Telling Tara About Mystra's Charge as Gale (Origin) - Baldur's Gate 3

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[Music] ah Mr darios you seem different better what's the meaning of this don't be silly what is it really about time that old Booker bone showed his face I've been looking for him for precisely the reason you outlined no more pricey artifacts for you then is that it excellent you were quickly becoming the most expensive pet in the Realms oh well do go on Mr darios don't let that stop you there's a great deal I don't like but I haven't killed over yet my God she didn't she wouldn't mist is a God she can handle this without taking your life in the bargain surely tell me you aren't going to go through with it mistra is a god Gale we pay her her due but not with our lives your duty isn't a mistra your duty is to return to Water Deep to continue your research to live your life she really wants to kill you Gil to squander your life is is that really a god you want to serve Gods at this rate I'll have to give up the weave and take up a crossbow get the gods out of our business entirely promise me Gail promise me you'll find another way promise me you'll return home when this is all over I didn't say try I said promise ghastly boy but fine I'll take what I'm given and be grateful for it now go on we don't want to make a scene do we that's a good lad
Channel: cricket bug
Views: 81,359
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: LhRI1l1m7sw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 56sec (176 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 29 2023
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