Teen Titans Go! | Challenge: Try Not To Laugh | @dckids

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[Music] so now what [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what are you doing look in my direction i shall give you the smiles too [Music] okay stop it's not happening i hate being the only titan who cannot do the joke oh don't feel bad star robin's not funny either hey i'm funny dude no you're not you tell uncle jokes robin has never told a joke about his uncle uncle jokes aren't about uncles they're just lame jokes that someone like an uncle would tell and they're never ever funny i don't tell uncle jokes really how do you want your steak cooked on a stove and i'm hungry oh nice to meet you hungry i'm robin hey beast boy why can't you hear a pterodactyl going to the bathroom because the pee is silent please stop i assure you i understand the concept now the p is silent you know what titans after saving the world i think we've earned ourselves a party all right [Music] we'll have food dancing and any type of entertainment you guys want a dj rock band magician you name it a clown what we said oh clown please what is the clown this is a clown star [Music] well they entertain small children who would let such a creature near a child no star clowns are the coolest yeah we love clowns since we were kids so cool and they had that great music [Music] when i hear that i know it means good times or the ice cream truck so yeah clowns we haven't seen one in years yeah clowns are great for little kids you guys are too old for clowns oh yeah house season six are pretty pretty pegasus oh my gosh well butterbean and sparkleface have to save king jellybean who's been frozen in cake frosting and [Music] that's completely different ah so i'm really going to hire a no no clown please please do not do it i beg of you a clown a clown it is [Music] i can't find it i can't find it find what my mask so don't you understand without a mask my face is revealed to the world what's the big deal dude even with the mask ninety percent of your face is showing you can't see me no one can see me [Music] i've got it we wait until animal us evolve into humans then they will curve our time machine and come back here to rescue us [Music] ah glad you made it we need your help getting out of here [Music] that's it now hit that release button no no the other button yes that's the one gaga yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah no you dumb steven [Music] oh no the garden's under attack titans go man just once i'd like to say titans go come on hurry up can we pick up some pizza on the way no time for pizza we've got to focus on the mission this elevator is so crowded might i stand a little closer robin ah shucks starfire we're surrounded cyborg take out the left flank yes sir starfire provide covering fire okay handsome lone wolf leader go go go zap zap as rathmetrions let's make sounds hey hey hey hey working [Music] we did it titans ew really beast boy you had to make punches sound like farts so much better than how it used to sound bro go oh hilarious if punches sound like farts what do farts sound like titans just listen to the world of sound we've created i don't like this yes it is the bad then there's only one option we must make the dangerous journey to the whisperer and force her to release the world's sounds laugh long hard and often heh [Music] [Music] that was most enjoyable [Music] titans go hmm what to turn into what to turn into this is not the time for style beast boy hold your horses hmm a horse nah too obvious now what about a pterodactyl a pterodactyl would be great right now i was a pterodactyl turn into something i know i'm gonna save the day as a huh huh i'm a llama pretty fresh right hello i am starfire for your consideration i present the circus of the felines through the hope mr sparkles through the hoop hooray [Music] you did this to us yes and i can undo it with this it's a cootie catcher oh please give us the catcher of the cooties i'll be happy to if you admit that boys are better than girls never then you're stuck with cooties you know all we have to do is touch you and you'll have cooties too [Music] [Applause] but starfire touching me or the start of a beautiful relationship god booty is that a shark tank in the living room where did you get the sharks from is that even safe what's wrong with you yep chicks dig a guy who can communicate with fish i did not realize you had a fondness for marine life oh yeah me and fish we're like this it's like i have this connection with them you know our artsy we're having a lovely little chitchat i'm fine do you think [Music] the truth is i would never devote a moment of my precious time to the pursuit of something as stupid as whistling never never ever perhaps i can teach you the whistle robin come in this is the perfect environment for the whistling no distractions plenty of air now observe [Music] so beautiful that hair those eyes what a fascinating way to describe the whistle did it have the full lips as well now it is your turn simply control a stream of air by pressing your lips together like this no like this you can't whistle robin i believe in you yes let a mighty wind blow through your mouth hole robin wonderful first effort oh well you're a great teacher not five robins oh no it says craziness gotta be perfect i'm gonna be perfect gotta be perfect oh no the perfectionist he's the worst perfect perfect i know it was you you're the one now talk talk this must represent his obsessive side i'm not obsessive i'm detail-oriented that's what makes me a great detective talk they're all against me they're all kids get away can i get away can i get away i'd recognize that paranoia anywhere titans go go why isn't anyone going listen to me and the control freak check yep i know these guys very well we must get the robins back in the prison never ah you'll never combine us now help us silkies you are our only hope [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hey don't touch that i wasn't gonna touch nothing yo so cyborg how much power does the cannon have well it's got 54 giga i said do not touch that i wasn't yeah you were you gots me mama i was gonna touch it you know how cats be ah please beast boy fight your animal urges for once ah all right all right all right i won't touch anything as i was saying it's got a 54 gig get your head away from that button you will kill us all if you touch that button sorry won't happen again that should do it time to bring an end to the beginning [Music] way more fun than mini golf hey no fear
Channel: DC Kids
Views: 4,208,210
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DC, DC Comics, Cartoons, Teen Titans Go!, Batman, Justice League Animation, DC Kids, YouTube Kids, Teen Titans Go Songs, Justice League, TTG EN
Id: ctmw2Rq1Egw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 35sec (875 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 12 2021
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