I'm like I can't even get this open and my son's out of town right now so I'm like I need some help and Teemu is right there even got the Teemo colors they had I think a dark blue one and I want to say it was a black one but don't hold me to that but I picked out the Teemu orange and gray I just thought that was cool 59 cents jar opener different sizes on top of that this is definitely going to get used I thought this was a Pretty stinking good deal and I couldn't get two of them because I tried I was trying to get two of them on the lightning deal as well okay next thing and it was 44 cents and this is just if you can kind of see it there's little bitty they look like to me let me make sure they look like little Mickey heads Mickey or Minnie Mouse has the little Mickey faces and I'm sorry if there's a little glare there um I got these for nails um and some other things that I wanted to do I may do some um hodgepodge or is that what it's called where you use that gel that that um I already messed up the name of it is clear and you can do some little um crafting things and you can mix some of this stuff in there and make it a little subtle or you can do it big and I'll be honest with you I'm I didn't really want to bring this out but I love Disney World um and I think it's just an awesome place and in my garage room I'm trying to get my garage redone and I was thinking about on the flooring of the garage you know how people put the paint and they put the glitter in there I'm seriously I mean this of course isn't going to be enough but I'm seriously thinking about putting a little mini mini um glittery things off of it just so I can see it when I get it done why not um you got to be um happy right one life one life live it okay this was 44 cents I'm I'm loving this I love stuff like that okay I've been holding off on this because this was another thing that I was trying to get two of it um it's not coming out so I see two of those things so when I pull that out I will um show you that all the time the time okay I found it it's like it was just telling me um this so we're going to talk about some Duds and when I picked them out here they are I just did a jewelry haul um this one here is the silver link and I'm going to open it up with 44 cents and here is the gold one it says gold men's gold for 53 cents um if you can see that that just looks so tarnished to me but we're going to open it up and see this just looks really really really cheap and it costs more than that and it's 53 cents and the silver one was 44 cents I was thinking about a couple of items that I purchased from my jewelry haul that I did that I was thinking I need like a little chain and I thought okay okay now let me I'm gonna retract this okay it's not bad I mean I mean you know this is definitely going to turn I mean I I know for 53 cents what can you expect but it's not too bad I mean when I first I know that's lights not coming up on it and I don't think it's gonna I don't even know what interest it was because it didn't give you inches when I ordered it was just 53 cents so I'm gonna put um a pendant thingy that I got on it and I'll I'll do a test on it and see how it goes I don't know if I would put fingernail polish on this clear fingernail polish just to keep it this might be something I wear you know once or twice and be done with it now that is wasteful but I wanted to see the quality of their rope ones now I do like the thinness of it and when it was in this little little thing here it just looked tarnished it looked like it was you know rested I don't know if you can tell the difference there or not but when I pulled it out it looked better so I don't know about that one 53 cents we'll see so let's look at the silver one it was 44 cents I'm more of a silver person anyway um but it did look a little questionable but for 44 cents what can you expect for a chain right we can't have everything we can't have everything now this is gorgeous oh my goodness I don't even know if you can see that detail the other one didn't have that in there but you can pull it back a little bit it's not gonna I wish I had my necky thing and I don't I took it upstairs um can you see that there we go it's like little crystals in there almost I like this one for 44 cents now it's one of those things you might can only wear it once or twice um yeah I think I will put some pendants on it and some charms and I will do a little test on these two pieces but I really do like this silver one it looks like it's like glowing you know shining off the light okay um you know how you open up something you think oh yeah I'm about to give a terrible review on this and then you find out oh I might like it that's Teemu that's Teemo in my my opinion okay guys I wanted to show you a couple more little things um I did get this I kind of put it to the side I've been wanting one of these um little ones they come in every color um I just think they're awesome I think these are just sweet they remind me of my my grandmother she had like a little coin when it wasn't this color but it was red I mean I think it was like a it was like a faded pink but I think at one time it was red but she would always you know have her little her little spending money that she'd give us you know you should give us a quarter or 50 cents back in the day and I just I can't go wrong with these things and how much was this one um this was actually 59 cents which I was fine with that because I wanted this one because it was red and I thought it would be cute just to have on hand and no biggie just a little coin purse 59 cents it met my Challenge and I was happy for that okay what's this what's this or this okay these are something that I wanted for my car they were for um the little I have a USB cord that hangs everywhere um and these that stick to the side of your um there's a little backing in it you stick these to the side of course I'm gonna drop everything and it has a hook right here and you take your little USB cord and it right goes around it and it didn't come with not one but three of them total of three and they were 59 cents this was a wish list thing for me because that cord is always everywhere and when somebody's you know getting in the car with me they're like your cord's laying right there and I'm like I know but I swear by that cord and I use it all the time so 59 cents for this this is definitely something I'll use and three of them I thought that was good I hope that the sticking part is gonna be good all right let me make sure we're down to the last of the last and I put it right here in front of me because it's some of the smaller stuff all right so this here is a lot of jewelry I'm Gonna Save that one let me do this one I don't know where to go to next let's talk about this right here this was 44 cents um it's one of those whistles that you blow in case of an emergency goodness gracious alive I'm gonna I'm gonna blow it I'm gonna do it he works so there's a Teemo Tuesday on the hall so this is going on my keychain um and because I know this was something on a challenge I have had several of these that are a little bit better quality um 44 cents you can't go wrong um it's lightweight it's definitely going to be equipped with this other thing I'm going to go take it to my keychain right now loving it all right let's talk about this right here it's a little bit smaller than I thought it's a little macaroon comment let me know if you like macaroons I really don't like them I like the way they look and I love the the visualness of it but I really care for the actual Taste of them but I think they're adorable well this one right here literally is so tiny it was only 44 cents but I thought it was a little bit bigger and when I saw this I thought what am I going to use this for but sometimes I have like um Advil if I ever have a headache or if I have some you know um vitamin C um caplets when I travel how perfect is that I mean I can stick a few things in there I can stick it on here and I can throw this into my beach bag um I was like let me oh there's a little place right there a little slot so you got to line it up or it's not going to go in there and how stinking cute is this little macaroon okay and as big as your eyes so if you think it's any bigger no it's not it's super super duper tiny but I had to have it 44 cents okay got a ring 40 another 44 Cent I'm buy and on this one this is called a it had another name to it but I'm going to call it an anxiety ring um you put it on I'm hoping it works let me try it on this finger because it didn't have a size on it oh it does I love it and it's got these little beads on it and you can just kind of rub it and I don't know if I'll keep it on that one or whatever but it's you just rub the beads you know if you got some stuff on you know you fidgety you can kind of move them along this is for me I'm going to have this on I may wear it you know on this finger if it fits and just have it to you know sometimes you just get a little agitated I don't know I'm just going to be real honest with you I'm not always happy go lucky all the time and when I saw that and I thought gosh it was 44 cents on top of that it fits on that finger and that finger so it's probably I'm gonna guess if I had to guess probably a size eight or eight and a half maybe even a nine it didn't come in sizes so if you have a bigger hand bigger finger this isn't going to work for you but I thought that was pretty cute it's a stress a stress um anti-anxiety ring I'll put the description in the box if I can so I'm going to put some of these things in here not everything's going to make it in there because like I said there's a lot but yeah all right let's see what else is next okay this right here is another thing that's going with this whistle um it was a 58 cents and I can tell you this is another one of the things that I have needed and needed and needed and oh okay I got to make sure it's there okay I gotta hook these on here but this one's a flathead screwdriver and there is your Phillips head screwdriver I think that's what they're called Don't Hold Me to that but um yes two different ones um I'm gonna put it on this little thing and this is going in my Mary Poppins bag because I can tell you I really actually need the real tiny one I have those um what they got Allen wrenches that's what they're called um the the different size on there but I really need one of those ones that's real real tiny that looks almost like the one she would put for your eyeglasses to fix them that's what I need as well because every little toy that I want to stick some batteries in when I'm taking it to a gift or to a party um I can never get some things open it drives me nuts so this was a 58 cents wonderful I'm going to put it with the whistle it's going to I mean this is going to go on my Mary Poppins bag this is actually going on my um keychain so still going to go into a good use okay where are we at now okay this was something that I don't know um I'm Gonna Take It on vacation and I'm gonna try it I did the mouth tape um you know it does work but sometimes when I'd use the mouth taping if you don't know what I'm talking about go back to one of my first Teemu Halls Teemo Tuesdays you'll know this is a snoring ring okay I have no earthly idea if this even is will work or not but you open it up I'm assuming and I don't know if I want to open it up it's probably going to fall everywhere yeah I don't want me to do that but you can kind of see the little nose rings you probably put it into your nose ring no nostrils 44 cents I thought I can't go wrong with it um I'm gonna have some people in my room they say you snore and I'm like well maybe I could take this along and we can see and I can do a Teemo Tuesday when I come back for vacation right 44 cents I thought I would have that as a snoring okay now this right here is another little thing I'm going to be taking on traveling it was 58 cents and it looked it's as big as I thought it was and it's one of those puffy cases and I wanted this for bigger item things that I I needed like say I had a couple of things now I have bought things like this off the Dollar Tree um but they were a little bit smaller so this one's a little bit bigger and I have a couple items that I want to put in there you could probably put your iPod um you could put you know different kind of things if you wanted to put in there like um Electronics what I'm gonna put in there I'll put my battery Banks you know the power Banks battery Banks the power banks for my phone I'm gonna put those in there and I needed it because I have several of them so they stay charged and for 58 cents was another item I tried to get two of them but they would not give me two so I had to get one I do not know how much they are now but this is perfect for what I wanted to use it for and it'll go really good in a beach bag all right next is another piece of jewelry guys and it looks so pretty in the picture I hope it's going to be pretty here this was 58 cents and it is a leaf another leaf or feather with a little looks like almost like a little turquoise kind of piece right there it's an anklet you can see that I can't wait to wear this on the beach for real um can you see that it's gorgeous I think it's going to be nice it matches my bracelet here for 58 cents why not I'm loving it I love the detail of it it's pretty big so I've got you know ankle wise it should fit me pretty good I'm happy with that now I wanted to try this but be the time has gotten away from me so we're not going to do that I was trying to hold it to the end I did get one of those brooches and my mom has been using hers and that's what made me decide to get one this was 45 cents and it's one of those brooches that you pin together and I'll open it up and show you but I'll demonstrate it at another time because we're at almost an hour mark guys guys guys guys you if you're still hanging out just pretend like you're at the beach I hope you got you some you know something to drink because we are really going at it to this video the last few I apologize some people love the long ones I love the long ones I actually hate for them to end but let's talk about this it pulls out and it has a little piece here and I I'm not going to do it because I can't see it backwards on here but I will show you in a demonstration because my mom has them all the time but if you have a little shirt or something you want to keep together you push it together with these little beautiful and I did get that it's supposed to be a rose gold if you can even see that at all they had them in silver and they had them in um pearl fake Pearl faux Pearl and it was a 45 cents and it was one of the things that would not let me get but one of them and I know it works because she's been using it and I thought I need one of those I need one of those for really really bad okay two more items and we are done we have finally made it to the end of this video um let me just show you this is for my grandson he loves cars he will be two in October and his birthday is um I think it's uh it's something to do with cars I don't even remember the title of it but when I saw this he loves balls and he loves cars and I said oh let me get that it was uh 48 cents and it's just something I can put like when I do his little sandwiches I can kind of make a little um little indention and it looked like a little car and I know he's gonna love it because I can say car you're gonna eat the car I can't wait I'm such a glamor and I love my grandson he's my heart and soul okay my last two items and um these I had thoughts I wrote the price that they are now because I did look them up right before I came I put that they were 88 cents but I got them for 58 cents um so I wrote If you see that little black mark that's what that is um I don't know what they are now but these are distincting as cutest thing that I think out of all this 50 cents and stuff um are these little I don't even know what they're called um there they take the place of the quarter you stick it in the little the buggy and it takes a place it looks you know like a quarter so you don't have to have quarters around you this can go on your keychain I'm going to give one to my mom and one for my sister because in my sponsorship I did pick out one of these which I'm going to have a sponsored video sometime in June and you'll be seeing that and I'll be revisiting this again this was 58 cents and they did let me get two of them and guys if this works what a lifesaver because I used to have to dig for a quarter all the time I used to have them all the time but I been using them so you stick it in the car like at Aldi at the Aldi grocery store or Lytle little however people say it um sometimes the Dollar Trees certain ones have the buggies that you stick the little quarter in you don't have to do it with this little thing right here because it's already there this is going to be a winner in my mom's eyes and my sister's eyes because we shop at all these in Dollar Trees with all these things all the time so guys I I'm stoked about this 58 Cent item so wrapping this up you know I've talked a lot I elaborated a lot there was if you counted up it was close to 50 things maybe 50 almost or a little over um and I thought wow and I do want you if you hung out this long I always do little challenges and I want you to put down um you know your favorite item if you have one or is there some items that you think you would like to get because you just have to have them in your life or not and I also want you to put a me a icon an emoji in for a quarter okay I have it upside down a quarter let's put it this way and reason why I want you to put a quarter in there in the in the ending of your in the comments because I did another challenge stay tuned see you soon bye
Channel: Kitty Street
Views: 25,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1BTu8pIXWv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 30sec (3750 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2023
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