Four Steps to PERFECT WHIFF PUNISHMENT - Tekken 8 Intermediate Tips

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one of tekken's key fundamentals is whiff punishment I got a question in chat two seconds ago what is whiff punishment well block punishment is when you block something and you hit them while they're still recovering right a whiff punish is where they swing and hit the air and during that whiff recovery you can get a huge punish that leads into a combo don't copy my dragonov combos those are ass all right I've designed a drill that will help you develop your whiff punishment it's not just raw reaction training there is a specific method ology to which you can get better at it okay if you have terrible reactions it's not over try this out see if you can do it what we're going to do is pick your own character I'm picking dragonov just for this example but set the opponent as Jun Kazama okay and I'm going to show you how to set up this drill from the start in practice mode at the top we go to practice settings here and normally practice mode Starts Here on offense we're going to set it to defense okay uh we're going to record one action click on record uh follow the directions on screen to record this and then hit down forward three down forward three is the move we want to record first last setting we need to make sure we have is that action intervals is on normal okay I'm going to paste this all in the little notepad right underneath me for your convenience level one of the drill we're just going to whiff punish jun's down forward three this is a move that June uses a lot actually and it steps forward so it's kind of hard to see sometimes or hard to get away from what we're going to do is space right around the tip here and react to the whiff with the down forward two whatever launch punish your character has um I'm using dragonov down forward two here all right we're going to do this a few times I'd say get eight out of 10 where you uh intentionally whiff punish it and get it right this is kind of a warm-up step but I think it's pretty crucial cuz you want to understand not only the spacing of Junes down forward three but also the range of your whiff punish so play around see if you can get like max range on your down forward two or whatever your launch is for your character and get really comfortable with that all right nothing too special here for level one but this is going to really really matter okay so the key tip is focusing on the range of your whiff punish and the range of her move and we go in general when you're playing Tekken neutral you can hang out at this range where your whiff punish is still going to cover any moves that they will whiff right hey teeken tip for neutral but level one's kind of boring let's make it a bit more interesting let's add level two all right level two of the drill we're going to add Jun down forward two to the recording and then we're going to change the down forward three to dash down forward three okay and we're not going to do this Shuffle thing that's nonsense oh wait no no I'm lying to you I'm lying to you I actually had the right trust the FDX process I even forgot what I was all about okay the next step is we're going to turn off that down forward three we're going to turn on June's down forward to so same thing follow the recording process just turn it off as quickly as possible the reason I record quickly is I don't want any like artificial delay telling me which move is going to come next so you might have to get comfortable with your controller or whatever input device to hit select and four to do the recording stuff but once you get used to it you can rep record pretty quickly we're going to do the same thing here we're going to with punish the down forward two you'll see it doesn't move as far forward as the down forward 3 so you have to hang out close enough that you'll still be able to punish it all right this is the same thing two little orientation levels with punishing in the open where you know the the only move that's going to come are these two moves nothing too special I said action interval Shuffle that's like a little added layer of difficulty if you don't know the Rhythm that her move is going to come from then you have to really react raw so if this is hard for you to do it on shuffle get used to it on regular timing and then turn on the shuffle get used to it on random timing makes sense levels one and two are pretty short let's look at level three after I give you a couple tips I almost forgot space just outside of the down forward two range and whiff punish on reaction that's what it's all about okay um and when you're doing this um you don't have to move around too much if you want to get used to doing this in game you can do some forward and back dashes just to get really comfortable but prioritize just getting the whiff punch in the first place don't make it too hard at first that you keep failing it's important to build off of successes when you're building muscle memory and reactions and things like that now is where the fun begins level three level three the initial settings that we're going to do are we're going to set the action interval to short okay this means she's just going to go quickly and we have to record two different moves now dash down forward three so forward Dash and then down forward three and then Junes down forward two just from standing again try to record as quickly as possible so there are no delays and let me show you how this drill works okay first I'm going to list out the criteria or you know what we're looking for we're going to back dash we're not going to Korean back dash Dash this is really important because we don't want the down forward three to uh whiff the down forward three should hit our block right so she's going to do Dash down for three just for example here and no matter how much we back dash it should chase us you're going to turn on both settings though and the idea is you just block the down forward three and whiff punish the down forward two and just keep slow back dashing the whole time and you'll see that I whiffed there right my whiff punished whiffed hers so even though we're continuously back dashing we have to hold this sweet spot of space where our whiff punish will still hit and this is what makes the drill kind of challenging you're back dashing but not brainlessly right and she's doing two different moves and you want to be ready for the one that you can whiff punish pretty cool give it a lot of time I found this actually when I was first like setting up this drill it was a bit challenging because my I would back dash an autopilot and just miss the range of whiff punishment okay so try that out get used to that I would say if you could do it like 10 times in a row consistently you can go to level four but this one's pretty fun and it's pretty satisfying to feel your brain get faster and your reactions get faster and stuff like that if I have one tip it's don't mentally focus on your hand back dashing you want to really keep your eyes on June and really look for that move you're keeping your eyes on your spacing and having your whiff punish locked and loaded okay it's not about how your back dash looks or anything like that you're maintaining your eyes on your spacing and your opponent's character so I'm looking at June right now and I'm using the corner of my eye to keep an eye on Dragon off that way I know I'm in the right range pretty sick right let's look at level four level four is where this drill gets really really fun I I I actually really really enjoy doing this so it's the same thing as level three action interval short Dash down forward three regular down forward two and then we're going to add one more recording jun's down forward four so this is a really big mid kick and these are moves that June will use by the way uh the point is that it wouldn't be useless once you get into an actual fight so what does this down forward four add well the down forward four is minus 14 on block and it goes really far so you can't whiff punish it if you're at the space where you can whiff punish down forward two so the drill is again back dash don't Korean back dash block the down forward three whiff punish the down forward two and block punish the down forward four so for dragonov his minus 14 punish is this move back four three you'll have to find the one for your character um punishment training should help or different Guides Online so now for this drill I'm going to keep back dashing and I need to whiff punish that move and I need to block punish that move so what I did was just incorrect I showed you how to do the drill wrong what I want to do is have accurate block punishment like this and accurate with punishment like this and not mixing the two up if you do back four three as your with punish you did it wrong okay this drill is very very challenging and the by the way if you don't know the trick to knowing whether your punish is real or not is the yellow text uh on the left side here I don't know if you can see oh my mouse showed up nice the yellow text here will show you if you got a real punish or not right so there it says punish because it was a whiff punish but I did the wrong one right so here oh it whiffed so at tip range whiff too this makes your spacing even more important as you're moving around so let's do this okay really really bad whiff punish but as you can see the punish letters glow up when you whiff or block punish properly if you're late at all then it won't glow and that's how you know if you're doing the drill correctly so remember block punish the down forward four whiff punish the down forward two and don't get them mixed up you have to pick the right punish for the correct option and I've listed them down here uh the again the only tip I really have is take your attention as much as possible off of the back dash you want your hand to kind of autopilot this back dash right and you want to really focus on getting the right punish if this is too hard by the way if you are really really struggling to get it done there's a one key like isolation drill you can do in general whenever you practice isolate if it gets too hard if I can't if I keep failing this like say fail five times in a row turn off the other options and just block punish this this is seriously your best choice I know it looks boring and you're like well of course I can do this like this isn't challenging at all I know it's coming when you're doing this you want to link your eyes seeing the down forward four to your hands doing the correct punish it's not about teaching yourself like knowledge right you know the answer it's about teaching your hands the response to what your eyes are taking in okay so that's the point of doing really like mundane simple practice like this if you saw my Korean backdash guide learning a lot of muscle memory especially in this game is all about that when you're ready when you feel like you're a bit more comfortable turn on two options okay so just turn on the down forward three so that you get these two options to deal with and then do this so you could call this level 3.5 if you start turning off different options and this is really good to do this is something do as well then you can switch the other two options you have the mid and the one you want to whiff punish you have the down forward sorry they're both mid the down forward two that you want to whiff punish and the down forward four that you want to block punish and you'll just play around with both of those remember make sure each time the punish letters glow here and once you feel good at both of those in pieces now do all [Music] three and this drill is so much fun for me I can feel myself getting better when I first started like drafting this video I could not do the drill at all I was really really bad at it I was doing the wrong punishes I was missing the whiff punish I was like over spacing like if you go too far back and you miss the whiff punish on the down forward two it loses its purpose and there I just did the wrong punish again the other thing it does you some people complain like oh she's always just doing the Homing move she's always doing the mid the opportunity never comes up that trains you to not get bored to not lose focus you have to really lock in if Jun is always doing the same option like that one the only tip I so I did the wrong punish again the only tip I have for that is to just keep breathing like breathing AIDS a lot of focus make sure you're breathing in and out and and if you space too far the punish wh for dragonov this is a great drill I had a great time making this I had a great time doing it I'm going to take it to my character on Lily um again very very simple drill but very effective and once you go into your ranked matches you'll find that your muscle memory is so much better almost automatically well not automatically you did the drill right but your muscle memory will will be so much better uh let me know if you enjoy this kind of video let me know in the comments if you think I missed something or if you got any questions and subscribe if you want to see more I'll catch you in the next one peace
Channel: PhiDX
Views: 75,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tekken 7, tekken, bandai namco, tutorial, guide, entertainment, stream, commentary, arcade, controller, help, news, update, explained, ranked, online, backdash, korean, kbd, sanwa, knee, lever, fightstick, tournament, training, practice, season, twt, world, tour, mainmanswe, tier, list, tierlist, pad, playstation, jdcr, king jae, anakin, themainmanswe, combo, mishima, history, classic, ewgf, player, dlc, bandai, namco, harada, murray, battle, character, boss, unlock, throw, break, rage, art, bandai namco entertainment, tekken world tour, fgc
Id: xL9YdV4W1J4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 11sec (731 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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