"Tell Me About Yourself" BEST ANSWER! (Interview Question)

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Hi everybody, it's Richard McMunn here from the career-guidance company, How2Become.com, and in this short training video, I'm gonna give you the BEST ANSWER to the interview question "Tell Me About Yourself?" Now, this question is GUARANTEED. I promise you, you will get asked this interview question very early on in your interview and you wanna answer it correctly. Now, you don't need a very long answer to this. I'm gonna give you 2 samples to choose from in your interview, so please do watch the video from beginning to end. So, welcome to this tutorial. That's me there on the right-hand side. I have been helping people like you to pass interviews for about 20 years now and in this particular video, I'm gonna teach you how to answer the interview question "Tell Me About Yourself?" I'm gonna give you the slides to download in a second. So, I'm gonna put up the answers on the screen in front of you, and you can download those slides and you can use them during your preparation. I recommend you SUBSCRIBE to the channel. So, click the red button below the video if you haven't done so already, and also if you really do LIKE the video, I would very much appreciate it if you click the like button and gave it a thumbs up. That will motivate me to do more. I am doing videos like this about every week now, so if you do SUBSCRIBE, there is a benefit to that. OK, now before I get to the tutorial, if you want me to help you, tell me what interview you have coming up in the comments section below the video and I'll tell you the 5 KEY THINGS to say in your particular answer to this interview question: "Tell Me About Yourself?" So, just say, you know I've got an Admin Assistant Interview coming up, or whatever it is you've got coming up, tell me in the comments section below and I will list the 5 things that you need to focus on in your answer. OK, let's get straight to it - first of all, 3 IMPORTANT TIPS. Really important tips when answering the interview question "Tell Me About Yourself?" Tip number 1 - Make sure you relate your answer to the job description. Ok, so if you do this, you will gain VERY HIGH MARKS for this question; I promise you. Now, it's important you get off on your interview on the right foot and by applying what I am gonna tell you during this training video, you will get the best marks possible. So, here's what you need to do. So, here's a sample job description. says: Our company is seeking an Administrative Assistant to manage the office, supervise staff and handle duties for upper management. We are looking for an individual who is efficient and comfortable being a member of a team. Now, in your response, what you need to do is relate your answer to this job description, or the job description for the role you are applying for. So, if we just put that sample job description back up, I have highlighted the key areas that we need to cross-match in our response. So, they have got there SUPERVISE, HANDLE DUTIES, be EFFICIENT, be a MEMBER OF A TEAM. So. if that was my job description, and I was answering the interview question "Tell Me About Yourself?" this is what I would say: “I am someone who enjoys the responsibility of managing people and I particularly enjoy completing tasks efficiently for my supervisory managers. Although I am perfectly capable of working on my own, I do very much enjoy working as part of a team to complete tasks that are of benefit to the company.” So, you can see there what I have done is very cleverly and easily, matched the job description. So, you are basically giving the interview panel exactly what they want to hear. And that's the FASTEST way to get the TOP marks for this question. Don't forget, I am gonna tell you where you can get to download these slides very soon. So you can actually use this, and you can use that as a sample response if you want to. OK, tip number 2: They, the interview panel, are not interested in your personal life. Now, whilst it is OK to say something about your hobbies and interests outside of work, keep your answer firmly rooted to the role you are applying for and your work performance, your values and your ethics. OK, tip number 3: Use positive words in your answer. What do Imean by that? Well, there is a list of words that I GUARANTEE will resonate positively with the interview panel if you embed these into your answer. Here they are: these are the POSITIVE words. You don't need to use all of them, just pick 2, 3 or maybe 4 of them when responding and I will say in a second how to do that. So, examples of POSITIVE words to use in your answer. I am RELIABLE; I am enthusiastic and committed; I am competent; I am professional; I am a role model; I am decisive, so I make decisions; I am a flexible worker; I am self-motivated; I am positive and I am trustworthy. So, you don't need to write these down because you are gonna be able to download them very soon. So, here's my sample response using some of these keywords: “I am a reliable, enthusiastic and happy person who will act as a positive role model for your company. If successful, I will adapt and learn the role quickly so that I can become a professional and self-motivated member of your team.” Now that's only 4 lines but that is powerful and that is hard-hitting and it will come across and resonate really positively with the interview panel. So, I am using probably 5 or 6 positive keywords there. I am reliable, enthusiastic, happy, positive, role-model, self-motivated, professional. So, I am using really good words that will resonate positively with the interview panel. OK, now let's get to the sample responses. So, I am gonna give you 2 sample answers that you can use during your interview, and at some stage, I am gonna tell you where you can download these and you can have them on your desktop or your laptop or your MAC using these literally within 2 minutes to help you pass your interview. Here we go. Sample response number 1: “I am a happy, positive person who prides themselves on delivering professional work for my employer. I strongly believe that if I perform well at work, and I always strive to do my best, I will also be happy in my personal life. I have a strong work ethic, I am self-motivated and also a very quick learner. In addition to priding myself on working to high standards, I also have excellent communication skills and enjoy working as part of a team with other like-minded work colleagues.” A great answer to the interview question "Tell Me About Yourself?" It's not too long, but it gets you off on the right foot, and that will PASS, I promise you. Sample response number 2: “I believe I have a large number of attributes that are a perfect match for the job description. In work, I am a diligent professional who enjoys the responsibility of completing projects and tasks to a high standard for my employer. Whilst I am comfortable working on my own initiative, I also very much enjoy working as part of a team with other hard-working individuals. I have many interchangeable skills and I am competent in all Microsoft applications including Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Outside of work, I am a stable, family person who likes to keep themselves fit and enjoys socialising with my small circle of close friends and relatives.” So, you've got 2 different answers, but they are POSITIVE. They have the same theme that they are positive and I promise you that they will gain you very high marks. So, decide which one you want to use, and all you need to do now is to download the slides. Don't forget to subscribe and, you know, give the video a thumbs up. Like I say, that will motivate me to do more. So, you can click the link below this video in the description to get a copy of the slides. It will take you through to a website, my LinkedIn website which is called SlideShare so you can go on SlideShare, the link's in the description get straight through to it and download these slides and start working. Also, in the description below this video, I have given you another training video on YouTube, it's one of the fastest rising interview videos on YouTube, so have a look at that one because I give you 7 answers to really tough interview questions. So have a look at that as well. So, guys, my name has been Richard McMunn, thank you for watching and wish you all the very best in your pursuit to passing your interview. GOOD LUCK!
Channel: CareerVidz
Views: 246,030
Rating: 4.9198875 out of 5
Keywords: Tell Me About Yourself, tell me about yourself interview question answer, best answer, interview questions and answers, how to answer tell me about yourself, behavioural interview questions, customer service interview, star interview, top 10 interview questions and answers, richard mcmunn, how2become, careervidz, best interview questions and answers, tell me about yourself interview answers, tell me about yourself interview example
Id: YgU9J_DvsCQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 40sec (460 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2019
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