Teen Titans Go! | Robin & Starfire: The Love Story | @dckids

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the Stakeout is just a way for me to be alone with Starfire the only crime tonight will be the theft of a kiss stolen by me from Starfire on my face right here okey dokey why don't you just ask her out on a date I have explored that option hey Starfire you want to go on a date no thank you okay star there are three rules to a classic Stakeout rule one locate a den of criminal activity what crimes would occur here Robin crimes of passion indirect observation use a reflective surface to observe your surroundings a mirror a car window rule three I love you what was the rule three concealment observe without being observed now keep looking into my eyes foreign [Music] five kids a yard cocker spaniel dinner parties on the weekend with friends no it's shiny could this be the clue not likely back to rule too the eyes dear friends do you know what day it is it is the happy day of the Valentine you mean Valentine's Day yes a wonderful holiday filled with the flowers and the candy and don't forget about love so romantic oh tonight we shall have a dance at which we will all share our true feelings huh I didn't realize that today's Valentine's Day Starfire will you be my Valentine of course you should all have the Valentines then so mean to the field of battle this one would make a great hero sir not bad but I'd like to speak to the rest for Star I'm looking for someone who can demonstrate commitment to our team starfires will you marry me any of you no no door Park nah there you are Valentine yeah no more arrows no no I merely wish to exchange the hearts proclaiming messages of love candy hearts oh okay that sounds harmless where did you get this heart that is of no importance Robin just move I am sorry but I could not carve a message into it what's happening to her this isn't good with every new voice and personality that Starfire takes on a little bit of her own personality disappears if this goes on much longer we'll lose the Starfire we know and love forever let that happen Titans Go [Music] foreign [Music] you can't let her kiss you you'll erase her personality forever don't let her catch me I can't let you kiss me star and not just because the cactus and I have gotten pretty serious [Music] gonna drive out to the desert this weekend to meet her folks I can't kiss you because we all like you the way you are it's okay if we don't understand each other sometimes it's a normal part of any relationship please don't change who you are oh thank you for reminding me it is all the Bill of Rights to be ones twos and threes self glad you're back star hey [Music] star nice mask it is not supposed to be nice it is supposed to be menacing oh well it really brings out your eyes are you ready to spend all your time and energy relentlessly pursuing me only to be frustrated at every turn oh that sounds super creepy I'd never do that no what if I did something to make you hate me there's nothing you could do to make me hate you I could destroy a year's supply of your hair gel you'd have to be a real sicko to do something like that no thank you now will you let me be your arch nemesis I have no choice you've taken away the thing I value most in life spiky hair hey after lunch we will try to destroy each other [Music] [Applause] and last but certainly not least Starfire you uh no I don't like finding fault with you but we've got one more problem area left to talk about hands come on let's see them ah they are spotless indeed I have been washing the hands quite often excellent at least one of you understands the importance of keeping germs at Bay oh you misunderstand I have been washing the hands in the events that an evil witch has to spell upon me and a handsome prince must kiss my hand to wake me from the Slumber and rescue me from the tower smart I cannot approve of that hands are filthy appendages kissing them is a Surefire way to spread disease but it is the most brief of lip to hand contact allow me to demonstrate by kissing upon your hand nice I have proof of that [Music] quiet this is my destiny [Music] I will never wash this hand again okay what about all that stuff you just said about hygiene none of that applies to hands kissed by Starfire Precious Precious kiss I promise to protect you bros you gonna get mad stinky yeah how are you gonna take a shower without getting your hand wet I'll beg it check it out I created a computer program that analyzes all of your personality traits and matches them with your ideal superhero mate and and why would you waste your time with that because Robin wants to prove he's a perfect match for stuff okay let's get started are we sure it is wise to let the machine decide who we love and Starfire's ideal match is Aquaman [Music] that's why actually that's me [Music] oh what's he doing now I think he's trying to communicate using the international language of love I am afraid he is not the fluent in the love language ew so you and the old king of the sea who would have thunk it huh I give no Credence to your machine but I admit Aquaman does possess many admirable qualities and he's quite fit laughs you know who else is fit what am I looking at it's like I can see everything you are not wearing the shirt or the pants yep just got back from the pool swam about 200 laps no biggie man I love being the Third Wheel tagging along being awkward getting in the way a True Romance hey I am warning you third wheel do not get between star and me can something get between your bad breath and my nostrils no no not get the Smoochy smoochies on his mouth hole Candlelight cloth napkins multiple Forks the setting is so romantic wouldn't you say star indeed that is why we should sit at the table with cyborg hi over here I got a booth oh my I think I ordered too much spaghetti I might need some help star [Music] third wheel hi Starfire hey Starfire hey Starfire hola yes Robin [Music] is this a game duh what you do watchy whoo to um thank you Robin your game was most enjoyable ah yeah is it good times huh wait star there there was something else you know that new restaurant is opening tonight uh I thought maybe you'd like to go oh two you would indeed but I cannot Speedy has already asked me to go with him Speedy how's it going Robin Speedy had always been the chief rival of Rada first is a sidekick then a hero and now for the affections of a strange but endearing alien princess at that moment Robin knew he would do anything in his power to stop Speedy from winning over Starfire even though reason said he should be more concerned with the voice he kept hearing in his head this guy are you kidding how can you stand a look at that face I'm standing right here ah not to mention that voice I have always felt you two share many Visual and auditory similarities don't you get it Stark he's all wrong for you is that not the purpose of the date to find out if one is compatible yeah [Music] the kitty the kitty the kitty wowza when I was tracking an alien life form here I wasn't expecting to find one so beautiful [Music] foreign I hope I'm not interrupting anything I was just attempting to recover this wonderful kitten cat [Music] don't let me stop you I can wait oh you are the chubby one you are the breakfast Joe yes you are get that cat out of your mouth now oh [Music] sorry I blew my stack Miss but cats aren't food I believe you are mistaken my wisecracking TV alien friend told me that cats are Earth's finest delicacy and one does not disregard the advice of the wisecracking TV alien friend get it out of your mouth cats are pets now love it get kisses scratch behind the ears do that little thing where it starts to purr I see I see now oh cats are they're sweet but not to eat Ruby oh and join my superhero team what are you going to do the only thing I can do Robin be careful foreign Titans I know an activity to take Cyborg's mind off of his fear the game of Candor or audacious undertaking you mean Truth or Dare oh it's what crazy things I might do if given the dare I dare you to kiss no I dare you to date me for a few years and then move in with me and then one night when the moon is full to watch me bend down on one knee and to name our third child Cecilia after my favorite aunt and then hold my hand as the sun goes down over the mountains and whisper in my ear it has been the good life that here there I was going to pick the truth oh would you do all that stuff no I see I'll be in the blanket fort my Robin you had to put it all out there soup is stupid she thinks you're a jerk why doesn't she love me my teeth are straight they're so straight not to mention my awesome hair and I've shown loving father skills to suitcase okay dokie look at Robin he's so cray-cray for the real real not for the play play nice one Uncle excuse me yeah nice one uncle are you uncleing me naked Uncle Joke is some of the consequences I'll go [Music] don't you get it we all have our rolls we're the good Nation Slackers not you [Music] I please I get it but I will need the comforting from The Lone Wolf leader did someone say lone wolf oh please give me the comforting Lone Wolf there there your home no star you're home so brutal bro so brutal we had to do it we had to let her go I know hopefully it's enough to make Robin normal again [Music] [Music] Robin I never knew whistles could be so powerful yes they have the power to destroy or enchant so beautiful Robin kiss me [Music]
Channel: DC Kids
Views: 5,016,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DC, DC Comics, Cartoons, Teen Titans Go!, Batman, Justice League Animation, DC Kids, YouTube Kids, Teen Titans Go Songs, Justice League, TTG EN
Id: Y2pweCdLkb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 22sec (1042 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 30 2021
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