Teen Titans Go! | The Best Villains | @dckids

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[Music] wheel punch [Music] [Music] super wheel punch mondays give it up dr light your ray of terror is over ah titans at long last you shall face your ultimate destruction um beg your pardon but where are the others they will be here soon for now you'll have to deal with us i'd really rather wait if it's all the same to you you see this weapon was designed to destroy five people at a time you do understand are you serious it really will be much more fun with the whole gang present fine we'll wait robin deserves only the best arch enemy ever silky so there is much work to be done [Music] [Applause] [Music] now i must work on my maniacal laughs that in tones the evil a great villain surrounds herself with dangerous henchmen prove to me my little bum gorf you possess a cold heart [Applause] wonderful every villain needs a secret lair from here i will plunge this world into its darkest days and have tea parties [Music] hmm [Music] hi [Music] take her down will ya i'm gonna give her a monster bare hole [Music] that is not the bear hug well i guess it's time to bring out the big guns flowers she has really bad allergies great she's going to get away no she's not gonna get away yeah she got away you let her go on purpose did not yes you did and now we're going to have a meeting about it [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] two [Music] don't go bro don't go bro [Music] now i will finish you all let's dance brian [Music] [Applause] hey [Music] wow [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wonderful friends look who has paid us the surprise visits i love surprise visits hey everybody except for that one yes the herb herself hey robin you miss me uh no because you are evil and i'm only attracted to niceness and sweetness and innocent things like a puppy with ears too big for his head star can i talk to a minute can you believe blackfyre has come to see me is that not wonderful every time you let her into your life she crushes you but i do not think this time no she is one of the most wanted criminals in the galaxy star girl that girl is bad girl new girl she's up to something and all i have ever wished for is to have the sister relationship and blackfyre knows if she lets me down again it will break my heart and darkness will ooze from it contaminating the river of my soul then filled with the poisons [Music] let's dye your hair so we can be twinsies oh i always wanted to be the twinsiest [Music] you look great sweetie but it's really missing something what is it that is missing i know oh that's such a great color for you there is something of meaning i wish to relay to you i have dreamed of us can it wait that's blast fire the one you're looking for bye-bye sweetie [Music] look my father trigon is trigon devourer of a million souls conqueror of countless worlds trigon is one of the most powerful beings in the entire universe he is your father yep my dad is literally a demon who feeds off the suffering of others especially me behold trigon master of the dark destroyer of dimensions enslaver of civilization enough with the resume dad [Music] hey star nice mask it is not supposed to be nice it is supposed to be menacing oh well it really brings out your eyes are you ready to spend all your time and energy relentlessly pursuing me only to be frustrated at every turn well that sounds super creepy i'd never do that no what if i did something to make you hate me there's nothing you could do to make me hate you i could destroy a year's supply of your hair gel ah you'd have to be a real sicko to do something like that now will you let me be your arch-nemesis i have no choice you've taken away the thing i value most in life spiky hair hooray after lunch we will try to destroy each other [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] want to see something cool always check this out howdy whoa you almost hit sticky joe okay i'll do this one with my eye closed wait what if you hit him who cares i do oh okay i'm doing it anyway howdy i am not gonna let you throw knives at sticky joe you telling me what to do someone has to tremble before the ill intentions of starfire the terrible i am the cyborg i put duh in front of cyborg to make it sound more villainous tremble before the demon of azeroth [Music] say hello to dick gravestone you'll always be pooping in your pants when you see [Music] [Music] our transformations are complete we are no longer the teen titans we are the legion of doom uh there's already a legion of doom we're bad guys now if we want a name we take it now we must build an evil lair yeah that sounds like too much work yo work you're forgetting one of the best things about being a villain [Music] who are all these people these are our henchmen these henchmen are really hard workers yo henshi go hatch me a grilled cheese make it too why did we not have the henchman when we were the heroes of superness heroes don't have henchmen they have sidekicks and believe me that gets weird fast [Music] isn't this great doing what we want when we want to i'm just waiting for a crime alert to ruin it all but we no longer answer the call we are those who make it then let's make some calls baby [Music] i love being evil [Music] what is this place someone has placed cameras over the entire island and they've been recording our every move aloha titans control freak i should have known the master of media manipulation was behind this while you're on your little pleasure cruise i captured your boat wiped your memories placed you on a fake island inside this giant viewing arena and suppressed your powers but why i was starting to get bored watching you in your normal environment living room kitchen living room kitchen it's so repetitive and predictable hey sometimes we goes to the roof and the lawn oh the lawn how exciting i just thought it would be interesting if you did something you know interesting for once like you know an island setting howdy sorry but this maniacal mini-series is over control freak yeah we want to get back to our normal setting the living room and the kitchen and sometimes the roof don't forget the lawn all right but your audience won't be happy audience this show wasn't just for me i was hoping to bring in a huge audience with this ridiculous stunt and i did our greatest villains why would people who despise us devote so much of the time and energy to watching us girl have you been on the internet why are people so mean i don't deserve this well keep in mind the opinions of people on the internet aren't accurate indicators of popularity or success anyway you can try and stop the show but they won't let you no not without a fight [Applause] man look at all of them this is gonna be good way better than another island adventure fine then let's give everybody what they really want to see titans go here [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ah [Applause] there's too many of them what are we gonna do there's only one thing we can do see those island adventures ended up paying off after all titans and island extras go [Music] [Music] [Music] thunderstorms [Music] uh [Music] thanks for watching our video make sure you hit the subscribe button to see more of the best titan me [Music] let's go
Channel: DC Kids
Views: 10,894,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DC, DC Comics, Cartoons, Teen Titans Go!, Batman, Justice League Animation, DC Kids, YouTube Kids, Teen Titans Go Songs, Justice League, beast boy teen titans go, teen titans go songs, teen titans go! (tv program), teen titans go!, teen titans go, teen titans, titans, beast, beast boy, teen, kids, brain food, dc comics, justice league animation, justice league, dc, season 1, starfire, robin, brain, batman, cartoons, cartoon network, raven, funny, ttg en, boy, cyborg
Id: 2WkptHzgaF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 34sec (1054 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 18 2018
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