Telling People Fake Avengers Endgame Spoilers!

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woke up on this beautiful fine morning this is what I get to see Jim shaken this has to be the greatest teepee job it's like senior Junior Wars and even though I'm technically still in high school I'm not really in high school there's so got me every car that drives by stops and takes pictures of it that isn't the same that's the best I've ever seen like last year I got tp'ed for senior junior horse and it was not like this I guess they had to prank the prankster so the reason why I do YouTube is Warren I could never be not be behind a desk but - I could never be a construction worker or do yard work there's no way I'm doing this moment so what better person to call up and tap got tap you want to help me get this toilet paper down you're actually the greatest person in the world I got a surprise for you - yeah all right see cap has super long hair he gets the limited-edition one-of-a-kind Benito's karate headband I was gonna do a bunch but they cost like this literally costed $75 I know all right tap I was gonna disguise as toilet paper and surprise you I know you love things in your head this is you're the only one in the world with this that's 75 [ __ ] dollars yes for a piece of goddamn toilet paper I was gonna sell them but I was like you know I'm not making my fans pay $75 for this [ __ ] so you get it looks good all [ __ ] that's pickles he's right there no he's good oh no he's fine Wow you're actually to save his life because I didn't know he's out here thank you so much he actually almost got destroyed she just saved him dude hey how you doing wanna help it'll be fine mmm [ __ ] you too oh wait you may be on to something Oh true I need to get my sweet oh I think this calls for me getting in my speedo all right you know what time you get the leaf blower I'm gonna go get half naked we meet back here in five minutes you can get half naked too if you want I don't know where the speedo is that's a problem I don't know if we're gonna find the [ __ ] I got a karate bill I guess is jorts dude I got a million comments last time they were like why do you wear those jean shorts you were the shortest shorts let me put yeah yeah I'll give it back to you I just want to yeah thanks for good yeah like if I didn't make a list of the top five people I know that are the greatest human so maybe you oh man you and mr. Cohen see ya mark my words straight out it when my girlfriend graduates college I might have enough money to buy our house I'll be a millionaire by the time she graduates but the problem I'm facing is when I get my own house how the [ __ ] am I gonna do the yard work dude imma have to call you up to have you drive all the way over to me do some round reveal let's see let me get these muscles get a shot of it good [Applause] all right I give up on this the rake is what we're gonna have to do whoever did it you're not gonna [ __ ] do it again [ __ ] he's gonna be sitting right there with a paintball gun waiting camera on so whoever does it taking out the old airsoft skills baby that wouldn't make a good ass video imagine we like camp out with [ __ ] paintball guns and we see the car pull up get out well [ __ ] you because you know after see they're getting I'm giving you guys the attention you want whoever did it's gonna be like look we made it I kind of want to call a million people here should I round up people guys come here mr. Khan's gonna be here we're gonna be playing shrekt Agron abhi I'm giving out free merch and then they come here and I just make him do my yard worship I would never tap volunteered yeah I'm even asthma dude my mom was like tap said he'd help but I was like of course he did great guy let me to see this is why this prank just not [ __ ] funny dude like yeah it's funny I'm not I'm not mad about it but think about it I think you're just brewing in someone's yard I get it though I was once a you know the videos a lot of adults hate on me for the videos but the videos have taught me how to be good yet how to have fun I had to mess around on the right way I do when I was a kid I was [ __ ] like stay with this spoiler prank when I was a kid I'll show the clip actually I did I walked around school freshman year when the new Star Wars came out I said Han Solo dies and sub Kid punch me in the face I'll roll the clip [Music] let's see now I'm not a douchebag so I'm like hey I'm gonna do fixed photos instead of real spoilers so you still get to mess around but you're not being a complete [ __ ] let's go tad put in work I'll be helping from a distance let's go whoa I'm joking I'm not I'm not that big of a dick I'll help you out photo when [ __ ] they find my loans [ __ ] his model look [ __ ] on the back in the tenant Maybach almost broke all the bones she don't do that was honey do bones sometimes a corner she Islander Kofi was white like snow instead I show I made 250 cash in three days on the leg without a handle a walk around a stick in the coca these [ __ ] behind me I love what I do but this should not go funny I can't just a solace that boy really knows nice Thank You Avengers came out last Thursday I'm seeing like on every worldstar post and everyone's post you click the comments there's listing off Avengers spoilers it says like dude I should do a prank right go to a movie theater and fake spoil the Avengers so we go and film it we get home we didn't get enough to complete the video we go home I see a tweet from nelq that says we're shooting fake spoilers I'm like god damn it because I know you all you little [ __ ] are gonna comment Baylin copied milk a text account I was like oh you guys are doing that we shot that yesterday we both know that each other did it we don't give a [ __ ] nobody freak out we're gonna go finish that cuz do it is the funniest thing ever like I had one kid we did it we did it Thursday one kid was plugging his ears and [ __ ] is so funny [ __ ] Batman came back to life took out [ __ ] Black Widow and don't even get me started on them all I'm indeed seen in 3d was crazy I can't believe it's pg-13 that's but I know especially with Holtz death I mean killing off Hulk was a big move have you seen Avengers yet can't believe they'd kill off Hulk no dude I still can't get over that ant-man crawled in Thanos his ass that part was just out of this world alright we're on the way to finish the Avengers print but I saw a tennis match and I just had to jump in it yeah ladies very beautiful hey how you doing sir looking very good very good I'm about to hit the courts oh yeah you too man thank you the real kings here gentlemen anyone want a 1v1 1v1 battle a little can I use your racquet I'll be good with it I've been played in a while so if I'm rusty oh [ __ ] oh God you got you got dud balls dude how am i dis bad I'm warming up ya [ __ ] my mom plays better oh you want smoke no not not actually smells like you want smoke like I can 1v1 you and take you out right here right now they call me Andre Agassi yeah all right all right they call me the doll but sometimes Feder rotates good game you're good you're good how are you you're killing it man Syria you guys have fun I like the Hawaiian I'm a Hawaiian man myself only on Hawaiian Tuesdays though and tropical Thursdays no no no all summer I meant tropical Thursdays I always mix it up it's tied Tuesdays and tropical Thursdays we're trying to film a prank right now we're doing Avengers spoilers don't know not real ones oh you see in Avengers yeah it's crazy hope dies I'm just joking yeah sure sure where the glasses are now yeah you see Avengers hit I spoiled it for everybody at my class no don't actually spoil it face was only I mean dude my question is they send a man in his butthole right ant-man shrinks up goes into his butthole why wouldn't you not expand he literally had an opportunity to kill him it's a perfect opportunity going Thanos his butthole boom it's over easy I mean that's how I would have written it I I still can't believe they brought back Batman have you guys seen Avengers are you gonna see it it's crazy no it's really good they just they killed Hulk so it sucks hey I'm just joking out they don't actually kill Hulk I'm just joking you guys are good people I love you guys have a good day ah hey oh you know that's so awkward dude Avengers was the best movie ever yeah you see it yeah you know how like if anyway he was whooping everybody there yeah badass oh really so you think infinity war was better yeah Wow damn I heard it was like the best movie ever now I kind of like you haven't even seen it Avengers is the best movie ever who'd win in a battle Karate Kid no [ __ ] Karate Kid Johnny the real Karate Kid Shrek Shrek would annihilate Thanos easily little money advice for bailing do your best to save even $20 is a lot look so I eat at this nice place get one stamp to stamp percent for stamp five cent next Sam free chicken teriyaki meal so tonight I'm eating free be wise when they give you this type of [ __ ] always hold it put in the wallet I have two of these bad boys in here I'm back I like to do sometimes huh couple sitting there and you walk by and put the words in oh that is good that is good how you doing sir give me a quick one see man hey I'm doing that that is a good one he said he said go to a married couple of me like I didn't know you were married what yeah that's good I got something special free chicken teriyaki the best meal in town have a good day I hope you go to sleep now and you make the best chicken in the world through my friend used to eat it right in front of them right made direct eye contact meters back in the day I used to be a professional airsofter but last time we went and we shot his ass a bunch of [ __ ] times I went on the field and I sucked so bad so I'm gonna redeem myself today one of the kids I used to play with in middle school like my dude we were the [ __ ] I don't I don't want to brag we're kind of best i got his i found his beanie at my house used to wear this dope beanie and now he does like cross any super jack I'm not [ __ ] around today we're going hard where you're going hard if I suck today I'm I'm quitting airsoft for every prestige masters Arnold Schwarzenegger I was good he used to be as skinny as me back in the day you gotta get your ass beat you don't know who we are we used to run this place I'm joking I'm sorry I'm the humble or humble [ __ ] knocked out I'm back Tristan Tristan knew me back and I was like nine years old dude I I literally remember when I was [ __ ] out over there you like chill out for five seconds a kid I was even worse dude you're so shy let's compare ready flex [Laughter] today no dude last time I talked to all this [ __ ] I get in there and suck dick I did so bad where the [ __ ] are they called oh [ __ ] softest isn't my [ __ ] thing anymore no wasn't call of duty heaven right now look at this these things he can walk out there with this [ __ ] and actually do good and quickscope kids please run out there with that dude dude you wouldn't [ __ ] do [ __ ] with that dude my little eyes have run up there [Music] Cody I'm [ __ ] mad would you be I wouldn't want to get a punch from Iron Man oh my god John Madison I used to be able to run up that [ __ ] 20 times I can even do one [Music] Hey kazoo [Music] oh man
Channel: Baylen Levine
Views: 2,556,880
Rating: 4.835639 out of 5
Keywords: baylen levine, benitez, avengers endgame, avengers endgame spoilers, avengers endgame prank, spoiler avengers endgame prank, spoiler avengers endgame video, pranks, funny pranks, toilet papered house, tpd, tennis match prank, funny tennis match, tennis match moaning, tennis moans, tennis moan funny, funniest videos, funny vines, dank memes, best videos, best pranks, thanos, airsoft, prank
Id: nqrqK-w55bk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 25sec (865 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2019
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