Tell Me About Heaven, Part 1 // 2 Corinthians 5:1

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grab your Bibles and turn if you would do second Corinthians chapter 5 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 and as I said it is one of the most amazing chapters of the Bible Paul in this section of his letter to the corinthians breaks into the christians assurance and hope and the joy that can be ours in the face of persecution he's going to be speaking about the things that lead us into heaven of course it could be an accident or injury of course it can be a disease or sickness of course it could be some thing that would befall us and it certainly covers this thing called persecution so we're gonna have a tremendous time or the course of the next I don't know it's going to be probably over a month that we'll be in this chapter but this morning's message is entitled tell me about heaven can you write that down tell me about heaven that's what Paul's going to be doing he's gonna be sneaky speaking of the Corinthian believers about heaven we all need to hear this amen we need to hear this the world's gone mad and it's going to go crazier it's not coming undone for those of us who are Christians it's coming or falling right into place as believers remember that as we give this message to you today the United States is on the brink of war another war mind you this last week the Emperor of North Korea 26 year old Kim Kim Jeong Kim what little Kim he does look he's very cute though he looks like a cartoon character he does King Kim jong-in Jung has declared war on South Korea this week and we've been at war with Korea North Korea since the mid 1950s I don't if you know that or not the war with North Korea has never ceased it's paused we're we've been at a place of truce for a period of time and it seems to be restarting and we've just delivered yet again to the Arsenal that is now there in light of last week one b-52 a special b-52 mind you that has flown from Diego Garcia to South Korea and it is ready to do whatever its it's supposed to do we have f-22 Raptors that are there and we have to be two bombers that are specially equipped what's going on lots going on you can't enter that part of the world without having to consider China and China is the one that holds the leash to North Korea this is something that is very important by the way this is all leading up to our message believe it or not we don't know what's going to happen but we're increasing our presence there we have a treaty to defend Japan we have a treaty to depend to defend South Korea Taiwan we cannot let those nations be attacked and so there's a great show of force and power we don't know how it's going to go but many will tell you I have been told by military insiders that this has been a long time plan to come down in the western Pacific regarding the United States that as things heat up in the Middle East as Iran begins to make further advancements Syria as well Hezbollah in the north Hamas in the South there's going to be at the same time simultaneously a movement against Israel while the United States is Priyanka with North Korea that has been a plan this is not something that our State Department or our military does not know about what we do know now regarding what's happening to North Korea is that something is imminent in the Middle East and I'll be there this week I'll be there on Wednesday if something goes crazy I'll call you and we'll do a service live on the phone but listen I would rather be safe in Israel than any other place on earth and but listen what about this thing about heaven Paul's going to talk to us about heaven as the world comes together really in prophetic news we need to have our eyes on heaven like never before Church and be ready so tell me about heaven is Paul's message second Corinthians chapter five you get your Bibles there now look we're gonna start in verse one we're gonna start in verse one at the beginning then go all the way down to the end of verse one today all the way down to verse one today here we go 2nd Corinthians 5 verse 1 Paul says for we know that if our earthly house this tent is destroyed we have a building from God a house not made with that is human hands eternal in the heavens that's enough this is huge I found it amazingly interesting as a pastor talking to people for many people that as they grow older as they experience more of life and they've got more bumps as it were along the road and they've even survived some of those bumps I find it interesting that many of them being non-believers begin to change their mind as they get older about things or they begin to change their mind as they might become sicker they begin to entertain thoughts of heaven and eternity and what might be real about Jesus and life and life after death but everything that you and I know in this world God is good to us everything that you and I experience has an expiration date on a church have you noticed that everything you buy something it has an expiration date on it that it doesn't matter what it is a lifetime guaranteed don't you believe it and science tells us this not only does the Bible say so but science tells us this entropy the second law of thermodynamics teaches us that everything is going from a ordered state to a chaotic state which is interesting by the way are you only a scientist today without the knowledge of God listen you're very science that you must obey was written by my god and my God says that everything that is material was created perfect and is wearing out isn't that interesting entropy declares everything was created or everything was established and it's wearing out light is slowing down we thought it was once a constant the Sun is burning up it's getting smaller everything happens this way your brand-new car that you just bought the nuts and bolts are already starting to fall apart it's amazing everything and do I need to talk to you about our own bodies we will talk about that today tell me about heaven number one point number one and in verse number one obviously is this I'm dying to get there so are you so don't look at me with pity I'm dying to get there you can put in your notes tell me about heaven I will today you and I are dying to get there and a little play on words right we are dying pulses we are dying science says we are dying people don't want to talk about it but the truth is we're dying and you're not you're not gonna escape that I mean God has a plan for a generation that will escape it I hope it's ours but if that doesn't happen if the Lord doesn't come for us you and I will die look what Paul the Apostle says he says for we know and by this we understand that you and I know what's coming the Bible has told us it's available for anybody to read we know it's coming when he says here for we know Christians circle the word no this is awesome please please get this and I want you to use this in sharing Jesus with others the word know that Paul used here of course the Holy Spirit authored the Bible through his mouth the word means of a certainty the word means something that you can hold on to it's not gonna move it is as short the word means listen something given in the past tense meaning that it is so sure when he says we know something he's saying we know they're so sure Christian listen we know what I'm talking about he says regarding eternal life and our bodies being changed we know it's so sure just as sure as we can examine something that's happened in the past forensics that's awesome the word means to be fully confident not just confident to be fully confident the word implies all doubt removed so look what he says for we have all of our doubts removed this is absolutely confident this is more than confident we are completely sure about this very thing and what is he talking about Church marked this down in your mind mark this down in your notes how in the world my question is to Paul Paul I'm a Christian in the 21st century it's hard granted I've not yet been brought to that place of being stoned with rocks or beaten or shipwrecked sharing the gospel rejected like you have been but it's hard how is it that you not having the Bible complete like we have today can be so sure Church I want you to get this this is an encouragement how can you be so sure Paul here's the answer number one Paul would say to us today don't judge yourself in the 21st century against me in the first century in what God has called me to do what am I saying God called Paul to a special task are you with me God has called you to an exact same magnitude of special task for you oh but I want to raise the dead and do the things that Paul did you may or may not do that that's not your business to pick from here's what you are to do here's what I'm to do I'm to be faithful to what God has called me to do and that thing listen you don't need to look at the Apostle Paul or Billy Graham or anybody else you need to look to you and to ask God what he wants you to be doing and all of a sudden that's hopeful and it gets better when you and I yield ourselves to the will of God for your life for my life me for me you for you God what do you want me to do this begins a journey a faith walk that is absolutely awesome God speak to me Lord when I pick up the Bible and read it tell me what you want me to do show me how do you how you want me to live my life based upon what you've called me to do when you pray like that and read your Bible like that you are not expecting God to speak to you from his Bible into your personal private life here's what happens as you get up to obey Him and I know in our culture we hear the word obey we go well you had me there for a while pastor but the word obey Oh kind of no no no you don't understand there is great joy great Liberty great fun in the word obeying God when you obey God it just simply means this God says hey go up there turn left okay I believe you you know what's best I'm gonna go up there and turn left when you do that your life will be radically exciting for Jesus no doubt about it God's not boring he saw me so creative I don't know what's going on I have a little house but we've got owls big owls we've got possum our dog attacked the possum she's the same size as the possum she attacked the possum the possum fell over dead and then 20 minutes later he got up and he walked away we watched that it's amazing and now we have ducks in our backyard mating mating and fighting and these men mannered males they're landing in the backyard and we have a pool in the backyard splashing around mating all this my daughter came over with her with our grandson and said get those those Ducks are having sex in our pool get them out of here but they're so beautiful how did God paint those ducks I'm in the mail the mail the green the fantastic you think God's boring he's amazing see the Sun set last night that's spectacular he's not boring and your Christianity should not be boring God is alive and he wants you to be alive and he's got a plan for your life and when Paul says we know this we are so confident here's your confidence when you yield to God and God begins to use you according to the plan he has for your life guess what happens you get to agree with Paul yep I'm confident you're confident in what God's doing not what you are you and I are nothing apart from God be confident because God is using you and is an exciting thing because you're walking with Him and Paul had that confidence it's a great thing the Bible tells us in 1st John 5:13 these things I've written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God that you may here's the word again know beyond any shadow of a doubt with full confidence that you have eternal life did you hear that everybody you are - no listen visitor non-christian religious person you are to know beyond full confidence that you have eternal life the meat the word means to possess it the Bible says you are to know now that you possess eternal life and that you may continue to believe in the name of the Son of God that bold confidence Romans chapter 8 verse 38 says another confident statement Paul says for I am persuaded the word implies I have been persuaded Christian the more you let God take the reins of your life the more you will be able to say I have been persuaded also that neither death nor life what does that mean George Whitefield said we Christians are invincible until the Lord takes us home we're to believe that well what if I go what if I go out and share Jesus and slip on a banana peel fall and break my neck then God wanted you to go to heaven on the back of a banana peel that doesn't keep you from sharing Christ well what if we do this thing and it innit listen obey him watch what happens and he goes on to say in Romans chapter 8 that even principalities and powers the invisible rulers and players of the invisible angelic world cannot for what God has planned for your life he says nothing can separate you from the love of God the Bible says this all is all that comes together for you and I to understand this that you and I know what's coming you and I are going to die someday the question is how you going to leave your life until you die some people wait around until they die some people will sit around in life and wait till death comes to them think of it now look I'm not into bungee jumping I think those people need their heads examined that's that's insane that you would jump off of a bridge trusting some guy down at the rubber factory having made having made that thing but listen I always want to yell at those guys hey you want to really live yeah man you want a rush yeah be a Christian you know why do people bungee jump because they need to be Christians be a real Christian you want to you want to rush be a real Christian do what God tells you to do and you'll experience confidence personally this is one reporters opinion I I'm so sold and what I just told you it's the only thing I know in my life the more I yield to God and allow him to use me and I pray that he would the more confident I have that when that day comes for me I just I just can't wait it's almost like it's almost like Lord when you take me home I'm kind of excited because I'm going to sit in your lap and tell you about all the things that happened he already knows but you know kids are I'm gonna tell them anyway this is what happened in Chino Hills this is what happened in fill-in-the-blank it's exciting the next thing is this about dying to get there everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die says the bumper sticker and I'm not here today to say you know embrace this morbid message of death no I'm talking to you about embracing the great message of heaven that we're going to heaven and Paul is talking to the Corinthians about heaven the next thing is you know what's trending can you write that down trending he says that if our earthly house this tent is destroyed stop right there this is radical I need everyone's attention look at your Bible this is remarkable pull out your highlighter this is amazing when he says here that if can you highlight circle the word if this would change your life this word if will change your life what's he saying well he's announcing this earthly house the word earthly house here means an Earthbound or heaven heaven list now it's earthbound it's not in heaven yet it's an earthbound body we get the word terrestrial earthy body the word house means that which something dwells within this is so simple but exciting he is saying this earthly body is built for the terrestrial world man we got to get this my skin is for this environment but inside the body the word implies dwells something put this together this body is used to function for this earth to walk do in this world it's completely worthless under the water I mean as long as I can hold my breath or the tanks don't run out I can do something but I can't live there are you with me I can't live at 30,000 feet same thing I can't live in heaven with his body it won't work there this word implies that your body was designed by God to function on this plane and this plane only think of it but what's inside the word implies that there's something that dwells inside of you that is of great value and it is not bound to the earthiness of the skin and I have to put it so simply not because you can't get it but because we need to be reminded that our world tells us to focus on only this fleeting temporary dusty part of who we are everything about our lives is so often rigged to arrogance and pride and position and I want and I've got to get and you know what if I don't attain to that thing flesh all of it is of this world it's a wisdom that is of this world the Bible says that is devilish why because it jumps right over the key of what's inside of us we begin to live for physical satisfaction only and not for spiritual development why because the only way that you and I can really really invest in our retirement program is to invest in the spiritual part of who we are and that's on the inside for now that treasure lives inside this body of skin are you with me we dressed it up we take care of it we we perfume it and all this stuff and yet it's on its way to death now please we appreciate you taking care of your body especially if we're sitting near you right now but it's not going to last forever just understand that it's not going to last forever as it is and we know this that when Paul here mentions the word if for we know that if this is a statement of meaning that some not all watch someone somewhere will escape this body being destroyed does that ring a bell to you Paul is saying that if our earthly house he's not saying it as a statement of fact though it is he's saying that it is almost certain watch that your body will be destroyed or turn to death you might counter and say no no no Jack you're wrong cremation or death in the ocean or in the ground doesn't matter you will turn to dust and Paul would say yes you're right unless or if the only thing that's going to change that is the Lord coming back to interrupt Calvary Church Christians here don't let anyone ever rob you of this Paul the Apostle numerous times declared that he was waiting for the Lord to return in his own lifetime first and second Thessalonians is full of it he's the one who waited for the Lord to return he said there will be those who will be resurrected but we will be caught up to meet the Lord in the air he lived for it and so should you and I so what if it doesn't happen in my lifetime so what you lived for it as the Bible told you to live for it and you'll be ready and you'll be ready also to be used by God at any time be where you and I are living in the generation that's propagating this right now beware of those the Bible says who in the last days will say where's the promise of his return I told you before if somebody comes up and says oh you know I don't think the Lord's gonna come back for a long time give them a big hug and have them sign your Bible tell them hey man you just fulfilled Bible prophecy it says right here that loonies loonies are gonna come in the last days saying where is the promise of his coming Wow look at that I'm meeting Bible prophecy standing right in front of me right here you and I are to live for the Lord's return but understand that this amazing thing is that we are in route the only thing that's going to interrupt that path to heaven is a is an interruption by the Holy Spirit and the rapture of the church I think about I think think about right now how we're on our way heaven but we could get there quicker imagine there's a trumpet blast today you look around the world with all the stuff that's happening pretty exciting stuff what does all that mean Jesus simply said when you see the end time of thing end time event things happening just look up why would you not look up I know why you wouldn't look up because you want to look down look up the next thing is this you and I know what's ending what's ending let's be honest come on let's face it young people today wait this is first service there are no young people here yet they just got home a few hours ago they'll be coming to third service this 10th he says this tenth is destroyed is that a great word he calls our body he calls his body a tenth Dwight Al Moody the great American evangelist his last words listen to his last words Dwight L Moody his last words that he uttered before he died concerning his end earth is receding heaven is approaching this is my crowning day and he died I have a book by the way of the last words of saints and sinners it's a fascinating read Wow this tent that you and I we're in this world the Bible says is dissolving are we preparing have we been prepared are we thinking and no listen only the Christians gonna understand what I'm saying right now the non-christians gonna say hodo disgusting in the spirit of what Paul said to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord as Christians the more we grow along in this world the less appeal this world has for us if you doubt that I mean just go to the mall again I mean if you know just go to the mall or for that matter one of the greatest things we should start hosting maybe we should do this we should start hosting Christian tours of Universal Studios why oh boy yeah maybe we see a movie smart that's not why we would go why because when you drive around the back lot and you go oh my goodness there's the there's the house from I don't know something there's the house from that show let's stop the bus get out walk through the door and realize there ain't nothing behind it it's all fake it's called a facade it's faux and front they it's fake its fake and so much of life is fake it's not there and listen we need to be preparing ourselves our family our children to understand that there's a world beyond this world and it's good in Jesus now Time magazine just put out an article that we are all dangerous we Christians are telling our children about heaven and we are dangerous psychologically disturbed people Time magazine you can read its online dr. James Dobson tells the story when he was at USC Medical Center a mother had three children her youngest son five-year-old son suffered from severe asthma the doctors had warned her the asthma could even take his life but she had two other children too to raise and no father and she lived in the poor parts of Los Angeles and she made it to the county hospital and dr. Dobson had heard about this from another doctor and the child was now hospitalized and they told the mom he is not doing well he may not make it but the mother had the two other children to take care of it she had rushed back and forth back and forth to the hospital back and forth to the hospital and this went on for a month or more and the little boy said mommy am I gonna die now when you're when you're of that age you don't quite get that okay and the mommy listen this is precious mommy am I gonna die the mommy said you could die we all die and he said why am I gonna know if I am I'm dying and she said well that's very easy and right off the cuff she made it up she said you know what if you're dying if anyone's dying Jesus comes and when Jesus comes you'll be able to hear bells Jesus rings bells and he said okay so one night it was a very very severe night the kid was laboring for his life they were trying to get a phone call to the Mota mother to get to the hospital they couldn't make contact with her finally in the early morning hours they contacted her and they said listen little Charlie he's not gonna make it if you don't hurry and you need to get her now by the time she caught a bus by the time she made it there Charlie had died and a very dear precious nurse that sat with little baby Charlie and when the mother came in she was expecting to see him and he was dead and the nurse was comforting the mother and the nurse said you know I don't know what this means and I don't know if it matters to you at all but over and over again all night long he kept saying can hear the bells mama can hear the bells and his delirium and in his suffering mama can hear the bells and so ma'am I don't know what this means but your little Charlie kept saying mama can you hear the bells that's awesome you can prepare your child for heaven and they may outlive you and I pray they do right but you can always prepare them God will honor that prepare them don't leave that open-ended God will honor that God honor the attempt of that sweet mom to prepare her little Charlie for heaven you'll hear bells well listen maybe you will hear bells but there'll be a day when you're gonna hear the trumpet blast of the Lord and that's an important thing Jesus said in Matthew 18:3 assuredly I say to you unless you are converted and become as a child you will by no means see the kingdom of heaven what does that mean faith-filled the word tent here means exactly what you think it means it means something that is temporary it means a part time dwelling God looks at your body and mind as a part time dwelling why you're going to heaven Christian you're going to heaven by the way it's the same word that's translated from the Hebrew into the Greek Septuagint when the Old Testament recorded the Tabernacle in the wilderness remember that they had the tabernacle with the Ark of the Covenant it was made out of badger skins that the tent was remember that the word is the exact same word a temporary dwelling Paul by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit says your body is the exact same temporary dwelling place of the Almighty God in this world it's only temporary just like it was in the wilderness wanderings with the children of Israel God refused to live in a tents forever what does he want he wants your body Christian he has your body but until you and I are with them in heaven there is the dwelling of God in you and I in this bodily tent we need to stop listen we need to stop thinking that everything rises and sets on these bodies I know I'm speaking against our culture and it's probably falling on deaf ears perhaps but this is not all there is you're gonna live eternally 2nd Corinthians 4:18 says while we look not at the things which are seen but the things which are not seen for the things which are not seen are temporary but the things which are not seen are eternal what an awesome thing that is point number two today this what if I were to tell you about heaven Paul would say we would ask this question in to Paul what will I be like or what will it be like there I should say what will heaven be like look at verse 1 again that will have a building from God a house not made with hands or human hands Christian we're gonna go fast from here on out to the end mark it down you will be eternal there when you mark that down Christian you will be eternal in heaven this is an amazing thing we have a building from God a house not made with hands or human hands it means that God makes the body that you're gonna have it in eternity it'll be a resurrected body this body resurrected but it's engineered the architecture is of God and you will be there in the eternal State though you and I listen though you and I are born into this world we there was no pre-existence of us before we were born yet after we are born the Bible makes it very clear both by the way believer a non-believer alike there is eternity that awaits the human eternity eternal what will I be like there you're gonna be eternal the Bible says in 1st Corinthians 15:50 3 for our dying bodies must be transformed into bodies that will never die listen our mortal bodies must be transformed into immortal bodies says God well that is an awesome thing the next thing is this you and I hallelujah praise God we will be sin free their sin free in heaven have you ever asked the question thought wow when I'm in heaven I mean I know the Angels send in heaven and some of them got thrown out says the Bible oh no what if I'm in heaven for 10 million years and I sin guess what are you listening take a deep breath ain't gonna happen cuz it cannot happen you want to know why you will be resurrected and when you are resurrected when you and I are in eternity of God our human nature the sin nature will be will have been completely removed from us the sin nature of our humanity completely removed we will not be able to sin there in heaven you are sin free you know I put that in there sin free coz is it a gluten free is it is a fat free is it lactose free is it what hey I don't know but I know this whatever you and I in heaven will be sin free it's not gonna happen it is not you are not going to be able I don't care what anybody tells you they're making something up your nature in the resurrection by the power of the Holy Spirit you will not have the ability to sin against God in heaven and that is awesome exciting news by the way the Bible says in 1st Corinthians 15 I'll just paraphrase it you can mark it later it's verses 49 to 53 says that we will be raised incorruptible house that incorruptible and stay incorruptible I'm happy about that I'm happy about a lot of things that go on in my life but I can't stand that part of me that disobeys God I hate it you know timeout do you look at me you look at me like I'm the only one like this here's a fun one what will I be like there well listen you will be looking like you there now some people find this very depressing you will be looking like you there let me explain he says we have a building from God yes it's resurrected it's glorified made new a house not made with hands human hands this is encouraging don't panic don't leave the don't leave now because if you leave now then you'll just be depressed all day long you won't get it but you and I will be fully you and I in heaven without sin right in a glorified body check this out read the fine print of your Bible according to Scripture book of Zechariah there appears to be only one in the eternity that has scars severe scars mind you you knew I'm talking about that's right the Bible says in eternity Jesus is disfigured by his scars read the book of Zechariah verses chapters 12 to 14 he is scarred Jesus in heaven right now is scarred from his sacrifice what about us if I have a scar and I'm resurrected will I have that scar apparently not if I was born with the defect will that defect to be obvious in heaven apparently not aren't you glad I was born thin and now I have a will I be chunky in heaven apparently not what will they look like I don't know will I be short or don't know what color will I be don't know but this we know think of people think of you who have been born deformed severely deformed imagine what kind of heaven would it be like if Christians who were born severely deformed are deformed in heaven it doesn't work and not only doesn't work we have a sure promise the Scriptures tell us that in first John 3 this is so cool well will I look like in him and because you all have these delusions illusions of grandeur I'll be 6 5 look first John 3:2 says beloved now we are the children of God and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be like we don't know the details but we know that when he is revealed we shall be like him that's awesome for we shall see him as he is and everyone who has this hope in him purifies himself just as he has appeared that means you're getting ready you're watching for him you're um you're on guard watching for Jesus so what are we gonna look like I don't know but you will be you in eternity forever with the sin effects removed that's cool that's great so pastor will I be attractive in heaven or well no one's gonna be looking at you I don't think personally we're gonna be looking at him well I mean I was born ugly will I be ugly there don't know well am I gonna be able to keep my awesomeness of there don't know not important are you with me this we know we will be like him and the sin effects will be removed in that time that's very very sweet and beautiful news listen um we'll go as far as we can but I gotta give you this verse this is fun stuff I have to throw this in there it's a the book of Ecclesiastes it's always fun to read that it's kind of crazy at times Ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse 1 listen to this do not let the excitement of your youth cause you to forget your Creator honor him in your youth before you grow old and say things like this life is not pleasant anymore remember God before the light of the Sun Moon and stars is dim to your old eyes turn on the light the lights on no it's not yeah can't go any brighter you're going blind and rain clouds continually darken your sky oh it's terrible outside it's a beautiful day no it's not it's gonna any men and look at old oh no you just remember God before your legs the guards of your house start to tremble I know what that's like now mm-hmm he goes on remember God before your teeth your few remaining maining servants stop grinding and before your eyes and those looking through the windows grow dim remember God before the door to life's opportunities is closed and the sound of work fades can hardly hear now now you rise at the first chirping of the birds but then all their sounds will grow faint remember God before you become fearful of falling and worried about danger in the streets not go out there something could happen right before your hair turns white like an almond tree and bloom and this is this is the Bible is it amazing and you drag along without energy like a dying grasshopper and the capers the caper berry no longer inspires sexual desirable we're not gonna go any further there but God's merciful to us though if you noticed that he's merciful to us I thought about that and what what are we look like an eternity as you get older it's great being a Christian of growing older it's great it's really great I'm not not joking it's great and I got in this mercy though look as you could old you have a tendency to gain weight first of all it is it is amazing you know you know I know I'm getting prepared for heaven you know we're gonna eat at the marriage supper of the lamb right huge food okay every food now tastes good to me now when I was younger I was picky now it's like what is I don't care just bring it but God is merciful because just when we get too much food consumption going on my teeth begin to hurt and fall out and I can't eat as much so you see how God's mercy counters that one and then listen wrinkles and spots come on I went had to go to a dermatologist the other day for precancerous skin stuff because there's stuff going on he puts on these like kryptonite goggles looks at my face and goes oh you're coming back we've got to do all kinds of stuff to here we got to cut there and do this and you've been in the Sun too much that's okay all right but you know what's good I didn't see that stuff I'd looked in the mirror see yeah and I would go why you know how good god is I didn't steal that stuff and he could see what those kryptonite goggles because God in His mercy with all this stuff you know there's hair growing places and there's warts and things happening I don't see him because God in His mercy my eyes can't focus that well anymore so I go to the mirror and I go super little do I know you know there's like a giraffe on my face or something I don't know this happened last week somebody came up they I've been gone from this church for years and I came back I'm so glad to be back and I'm so sorry about the things I said about you and I said first of all who are you I don't remember boy oh yeah I remember you well I'm so sorry we you forgive me I said little supper there I don't even know what you're talking about there's nothing to forgive because I don't remember isn't God good he's preparing us for heaven has someone ever hurt your feelings and they go I'm so sorry I'm so dog talk anymore look we're great I don't remember what you said life is beautiful let's go to lunch are you know what I'm talking about we're going to heaven people God's preparing us for eternity and it's a good and glorious and awesome thing we need to stay focused on that fact every day we're closer every day the Lord may come back I pray he does but this we know I tell you doubters your doubt should be evaporating with every reading of the newspaper with every reading of your Bible doubt should dissipate Christian you and I are living in an amazing time I'll end with this I mentioned this on this last week I it's exciting to say I'm talking to more and more pastors even more since I announced this to you last time every pastor I've talked to they've reported back to me we've had record amount of people attending churches on Resurrection Easter morning all across the nation all across the nation locally churches were over busting at the seams Orange County New York New York can you believe it in New York and Washington state record attendance why people are starting to sense something's up I need to get ready for heaven are you ready for heaven I hope you're ready for heaven I hope a topic like this gets you excited I hope a portion of Scripture like this gets you excited so let's pray right now father we come and we ask Lord in the name of Jesus the very one who paid the price on the cross destroying the power of sin and death and purchasing for us with his own blood heaven we ask you Father in Jesus name that you would speak to those that are here this morning and Lord that you would stir up their heart Lord you do what only you do so perfect and that is you question them you interrogate them you prod them you provoke them you died for them do they know you is their soul safe is there a reservation for them in heaven Oh God we pray Lord we praise you ask you to receive our thanks and our adoration and our appreciation that we too can know that if this earthly house our bodies these tents are dissolved we have a body made in heaven not by human hands that's eternal in the heavens what an awesome way to live what an awesome way to wait what an awesome way to die hallelujah Lord Jesus thank you God Church I'm going to ask you to stand right now as we close in this song of worship and maybe right now you want to make that decision for Jesus maybe right now you want to accept Christ I'd love to pray with you while we sing this song of worship you want to just come forward now meet you down to bottom any steps if you want to accept Christ Jesus today meet me at the bottom of these stairs right here are these steps and I'll pray with you Church god bless you may the power of the Holy Spirit propel you into a crisis world bringing hope and love grace and mercy and the witness of Jesus to all you know his name we pray
Channel: Real Life with Jack Hibbs
Views: 14,030
Rating: 4.8944845 out of 5
Keywords: Calvary Chapel Chino Hills, Jack Hibbs, Real Life, heaven, resurrection, death, life, glory eternity
Id: arEEp9mf9lo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 11sec (3011 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2013
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