Frame Traps For Dummies - Tekken 8

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what's up you guys it's FDX a common piece of advice I give a lot of my viewers is if you're trying to get out of the beginner ranks like Warrior and climb up into the red ranks you need to just do your frame traps but a common question I got in response is what is a frame trap in order to explain this I need to explain basic Frame data and I'm going to take a segment for my beginner guide if you've already seen this go ahead skip to the time stamp below but to me I think this is the fastest explanation possible for uh what Frame data is all about and how to use it in Tekken it's not exhaustive it's the bare minimum so we'll play this part of the video and then I'll go into some demonstrations that will explain uh Frame data in more detail how we can use it we'll go into some frame traps and then I'm going to try to demonstrate what I said in a ranked match and prove that in these beginner ranks you can run a frame trap and get a lot of mileage if not many many ranks let's get into it do an exhaustive breakdown of Frame data here but I want try the more you'll learn here we go I'm not going to do an exhaustive breakdown of frame Frame data here but I want to do just enough to get you started when we say 10 frame move or 15 frame move we're just describing how fast the character's attacks come out the game calls the speed of the move the attack startup frames frames are just how the game measures speed the less startup frames a move has the faster it comes out so if two players do a move at the same time the smaller number wins jy's move is faster so he interrupts Kia's move if both players do attacks with the same startup frames then the attacks will hit at the same time we call that a trade take a look at the in-game Frame data display after a move hits or is blocked you get either plus or minus frames plus frames mean you have advantage and can act sooner minus frames mean you're at a disadvantage and your opponent can act sooner sometimes you'll be so negative that your opponent can actually hit you before you can block Victor's while standing one is guaranteed here because Nina atus 37 is still just trying to stand up for most characters the fastest move in Tekken is the 10f frame J jab that means if you find yourself at minus 10 your opponent gets guaranteed Jabs on you you wentus 10 so a 10f frame move will hit you if you go down to minus5 your opponent can hit you with a 15 frame move when one character has so much disadvantage that their opponent can hit them for free we call this a punish learning to punish your opponent's minus frames is a great way to get free damage on them Tekken characters are balanced around the fact that their strongest moves can usually get them killed for example Brian has a low called snake Edge it's not just a combo starter it can go under highs and under mids the move is only allowed to be this good because it's Min - 26 if you block it at- 26 every character can punish Brian and get a combo if you take away the fact that they can die for even trying this then the move becomes insanely overpowered that's why knowing your punishment is important if you don't punish your opponents all of their moves become boss character moves the two magic numbers you want to remember areus 10 and -5 as soon as someone is minus 10 or worse you get your jab punish as soon as someone is minus 15 or worse you get to launch them some characters don't have 15 frame launchers but you'll learn that pretty quickly when you look at tutorials or guides if your character doesn't have a 15f frame launcher it's not the end of the world it usually means they have stronger tools elsewhere punishment goes a lot okay so that wraps up the punishment section but it was important to talk about minus frames so that now we can talk about plus frames so definitely recommend checking out the rest of that I'm going to skip ahead to the plus frame section okay hey that was a really long section where were we again plus frames mean you have advantage and can act sooner oh yeah plus frames okay so when you have plus frames you can act first before your opponent the more plus frames you have the harder it is for your opponent to fight back take a look at this example Jin does a downforward four and it's blocked The Frame data says say he has zero frame Advantage what happens here if both characters do their 10 frame jab well I see Zero frame Advantage meaning nobody is faster than the other if they're both doing 10f frame moves at the same time then I would expect the moves to trade let's see what happens and look at that they traded nobody had an advantage and they did a move of the same speed another example jyn hits a down back four The Frame data says he has plus three frame Advantage what happens now if both characters do their 10f frame jab so I see this time JY has three frames of Advantage so even though it's going to be a 10f frame jab versus another 10f frame jab jyn gets to start three frames sooner so I expect jyn to hit first of course Jin hit first I made this video I know what happens in all seriousness I know frames can be very confusing so please don't feel bad if this didn't make very much sense okay so hopefully that explanation made sense if if it didn't make sense that's what I'm here to help with right now and then we're going to go we're going to go into frame traps Etc so the the key factors you need to take away from that explanation are number one oops not that number one the startup frames are the amount of frames to hit it's the speed of the move okay so if you take for example 15 frames versus 10 frames oh excuse me 15 frames versus 10 frames uh what this means is the 15 frame move is slower okay this is what you need to know primarily you need to get this absolutely nailed down 15 frames is slower than 10 frames if it sounds like I'm being extra redundant for no reason it's it might get confusing okay if you already get it no big deal okay so now I want to look at an in-game example of this in action and rather than explain plus frames with the math first what I want to do is just demonstrate examples and with these examples I think it'll start to make sense so I'm in the training mode here let me turn the volume back up in the training mode um I'm just going to keep Victor at standing block so I can demonstrate a couple things the first thing is that raina's while running three gives her plus six okay this is forward forward forward three you can see in The Frame data at the bottom left it says plus six and I'm going to note that here just for our reference okay r as while running three is plus six okay the next thing you need to be aware of is Victor's jab is 10 frames I've pre-recorded his actions under this punish tab they go here separate video on that if you're curious about it but basically whenever I hit Victor's block he's going to jab me back and if you look at the Frame data in the bottom right we'll see that his jab is 10 frames like most characters Jabs he has a 10 frame jab okay so I'm going to run through some examples of a frame trap okay frame trap meaning I have so many plus frames that I will interrupt him okay math will come later let's just look at examples first example I'm going to do rea's while running three so I she'll have plus six and then I'm going to do a standing one jab which is 10 frames okay going to get plus six do a one jab and then 10 frame and then I'm going to do a one jab and that's 10 frames right and if I do it as fast as possible Victor never gets a chance to hit me right he his move never comes out okay I win that makes sense I have plus six frames of Advantage we're both doing a 10 frame move Victor's is 10 frames mine is 10 frames right and uh so I win okay next example Raina is plus six and then does standing four okay standing four is 13 frames all right we still win we still beat Victor's jab as soon as he blocks this if I'm plus six I do my standing for Raina wins next example Raina is plus six and does a down two down two is 15 frames right I'm going to do running three that's not the move I meant to do running three down two okay I still beat Victor's jab at 15 frames I do a 15 frame move I beat his jab when I have plus six okay final example I have plus six frames I do a back two back two is 16 frames what's going to happen his jab trades with my back two okay his jab trads I'm going to add some things to each line and then I'm going to explain all right so just for clarification it was one jab versus Victor's 10 frame jab okay so I do my 10 frame versus his his 10 frame when I do standing four it's my 13 frame versus his 10 frame when I do down two it's my 15 frame versus his 10 frame with some spacing issues and now when I do back two it's my what the hell when when I do back two it's my 16 frame versus his 10 frame jab so why did they trade well in this plus six situation Victor is always slower than Raina until right like she's always slower than Raina until I do a 16 frame move so that means this Frame trap works for every Raina attack that is faster than this 16 frame mark this 16 frame Mark is like the line anything faster 15 13 10 she wins anything slower or tied she well anything at that speed she ties and then slower she loses right so how do we calculate this how does the math work how can we calculate these frame traps for all of our moves this is my logic so stick with me for a second okay Raina does a while running three Victor is stuck in Block stun right I'm going to turn off this punish thing just so you can really really see it I do this while running three and Victor is recovering he's he's stunned for six frames he's stuck in the block stun now because he's stuck in this block stun he is slower and you'll remember that more frames means slower okay he's stunned for six extra frames so we add the six frames to his move okay we add the six frames and now visually when you look at just these numbers it makes sense why raino wins right it makes it immediate clear immediately clear when our moves will trade so when we remember Victor is stunned for six extra frames so we added the six to his 10 frame jab now look at this math and it makes total sense running three into back two once I set his punishment back on running three into back two 16 frames versus 16 frames at trades that makes sense they're the same speed running three into down two I'm one frame faster so I hit him first now the reason there there's lots of ways to do this math some people like to do subtraction the reason I like this method is because if you just add our plus frames to his 10 frame jab here right we did 10 plus 6 to get all these 16 frames that automatically tells us the speed of the move we can use for our trap okay that automatically tells us what we can do now let's apply that immediately with a new example okay electric I'm going to do that's not electric rain is electri okay so keep this example in mind we're going to the next one right now raina's electric is plus five Victor is going to jab me in response okay so right here looking at the text box Raina goes plus five right what move can she do what move can Raina do to guarantee that she beats the 10 frame jab okay Raina goes plus five off the electric what can can she do versus the 10 frame jab um this is where most YouTubers will say pause the video here but I figure that me ranting about other YouTubers doing that will be enough time for you to figure out that you can pause the video so here's the answer we're going to go right into it let's apply the logic one more time Victor is stunned for five more frames so add the plus five to his jab 15 frame jab so our window of opportunity is 15 frames what 15 frame move does Raina have that we can use well after electric down forward to will trade with the jab so putting this here this is the slowest possible move that will still be a frame trap plus five 15 frame down forward to by the way the reason why we don't just use the down two that I listed earlier which is also 15 frames is because of the push back on electric if I do electric into down two it actually whiffs and Victor's jab just hits me afterwards that's why we have to use down forward to still 15 frames but as you can see sometimes frame traps might have spacing issues now most of the time it doesn't make sense to look for a trade on purpose there are exceptions of course but uh let's look for a frame trap for Raina that doesn't involve trading we could just pick her next fastest move which was that 13 frame standing for now because of the five frames of block done again Victor's 10 frame jab is five frames slower so it's a 15 frame Jab okay and based on these numbers the standing four outspeeds the jab now hopefully the frame traps now make sense and if they don't then I have failed you and I'm sorry I recommend watching some other videos from other creators there's a lot of them on Tech and Frame data and maybe they can help you I have to move on now though so let's look at two Raina frame traps or uh three is it two I have a certain amount of rain of frame traps that will work in ranked let's go into this right away okay hopefully that made sense keep moving all right this is a common Raina frame trap I'm going to scroll all the way down and just say Okay Raina frame traps for ranked while running three gives her plus six and then we do down two this is the one I mentioned in the example right this is always going to be faster than the jab because you're plus six you're doing a 15 frame move and down two is safe on Block it's actually zero so down to if if they decide to do nothing like if they don't do a jab interrupt you're not killing yourself by doing this Frame trap you putting yourself at zero you can disengage you can keep pressure stuff like that that's why this Frame trap is so good there's like no risk at all they would have to pull off a crazy side step and I don't even know if s side stepping this is possible after running three because you have plus six frames okay they can step it to the left and they can step it to the right so it's linear so if your opponent is good enough to understand Sid stepping this has a bit of risk however we're talking about applying this in the beginner ranks right so most players don't know how to S side step let alone know the frames in the first place right I put that backwards they don't know frames in the first place let alone when to S side step so this is a pretty safe frame trap another frame trap that you can use oh by the way if this hits if you actually hit this Frame trap you get a free Stomp and that's why it's also so nice so running three down two stomp okay running three down to I don't think you get you can get the second hit let's set them to Tech just to be sure this is an option they can take and I'm going to now show the damage we do since that's now relevant information display settings player attack info display got it okay running three down two and they can Tech the second hit so you can't do the stomp with the down four one you have to just do down two and single stomp okay 37 damage sizable you hit that five times you win other frame trap I just listed here electric into standing four okay this one also guarantees the full stop and that does about 50 something damage so this does a significantly more amount of damage the risk is that standing for is a high so if your opponent is aware that you're frame trapping them constantly they can do a duck and then launch you so this Frame trap also is dependent on the fact that you could do an electric so keep that in mind uh the down two one I find much much safer but this one exists okay now I'm going to do another frame trap example and if this confuses you stick around okay look at this I'm going to do forward four and then standing four it traded that was weird let's look at why it traded for for standing for tra I recorded it properly so this isn't a mistake on my part this time this is intended okay so check this out our standing for is 13 frames right right so let's write that down standing for is 13 frames okay Raina move is 13 frames she's going against what is Victor doing here while standing for notice that forward four is putting him crouching he's not jabbing anymore he's in Crouch and the fastest move that most players will do here is a while standing for technically they can down jab don't worry about that so uh 13 frame move we have versus his 11 frame Wild standing for okay let's apply the logic we just did earlier Victor is stunned he's delayed by two frames he's two frames slower that means we add it so if you do that plus two he now has a 13 frame while standing for against our nice typing FDX our 13 frame uh standing for trades with his now 13 frame while standing for because of the frames of delay he has our advantage he's slower okay this is another frame trap that will lead to a trade but I recommend a safer one and I just demonstrated I spoiled it okay you can do forward four so I'm going to delete this math okay you already saw it that's the point this is a frame trap it trades okay the other frame trap I really recommend for rank is forward four where's my little arrow man forward four 1 one and if you hit the one one you can visually confirm into the two so I'm going to say one one confirm two and this means you won't take damage if he does that okay one one confirm two these are four four frame traps for Raina I've demonstrated how we figured them out and now I want to take them into ranked okay so we're going to go to the main menu we're going to do that right now now the reason I gave you a few frame traps to select from is because it's not always the case that you'll be able to create space from your opponent so like I am a nerd so I learn to Korean back dash so I can run away and do while running three I would not be surprised if that's hard for people who can't Korean backdash because making space in this game is supposed to be harder they want you to be more aggressive and to run in so if they're in your face forward four is really really nice uh because you're already Point Blank and there's not much adjustment to make finally uh let me really cleanly lay out the strategy we're going to do okay so here's the plan these are our frame traps and this is the plan the strategy we're going to do the frame trap no [ __ ] [ __ ] FDX we're going to do the frame trap and if they disrespect it it hits we get our damage good if they don't respect it or sorry if they do respect it say they they they choose not to mash into our plus frames okay we do the Plus frames and then nothing okay we don't start doing a bunch of Mix-Ups or Mind Games we just do nothing okay then later we'll try to frame trap them again we only apply mixups if about like eight to times 8 to 10 times later they decide to press we're in the match now let's get into it okay what is it Forward four that hit okay so if it hits we don't get the frame trap I'm punishing him here for that I'm going to do running three standing four it hit I can stomp him okay running three he clipped me out of it so maybe I need to okay little punish for his whiff I'm gonna try running through again once he stands up and just hit him let's try it again standing for already working already working marvelously let me try to do it without Korean backdashing so you can see a realistic way it might look he grabbed me that's annoying so I'm going to have to try to jab him out of those grabs if he's running up to me like this control him a bit okay he didn't Mash this time he did an unsafe string okay and sometimes the moves will just hit and do a lot of of damage okay I'm going to block that cuz I can react okay A little punish here now I'm going to try forward four forward four I whiffed okay very nice I ducked into that he's grabbing me I'm going to try to control him with Jabs here because I don't want him to Freestyle on me like this break the throw just jab jab jab are we good are we chilling forward four frame trap okay he respected it he did an unsafe string running three frame trap he did not respect it I'm going to jab him because I think he's going to die okay so the jab is your fast move if you can't set up the frame trap if they decide to chill out a bit then you can apply it okay I'm getting thrown quick tip if you're on the player two side you can do a generic two throw and if it hits it'll swap sides Raina looks like it swap sides on block okay I'm going to do my frame trap he respected it frame trap he's respecting the frame trap but remember stick to the plan just do it a little maybe we don't do it right away maybe we just do the plus frames and then nothing see if we can entice him into acting I'm being chain thrown I want to change sides again so I'm going to grab him okay we're going to do the plus frames and then nothing okay well jam out of here plus frames nothing plus frames oh it hit him let's try again hey armor be careful jab him plus frames nothing okay he mashed now we see he's mashing again okay okay plus frames oh he did a down jab okay so m plus frames might not work off of that I'm going to jab him a bit again do take a punish here okay all right so the forward four frame trap isn't working as well he's respecting that consistently we've done it like 8 to 10 times now let's mix it up okay he's interrupting my jab nice let's block block King is hard because he has these throw braks against a regular character you'll be blocking more often than not so we'll demonstrate it again against a non- king character I'm going to go low okay he armored me counter hit throw now it's looking very ugly is he going to go low I'm going to go oh he down Jabs okay he keeps down jabbing so how do we counter that how do we counter a down jab we can just block that's one option or we can low Parry the down jab I'm going to try to avoid making it too complicated so let me just try this running three mixup after I survive this chain throw okay okay doing that how did that hit me one one well I don't know a Raina combo I'm not going to lie I didn't study Raina combos okay he's going forward and he threw me so if I can't break the throws I'm cooked let's try again in the run back if he gives it to me and if not what we're going to do is edit this match out and go to the next match where I'm not fighting a king but as you can see he's not necessarily countering my offense he's just attacking me a little bit better so now that we're aware of his game plan we're going to use a lot more Jabs to try to shut down the throw game the throw game is weaker to Jabs a lot of okay trading there jab jab I'm going to jab again bit low there the block okay I didn't do the proper frame trap let's try it again running three if he's doing quick moves to interrupt the running three this is where we need to jab him oursel forward four stomp running three he's jabbing us out of the air this guy loves jabbing and throwing so we will use our fast moves to beat him nice that hit we like that I can probably get a followup there but I don't know about it jab jab he's doing this he's going jaguar run duck that punish running three I think I can stomp him here nice okay let's let's try more of the running three after we've controlled him with the Jabs okay so this guy will probably never let us set up that big move we might just end up block punishing him okay that's not the frame trap I'm going on muscle memory here standing four and down two are what we want there we go standing forward down two he's respecting it so now we now it's time to mix him up he's shown that he's respecting not just that frame trap but so many others okay so I'm jabbing him to slow him down listen if Jabs work too this is like one of the lowest risk options you can do so if you can kill somebody by jabbing that's cool too he's going to heat smash I don't want to die to it nice punish okay oh my God I'm dead that's unbelievable that was a good RAR that was a really really good RAR the king could be in chat right now maybe maybe King's in the chat right now all right let's keep it up quick Jabs if he slows down we'll do the forward four down jab that's how he counters it so I can put in low parries if I want oh my God that punish is so slow punish punish okay if he's going to whiff like that can I just electric him one time no is that okay all right he's changing sides again let's stick to the plan frame trap him down two he's respecting it we're going to mix up my mix-up Choice I've written in the notes down here is I'm going to use down back two to go low okay if I survive this giant swing okay that's a punish okay and now we kill him Raina can down for too I'm just keeping it safe all right let's try again Jabs that are quick okay he down Jabs after the forward four can I low Parry yep out another combo that's fine little punish here okay frame trap with standing for he respects it so now after frame traps he's shown us over six rounds right both first to twos so I'm going to do the frame trap and do a low frame trap oh he just died uh I don't know the combo frame trap into the low he's going to rar so we'll be careful here okay he just died all right so we had to counter some very specific things he was doing using our jab I hope that doesn't seem too complicated let's try to see and if we can slow him down enough to apply this in game three now as you can see like it's a simple concept but there are some variables we need to tackle and the quick jab is one of our answers okay nice he's using down Jabs and the other thing that that I didn't mention is this is dependent on you punishing his strings right so he's doing these strings I'm trying to use my 112 very simple punish lock that and punish it okay he's still trying to outspeed me okay you can duct that string okay frame trap he blocked remember that and this is a reminder to myself frame trap to mixup we've already seen that he's going to respect it right so just go and do a mixup okay he's going to use the heat thing I think watch out for the grab and then watch out for the rage art he's going to rage art here nice okay let's get back to frame trapping if we can forward four nope okay okay A little punish here inter interupt frame trap standing for he ducked now our down two would have worked there so I'm going to try that again oh my God he grabbed me out of the air what a heck okay I don't think he meant to do that oh my God I'm backwards jab jab low Parry jab jab oh my God why is he key charging man what is he doing watch this and then duck the high nice okay he did a low frame trap here nice I forgot to follow follow up if you're playing Raina for real you will probably lab this that's an unblockable we back dash that and frame trap again okay oops if you want to learn how to break these King throws by the way uh I have a video guide in that I live timed out all right he interestingly mashed on that second to last frame trap I don't know if you caught that so we're going to try and abuse that too okay nice he interrupted jab jab jab okay uh I think this is the combo frame trap him down two okay little punish frame trap him again nice so you see how I didn't really have to mix him up he started getting antsy by himself okay he's mashing again so I have to jab him block that let's frame chap okay and now I'm going to try again if he gives me a window go low okay he mashed that one nice oh my God that's a punish I'm not going to combo him cuz I want to demonstrate this one more time they're likely to get antsy when their health is running out and the rage should uh I was afraid of Rage art but he didn't rage it so a bit of a weird match right because of the the the king play style let's see if we can find another character that isn't able to throw you at max range or interrupt your move by grabbing you out of the air King presents a lot of weird problems that might be an accidental nice anti-king guide with a bunch of quick Jabs okay uh let's see if we can find another match a better example would be really cool but as you can see my offense wasn't a bunch of mixups it wasn't a bunch of combos it was frame trap and don't die now we're some very strange Steve and Steve is a bit harder to frame trap because of his 13 frame back one or harder to start the frame trap but the concept should still apply let's see if we can do it he blocked here this guy is a twitch streamer so it may be that he understands how to play the game oh there we go he got he got frame trapped anyways just insist on it I don't know the combo here so we're just going to move on okay he used armor to beat the frame trap well that's not a concept I've covered more of an advanced topic but I'll be sure to mention armor frames uh in the uh in the end of the video okay so he's trying to back one me I'm not going to run into that use J remember the king match we jabbed to slow him down oh okay okay that was unsafe I could have punished that frame trap him again that's safe he doesn't know okay frame trap nice rage art okay we're going to punish this as hard as we can that was as hard as I could do it I don't know the combo kill him with a low down four is low use there quick kill let's try and keep it solid to the frame traps again I'm trying to avoid Korean back dashing as well okay he sniped me out of the air break the throw okay he's respecting it now okay if he respects it we want to make sure he's respecting it a lot okay we're going to make sure we we want to confirm I mashed out of turn that's a high you can actually duck little string knowledge that we can start to apply okay he's still mashing into the frame trap so I have no need to advance to the next mind game one thing people said a lot is okay now it's time you can go to the mixup but no look at this I don't even have to mix him up he's still dying all right I'm going to R oh I can't RAR between that I expect a low to kill me at some point or that but you can kind of see I have not had to apply any mixups yet I'm just stuck to the basics and it's working little punish there okay and if he chooses to respect the frame trap my criteria is like 8 to 10 times then we deal with it okay but there's no need to do it right now jab him out of his pressure frame trap him okay he's really respecting it he doesn't know that that's unsafe or that M move is completely safe oh look at look at that found a little string here not like chat told me that string or anything um kept it pushing frame traps all the way this guy's in a salent yellow Rank and we're able to apply this very simplistic game plan with a few punishes okay and it's working quite well he stopped mashing a bit but let's I'm not oh wow that rain's Auto Parry um didn't mean to do that okay oh my God I'm not trying to do that that is incredibly lucky all right so he has died to the basic move and the frame trap after I never had to develop the Mind Game to the next part if they never press do a low or a mid this strategy works very well at this level and it's not cheese people will say you're cheesing them you're knowledge checking them it is a knowledge check but frame traps are a fundamental that exist up until the pros and through the pros Pros are respecting frame traps and disrespecting frame traps together I man that is a cheap mechanic um Pros are constantly respecting and disrespecting frame traps but it still forms the basis for what they're interacting around that's why even though it's a knowledge check at this level it's not cheese it is something that's a core mechanic of the game there he disrespected it again right um and again I'm not Korean backdashing to show that you can still find these running opportunities but uh the reason I'm not using forward four as much is because Steve's back one is so scary SE back one can snipe me for trying to do a forward four I can try to demonstrate it here but I'll probably die so let's try it okay hit him my frame trap it didn't work he did an unsafe move I should have punished and he's respecting the forward four on block oh never mind doing a little jab to try and sneak my turn back through he's doing this that's high so I just go under jab okay he's respecting the forward Force so let's pretend let's say that he it it appears to be that he understands that forward four is a frame trap so now I'm going to start applying the mixup if I survive this ow forward four oh I meant to go low oh my god oh he sold he didn't have to do that I was going to lose probably I had to go mid or low one more time but he used the rage art to stop my mixup okay go underneath that oh wow all right oh he mashed that time but he's going low all right so if they do that on your forward four you have to low Parry a little whiff punish okay forward four often just counter hits and that's nice obviously okay he mashed wow that was cool all right so I'm not going to do the mixup right away I'm just going to chill and there he just did that for no reason so I'm doing the forward four oh God okay armor move I survive okay if I survive this we're chilling running three oh my God stomp him oh lag okay running three I'm going to do down two my frame trap he doesn't know oh and he sold with rard again okay so this is actually a really good example of a beginner rank match where the frame trap sets you up for everything I have not developed any offensive t tactics that will be bad habits later I'm playing in frame which is very very solid and my opponent is making mistakes in response to that pressure okay so we demonstrated some cases where I would do a mixup after like uh I'm going to go into practice mode just so I can visualize what I'm talking about um in the case of the running three he didn't know how to play around that much Advantage but when I did forward four he had some responses so let's go into the lab we showed that it worked Works in a uh in an actual match setting but let's complete the circle and show all of the cases that we need to cover and then after I finish this we're going to talk about what happens if somebody's doing frame traps to you how do you handle that okay so what was happening is um I would do first I have to record his punishment setting here so out of Crouch cuz my forward 4 puts him in Crouch he would do like this he would do a low like that or sometimes he would do um he would do down jab right this is something you'll see a lot if your move puts the opponent in Crouch easiest answer right away is low Parry right get a low Parry you get a little combo boom I I'm not going to do the optimal combo here I don't know what it is um but we also saw many cases where he would do this this and then back dash which is actually a really good choice I don't get anything immediate my jab actually whiffs and it makes the mixup a bit harder to do yes this down back two reaches but if he's really good about back dashing and blocking it makes the mix-up harder for me I don't get anything for free I have to take the risk of doing a low or uh whiffing in this case so that's uh what he did and to counter that like I said we would just keep doing the the the frame trap we don't have to get damage on him every time we do it we're just applying pressure in a really safe way if he proves and I use the I use the number 8 to 10 times because that's kind of like they're proving that they're really insistent that they're really insist on chilling then we could do Mix-Ups like down back two or we could do another forward four right uh this is a nice mid these come out at similar speeds down back two coming out at 20 frames and the forward four coming out at 19 frames that means your opponent really has to guess okay they can't just autopilot like stand for a uh a slow mid and duck for a fast low they have to choose between the two you can also go for a hell sweep you can go for this hell sweep a bunch of options but again as you saw in that live yellow rank match just the running three was almost enough and then he would die doing a rage art he would attempt to uh punish this move he would do while standing one two after this move right uh let's set that real quick um after I did after I put him in Crouch he would do this and this kind of demonstrates the point I'm talking about people not only don't understand Frame data they don't understand their punishment very well so when I put him in this position he went minus 13 so I was doing this punish to keep it simple but if you're really learning the game you could be doing something like this like down forward one two into heat engage run at him now you have heat things like that I think I've nailed the point home enough on that let's talk about what to do if your opponent is frame trapping you okay so let me select Raina on the other side um and uh record her frame trapping me and talk about how we would defend against this so This demands a new page how to counter frame traps okay how to counter frame traps so let's look at the very first one that we were doing let's just paste it over here we'll do it Case by case okay while running three into down two all right um we'll go to defensive training record ra running three down two okay great what is the counterplay to this well I talked about it a bit in the beginning but either the trapping move so we'll call the the the first move is the plus frame move the second move is the trapping move the frame trap okay the running three uh down two either the second move has the well in every case the second move is the weakness okay so in this case if I just survive the frame trap she's now at zero frames which means I get to play the game again we're neutral there's no Advantage right she does put me in Crouch so there's a bit of oh I'm not even in Crouch am I in Crouch hang on you are in Crouch so the game will put me in Crouch yes there's a bit of a bug in the visual display below so that's a bit of a bit of a disadvantage I don't have all the options she has but I can effectively play the game again I'm like fast enough to jab I can just back dash I can chill out and we're fine we can resume playing the game after she does this I can back dash and then maybe I can do my frame trap that's not my frame trap you know do this and then that right so that's one option wait out the frame trap option one wait it out let me put the frame Trap Back on Top here right uh to nail this point home let's look at the next frame trap right standing for if I do uh let's keep the same let's keep the the same uh plus frame move um this right keep the same plus frame move and then we're doing standing for instead of the down two so that's a 13 frame move and let's wait it out and see what happens okay I'm going to record her doing it oops record again running three standing four what is the counter plate of this well the weakness is in the second move so as you can see she's minus 8 on the second move right so down two is zero on block standing four is minus8 on block so now it's my turn right it's now it's my turn so minus8 I get to play now I have frame Advantage I'm effectively plus eight because she gave up the turn if I have a better read I can even duck it and uh Raina doesn't launch like that she launches with a different launcher oops she does full Crouch down for four yeah you get a punish into a combo if you know the character right so the second move is the weakness let me put that down down here second move is the weakness okay it's very rare that somebody will get to frame trap over and over and over and over and over again without some kind of weakness okay there may be some exceptions uh dragonov comes to mine off the top of my head but that's a separate topic okay and then um the other option option two is uh disrespected anyways but this is more of a highle tactic okay okay if you're watching my video and applying these frame traps people love to use option two that's why I insist on just doing the frame trap over and over and over again I'm just putting it here for completeness I don't recommend doing this okay not recommended the reason it's not recommended is because you want to learn how to play by the frames before you learn how to break the rules right the best musicians that are improvisers and things like that they play by the theory and then they learn how to break the theory and it's beautiful same thing with frames okay so disrespect it anyways but waiting it out is very very effective the the weakness is in the second move if we look at that first example again the running three into down two there was a weakness I briefly mentioned and wanted to cover in a bit more detail even though Raina is plus six here you can s side step the second move and by S side stepping the second move you get a oh side side step right might not work okay so you have to side step it to the left so against this specific one you can side step to the left and launch Raina for whiffing the down too okay so you can wait it out I'm going to put this as option three cuz it's kind of bad option two answer the second move or counter the second move down two is beaten by side step left um and then option three not recommended disrespect it anyways but you'll probably die for this at low ranks you will die for this okay actually even at mid- ranks when people really understand these when people really understand their frames like starting to get to purple and blue ranks you will die for trying to disrespect it unless you've set them up to believe otherwise okay so that's an advanced topic we'll go into that in another video very very long video we had thank you for sticking around talked about frame traps uh at a fundamental level talked about how to do the math and then we talked about how to counter them a little bit so that's it for frame traps which I consider half the side of the coin Co for the basics okay frame traps are your offense clean frame trapping and understanding how your opponent interacts with it sets you up for really really solid offense okay you play your frames if they respect your frames you get mixed up opportunities now the other side of the coin that will be necessary to develop to get into those purple blue and higher ranks is punishment right if frame traps are offense punishment is defense both are key skills both are related to Frame data this one is the offensive side of things leave a like if you enjoyed this kind kind of content and uh leave a comment if you think I missed something or if you have more questions if you don't have any questions or anything to say leave an emoji that helps me out a lot subscribe for more and I'll catch you in the next one [Music] peace bxxx
Channel: PhiDX
Views: 158,021
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tekken 7, tekken, bandai namco, tutorial, guide, entertainment, stream, commentary, arcade, controller, help, news, update, explained, ranked, online, backdash, korean, kbd, sanwa, knee, lever, fightstick, tournament, training, practice, season, twt, world, tour, mainmanswe, tier, list, tierlist, pad, playstation, jdcr, king jae, anakin, themainmanswe, combo, mishima, history, classic, ewgf, player, dlc, bandai, namco, harada, murray, battle, character, boss, unlock, throw, break, rage, art, bandai namco entertainment, tekken world tour, fgc
Id: 9QbU3hSQmGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 28sec (2848 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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