TEKKEN 8 Kazuya | Weapons | TEKKEN 8 Kazuya Beginner Guide and Combos

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for kazia it's all about respect you have to get your opponent to respect you as although he's been given some tools to make him easier to Pilot from his Tekken 7 self he's still not the easiest character to navigate but make no mistake he is Mr Tekken this is the character that will teach you what Tekken is but in order to get off on the right track you got to have the right weapons coldblooded destructive merciless oppressive weapons so let's get the weapons [Music] ready we're going to start with flash punch [Music] combo but really chop that down to one jab the one button with CA you play around the jab just like a real fighter letting your opponent know you will press this is a fast High attack the first two punches lock your opponent in place even if they're blocking which means they can't duct the second hit or SID step it while they're in a blocking State now that last hit of this attack string is delayable this can really mess with your opponent into pressing a button thinking you've opted not to complete the attack string okay your turn is over I'm going to take my turn now in that last hit it a mid attack will knock them down if they press don't forget about the speed of this attack string in blocking an opponent strikes if their recovery animation is too high they won't be able to block before flash punch hits them and if you get that first attack the entire string will land without the Enemy being able to block it another thing to keep in mind without going into Frame data is one jab block your character in this case Kaza still has attack priority the enemy blocking the jab and trying to return one themselves they will keep losing now stay with me here those first two punches blocked places Kaza at a very slight disadvantage animation framewise but if the opponent doesn't choose their fastest attack to strike back or duck at this point the Jabs will continue to flow this full string blocked maybe not at the beginner level but entering intermediate play for sure people will launch you for combo when blocking again like a real fighter Kaza plays around the jab in its connecting parts a lot test this out see how your opponent reacts and above all else use it when blocking an attack or or attack stke see if flash punch connects if it doesn't that means the enemy can throw out their attack and safely block after but if flash hits that means their attack is not safe remember what that move is and punish it every time we're going to make arazia more powerful right off the rip with nigeri urak cool little name down 1 plus two this strike is the exact opposite of flash punch it's much slower it's a low strike but just like flash it's a Killer attack this move evades High attacks in its animation goes underneath them is a counter hit launcher in on normal hit forces your adversary not only into a crouching state but there's a recovery animation they have to go through first you see how hands hit the ground right here then they inter Crouch after this is an advantageous situation for kazia who in his own right will Crouch as well but you probably guessed it he gets to move first going back to flash punch whether the one jab or the first two punches for that matter keep in mind you punch your opponent in the face of course keep attacking like use this low attack here but the first punch punch blocked still giving you a slight attack advantage in those first two strikes recovering so fast you can Implement njuri uraken on a blocking opponent here as well it will still go under a high attack and you definitely want to implement this on someone who chronically stand blocks or holds back and someone who throws out a lot of fast High attacks Cav for neria IR rockan you can't just throw out any old thing and go into Neri some attacks take longer to recover as represented by this color here you see how long K stays lit up it takes too long for him to recover and then go into this move without being hit and speaking of being hit if being struck is occurring you can't just use this as a get out of jail free card again that recovery of getting hit in the face makes this move n and void to start up or complete an animation and the enemy can hopkick you out of this move this low evades highs hop kcks evade lows hop kcks are unsafe there is a rock paper scissors game to some of this Tekken stuff so much so I'll be sure to use that analogy somewhere else here on this channel one man can achieve a lot if he simply puts his mind to it and bores ahead this Tekken channel is a great and brutal work to put together if you're digging the content grab a membership for 199 here on YouTube or patreon super thanks also welcome it allows me to put more time into the channel I appreciate you tuning in truly I do back to it so Neri remember the reason why Neri has a good probability to work is the enemy is concerned about the full flash punch strength they are guard watching high and mid in that regard this advantageous low is unexpected additionally as I just showed you can cancel out of this move by holding back after input to bait out a hopkick or an ill- fated offensive move from your opponent you remember this moment Ro Rock and hits both parties placed in a while Rising state with cause able to attack first while Rising four one part of tsunami kick comes into play here a super fast mid kick that beats out your opponent's attack options here even their junk punch a fast attack in its own right loses here after new jury Rockin hits however you don't need to set up while Rising tsunami kick this way there are certain attacks in this game that do force your character into Crouch STS even when blocking like with Lars here multiplied Force you block this the full tsunami kick string can hit Lars without him being able to defend it though I'd recommend just doing one kick if you want to have attack Advantage after it hits while Rising tsunami works great on it own as well after ducking a high attack or after blocking a low attack the vast majority of low attacks in this game don't recover quick enough to avoid this strike twin pistons while Rising one two these three conditions ducking under something blocking a low or blocking and being sandwiched down into a Crouch all these make a good place to input twin Pistons now not that everything you block or that smushes you down is vulnerable to Twin Pistons test out both tsunami and pistons in these situations and see what works and clearly as you can see this is a launcher in attack just like any other weapon range is important when using twin Pistons sometimes the enemy is subject to be hit by Pistons but its attack range leaves something to be desired it's annoying for Kaza players keep this in mind let's look at some more mids in high mid mix attack strings say that 10 times fast all right Q the slaughter series that is Slaughter hook Slaughter uppercut and Slaughter hike Slaughter Hook is a relatively fast mid to high attack string so those trying to avoid all of kazi's Jabs or like finishing a slew of attacks and then turtling up hunt for this string in this way using your Jabs can also set this up against an opponent who refuses to block one jab two Jab ABS to the face and then go for a Slaughter hook this is a heating door and a really cool thing I like about this sweet science is if this is blocked it has that sandwich down Crouch effect that leaves your enemy with limited options besides a junk punch if they go for any while Rising options flash punch hits them first Slaughter hook also divies out chip on block a Slaughter uppercut down forward one and still holding down forward two mid mid no ducking L has added utility as it's used in a lot of combos kazia is safe to block if this string doesn't hit second uppercut is a counter hit launcher and on a normal hit causes a knockdown insert devil fist here don't worry we'll come back to this move a little later Slaughter high kick down for 14 there are so many different ways to make those who continuously press pay when this string hits the ballerina spin makes it take so long to recover you have time to dash forward just a bit to make sure the punch connects again and you can Loop this over and over if the enemy just keeps pressing be sure to move it quick to ensure the looping attack connects this ballerina spin really marks that Kaza should keep attacking left splits kick 443 one of kaz's best weapons but slow quintessential but hard to find a place for in the Master's Paradise that is ranked it becomes perfect when paired with ballerina make sure to connect these moves this way left splits kick is a natural mid launcher no special condition needs to be met in order to get that launch you get the hit you get the launch remember this moment too because Kaza can be tough to Pilot we're going to stack move on top of move Strat on top of Strat to really make your Kaza powerful coming out of the beginner gate daniz on back two two 1 plus two mid mid high this is a sequence of attacks that has been reworked from Tekken 7 and now comes complete with the laser beam this is a pure game or will you finish the string or not this sequence starts off with a mid strike that isn't at all the slowest but it isn't Kia's fastest mid it's somewhere in between it's a mid mid mid all right I'm going to get serious but after the enemy finishes an attack of their own implement the two punches and add the laser beam if you think they'll press into it or just to create some space between Kaz in his opponent as one of kaz's weaknesses is getting a highly offensive enemy off of him or taking his turn back when being mauled by offense last hit is duable be aware additionally if the first two punches of danu hit you have enough attack advantage to throw out flash punches abolishing fist down for two you need to establish this move as quickly as possible and establish to the enemy that you will throw this out kazia will get hit it's okay once you get your Kaza really up and running and it may take a few months or more but Kaza can easily reach take the life lead loss from throwing out abolishing Fist and it being blocked you can't block for a time after this adversaries will hit you but with nothing too crazy the reason why I tell you that is abolishing fist is a round starter attack that tells you a lot about your opponent it also tells them not to try any slow move Shenanigans at the start of rounds that they best play honest a single mid attack that open opens the door to Great damage on counter hit and one of kaz's best weapons at the start of rounds fast attacks will beat this move out and only the very fastest mid attacks but nothing fatal anything beyond that your opponent wants to start the round with they feel the power of the devil you're fishing for a few things with this move a counter hit or people just moving around jocking for position as those Neon streaks means this move will follow them within the range of the streaks it is a homing attack and if you know the gaps in certain attacks the enemy keeps repeating that attack take Jen's double thrust low trick kick you can cut him off score that counter hit before the low attack comes out Tekken eight is all about aggression starting your offense or keeping it going one way to do this is by trapping the opponent some of Kia's best strikes somewhat slower than others it's a great idea to trap your opponent in situations that allow kazia to access those heavier buttons so to speak remember this moment from the previous section opponent blocks left splits kick once more in this move they face being forced into a crouching State blocking this particular attack kazer is at a disadvantage animation wise and his opponent can move first however they have to choose the right option a test against this is a junk punch or a longer extension of this move down two now I'd say it's best to block you but it is a good time to talk about how kazia or any other character for that matter can keep their offense going or steal their turn back sort of speak with junk punch we'll be connecting it with this following move tsunami kick down down forward 44 but we'll primarily be using down forward 4 and not finishing the strike I want you to understand how important this move is this is Kia's fastest standing mid attack in the game that is safe if the enemy blocks it and it has good range you can do a lot with this move and its identical looking weapon while Rising 44 standing tsunami kick hits you're good to go into flash punch if it's blocked you can duck a high attack and then dick jab to take your turn back now the frame Advantage after standing tsunami is such that you may want to duck first then junk punch to ensure an enemy's High attack doesn't clip you when the recovery from a move is faster you can press down in the one button at the same time without any inconsistencies and since we won't be going into frames here you can just press down then one if you want to be ultra cautious and minimize your chances of being hit by a high attack when implementing this now just to be clear here you just punch someone in the balls or whatever they got down there you have the advantage both tsunami kicks look identical but the while Rising 4 attack is just a smudge faster and creates a larger window to continue attacking on hit if standing tsunami hits the advantage is considerably smaller this is a subtle difference that if you note and the enemy doesn't you can really tip the scales in your favor remember the first strike of while Rising tsunami kick hits you can follow up with a lot of attack strings and singular attacks like danu Ramba the slaughter series there are so many ways to keep kazia offensive Ur rocking hits razing for blocked dick jab ra Rising four hits Slaughter kick blocked they keep pressing dick Jack or Flash punch Jabs standing t blocked and if the enemy throws out another high attack guess what you guessed it dick jab this take your turnback junk punch action is essential for understanding Tekken and it can frustrate the hell out of your opponent when implement it this way leaving them thinking I did all this blocking and all I got for my troubles is well a punch to the balls the concept of taking your turn back after straying with junk punch some attacks take too long to recover for you to be able to implement this over an opposing strike since junk Punch or dick jab is a special low attack it can be parried and hop kicked and this will happen if you abuse this Strat too much however Kaza I would argue is a key character that needs to implement this fundament rule in order to make him stronger and viable at the beginner level just the threat of that special mid can make your opponent duck allowing cause to pull out more mid Weaponry all of this working together to hold enemies in place pin them down with moves like this move here right splits kick Ford four this ties so much together a slow mid attack on hit or block does that whole Crouch State thing to the enemy we've seen a few times in this guy but the attack Advantage here whether it hits your opponent or it's blocked is kazus insert tsunami kick here danu Zamba on hit you add the slaughter series and on block if the enemy doesn't junk Punch or do the fastest while Rising attack use the Slaughter strings here too this is the oppressor kazia can be you can start to see what weapons to use in where to use it let's look at some lows and other tools to mix in stature Smash down back four this strike is a fast attack for being a low it happens too fast for the human eye to react to on normal hit CA is free to keep attacking with tsunami kick in the flash punch straight on counter hit the enemy grabs their leg signaling to you it's time to eat choose basically whatever weapon your heart desires in the move list left splits right splits the enemy should definitely be blocking after stature smash on counter hit and if not make them pay and every once in a while throw out more than one of these at a time some Tekken players okay a lot of Tekken players are Infamous for not protecting their feet and having an enemy grounded trapped at a wall after a combo is another time to throw this out again maybe even more than one Tombstone Crusher full Crouch down forward 3+4 another at the start of rounds move this attack is a slow mid it evades high attacks and drops the enemy to to the ground where Devil's steel pedal is guaranteed on hit here in escapable you're not safe to block if this doesn't land but the damage you receive is minimal in fact aside from a junk Punch or while Rising four the majority of the cast can't hit you with anything if they block this though they probably will try make sure you punish them for any missteps side note devil steel pedal is another move that hits grounded having the Ops cornered and grounded devil steel will hit over and over and if they wake up with a button it becomes a counter hit launcher spinning demon forward neutral down down forward 41 on a three finger list of Kia's most important moves spinning deep colloquially known as hell sweep is definitely one of them a low attack that's as fast and even faster than some mids that knocks the opponent down and sets up the condition that they may be swept over and over again this can be a devastating mind game to put an enemy through not the easiest input and difficult to master this move is like the redcon of a thousand-year-old story it ties everything together though enemies can divy out great damage if they block this you have to learn this move as this is the weapon that gets enemies to duck out of fear wherein you can get your mid game going in the early goings of ranked here are some examples of where to implement this move those St block and after they finish an attack stre and those backing endlessly away from you like the last thing they want to do in a fighting game is fight you and when cutting strings short which can be tricky to do as Mashers Mash as soon as they see daylight to do if you find however an opponent overr it always waiting for you to fully complete an attack string surprise surprise hell sweep comth speaking of longer attack strings maybe you want to implement a longer string yourself make the enemy hold back longer or to test their matchup knowledge enter twin Fang Double K 1 two 4 three because of kaz's jab strings that third hit alone opponents may not see coming in press if they do the rest of the string will hit in that last kick is a counter hit longer kazia is safe to block if this attack string doesn't land and if they block it you may be able to squeeze in one jab or tsunami if your opponent doesn't take their turn using a fast attack and that last strike of the string is delayable making setting up that counter the word diabolical comes to mind a good amount of Kia's low attacks Grant kazia the ability to move first to continue to attack his opponent Slaughter high kick into Stater smash into tsunami kick any time I mean anytime you see your opponent overly respected not pressing buttons or just holding back to block hell sweep or right splits or statue smash mix them up make them guess make them think remember for four on hit or block forces your opponent into a Crouch limiting their move set and once more Kaza gets to move first right splits on counter hit devil Ste is a guaranteed hit but you have to move fast in order to get it and be sure to inch forward just the Tad while you input Devil's steel pedal in order to make the move reach easier to do for the enemy's troubles is stature smash here as well now you may Wonder with all this good Stu why Kaza is so difficult to Pilot a lot of his best attacks are slow relative to the rest of the cast and requires inputs like the ones for hell sweep and perfect electric that aren't easy for beginners to master now about kazia being smothered by office but doesn't have the best Panic moves moves that really help you get out of a bad situation kind of circumvent the rules of the Matrix S of speak he is not however helpless because some of Kia's best stuff or slower attacks or the range of opposing Fighters attacks Kaza can really have an issue getting a mauling opponent off of him let's let's look at some moves that help you do just that Kumo Kitty back one plus two in evading sway back attack another potential round starter weapon though it doesn't always work out that way safe if blocked heating Gage any string you recognize there's a hole in your opponent's attack string or if use back dash at the start of rounds to assess the situation you can catch the enemy in between pressing while they start pressing there's a lot of nuance and open space to use this move don't be afraid to throw this out and attempt to avoid an attack and surprise your opponent and if blocked you can duck and then junk Punch If you note Ops like to use lots of high attacks when taking their turn Soul thrust 42 power crushes buffed from their Tekken seven selves Link in the DB bar for more on that Soul thrust is another get off me tool it isn't safe if the opponent outright blocks it but an enemy rushing in or just being careless with how many buttons they're pressing you know what I like to say make them pay you can also play a babe in the woods and run at your opponent like a deer in headlights all really just to be a wolf and sheep's clothing that is the say while running into Power Crush can really catch an opponent off guard guard glorious demon godfist hell of a name Ford 1 plus2 we are not concerned with the speed of this move but rather its speciality as this move is a saaki with zero interaction with the Enemy the punch knocks down on hit and is safe on block but opposition throwing out high or mid punches this strike has a built-in Parry that will nullify the their attack and strike them instead think about all those mashes all those punches into punches highs into mids keeping you from junk punching insert glorious demon here devil fist 442 very beginner level friendly forward advancing mid attack that leaves kazia safe to block if it's defended the range is a home run but it's not a grand slope you may be deceived by its range and hit nothing try to be careful with the spacing of devil fist this is a good move to throw out against Shadow boxing opponents fighting the air and those trying to move in on your space that brings me to wave dashing another thing that makes Kaza who he is and is also hard to do and even harder to master I will place links in the description for that but an attempt to avoid information overload length of video and to sort of place in your mind what you eventually want to get to we're going to supplement wave dash for some other options devil fist is a nice weapon after flash punch knockdown or enemies baited into a wake up attack by cause running up and then backing away if you note the enemy likes to Spring attack look for abolishing fist or if they like to delay their wake up or Flash punch to knock them down again and alternatively you can swipe out flash punch for one two2 instead back fist combo these strikes leave opponents standing where tsunami kick or junk punch will be there to greet them another attempt at a setup is devil fist blocked in to slight backdash Kumo Kiri though results May Vary it's a gamble to keep your offense going and devil fist while in heat is quite powerful look to bait out a reaction from the enemy and land this over and over again while kaz's heat is active wind godfist forward neutral down down forward to I put this here because I know you've seen this move in its stronger self I don't expect you as a beginner to get this move down in this vid will be far too long to go into the particulars on how to implement the buttons perfectly and how to replicate that over and over perfect or not just start implementing it now so you're more comfortable with it later this move is a high attack Swiss army knife of moves it's a keep out moves for enemies trying to invade your space it punishes opponent's attack that with counter hits enemies slow buttons and this weaker version of godfist can only be hit by the fastest attacks if blocked its stronger Version on block knocks the enemy away forces them to try to get back in again gives some frame advantage and does Chip damage these two moves perfect Electric and Hell sweep two moves that on that three finger list make Kaza what he is not the easiest moves to do and even more difficult to master going into heat every electric becomes perfect but I would caution you to learn this as much as possible without the training wheels you would be doing a disservice to yourself in the long run to pop heat only to Electric imperfectly all the time links in the dbar are for some guides on how to perfect electric your move to master today is Hell sweep the ultimate power of this move comes from its looping hitting the opponent and forcing them to guess for life and your opponent has to guess when you'll do this they have to make a read that the attack is about to happen so for you this move is about timing and spacing especially since hell sweep doesn't have any high evasion kazia doesn't duck down to avoid Jabs when he starts spinning but it is vital that you get this move going it teaches you how much of Tekken is about timing and F so realign With the Enemy as you get your hell sweep mixes going in One Sweep two sweeps conditioning the enemy to duck it opens up the door to allow kazia to be more oppressive I got two cheap ass moves of the day for you the first one roundhouse triple spin kick up forward quadruple 4 a cheeky move for sure deceptive range goes over low attacks in the beginner and intermediate stages of play are pretty much the only places you'll get to use this after that people will start blocking and launching you for that second hit the cheapness and saving grace of this move however is if you get it on counter hit the whole heaping helping of damage is guaranteed so if you space this out at the end of rounds against an opponent pressing buttons you can end the battle there and then cheap move number two sliding low kick down back three evasion moves have a built-in cheapness to them and those that reach out while evading your enemy are even cheaper vulnerable to Mid attacks and minimal damage divvied out if blocked sliding low kick evades highs yet another way to start rounds with cause and collect some reconnaissance on the enemy see if they in fact start the round with a mid or a high or an armor move perhaps kazia goes into Crouch after this move is at a slight disadvantage on hits where a junk punch or Tombstone against a high attack can help you keep the offense going though blocking can be equally as telling as some players overreact to getting nipped by anything and on counter hit look at the hand touch the ground the marker of a forced Crouch State CA gets to move first with an arsenal of wild Rising moves to go for here the devil does have his tricks doesn't he now let's go into combos as you continue your journey piloting cause his combo paths can be tough and Technical today though these are beginner level pick up and play type of combos done on 24 by 24 stages and involve walls these aren't optimal they're just to get you going and get you familiar with certain moves in the combo paths we'll start with a counter hit abolishing fist down four two in some instances you may have to Dash push let's call it into your opponent to reach the wall sometimes dashing into their space and pushing them onward just a bit to ensure the rest of the combo reaches the wall alternatively you can use this path with left splits forward for three as the launcher with the rest of the path being in exactly the same let's say you get 443 from a counter hit after Slaughter kick shorter distance to the wall at this point cut out the second usage of down Ford one two in the combo while while leaving everything else the same further from a wall we'll add another Tex string to the path to accommodate this don't forget to dash push here if you feel it's needed to get to a wall and charging the ending punch of down forward 3 2 1 also seems to help push the enemy out further now let's try combo with one electric you have to time 314 after electric hit otherwise the attack string won't All Connect here's one for two electrics so it might get a bit more challenging here remember not only to dash but to dash push to increase your chances of hitting a wall here's an alternative path worth a bit more damage second electric has to hit within a timely manner otherwise the rest of the combo will drop this next one is for twin Pistons it's low damage but as they say some damage is better than no damage on counter hit combo damage is always worth more we looked at urakan earlier and its utility continues in combos the attack string 31 shifts into wind God St and we can use this in combos this kind of 3-1 into down forward combo used in this way I've noticed it can be janky be sure to dash push to try to create the ideal wall Splat but again this can be iffy no matter what damage gets pretty decent on counter hit devil steel pedal 444 which show us just that Dash push doesn't seem like it's required here I know this is a bit Nuance but so is playing cous here's a combo from a longer distance again Dash push into the opponent to lengthen the carry of the combo kazia has many weapons in his Arsenal though some are harder to see where they go they all do nonetheless fit together to make one super weapon he is Mr Tekken difficult to play it first but if you stick with him you'll get it all back in the end subscribe to the new wave and I'll see you in the next one lers
Channel: New Wave TEKKEN
Views: 7,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TEKKEN 8 Kazuya | Weapons | TEKKEN 8 Kazuya Beginner Guide and Combos, TEKKEN 8 Kazuya Guide, tekken 8 kazuya combos guide, tekken 8 kazuya tutorial, ekken 8 kazuya guide, tekken 8 kazuya best moves, Kazuya TEKKEN 8 Beginner Guide, Kazuya TEKKEN 8 Tutorial, Kazuya TEKKEN 8 Combos, how to play kazuya tekken 8, Kazuya Guide TEKKEN 8, kazuya tekken 8 guide, TEKKEN 8 Kazuya, TEKKEN 8 Kazuya How to Play, Kazuya tutorial TEKKEN 8, Kazuya Beginner Guide TEKKEN 8, WEAPONS TEKKEN 8
Id: I241sz6gYPE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 17sec (2717 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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