Iditarod 2024 (Day 1) "Most Likely To"

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oh my gosh what I just realized you put Anna barington as number one there's no number one she's number two well we've had all of our biid numbers wrong so IGN the whole time out is it I yeah who cares you spelled Calvin with a K you have dirt on your nose that whole time I guess so my gosh love it the winner of the 2024 I did Rod sled dog race wow okay who's gonna win and are they gonna break a record oh and are they gonna break a record ready for some fun I'm G to try not to play with my hair does it look okay looks great don't say um or so too much or like or like okay okay [Music] ready hello I did OD nation and welcome to my kitchen the best great heer impression my best Greg he and I'm Bruce Lee Beautiful couldn't have been better myself Wade yes you're here it's weird it's weird it's very Bittersweet cheers to being home on the first weekend of March for the first time in 12 years 13 years all right cheers cheers to that but really though it's better sweet yes definitely yeah the last time you didn't run I did Rod you were racing out east the Canam yeah yeah so you weren't really watching the race but now you're just at home this is my first time focusing and watching I did rod from the sidelines in I don't know how many years yeah crazy hey right so to start thank gosh this isn't live oh my gosh okay oh you're gonna edit this out yeah why okay restart yes what are your thoughts on restart like what's it like for me m or generalize it for you and then pick another musher who it might be like for them I think we're all the same we just want to get away from everybody who's trying to make sure we have everything yes and who's upset with us about all stuff we forgot you know just like every day you said you just want to get away from me not you it's literally what you just said to your defense I forget everything so it's like ah I forgot everything anyways um I remember in 2019 watching I don't remember what bib number I drew I remember we started in the parking lot of Willow Community Center I remember watching Pete's team go up to the starting line and I don't know why but I looked at that dog team and said that team could win the idid this year and they did and they did don't quote me on 2019 that might have been your I can't remember which one it was I think it was but uh I think it was 2019 and I remember looking at his team going to the starting line thinking wow that dog team's probably going to win the I did Rod so what team stood out to you I can't remember what team I was really liking but I'm I've been dra but uh yeah let's do it I think that um Travis bei's dog team looks like a unit but I missed the first like 10 dog teams so I didn't get to see a lot of them I was getting dinner you stole what I was going to say what did you what were you gonna say okay I told you about so and Soul's team that they look like a unit but apparently so Travis's team yeah so same answer but you have a different answer yeah I do same comment yeah same comment okay that big shocker Dall C I missed his dog team coming up to the start but his dog team would be very well described as a unit anytime I've ever seen it that's why I said big surprise they always look like they're ready I didn't hear that they always look like they're ready to dominate yes I think that harness helps it just sticks them in a in a like a very straight line and yeah maybe they just were like they're just yeah they're they're put together Army yeah ready to go okay next question hey but I did like Ryan's lead dogs a lot I those were good looking lead I was very impressed with those lead dogs he had there I don't know how you couldn't win with those dogs and lead of your dog team you know man I'd have to say the same about Jason Macky number two what and you're opinion or who and this could be from information you know that people might not know who has the biggest trail rivalry between two mushers or two or three um rivalry as in like doesn't like each other or as in wants to beat Each Other Well I don't know we don't really know maybe both I don't know okay you know what you know so yeah okay um and what are you putting n you put yours H yeah okay all right you your turn your turn to go first yes all right Trail rivalry for me Nick and Hunter Keef oo the trainer and the trainee yes exactly wow they last year Hunter beat him which is crazy yeah almost beat me I don't even know if it's tension as much as like oh I think it's tension I think both of these there could be an arrow I think they both are out to beat each other true um your turn it's funny that you said big brother little brother and I don't know how many people know this backstory but I'm gonna go with Travis beels really wants to beat Dallas C well I think every musher and the idid rod would love to beat Dallas C Travis and Dallas grew up in SE together they spent spent a lot of time together as kids I think that Travis looked up to the CVS a lot growing up and and learned a lot from them and I remember as a kid wanting to beat the Readington all the time not that they weren't my friends and I didn't respect them a lot for their dog mushing achievements but the person you're around you're like I just want to beat you who is the most likely to have a comeback race or they also have an award in the idod uh for the most improved musher so what is your guess on who's going to be the most improved musher in the race go okay you're first I'm first this time okay most improved who's going to have their comeback year I think that the best chance for a comeback this year o it's a hard one but I'm um I'm gonna go with Nick petite on this one [Music] um I don't know if Nick has the best dog team he's had in a long time but he he seems like he's with it this year and ready to do something exciting so I Nick you're hearing this because we know you're going to check your social media yeah you better hello hello when you're on Facebook later get it on Buddies I just feel like he's uh one of those mushers that's capable of it and hasn't had it the last couple years as good as he could normally have it and I think that that's where I put him as having a comeback year but you know looking at the list a little more I look at uh somebody like Jeff deer too who's just building up and improving but who do you got jmck oh d dang I forgot about Jason what how do I forget about that guy heck yes he can only go up he can only go up get it on Jason yes he has five of our dos five or six yeah heck yeah out for him he I mean our do he's determined too he's got a our dogs aside Jason is a dog guy he's got a ton of experience yeah and speaking from experience I know what it's like to take a few years off and come back not a few years they took one year off came back now I'm taking another year off that hunger grows baby that he took a young team last year this year he's got a lot of veterans and experience in the team and you're right yeah all good picks good job yeah very good all right next question who is most likely to pull over on the trail and make an Old Fashioned who's going to open the cooler and pull out a cold one let's just say things are not going to plan who is the first to be like you know what life's Lifey let's enjoy it if there was a different musher racing this year I'd put their name but I got one I'm first you're first okay what if we have the same one it's quite possible on this one I feel like I'm missing something okay I'm going to go with lauro e that's awesome okay I don't know Laurel do you know Laurel have you met him I've met him yeah I've spent very little time with him but enough to know that he would probably love an oldfashioned on the side of the trail okay I get that I get those same Vibes and his commentary like pre post race I think he's just someone who you know what life gives you lemons you make lemonade I hate to throw up the same name twice in a row but I'm going to go with Nick petite again here I feel feel like Nick could have a great big comeback or he could pull over on the side of the trail and have a Long Island who's going to get lost who's gonna get lost oh my gosh this is inside info I picked W just because it's been all long since he's been on the ID Rod oh but Wally took off last he's got a lot of people to follow oh okay fine I'm gonna go with Travis beels oh dear I mean seriously man Travis one of my my good buddies but um I've met him head on a few times and I was going the right way every time that I met him at on so and I both know that he is very directionally challenged um that doesn't mean it's gonna happen no and usually the good thing about Travis is he's only lost for a moment or two so good good yeah who is going to break the record this year w wow all right let's do it this is who's going to win yeah and we have that question as our last one so we're GNA wait oh right yep okay that's yep we didn't think about that how about who's going to win and are they going to set a new record okay that'll be our last question okay what's the next question who's gonna fall off their sled and lose their team oh dang Ry Smith and Sebastian scha are not racing this year sorry boys love you it's just a name drop well I've done it too but luckily I caught him uh it happens to the best of us I try not to look over you're out oh falling asleep losing the team I thought Aaron Ultimus what yeah I know she's so sweet I only picked her because she made a pre-ra post from her bed oh she said I'm enjoying my bed going to miss it and I miss that sleep deprivation she's a rookie yeah yep I'm going the opposite I think that from experience from experience you get comfortable you get comfortable sitting on your sled and sleeping oh I saw Jason after the quest 300 and he looked like he had got his butt kicked um oh he just a grandpa he is a grandpa we're going to be grandpas Som day too well you're not you but love the guy but that's how that's who I have to go go with is there anybody older than Jason in the race this year that's an interesting question is he the oldest guy in the race I don't know how Jason you're not old I don't know the age of most of these people what's next who uh we're to see the biggest gear Innovation or just sled Innovation okay Innovation go I think this is oh and this like may or may not happen I'm going with Dallas cie um I don't know if he's trying anything crazy this year or not but Dallas CV is known for trying crazy things y as far as sled Innovation so if it's somebody it'll probably be him okay my answer isorel oo yeah rumors huh yeah I have I have sources you have sources I'm just kidding maybe that say there might be some we might see some new new things on the trail this year when you and Milow were racing to the finish in 2020 she crossed the line and was talking about how she had once makeshift a boot to have like a ski on the bottom that was on the gold Loop when we were racing from squint to yes and you guys were talking at the finish and she said something right about she had a ski boot on her on one foot so that she could kind of step off and ski next to the team yes and I've heard some things that we might see some ski action o that be interesting on the adod so if you see it you heard it here first nice who knows it might not that might totally be wrong info but yeah we'll see fastest to squint okay I bet we write the same one here oh oh we're going together hold up ready go you got Ryan RT did I put R and R all right I love those [Music] initials um yeah well looking at the tracker early you haven't looked at the track okay we'll look at tracker after this yeah we haven't L track in a while um but looking at the track early he was going a little more than a mile hour faster than every bu else on the trail um it's who Ryan is he likes to go fast he rock on Hell yeah all right question number 10 bedtime stories who is going to be telling their dogs bedtime stories okay put hun Keys oh yeah he's funny as heck and I could totally see him reading his Aug stores I see that yep that's why I put Hunter up there but the is Calvin dhy oh Calvin with a K I think is a c sorry Cal that too he he seems like a really sweet guy um really good guy it's those young guys they're funny and they good s good sense of humor both of them yeah and they're neither one like prone to want to Sprint inside and sleep so they might as well tell their leaders a bedtime story before they do that so number 11 if you were in a life or death situation on the have you ever been in a life for that situation on the I feel like yes okay definitely um most years I'm in a life or death situation if I you know didn't have the right lead dog or the right drive for myself Etc definitely okay you want to elaborate on one of those times well for instance last year with Hunter Keef and I I mean we were in that really bad storm between white mountain and and uh safety and probably the worst spot in that storm I lost Hunter and I ran back and got him cuz I knew how bad that could be Del lay in that you know let me let me rephrase this I love and some people might find this weird but I love that life or death situation it is like oh you're an adrenaline junkie in you oh shocker so yes I love that situation so when I get into it we are having more fun in that situation than on a bright sunny day I think they call that psychotic wa's goingon to be the guy laughing when you're 10 seconds from death but you will live with him absolutely I'm having fun I am enjoying myself um anyway so you can see Hunter I could not see H Team trusted they were going to stay put oh absolutely yeah and and ran back to him got him and then I mean he had unhooked all his lines he was ready to Camp so they weren't like set up to pull so I you know helped pull right get him to my team but it's really bad really bad spot to hunker down so you were kind of like nobody we're going to keep going I got you yeah so I mean when you get in one of those situations it's really hard to tell that you're in a life or death situation because when you're moving and when you're working to keep moving you're warm you feel good the dogs are doing good oh I feel amazing uh I love commercial fishing for the same reason yes we know that's why I have a huge life insurance anyways um yeah so as soon as you stop in that situation your body temperature starts to drop the wind starts to penetrate your clothing and things can decline extremely fast especially if you're working hard to keep going and you're getting sweaty and stuff like that so yeah pretty much every year we put ourselves in a position where it could be life or death most of us are y apt and our dogs are it's not life or death for the dogs the dogs can handle that stuff like nothing you know you just provided him with the experience that he knows he could do that now he knows that there was an end to that and he did it and now we might see Hunter Keef leading someone through an epic Windstorm absolutely I would love back to the question life or death situation who would you want to have with you okay okay first off my number one rule in a windstorm is to always go with myself nobody else what you didn't pick anybody not on my if I can help it if I can help it I go alone I would rather be in a life or death situation by myself where I don't have to worry about someone else right it's not even about if it was person oners helping another person it's a totally different situation but when you add a dog team or two into it my dogs respond to things differently than others they've been stuck in windstorms with people who like to talk a lot I'm a silent musher in a windstorm I I um sit down usually go to sleep which is very unusual but I just trust my dogs and their instincts and and abilities um that's why I'm out there so hard yeah but um but you know you can have somebody behind you that likes talk to their dogs a lot and it can throw your dogs off um you can have somebody in front of you whose dogs won't listen to them and teach your dogs a habit that you can't break when you're in that Windstorm so I would most always most definitely be by myself but if I was to get stuck in a windstorm with somebody on this list would be Hunter Keef because we had a ton of fun last time we were laughing I only screamed at him once when when he tried to camp but other than that we had a lot of fun a lot of fun tough answer this is a good question and this is a tough answer because one there's a lot of experience on this roster there's a lot of different personalities on this roster like for example it's different for you too because for me I know that I'm capable of making it f i put Jessica because she's my friend and she has you guys would have fun feel like it would go one way or the other but anyways I would want to be with someone like Jessica if she has the best attitude and she is 100% capable of making it and she's gonna have fun doing it so yes absolutely I could pick yeah okay a handful of people who are actually oh yeah I mean Dallas C is a guy that you AR dragging you if you're if you're in a real life death situation that guy be like this is what we have to do right now do it and you'd be like yes sir yeah absolutely um yeah and like Travis would just be like Sophie this what we have to do right now let's do it and I'd be like okay well Travis be like is it this right all right number 14 I can't see what it says it's um who are we going to see a new race strategy from who's going to do something wild like Miller when she runs from Uno to way Mountain yeah like one R insane not F run but yes a long way she was camped at the one cabin just before sh tulic and then I think she and then she went from insane no one talked about that last year insane good for her she pulled it off and she could do it again who's going to do something completely out of the blue change everything up ready go go I pit Nick what ditto he doesn't write a schedule he doesn't have a plan he comes in flies by the SE his pants bases a lot of things off of trail conditions weather Etc which isn't a horrible way to do it um it's just different and if you need that mental Clarity of this is what I'm doing and this is what I have to do to win um it it's it's a hard thing to do to not have any plan all right drug test oh my gosh should we pick somebody that we don't like it's a joke who's gonna fail the drug test who is going to fail the drug test that's not don't do it say no to drugs kids I think it's going to be a good clean race I think the musters are going to be responsible adults and get it done cool I don't even need to write anything down for that okay all right Rookie of the Year oo a hard one I 16 iies it's so hard because there's like probably we're looking at the roster by the way we are looking at the roster we have written down over here so six wow six rookies that are gonna that I know them personally and they're gonna want to give a push for it okay only one I have to pick this guy and I let's hear it Isaac Tedford no again a ditto again oh double all right you go ahead okay I think first I think um he's running Dallas's B team which I'm sure is just another team ready to win and I think they're going to go they're going to try and go for the one two I think they're capable think their dog teams are probably capable oh my God I absolutely think that Dallas CV's B team is going to be astronomically good and I believe that because I had a conversation with an inside source that sent 10 dogs to Dallas if you can't guess that's Mitch H anyways um Mitch sent I think probably 10 of his best race dogs to Dallas so whatever dogs of Mitch's 10 best and make Dallas's teamer in Isaac's team and whatever those 10 best bumped out of Dallas's team are in Isaac's team which means that Isaac is driving some of Mitch's best dogs sweet and some of Dallas's best dogs so he pretty much has a job of keeping it together keeping it you know let that dog team drive you drive you um because let that dog team drive you it's amazing how a dog team can drive you when they are that good of a dog team and I think that they that sounds just like a like a Tesla absolutely and let it drive you hop out of Shag tulic in a super bad Windstorm you pull your hood over your face so you can't see anything and you pass out and wake up and coak now that's how you like to roll that's how I like to roll and and I think Isaac will be driving a dog team capable of that and I I seen him last year driving in the um 50 Quest he was in the 300 for he was in the 300 oh he got second he did pass me and I thought I should keep up I should keep up with him and then I thought he's got 250 miles less than me to go I'm going to let him get have it and again when you have a dog team that's that capable um it comes down to how well you take care of them how well you manage them on the trail Etc and he seems like he's got his head together well enough and Dallas has taught him enough that he can do that so but I do have to note a couple people obviously will rhs is going to have a dog team to drive um it's a long ways and for both of them will is a rookie yes absolutely and Loro Eckland I think he is very capable another person I've raced against that is a rookie this year is Aaron altimus and and and Ben good as well raced you at the end of Canon yes well I raced Aaron at the end of KM right yes she does have a good dog team and she is a good dog driver stretching it out that far stretching out that cold down here you have a lot nicer Trails it's going to be a challenge for her but she is definitely cap sevie has Travis the second right I do know that se because I I um have inside sources there I do know he's yes I do know he or Insight information I should say he's not going to race for rookie of the year he's going to have fun and that's the other thing is there's a handful of rookies on here that the first time I saw their name was when they signed up for idid Bryce Mumford these are people I just don't know I have no knowledge of so with the people that I yeah this a big rookie class man it is huge yes so anyways moving On's next an henness is Kathleen Frederick's St yes I don't know if she's trying to compete for rookie the year or not she's a tough Northern Minnesota chick absolutely she's right up the road yep MH and her dogs are old neighbors and and they are an experienced dog team and they're good yeah so she could definitely have the capability if she Josie Joie she's she made her mark on the Copper Basin right yes she put that she's out there I think right they forgot she's trying to push for yeah so she could be wow toss up oh my gosh I'm gonna I'm still gonna stick with Isaac on this but there's there's a lot of people that are gonna give him a run for his money for sure the winner of the 2024 idod sled dog race wow okay who's gonna win and are they going to break a record oh and are they gonna break a record ready go oh my gosh who this is who we our pick to win this is hard because it's who we want to win or who do we no it can't be want because I have like a half the Rost I know right I so uh and I have people with dogs I have my dogs and people's teams that makes it even harder let's do don't look oh man this is such a tossup between two people okay and I'm just I'm ex I'm excluding Dallas this time uh which is extremely hard to do but I'm going to go for Ryan T it I am just talking to him about the people who have won in the past and and had trouble the next year he has been very aware of that very um Vigilant of it studying it trying to figure out where people go wrong on their second race second win in a row and why it doesn't happen for him and it seems like he's got it straight but it's hard to say I know he's got um some new leaders in there I know that he learned how to win last year and he had ideas of how it could have been an easier win a prettier win a better win Etc and I agreed yeah we all we learn every year you know so and I agreed with the this the things that he came up with it just seemed like yeah whether or not he has the dog team this year is to be determined I feel like he's got a lot of the same dogs plus a couple of really good additions so it could be could be his year again and it I have such a hard time saying that because one of my other really good buddies is super confident what he has going on this year and I really would love to see either one of them pull it off so hit it Jessie Royer wow ready for it how many times has she been in the top 10 top five even top five yeah we are ready and waiting yeah Jessie Royer okay obviously history says that Dallas C is goingon to win the race those dogs coming over from his dad the team that he already has the kennel establishment that he already has the help that he the infrastructure structure I should St say that he has puts him to where he should win the idod every year but we're not all Invincible even if we have every thing in place we're still not Invincible but there is so many people that are ready to fight for that Matt Hall last year I was with him in calag and I and we started talking about what to do from calag to gnome and he was like and I told him what I he had a sweet talking last year he did told him exactly what I wanted to do and he did almost to a te that from calag to know that Matt fer has Richie deals probably best of that's a rumor no they put it on Facebook they did okay so yeah I was gonna say uh Matt next he has a dog team that could pull it off now I I mean he might had a dog team that could pull it off before but then you add in you know the best of third place last year and dang buddy good for you right Travis Nick Jesse Holmes Travis absolutely he got Lynwood's dogs last year this is his first year racing Lynwood so he has a lot of depth right now a lot of depth Kaiser always ready always always there yes um I look for Jesse Holmes to you know he obviously has a awesome dog team and I look for him to go for it oh geez yes he been quiet about him I was actually G to put him for falling asleep but berme he he's like yeah the vet of the group right he he could do it in his team was what seventh or eighth last year um and a lot of them were young right so I think he got a few dogs from Remy Smith this year that could just be the the Difference Maker you know that song There's 10% luck 40% skill I'm probably totally messing up the numbers 15% power over 5% pleasure okay so I feel like that is idod but except it's like 50% pain um 25% luck and 25% skill cheers to the kids sleeping through that whole thing yes oh wait
Channel: Stump Jumpin' Kennel- Wade Marrs
Views: 1,113
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fd9YE0cb97Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 22sec (2122 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2024
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