Teen Titans Go! | Super Powers: Raven | DC Kids

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no [Music] that's it i call upon the league of legs to disband we would be happy to if you can prove you're still strong enough to lead the league of legs a challenge a jumping contest if you win we'll go back to being the titans but if i win you're out of the league forever no way what don't have the thickest thighs on the block anymore are you the chicken you certainly have the legs of such a bird [Applause] fine i accept your challenge good luck you'll need it because i've got a leg up on this competition watch and learn [Applause] [Music] beat that how impossible i used to think it was all about damn legs but now i realize it's all about these legs your legs they're becoming evil oh yeah sure right look at them we don't take orders from you anymore lady legacists or should i say raven you remember our deal come on you guys let's stretch our [Music] legs there she is [Music] [Music] oh my gosh yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] um [Music] i hope this never ends [Music] what are you going to do the only thing i can do robin be careful [Music] um [Music] [Music] a robot body is great for a lot of things looking real shiny packing robin's very personal data files i'm sorry and being real real real tough but enjoying the warm bubbly embrace of a hot tub just isn't one of them sometimes i wish i was a real boy again but i've searched the world and there's simply nobody who can i can do that excuse me i can make you human again cause you know magic why didn't you ever say anything before come on it would take way too long to list everything i can do with magic we wanna hear the list uh fine teleportation telekinesis fly read the minds of animals see in the dark turn water into any other liquid except for ginger ale some in a meteor devour the souls of the wicked and perfectly crack open walnuts wow walnuts are hard to open okay enough yammering i got some hot tubbing to do is this gonna hurt nope i won't feel a thing ah and you guys say i'm not funny but seriously this will be extremely painful azeroth oh [Music] oh raven you did it i'm human again now i have to warn you your human nervous system is very sensitive compared to your robot body all i'm hearing is hot tub hot hot hot hot tub [Music] what if i unleashed on the world and i was the only one who could stop them weights those cheaters rigged the challenge i knew these gams wouldn't have let me down time for lady legacies to step back into the leg light lady legacies you mean the lady chicken legs what you think you're doing dressed like that you lost remember didn't your mother tell you it's a bad idea to store weights in your onesie put aside the threat in your thighs and cruelty in your calves it doesn't need to be this way how dare you challenge us you don't have a leg to stand on you're right i have two super meaty ones now here's something i think you might get a kick join us or suffer the consequences never i call upon the ancient spirit of legs quadratus femoris behold the power of megalithic your legs aren't the wet noodles i thought but can you stand up to this [Music] we finish this now [Applause] [Music] you don't deserve those legs or ds [Music] hey morning titans [Music] how did everybody sleep we didn't thanks to you you were doing the sleep fighting again last night robin and i was in the middle of a good dream it's got to stop bro it's a problem i'm the problem you guys snore like crazy every night i have to listen to you snag is a bug in a rug dude and then you're all oh i'm powering down and no one's worse than you star okay so maybe the sleep fighting is a problem i believe this calls for the use of the demon sorcery raven dark magic isn't supposed to be used for stupid things but what's the point of having powers if you don't use them for stupid things dark magic tends to get out of hand when not treated with respect there could be unintended consequences unintended consequences you just say that so we don't always ask you for stuff fine just don't say i didn't warn you [Music] guess we'll know if it worked in the morning huh looks like rave spell worked yes we have all slept like the small child i did have a pretty great dream how'd you sleep robin that's the sleep nah no sleep you can't sleep i'm going to sleep what's wrong with you dude [Music] so that's how rave spell works so very very cruel [Music] hey ray how's that two doing huh looks like someone's giving you the silent treatment silent treatment i love the silent treatment so raven don't say anything if i can wear your cloak awesome thanks let's see if it fits fresh look at me i'm raving darkness death skulls and bones don't say anything if i can use your spell book to turn the couch into a burrito hmm awesome as our mob mintiness big toes oops i got this that's a rat my tron thin zone almost had it azerath metrion zithos don't say anything if i'm not talking because that stupid meatball cracked my tooth [Music] ah uh raven you uh said something about a cracked tooth and this crack is like a portal from which terrible things escape every time you open your mouth i'm guessing this has something to do with you being part demon you have an octopus living in your mouth are you that damn close your mouth close your mouth we have to get you to a dentist she doesn't like you beast boy she's planning on destroying us all hmm sounds like someone's bum she's not gonna get to slow dance with me tonight uh here look i've been using my magic to watch her every move my little gift to beast boy the power amplifier is finally complete man you just ruined my surprise now he'll learn just how much i care for him see care to crush him she doesn't really mean that i hate beast boy what a jokester she is hey she gets grumpy when she hasn't eaten hate hate hate hate hate i tried to warn you you okay what's wrong with me there's nothing wrong with you it's her she's an awful person no there's a good side to her rave i nail it i'm just not good enough for her you know there's another girl out there who i bet likes you if she's out there why hasn't she told me what's that butterbean princess silkysoft needs us for an important mission [Music] that is right my pretty pretty pegasus i princess silky soft silky yes i princess silky soft needs you to venture to taffy swamp what are you doing just practicing my booyahs it's more annoying than robin's sleep fighting and i was able to fix that problem why are your eyes glowing all scary like that oh yeah azerathmetrion [Music] what's wrong bro what happened to your mouth i can't understand a thing you're saying she did this to you just doing what you guys told me to do fix annoying stuff with magic how is he supposed to eat now oh thanks for reminding me azerath metronzinzo it's lunchtime [Music] now will you admit that tara was using beast boy to take us down wow you guys said she was crazy about beast boy but you didn't tell me she was cuckoo cuckoo the villain world is gonna pay a lot for what i've uncovered here peace out titans tara what's going on uh um you're leaving without telling me aren't you ah sorry uh things are just getting too intense between us beast boy wait just want to tell you go get her tiger don't leave tara you can't tell me you don't feel anything for me you want to know how i really feel fine [Music] ah in [Music] what did you do to her raven banished her to another dimension you're welcome raven transport me into beast boy's stomach okay oh maybe i should have shrunk him first no sign of the sandwich in there this is the nicest other dimensional plane i have ever seen ah it's okay raven raven what happened to you well i defeated my father in the ultimate battle of good versus evil afterwards i was reborn as pure energy an all-powerful force of good now i pretty much keep the whole universe in balance hang on a sec azerathmetrion synthos just saved a planet good job so you're like a celestial goddess or something it's a living what are you guys doing up here anyway you're not dead are you nah just looking for someone to go to the movies with us sorry balancing all the good and evil throughout the galaxies is a full-time job and a big response don't you say that word don't you think that one [Music] you turn me into a balloon how's that fixing me oh you can still change into animals any animal i want [Music] ooh look a poodle but i don't want to be a poodle there's so much more to fix thanks raven this turned out to be really fun i never said it was gonna be fun well you hinted at it strongly i am having the fun oh shut it princess hey i don't like you talking to her like that i don't like you talking to me like that for talking to her like that oh you're all so annoying i hope you see why i double-crossed you ugh hey why are we fighting because we hate each other if that were true i wouldn't have brought us together you brought us together to save your friends you think i care if they're locked up a couple years they're super annoying they can be the super annoying it is their greatest power the truth is the guys were bumming me out and i wanted to hang out with some cool chicks that i like for a change you think i'm cool yeah except for that revenge thing i think it's out of my system for now this is all peaches and cream but we're still stuck in here our powers might be weak individually but maybe together work together what is this a lesson raven is correct if we use our powers together it may overload the security system how are we supposed to work together like this let's do it that's what i'm talking about i see you managed to escape your cell but you won't escape your dude [Music] uh [Music] there now you can watch another video dance
Channel: DC Kids
Views: 47,168,155
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DC, DC Comics, Cartoons, Teen Titans Go!, Batman, Justice League Animation, DC Kids, YouTube Kids, Teen Titans Go Songs, Justice League, teen titans go, teen titans go!, teen titans, teen titans rock n raven, raven, teen titans go and powerpuff girls, let's play teen titans go rock-n-raven, teen titans go vs the powerpuff girls, TTG EN, TTG EN Raven, Superpowers, teen titans go songs
Id: ih7VAHbl0P4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 45sec (1185 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 19 2019
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