Batwheels | 90 Minute Compilation @dckids

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[Music] Catch Me If You Can too fast for you [Music] get back here [Music] I hear it dude that was awesome not bad for a car my wheels are turning in my rubber sorry to break up your game bat Wheels but there's a bad signal over Gotham what have we got the Joker has been sighted he's headed for Gotham Central Bank ready to Batmobile we'll be right there wait a minute what about me if Batman and Robin aren't going on this Mission I should dangerous red bird maybe you should sit this one out you saw me in action just now didn't you see that move I'm ready that was just a game this is different but I'm Robin right [Music] do we have time for a snack seat belts it's not fair I should be going with them you know what bam needs me on this Mission he just doesn't know it yet get ready for a Wipeout I thought we were done playing beach volleyball that's not a baseball that's a bursty bomb I can't see now keep going red you get it I got this [Music] [Music] give you the slit [Music] grease that's too slippery I've got this ah the sweet spell of Victory not this time Joker the lights out and that ship's gonna hit the Rocks what should we do Batman when all else fails call for smell bam Batman and Robin need you right away be right there we'll never get that light back on in time to save the ship come on [Music] instant Lighthouse this is so cool he's talking about me on the lighthouse foreign but you'll never get me Never Say Never [Music] going somewhere actually I was hankering for the snow cone hop in and I'll take us oh fine you can drive [Music] I did it again I can't keep losing my temper like this buff you just gotta learn to keep calm take uh what do you call it a cold pill he means a chill pill and he's right lucky for you I know just the thing you need to relax but BC always says spying isn't nice not spy day spa day just leave it to me [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] come here ducky [Music] I can't help it it tickles all right I'm fine I'm good that Wing was so right I feel totally calm now yeah I bet you can stay calm no matter what names you get called welcome to bat wings wheels and balance class today we will learn to relax by getting in touch with our inner chakra absorbers we will try the upward facing Wheels pose slowly lift your right side wheels off the ground now gently move your steering wheel back and forth hey Phoebe's doing a wobbly wheelie whoa she looks like a dizzy giraffe yeah that's really silly oh buff oh oh my zen I'm sorry baby I didn't mean you were funny I meant your wobbling looked funny yeah I bet baby I've located Harley Quinn using the Tracer Batgirl planted on her ATV better go get ready baby Roger that I just hope I can stay calm riddle me this what is 10 wheels Three Capes and a bad attitude no oh it's Batman and Robin [Music] it's the whole backpack give it up penguin you know I'm Gonna Catch You Well cross that bridge when we come to it that girl oh maybe we won't [Music] here we go [Applause] that was sick indeed it was and I think I'm going to be you've got nowhere to go penguin Give It Up [Music] like my mama always said if you can't beat them swim for it [Music] what I think I got a nibble yep landed me a big one foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] that barely showed up on Moe's Revo meter Make Way for a bro nice better hang on to your batteries so I'm about to out loud all of them but everyone knows if you're looking for loud you gotta go monster truck loud is what we do whoa buff that was louder than one of Joker's bursty bombs seems like a no-brainer wait I didn't get to show you my rev yet oops oh sorry red go ahead and cut loose all right you might want to hang on to something [Music] okay red we're ready for your super loud rev what do you mean that was it awkward [Music] look it's the Superman super Mix A Lot it's super magnium hooked up and ready to go bam all right great buff now let's get this supermanium to the bat cave time to beat those bats teamwork stop it's the Legion of Zoom did someone order pie I can't see it what's going on allow me to have light in your love they got the supermanium [Music] stop them [Music] how are they beating us I think they're actually working together but they never do that wrong as usual we just did work together did you see us [Music] dude we did it as a team we bested those bat Wheels I'm proud of you you guys are the best bad teammates ever now we can get this stuff to bad computer yep it's the strongest metal in the entire universe strongest battle in the entire universe [Music] back off it's not any of yours it belongs to the boss Akira where are you right there she's gonna come back right [Music] I didn't need those washed up wheelers I ever think working together was a good idea now I got the super moon super mode super manual thank you Tess supermanium why can't I remember that wait a minute Legion of Zoom I need you oh right I've betrayed them it's just me now ah run that way watch the rooftops Phoebe and Redbird Walk The Alley get behind her she can't escape all right [Music] haven't you learned by now teamwork always wins in the end These Wings I can fly up and save Batman I think you should have had Mo installed those he's busy helping batwing go for a buff oh it worked uh I don't think that's high enough to reach the Penguin's blip oh [Music] hmm maybe we should try something else wait I know to be a sure thing yeah I'm sure this is gonna fail three two one I'm flying I'm swimming it looks it looks up I know it's not great but it's the only other idea I've got what do you think bam I don't know don't ask me never mind here goes nothing haha [Music] chill out Batman those puns aren't funny you know that right I think they're hysterical [Music] oh about time snow way out Batman [Music] I'm gonna need some backup I anticipated your request back in auto control has been activated on all vehicles that's my computer [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh finally time to put you on ice thank you [Music] now I got her freeze [Applause] oh no oops one last tune to be ice cube snowy oh no snowy is my friend I know he won't hurt me [Music] I can't I just can't relax thank you can't do it he's my friend [Music] [Music] mommy Foster fully charged Batman let's get out of here [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] charged up and ready to go in case another call comes in tonight on it boss [Music] nice we took care of the Royal Flush Gang and clock King yeah yeah what are you so excited about anyway well it is the third time this week Batman has chosen Heroes truly for an important Mission he took me out twice which is like twice as many as once Batgirl and I have been turning the streets of Gotham into our old and private racecourse lately Robin's taking me out almost every night this week how about you bam I bet you've been tearing up the streets lately [Music] uh yeah uh tearing them up yeah it was so cool you should have seen it awesome and then we both swooped in from under the clouds whoa really then bam what's wrong bam everybody's been going on all these cool missions but Batman hasn't picked me for one and well a long time what's wrong with me MO uh nothing you're the Batmobile the original radical ride I know but what if Batman doesn't need me anymore it depends on the mission bam Batman chooses whichever one of you has the right attributes what's an attribute special ability that sets you apart like bat wings wings or Buff's armor diving out of the clouds and I dropped my electronet right on clock King boy had his time ever come let's face it I'll never be as awesome as the other bat Wheels well there are those special upgrades Batman's been tinkering with they could help upgrades [Music] [Applause] [Music] whoa Advanced Tech it could give you some of those cool attributes you were talking about like a jet booster for flight and supermanium armor for super strength that sounds amazing oh I gotta go help DC swap out her graphics card see you then these upgrades are just what I need I'm gonna show Batman what I can really do [Music] a mega jet booster now I can be as fast as BB nice supermanium armor I'll be as strong as buff wait no way I can fly like that way yeah how do you like my attributes now oh [Music] [Applause] I don't like my new van Batman I've had a few optional extras installed weasel you'll have to do better than that [Music] true story my driving instructor told me never to drive angry but he didn't say anything about driving funny great green gobs of greasy grimy jokes [Applause] I think that's funny this will really make you bust a gun [Music] not funny [Music] you never could take a joke [Music] what are we going to do if Batman comes that computer come in uh bad computer is not here right now can I take a message I'm at the movie awards and Harley Quinn just stole the trophy for best actor no more [Applause] I need the Batmobile right away yeah uh the back computer is kind of recharging at the moment then you'll just have to send it we can do this without BC [Applause] okay Moe tell Batman Bam's coming right the batmobile's on its way now locate Harley for me right sure here's a cake [Music] okay I'm tapped in your security cameras all around the city anyone see Harley there she is founder boss Harley's on the corner of 47th and Naples [Applause] wow wrong way I meant my right I mean left I can't believe how hard it is to run the bat cave BC made everything look so easy when she comes back I'll never take another weather report for granted again wait the weather BC was right maybe a bad thing can turn out to be good oh you're right we may only have one shot at this so let's try to think like we see I've got eyes on Harley I'm tracking the rainstorm wind's holding steady okay Moe here's what you say to Batman any second now boss activating rain grip tires Don't Rain on My Boat Ride [Music] [Music] okay you got me nice work I'll take it from here we did it oh so much for the after party [Music] the door has a goose inside it why would quiz use a goose follow the questions and you'll have a wild Chase what if it's a wild goose chase which is another way of saying a chase that goes nowhere what was that about a goose what oh nothing it's just that there's a goose in these question marks you're right hey everyone look the dot is a goose hey it is who knew it's a clue inside a clue that's so wannabe Riddler quiz must be headed for some kind of goose and there's only one famous goose in Gotham the Golden Goose statue in Gotham Central Park he's gonna steal it actually I was thinking maybe the goose means um never mind you all seem really sure so uh let's go statue fat Wheels let's protect that goose oh we're stuck here gross it's a trap hello my good jumps are you enjoying my quizly quicksand I have a Sinking Feeling You Are [Music] what do we do oh I know [Music] [Music] thanks boss this was my fault I had a feeling that goose meant it was a wild goose chase why didn't you tell us I don't know you're all so cool and confident and I get these ideas but I'm not sure if they'll help so I keep them to myself well they definitely won't help if we never hear them but what if my ideas are wrong sometimes they might be but you should never be afraid to speak up red your voice matters and we need you this is all very touching but we still need a catch quiz red do you have any ideas about how to solve this riddle questions and you'll have a wild Chase but checking the time wait you check the time by looking at a clock so we can find quiz near our clock great going rad wait this clock I don't think so he stole that really big satellite dish so he need a really big clock to use it with the Gotham Clock Tower bat Wheels [Music] here I've got it all finished with my gift wrapping me too [Music] now we just need a tree to put the gifts under yeah when is Batman gonna put up the holiday decorations Mo well I'm not sure Batman knows it's the holidays he's been really busy lately working on some top secret mission it's our very first holidays we have to celebrate I want to do everything and get presents and make gingerbread bat caves and get presents and put up lots of awesome bad decorations and get presents what I I like presents [Music] they said custom suit ready yet you got it boss good I'm taking it out on a special assignment I won't be reachable [Music] gifts well it's the holidays boss hey isn't it about time to decorate the cave you know jingle bats and all that stuff right it's the holidays fine while I'm gone go ahead and put up a wreath or something I I mean uh uh yes sir you hurt the man [Applause] I've got the bat decorations I've got the battery [Music] come and join our bat Wheels [Music] big finish [Music] well looky what we have here bats on Wheels I'm not gonna let you take the back computer well we're not gonna let you not let us take it half Adam boys it's girls who just want to have fun [Applause] [Music] hey watch out I see road conditions [Music] [Music] hey what do you call a motorcycle stuck on the top of a ferris wheel a doom with a view it's not funny I've got you now thank you for flying green blue Airways oh man [Music] we can't do this we're no Heroes more like zeros but we can't just give up those bad guys are after the bad computer and we're the only things standing in their way we stood in their way already and they rolled right over us hey why is everything swimming around and around I say we can do this then why'd we get our fenders handed to us it's just cause we're new at this we'll get the hang of it we have to learn from this and be smarter next time you're right me taking on a helicopter might not have been the best idea a flying Baddie calls for a flying goodie leave them to me and that snow crawler was just too huge for me to handle he didn't seem so big to me let me handle him yes that's what I'm talking about let's try it again only this time we'll use our heads penguin's ducky boat has been spotted at Gotham docks a shipment of extremely powerful fuel cells just arrived there if the Legion of Zoom gets super fuel cells that could make them even faster than me okay bat Wheels let's burn rubber rubber my tires are made of an advanced carbon silica compound it's just an expression wait why would we want to burn our tires wouldn't they melt just forget it let's go bat Wheels foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] too quiet I can make some noise if it'll make you feel better hold up did you see that [Applause] baby wait it could be a trap I'm coming for you sucky contrary I believe you're stopping for me who turned out the lights oh you quack me up how about a little oil slicky oh no [Music] electronic launch oh not me well well the mighty bat Wheels done in by a ducky but not just any attacks the fastest ducky ever seen can't catch me [Music] hello prank where are you prank I want a rematch just you and me where are you [Music] gotcha ah what am I doing I mean look at me I look as ridiculous as that joker van ah you scared so easy I'm not scared and I'm here to prove it oh so you want to rematch brochacho well I'm sure the Joker won't miss me for the 10 seconds I'll be gone cause that's all it's gonna take to beat you oh yeah let's do this well bit catch me if you can [Music] thank you [Music] wow he is really fast what's wrong bam can't keep up activate back booster first one to the other side of that warehouse wins [Applause] [Music] who's scared now [Music] foreign maybe you're not chicken now but you sure look like one [Music] wow you must have really run a foul of that joker man oh gonna need something special to get that off the bat vacuum 3 3 Frozen how to do the trick [Music] too strong [Music] go ahead laugh at me I deserve it oh no way we just wanted to see if we could help somehow thanks but I think Moe's got it yeah yeah I can't believe I messed up this badly so you look a little okay a lot like a chicken big deal yeah we know how Brave you are bam remember that time you took out toy man or when you helped me rescue Batman from the Penguins flip I I guess I am pretty brave sometimes let's get this party started [Music] finally yes did you see that jumpy see I totally nailed it I never doubted you bb consider this though when you missed your jump the paint can fell on toy man's head red he was captured but when you made your jump Toyman was able to escape what no really [Music] wait so it's my fault toy man's on the loose I'm afraid so I'm sorry BC I was just so embarrassed about slipping up so you slipped on the paintbrush everyone flips up sometimes it's no big deal you're right it doesn't matter if I look clumsy what's important is that I fix this thing and stop toy man I've got to get that do over remote [Music] strawberry I'm celebrating you know on second thought let's make it chocolate [Music] can I do over I know that day I lost a joker and I came up duck duck goose [Music] let's get this party started why do I feel like I've said that before [Music] perfect [Music] work everybody go better call your mommy and daddy toy man because playtime's over I'm proud of you for missing your jumpy that was a great idea I get it now sometimes you gotta look silly to get the job done come on we've gotta rob that bank before the bat Wheels get here [Music] all right bat Wheels let's do this together way to go [Music] activate that face okay team let's fence them in great teamwork fat Wheels [Music] why do they keep winning must be all those wonderful toys they're certainly not smarter than us or at least me are you sure because they seem to solve every riddle you give them those were ones I know why they win because they work together like a team you're saying we need a lesson in teamwork not me I'm perfect already it's not my fault I work with amateurs what how dare you that is not teamwork come to me I thought you fixed this I keep telling you I work on cars not scored words they're like two different things now my fossil fuel feelings there's a shipment of Super Mario dude in that Gotham docks supermanium is the strongest metal in the world in the universe actually and I need you all to steal it before it reaches its destination sounds easy where's it going to the bat cave the bat wheels are picking it up tonight I'm out facing those bats twice is beneath where are you going we got this Mr Bad computer guy we are gonna beat the bats the same way that they beat us with teamwork I don't care how you do it just get it done turn off screen how am I supposed to do a dramatic mic drop if this broken screen won't turn off properly you heard him we gotta steal us some super something supermanium that's what I said it's time for a super villain Heist what's wrong BC apparently I'm due for a recharge I'll need to shut down for a while shut down but then what happens to the bat cave while you're gone all of the equipment will still work but someone else will have to operate it while I'm recharging well we can cover for you if you need a rest right team sure I didn't do it with One Wing tied behind my back all right I'll leave you in charge of the bat cave while I recharge please try to keep things under control Roger that BC music oh right I forgot she can't help us work this thing allow me dance music coming up sorry wrong button does anyone know how to turn it off what's this one do [Music] I guess running the Batcave is a little complicated maybe we should just go back to what we were doing right I'll train with the simvies can someone turn them on I think I can handle it okay wait is this right uh I'm not sure that's part of the training but it sure is fun [Music] I can fix this or maybe not hang on I'll help you build oh whoa what's this thing everything's going wrong this is a batastrophe nobody panic we just under control [Music] we can do anything easy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do anyone under control it's worse than ever activating snow tires what's your favorite flavor see you guys I'll give you all 31 flavors that would pay good money for him to be quiet skis booster [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm sending the truck back to the cave I'll call if I need it again right away Batman bats case [Music] crashed yourself to save that dog didn't you do you need help getting up I got a winch I uh I think I broke an axle I know somebody who can help you with that come with me by the way my name's buff my name is snowstorm destruction Mark III wow that's a mouthful is it okay if I just call you snowy yeah yes the snowy I like it thanks for your help when you're big like me everyone assumes you can just take care of yourself don't I know it I don't realize it's extra hard for big guys like us to get back up once we're knocked over and they never make doorways big enough for us to fit through it's ridiculous tell me about it don't get me started on parking spaces they make them all so small and I could bear I can't I can't stop hey do you like cats or dogs better I love all animals me too you sure this will be okay we're kind of on different teams yeah of course better let me talk with them first though computer get me a carne asado burrito ordering sir we have a bad signal someone is trying to break into Gotham radio towers link to the building's security cameras linking toy man why can't Superman's headache stay in Metropolis which vehicle will you be taking Batman [Music] I don't remember installing this upgrade let's try it out prep the Batmobile it's working he picked me whoa wait a minute you don't know how to use those upgrades yet oh Batman's gonna have my SIM card for supper don't worry I know what I'm doing let's see what this upgrade's got toy man appears to be headed for the roof right oh did you hear that BC he said he liked it he liked me what have you done bam I just got some little upgrades untested upgrades you've never had wings before or Advanced armor they could be difficult to master but this is my chance to really impress Batman sink lyric launching in three two one deploy [Music] hey I think I'm getting the hang of this [Music] the flying isn't so hard oh but stopping is [Music] ah Bam are you all right I think so I'm just stuck time for some Skyway robbery and not a single bat wheel in sight yes again quiz all right let's catch that become closer my Turbo boosting bat Wheels you never were to Bright all right oh my gosh [Applause] [Music] no bats a bunch of Crash Test Dummies what are you up to quiz why'd you steal that satellite dish I needed to help me make fools out of everybody in God and prove that I quiz am the smartest of them all you're smarter than any win bag of a whirly bird prove it let's play a little game of riddles oh wow I love riddles if you solve it you can find me and stop my plan riddle me this bat Wheels follow the questions and you'll have a wild Chase but checking the time is how you win this race hang on I've got this are you sure that's it good idea oh look who has left us a clue it's a question mark and it looks just like the ones on quiz It's gotta be part of his riddle right as Widow said we should follow the questions he meant follow the question marks come on come on let's go red shouldn't we figure out the rest of the riddle first quizzes getting away we've got to follow the question marks come on I'm coming [Music] teasing is never nice unless it's your brain [Music] so you'll be on your way don't get discouraged if that first you're filled with doubts think about it long enough [Music] little bit on the thing you want to ask [Music] [Applause] I was starting to think you weren't coming let's cut to the chase so we racing to the end of the pier or what well something like that I call it pranks super sweet Showdown Supreme first one to the Finish Line at the bottom of the loop wins any questions or is it too scary [Music] bam everyone knows you're not scared you don't have to do this oh would you look at that right on time smile through the camera we're live at Gotham docks where it appears that a classic super powered Showdown is about to go down the news but how did they know we would be here oh I might have called in a little tip will Batman beat The Joker this time stay tuned for our live coverage enough talk you ready to do this okay you're on excellent I'll fire one of my thirsty bombs and when it explodes we both take off got it let's do this [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay this is it all I have to do is be prank and everyone will see that I'm not afraid of anything [Applause] [Music] [Music] I'm winning [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] there's no way we can stop in time Brave it's dangerous activate grips Frank you're going too fast you're gonna drive into the harbor nice try scaredy back but the pier I knew you'd be too scared and now all of Gotham's gonna watch you lose again I can't believe I'm about to do this release grip [Music] equipment huh you saved me yeah it's what I do [Music] all right bat Wheels the objective of this drill is to work together and to take out the simulation vehicle that doesn't look so tough I take it back try to work as a team and look to your leader for direction what's the plan bam uh uh I uh I don't know um hold on a second [Music] this being a leader stuff is hard BC how does Batman do it Batman leads by taking charge and making strong decisions yeah I should take charge like Batman Okay team listen up are you feeling okay bam I'm just taking charge so do exactly what I say wing and buff you circle behind that Symphony BB in red you charge straight at it but at full speed we might not be able to break in time remember what BC said doing this my way wow okay BB charge right at it but I just do it your turn red Full Throttle but listen to your leader go hey uh Wing swoop down on me um I really don't think I said swoop everyone just charge all at once myself [Music] ending simulation [Music] don't try this at home kids [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's get this party started [Music] [Music] all right oh I need to do that jump over again [Music] the feelings run wild on the Gotham streets there's a new bat team they will want to meet yeah hey like a BB red oh sorry bam in a rush I just wanted to tell you a joke it was kind of myth the first time huh I know can't mess up that jump I gotta try this again no matter how many times it takes [Music] I couldn't make the jump and I need to get it right I'm feeling like a chump but I'll get it right tonight everybody saw me now my reputation shattered I just can't go along as if it didn't even matter I know I shouldn't care how all my crushes look I should focus on the mission and he'll bring in that crook but when I fall down it hurts my mind and when it does I'll push rewind and do it do it do it do it over and over and over again do it do it do it do it till I get it right I can't pretend if I just keep jumping I know I will get it [Music] [Applause] if I just keep jumping I know I will get it right [Music] where'd everybody go you better call your mommy and daddy toy man cause play time's over we got the knights or the Champions Harley they're the best team in baseball and they want their trophy too busy cleaning his pattern I can't just send in some backup bad person engage Auto control launch Singapore your boss ran away Jessica but don't think for a second you're gonna put an adorable little scooter you come with a cute little bell scooter I'm a motorcycle Jacks to the back little scooter oh man [Music] yeah not laughs [Music] nice try back up [Music] oh man that girl to back computer gonna need a toe I don't know what happened mo one second I was about to catch that all terrain creep and the next I was getting my tires blown out you can't let him get to you like that baby I know I know but she said it was just a baby scooter and it made me so mad yeah I don't like it when bullies say mean stuff to me either right I just get so salty it makes me wanna hey what's the Chrome oh sorry my bad sheesh it's getting so a guy can't change a tire around here without taking his hard drive into his hands foreign give it up Catwoman you really think a bird is any match for a cat I heard you and your little go-kart coming from a mile away you know you can't sneak up on a feline with a car squawking like that [Music] sorry little birdie but I have places to be quick [Music] ah perfect looks like the cat's luck ran out why don't you just come quietly oh man [Music] you might want to look into getting a new ride Robin an engine shouldn't roar oh no it should [Music] red birds running way louder than usual Mo see what you can do before we have to hit the streets again hmm it's all my fault the Catwoman got away and now Robin thinks there's something wrong with me oh let me guess now you want me to put your Stealth Tech back in no then I'd lose my new rev and I won't be a real bat wheel anymore oh whoa whoa not a real bat wheel why would you think the sound of your rev is what makes you one of us because without it I sound different from everyone else I feel different how you sound isn't what makes you a part of the team red you're a bat wheel because you're an awesome car who always fights for justice I am you know it and your Stealth Tech is a big part of what makes you so awesome not even I could sneak up on Catwoman the way you could and I couldn't be quiet even if I tried see we each have our own cool stuff and Stealth Tech is definitely your cool stuff right no matter what you sound like we need you on the bat Wheels team thanks um Mo do you think you could put your Stealth Tech back in [Music] I wasn't doing anything for the next 10 to 12 hours anyway big bad computer robot motherboard Legion of Zoom we know we saw the whole thing they have to be stopped wait what taking on that robot was one thing but all of those villain Vehicles by myself you won't be by yourself [Music] holy hot rods this is awesome welcome red bird you're Robin's car that's amazing yeah I'm bad okay [Applause] [Music] someone have that removed hey there batwing can we call you Wing absolutely not [Applause] that's sick sorry I've never been brought to life before it's okay that'll buff right buff Hey how are we saying I can talk I'm gonna miss the quiet hey you can't catch me here I come me too I know this is all very exciting but you were brought to life for a reason BC's right that nasty Legion of Zoom is going to be coming for her again there are a bunch of vehicles brought to life just like you only they're real bad news we've gotta stop them wait a minute we're not Heroes we're transportation we just get Batman where he needs to go that's right what she said what are you talking about you aren't just some run-of-the-mill roadsters you're up to your windshields in super powerful gadgets and advanced back tech each of you is quite exceptional for instance bam can launch batarangs from as far as 100 feet away with Incredible accuracy Redbird your Stealth Tech allows you to do things no other car could even dream of BB you were designed to be one of the world's foremost Daredevil stunt riders battling your aerial capabilities are second to none and buff your powerful winch can perform incredible Thief is this where I get to use my winch hey you break it you bought it all of this and more make you a very special group of vehicles [Music] [Applause] thank you huh the others aren't here so what I got this so Mr Freeze was heading this way or was it this way wait is this map upside down oh I was never great at Maps that's Buff's thing Mr Freeze's snow crawler must have left tracks behind oh but I'm not great at tracking things that's red bird specialty wow the cave is really quiet when the others aren't here here here a little too quiet the other bat wheels are really loving their first holidays like a lot but you know what they love even more wing you really they're always there when you need them you know that you're right and I guess I need them now so you're not going solo anymore that was so 10 minutes ago BC can you track down the other bat Wheels scanning located um BC I said I'd like to see the bat Wheels not a trash pile that trash pile is the bat Wheels Mr Freeze must have Frozen them not for long I'm getting them out of there I have just left it's the back heat ray fall out the Frozen Jack wheels perfect thanks Moe [Music] you're bad all right hang on everyone the heat is on holy hubcaps that was so cold and stinky p u thanks batwing yeah thanks attention Gotham this is Mr Freeze as if you couldn't guess I'm going to wish you a merry on Christmas with my brand new Mega blizzard Blaster I'll freeze the entire city so the holidays can never come [Music] we've gotta stop him come on let's go all of us all of us [Music] hey Mel what you working on ah bam perfect timing presenting my latest creation that laser observe [Music] foreign that laser is really cool thanks I can't wait to see it in action I need for you to see it because you know what I never leave the bat cave oh I guess I never realized you wanted to come with us it's okay that's never been part of my job I build the gadgets you do the pow powder room I have to admit though part of me has always wanted to be out there with you being a hero bam it's time for your night Patrol Roger that BC on my way have fun out there tell me all about it when you get back okay MO I was thinking why don't you come with me on my patrol tonight come with you good one fam why not it's something you've always wanted to try isn't it Bam could always use some extra help what do you say partner well okay when you put it like that just call me I mean uh let's rev up and peel out oh sorry did you want to say that no it's fine [Music] this is she'll be coming with you tonight won't be a problem nah it's just one Patrol what could go wrong [Music] and does the excitement kick in I want to see some action that furry feline needs our help sounds like a job for that move I've always wanted to try the injector seats ejector seat you're joking I never joke about my work bam well almost never that move away yeah are you all right I'm okay hey nobody saw that right uh Mo the cat what yes the cat have no fear Maximo is here wow [Music] [Applause] no need to thank me all the days work I could do this every night what a rush I'm with you Pam [Music] most important accessory on any vehicle cup holders second most important vertical Roger that [Music] now we've got him bye gotta get rid of this [Music] yikes that doesn't look good should we send for the Batwing no time for that what then well when in Gotham all right [Applause] why'd you come after us I told you this was gonna be dangerous I just wanted to show you what I can do oh you showed me all right I saw you throw that bursty bomb I think you could get me out of this can I just hang on [Applause] all right I'm headed for the bank Batman and Robin might need my help oh can I come too I don't know red I promise I won't mess you up this time I that promise okay I guess it could be handy to have a little backup yes [Music] something in the sky headed toward Wayne Manor ready the Batwing let's fly [Music] thank you Joker balloon what's he up to now let's put a pin in it before it does any damage foreign it's a water balloon what's the situation in the cave execute the emergency evacuation plan emergency evacuation plan everybody out you heard what he said bat Wheels let's move and motherboard dry [Music] keep the motherboard dry think Mo think that's it no that feels weird foreign where do we go now what I miss what I miss the bat cave was completely flooded but you've got all the vehicles safely moved here [Music] uh the parking garage at Wayne Industries downtown there where's the back computer hello Batman how can I assist it was all I could think of we should be able to share Mo's body until my old one is prepared it's just gonna be a little crowded well at least it'll be both all right I'm taking the Batmobile to track down the Joker with the bat cave flooded you're going to have to stay here for a while I know it's not the cave but try to make the best of it [Music] what's up oh man look at this place it's so cold and all these parking spaces say compact they're way too small for me how are we supposed to train in here there's no room to practice my moves there's no room for me to take off or even hover out I'm totally trapped in this place this just doesn't feel like home everyone please I know that this place is strange and but until the bat cave is dried out and Batman figures out what's going on this is our home foreign [Music] get away from there whoa a talking car this day just keeps getting weirder I'm not gonna let you take PC [Music] okay then I'll just take you apart first [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay that's how you want it wait why [Music] third time this week you know how much something like this costs yeah even more than this factories activate [Music] deploying that magnet place [Music] doing that there I go always losing my head we're not afraid of you all we had to do is put one of those sniffy Mama boards in the Batmobile and it's like having another Batman Oh you mean these motherboards bring those back don't worry I'll lock up I know he got away I drove him off bam thank you I haven't seen moves like that since bad girl taught me how to do the back to see you did great I I didn't know I had it in me you really shouldn't be surprised bam you're the most advanced car ever created never forget that switching to Auto control and engaging back glider Batman's away he's heading down to penguin's Flint wink you should fly down with him in case he needs backup but the clouds he might need you Roger that team leader [Music] I lost I have Batman where'd he go oh no oh great Batman [Music] well well well it appears we have a very special guest star and that my friends is the magic of live television my engines gotta make an emergency landing oh no he hates emergency Landings I hate emergency Landings how is Wing gonna be okay of course I am she was damaged in the crash Mo just needs a little time to repair her is there anything I can do I'll get fresh oil I'll donate my batteries you let me worry about Wing right now Batman's stuck up there with that juggling jailbird and the team needs you to save him me no I I can't sure you can those flying upgrades I installed on you work perfectly now just say the word and we'll put them right on you're the leader bam we're counting on you to take charge yeah just tell us what to do you don't understand it was my bad leadership that got Batman captured and made Wing crash I can't let that happen again [Music] what are you saying bam that I'm no team leader better off with me just sitting this one out there we can we need you sorry next stop the Story of My Life performed an interpretive dots oh [Music] holy hot air we have to get out there and help Batman how I don't know and it looks like we can't ask Bam what to do oh I've got it oh shoot I lost it oh again follow me [Music] [Applause] I'll keep it down will ya I haven't had my cup of oil yet I've never been to the beach before and today's the day [Music] I'm going to the beach I'm going to the beach did you hear bam today's the day Batman and Robin are taking us to the beach I think the whole bat cave heard you I can't help it I'm just so excited to test out the new sand mode on our tires so are you a stoked as I am you know it it's gonna be a blast we'll cruise up the coast feel the wind on our hoods jump gnarly sand dunes play some beach balls and maybe even stay up all night to watch the sunrise fantastic you've got the whole night playing Batman and Robin are on their way they're coming it's happening ready to test out the sand mode wheel upgrade thanks for installing it well I hope it didn't Tire you out [Laughter] I don't get it foreign hey I didn't say go [Music] oh I have a mega Cherry swirl what about you Batman give me a dark chocolate swirl surfing seagulls today's been even better than I imagined oh foreign [Music]
Channel: DC Kids
Views: 135,205
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DC, DC Comics, Cartoons, Batman, DC Kids, YouTube Kids, Justice League, Wonder Woman, batwheels, batwheels cartoonito, batwheels theme song, batwheels episode 1, batwheels reaction, batwheels song, batwheels comic con, batwheels batman, toyman dc, star labs, dc universe, dc comics, ethan hawke, cartoon network, gotham city, kids animation, batwheels trailer, buff, kids song compilation, Bam, BC, Dark Knight, BiBi, RedBird, Batwing
Id: fhBilympiRA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 44sec (5264 seconds)
Published: Wed May 31 2023
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