Tek-Knight Complete History | The Boys Gen V

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welcome back to another video on the boys spin-off genv this video is a long time coming seriously I think people have been asking me to make this video for like 3 years back when season one of the boys dropped we got to preview it and I knew it was going to be huge I knew it was exactly what people who were feeling burned out on the MCU were looking for so if you've been with us for a while checking out these complete history videos thank you so much and if not make sure to hit like And subscribe we like you around here here as the series has gained popularity it led to a lot of people checking out the source material and our videos and one character that people were dying to learn more about was Tech Knight however I wanted to wait and see when and if tech knite would show up in the boys and he ended up making his first appearance in gen V Tech Knight in gen V is quite different from his comic book counterpart which actually makes for a much more interesting video because I get to cover both so today's video is going to cover a breakdown of his complete comic book history as well as how he's presented and his powers within the show so without further Ado today I bring you the complete history of tech Knight Tech Knight makes his first comic book appearance in the boys issue number seven written by G Enis and drawn by Derek Robertson this issue is also the first appearance of the team payback which you've seen here and there in other incarnations within the boys liveaction universe but Tech Knight is a part of the team and serves under Stormfront the second most powerful superhuman in existence remember Stormfront was a girl in the show but a guy in the the comics yeah now from this point on there will be adult themes discussed but chances are if you already watch the boys these won't bother you so you know deal with it Tech Knight otherwise known as Robert Vernon is a human superhero or I guess just a hero if you consider powers to be a predicating factor to calling somebody a superhero I don't some people do but despite the evidence to the contrary in the show The Comic version of tech Knight doesn't actually have any powers Tech Knight is much like Soldier Boy a mantle handed down from one hero to another but not necessarily from one soup to another tech Knight is a pretty healthy mixture between Iron Man and Batman he uses a battle suit and a wide variety of gadgets and armor and insane vehicles for fighting crime additionally much like Batman Tech Knight has a sidekick named ladio similar to Robin Lao is a title that's also handed off and there have been an unidentified amount of lados the most accom lished former ladio is Another Hero by the name of Swing wi swing-wing is a clear homage to Nightwing and the relationship between Tech knite and swing wi is similar in complexity more on swing wi in a moment for the most part the boys and Tech knite do not come into contact with one another and the reason for that is for all intents and purposes Tech knite is a pretty good hero or at least he's good for that universe's superheroes he doesn't really get into much trouble he does his job and he keeps to himself however starting with the very first introduction of tech knite in the comics we find out that he has a pretty unique mental condition Tech knite seeks therapy for a perceived mental condition causing him to try and have sexual relations with a wide array of people and things after forcing himself on another member of payback mind Droid he ends up getting in a lot of trouble and starts to believe that he's essentially cracking under the stress of the job Tech knite is able to function for a while with this condition but following the EV with mindroid he gets put on suspension and becomes a bit of a recluse within his Wayne Manor esque Mansion now about this point is when the boys start to get involved with tech Knight the boys go to Tech Knight's Manor looking for information on swing wi so this kind of brings us back to the character of Swing wi which we haven't seen in the show but Tech knite and ladio both had an ongoing sexual relationship with a female villain named the Talon the Talon would appear for a while here and there and and then leave again for months on end one night during a session when the group were catching up talon instigated a romantic session with all three of them both Heroes had developed strong feelings for Talon and thus a falling out occurred between the two ladio started a career of crime fighting under the Alias of Swing wi and the two became a bit estranged and the boys get involved in their relationship after swing wi is implicated in the death of a college student swing wi was being marketed by VA as one of the first openly gay superheroes and a major Ally within the gay community the only problem is is that swing wi wasn't actually gay and he actually did despise gay people he was kind of a bigot in this world that kind of thing only figures in my opinion when a local bartender and a gay man named Steven Rubenstein admitted to swing-wing that he had strong feelings for him swing wi reacted with disgust causing Steven accidentally fall off for rooftop where they were conversing where he died swing wi attempted to flee when confronted by The Bu boys about this but was ultimately interrogated and left off the hook kind of Billy ended up messing with his jetpack which caused him to die shortly thereafter because Billy's way bigger of an in the comic books than he is in the show later in the series it's revealed that the reason behind Tech Knight's erratic sexual proclivities was a massive tumor growing in his brain this causes him to hallucinate quite often Tech knite dies believing that he's saving the world from a renegade asteroid when in reality it's just a wheelbarrow that falls on him and kills him so not exactly the most noble death for a hero who saved a lot of lives in his career and seemed like he was genuinely speaking an okay guy for that Universe now Tech knite within the liveaction world of Amazon's the boys universe is quite different first and foremost Tech knite within the series is actually a soup and I've seen some people online saying that he isn't but he is because the show tells you he is also he is a graduate of the gulan school which openly only admits talented superheroes his power allow him to hyperfixate on various elements of a person's body language and read the smallest changes for really really effective interrogation purposes he's like a human lie detector he also presumably has super strength speed and durability and while some of these abilities aren't shown the way that other powerful superheroes act around him indicates that he is quite accomplished considering when he threatens them they comply immediately out of intimidation these abilities essentially make him a master detective SL interrogator which is a power that he uses to help solve complex crimes while also turning a profit with a popular television show and movie series they also mention in the boy series that he does have advanced armor and a piece of equipment named the night racer that the Deep helps him redesigned to be more environmentally friendly we also know that he's been involved in some actual heroism as well as in season 1 it's mentioned that he saved a girl in a hostage situation but accidentally crushed her spine in the process paralyzing her and that is the majority of information on Tech KN night that's relevant right now I'd like to see him back within the context of the show because I think the actor who played Tech night Derrick Wilson was an absolute highlight of the first season of genv it would be awesome to see him incorporated into the main show as well he's just a very captivating character in my opinion just another example of the writers of the boy show drastically improving upon the source material in my opinion and that is about it for this video on Tech KN night if you learned a lot and you enjoyed it please consider doing the most important thing you possibly can and that is hitting the like button it's the only way to tell YouTube that you want to see more of our content thank you guys again for watching this video this has been Nick with key issues and remember the motto Tech KN night over everything
Channel: Key Issues
Views: 141,590
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tek-Knight, Tek Knight, Tech Knight, Tek Knight The Boys, Tek Knight Gen V, Tek Knight Interrogates Marie, Tek Knight Interrogates The Dean, Tek Knight Cate Andre, Tek Knight The Whole Truth, Tek Knight Medical Condition, The Boys, Gen V
Id: aIJ91AFiWsI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 0sec (480 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 09 2023
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